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Preparing English Final Examination


How to Prapere English Final Examination

Bahasa Inggris SMP (SKL 2010)

Content Buku:Strategi menjawab soalRingkasan Materi Sesuai SKL

2012Contoh Soal dan

PembahasanLatihan Soal Sesuai SKL

2012Soal Try Out Sesuai SKL

2012Prediksi Soal 2012

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Preparing English Final Examination

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Preparing English Final Examination



Sekilas UN 2010 ( Ujian Nasional )


Tujuan dilaksanakannya UN adalah untuk menilai pencapaian kompetensi lulusan secara nasional pada mata pelajaran tertentu dalam kelompok mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.


1. Pemetaan mutu program dan/atau satuan pendidikan;2. Dasar seleksi masuk jenjang pendidikan berikutnya;

3. Penentuan kelulusan peserta didik dari satuan pendidikan;

4. Dasar pembinaan dan pemberian bantuan kepada satuan pendidikan dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan.

Ujian Nasional atau biasa disebut UN adalah bentuk ujian yang akan menentukan kelulusan peserta didik dari satuan pendidikan, untuk dapat melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi atau tidak, dengan mengacu pada kompetensi lulusan secara nasional pada mata pelajaran tertentu dalam keompok mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan.

Usaha tergantung kerja keras Anda dalam BERDO’A dan BELAJAR. Satu hal terakhir yang paling terpenting adalah Strategi UN . Kuasai Strategi UN mu sekarang juga supaya kamu berhasil dan tidak gagal sia-sia.    


1. Yang jelas jika kita lolos UN pastinya bangga banget kan Wow…….Yesss…….. itu akan menambah wibawamu dalam kehidupannmu, tentunya kamu akan dipandang lebih.

2. Ketika kamu bisa lolos UN tentunya masa depan kamu akan lebih cerah terutama dalam nantinya mencari kerja.

3. Mengharumkan Nama Sekolahmu tentunya. Semakin banyak siswa yang lolos UN , tentunya sekolahmu akan disegani.

4. Akan membahagiakan bagi orang tua kita , tentunya ini merupakan hadiah yang membahagiakan bagi orang tua kita. Di samping itu, kita juga dapat pahala dari Allah swt karena kita niatkan untuk birrul walidain.

5. Dasar seleksi masuk jenjang pendidikan berikutnya; 6. Penentuan kelulusan peserta didik dari satuan pendidikan; 7. Dan banyak lagi hal lainnya.


1. Kita Harus Siap MateriMenguasai Materi yang akan diujikan, tahu betul jenis jenis soal yang selalu keluar dan tahu betul bagaimana cara menjawab soal-soal itu.

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2. Kita Harus Siap MentalKita Harus memiliki rasa percaya diri, kita harus punya keberanian untuk bersaing, berupaya meningkatkan dan mengasah potensi diri, rajin mengejar informasi dan tentunya kita harus tau Prediksinya seperti apa.

3. Kita Harus Siap StrategiStrategi itu nantinya yang akan mengalahkan lawan kita, baik itu strategi mengenai cara belajar, maupun strategi - strategi lainnya.. Bagaimana Supaya kita bisa sukses dan lolos pada UN 2010. Persiapkan diri kamu sedini mungkin. Masih ada waktu untuk memulai dan belajar baik secara psikis dan mental tentunya dengan belajar, berlatih soal- soal dan juga berdoa.


1. Reading Comprehension.Adapun jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang biasanya diajukan dalam menguji kemampuan pemahaman bacaan (reading comprehension) adalah sebagai berikut:

1. A. Untuk menanyakan tentang gambaran umum suatu teks, pertanyaan-pertanyaannya adalah:

a. What is the topic of the passage?b. What is the subject of the passage?c. The passage is about ….d. What is the best title for the text?e. What is the text about?f. What does the text tell you about?

B. Untuk menanyakan tentang pikiran utama suatu teks, pertanyaan-pertanyaannya adalah:

a. What is the main idea of the text?b. What is the writer’s main point in the passage?

Tips:Jawaban atas pertanyaan semacam ini biasanya bisa ditemukan pada kalimat-kalimat awal dari masing-masing paragraph.

2. Untuk menanyakan tentang informasi rinci jenis-jenis pertanyaannya adalah:

a. According to the passage ….b. It is stated in the passage ….c. The passage indicates that …..d. The author mentions that ….e. Which of the following is true?

Tips:Cara menjawabnya bisa dengan memilih kata-kata kunci yang ada dalam pertanyaan, lalu carilah lokasi kata-kata tersebut di dalam bacaan. Setelah ditemukan, bacalah dengan seksama bagian tersebut.

3. Untuk menanyakan tentang informasi tersirat, jenis-jenis pertanyaannya misalnya:

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a. From the text, we can learn that….b. From the text, we may conclude that….

Tips:Adapun cara untuk menjawabnya bisa dengan membaca setiap pilihan jawaban dengan teliti lalu di ‘cross-check’ dengan informasi sejenis yang ada di dalam bacaan.

4. Jenis-jenis pertanyaan untuk menanyakan tentang informasi rinci adalah:

a. Which of the followings is not stated in the text?b. All of the followings are true except ….

Tips:Jawaban atas pertanyaan semacam ini bisa ditemukan dengan membaca setiap pilihan jawaban dengan teliti lalu di ‘cross-check’ dengan informasi sejenis yang ada di dalam bacaan.

5. Pertanyaan tentang makna kata sesuai konteks:a. The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….b. The italic word is closest in meaning to… c. What is the meaning of ‘…’ ?d.What is the synonym of ….?e. What is the antonym of ….?f. What is the apposite of…?

Tips:Bacalah kalimat yang mengandung kata tersebut dan hubungkan dengan kalimat sebelum atau sesudahnya untuk memperkirakan arti dari kata tersebut.

6. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain, misalnya tentang rujukan kata atau tujuan penulis.a. Pronoun ‘they’ in line … refers to ….b. What does the word “they” in line …par… refer to?c. What is the writer’s purpose in this passage?

Tips:Untuk pertanyaan a dan b bacalah kalimat sebelum kata sandang tersebut. Sedangkan untuk pertanyaan c, carilah petunjuk-petunjuk yang tepat lalu buat kesimpulan yang dapat mengarah pada jawaban yang benar.

2. Writing

Dalam Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris 2009 terdapat beberapa butir soal untuk mengukur keterampilan menulis siswa. Soal-soal tersebut mengharuskan siswa untuk menyusun kata/kalimat acak menjadi kalimat/paragraf yang padu dan melengkapi teks rumpang. Teks yang digunakan adalah teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai berbentuk descriptive, report, narrative, recount, dan procedure. Untuk menyusun kata-kata agar membentuk kalimat yang padu biasanya menggunakan teks fungsional pendek; sedangkan untuk soal yang menyusun kalimat menjadi paragraf yang padu dan melengkapi teks rumpang memakai esai. Berikut contoh-contoh soal tersebut.

a.Melengkapi Teks Rumpang

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word. Mark the letter of your choice.

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My cousin has a 5-acre-durian orchard about five kilometers from town. I visited him once during a fruit season. I reached the orchard at about 9 o'clock in the morning after having cycled all the way from my house. My cousin was waiting for me in his … (1) little wooden house in the middle of the orchard.

I was talking to my cousin when … (2) a loud crash sounded from a distance. I was startled. However my cousin said that it was only a ripe durian dropping from a tree. Then I followed him to where the sound came … (3). To my delight I found the fruit among the undergrowth. I picked it up and carried it back to the house.

So I spent the morning picking up fallen durians and eating the delicious flesh inside them. It was a great time for me.

1. A. hugeB. modestC. expensiveD. luxurious

2. A. happily B. carefullyC. suddenlyD. gradually

3. A. upB. inC. outD. from

Tips:Untuk menjawab soal jenis ini, pahamilah bacaan tersebut terutama kalimat dimana soal itu ditemukan, lalu carilah petunjuk-petunjuk dalam bacaan itu. Untuk soal nomor satu, perhatikan kalimat ini ’ My cousin was waiting for me in his … (1) little wooden house in the middle of the orchard’. Karena ada kata ‘little’ dan ‘wooden’, pilihan A, C dan D menjadi tidak tepat. Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut adalah B.

Untuk soal nomor dua, cermatilah kalimat ini, ’I was talking to my cousin when … (2) a loud crash sounded from a distance’. Makna dari kalimat ini adalah, ‘Ketika saya sedang bicara dengan sepupu saya, … terdengar suara berdebum kencang’. Dengan demikian, kata yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah C (’suddenly’).

Soal nomor tiga adalah tentang pemilihan ’preposition’ yang tepat. Perhatikan kalimat ini, ’Then I followed him to where the sound came … (3).’ Makna dari kalimat ini adalah, ‘Lalu saya mengikutinya menuju arah dari mana suara itu berasal’. Maka preposisi yang tepat adalah ’from’ (pilihan D).

b.    Menyusun Kata-kata Menjadi Kalimat yang PaduFor the following question choose the best arrangement of the words to make correct sentences.

off – show – communication – all – Turn – devices – the - during 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 8 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 6 - 4B. 8 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 5 - 1C. 5 – 1 – 3 – 6 – 8 – 4 – 7 – 2 D. 5 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 8 – 7 – 2 Tips:

Untuk menjawab soal semacam ini, carilah kata-kata kuncinya terlebih dahulu. Soal ini memiliki kata

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kunci ‘turn’, ‘off’, ‘communication’, ‘devices’, ‘during’, dan ‘show’. Lalu buatlah perkiraan tentang hubungan antara kata-kata tersebut. Kira-kira, makna yang diinginkan adalah ‘matikan alat komunikasi saat pertunjukan berlangsung’. Urutkan masing-masing pilihan jawaban sehingga ditemukan rangkaian kata yang membentuk kalimat yang baik yang mengandung arti di atas. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah pilihan D.

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c. Menyusun Kalimat Menjadi Paragraf Padu.

1. Life was good for Rattlesnake and Lizard, except Mountain Lion was always teasing them. 2. They dug a tunnel so the water could come from the lake that they found. 3. Back in the Before Time there was Rattlesnake, Lizard, and Mountain Lion who lived in a      hot, bare desert. It was mostly hot. 4. They thought it was a good idea to build a canyon because Mountain Lion didn't like to     climb (even if he was a Mountain Lion). 5. And that is how the Grand Canyon was formed and named.6. They also thought it would be good to have a river in the bottom, because Mountain Lion    didn't like to go in the water either. 7. So finally, they got everybody together and started to build the canyon. 8. One day Rattlesnake, Lizard and the other Animals had enough of Mountain Lion.9. They called it the Grand Canyon, because it is a canyon and they called it Grand, because     it kept Mountain Lion away.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?A. 3 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 8 – 4 – 6 -9 – 5 B. 3 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 2 – 9 – 5 C. 8 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 9 – 5D. 8 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 5Tips:

Teks tersebut adalah sebuah contoh teks ’narrative’. Biasanya, sebuah kisah diawali dengan ekspresi ‘Once upon a time’, ‘One day’, ‘In the past’ dan memuat setting cerita tersebut. Maka carilah kalimat yang mengandung ekspresi tersebut. Kalimat nomor tiga dan delapan memuat ekspresi tersebut. Akan tetapi, kalimat nomor 8 bukanlah setting cerita ini. Maka hanya kalimat nomor 3 yang dapat dijadikan awal cerita ini. Pilihan jawaban yang dimulai dengan kalimat nomor 3 adalah pilihan A dan B. Cermati dua pilihan ini dengan menilai apakah ada hubungan antar ide dalam kalimat. Perhatikan pronoun ’they’ yang seharusnya muncul setelah kata yang digantikannya. Pilihan A tidak tepat karena hubungan antar ide tidak padu. Jawaban yang benar adalah B.


As the previous National Tests of English (NToE), the 2010 NToE will take the form of

objective test consisting of 50 test items with 120 minutes time allotment. The 2010 NToE

will be written based on the latest Decree of the National Education Minister (No. 77/Year

2009/Date ….2009). The decree is clearly stated that the Standards of Competence being

tested include reading and writing. The reading section will try to see if the students of year

nine are able to understand meanings in short functional texts (caution, greeting card, short

message, Invitation, announcement,advertisement and letter) and simple essays, in the form

of descriptive, procedure, report, narrative and recount. And the writing section will test the

students’ competence of expressing meanings in the written mode of both short functional

texts and simple essays in the form of descriptive, procedure, report, narrative and recount.

The reading section of the NToE will mainly reveal the students’ achievement in

accomplishing the skills of finding the general idea, main idea, explicit detailed information,

implicit information, reference word, and word/phrase/sentence meaning. The short

functional texts and the simple essays employed in test include caution, greeting card, short

message, invitation, announcement, advertisement, letter, descriptive, recount, procedure,

narrative and report. Whereas the writing section will measure the skills of finding an

appropriate word to complete a short report text, finding a good order of jumbled words to

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make a meaningful sentence, and finding a good order of jumbled sentences to make an

acceptable paragraph.

The followings are some examples of National Test of English specifications:

1. Reading

a. Caution

Finding an implicit information

(Menentukan informasi tersirat)

From the text we know that….

a. we may not make the floor wet

b. we may not trespass the floor

c. we might slip if we step on it

d. we should mop the floor

b. Greeting Card

Finding the general idea of the text

(Menentukan gambaran umum)

The text is….

a. expressions of regret at the dead of someone

b. greetings said to someone on their birthday

c. good wishes on someone promotion

d. greetings said for newborn baby

c. Short Message

Finding an implicit information (Menentukan informasi tersirat)

From the text we may conclude that Kate sent the letter on


d. 1st

e. 9th

f. 11th

g. 13th

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It’s your special day today!

Many happy returns of the day

From: Kate2009-01-1309:00

Just to let you know that I’ve sent the letter two days ago

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d. Invitation

Finding an explicit detailed information (Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat)

How many speakers are there in the seminar?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

e. Announcement

Finding the meaning of a particular word/phrase/sentence

(Menentukan makna kata/frase/kalimat).

We remind all of our visitors not to feed the bears. The underlined word means to

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We remind all of our visitors not to feed the bears. Those animals

are given specially selected food several times each day. Giving the

animals popcorn or candy will be bad for them.

PEBS FEUI has pleasure in inviting you to a seminar in Salemba

at Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008




Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Central Jakarta, 10430


Prof. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Alhabshi (INCEIF, Malaysia)

Ramzi A. Zuhdi (Shariah Banking Director of Bank Indonesia)

Mustafa Edwin Nasution (Head of PEBS-FEUI)

Confirm your attendance by contact:

Kindy (081808861880)


Preparing High Quality Human Resources to Support the

Development of Islamic Business and Finance in Indonesia

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make someone….something.

a. do b. forget c. resemble d. remember

f. Descriptive

Finding the main idea (Menentukan pikiran utama)

The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska.

”Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is

wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are shocked. Some hunters claim

the brown bear can outfight a tiger.

A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But

when the brown bear is born, it weighs less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate,

you would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown.

What does the text mostly tell about?

a. Brown bears.

b. Strong hunters.

c. Fighting tigers.

d. Alaska people.

Finding an implicit detailed information

Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. Brown bear eats meat.

b. Brown bears can beat a tiger.

c. Brown bears are tame animals.

d. Brownie will keep away when it sees people.

Finding the meaning of a particular word/phrase/sentence

(Menentukan makna kata/frase/kalimat).

”But, be careful, if it is wounded with a gun or if the mother bear and her cubs are

shocked....” (Par 1, line 3). What does the underlined word mean?

a. Male bears.

b. b. Baby bears.

c. Other bears.

d. Group of bears.

BFinding a word reference (Menentukan rujukan kata)

”But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or ...” (Par 1, line 3). The underlined word

refers to....

a. the mother bear

b. the cubs

c. a tiger

d. brownie

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g. Recount

Finding the main idea (Menentukan pikiran utama)

We made tree house in Beeches Wood and it was brilliant. It had a ladder and a room

with window and a door. It had a bell on a rope for emergencies.

On Saturday it was my turn to be the lookout. It was really hot and the sun was so

bright I shut my eyes and fell asleep. When I woke up I heard voices. It was the Kent Road

Gang. They pushed me out of the tree house. I didn’t have time to ring the bell because

they were already on top of me.

Jack was really cross, so I told him that the sun had been in my eyes and I hadn’t seen

them coming. But he didn’t believe me; he knew I’d been asleep.

What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. Kent Road Gang made a brilliant tree house.

b. Kent Road Gang attacked the writer’s gang tree house.

c. Jack blamed the attack on the blinding sun.

d. The writer fell asleep in the tree house

h. Procedure

Finding an explicit detailed information (Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat).

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Fried Chicken

Ingredients:1 pound of chicken4 cups of cooking oil1 cup of flour1 teaspoon of salt1 teaspoon of pepperA dash of chili powder

The Step:

First, put flour, salt, pepper, and chili powder in a

plastic bag and shake to mix. Next, cut chicken into

small pieces, add them to the bag and shake to coat

the chicken with seasoned flour. After that, heat the

oil in a heavy frying pan over medium-high heat and

cook the chicken for about ten to fifteen minutes or

until the chicken is golden brown. Finally, drain the

chicken and serve.

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How many steps are there in the text?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. 6

Finding the meaning of a particular word/phrase/sentence

(Menentukan makna kata/frase/kalimat).

“A dash of chili powder”. The underlined word means….

a. small amount

b. small number

c. large amount

d. large number

i. Narrative

Finding an explicit detailed information (Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat).

