Download pdf - Preguntas de Ingless

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Desea evitar que los usuarios externos adquieran la informacin sobre su red. Debe implementar:

    Correct answer selected:

    Un firewall

    Question 12

    Se bloqueara la cuenta de un usuario si realiza lo siguiente reiteradas veces:

    Correct answer selected:

    Tener errores en la autentificacion del inicio de sesin

    Question 13

    Cul es un requisito mnimo para implementar la proteccion de acceso a redes (NAP) en unentorno de windows?

    Correct answer selected:

    Servidores que ejecuten windows server 2008 o una version posterior.

    Question 14

    Un ataque que disminuye la disponibilidad de un recurso del equipo se denomina:

    Correct answer selected:

    Denegacin de servicio

    Question 15

    Las preguntas de seguridad bsica que se usan para restablecer una contrasea son susceptibles a:

    Correct answer selected:

    Ingeniera social

    Question 16

    a common vector virus infection is

    Correct answer selected:

    e-mail attachments

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 17

    La longitud predeterminada de la contrasea para un controlador de dominio de Windows Server


    Correct answer selected:


    Question 18

    Un chip de mdulo de plataforma segura (TPM) es un microprocesador que:

    Correct answer selected:

    almacena claves criptogrficas

    Question 19

    El propsito de RADIUS es brindar:

    Correct answer selected:

    Brindar autentificacin centralizada

    Question 20

    La suplantacin de identidad tiene como objetivo:

    Correct answer selected:

    obtener informacin al simular ser una entidad confiable

    Question 21

    La proteccin de acceso a redes (NAP) permite a los administradores controlar el acceso a los

    recursos de red segn:

    Correct answer selected:

    la garantia del equipo

    Question 22

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Cules dos de las siguientes configuraciones de seguridad pueden controlarse mediante una

    directiva de grupo? (elija dos).

    Correct answer selected:

    Bloqueo automatico de archivos

    Question 23

    Un usuario malintencionado que intercepta y modifica comunicaciones se conoce como:

    Correct answer selected:

    "man -in -the-middle"

    Question 24

    Cul dos de las siguientes opciones se incluyen en un programa antivirus empesarial? (Elija dos).

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Anlisis de paquete

    Correct answer:

    Anlisis a pedido

    Question 25

    Debe usar listas de control del acceso para evitar que ciertos usuarios tengan acceso a archivos de

    un equipo. Qu sistema de archivos debe usar?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 26

    Cul es el mtodo ms seguro para transferir documentos?

    Correct answer selected:

    Medios cifrados.

    Question 27

    para proteger una red de un ataque de tipo "man-in-the-middle".debe implementar:

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    Correct answer selected:

    traduccion de direcciones de red (NAT)

    Question 28

    De qu manera IPSec protege las comunicaciones?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Almacena de forma segura la clave privada de la red

    Correct answer:

    Cifrar la carga de datos.

    Question 29

    Debe concederle a un conjunto de usuarios acceso de solo lectura a un archivo de un recurso

    compartido de red- debe agregar a los usuarios a:

    Correct answer selected:

    Al grupo Invitados

    Question 30

    Recibe un mensaje de correo electrnico de un amigo que le indica que borre un archivo de

    sistema Qu debe hacer?

    Correct answer selected:

    Advertirle a su amigo que envio un correo de suplantacion de identidad

    Question 31

    Cules dos caractersticas recomienda para la contrasea de dominio de un usuario? (elija dos).

    Correct answer selected:

    Que sea fcil recordarla

    Question 32

    Destruir documentos ayuda a evitar:

    Correct answer selected:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    ingeniera social

    Question 33

    Las directivas del historial de contraseas se usan para evitar:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    que se produzca ataques por fuerza bruta

    Correct answer:

    que las contraseas se vuelvan a usar de inmediato

    Question 34

    Cuenta con un dominio de Windows Server 2008 que usa configuraciones de seguridadpredeterminadas. Un usuario intenta iniciar sesion con una contrasea incorrecta mas de un cinco

    veces. Automaticamente, la cuenta del usuario:

    Correct answer selected:

    se bloquear

    Question 35

    En un contexto de seguridad, el termino "suplantacion" significa:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 36

    what is the primary advantage of using Active Directory Integrated Zones?

