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In the name of god

Population growth form

J-shaped growth curve

S-shaped growth curve

Population PyramidsNavab


“the power of


growth is greater

than the power

of Earth to



Thomas Malthus an English economist and

(demographer (population expert





a O


Rank Megacity Country Population

1 Tokyo Japan 34,800,000

2 Guangzhou China 31,700,000

3 Shanghai China 28,900,000

4 Jakarta Indonesia 26,400,000

5 Seoul South Korea 25,800,000

6 Delhi (India) India 24,000,000

7 Mexico City Mexico 23,800,000

8 Karach Pakistan 23,500,000

9 Manila Philippines 22,200,000

10 New York City United States 21,600,000

11 São Paulo Brazil 21,600,000

12 Mumbai India 21,400,000

13 Beijing China 19,300,000

14 Los Angeles United States 17,200,000

15 Osaka Japan 16,800,000

16 Dhaka Bangladesh 16,300,000

17 Cairo Egypt 16,100,000

18 Kolkata India 16,000,000

19 LondonUnited


20 Buenos Aires Argentina 14,500,000

21 Bangkok Thailand 14,500,000

22 Istanbul Turkey 14 160 467

23 Lagos Nigeria 13,200,000

24 Tehran Iran 13,200,000


Human population growth rate has been

growing more than exponentially.

What is Population Pyramid?

A population pyramid, also called an age structure

diagram, is a graphical illustration that shows the

distribution of various age groups in a population

which forms the shape of a pyramid when the

population is growing.

Basic Interpretation of an Age-Sex


A population or age-sex pyramid can tell us a lot and

you can gain this information by examining the shape of

it. The height

tells us what

life expectancy

isThe steepness

of the sides

tells us the

death rate

Birth rate has

dropped in last

10 years

Size of base

tells us the

birth rate


dependents 0-14




population 15-64

OLD dependents


Lots = AGING


Population Pyramids →

Graphic device: bar graph

Shows the age and gender composition of

a region

Horizontal axis: gender

–male: left-hand female: right-hand

–absolute number of people or %

Vertical axis: age

5-year or 10-year age groups

Age Structure

Countries that have high rates of growth

usually have more young people than

older people.

In contrast, countries that have slow

growth or no growth usually have an even

distribution of ages in the population.

Age structure can be graphed in a

population pyramid, a type of double sided

bar graph.

Age-Structure Diagrams

Of iranPopulation Pyramid

Two types of population curve

S Population Curve

J Population Curve

J Population Curve

J-Shape curve is also known as-

Exponential curve occurs when there is no

limit to population size.

What is J shaped?

A curve on a graph that records the situation in

which, in a new environment, the population

density of an organism increases rapidly but

then stops abruptly as environmental resistance

S Population Curve

S-Shape curve is also known as - Logistic

curve shows the effect of a limiting factor

What is S-Shaped Curve?

In S - shaped or sigmoid growth the population

show an initial gradual increase in population

size in an ecosystem, followed by an exponential

increase and then a gradual decline to near

constant level.

Navab ahmadi