One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big, black snake

sleeping under the tree. When he saw the snake, the mouse deer was frightened. When

he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was

sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke up and took hold of the mousedeer. He

told the mousedeer that he was going to eat him for lunch. ”Please don’t eat me now”,

said the mousedeer. ”I have some thing important to do”.

“Look,” said the mousedeer. ”That is the king’s belt. He asked me to stay here and

watch it while he was away in the forest”. The tiger looked at the snake and said,”That is

a beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?” He asked the mousedeer.

”Oh, all right,” said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around

the tiger. Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter and

tighter, until the tiger couldn’t breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But

the mousedeer turned and ran away into the forest.

Where was the tiger sleeping?

a. In the middle of the forest.

b. Next to the mousedeer’s house.

c. Near the black snake sleeping under the tree.

d. Far away from the place where the mousedeer fell.

CFinding an implicit information (Menentukan informasi tersirat)

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After reading this story, we can learn that....

a. we have to behave like the mousedeer

b. we have to be careful with the mousedeer

c. sleeping black snake was a dangerous animal

d. we have to find a way to save ourselves from danger

j. Report

Finding the general idea (Menentukan gambaran umum)

Television is a system of mass communication. It involves the transmission of images

and sound to distance screens. The transmission can be done through electromagnetic

waves or through cable system (TV cable).

Television is an important facility of communication. In average, people in America

watch television for 31 hours per week while in Britain people watch television for 25

hours per week. Television has the ability to bring people to get to know others from

various nationalities. Television is also the first medium to present news and current

affairs to the public internationally.

For many years, many of the most important international events have been

experienced as TV events. Television also reports various international issues and

political conflicts. But, some commentators have claimed that the era of television is

coming to an end. It is because there are many other communication facilities are

invented. In spite of these changes, TV remains probably the most important form of

mass communication of the late 20th century.

What does the text tell us about?

a. electromagnetic waves

b. means of communication

c. TV events

d. Television

k. Advertisement

Finding the main idea of the text

What is being advertised in the text?

a. A strong plastic.

b. A correct spelling.

c. A complete dictionary.

d. An electronic dictionary.

DFinding an explicit information

From the advertisement above, we know that....

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Find the correct spelling and

pronunciationMore than 80.000

wordsWith this

Electronic dictionaryMade of strong

plasticsComes in two colors:Dark grey and light


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a. the item comes in many colors

b. the price of the item is Rp104.500,-

c. one of the item’s colors is dark blue

d. there are more than 80,000 words in the item

Finding the meaning of a particular word/phrase/sentence

”Find the correct spelling and pronunciation.”

The underlined word means an ordered set of ... which forms a word.

a. letters

b. alphabet

c. sentences

d. paragraphs

l. Letter

Finding an explicit information (Menentukan informasi tersurat)

What did Aunt Dewi give to Nita?

a. Blue Beads.

b. A plaid skirt.

c. A nice sweater.

d. A big book.

2. Writing

a.Finding appropriate words to complete a short report text

(Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks)

Reptiles are vertebrates, animals with (1) …. Alligators and crocodiles, lizards,

snakes, and turtles are the main groups of reptiles. There are more than 7,000 species of

reptiles that belong to these groups.

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23 Jalan Jendral Sudirman,Bandung, Jawa BaratMarch, 4, 2007

Dear Aunt Dewi,How clever of you to send me blue beads! I was planning

to wear a blue sweater and a plaid skirt to the morning bazaar next Sunday, and the beads will match perfectly.

Our bazaar is going to be bigger than ever this year. We’re having exibits of arts and crafts, books, food and flower arrangements. In the bazaar there will be folk dances and games. You should be there!

Thank you again for your thoughful gift.

Your loving niece,Nita

23 Jalan Jendral Sudirman,Bandung, Jawa BaratMarch, 4, 2007

Dear Aunt Dewi,How clever of you to send me blue beads! I was planning

to wear a blue sweater and a plaid skirt to the morning bazaar next Sunday, and the beads will match perfectly.

Our bazaar is going to be bigger than ever this year. We’re having exibits of arts and crafts, books, food and flower arrangements. In the bazaar there will be folk dances and games. You should be there!

Thank you again for your thoughful gift.

Your loving niece,Nita

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Alligators, crocodiles, lizards, and snakes have (2) …tough skin. It is covered with

scales. Turtles have shells on their backs.

1. a. gills

b. tails

c. wings

d. backbones

2. a. tough

b. weak

c. thin

d. soft

b.Finding the best order of jumbled words to make a good sentence.

(Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat).

you – not – in – thank – for - area – smoking – this

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The best arrangement to make a sentence is....

a. 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 8 - 6 - 4

b. 5 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 8 - 6 - 4

c. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 3 - 8 - 6

d. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 8 - 6 – 3

c. Finding the best arrangement of jumbled sentences to make a good


(Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk membuat paragrap).

C Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1. The animals have been pushed back and their natural habitat has been


2. The government has located reserves to protect both animals and plants life.

3. Many natural forests where animals live are being destroyed.

4. One of them is the Bogor Botanical Garden.

5. People have cleared the land to cultivate crops.

a. 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4

b. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4

c. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2

d. 5 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2


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Short Description

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Salah satu bentuk notice adalah caution. Caution adalah peringatan atau sarana yang ditujukan untuk publik/khalayak umum tentang sebuah bahaya atau resiko yang mungkin terjadi.Contoh :

Questions Models.

Read the following caution and answer the following questions.1. Read the following notice. It’s put on the wall.

It means ……A. The place is special for you as visitors.B. This is a place for you to wait.C. You can not wait anyone here.D. You should not stay here.

Ujian Nasional 2008.Answer : BDiscussion : “Waiting Room” berarti ruang tunggu. Pilihan jawaban A berarti tempat khusus untukmu sebagai pengunjung. Pilihan jawaban B berarti ini adalah tempatmu untuk menunggu. Pilihan jawaban C berarti Anda tidak dapat menunggu seseorang di sini. Pilihan jawaban D berarti Anda sebaiknya tidak tinggal di sini.

2. study the notice!

What does the notice above mean?a.we don’t have to dry our handsb. we can’t use our hand to dry somethingc.we should use the dryer to dry our handsd. we should use our hand to dry something

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Waiting Room


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Ujian Nasional 2008.Answer : CDiscussion : “Use the hand dryer” berarti gunakan pengering tangan. Pilihan jawaban A berarti kita tidak harus mengeringkan tangan kita. Pilihan jawaban B berarti kita tidak bisa menggunakan tangan kita untuk mengeringkan sesuatu. Pilihan jawaban C berarti kita sebaiknya gunakan pengering untuk mengeringkan tangan kita. Pilihan jawaban D berarti kita sebaiknya menggunakan tangan kita untuk mengeringkan sesuatu.

3.Read this notice.

It is meant ………A. to give warning about an accident in heavy traffic.B. To forbid the drivers to enter the free way in Cawang.C. To allow the drivers to enter the free way from Cawang.D. To inform the people so that they can choose a better route.

Ujian Nasional 2008.Answer : DDiscussion : notice di atas bertujuan untuk memberi informasi kepada orang-orang tentang padatnya jalan di Cawang sehingga mereka bisa memilih rute perjalanan yang lebih baik.

Practice on Questions.


1. What does the caution mean?a. The shop sells special broken articles.b. You don't have to buy articles that are brokenc. In this section you will only find broken articlesd. If you break any of the articles, you should pay for it.

2. Where do we usually find this caution? In the….a. Hospitalb. Churchc. Electronic deviced. Newspapers

3. What should we do based on the caution above ? we should…a. be careful with the articlesb. buy the articlesc. sell the articlesd. break the articles

2. Greeting Card

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Heavy traffic in Cawang

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Your cousins(Ilma & Ismi)

Preparing English Final Examination

Short Description

Greeting Cards (kartu ucapan) adalah sepucuk kertas (biasanya dihiasi dengan gambar) yang digunakan untuk memberi ucapan selamat, mendo’akan seseorang, dan lain-lain.

Ada berbagai bentuk greeting cards, misalnya kartu ucapan selamat, kartu ucapan duka cita/simpati, dan kartu ucapan lekas sembuh.Contoh:

Questions Models.

Read the greeting card below to answer questions no. 1-3

Dear Nely,

Accept our condolence

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On the death of your father last Sunday

May the God bless himSincerily yours,

Lulu and Lily

1. Who is the writer of the greeting card above?a. Nelyb. Luluc. Lilyd. Lulu and LilyAnswer : DDiscussion : Penulis kartu di atas adalah Lulu dan Lily. Jawaban yang lain

salah.2. What does the word “our” in the text above refer to?

a. Lulub. Nelyc. Lulu and Lilyd. Nely and LilyAnswer : CDiscussion : “our” pada kartu ucapan di atas merujuk ke “Lulu dan Lily.

3. Who died last Sunday?a. Lili’s motherb. Nely’s motherc. Lili’s fatherd. Nely’s fatherAnswer : DDiscussion : Dari greeting card di atas dapat diketahui kata kunci “On

the death of   your father” yang meninggal Minggu kemarin adalah ayah Nely.   Jawaban yang   lain salah.

Dear Ahda,

Congratulation on being the championof English Speech Contest

Among students of SMP all over Tegal regency

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On Independence day anniversary 2009You really deserve it

Your lovely,Azkia

4. What is the main purpose of the greeting card above?a. to tell the reader about the independence day.b. to tell the reader about the English speech contest.c. to congratulate someone d. to express the symphaty to someoneAnswer : CDiscussion : Kata kunci “Congratulation” menunjukkan bahwa Tujuan

dari kartu ucapan di atas adalah untuk memberi ucapan selamat   kepada seseorang.

5. In what program was the event held?a. wedding anniversaryb. birthday partyc. independence day anniversaryd. flag ceremonyAnswer : CDiscussion : Kata kunci ”On Independence day anniversary”

Kegiatan tersebut diadakan pada acara perayaan hari kemerdekaan.

6. What does the word “it” in the text above refer to? a. being champion of the English speech contestb. being participant of the English speech contestc. being the committee of the independence day anniversaryd. being the chairman of the independence day anniversaryAnswer : ADiscussion : Kata kunci “being the champion of English

Speech Contest”Kata “it” pada kalimat “you really deserve it” merujuk ke prestasi  Ahda sebagai juara speech contest.

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Preparing English Final Examination

Practice on Questions.

1. We send the card above for…a. graduating student c. married peopleb. sick people d. birthday people

2. Who is the sender of the card…a. Teysar c. studentb. Elyn d. friend

3. Who won the drawing contest last Monday?a. Izzah c. Izzah’ sisterb. Isna d. Izzah’s brother

4. What does the word “your” in the text above refer to?a. Isna c. The writer and the readerb. Izzah d. The writer

5. Who is Isna? She is… a. Izzah’s sister c. Izzah’s friend b. Izzah’s mother d. Izzah’s classmate

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Praying that you’re feeling better soon.

Your dearest friend,Teysar


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3. Short Message

Short Description

Short Message (sms) adalah pesan/informasi singkat tertulis yang dikirim atau ditinggalkan seseorang saat tidak bisa bertemu langsung dengan orang yang dimaksud dalam pesan tersebut.


Dear Kia,Don’t forget to pick up your little brother At school after having course at 5 p.m


Dear doctor, I’m always tired, I usually get 8 hours of sleep at night, but it

doesn’t help. What should I do?


Questions Models.

Read the following message to answer the questions below.


1. Where will they study together?a. In class

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Ita, don’t forget our appointment to study together. I wait at myhome at 3 pm. Be punctual.CU ….. Tuti

Option Back

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b. At my homec. At Tuti’s homed. At Ita’s homeAnswer : CDiscussion : Lihat kata kunci “I wait at my home” . Pengirim SMS adalah Tuti. Jadi mereka akan belajar bersama di rumah Tuti.

2. The word “I” in the text above refers to….a. Santyb. Itac. Indahd. TutiAnswer : DDiscussion : Kata ganti “I” merujuk pada pengirim SMS, yaitu Tuti.

3. The word “punctual” has the similar meaning as the word…a. In timeb. Latec. On timed. Over time

Answer : CDiscussion : punctual berarti on time.

Soal Ujian Nasional 2009

Practice on Questions.

To: KikiWe’ll meet together at Vina’s house at 7 p.m. to do our homework.Don’t forget to bring your English dictionary. C.U.From: Reza

1. From the short message above we know that…a. Kiki is Reza’s sister.b. Reza is Kiki’s teacher.c. Kiki and Vina are classmates.d. Kiki and Reza are in different class.

2. What for will they meet together? For…a. Discussing their plan to go at 7 p.m.b. Discussing their homework.c. Having party together.d. Celebrating birthday party.

3. The phrase “don’t forget” has the similar meaning as the word…a. don’t understand c. rememberb. don’t remind d. understand

Read the following message to answer the questions below.

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Keysa, don’t forget to pick your brother up after school. I wait you at myhome at 2 pm. Don’t be late.

Option Back

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4. Where should Keysa do after school?a. In classb. At my homec. At Tuti’s homed. At Ita’s home

5. What time should Teysar arrive at home?a. 1 in the afternoonb. 2 at nightc. 2 in the morningd. 2 in the afternoon

4. Invitation

Short Description

Invitation merupakan surat atau kartu undangan yang diberikan oleh seseorang kepada orang lain untuk menghadiri sebuah acara penting, misalnya acara ulang tahun, ulang tahun pernikahan, kelahiran anak, hari jadi perusahaan atau instansi, kelulusan sekolah, perpisahan,

Dalam Invitations pada umumnya ditulis tentang orang yang diundang, acara undangan,, waktu (hari, tanggal, jam), tempat, pesan, serta orang yang mengundang.



TELP. 0283445165==================================================

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To : Cici VIII C

Would you please attend our meeting that will be held:

Day / date : On Saturday May 31st , 2006Time : at 11 a.mPlace : at school hallAgenda : Final preparation for wall magazine competition 2006

Please come on time. See you there.

Secretary, Chairperson,

Tyar Rully M.Nizan

Questions Models.

Read the following text and answer questions below.

1. The persons who may join the party are VIIIA students and their….A. couplesB. relativesC. parentsD. friends

Answer : D

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Hi Friends, we are having aDINNER PARTY

On Wednesday August 13th in class VIIIA at eight o’clock.All students of VIIIA are supposed to join.Bring one or two friends and wear your funniest clothes to make the party fun.

EXCEL group.

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Discussion : Lihat kata kunci“Bring one or two friends….” Menunjukan bahwa orang-orang   yang boleh ikut   pesta adalah siswa-siswi kelas VIIIA dan teman-temannya”.

2. The text is written …a dinner partyA. To announce students to haveB. To invite people to go toC. To inform people to refuseD. To force students to go to

Answer : BDiscussion : Text di atas merupakan salah satu jenis teks undangan. Jadi,

tujuan teks tersebut   adalah untuk mengundang orang pergi ke sebuah pesta.


The text is for questions 3 and 4.

To : Vita Maharani I will be glad if you come to my 15th birthday party.Day/date: Sunday/July, 29-2008Time: 7 p.m.Place: Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 365 Sungailiat.

Yours truthfully

Tikka Panggabean

3. How Old will Tika be in 2016?A. 21B. 22C. 23D. 24Answer : DDiscussion : Pada tahun 2008 usia Tika 15 tahun, jadi pada tahun 2016 usia Tika adalah 23 tahun.

4. When will the party be held?A. In the eveningB. In the morningC. In the afternoonD. At midnightAnswer : ADiscussion : Lihat kata kunci “7 p.m” berarti jam 7 malam. Adapun 7 a.m jam 7 pagi. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah “in the evening”.

Ujian Nasional 2008

Practice on Questions.

Read the following text to answer the questions below.

Dear Ratna,

Hi Friend, here I invite you to my 15th birthday party

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Date: Monday 2 February 2009Time: 8 pm – 10 pmPlace : Sari Rasa Restaurant ( in front of SMP 2 Wonosobo)Please be on time without you the party will be different


1.Where will the Fury’s birthday party be held?a. at SMP 2 Wonosobob. at Fury’s housec. Monday, 26 January 2009d. At Sari Rasa Restaurant.

2.What is the purpose of writing the text?a. to inform about fury’s party b. to invite ratna to attend Fury’s partyc. to announce a birthday partyd. to describe Fury’s a birthday party

3. How long will the party last?a. eight hoursb. ten hoursc. two hoursd. three hours

5. Announcement

Short Description

Announcement (Pengumuman) adalah pemberitahuan resmi tentang

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sesuatu supaya diketahui orang banyak. Pengumuman bisa ditulis, kemudian ditempelkan di papan tempat khusus yang mudah dilihat orang ataupun diumumkan secara lisan.


Good morning Class.There will be meeting of Marching Band members at 2 p.m. in the school

yard. No one is to be absent since the agenda is very important.Thank you for your attention.

Questions Models.

1. To whom is the announcement above?A. Mrs. KatmiatiB. The chief of the associationC. All scout membersD. Scout association of SMP Bunga Bangsa SemarangAnswer : CDiscussion : Pengumuman di atas ditujukan untuk seluruh anggota pramuka.

2. When will the camping activity start?A. 10th June 2009.B. 14th June 2009.C. 15th June 2009.D. 16th June 2009.Answer : B Discussion : “start” berarti mulai. Di teks pengumuman terdapat kata kunci from 14-16 June 2009. Ini bearti camping will start on 14th June2009 and will end on 16th June 2009.

3. “the contribution is Rp 75.000,00.What is the meaning of the underlined word?A. Food, drinks, or services which are provided by an organization for guests.B. Sum of money that is given to a person or organization to pay for something.C. The act of making official report of something or someone.

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Scout Associatin of Bunga Bangsa Semarang===============================================

To: All Scout Members.