    Correct answer selected:

    secure replication

    Question 37

    Debe limitar los permisos de un usuario en su equipo cliente. Ademas, debe otorgarles el permiso

    de ejecutar un programa como administrador. Cmo debe configurar el acceso al programa para

    lograr lo anterior?

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Correct answer selected:

    Al usar RunAs

    Question 38

    DNSSec protege las comunicaciones DNS al agregar (Elija dos):

    Correct answer selected:

    integridad de datos.

    Question 39

    El proposito de un control de cuenta de usuario (UAC) es:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    facilitar el filtrado de internet.

    Correct answer:

    limitar los privilegios de software.

    Question 40

    Cul de las siguientes opciones muestra el nivel de acceso de un usuario a un archivo o una

    carpeta particular en el servidor?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    el registro del equipo del cliente

    Correct answer:

    los permisos efectivos del objeto

    Question 41

    footprinting maliciosly obtains data from

    Correct answer selected:

    DNS zones

    Question 42

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Debe evitar que los usuarios no autorizados lean un archivo especifico en un equipo porttil si este

    fue robado.

    Correct answer selected:

    Sistema de cifrado de archivos (EFS)

    Question 43

    Trabaja para un servicio de asistencia para una empresa importante. Un usuario solicita un cambio

    de contrasea. Qu debe hacer en primer lugar?

    Correct answer selected:

    Verificar la identidad del usuario

    Question 44

    El filtrado de Media Access Control (MAC) le permite:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    evitar comunicaciones entre direcciones IP especificas.

    Correct answer:

    limitar acceso a la red en funcion del adaptador de red del equipo del cliente

    Question 45

    A cules dos de las siguientes vulnerabilidades est expuesto el cliente de una red inalmbrica?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 46

    Cul de las siguientes opciones es un permiso de carpeta especial?

    Incorrect answer selected:


    Correct answer:


  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 47

    Kerberos evita:

    Correct answer selected:

    ataques de reproduccion.

    Question 48

    Un mensaje de correo electrnico con firma digital:

    Correct answer selected:

    valida al remitente

    Question 49

    El proceso de la ubicacin de servidores en un dominio de colisin independiente se denomina:

    Correct answer selected:

    Red de aislamiento

    Question 50

    Cul es el requisito minimo para crear medio de BitLocker-To-Go en el equipo de un cliente?

    Correct answer selected:

    Windows 7 Enterprise Edition

    Question 51

    Cifrar un archivo evita:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    que se dae el archivo.

    Correct answer:

    que aya accesos no autorizados.

    Question 52

    La biometra se usa para:

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    Incorrect answer selected:

    medir la superficie de ataques.

    Correct answer:

    autenticar usuarios.

    Question 53

    En cules tres objetos del sistema de archivos puede establecer permisos NTFS?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 54

    Una LAN inalmbrica particular que se difunde en una red se denomina . . .

    Correct answer selected:

    Punto de acceso inalambrico (WAP)

    Question 55

    Cul de las siguientes opciones le permite cambiar los permisos de una carpeta?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 56

    Debe restringir una cuenta de dominio del acceso al panel de control. Qu debes usar?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Usuarios y grupos de dominio.

    Correct answer:

    Objetos de directiva de grupo.

    Question 57

    The purpose of Microsoft Baseline Security Analizer is to:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    El propsito de BitLocker es:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    estabilizar una unidad de disco

    Correct answer:

    cifrar un unidad de disco

    Question 63

    E-mail attachments received from an unknow source should be

    Correct answer selected:

    scanned for viruses

    Question 64

    e-mail bombing attacks a specific entity by

    Correct answer selected:

    sending high volumes of e-mail

    Question 65

    Recibe un mensaje de correo electronico que solicita que confirme la informacin de su cuentabancaria. El correo electrnico incluye el vnculo al sitio web de su banco como se muestra a

    continuacin: https: / / www. woodgrobebank .com / loginscript / user2.jsp es muy probable que

    este correo electrinico sea:

    Correct answer selected:

    un correo de suplantacin de identidad.

    Question 66

    El proceso de la ubicacin de servidores en un domino de colision independiente se denomina:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    filtrado de red

    Correct answer:

    red de aislamiento

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 67

    El propsito primario de una auditoria de seguridad es:

    Correct answer selected:

    Determinar el cumplimiento de las normas

    Question 68

    Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer scans systems for

    Correct answer selected:

    missing security updates

    Question 69

    Cul de las siguientes opciones le permite e un usuario conectarse de una forma segura a la red

    corporativa a travez de internet?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Traduccion de direcciones de red (NAT)

    Correct answer:

    Red privada virtual (VPN)

    Question 70

    Qu tecnologa le permite filtrar comunicaciones entre un programa e Internet?

    Correct answer selected:

    Firewall del software

    Question 71

    Los servicios o programas dentro del sistema de un equipo que pueden ser explotados por

    usuarios no autorizados se denomina:

    Correct answer selected:

    Superficie de ataque

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 72

    Cul de los siguientes protocolos cifra las comunidades mientras que un usuario explora


    Correct answer selected:


    Question 73

    Cul de las siguientes opciones permite el acceso a todas las funcionalidades del usuario

    conectado en un equipo?

    Correct answer selected:

    Controles Active X

    Question 74

    Debe instalar un controlador de dominio en una sucursal. Ademas, debe proteger la informacin

    del controlador de dominio. No podr proteger fsicamente el servidor Qu debe implementar?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Protocolo de tnel capa 2 (L2TP)

    Correct answer:

    Protocolo de tnel punto a punto (PPTP)

    Question 75

    Instalar fuentes de alimentacin ininterrumpida a sus servidores es un ejemplo de aplicacin de:

    Incorrect answer selected:


    Correct answer:


    Question 76

    En internet Explorer 8, la carcterstica Exploracion de InPrivate evita que:

    Incorrect answer selected:

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  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    desconectar el equipo de la red

    Question 82

    para qu implementara las VLAN? ( elija dos motivos)

    Incorrect answer selected:

    para habilitar las agrupacion de hosts independientemente de la ubicacin fisica

    Correct answer:

    para separar los hosts de una misma red sin aumentar la sobrecarga

    Question 83

    Su programa contra correo no deseado bloquea los correos electronicos desde un remitenteparticular. Su empresa necesita recibir correos electonicos de dicho remitente. Qu debera


    Correct answer selected:

    Agregar la direccion del correo electronico a la lista blanca.

    Question 84

    Las contraseas que contienen palabras reconocibles son vulnerables a:

    Correct answer selected:

    Un ataque de diccionario

    Question 85

    Un grupo de usuarios tiene acceso a la carpeta A y todo su contenido. Usted debe evitar que

    alguno de los usuarios obtenga acceso a la subcarpeta dentro de la carpeta A Qu debe hacer con

    la subcarpeta?

    Correct answer selected:

    Bloquear la herencia

    Question 86

    El propsito de RADIUS es:

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    Correct answer selected:

    brindar autentificacion centralizada

    Question 87

    Los equipos de clientes en su red se encuentran estables y no necesitan ninguna caracterstica

    nueva. Cul es el beneficio de la aplicacin de actualizaciones del sistema operativo a dichos


    Correct answer selected:

    Obstruir las vulnerabilidades existentes

    Question 88

    Debe configurar a todos los servidores en un dominio en la hora correcta para:

    Correct answer selected:

    correlacionar eventos despues de un ataque

    Question 89

    Los servidores protegidos fsicamente evitan:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 90

    Para evitar que los usuarios copien datos en los medios extraibles, debe:

    Correct answer selected:

    aplicar una directiva de grupo

    Question 91

    DDSSec protege las comunicaciones DNS al agregar: ( elija dos.)

    Correct answer selected:

    Integridad de datos

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    Question 92

    Cul de los siguientes brinda el nivel mas alto de seguridad en un firewall?