We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14-16 June 2009. The contribution is Rp 75,000.00. Members who would like to join the activity should register their names to Mrs. Katmiati. Registration will be on 10th June, 2009.

Naufal A.C.

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D. Payment made by someone because he has a debt.Answer : BDiscussion : “Contribution” berarti iuran. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B yang berarti sejumlah uang yang diberikan kepada orang atau organisasi untuk membayar sesuatu.

Ujian Nasional 2009

Read the following text and answer questions 5 and 6.

5. What is the announcement about?a. Information while doing the experimentb. Direction before cleaning the boxesc. Instruction after using microscoped. Steps before doing the experiment

Answer : CDiscussion : ada kata kunci “finished”, “microscope” dan “put” yang menandakan bahwa pengumuman di atas merupakan sebuah pengumuman tentang instruksi/petunjuk setelah menggunakan microscope.6. When do the students have to put the microscope back in the boxes?

a. after cleaning themb. while cleaning themc. before the experimentd. during the experiment

Answer : ADiscussion : Murid-murid harus mengembalikan microscope setelah


Practice on Questions.

Read the text to answer the questions.

1.Why is April 25th important? b. It is the last day the Administrative office will be open.c. It is the last day the register for the next semester classes.d. It is the first day of next semester

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Attention Classs.

This Friday, April, is the registration deadline for the next semester.Complete your registration in the administrative office on the first floor between the hours of 8:30 am, and 14:00 pm. Payment must be made at the time of registration, so bring your credit card, a money order or cash with you. Personal checks will not be accepted. No late exceptions. Classes begin on Monday, May 25.


Those who have finished with the experiment, please clean the microscope and put them back in their boxes.

Thank you.

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e. It is the day all classes work must be submitted to the professor.2.The students can pay with all these, except…

a. Credit card c. personal checkb. Cash money d. money order

3.The word “deadline” has the closest meaning as….a. First time c. Limited timeb. Last time d. Stricted time

6. Advertisement

Short Description

     Advertisement (Iklan) adalah pemberitahuan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong, membujuk khayalak ramai untuk membeli atau menggunakan barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Iklan biasanya dipasang di media massa seperti media cetak/elektronik (Koran, majalah, tabloid) atau di tempat umum, seperti baliho, billboard, dan pamphlet.

Ada berbagai bentuk iklan, yaitu iklan produk, baik barang maupun jasa, serta iklan lowongan pekerjaan. Contoh:1. Iklan Produk (Barang/Jasa)

FOR SALE JOHNSON COUNTYa 3-bedroom family home, double garage. Very good condition. Large yard.

Short walk to city center and school. $174,000.b Modern 6-bedroom home, large living room, separate dining room, 3

bathroom, basement, garage. Beautiful big backyard and swimming pool. Excellent condition. $250,000.

c Available immediately. Large 1-bedroom city apartment, fully furnished with quality furnishing. Large living area, dishwasher, refrigerator. $135,000.

d Attractive 1-bedroom apartment in new building. Only 30 minutes from downtown and 10 minutes from airport. Unfurnished. $95,000.

2. Iklan Lowongan Pekerjaan / Job Vacancy

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Administration TraineeWe had a vacancy for a trainee in our head office. Main duties will be office work with some reception and telephone work. Training will be given in the use of a computer. The successful applicant will have collage level education in business-related subjects and will be able to work with a minimum of supervision. Typing skills are essential. Age range preferable 17-21. good working conditions. Please apply in writing, stating age, qualifications and other relevant information to:

Personal ManagerSTARTEX OIL, P.O. BOX 355


AdvertisingSource: American Breakthrough 2

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Questions Models.


136 guestrooms including 1 Penthouse (3 bedrooms), 1 Presidential suite (3 bedrooms),54 Jayakarta Suites, 39 Executive and 45 Deluxe Rooms. Banquet and function facilities areavailable for multi-purpose, meetings, wedding, seminar and convention for up to 1000participants. Recreation facilities wrapped in aunique shape of open air swimming pool,where you can bring your children to play around on a sand beach atmosphere.


Jl. Ir H. Juanda (Dago) 381 A. Bandung 40135-IndonesiaTel. (022)250588, fac=x (022) 2505388, E-mail: [email protected]

1. How many rooms does Hotel Jayakarta have for the guests?A. 39B. 45C. 54D. 136Answer : DDiscussion : Dari awal kalimat iklan di atas dapat diketahui bahwa hotel tersebut mempunyai 136 kamar untuk para tamu. Baca ”136 guestrooms including 1 Penthouse (3 bedrooms),…..

2. Which is INCORRECT about the hotel?A. There are three bedrooms in Penthouse.B. Its function rooms can accommodate more than one thousand people.C. The guests can bring their children on the sandy beach near it.D. It provides its guests with an open air swimming pool.Answer : BDiscussion : Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks diatas adalah pernyataan “Its function rooms can accommodate more than one thousand people:. Yang betul adalah banquet and function facilities are available…..up to 1000 people”.

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3. “Banquet and function facilities are available….”A. findB. provideC. refuse D. forceAnswer : BDiscussion : available berarti tersedia. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. provide. Jawaban yang lain salah.

Questions 4 to 5 are based on the following text.

4. what is the advertisement about?a. carpet machinesb. minuteman carpetc. multi purpose carpetd. excellent meets clean

Answer : ADiscussion : Tema dari teks Iklan biasanya ada pada judul iklan tersebut. Iklan diatas bermaksud untuk mempromosikan sebuah mesin pencuci karpet “CARPET MACHINES”.

5. which statement is TRUE based on the text?a. only one person may operate the machine.b. It’s hard for one person to empower the machine.c. It can be operated by one person easily.d. The machine cleans the power of the person.

Answer : CDiscussion : Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan teks iklan di atas adalah pernyataan C. “it can be operated by one person easily”. Mesin pencuci karpet

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One stop Cleaning Solution

Minuteman’s Ambassador*Carpet Extractors – are the ideal choice for effective carpet and upholstery cleaning

Minuteman’s MPV*Multi-Purpose Vacuum maximum performance in a changeable, lightweight, dual motor vacuum lightweight with added bag capacity for longer, more effective cleaning power

Gotcha!*Self contained, lightweight, portable, spot removal system. Minuteman’s Gotcha!* is designed for spot removal and carpet maintenance operations that require good skill, efficiency, power and hassle-free, one-person operation

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dapat dioperasikan oleh satu orang dengan mudah. Lihat kata kunci ”one-person operation”.

6. “….. and carpet maintenance operations that require good skill, …….”The underlined word can be best replaced by ……

a. takeb. havec. needd. make

Answer : CDiscussion : Dilihat dari kata sebelum dan sesudahnya kata “require” berarti “need”. Jawaban yang lain kurang tepat.

Ujian Nasional 2008

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t up to 70%


GRAND BONANZA SALEBargain You will not miss31st January - 31st March 2009LARGEST ANTIQUE FURNITURE SUPPLIERFor every Rp. 3.000.000,- spent, you will receive a

handphone.For purchase above Rp. 5.000.000,- you will receive a

17’ TVBusiness hoursMon – Sat : 10.00 am – 9.00 pmSun : 11.00 am – 6.00 pm

Preparing English Final Examination

Practice on Questions.

1. How many hours does Grand Bonanza sale open on Sunday?a. Sevenb. Eightc. Tend. Eleven

2. What will the customer receive if they buy furniture above Rp. 5.000.000,-?a. Antique furniture.b. A handphone.c. A television.d. A 70% discount.

3. Which Statement is not true about the grand bonanza Sale? a. It’s from 31st January till the 31st March 2009b. The customer will receive a TV set, free of charge for purchase above Rp.

3.000.000,-c. The Bonanza sale is for antique furnitured. Business hours are from to 9 pm from Monday to SaturdayRead the text and answer questions 9 and 10.

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4. which qualification must all teacher candidates have?a. experiencesb. education certificatec. good behavior and performanced. fluency in English.

5. what does the phrase ‘taking care of”’ mean?a. looking atb. looking forc. looking overd. looking after

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REQUIREDA national Plus school is looking for teachers for the academic year 2008/2009.1. A play group teacher2. A Kindergarten teacher3. an Elementary teacher4. an Elementary teacher 5. an English teacher6. Sport teacher (male & female)Qualifications Needed :

1. Fluency in English (1-6)2. Min. 3 years experience in a good reputation school (1-5)3. Good behavior and performance4. Educational background min. S1; Science (1-4), Social or Literacy (1-2)5. Taking care of children (1-4)6. TOEFL (5)7. Could be American, Canadian, England, or Australia (6)

Please submit the application before May 1, 2008 and put the application code to:HR DepartmentJln. Terbang Layang no. 21 Pondok Cabe 15418

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7. Letter

Short Description

Letter (surat) adalah pesan tertulis dengan berbagai isi dan maksud yang dikirim kepada seseorang. Surat biasanya dimasukkan ke dalam amplop dan dibubuhi perangko sebelum sikirim.Perhatikan contoh dan struktur surat sebagai berikut.1. Surat Pribadi

Place and date Of writing Salutation Preface



Complementary close Signature Sender

2. Surat Resmi

Jaya Raya Banjaran SelatanSMP 5 Adiwerna Tegal10th November 2010

Mr. and Mrs. GandaJl. Diponegoro 12Surakarta

Dear Sir and Madam,

We are pleased to inform you that your daughter, Santi has been successfully completed the third year of Senior High School. To end this challenging

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Bandung, 25th August 2008

Dear Zirrah,Hi, how are things with you? Hope

everything is okay.I’m writing to share something with you.

Hope you don’t mind reading it. Things have changed a lot around here. My father was fired from his office. You might not believe it, but it is true. His company went bankrupt and closed. From now on, we have to live carefully. My father has to sell our property before he can find new job. Unfortunately, he cannot get one up until now.

Zirrah, something that makes me feel worse is my friends. They used to come and play with me. They used to ride my bike, play my CDs, even use my handphone. But now, when my family becomes poor, no one comes to me. They may have forgotten me. I think you are the only friend I have now.

I do hope we can meet soon. I really need

Alamat Pengirim

Tanggal penulisan surat

Nama dan alamat yang dituju dalam surat

Salam pembuka

Isi surat

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academic year, we have made a plan to hold a special event featuring musical drama involving your daughter.

We request the honour of your company in the event to witness the great accomplishment throughout the year.

We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Your sincerely,PrincipalDrS. Sutaryo A.S., M.Pd.

Questions Models.

Dear Irfan, I am very glad to write this letter to you. How is your school? Here is in Sleman,

we are preparing for the Independence Day celebrations. So everybody is very busy. First, we are going to have some sports competition. There will be soccer,

volleyball and a tug of war competition. The winning team will receive a big goat as a prize. I’m going to play in the football and voleyball competitions.

Then, we are going to have a wayang show on the night before the Independence Day. The dalang is a famous one from Yogyakarta. He will perform all night long. Have you ever seen a wayang show? It is very entertaining.

Finally, I’m going to attend a flag raising ceremony at school on Independence Day. After that, we will give out prizes to the competition winners.

What are your plans for the Independence Day celebrations? Please write back and tell me.

Best regards,Joko

1. What is the prize for the winners of the sports competition?A. An amount of money.B. A golden trophy.C. A new ball.D. A big goat.Answer : DDiscussion : Dari Paragrap 2 di atas dapat diketahui kata kunci“The winning team will receive a big goat as a prize”.

2. How many competitions will Joko join?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. FourAnswer : BDiscussion : Dari kalimat terakhir paragrap 2 diatas dapat diketahui kata kunci “I’m going to play in the football and voleyball competitions. Yang berarti “I / Joko” akan mengikuti dua macam pertandingan, yaitu sepak bola dan bola voly.

3. “He will perform all night long.” (paragraph 3)The word “He” refers to…A. Irfan.B. Joko.C. The winner.

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Penutup surat

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D. The dalang.Answer : DDiscussion : Dari teks di atas dapat diketahui bahwa The dalang is a famous

one from    Yogyakarta. He will perform all night long. “He” dalam konteks kalimat tersebut    merujuk pada subjek kalimat sebelumnya yaitu “the dalang”.

Read the text and answer questions 5 to 7.


4. When will Putri's family come to Ratih's town?A. Last month.B. Next holiday.C. Before new year.D. In March.Answer : BDiscussion : Pada kalimat pertama surat Ratih diketahui bahwa keluarga Putri akan datang ke kota Ratih pada liburan mendatang. Lihat kata kunci....”next holiday”.

5. What will Ratih show Putri's family?A. A new park.B. Her new place.C. A new train.D. A railway station.Answer : ADiscussion : Lihat kalimat “If you come here, I will show a new park in my town” pada paragrap pertama.

6. How would Putri's family go to Ratih's house?A. By car.

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JI. Pujangga 29JakartaApril 20, 2007

Dear Putri,Putri, I'm so glad knowing that you and your family will come here next

holiday. We haven't met each other for a long time. I miss you so much. If you come here, I will show a new park in my town. It is a nice place.

You said you and your family would go by train. However, I don't know when you will come here exactly. Please tell me the time, so I can pick you up at the railway station. Okay, that's all for you now. Please reply soon. My love to auntie, uncle, and Raka.



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B. By bus.C. By train.D. By plane.Answer : CDiscussion : Lihat kata kunci dalam kalimat berikut”You said you and your family would go by train”.

Practice on Questions.

1. Who is sick and hospitalized?A. AnaB. KikiC. MilaD. Ana’s friend

2. What is the purpose of the text above?A. To invite peopleB. To inform people C. To express symphatyD. To tell people about something

3. What does the word “I” in the text above refer to?A. AnaB. KikiC. Kiki and AnaD. Mila and Ana

Read the text below to answer the questions.

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4. Who got an accident?A. DimasB. Toni C. Wirman and DimasD. Toni and Wirman

5. The word “pal” in the sentence “…what’s up pal !” has the similar as the word…

A. BrotherB. FamilyC. MemberD. Friend


1. Descriptive Short Description

Teks descriptive adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda, tempat, atau orang tertentu. Struktur teks descriptive:1. Identification (identifikasi): pendahuluan tentang apa dan siapa yang

akan didescripsikan.2. Description (deskripsi): berisi cirri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda,

tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan.Ciri-ciri teks descriptive: menggunakan the simple present tense, menggunakan attribute, verb, seperti be (am, is, are)dan


contoh :

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My Best Friend

I have a best friend. His name is Ahda.Ahda is twelve years old. He studies at SMP 2 Bogor grade VII. He has two

sisters. They are Ismi and Ilma. Ismi is in grade 11 of SMA 1 and Ilma is in the first year of a university in Tegal.

Ahda’s father is Mr. Hendra. He is an English teacher at a Junior High School. His mom works as a secretary in a company. The office is quite near from her house. That’s why she always goes to her office on foot.

I love Ahda’s family. They are always friendly and very kind to me.

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Questions Models.

1. What is the text about?a. a violinistb. a musicianc. a pianistd. an artistAnswer : BDiscussion : Pada kalimat pertama teks bacaan terdapat kata kunci Vanessa Mae Vanakorn Nicholson is a musician.2. Vanessa plays violin ….a. badlyb. carefullyc. classicallyd. wonderfullyAnswer : C.Discussion : Pada kalimat kedua paragrap kedua ditemukan kata kunci “When she plays classical violin concertos…” . Jadi jawaban yang paling tept adalah C.

3. From the text we know that people …..a. in the world are interested in all violinistb. like to listen to Vanessa’s playing violinc. are eager to play violin with Vanessad. play the violin with VanessaAnswer : BDiscussion : Lihat kata kunci “…..the world listens.” Pada paragrap kedua.. Jawaban yang lain salah

4. “………… but she now lives in London with her mother and her English stepfather.” (paragraph 3).The word “stepfather” means a male who’s married to …..a. one’s auntb. one’s sisterc. one’s motherd. one’s daughterAnswer : BDiscussion : Stepfather berarti ayah tiri atau dengan kata lain “a male who’s

married to one’s   mother.

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Vanessa Mae Vanakorn Nicholson is a musician.

She is only nineteen years old, but she is a world-famous violinist. When she plays classical violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens.

Vanessa Mae is Thai-Chinese. Her mother is Chinese and her father is Thai. She is from Singapore, but she now lives in London with her mother and her English stepfather. She’s got cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents in Thailand, Singapore, China and England.

(Adapted from Snapshot, Starter page 46)

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Ujian Nasional 2008.

My uncle Martin is my mother’s elder brother. He is my favorite among my mother’s brothers. He is a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with my aunt Angela and my cousins Anne and Bob. I often go to his house. He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good looking. He is tall and well built. He has blue eyes and a strong face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off when he doesn’t work. Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he is in the United States. He is visiting the firm’s customer there. He is very fond of sea. He has a boat at the seaside. He goes there every weekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousin at their house on the coast. When Uncle Martin is at home, he usually takes us out in the boat.

1. Uncle Martin lives in his house together with…. a. his wife, his daughter and son b. his aunt and two cousins c. his mother and elder brother d. his mother’s brother

Answer : ADiscussion : Lihat kalimat “He lives quite near us with my aunt Angela

and my cousins   Anne and Bob”.Aunt : bibi (istri uncle Martin). Cousions: sepupu (anak perempuan

dan anak laki-laki uncle Martin).2. When does he take his glasses on? When …. a. he doesn’t work b. he works c. he is short sighted. d. he sees an optician.

Answer : BDiscussion : Lihat kalimat terakhir paragrap kedua “He takes them off when he doesn’t work. Berarti “he takes them on when he works”.

3. What does paragraph 4 tell us about? a. Uncle Martin’s job b. Uncle Martin’s description physically c. Uncle Martin’s hobby d. Uncle Martin’s family

Answer : BDiscussion : Lihat kata kunci “He is very fond of sea” yang berarti

gemar/hobi.Ujian Nasional 2008

Practice on Questions.

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1. What does Mr. Jackson do? He is….

a. a father b. a teacher c. a student d. a house maid

2. Where do the Jacksons stay? a. In Denpasar b. In Bantul c. In Medan d. In America

3. “She comes from Medan.” (line 3)

The underlined word refers to Mr.

Jackson’s .

a. teacher

b. daughter

c. student

d. wife

4. Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood.

The sentence means .

a. Mr. Jackson is a carpenter

b. Mr. Jackson likes to collect wood

c. The materials of Mr. Jackson’s house are from wood

d. There is a lot of woods in Mr. Jackson’s house.

5. Mr. Jackson’s house has .

a. a kitchen and a private room

b. a living room and a garage room

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c. a living room and a bathroom

d. a bedroom and a prayer room

2. ProcedureTeks procedure bertujuan menerangkan bagaimana

membuat/melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan serangkaian langkah atau

kegiatan (steps).

Struktur teks procedure:

1. Aim/goal (tujuan): biasanya berupa judul.

2. Materials: bahan dan alat yang diperlukan. Namum, tidak semua teks

procedure memerlukan tahap ini. Bagian ini dapat deberi label “you’ll

need”, “ingredients”, atau “supplies needed”.

3. Steps: langkah-langkah untuk melakukan kegiatan (teks procedure).

Bagian ini juga dapat diberi label “what to do” atau “How to make / how

to operate.”.

Ciri-ciri teks procedure:

Menggunakan kalimat imperative,

Menggunakan kata hubung temporal, sepeti first, second, then, next,


Menggunakan action verbs, seperti turn on, stir, cook.


5. Make the third frame with the same overlap.6. Paint the frame in different ways.

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7. Attach a stand or handle.

Questions Models.

1. What should you do after inserting your card?A. Press “yes”.B. Enter the PIN.C. Select “continue”D. Take the receipt.

Answer : Discussion :Lihat kalimat “Put your card into the slot”. Jadi langkah setelah inserting your card adalah Punch in your PIN / “Enter the PIN”.

2. What is the text about?A. The best way to keep our money safe.B. The procedures of saving money in a bank.C. The description of an Automatic Teller Machine.D. The ways to withdraw money from Automatic Teller Machine.

Answer : D Discussion : Lihat judul “Withdrawing cash with an ATM card”. Teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang The ways to withdraw money from Automatic Teller Machine.

3. What do you have to do if you want to withdraw again?A. Punch in your PIN again and take the money.B. Press “NO” when the machine asks if you’re finished.C. Enter the amount that you want to draw.D. Remove the money when it appears.

When the machine asks if you are finished, press “yes”.Answer : B Discussion : Lihat kata kunci “When the machine asks if you are finished, press “yes”. Kalimat ini berarti “Press “NO” when the machine asks if you’re finished” atau if you want to withdraw again.

Soal Ujian Nasional 2009.

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Withdrawing cash with an ATM cardSteps:

1. Read the direction.2. Put your card into the slot.3. Punch in your PIN.4. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from

checking”.5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.6. When your money appears, remove it.7. When the machine asks if you are finished, press “yes”.8. Take out the receipt.

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Read the following text and answer questions 35 to 37.

2. What is the purpose of the text?a. to tell how to make Anzac Biscuits b. to see the ingredients of Anzac Biscuitsc. to announce a new recipe of Anzac Biscuitsd. to prepare everything for cooking Anzac Biscuits.

Answer : ADiscussion : Lihat judul “Anzac Biscuits” . Tujuan dari teks di atas adalah “to tell how to make Anzac Biscuits.

3. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac biscuits?a. to mix baking soda and boiling waterb. to press the balls of mixturec. to put the balls on trayd. to roll the mixtureAnswer : BDiscussion : Lihat kata kunci ”press lightly on top of each with fork”

4. “add this to the oats mixture in ……”What does the word “this” refer to? It is the mixture of …..

a. baking soda, boiling waterb. oats, flour, sugar, and melted butterc. melted butter, golden syrup, and baking sodad. baking soda, boiling water, melted butter and golden syrup

Answer : B

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Anzac biscuits

You will need:

2 cups of rolled oats1 ½ cups of caster sugar

4 tablespoon of golden syrup2 tablespoon of boiling water1 cup of plain flour250 gram of butter1 teaspoon of baking soda

1. turn oven 160oC.2. lightly grease oven tray.3. mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl.4. melt butter and golden syrup in a pan.5. mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup.6. add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup.7. add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together well.8. roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Put on tray 5 cm

apart.9. press lightly on top of each with a fork.10. bake for 20 minutes.

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Discussion : Lihat langkah-langkah berikut : 5.mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup., 6.add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup., 7.add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together well.

Practice on Questions.

Read the following text and answer the questions.

1. What is the purpose of the text above?A. To tell the readers about some steps to do somethingB. To tell the readers about favorite food.C. To tell the readers about ingredients to make food.D. To tell the readers about the past event.

2. What should you do after you cut the vegetables into some pieces.’A. Prepare them on the plate.B. Put some chopped garlics into the pan.C. Boil the water in the pan.D. Add some salt and sugar.

3. Below are some materials you need to make soup except….A. Potatoes, carrots, and garlicB. Garlic, carrots, and salt.C. Water, garlic, and macaroni.D. Sugar, pepper, and chilli.

How to Make A Photo Fish Fun FrameYou’ll need:A Styrofoam tray, coloured tissue paper, any photograph, glue stick and varnish.Steps:1. draw the fish on the tray and cut it out. The fish should be a little smaller

than the photograph you want to frame.2. cut different-coloured tissue paper into little places.3. use a glue stick. Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray so that they

overlap a little.4. cover the fish cut out, which will serve as the frame’s stand.5. after you have covered the frame and the fish, varnish both.6. let the pieces dry, then glue the fish cut out to the back and use it to

hold up the frame.7. attack the photo to the back of the frame with sellotape. Pretty fish, isn’t


4. What does the word “they” in the sentence “Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray so that they overlap a little” refer to?

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A. Some pieces of tissue paperB. Some pieces of plain paperC. Some glue stickD. Some frame’s stand

5. What should you with the frame and the fish after covering them?A. We should varnish them.B. We should cover them again.C. We should let the pieces dry.D. We should glue the fish cut out to the back.

3. ReportTeks report adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu/benda-benda,

misalnya berbagai benda/fenomena alam, buatan, dan social yang ada atau terjadi di lingkungan kita secara umum.Struktur teks report:

1. general classification (klasifikasi umum): pengantar tentang sesuatu/fenomena yang akan                dibahas.2. description (deskripsi): menerangkan sesuatu/fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi bagian-    bagian, kualitas, dan perilaku.    Cirri-ciri teks report:

- menggunakan the simple present tense , tetapi jika sudah punah atau mati menggunakan past tense.

- Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya: surround, make, begin, etc.Contoh:

AMPHIBIANSAn amphibian is an animal that has moist, hairless skin.Amphibians are cold-blooded, which means they cannot

make their own body heat. They get warm in the sun and cool off in the shade. The three

main groups of amphibians are frogs and toads, salamanders and Caecilians.

All amphibians have backbones. The three kinds of amphibians look very different from each other. Frogs and toads have legs but do not have tails. Salamanders have short legs, and long bodies ending in tails. Caecilians do not have any legs. They look a lot like big earthworms.

Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris

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Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas IX Edisi 4

Questions Models.Read the text below to answer the questions following.Do you know that a giraffe may grow more than six metres tall? Yes, the

giraffe is a very tall animal. In fact, it is the tallest animal in the world.A giraffe has a very long neck. Unfortunately, the giraffe cannot bend its

neck easily. Thus, when it wants to drink water at a pool, the giraffe has to spread its front legs apart, so it can reach the water.

A giraffe feeds on plant only. Hence, it can reach the leaves on trees easily because of its height. Also, a giraffe has a very long tongue – about 0,5 metres long. The giraffe uses this long tongue skillfully to pick leaves off plants and trees.

This tall animal can protect itself very well. It has a very good sense of smell and sight. It can hear very well, too. Finally, it can gallop very fast at a speed of 50 km.p.h.

The giraffe’s hind legs and long neck are also very useful. For example, a giraffe can kick its enemy with its hind legs or even hit out with its long neck.1. What does a giraffe use to kick its enemy?

A. Front legs.B. Bent neck.C. Hind legs.D. Long toungue.Answer : CDiscussion : Lihat kalimat terakhir dari paragraph kelima “a giraffe can kick its enemy with its hind legs”.

2. What can a giraffe do with its height?A. It may grow more than six metres tall.B. Its legs must be spread apart for drinking.C. It is able to reach the leaves on the trees.D. It can gallop at speed of 50 km. p.h.Answer : CDiscussion : Lihat kalimat kedua dari paragrap ketiga dan temukan kata kunci “it can reach the leaves on trees easily because of its height”.

3. What does the text tell us about?A. The protective animal.B. The height of giraffe.C. The giraffe long toungue.D. Giraffe in general.

Answer : DDiscussion : Teks di atas adalah tentang “Giraffe in general”.

Read the text and answer questions 4.

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Dinosaurs were a type of lizards. They lived from about 230 million to about 65 million years ago. In 1842, Sir Richard Owen created the word dinosaurs. It came from Greek words deinos, meaning “terrible” and sauros, meaning “lizard”. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for about 140 million years.During the dinosaurian era, the days were short. The sun was not as hot as it is today. On earth there was only one big continent and one big ocean. The name of the continent was pangea (all lands) and the name of the ocean was panthallassa (all seas).There were many kinds of dinosaurs. Some of them were very big and some others were small. Some dinosaurs ate leaves and some others ate meat. Some dinosaurs could fly.What happened to dinosaurs? Dinosaurs became extinct because there was a large comet hitting the earth. The comet caused fire and it killed the trees. Dinosaurs could not eat because there were no tress on earth and finally they died and became extinct.

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4.  what were the days like during the dinosaurs era?a. Longb. Coldc. Warmd. Short

Answer : DDiscussion : Lihat kalimat pertama dari paragrap kedua “During the

dinosaurian era, the   days were short”.5. what is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. there were many kinds of dinosaursb. some dinosaurs could fly in the sky c. many dinosaurs were small in formd. dinosaurs ate leaves and meat

6. the writer wrote the text …..a. to describe what the dinosaurs look likeb. to show the steps how to measure dinosaursc. to inform people about dinosaurs and their livesd. to amuse people by showing the dinosaurs’ power

Practice on Questions.

Kangaroo, the Australian Identity

The first kangaroos in Australia lived in the forest. They ate only insects and were about the size of large rats. They developed from type of possum that came down from the trees to search for food on the forest floor. Today the kangaroos are much bigger than the ancient kangaroos. The smallest kangaroos weigh 500 gram.

There are many types of small kangaroos in Australia although most people only see and hear the big ones. A lot of the smaller kangaroos, such as burrowing and brush-tailed bettongs, are in danger of extinction. The sheep, cattle and rabbits eat their food and the tall grasses the use to shelter from predator like foxes and feral cats.

The kangaroos’ hop is very unusual. It is different from the jump of a large animal. If you try to hop up the street like a kangaroo, you will get tired quickly. A kangaroo can jump 65 km/h. It has hind legs that can store a lot of energy when it hops. Its stomach pumps air in and out of their lungs and saves their muscles a lot of work.

Kangaroos are marsupials. They rear their young in a pouch-like koalas and wombats. In a good condition the females of some kangaroos (for example, the red)

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are almost always pregnant. A day or two after the joey is born she mates again. A female kangaroo can produce different milk from different teats for the older and younger joeys.

1.The text above tells us about…….a. The first kangaroos in Australia.b. The life and habitat of kangaroos c. The types of kangaroosd. Kangaroos food.Answer : ADiscussion : Lihat kalimat pertama dari teks bacaan di atas “The first

kangaroos in Australia lived in   the forest”. Teks di atas berbicara tentang The first kangaroos in Australia.

2.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?a. The kangaroos firstly lived in Australia.b. A lot of smalls kangaroos also live in Australia.c. Kangaroos can jump in a long distance.d. Some kangaroos can mate after one or two days of born joey. Answer : BDiscussion : Main idea dari paragrap kedua ada pada awal paragrap “There are many types of small kangaroos in Australia”.

3.What is the food of the first kangaroos?a. Rat b. Insectc. Leafd. TreeAnswer : BDiscussion : Lihat kalimat kedua dari paragrap pertama “They ate only insects and were about the size of large rats”.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?a. The first kangaroos in Australia have size bodyb. Most people only know about the small kangaroosc. Kangaroos will get tired quickly if they jumpd. Kangaroos keep their young in a pouch

Answer : D Discussion : Lihat kalimat kedua dari paragrap terakhir “They rear their young

in a pouch-like….”. Jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan teks bacaan. Lihat dan pahami satu per satu alternatif jawaban lain kemudian cocokkan dengan isi bacaan.

4. Narrative

Teks narrative adalah teks yang menceritakan sesuatu yang imajinatif atau khayalan (fiksi) belaka seperti fabel, legenda, dongeng-dongeng dll. Tujuannya untuk menghibur pembaca atau memberi pesan moral kepada pembaca.Struktur teks narrative1. orientation (pendahuluan cerita): memperkenalkan tokoh-tokoh dalam

cerita, latar, dan waktu.

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2. complication: munculnya permasalahan di antara tokoh-tokoh tersebut.

3. resolution: masalah dapat diatasi.4. re-orientation (opsional)Ciri-ciri teks narrative:- menggunakan past tense- biasanya dimulai dengan adverbs of time (kata keterangan waktu)

seperti long time ago, once upon a time, in a faraway land.- Menggunakan kata hubung (conjunction), seperti then, after that, before.Contoh:

Questions Models.

Read the text to answer questions below.

Once upon a time, there were two butterflies, Teri and Roni. They are friends. Teri and Roni had the same crown.One day, Kodi a frog, saw Teri and Roni questioning “You took it” said Roni”No. I did not!” said Teri. “Hey, what’s the matter?” asked Kodi.“Teri stole my crown!” said Roni.“No. I didn’t,” said Teri.“Yesterday, I still had my crown when she came to visit me,” said Roni.“Today I cannnot find the crown! Look!, she is wearing it!” Roni shouted.“My mom gave me this crown,” Teri explained.Kodi sugested they all go to Roni’s house.

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“Where did you put it?” said Kodi to Roni.“I put it on the table, “Roni answered.They didn’t fell down.” Kodi looked under the table. Nothing was there.“It was my favorite crown!” Roni sobbed.“I didn’t steal yours, but if you like it so much, you can have mine, “ Teri gave Roni the crown. “It’s here!”. Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain. Roni stopped crying, “Thank God, Kodi found it!”“Sorry, Teri, I accused you. I’m a terrible friend!”“It’s OK,” said Teri. “Let’s say thanks to Kodi!”.

1. Where did Kodi find the crown?a. Under the table.b. On the table.c. Behind the curtain.d. In the house.

Answer : CDiscussion : Lihat kalimat berikut “Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain”.2. “I put it on the table,” (line 13).

What does the underlined word refer to?a. The crown.b. The house.c. The table.d. The curtain.

Answer : ADiscussion : Baca kalimat berikut “My mom gave me this crown,”

Teri explained. Kodi sugested they all go to Roni’s house. “Where did you put it?” said Kodi to Roni. “I put it on the table, “Roni answered. “It” merujuk pada kata yang ada pada kalimat sebelumnya

yaitu “the crown.”. 3. From the story, we can learn that…

a. Trusting each other is very important.b. The goodness is always the winner.c. A wise friend can be trusted.d. We shouldn’t accuse of others without proof.

Answer : DDiscussion : I accused you. I’m a terrible friend!”

“It’s OK,” said Teri. “Let’s say thanks to Kodi!”.Accused = terrible = should not

4. From the story above we can conclude that Kodi is a… friend.a. Wiseb. Goodc. Polited. Happy

Answer : A Discussion : Lihat kalimat “Kodi suggested they all go to Roni’s house”.

Suggested   menunjukkan bahwa Kodi adalah teman yang bijaksana.

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Text for questions 14 to 17.Once upon a time, there were a king and his queen who lived in the Kingdom of

Belinyu. They didn’t have any child. Until one night, the queen had a dream of a turtle. It said that the queen would have a baby, and she had to give a Komala necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a Komala necklace in her hand. She told her dream to the king, and was very happy.

Shortly, the queen’s dream became reality, she delivered a beautiful baby girl. The king named her, Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had a bad attitude because her parent always spoiled her too much.

One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s dream. She thought that the turtle was very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.

Accompanied with the king’s guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she found it in a beach. She shouted to it, “Penyu busuk wait for me”, in several times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it into the sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guard could not save her. Now people call the beach, penyubusuk.

5. What does the story tell us?a. a bad attitude girlb. a kingdom in Belinyuc. the legend of Penyu Busukd. the legend of Penyusuk beachAnswer : DDiscussion : Lihat kalimat terakhir dari paragrap terakhir “Now people call the beach, penyubusuk”. 6. what is the main idea of the last paragraph?a. the king permitted Komala to find the turtleb. the celebration of Komala’s birthdayc. Komala drowned into the sead. The turtle disappearedAnswer : CDiscussion : Lihat kata kunci berikut: “Until then she finally drowned and disappeared.7. Komala had a bad attitude because ….A. she was a princessB. her father was a kingC. she was a beautiful girlD. her parents spoiled her very much

8. until then she finally drowned ….. (last paragraph)the synonym of the word “drowned” is ….a. disappearedb. floatedc. swamd. sankAnswer : DDiscussion : drowned = sank.