    Correct answer selected:

    filtrado de paquetes

    Question 93

    Establecer una base de datos como solo lectura es un ejemplo de aplicacin de:

    Incorrect answer selected:


    Correct answer:


    Question 94

    para que un servidor en una red perimetral sea accesible, debe:

    Correct answer selected:

    usar el firewalls de windows

    Question 95

    A cul de estas amenazas de seguridad es vulnerable un equipo porttil?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 96

    El propsito de un Honeypot es:

    Correct answer selected:

    atraer a los piratas informticos a un sistema especfico

    Question 97

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Debe de instalar un controlador de dominio en una sucursal. Ademas, debe proteger la

    informacion del controlador de dominio. No podra proteger fisicamente al servidor. Qu debe


    Correct answer selected:

    Protocolo de tunel capa 2 (L2TP).

    Question 98

    Es un administrador de red. Todos los equipos ejecutan internet exploret 8. Debe proteger a los

    usuarios contra la suplantacion de identidad. Cul de estas opciones deves aplicar?

    Correct answer selected:

    Filtro SmartScreen.

    Question 99

    Tiene una aplicacin que se comunica mediante un texto sin formato. Desea proteger las

    comunicaciones entre la aplicacin y un servidor. Qu debe implementar?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 100

    El proposito primario de una auditoria de seguridad automatica es:

    Correct answer selected:

    determinar el cumplimiento de las normas

    Question 101

    Su empresa requiere que los usuarios ingresen una serie de caracteres para obtener acceso a la

    red inalmbrica. Dicha serie debe cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: Contener ms de 15

    caracteres Contener al menos una letra Contener al menos un nmero Contener al menos un

    smbolo Qu tecnologa de seguridad cumple con estos requisitos?

    Correct answer selected:

    WPA2 PSK

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 102

    Un ataque por fuerza bruta:

    Correct answer selected:

    intenta todas las variaciones posibles de contraseas.

    Question 103

    Al usar el principio de privilegio minimo, Cul de las siguientes acciones debe permitirles a los

    usuarios realizar primero?

    Correct answer selected:

    enviar un mensaje de correo electronico

    Question 104

    Implementara un sistema de prevencin de intrusin inalmbrico para:

    Correct answer selected:

    Prevenir el acceso inalambrico no autorizado

    Question 105

    Una red privada virtual (VPN) es:

    Correct answer selected:

    Un tnel que evita que la comunicacin que pasa a travs de el se modifique o sea robada

    Question 106

    Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is a tool that

    Incorrect answer selected:

    updates data stored in Windows servers

    Correct answer:

    manages updates for Microsoft software

    Question 107

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Establecer una vigencia mnima de la contrasea limita el tiempo en que un usuario puede:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    solicitar que se restablezca la contrasea

    Correct answer:

    cambiar las contraseas

    Question 108

    Debe tener la posibilidad de realizarle un seguimiento al acceso del archivo. Qu tipo de auditoria

    debe implementar?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Permisos de archivos.

    Correct answer:

    Acceso al objeto.

    Question 109

    Cmo puede confirmar si un equipo en su red es el objetivo de un ataque por fuerza bruta?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Al ejecutar el comando mostrar todo el acceso

    Correct answer:

    Al comprobar el registro de seguridad para intentos de autentificacion fallidos

    Question 110

    El propsito de un certificado digital es verificar que:

    Correct answer selected:

    la clave publica le pertenece al remitente.

    Question 111

    Kerberos evita:

    Correct answer selected:

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    Correct answer selected:

    un spyware

    Question 117

    Cul es el mtodo ms seguro para una red inalmbrica?

    Correct answer selected:

    WPA2 Enterprise

    Question 118

    Un rastreador de red es un software o un hardware que:

    Correct answer selected:

    Captura y analiza la comunicacin de red

    Question 119

    Debe limitar los programas que pueden ejecutarse en los equipos de clientes a una lista especifica

    Qu tecnologia debe implementar?

    Correct answer selected:

    Directivas de grupo de AppLocker

    Question 120

    Un dispositivo fsico diseado para recopilar contraseas sin el conocimiento del usuario se


    Incorrect answer selected:

    controlador de teclado.