Ujian Nasional 2008.

Practice on Questions.

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Once upon a time, in the jungle there lived a fox. His name was Rox. No one didn’t know him. Everybody in the jungle was afraid of him because his face and style look very vicious.

One day in a summer beautiful morning, when Rox was drinking at the side of the river, he saw a little rabbit in danger. A snake came sneaking behind the little rabbit. The snake was going to eat the rabbit. Rox jumped over the snake as soon as possible and scared the snake away.

The little rabbit then felt relieved that Rox just save his live from the treat of the dangerous snake. After that, the little rabbit told the whole jungle that Rox was a kind fox. He just saved his life. There was no need to afraid of him anymore.

1.Paragraph two tells us about……a. Fox looked very vicious to every oneb. Little rabbit was relieved about kind foxc. Fox saved a little rabbit’s lifed. Snake was scared of the little rabbit

2.What was Rox doing when the little rabbit in danger?

a. Drinking.b. Eating.c. Jumping.d. Sneaking.

3.What is the purpose of the story above?e. To describe about the vicious foxf. To entertain readers about kind foxa. To explain about the little rabbitb. To inform us a life in the jungle

4. “He just save his life”, (paragraph 3). The underlined word refers to…a. Foxb. Little Rabbitc. Foxd. Snake

5. RecountTeks recount bercerita tentang kejadian/peristiwa nyata yang telah

berlalu/lampau, biasanya tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.Struktur teks recount:1. orientation (orientasi) berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita

tersebut, peristiwa yang terjadi, tempat dan waktu peristiwa itu terjadi.2. Events: berisi jalinan peristiwa/kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalaman

tersebut. Bagian ini bisa terdiri atas beberapa event/peristiwa.3. Re-orientation: berisi tentang rangkuman/penutup cerita.Ciri-ciri teks recount:- menggunakan past tense, tetapi pada orientation bisa menggunakan simple

present tense.

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- menggunakan kata hubung (conjunctions), misalnya: then, before, after.Contoh:

My Basketball ExperienceWhen I was Junior High School, I really loved basketball. Every Saturday afternoon I practiced in school field with my team and my coach. They were strong and smart players. My coach, Mr. Sentana was a kind person. But, while he was coaching us, he was very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team’s rules.

With Mr. Sentana, our team won many tournaments in many big cities. Our team named after our school, 67 team (from SMP 67) and we had many fans too. Now, I still love basketball and have a team too. But, my parents warn me to pay attention more to my study, basketball just for hobby.

Adapted from: English in Focus for Junior High SchoolGrade VIII

Questions Models.

Questions number 1-3 are based on the text.

Have you ever visited a place which made you want to stay forever?I have. Last year, I went to Situ Cileunca. At first, I thought the place was only the same as other places in Bandung. But I was very surprised to find that it was the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited.

There were fantastic meadows, a lake, and a river. The meadows was very large. In the middle of the meadow there were many cows and sheep. All the animals were fat and healthy because they could easily get some grass in that large meadow. At the edge of the meadow, there was a small river. The water in the river was very cold. But the sound of the streaming water was good to hear, especially in the evening.

Not far away from th herd of cattle, there was a lake. The lake wasn’t too big, but it was very beautiful. The water was very clear and clean. We could see many fish in the lake. The most amazing thing was the water itself. It was not cold although the

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weather around was extremely freezing.Unfortunately, I stayed there for just three days because we

had to go back to Jakarta. But I have promised myself to come back later.

1. What does the writer tell you about?a. Visiting fantastic meadows.b. Living in Situ Cileunca.c. Seeing many fish in the lake.d. Visiting Situ Cileunca.

2. What does paragraph three tell us about?a. The beauty of the lake.b. The weather around the lake.c. The fish in the lake.d. The water in the river.

3. Why was the writer very surprised?a. The place was exceptional.b. The weather around the lake was cold.c. The fish in the lake was beautiful.d. The water was warm.

Ujian Nasional 2009Read the text and answer questions 4 to 6.

4. What is the purpose of the text?a. Entertaining the readers with a funny story.b. Describing a particular and special thing.c. Presenting points of view about an issue.d. Informing a past event.Answer : DDiscussion : Tujuan dari teks recount adalah to tell / inform a past event 5. When did the writer realize what was happening? While he was ….a. Feeling his bed started to tremble.b. Noticing the electric light swaying.c. Hearing a terrible noise of wall falling.d. Watching the house began to fall sideway.

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I had just got into bed about half past eleven when I felt the tremor. The bed started to tremble and I noticed the electric light, which was hung on the ceiling, was swaying.

Then I got out of bed quickly and went to look out of the window. As I looked, I saw the house opposite began to fall sideways. Then I realized what was happening. I put on my dressing-gown hurriedly and rushed out into the garden.

I was alone at the house. My wife and children had gone to visit my mother-in-law.For three or four minutes, I heard a terrible noise of walls falling down, and people

screaming, and I saw clouds of dust in the air. Then, the trembling stopped.There were about fifty persons killed and more than two hundred injured. The damage

of property was considerable, and about three hundred houses would have to be completely rebuilt.

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Answer : D Discussion : Lihat kalimat kedua paragrap 2. …. I saw the house opposite began to fall sideways. Then I realized what was happening.

6. How did the writer save his life?a. By looking out of the window.b. By rushing out into the garden.c. By turning the electricity light off.d. By getting the bed out of the room.Answer : BDiscussion : Lihat kalimat terakhir par.2 “…rushed out into the garden”7. Paragraph 5 tells us about ……..a. rebuilding housesb. the screaming peoplec. considerable propertyd. the victims of the earthquake

8. “the bed started to tremble and I noticed the electricity light,…”What does the word underlined mean?

a. hungb. saw. c. swayd. turned onAnswer : BDiscussion : Noticed = Saw. Jawaban lain salah.

Ujian Nasional 2008

Practice on Questions.

Read the text below to answer the questions following.Joko was very busy last week. He wrote some letters for his parents and friends on Monday. On Tuesday he visited Ratu Praditya’s school. He played tennis for two hours there. Ratu is his friend.

In the evening he went to the sport shop. He bought a new tennis racket. Then he played tennis again the whole day on Wednesday.

He stayed home in the evening. He was very tired. Then, he spoke to his parents on the phone.

On Thursday he watched the football match on television. On the weekend he visited his brother’s badminton club at Jalan Angsana I.

1. What does the text tell us about?a. Joko’s last week activitiesb. Tennis playerc. Ratu Praditya’s school d. Joko’s parents

2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?a. Joko visited his friendb. Joko was very busy last weekc. Joko wrote some lettersd. Joko played tennis

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3. What did Joko do on Tuesday?a. He wrote some lettersb. He went to the sport shopc. He visited Ratu Praditya’s schoold. He spokes to his parents

4. What does the word “there” in the first paragraph refer to?a. his parents houseb. Ratu Praditya’s schoolc. Joko’s schoold. His friends house.

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Dalam Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris 2009 terdapat beberapa butir soal untuk mengukur keterampilan menulis siswa. Soal-soal tersebut mengharuskan siswa untuk menyusun kata/kalimat acak menjadi kalimat/paragraf yang padu dan melengkapi teks rumpang. Teks yang digunakan adalah teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai berbentuk descriptive, report, narrative, recount, dan procedure. Untuk menyusun kata-kata agar membentuk kalimat yang padu biasanya menggunakan teks fungsional pendek; sedangkan untuk soal menyusun kalimat menjadi paragraf yang padu dan melengkapi teks rumpang memakai esai.

A. ARRANGING JUMBLED WORDS.Lihat dan pahami tips/cara menjawab soal jenis ini di session one.

Questions Models.

Arrange the jumbled words into sentences.1. a better – keep – life – always – clean – for – our – environment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a. 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 8 b. 4 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 1 – 3 c. 2 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 3 d. 4 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 3

Answer : B.Discussion : A. Keep always clean for a better life our environment. B.Always keep clean our environtment for a better life. C. Keep clean our environment always for a better life. D. Always clean our environment for keep a better life.

2. little – up – your – please – at – school – brother – pick1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a. 4 – 3 – 1 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 6 b. 4 – 3 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 6 c. 4 – 8 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 6 d. 4 – 8 – 3 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 6

Ujian Nasional 2008.Answer : DDiscussion : A. please your little brother pick up at school.

B. please your brother pick up little at school. C. please pick your little up brother at school. D. please pick your little brother up at school.

3. when – leave- gas stove – on – do - unattended – not. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a. 5-7-6-3-4-2-1.b. 5-7-3-4-6-1-2.c. 5-7-6-3-1-2-4.d. 5-7-2-3-6-1-4.

Answer : DDiscussion : A. do not unattended gas stove on leave when.

B. do not gas stove on unattended when leave. C. do not unattended gas stove when leave on. D. do not leave gas stove unattended when on.

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4. delicious – it’s- simple – a – very – it’s- but – dish – very. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. 2-5-1-8-7-6-9-4-3.b. 6-4-5-3-1-7-2-9-8.c. 2-4-5-3-8-7-6-9-1.d. 6-9-1-3-7-2-5-4-3.

Ujian Nasional 2009 Answer : CDiscussion : A. It’s very delicious dish but it’s very a simple.

B. It’s a very simple delicious but it’s very dish. C. It’s a very simple dish but it’s very delicious. D. It’s very delicious simple but it’s very a simple. Susunan kata yang paling tepat adalah pada pilihan jawaban C.

Practice on Questions.

1. New jacket – buy – Wiliam – didn’t – did – neither – John 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a. 3, 4, 2, 1, 6, 5, 7 b. 4, 2, 1, 6, 5, 7, 3 c. 1, 2, 6, 7, 3, 5, 4 d. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7

2. Rubbish – do – throw – not - here 1 2 3 4 5 a. 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 b. 2, 3, 5, 1, 4 c. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 d. 2, 4, 5, 1, 3

B. ARRANGING JUMBLED SENTENCES.Lihat dan perhatikan cara menjawab jenis soal ini di session one.

Questions Models.

1. Arrange the following sentences into a good narrative text.1. The five-footed bear liked to help other animals.2. One afternoon, when the five-footed bear went home, he found a rabbit

under mahogany tree.3. But all animals who lived with him didn’t feel strange.4. Once upon a time there was a strange bear who lived in a jungle.5. Then, the five-footed bear brought him to his home.6. His home was open for anyone who wanted to stay.7. He had five feet.8. The rabbit looked hungry.

A. 4-7-3-5-6-8-2-1B. 4-7-1-3-8-6-5-2C. 4-7-3-1-6-2-8-5D. 4-7-3-1-5-2-6-8. Ujian Nasional 2009.Answer : C

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Discussion : Urutan yang logis untuk jenis teks narrative tersebut ada pada jawaban C. Untuk jawaban yang lain urutannya kurang logis.

2. Arrange the following sentences into a good recount text.1. The bus was air-conditioned, so I felt comfortable.2. All the passangers got off, did their prayers and had dinner.3. Then I took a taxi to my grandparents’ house.4. In my holiday I visited my grandparents in Bandung.5. The bus stopped at Pekalongan.6. I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon.7. The bus reached Bandung at six.The best arrangement to make a text is…

A. 4-6-5-1-7-2-3.B. 4-6-2-1-5-7-3.C. 4-6-1-5-2-7-3.D. 4-6-5-2-1-3-7.

Answer : CDiscussion : Urutan yang logis untuk jenis teks recount tersebut ada pada jawaban C. Untuk jawaban yang lain urutannya kurang logis.

Practice on Questions.

1. which one is the best arrangement of the sentences below?1. his short bill could not reach the water2. he looked everywhere to find some water, but there was not any.3. then, he found a tall jar with a very low water in it4. at last, he drank the water as much as he liked5. soon, he filed the jar with stones so the water came up higher6. one day a crow was very tired and thirstya. 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3 b. 6 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 c. 6 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 4 d. 6 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1

2. 1. a female elephant carries her unborn young for about 20 to 22 monts2. although they have huge bodies and great power, their movements are smooth and gentle.3. when they grow up, the hair becomes sparser.4. the baby elephant is usually about one meter high and weighs about one

hundred kilograms.5. elephants are the largest mammals in the world.6. within an hour of birth, the baby elephant can stand on its own feet.7. newly born elephants usually have thick hair all over their bodies.8. adult elephants have almost no hair.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?a. 7 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 8 – 2 – 5 b. 5 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 7 – 3 – 8 c. 1 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 5 – 3

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d. 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 6 – 8 3. Arrange these sentences to make good paragraph.

1. It has the head and feet of a duck and the body of a mammal2. Yesterday, we went to Safari Park in Cisarua Bogor.3. Have you ever seen a picture of a platypus?4. Well, now I’ve seen a real live platypus.

a. 2, 3, 5, 4, 1b. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1c. 2, 3, 5, 1, 4d. 1, 4, 5, 2, 3

4.Arrange the sentences into a good composition.1. Also, a young horse is called a “colt”2. A horse is a large animal with four legs3. We can see all of them in a zoo4. We call a small horse a “Pony”

a. 2, 4, 1, 3 c. 3, 1, 4, 2 b. 4, 2, 3, 1 d. 4, 1, 2, 3

C. Finding appropriate words to complete a short report text

Lihat cara menjawab soal jenis ini di session one

Questions Models.


a. Itb. Its c. Theyd. TheirAnswer : ADiscussion : Kata ganti dari Puck-Wudgie adalah It.

2.a. havingb. havec. hadd. hasAnswer : ADiscussion : Bentuk kata kerja yang paling tepat adalah “has”.

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This character’s name is Puck-Wudgie. (1) ……….. has a fat head, big bulgy eyes with long eyelashes, a pig-like nose, and a wide mouth with a big silly grin. On its enormous ears it ……(2) log dangling earrings with frills. Its hair and neck are long. It has a round stomach with a ……..(3) belly button, not the big one, four stubby arms and two stubby legs. It loves dance all night to punk music.

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3.a. little b. largec. longd. hugeAnswer : littleDiscussion : Kata sifat yang paling tepat adalah little.

Practice on Questions.

1. a. town b. country c. mountain d. jungle

2. a. dirty b. beautiful c. soft d. fresh

3. a. children b. animals c. people d. trees

4. a. size b. type c. length d. large

5. a. bloom b. blooms c. bloomed d. has bloomed

Garuda is an important symbol in Indonesian culture. The Garuda eagle in Hindu Mythology is most……(6) depicted as the vehicle of the God Vishnu. ….(7) often refers to the King of all things that fly and it was ….(8) as the name of Indonesian Airlines.

6. a. Beautifully

b. fast c. Commonly d. Greatly

7. a. He

b. Its c. Him d. It

8. a. taken b. take c. took d. take

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1. The notice above means ...a. smoking is allowed in the area. b. smoking is not good for you.c. smoking is prohibited in the area.d. Smooking is permitted for you.


You might see the sign above on the door of a high building. What does the notice mean ?a. The door is not used anymore because it is in bad condition and dangerous.b. Use this door to get out of the building in case of emergency situation.c. The situation in the building is dangerous, so people like to use it.d. If you leave the building through this way, you are in danger.

3. What does Deny wish to Ira's birthday?a. Happiness c. Successb.Greatness d. Maturity

4. “Warm birthday wishes enjoy your day”. The underlined word has the same meaning as ….a. suggests c. encouragesb. expects d. steps over

Read the text and answer questions number 5 and 6

5. What will happen tomorrow?a. Ahda will present a paper tomorrow b. Ahda will bring his notebook tomorrowc. Kia will have a presentation tomorrow d. Kia will write a paper tomorrow

6. What should Kia do to prepare the presentation? These answers are correct, except…. a. She should have enough rest

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Dear Kia,

You'll present your paper tomorrow. Don't forget to make copies of your paper for the audience. Prepare the power point presentation well. It will be better if you bring your own notebook. Have enough sleep tonight. Wish you luck.


My sweet heart, IRA.

Warm birthday wishes enjoy your day and also do the things that make you happy. have a great birthday



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b. She should copy the paperc. She should create a power point presentationd. She should go to bed late

Read the text and answer questions number 7 to 9

7. What is the purpose of the text?a. Describing someoneb. Inviting peoplec. Giving informationd. Visiting Jakarta

8. From the invitation above we can conclude that….a. Mr and Mrs Indra hold a circumcision party b. Mr and Mrs Indra have one sonc. The guest come from East Jakartad. The party will be held in the morning.

9. How long will the reception last?a. 5 hoursb. 6 hoursc. 7 hoursd. 8 hours

Read the text and answer questions number 10 to 13

There was once a wolf who felt so hungry. He gulped down all his food as though his life depended on it. No wonder he had a chicken bone stuck in his throat . Luckily for him, a stork who happened to be passing nearby, heard his shrieks of pain, and she stopped, always ready to help wherever she could .

Just one look was enough for her to guess what had happened. At once, without saying a word or wasting any time, she set to work. It was going to be a very long and a very difficult job. But how could the stork help the greedy wolf?

At last, with the aid of her long beak, she got hold of the bone and pulled it out of the wolf's throat.

Now, any other animal would have been glad to pay the stork for what she

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In the name of Allah the most beneficent and the

most merciful

Mr. and Mrs. Indra SarwanaCordially invite you at the

circumcisionreception of their sons



On Sunday 1st of March, 2009,At 11.00 a.m. until 07.00 p.m.

Venue:Kav. Pesona Kalisari Blok A No 28

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did. And when the wolf began walking away, without even thanking her, she said as much.

"You think I would pay you?" cried the wolf, finding his voice. "After digging into my throat with your long beak? You should be glad I don't eat you, you ungrateful bird! Go away, and don't get under my paws again!"

10. The best title for the text above is …..a. The wolf and the storkb. The greeady wolfc. The lucky storkd. A Chicken Bone

11. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?a. The wolf was so hungry b. The wolf had a chicken bone stuck in his throatc. A stock heard the wolf’s shrieks of paind. A strok was always ready to help the wolf

12. What can you learn from the text?a. You should love strange people.b. You must believe in God. c. You shouldn’t trust others people easily.d. You should be happy with other people.

13. “ ….as though his life depended on it (paragraph 1) The word “it” in the sentence above refers to ….a. the wolf c. his foodb. the chicken d. the storkRead the text and answer questions number 14 to 15

MEDI CreamQuick relief from minor cuts, burns and skin iritation.

Cools! Medicates Heals!

Net weight 500 ml

Uses: For sunburn, insect bites, minor cuts, and bums. Cools as it heals. Helps prevent infection.

Direction:1. Apply a thin layer on the

injured skin2. Repeat as often as

necessary for up to one week

Caution: Do not use on deep waundsorserous bums. Consult a physician for deep wounds or serious bums.

Expiry date: 4/02

14. What does the text tell us?a. a treatment of medi-creamb. the dosage of medi-creamc. the direction of usage medi-creamd. the medi-cream production

15. How do we use the medi-cream? We use it by ….

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a. Repling prevent infection b. Applying a thin layer on the injured skinc. Burning it before we used. Consulting a physicanRead the text and answer questions number 16 to 18

16. What makes wool quality different?a. Varieties of sheepb. The overlapping scalesc. Australian sheepd. The shorn sheep

17. “…..” this strengthens the fibre and gives it a shine”.The opposite of the underlined word is ….a. Lengthensb. Smothsc. Spreadsd. Weakens

18. Cotton plants are able to grow well in a ….a. tropical climate b. humid areac. hot regiond. temperate zone

Text for no. 19-22.Recognized as the largest amusement park in Jakarta, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol or Ancol Dreamland provides all classes and kinds of entertainment. Ancol is especially designed for family recreation. This place, located at Jalan Lodan Timur 7 in North Jakarta, houses a water park, theme park (Dunia Fantasi or Fantasy Land), an art market, oceanarium, and Sea World.

The park was built on reclaimed land. The beach close to the park is not recommended

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The most common fibres used are wool, cotton and polyester.

Wool is the fleece of the sheep that is spun and woven after the animal has been shorn. Different qualities of wool come from different varieties of sheep. Fleeces of merino sheep are most commonly used in Australia. Wool is a protein fibre called ke atine. Like human hair, wool fibres have - scales which overlap each other. It is because of these scales, which trap the air, the wool keeps you feeling warm or cool.

Cotton comes from the seed pod of the cotton plant. It is a cellulose fibre, consisting of plant cells, and has different properties from protein fibres. The cotton plan is a dark green bushy plant that grows in warm, moist climates. In Australia, cotton is grown in nothern New South Wales and Queensland. Cotton is a fibre with a gentle twist. cotton may also go through a process called mercerisation. This is when cotton is treated in a bath of caustic soda; this strengthens the fibre

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for swimming, but is a good place to stroll and relax. Stalls along the beach serve drinks and snacks while shelters are available for sunbathers to take a break from the sun.

Ancol is also a gateway for island trips to Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands). Hundreds of private boats moor every day at the Marina. The Marina is a good spot for marine recreation and sports with lots of facilities, such as paddle boats, canoes, sailing boats, and fishing gear.

19. What is the text about?a. Jakarta.b. Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.c. Kepulauan Seribu.d. The Marina.

20. What does the word “houses” in “ … houses a water park … “ mean?a. offersb. buildsc. sellsd. serves

21. Sunbathers stop sunbathing for a while at …a. the parksb. the stallsc. the sheltersd. an art market

22. What is the last paragraph about? a. The Marina, Ancol.b. The Marina, Kepulauan Seribu.c. Kepulauan Seribu, Ancol.d. Ancol, Jakarta.

Read the text and answer questions number 23 to 26

Although the jaguar is an animal that is found in Asia, it is famous in Asia because of the car named after the animal. This report provides information on the characteristics, habitat and life of the jaguar.

The jaguar belongs to the cat family. It is one, of the four big (roaring) cats: the lion, the tiger and the leopard. Because it has spots, a jaguar is often mistaken for the leopard. However, a jaguar has larger rosette markings, a stronger body, and a shorter tail. A rosette is a rose shaped spot on an animal. The rosettes of jaguars sometimes look like the print of an animal paw.

The jaguar is brownish-yellow in colour and has spots on the head, neck and legs, and rosettes on other parts of its body. It can weigh up to 100 kilograms and has a powerful jaw that it can easily crush the skull of its prey.

23. Among these statements, the correct one is ….a. A jaguar only lives in Asia b. A jaguar is a time animal c. A Leopard does not have rosette markingsd. A leopard is stronger than a jaguar

24. What does a jaguar use to fight against its enemy?a. A jawb. Neck and legsc. A taild. Rosette marking

25. What does the word “its” in paragraph 3 refer to ?

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a. The body.b. The Jaguar.c. The jawd. The neck

26. What is paragraph 2 about? It is about …. of the Jaguar.a. The origin.b. The description.c. The habitat.d. The bodyRead the text and answer questions number 27 to 29

27. What is the advertisement about? These are some possible answers, except .... a. an ethnic dance festival in Kuala Lumpurb. an arts exhibition in Kuala Lumpurc. an arts performance in Kuala Lumpurd. a latest technology exhibition in Kuala Lumpur

28. What can people do to get further information about the festival? These answers below are correct, except ... a. phone the contact personb. dial the call numberc. visit the websited. send a fax

29. The word "venue" is almost similar to ... a. buildingb. streetc. placed. address

Look at the picture and answer questions number 30 and 34

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KL Fest

1 July 2007 until 31 July 2007A festival that will potray the beauty and variety of cultures, arts and traditions from various ethnic for domestic and international ceremony

Venue:Kuala Lumpur

Telp: 603-2612 764 / 26127648


(b) (c)


KARACoconut Milk

So Good

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30. What is the purpose of the text?It is ….a. How to make a cup of tea b. How to make porridgec. How to cook riced. Hot to make fried rice

31. According to the picture, how do we cook?By using ….a. oil stove b. gas stovec. charcoal stoved. electric pan

32. What liquid do we need in making coloured eggs?a. Vinegar c. Glass jarb. Salt d. Paper towel

33. Which parts of the text do we get the way to make coloring eggs?a. Goalb. Materiakc. Stepsd. Equipments

34. How much water do we need to make the dye?a. 15 ml.b. 300 ml.c. 500 ml.d. 600 ml.

Read the text and answer questions number 35 to 37

Bali is an Island in the Indonesian archipelago. It is in the south of the equator and has warm weather all the year. The rainy season is from November to April, but it can rain any time. Bali is 120 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from north to south, so everywhere is quite close to the sea. Bali is shaped like a diamond. Mount Agung is a volcano, 153.142 meters high and it visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and many religions festivals.

Tourism is the most important industry, many tourists visit Bali to see the beautiful scenery and interesting festival, to swim in the warm seas, to look at the beautiful mountains and valleys and to shop for inexpensive and beautiful clothes, painting and wood crafts,

35.The last paragraph is about….a. The locations of Balib. The most important industry in Balic. The most popular things in Balid. Beautiful mountains in Bali

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36. The tourism industry in Bali offers the following, things, except……a. Culture and natureb. Belief and religionc. Handicraft and traditiond. Wood crafting and painting

37. Which one the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text? a. Bali has four seasonsb. Bali is beautiful and interestingc. Bali is the surrounded by the sead. Bali is only of tourism destination in Indonesia

38. What is the announcement about?a. A students Board Organisation.a. An English Specch Contest.b. A National Day Celebration.c. A National Education Day


39. Based on the announcement above, these statements are correct, except …a. The program will be held on National Education Day.b. There are two competitions will be held.c. Mr.Andi is in charge to organise the programs.d. The programs will last for 4 hours.

40. “ All classes must take part in the programs”. The underlined word has the same meaning as ….

a. Attendb. Visitc. Participated. Gather

Read the text and answer questions number 41 to 43

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October 2, 2008

Mr. Alex Martinez EWED Foundation 55 Temple place Boston, MA 02111

Dear Mr. Martinez,

I'm a student at Carter Middle School, and I want to help your organization.In our computer technology class, our teacher explained that our old computers can be recycled through organizations like the Education Development Foundation to help developing countries keep up with technology.Iam in charge of a class project to organize the schools in our district so that we can begin a computer recycling program. Would you please send me any information you think I might need to begin this project?

Please let me know how I can make arrangements for these systems to help Underprivileged schools group.


Steve Rice.


To : All students of SMP 5 Adiwerna Tegal.

In the framework of National Education Day the students Board Organizaton will hold some interesting programs. They are English Specch Contest, Class Wall Magazine Competition.The program will be held on May 2nd, 2009, stared from 8 am until 1 p.m.All classess must take part in the programs.

For detailled information, please contact Mr.Andi , the coordinator of this program.

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41. What does Steve Rice write to Mr. Martinez for?a. Organizing the school. c. Helping Mr. Martinez.b. Asking for information. d. Carrying out a class project.

42. What is Steve Rice's position due to the computer Recycling Program? He is ….

e. a student of Carter Middle School who wants to help Mr. Martinez. f. the member of Education Development Foundation in Boston. g. charge of class project to organize the schools in his district. h. the coordinator of a computer Recycling program in Boston.

43. What is the aim of Education Development Foundation to have a recycling program of Computers ?

i. To help developing countries keep up with technology.j. To organize a computer Recycling program in each district. k. To lead a class project of a computer recycling program.l. To give information about a computer recycling program to every school.


Minutes after event take place, newspapers are on the streets giving the details, wherever anything happens in the world the (44) …….is on the spot together the news. Newpapers have one basic purpose to (45)…. as quickly as possible from those who know it to those who want to know it.

Newspapers keep readers informed of the latest news. Todays newpapers entertain and inference readers politically and other wise, they inference readers economically through (46)…..

44. a. reader or buyer c. reporter or readerb. reporter or journalist d. journalist and buyer

45.  a. catch c. watchb. look after d. get

46.  a. sport section c. advertisementb. criminal section d. entertainment

47. Little – up – your – please – – brother – pick 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The best arrangement of the jumble words is …..a. 4-3-6-2-7-1-5 c. 7-2-3-1-6-5-4b. 4-7-3-6-1-5-2 d. 7-3-1-5-6-2-4

48. Always – every morning – herbed – nealty – Susi – makes 1 2 3 4 5 6

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c. 5-1-6-3-4-2 c. 5-4-6-3-1-2 b.   5-6-3-1-4-2 d. 5-2-1-6-3-4

49. Arange the following sentencers to make a good paragraph1. One day bee-peep had a walk alone 2. He lived with his parent on a tree3. One upon a time, there was a little bee named Bee-peeo4. Lucky, there was a grasshopper who would take Bee-peep home 5. Suddenty he stopped and realized that he didn’t know where he was

a. 3-2-1-5-4b. 3-1-2-5-4c. 3-2-5-2-4d. 3-1-5-2-4

50. Arrange these sentences into a good order “How to draw money from a bank?”1. Wait for the teller to call out your name2. Fill out the from and give it your sign3. Receive the money and thank the teller4. Take the form at the information desk5. Give the form and your saving book to the teller

a. 4-2-1-3-5 c. 5-1-3-4-2b. 4-2-5-1-3 d. 1-3-5-4-2

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We can find this notice on the bottle of medicine. This notice means…a. We should not put the medicine in the refrigerator.b. We should not put the medicine in the cupboard.c. We should put the medicine in the refrigerator.d. We should put the medicine in the cupboard.

Read the text to answer question number 2-3

2. Who will probably receive the greeting card? Someone who….

1. is in the hospital2. lives in the world3. has done a great job4. is wonderful

3. This greeting may be sent by the followings, EXCEPT….1. a close friend2. a charity organization3. a family doctor 4. a classroom teacher


What does the caution mean?a. The shop sells special broken articles.b. You don't have to buy articles that are brokenc. In this section you will only find broken articlesd. If you break any of the articles, you should pay for it.

5. Where do you ussualy find this caution ?a. Library b. Bookstorec. Stationaryd. Supermarket

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Dear Marilyn

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I want you to know that I'm thinking of you andpraying for you and your family at this difficult time. I wish my words could take away your sadness. Thinking of you.





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6. Based on the greeting card above we know that …. a. Grace accepts her heartfelt condolences.b. Grace expresses her condolences to Marilyn.c. Grace informs Marilyn that her father passed away.d. Grace congratulates on Marilyn’s condolences that her father passed away.


Riana wrote a message of ….. a. Sympathy c. Appreciationb. Condolence d. EncouragementThe text is for no 8 – 9

8. What is the purpose of the message above? a. meeting and greeting Emma's fans b. asking Emma to go to TV3 buildingc. reminding Emma about the interview d. inviting Emma to attend the interview

9. These statements are correct, except …a. Ron asks Emma to prepare the question b. Ron asks Emma to come earlier to TV 3 buildingc. Ron asks Emma to be punctual attending the interview d. Ron asks Emma to prepare the answers for the interview

The text is for no 10 – 11

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I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling well I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care of your self.


To : Emma

Don't forget, you'll have an interview for TV3. Come on time in TV3 building 10th

floor at 6 p.m. Prepare the answers for questions I had given to you. Don't worry I'll be there.

Ron, Manager

Student Organization of SMP Tunas Jaya

To : All class captains

Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held:Date : Saturday . 7 th March 2009Time : After schoolPlace : OSIS roomWe will discuss about the farewell party for the grade IX students.Your attendance will be highly appreciated.

OSIS Chairman OSIS Secretary

Denny Malik Anita Nidya

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10.What is the text about?a.A request to hold a monthly meetingb.An invitation to the monthly meetingc.An invitation to come to the farewell partyd.An invitation to appreciate the grade IX students

11.“We will discuss about the farewell party for the grade IX students”What does the word “we” refer to? a.All grade IX studentsb.OSIS Chairman and OSIS Secretaryc.All teachers and students of the schoold.The OSIS committee and all class captain

The text is for no 12 – 13

12.What does it mean?a. There will be an English Debate Competition next weekb. All students may join the English Debate Competitionc. There are only two days left to join English Debate Competition d. Today is the last day to register for the English Debate Competition

13.“… to join the English Debate Competition.”The synonym of the underlined word is …a. game b. speak c. speech d.. contest

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Tomorrow is the last dayfor you to join the English Debate Competition .So, join now!Contact : Ida, Class VIII A

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The text is for no 14 – 16

My Teddy Bear.

My Teddy Bear is nice to hold. The one I have is growing old. Its paws are almost wearing out and so is its funny furry snout. Its fur is pretty thin. A ribbon and a piece of string make a sort of necktie. Its eyes come out. My Teddy Bear has some new neckties made of thread. I take it everywhere I go and tell my Teddy Bear all the things I know. I like to play with it.

14.What is the writer’s purpose to write the text? To….a. tell his bear’s behaviorb. describe his lovely bearc. describe his close friendd. tell his experience with a bear

15.Based on the text above, what is “Teddy Bear?”a. Petb. Animalc. Dolld. Toy

16.The statements below are true according to the text, except….a. The Teddy Bear still looks lovelyb. The Teddy Bear has some neckties around its neckc. The writer loves her Teddy Bear very muchd. The writer likes to talk with her Teddy Bear about everything

The text is for no 17 – 20

A rare 7-meter-long whale shark got injured in a fishing net off Malaysia’s northwest coast and was towed to shore but died due to injuries, local media reported Saturday.

Fisherman Key Chat Yang told the New Straits Times newspaper that took two hours to tow the two-ton shark, known as a Rhincodon Typus, to land after it got entangled in his fishing net early Friday.

He said the shark was still alive when it reached shore in Northern Penang State in Malaysia's northwest, but it died shortly after from the multiple cuts it suffered from the propeller blades under his boat.

"I have never seen such a gigantic shark in my 30 years as a fisherman," Key was quoted as saying.

The Rhincodon Typus, the largest fish in the world, can be found in warm tropical seas. The leviathan which has distinctive white spots over its dark gray body, can grow as long as of 20 meters and live up to 70 years

Taken from Jakarta Post, January 4, 200817.What is the text about?

It is about….a.A fisherman who got a rare fishb.An injured shark which lived in Malaysia’s shorec.An injured shark which died in Malaysia’s shored.A fisherman who cut a fish with his propeller blade

18.Why did the shark get injured?

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Because of the….a. big boat c. fishing netb. careless fisherman d. multiple cuts

19.Based on the text above, where can the large fish be found? It can be found in…a. the cold seasb.the deep seasc. the North seasd.the equatorial seas

20.What is the synonym of the word “gigantic” in paragraph 4?The answers below are correct, except….a.huge c. greatb.wild d. immense

The text is for no 21 – 23

21.What does the text tell us about?a.Sending an e-mailb.Browsing on the internetc.Making an e-mail programd.Launching a new Message Window

22.What does the word “recipient” mean?a.Senderb.Operatorc.Addressee

1) ProgrammerPour the cooked noodle together with the soup into the bowl and mix well with all the seasoning

2) Boil noodle into 400 cc (2 glasses) of briskly water and simmer for 3 minutes

3) Spread delicious powder4) Pour the seasoning and chili powder on a bowl while noodle is

being cooked5) Noodle is ready to be served

23.Arrange those sentences to make a good paragraph based on the picture!a. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 c. 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 b. 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 1 d. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5

The text is for no 24 – 25

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First Open your "e-mail program” and launch "a new message window" by clicking on the appropriate icon.