    Correct answer:

    registrador de claves.

    Question 121

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Tiene dos servidores que ejecutan Windows Server. Todas las unidades de ambos servidores se

    formatean mediante NTFS. Usted traslada un archivo de un servidor al otro. Los permisos del

    archivo en la nueva ubicacin:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    conservarn los permisos de la carpeta original

    Correct answer:

    heredarn los premisos de las carpeta destino

    Question 122

    Un ataque por fuerza bruta:

    Correct answer selected:

    intenta todas las variaciones posibles de contraseas

    Question 123

    Transmitir contraseas no cifradas hace que sean vulnerables a la intercepcion de:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    un cliente de Kerberos.

    Correct answer:

    un rastreador de paquetes.

    Question 124

    Implementaria un sistema de prevencion de instrucion inalambrica para:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    detectar robos de paquetes inalambricos.

    Correct answer:

    prevenir el acceso inalambrico no autorizado.


  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 1

    Attempts to establish communications between a client computer or server. The server is not

    responding. Confirms that the client and server have network connectivity. What should be

    checked below?

    Correct answer selected:

    windows firewall.

    Question 2

    The multi-factor authentication requires:

    Correct answer selected:

    two or more different user authentication methods

    Question 3

    the reason for implementing the mask indenfiticador Service Set (SSID) is

    Incorrect answer selected:

    concealment of a shared network resource from unauthorized users

    Correct answer:

    concealment unknown wireless network equipment

    Question 4

    Role separation server Improves security by:

    Correct answer selected:

    Necessary only installing operating system components

    Question 5

    A common means of infection is:

    Correct answer selected:

    Attachments in an email

    Question 6

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer without the user's consent is called:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 7

    Explore the Internet with Internet Explorer. Address bar changes as shown below. https: //

    www.woodgrovebank .com / This indicates that the website:

    Correct answer selected:

    It is safe and reliable

    Question 8

    When a security audit is performed, the first step is:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Setting up a quarantine area for virus

    Correct answer:

    Make an inventory of technology assets of the company

    Question 9

    When the address bar shows a padlock, What it is?

    Correct answer selected:

    It is safe and reliable

    Question 10

    Many websites that you visit require a username and password How to manage these passwords?

    Correct answer selected:

    You should store them in an encrypted file

    Question 11

    Want to prevent external users to acquire information about your network. You must implement:

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    Correct answer selected:

    a firewall

    Question 12

    Account is blocked if a user does the following repeatedly:

    Correct answer selected:

    Having errors in the authentication login

    Question 13

    What is a minimum requirement to implement Network Access Protection (NAP) in a windows


    Correct answer selected:

    Servers running Windows Server 2008 or a later version.

    Question 14

    An attack that reduces the availability of a resource team is called:

    Correct answer selected:

    Denial of service

    Question 15

    The basic security questions used to reset a password are susceptible to:

    Correct answer selected:

    social engineering

    Question 16

    a common vector virus infection is

    Correct answer selected:

    e-mail attachments

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    Question 17

    The default length of the password to a domain controller Windows Server is:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 18

    A chip Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microprocessor that:

    Correct answer selected:

    stored cryptographic keys

    Question 19

    The purpose is to provide RADIUS:

    Correct answer selected:

    Provide centralized authentication

    Question 20

    Phishing aims:

    Correct answer selected:

    information by pretending to be a trustworthy entity

    Question 21

    The Network Access Protection (NAP) enables administrators to control access to network

    resources by:

    Correct answer selected:

    equipment warranty

    Question 22

    Which two of the following security settings are controlled by Group Policy? (Choose two.)

    Correct answer selected:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Automatic File Locking

    Question 23

    A malicious user to intercept and modify communications known as:

    Correct answer selected:

    "Man -in -the-middle"

    Question 24

    Which two of the following are included in the Business community antivirus program? (Choose


    Incorrect answer selected:

    Analysis Package

    Correct answer:

    Analysis on demand

    Question 25

    You should use access control lists to prevent certain users from accessing files on a computer.

    What file system should I use?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 26

    What is the safest method to transfer documents?

    Correct answer selected:

    Media encryption.

    Question 27

    to protect a network from an attack of type "man-in-the-middle" .debe implement:

    Correct answer selected:

    network address translation (NAT)

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    Question 28

    How IPSec protects communications?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Securely stored private key network

    Correct answer:

    Encrypting the data payload.

    Question 29

    Must give a set of users read-only access to a file from a shared resource red- must add users to:

    Correct answer selected:

    When Guests group

    Question 30

    You receive an email from a friend who asks you to delete a system file What should you do to


    Correct answer selected:

    Warn your friend to send mail spoofing

    Question 31

    What two characteristics recommended for the domain password for a user? (Choose two.)

    Correct answer selected:

    Make it easy to remember

    Question 32

    Destroying documents helps prevent:

    Correct answer selected:

    social engineering

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 33

    The password history policies are used to avoid:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    that occurs attacks brute force

    Correct answer:

    passwords to be used again immediately

    Question 34

    It has a Windows Server 2008 domain using default security settings. A user tries to login with the

    wrong password more than five times. Automatically, the user account:

    Correct answer selected:

    is blocked

    Question 35

    In a security context, the term "impersonation" means:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 36

    what is the primary advantage of using Active Directory Integrated Zones?

    Correct answer selected:

    secure replication

    Question 37

    You should limit the permissions of a user on your client computer. In addition, you must grantpermission to run a program as administrator. How to configure access to the program to achieve


    Correct answer selected:

    By using RunAs

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 38

    DNSSec protects communications by adding DNS (Choose two):

    Correct answer selected:

    data integrity.

    Question 39

    The purpose of a User Account Control (UAC) is:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    facilitate internet filtering.

    Correct answer:

    software limit privileges.

    Question 40

    Which of the following shows the level of user access to a particular file or folder on the server?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    the registry of the client computer

    Correct answer:

    the effective permissions of the object

    Question 41

    obtains data from footprinting maliciosly

    Correct answer selected:

    DNS zones

    Question 42

    Must prevent unauthorized users from reading a specific file on a laptop if it was stolen.

    Correct answer selected:

    Encrypting File System (EFS)

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 43

    He works for a helpdesk for a major corporation. A user requests a password change. What should

    you do first?

    Correct answer selected:

    Verify user identity

    Question 44

    Filtering Media Access Control (MAC) allows you to:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    prevent communications between specific IP addresses.

    Correct answer:

    limit access to the network as a function of the network adapter of the client computer

    Question 45

    To which two of the following vulnerabilities exposed the client in a wireless network?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 46

    Which of the following is a special folder permission?

    Incorrect answer selected:


    Correct answer:


    Question 47

    Kerberos avoids:

    Correct answer selected:

    attacks reproduction.

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 53

    In what three objects in the file system you can set NTFS permissions?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 54

    A particular wireless LAN that is broadcast on a network is called. . .

    Correct answer selected:

    Wireless Access Point (WAP)

    Question 55

    Which of the following allows you to change the permissions of a folder?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 56

    You should restrict a domain account access to the control panel. What should you use?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Domain Users and Groups.

    Correct answer:

    Group Policy Objects.

    Question 57

    The purpose of Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer is to:

    Correct answer selected:

    list all possible application vulnerabilities.

    Question 58

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    The certificate of a secure public Internet web server must:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    issued by a certification authority (CA) business entity.

    Correct answer:

    issued by a public certification authority (CA).

    Question 59

    a person asks for your password. This is an example of:

    Correct answer selected:

    social engineering

    Question 60

    The main purpose of a firewall is:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    run the Group Policy app

    Correct answer:

    filter communications between entities

    Question 61

    You should hide internal IP addresses and Internet, while maintaining customer access to the

    Internet. Which of these should you implement?