Second Type the name/ the email address of the recipient, make sure to enter the address correctly, otherwise the message will return to you. You can also send your email to more than one person by entering multiple addresses.

Third Type the subject of your email/ message.Fourth Write your message in the "Message Window”Fifth Click on the "send icon or select "send from the file menu.

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The Chrisye concert was great. It was held in Convention Center Jakarta last Sunday, Senayan Jakarta. The concert was accompanied by an orchestra lead by Erwin Gutawa. It was a wonderful orchestra and Erwin conducted excellently. Beside Chrisye, three were some other singers, such as Sophia Latjuba, Ari Lasso, and A. Rafiq. They did very amazing performances and sang beautifully. The audience was satisfied with the concert.

24.The singers in the concert sang very….a. happily c. proudlyb. beautifully d. satisfyingly

25.What is the main idea of the text above?a. The orchestra was wonderfulb. The Chrisye concert was greatc. The Chrisye concert was held last Sundayd. The concert was in Convention Hall

The text is for no 26 – 29

Lake Toba

One day a fisherman caught a fish. He was surprised to find the fish could talk. It begged him to let it free. As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a beautiful woman. The fisherman asked to marry him. She agreed. However she told him that he must never let out the secret that she was once a fish. He promised her that he would not tell anyone about it. They lived happily and had two daughters.

One day when the man went out fishing, his daughters brought him his lunch. However instead of bringing the food to their father, the two girls ate it. When their father knew it he got very angry. He shouted, "You behaved exactly like the daughters of a fish." They went home and told their mother about it. Their mother was very annoyed. She would not forgive him for breaking the promise.

Then the earth began to shake, and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked and formed a big hole. People said that the hole become Lake Toba.26.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a.The man went out fishingb.The two girls ate the foodc.The man got very angryd.The man broke his promise

27.Why was the fisherman angry with his daughters?a.His daughters ate his lunchb.His daughters broke the promisec.His daughters behaved like a fishd.His daughters brought him his lunch

28.When their father knew it …The word “ it ” in the sentence above refers to…a. the daughters ate his foodb.the mother annoyedc.his daughters brought his lunchd.the daughters broke her promise

29.“Their mother was very annoyed”The closest meaning of the underlined word is….a. angry c. ashamedb. proud d. unhappy

The text is for no 30 – 31

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30.The medicine is used for the diseases of….a. influenza, cough, asthma, and diarrheab.cough, asthma, influenza, and bronchitisc.asthma, malaria, cough, flu, and bronchitisd.bronchitis, migraine, fever, flue, and asthma

31.Why is the diabetic patient allowed to drink this medicine? Because….a. it contains is free from sugarc. it has good is safe for all the disease

The text is for no 32 – 33

Skin is an important organ of the human body. It covers the body and performs many special functions.

Skin is the largest organ in the human body. It weighs between 2 and 3 kilograms and is either glabrous or hairy. Glabrous skin is that found on the palms of the hands and the souls of the feet. It is smooth and hairless. Hairy skin covers the rest body and this varies in texture, thickness and amount of hair.

Skin is made up of two layers. The outer layer is the epidermis. This is mainly dead or dying skin cells. Beneath the epidermis is the dermis.

The dermis is made from tough fibres and is thicker than the epidermis. Within the dermis are nerves, blood vessels and glands.

Skin does a number of important things for the body. It provides a protective covering for the body, helps to prevent the body drying out, holds the body organs in place and regulates temperature.

The skin, therefore is a complex part of the human body.

32.Which of these statements is correct?a.Skin keeps human’s body dryb.Blood vessels can be found in the dermisc.Epidermis is the skin layer under the dermisd.All of human’s skin is hairy and has varies in texture

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Secretolytic agentComposition5 ml Elixirbromhexine HCL 4 mg.

IndicatorFor productive cough i.e to influenza, flu, cough in acute/chronic, bronchitis, and asthma.

DosageElixirAdult and children > 10 year : 3 x 2 tsp. Children 5 - 10 years : 3 x 1 tsp. Children 2 - 5 years : 3 x 1/2 tsp.Children < 2 years : 3 x 1/4 tsp.Or according to doctor's prescription. The elixir is suitable for diabetic patients, since it does not contain sugar.Store in a safe place out of reach of children.

Adapted from leaflet of Bisolvon Elixir

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33.What does paragraph five tell us about?a.The importance of skin b.The body temperaturec.The body coveringd.The skin parts

The text is for no 34 – 36

Museums are institutions which help people understand and appreciate the world. Museums collect objects of scientific, aesthetic or historical importance. They care for them, study and exhibit them for the purpose of public education and the advancement of knowledge. Museums can be found in almost every big city in the world.

Museums also function as educational institutions which offer many benefits to their visitors. People of different ages, interests, backgrounds and abilities can explore and do self-learning at the museums. They are also public places where people can be entertained, inspired and introduced to new ideas.

There are some major types of museums. The most common one is the history museums. They usually collect a wide range of objects, including fine art, furniture, clothing, documents, and other materials. The next type of museum is the art museum. They reflect artistic accomplishment, both historic and contemporary. Their collection includes paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, photographs, ceramics and glass, metal work and furniture.

The next two museums are the natural history museums and the science museums. The first type of museums usually focuses on nature.

34.What does paragraph two tell us about?a.The functions of museumb.Museums can entertain the visitorsc.The benefits of museum to the historyd.The functions of educational institution

35.In which museum can we find the works of Leonardo Da Vinci?a. science museum c. art museumb. history museum d. natural history museum

36.We can find these things in the natural history museums, except….a. stones c. plant fossilsb. rockets d. animal skeletons

The text is for no 37-38

37.The underlined word in the text above has similar meaning with....a. sale c. purchaseb. rent d. buying

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Please contact : Priska 081 5 664 2955


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38. Mr. Smith is a bachelor. He has just moved from London to Jakarta. He looks for an apartment that suits him. He should take .... a. Airlangga c. Casablanca Apartment b. Sudirman Residence d. Kempinski Private Residence

The text is for no 39 – 40


Enjoy Bali beautiful beaches!Visit the art city of Ubud !Stay in Asia’s finest hotel!Buy beautiful souvenirs!See Mount Agung and much more!We’ve got it all! Come and see the art shops, the temples and the exotic dances.Come and try our restaurants.Call Citra Tour, phone (0231) 5508756

39. The advertisement promotes people to….a. go to Bali c. develop Balib. invest in Bali d. plant trees in Bali

40. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?a. Ubud is the art city of Balib. There are many beautiful beaches in Balic. Visitors can stay in Asia’s finest hotels in Balid. Citra Tour provides the equipment for climbing Mount Agung

The text is for no 41 – 43

The Hounds of the UnderworldOne night a thief was returning home from a robbery. It was a ….. (41) night because it

was very late. Nothing could be heard but the sounds of small creatures. He met ….. (42) along the road. All the people had had a deep sleep.

Suddenly he heard the low bark of a dog coming from the sky. He heard another and another, louder and nearer. He felt very scared ….. (43) he saw same dogs and a huntsman with a black face and horn behind them coming nearer.

41. A. crowdedB. busyC. very busyD. very quiet

42.  A. everybodyB. some peopleC. nobodyD. somebody

43.  A. whenB. althoughC. butD. however

The text is for no 44– 47

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Elizabeth II, born on 21st April 1926, is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabet Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947. The pair has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situation and trends is up to date. She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal.

44. What is the purpose of the text? It is to….a. inform past event b. entertain the readerc. describe a particular persond. tell about general phenomena

45. How old was Elizabeth II in 2008? She was….years old.a. 80 c. 82 b. 81 d. 83

46.Anne is one of the … of George VI.a. sons c. daughtersb. grandsons d. granddaughters

47.“She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited….”The underlined word means….a. hidden c. shownb. found d. given

Complete the missing words with the proper ones !

For questions no. 48 – 49, choose the best arrangement of the words to make correct sentences!

48. let – unattended – the – on – don’t – gas stove – when 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a. 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 4 c. 3 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 4 b. 5 – 1 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 4 d. 3 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 7 – 1

49.came – were – when – my brothers – we – having – home – dinner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8a. 3 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 1 c. 3 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 8 b. 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 8 d. 3 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 5

50.Arrange the sentences to make a good paragraph.1. Crocodile is one of the largest and the most dangerous reptiles2. They have large mouths and many sharp teeth3. Some of the places where they live are Africa, India, South America and Australia4. They live in rivers5. They can also attack and kill people6. They hunt mammals and birds which come to the river to drink

a. 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 5 c. 1 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 6 b. 3 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 5 d. 4 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1

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1. The caution is put on the new blouse. What does the caution mean? a. The machine is not used for drying a new blouse. b. The drier may not be used because it is out of orderc. The blouse must not be dried with drying machine. d. It is an expensive blouse so it does not need to be dried.

2. Where do we usually find the caution above ? it is ...a. the washing machine.b. the T. shirt labelc. iron. d. shoes.

3. Vina sends …. to Sellaa. greeting card c. condolence greetingb. valentine greeting d. wedding anniversary

4. From the text above we know that Vina wants …. a. Sella thanks for the God c. to congratulate Vinab. Sella’s brightness soon d. express symphaty.

5. What should Dewi do?a. ask permission for Aldi to the teacher b. help Mr. Joe submit the project c. tell the class that Aldi is absentd. visit the grandmother with Aldi

6. Why will Aldi be absent tomorrow? a. He is sickb. His father is sickc. He will visit his uncle in the village

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To Sella

Congratulation on winning the badminton championship yesterday morning.

You really deserve it.


To: Dewi

I've got news that my grandmother is sick and hospitalized, so my family and I have to visit her immediately. Therefore, I cannot attend the class tomorrow. Would you mind submitting my report to Mr. Joe? ( it will due to tomorrow). Thanks for your kindness.


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d. He will visit his grandmother who is sick

7. What is the text about?a. Birthday partyb. New year celebrationc. Wedding anniversaryd. Christmas celebration

8. What does the word “their” in the text refer to ?a. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brownb. Mr. Ben Johnson brown familiesc. Mr. Samual and his childrend. Mr. and Mrs. Samual Hansen

9. When will the party be held ?a. on the wedding dayb. on Saturday 28 May at 8 p.m.c. on Sunday 28 May at 8 a.m.d. on Saturday night 28 May

10.What is the announcement about?a. The temporary closing of the libraryb. The further notice about the libraryc. The inconveniences in the libraryd. The opening of a new library

11.Why is the library closed ? Because ....a. the library will be completed its facilitiesb. the library needs more books

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Mr. and Mrs. Samual Hansen

request the company ofMr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown

On the occasion of their25th Wedding Anniversary

On Saturday 28 May at 8. p.m.Taman Kosambi Indah Block 2 B No. 3

Cengkareng Jakarta Barat

R.S.V.P: Windy (02154390231)


Due to renovation, our library will be closed until further notice. We are sorry for the inconveniences.

Thank you

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c. the library needs a new librarian d. the library will be renovated.

12.Where is Putri going?a. Bima’s birthday party.b. Bima’s wedding party.c. Bima’s graduation.d. Bima’s party.

13.Which bag did Putri borrow from her mother? a. Black color with one side pocket.b. Black color with two sides pocket.c. Blue color with one side pocket.d. Black color with two sides bag.

14.What’s Steve's purpose to write a letter to Mrs. Keller.?a. To inform her that he wants to continue his study in a college b. To tell her that the field trip is very interesting and useful. c.To show his gratitude since Mrs. Killer has taken him to a computer fair.d. To tell her that he loves spending his time on his computer

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Dear Mrs. Keller,

I wanted to thank you for taking our class on field trip to the Computer Fair at Jackson State University. I Know it is a lot of work to make all the arrangements for a trip like this specially.I never thought about majoring in technology in college, but I think is what I want to do. I really like the idea of being able to earn a scholarship to Jackson State. I love spending time on my computer and I want to try to compete for this scholarship.May be next year we can visit another college!. Thank you again for opening up a whole new would to me.



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15.Which is true based on the text above ?a. Jackson State University carried out a computer Fair. b. All the students arrived everywhere punctually. c. The arrangement of the field trip is easy to hold. d. All the students were not hungry during the field trip

16. “I want to try to compete for these scholarship” What’s the synonym of the underlined word.

a. find c. attemptb. struggle d. continue

Vision, TertrahydrozolinSteril eye drops

Dossage: Place 1 or 2 drops of solution in each eye 2 or 3 times a day. In rare instances a slight burning or stinging or short duration may occur.Indication: see enclosed insert.Caution: Vision should be used only in minor eyes irritation. It is not recommended that vision drops be used in any individual with serious eye desease each as Glucoma

17.The text above talks about ...a. Glucoma medicineb. serious eyes desease dropsc. vision eyes dropsd. burning medicine

18.Based on the label above, which statement is not true?a. It is only given to minor eyes irritationb. It is used in serious eye deseasec. It is not recommended for serious eye deseased. It is given 1 or 2 drops for 2 or 3 times a day

19.“When your money appears, remove it “The word “it” refers to….a. the machine we use to withdraw moneyb. the amount of money we withdraw from the ATMc. the receipt we get from the machined. the card we get after we insert into the slot

20.Which of the statements is not true about withdrawing cash with ATM card?a. You put your card in the slotb. You remove your money when it appearsc. The first thing to do is to enter personal identification

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Withdrawing cash, with an ATM CardSteps1. Read the directions2. Put your card into the slot3. Punch in your Personal Identification Number (PIN)4. When the choices appear, select "withdrawal” from checking5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw6. When your money appears, remove it7. When the machine ask if you are finished, press "Yes"8. Take out the receipt 9. Take your card10.

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d. You press”yes” to finish when the machine asks to.

21.What does the text tell you about?a. The steps to withdraw cash with an ATM card.b. The methods to obtain your saving money.c. The instructions to use the ATM card.d. The information how to save your money.

22.“ Enter the amount that you want to withdraw” (step 5)The word “withdraw’ means...

a. take out c. take offb. put out d. put on

23.What should you do before typing the identification number?a. Take out the receiptb. Select the withdrawal from checkingc. Enter the amount that we want.d. Put the card into the slot.

24.The best title for the story above is….a. A little queenb. A little girl’s wishc. A good fairyd. A happy family

25.Who helped the little queen to change her into a little girl?a. her motherb. her fatherc. the Good Fairyd. the police

26.Why did the little girl want to be herself again? Because….a. Her mother screamedb. Her father screamedc. The police camed. Her parents wanted it

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There was a little girl who had always wished to be a queen. So that night the Good Fairy came and asked, “What’s your wish?” And the little girl told her, “I wish to be a queen.” The Good Fairy granted the little girl’s wish.

Next morning the little girl’s mother came into the room and saw a little queen in the bed. The mother screamed, “Help! Where’s my little girl?” The father came quickly and he saw the little queen in the bed. The father screamed, “Help! Where’s my little girl?” Then they both ran out of the house screaming, “ Help! Where’s our little girl! Police! Police!”

The little queen wished she was not the little queen. Then the Good Fairy came and asked, “What’s your wish?” And the little queen told her, “I wish to be their little girl again because that is what my mother and my father wish. And besides, the Police are coming. But I still wish to be a queen when I grow up.” So the Good Fairy granted the little queen’s wish.

And when the mother and father came running back into the house with the police, they saw their own little girl in her own little bed. And everyone hugged her. The police said, “Anyway, congratulation! Your little girl has been here again."

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27.“And everyone hugged her !” The underlined word has similar meaning to…a. squeezed c. congratulated. b. welcomed d. shook

28.Paragraph one shows us ...a. The parents of little girl wantedb. The fairy came to ask the mother of the little girl.c. The parents of the little girl asked the police’s help.d. The dream of the little girl to be a queen.

29.What does the text mainly talk about?a. Supply of the need c. Natural resoucesb. Part of the world d. element of nature

30.Why is wild animal one of the natural resources? Because...a. It protects and helps animal to survive.b. It produces mineral fuel.c. It supplies human being to live.d. It provides food, skin and fur

31.Which statement is not true based on the text?a. Uranium is the only mineral fuelb. People can build their home with stone.c. Papers are made from wood of the forest d. Water and air are very important to live.

32.What do people consider to determine that a material is a natural resource ?a. its number c. the formb. the benefit d. the mixture

33.How many natural resources are stated on the text ?a. less than seven c. not more than seven

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Natural resources are elements of nature. Anything that is part of the world of nature becomes a natural resource when people use it to supply their needs or serve their wants.

The natural resources are not only those that are used directly by people, but also each element of nature that affects the other.

Air and water are two important natural resources. People need air and water to live. Land is a natural resource if people can use it to grow crops for food. Stone is a natural resource. It is very useful for the construction of building and roads and for many other purposes. Wildlife is a resource. Wild animals are used for food, skin and fur. Forests are natural resources. The wood from trees is used to build houses and to make paper and many other products. Usefulness to people is very important in determining whether or not a material is thought of as natural resource.

Uranium is a source of energy. Uranium ore is now classified as a mineral fuel, along with coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

Natural resources also include things that would otherwise flood farmlands. In short, people need the whole vast mix of nature.

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b. more than seven d. seven only

34. What is the text about?a. Sea eagle in general.b. The sea eagles that the writer has.c. The sea eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandparents.d. The sea eagle nesting on the tree top on Pangandaran beach.