    Correct answer selected:

    Network Address Translation (NAT)

    Question 62

    The purpose of BitLocker is:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    stabilize a disk drive

    Correct answer:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    encrypt a drive

    Question 63

    E-mail attachments from an unknow source Received Should be

    Correct answer selected:

    scanned for viruses

    Question 64

    e-mail bombing attacks by a specific entity

    Correct answer selected:

    sending high volumes of e-mail

    Question 65

    Receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your bank account. The email includes a link to the

    website of your bank as shown below: https: / / www. woodgrobebank .com / loginscript /

    user2.jsp is very likely that this mail Address is:

    Correct answer selected:

    an e-mail phishing.

    Question 66

    The process of the location of servers in a separate collision domain is called:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    filtering network

    Correct answer:

    network isolation

    Question 67

    The primary purpose of a safety audit is:

    Correct answer selected:

    Determine compliance

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 68

    Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer scans systems for

    Correct answer selected:

    missing security updates

    Question 69

    Which of the following options and allows a user to connect securely to a corporate network

    through the Internet?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Network Address Translation (NAT)

    Correct answer:

    Virtual Private Network (VPN)

    Question 70

    What technology allows you to filter communications between a program and the Internet?

    Correct answer selected:

    Firewall Software

    Question 71

    Services or programs within a computer system that can be exploited by unauthorized users is


    Correct answer selected:

    Size of attack

    Question 72

    Which of the following protocols communities figure while a user browses the Internet?

    Correct answer selected:


  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 73

    Which of the following allows access to all the features of the user logged on a computer?

    Correct answer selected:

    Active X Controls

    Question 74

    You must install a domain controller in a branch office. In addition, to protect the information of

    the domain controller. There can physically secure the server What should you implement?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

    Correct answer:

    Protocol Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

    Question 75

    Install uninterruptible power your servers is an example of application:

    Incorrect answer selected:


    Correct answer:


    Question 76

    In Internet Explorer 8 InPrivate Browsing feature prevents:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    entering unauthorized private data

    Correct answer:

    stored on the computer any data of the session

    Question 77

    to prevent users from copying data on removable media, you must:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Correct answer selected:

    apply a Group Policy

    Question 78

    A virus that spreads automatically be demonima:

    Correct answer selected:

    a worm

    Question 79

    Before implementing Network Access Protection (NAP), you must install:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Network Address Translation (NAT)

    Correct answer:

    Routing and Remote Access

    Question 80

    The main purpose of a Network Access Protection (NAP) is avoided:

    Correct answer selected:

    Systems that do not meet the requirements to connect to a network

    Question 81

    Suspect that a user's computer is infected with virus. What should you do first?

    Correct answer selected:

    disconnect the computer from the network

    Question 82

    Why would implement VLANs? (Choose two reasons)

    Incorrect answer selected:

    to enable grouping of hosts regardless of physical location

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Correct answer:

    to separate the hosts on the same network without increasing the overhead

    Question 83

    Your anti-spam software blocks emails from a particular sender. Your company needs electonica

    receive emails from that sender. What should you do?

    Correct answer selected:

    Add the email address to the whitelist.

    Question 84

    Passwords that contain recognizable words are vulnerable to:

    Correct answer selected:

    A dictionary attack

    Question 85

    A user group has access to the folder and all its contents. You should avoid any of the users get

    access to subfolder in folder What should the subfolder?

    Correct answer selected:

    Block inheritance

    Question 86

    RADIUS is for the purpose of:

    Correct answer selected:

    provide centralized authentication

    Question 87

    The client computers on your network are stable and do not need any new features. What is the

    benefit of applying operating system updates to those customers?

    Correct answer selected:

    Obstructing existing vulnerabilities

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 88

    You must configure all servers in a domain to the correct time for:

    Correct answer selected:

    correlate events after attack

    Question 89

    Avoid physically protected servers:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 90

    To prevent users from copying data on removable media, you must:

    Correct answer selected:

    apply a Group Policy

    Question 91

    DDSSec DNS protects communications by adding: (Choose two.)

    Correct answer selected:

    Data Integrity

    Question 92

    Which of the following provides the highest level of security on a firewall?

    Correct answer selected:

    packet filtering

    Question 93

    Establish a database is a read-only application example:

    Incorrect answer selected:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless



    Correct answer:


    Question 94

    to a server in a perimeter network is accessible, you should:

    Correct answer selected:

    use the windows firewall

    Question 95

    Which of these vulnerable security threats is a laptop?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 96

    The purpose of a honeypot is:

    Correct answer selected:

    attract hackers to a specific system

    Question 97

    You must install a domain controller in a branch office. In addition, to protect the information of

    the domain controller. Could not physically protect the server. What should you implement?

    Correct answer selected:

    Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol (L2TP).

    Question 98

    It is a network administrator. All computers are running Internet exploret 8. Must protect users

    against phishing. Which of these options apply deves?

    Correct answer selected:

    SmartScreen Filter.

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 99

    You have an application that communicates using a plain text. Want to protect communications

    between the application and a server. What should you implement?

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 100

    The primary purpose of a safety audit is automatic:

    Correct answer selected:

    determine compliance

    Question 101

    Your company requires users to enter a string to access the wireless network. This series must

    meet the following requirements: Containing more than 15 characters contain at least one letter

    Contain at least one number contain at least one symbol What security technology meets these


    Correct answer selected:

    WPA2 PSK

    Question 102

    A brute force attack:

    Correct answer selected:

    try every possible password variations.

    Question 103

    By using the principle of least privilege, which of the following actions should allow users to do


    Correct answer selected:

    send an email

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 104

    Implement a system for wireless intrusion prevention:

    Correct answer selected:

    Prevent unauthorized wireless access

    Question 105

    A virtual private network (VPN) is:

    Correct answer selected:

    A tunnel that prevents communication that passes through the modifying or stolen

    Question 106

    Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is a tool That

    Incorrect answer selected:

    updates data stored in Windows servers

    Correct answer:

    Manages updates for Microsoft software

    Question 107

    Set a minimum password age limits the time in which a user can:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    request that the password be reset

    Correct answer:

    change passwords

    Question 108

    Must be able to follow up on your access file. What type of audit should be implemented?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    File Permissions.

    Correct answer:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Access to the object.

    Question 109

    How can you confirm whether a computer on your network is the target of a brute force attack?

    Incorrect answer selected:

    When you run the command show all access

    Correct answer:

    To check the security log for failed authentication attempts

    Question 110

    The purpose of a digital certificate is to verify that:

    Correct answer selected:

    public key belongs to the sender.

    Question 111

    Kerberos avoids:

    Correct answer selected:

    attacks reproduction.

    Question 112

    cookies compromise security by allowing: (pick two)

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

    Correct answer:

    storing website passwords

    Question 113

    Must be able to follow up on your access file. What type of audit should be implemented?

    Correct answer selected:

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    File Permissions

    Question 114

    Your company has a publicly accessible web server. The server should be located:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    In a virtual private network (VPN)

    Correct answer:

    In a perimeter network

    Question 115

    Encrypt a hard drive is an example of application:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 116

    Malicious software designed to collect personal identifying information is called:

    Correct answer selected:


    Question 117

    What is the safest method for a wireless network?

    Correct answer selected:

    WPA2 Enterprise

    Question 118

    A network sniffer is a software or hardware:

    Correct answer selected:

    It captures and analyzes network communication

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Question 119

    You should limit the programs that run on the client computers to a specific list what technology

    should be implemented?

    Correct answer selected:

    AppLocker Group Policy

    Question 120

    A physical device designed to collect passwords without the user's knowledge is called:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    keyboard driver.

    Correct answer:


    Question 121

    You have two servers that run Windows Server. All units from both servers are formatted using

    NTFS. You move a file from one server to another. The file permissions on the new location:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    will retain the permissions of the parent folder

    Correct answer:

    inherit the destination folder of premisos

    Question 122

    A brute force attack:

    Correct answer selected:

    try all possible variations of passwords

    Question 123

    Transmit unencrypted passwords makes them vulnerable to interception:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    Kerberos client.

  • 8/10/2019 Preguntas de Ingless


    Correct answer:

    a packet sniffer.

    Question 124

    Would implement a system of prevention of wireless instrucion for:

    Incorrect answer selected:

    detect theft of wireless packets.

    Correct answer:

    prevent unauthorized wireless access.