35.From the text we know that...a. the sea eagle has streamlined claws.b. the wings of the sea eagle cannot be used to fly.c. the sea eagle does not only live on sea fish.d. the claws of the sea eagle is used to care for its feathers.

36.“...and for many other jobs that non-flying animals do with paws, claws or hands on their forelimbs”.The word “their” refers to...

a. paws c. sea eaglesb. claws and hands d. non-flying animals.

37.“It hunts for fish in the sea but...”The underlined word means.....

a. Runs c. eatsb. Hurts d. chases

38.Why can people recognize the sea eagle easily? Because...a. It has specific featuresb. It is like eagle in generalc. Its forelimbs are useles.d. It has the same characteristic as the other.

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There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandmother‘s house in Pangandaran. It was a sea eagle.

The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong and yellowish beak. Its claws are very sharp. It hunts for fish in the sea but sometimes it hunts chickens and small birds. Eagles have many sizes, shapes, and colors, but the sea eagle is easy to recognize because it has a strong, a streamlined, sharp beak and stream-line body.

Its forelimbs (or arm) serve a wings. This means that they are of little use for anything except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and strong beak to handle foods, to care for its feathers, and for many other jobs that non-flying animals do with paws, claws or hands on their forelimbs.

Science and technology have changed our lives in many dramatic ways. Air planes, automobiles, communication, satelites, computers, plastic and television are only a few of scientific and ...(39) invention that have transformed human life.Resarch by nuclear physicists has led to the development of nuclear energy as a source of power. Agriculture output has incresed ...(40). Scientists have developed better varietes of plants and highly effective fertilizes. The development of antibiotics and other new drugs has ...(41) control many infectious disease.

( Adapted from: World Book multimedia Encyclopedia, 1998)

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39.a. basic c. technologycalb. complex d. different

40.a. before c. whenb. although d. because

41.a. discovered c. producedb. helped d. decreased

Text for number 42 - 45

42. What was the writer’s last destination?A.Bajawa C. MaumereB.Datusoko D. Mount Kelimutu

43. Which of the following statements is false according to the text?A. The writer visited some schools in Maumere.B. After visiting Maumere, the writer went to Ende.C. After visiting Ende, the writer went to Mount Village.D. Bajawa is the writer’s third destination

44.Which of the following word is the synonim of the word “coast”?A. Shore C. MountainB. River D. Lake.

45. If your parent go to Wonderland Theme Park, how much must they pay?a. Rp 25.000,-b. Rp 50.000,-c. Rp.15.000,-d. Rp 30.000,-

46. Here are the features offered by Wonderland Theme Park Except…

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a. roller coaster riders.b. Water games.c. Free burgers.d. Free breakfast

47.You – not – in – thank – for – area – smoking - this1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8The best arrangement to make a sentence is ….A. 5-1-2-7-3-8-6-4B. 5-2-1-7-3-8-6-4C. 4-1-5-2-7-3-8-6D. 4-5-1-2-7-8-6-3

48.1. Samarinda is the capital city of East Kalimantan.2. People like to relax and enjoy the sunset in the places.3. It is located at the edge of the river Mahakam.4. But now, the government has changed the area along the river into a city garden and recreational places.5. People call it as River City.6. There are so many houses along the bank of the river. The correct arrangement of the sentences above to be a coherent paragraph is ....A. 1 - 2 - 3- 4 - 5- 6B. 1 - 3 -5 - 6 - 4 - 2C. 1 - 4 - 5 - 6 -3 - 2D. 1 - 5 - 6 -3 - 4 – 2

49. forget-meet-to-morning-tomorrow-don’t-me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 6-1-3-2-7-4-5.B. 6-1-3-2-7-5-4.C. 2-7-5-4-6-7-3.D. 2-7-5-4-1-6-3.

50. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph.1. And the soil must be fertile.2. This tree grows in tropical climate3. Most natural rubber is made of latex4. It is obtained from the rubber tree5. South East Asia produces most of the world’s rubber.

a. 5-3-4-2-1 c. 2-3-4-1-5b. 3-2-4-1-5 d. 3-4-2-1-5

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1. What does the notice on the right mean?

A. Do not throw rubbish in the roomB. Do not destroy everything in the roomC. Do not a sleep in the roomD. Do not speak in the room

Read the text to answer questions 2 – 4

The sugar glider is a marsupial, just like the many other Australian animals - the kangaroo, the koala and the wombat for instance. The sugar glider is a possum - very similar to the tupai in Indonesia. It basically lives in trees. It eats leaves and fruit. However, the Australian sugar glider has a very special skill. It can jump from tree to tree like a tupai but it can also 'sort of fly' as well. In fact, it glides or terbang layang in Bahasa lndonesia. When it jumps from one tree to another it spreads its four legs out wide, and its extra skin also spreads out and functions like a parachute.

2. What does the text tell us about?A. The kangorooB. The koalaC. The WombatD. The sugar glider

3. Why can the sugar glider glide from tree to tree?A. It can spread its four legs and skin out wideB. It is very similar to the tupai in Indonesia.C. It basically lives in trees.D. It eats leaves and fruit.

4. "... it spreads its four legs out wide ...".The underlined word mea s ...A. executesB. exceedsC. extendsD. examines

Read the advertisement below and answer questions 5 to 7.

5. What is being advertised in the text above?A. A strong plastic.B. A complete dictionary.C. A correct spelling.D. An electronic dictionary.

6. From the advertisement above, we know that....A. the price of the item is Rp 104.500,-B. one of the item's colours is dark blueC. there are more than 80,000 words in the itemD. the item comes in many colours

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Keep TheRoom Clean

Find the correct spelling andpronunciation more than 80.000 words

with thiselectronic dictionaryMade of strong plasticComes in two colors:

Dark gray and light blue$104.50

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7. "Find the correct spelling and pronunciation."The underlined word means an ordered set of ... which forms a word.A. alphabetB. sentencesC. lettersD. paragraphs

8. What for do Fredy and Irena send a greeting card?A. To congratulate their parent’s wedding anniversary.B. To congratulate their parent’s birthday.C. To amuse their parent.D. To give the information about their wedding anniversary.

9. How long have Fredy’s parents been married?A. Five years.B. Five months.C. Fifteen years.D. Fifteen months.

10. What was the writer’s first destination in his first trip?A. TaipeiB. AirportC. KoreaD. Germany

11. How many days did the writer spend in his first trip?A. Less than 4 days.B. More than 4 days.C. 4 daysD. A day

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12. How did the writer feel when the plan took off?A. HappyB. AfraidC. ShyD. Amused

For questions 19 and 20 choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined words.

Koes Plus was well known as pop music group in the seventies until the eighties. At that time most Indonesian people were crazy ( 19) about their songs because they were nice and simple. Every radio station broadcasted these songs and always put them in the top of pop music. Their music shows were always full of audience (20).

13. A. fanaticalB. madC. drunkenD. lazy

14. A. followersB. participantsC. spectatorsD. speakers


What is the text aboutA. How to avoid accidentB. The way to block the sunlightC. How to close the lid.D. The way to store a medicine.

Read the following text and answer questions 22 to 24.

Our school is on Jalan Sudirman. It has eighteen classrooms, two laboratories, one library, one headmaster's room, one teachers' room, one staff room, one music room, one computer's room, and one canteen. We always hold a flag ceremony in our school yard. Our school yard is not so big, that's why if we have PE lesson, we practice at the field beside our school.

16. Where do they always hold a flag ceremony?A. In the room.B. At the field.C. Beside their school.D. In their sc' ool yard

17. The students don't practice their PE lesson at the school yard because it is …A. bigB. longC. wideD. small

18. "We always hold a flag ceremony ..."(line 3)What does the underlined word refer to?'A. The writer and his teachers.B. All the teachers of the school.

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C. The students in the writer's class.D. The writer and his schoolmates.

For questions 25 and 26 choose the most suitable words to complete the text.

It's Sunday. Benny and Anita, his sister, don't go to school. So they plan to clean the bedroom. They also clean the living room. They ... (19) the bed, sweep and mop the floor, dust the furniture and others. .... (20) looks so clean and tidy

19. A. makeB. doC. dustD. blow

20. A. A lot of thingsB. No oneC. EverytingD. Nothing

Questions 21 to 22 are based on the following text.

One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big, black snake sleeping under the tree. When he saw the snake, the mouse deer was frightened. When he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke up and took hold of the mousedeer. He told the mousedeer that ne was going to eat him for lunch. "Please don't eat me now," said the mousedeer.."I have something important to do."

"Look," said the mousedeer. "That is the king's belt. He asked me to stay here and watch it while he'was away in the forest". The tiger looked at the snake and said, "That is a beautiful bel'u I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?" he asked the mousedeer.

"Oh all right," said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the tiger'Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter and tighter, until the tiger couldn't breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mouse deer turned and ran away into the forest.21. Where was the tiger sleeping

A. in the middle of the forestB. Next to the mousedeer’s houseC. Near the black snake sleeping under the freeD. Fat away from the place where the mousedeers fell

22. Why did the mousedeer trick the tiger by saying that the snake was a king's belt?A. The mousedeer liked to trick other animalsB. The mousedeer was a clever animalC. The tiger wanted to eat himD. The tiger wanted to wear it

23. After reading this story, we can learn that .... A. we have to behave like the rnousedeerB. we have to find a way to save ourselves from dangerC. sleeping black since was a dangerous animalD. we have to be careful with the mousedeer

24. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!1. The animals have been pushed back and their natural habitat has been

reduced2. The government has located reserves to protect both animals and plant life

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3. Many natural forests where animals live are being destroyed4. One of them is the Bogor Botanical Garden5. People have cleared the land to cultivate crops

25. How many times do we have to fold the paper?A. 6B. 5C. 4D. 3

26. How many steps should we follow to make a good paper boat or hat as mentioned in the text?A. 7B. 6C. 5D. 4

27. “Finally open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or flip it over and wear it as a hat."The underlined word could be best replaced with the word ....A. designB. createC. performD. have

For questions 28 to 29 choose the best word that has the same meaning with the underlined word in the text.

Solo, located on the banks of the River Bengawan Solo, has many things to offer. It has the unique Kraton Surakarta or the Kasunanan Palace. It is also the gateway to the most well-known Borobudur temple. At. last. Solo is rich of some excellent batiks and handycrafted jewelry.

28. A. discoveredB. foundC. stayedD. situated

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How to Make a Boat or a HatThings you need A half page of newspaperWhat to doFirst, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold.Second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep folded.Next, fold the comers down to the middle.After that, fold the comers down to the middle again.Then, fold the points downs to the middle.Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flip it over and wear it as a hat.

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29. A. famousB. oldC. bigD. unique

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the following text.

The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. "Brownie", as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are shocked. Some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1.600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is bom, it weighs less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate, you would weigh almost 10.000 pounds when you were fully grown!

30. What does the text mostly tell about?A. Brown bears.B. Strong hunters.C. Fighting tigers.D. Alaska people.

31. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?A. A brown bear eats meat.B. Brown bears can beat a tiger.C. Brownie will keep away when it sees people.D. Brown bears are tame animals.

32. "But if it is wounded with a gun or if the mother bear and her cubs are shocked,..." (line 3)What does the underlined word mean?A. Male bears.B. Baby bears.C. Group of bears.D. Other bears.


Where do you usually find the sign above?A. In the supermarket.B. In the garden.C. At the train station.D. At the airport.

34. Look at the following notice.

What does the notice above mean?A. We are not allowed to walk near the place.B. We are not allowed to come in the place.C. We are forbidden to get out from the place.

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ShopliftersWill be


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D. We are forbidden to put something in the place.

Read the postcard and answer questions 44 to 46.

Dear Mellyani,On my last school holiday, my classmates

and I went to Borobudur. The Borobudur temple is really magnificent. The hugeness of the temple really impressed me. How could our ancestors build such a big temple? It was amazing.

In the temple, we went upstairs step by step. Walking around the temple, we saw many reliefs on the temple walls. Some foreigners seemed interested in them. I overhead their conversation with the guide. Actually the relief tells a story.

It was really a nice expel fence! I hope you can go there someday.



MellyaniJI. Timun Puan 45 Jakarta.

35. Whom did Ilma go to Borobudur with?A. Her tour guides.B. Her classmates.C. Penny's friends.D. Some foreigners.

36. Ilma admired the temple because of its...A. visitorsB. reliefsC. stonesD. size

37. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Ilma?A. She is a student.B. Mellyani is one of her friendsC She lives at Jalan Timun Puan 45.D. She really enjoyed visiting the Borobudur temple.

Read the text and answer questions 47 and 48.

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You're InvitedOccasion : Kirm's BirthdayDate : March 13Time : 6:30 p.m.Place : 44 Devoe RoadDirections : Take the no. 5. bus. Get off at the comer of Devoe Road. Our house is at the second house on the right. Please arrive on time. This is a surprise party.

Regrets only : Marie Salinger 238-1722 or e-mail [email protected]

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38. When will the party be held?A. At 44 Devoe Road. comeB. At 6:30 A.M.C. On March 13.D. contact Marie Salinger before we

39. Regrets only: Marie Salinger 238-1722or e-mail.The words above tell us that we should …A. give information if we cannot comeB. give information if we can comeC. ask information how to come to the placeD. contact marie salinger before we come

40.What is the text about?a. The price of antiseptic soapb. The direction of using the antiseptic soapc. The procedure of taking a bathd. The treatment of antiseptic soap

41.What is the suitable suggestion before using it ?a. Clean up c. Shake wellb. Swallow it d. Take a bath

42. What should we do if it swallowed?a. contact doctor c. rinse afterwards.b. shake it d. reject doctor

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Saturday morningBasketball matches willBegin on Saturday,January 1. the event willRun from 09.00 – 11.00 forThe next four weeks.The final tournament will beHeld on February 8. forMore information, contectAri (021) 7891023.

CLEAN UPAntiseptic Soap

Shake well before use10 ml of soap for every 3 liters of water.

Take a bath with the mixed water.Rinse afterwards.

Caution : For external use only If swallowed call a doctor.

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43.What is the announcement about?a. basketball championship.b. basketball information.c. basketball description.d. basketball fans.

44.When will the final tournament be held?a. at 09.00 – 11.00b. on January 1c. at 11.00 – 13.00d. on February 8

Date : Sat, November 28, 2009 18:24:11 – 0900 (PDT)

From : [email protected]

Subject : Re : Thank you

To : [email protected]

Dear TaraHow’re you? I’m glad you replied to my e-mail so fast. Thanks for your photo, too. You look cute

in your blue jacket. Wow. I can’t wait to see you next month.Your siblings, Sinta and Novo, according to your description, seem nice. I want to meet them,

too.You told me about your siblings and their favorite pets. Now let me tell you about mine. I have

only one sister. Her name is Ifa. She’s two years younger than I am. She’s quiet and shy. However, she is kind and loyal to her friends. Like you, she loves animals too. Her pets are a cat and a fish. Her cat’s name is Sisi , and she calls her fish, Wa. A few days ago. Pretty was lost. We have advertised the lost cat to the local newspaper, but it hasn’t been found until now.

Well, that’s all for now.

With best wishes.


45. Who sends the e-mail?a. Tara c. Tara and Rianb. Rian d. Rian’s friend

46. What does the word “she” in the sentence “……she is kind and loyal to her friends “ refer to?a. Tara c. Ifab. Rian d. Ayung

47. What kind of pets does Ifa have?a. Dog c. piegonb. Cat d. cat and piegon.

48. prepares – his family – for- breakfast- his sister- and- John- the dishes – washes- everyday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10a. 10-7-1-4-3-2-6-5-9-8b. 10-7-1-8-3-2-6-5-9-4c. 10-7-1-4-3-5-6-2-8-9d. 10-7-9-8-6-2-1-4-3-5

49. Newspaper – you – everyday – if – read – you – get – information – will 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The best arrangement of the words above is ….a. 4-6-5-1-3-2-9-7-8 c. 4-6-7-8-2-9-5-1-3b. 6-5-1-3-2-9-7-8-4 d. 6-9-7-8-3-2-5-1-4

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50. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph, start with! One morning Deni found a pigeon on the ground

6. The drier kept it warm and after a while the pigeon looked alive.7. He touched it, lifted it, took it home and dried it.8. Its feather’s were wet. It looked tired and cold.9. The pigeon lay there but it was not dead.

a. 4 -2-3-1 c. 1-3-2-4b. 2-4-1-3 d. 3-2-1-4

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When I was seven years old, I was given a small wallet to keep my pocket-money in. It made me feel grown up and I carried it proudly in my hip pocket.

One day, during recess in school, I discovered that my wallet was missing. I searched all my pockets but could not find it. There was some money in the wallet and without it I could not buy anything to eat. I was close to tears. It was not so much because of losing my precious wallet but because I might get a scolding from my parents. Anyhow I went hungry that day.

After recess I was in no mood to study at all. I kept thinking about how I lost my wallet and what my parents would do to me. How was I going to explain the loss? I did not know whether someone had taken it from my pocket or it had merely fallen out. I prayed that someone would find it and return it to me. My prayers came to nothing. Fortunately I did not have to pay to get on my school bus. My fare was paid monthly.

When I told my mother about my loss, she was clearly angry. I received a long lecture about my carelessness. When my father came home, I received another lecture. Also I was told that there would not be any more wallets for me until I got older.

So for the rest of the year and two years following, I kept my allowance in my pocket, without any wallet. I am glad to say I never lost any money again. I have learned to be more careful. It is not pleasant to lose something and then get scolded for losing it. (adapted from What is the text about? (gambaran umum) A. Carrying Pocket Money B. Praying for a Lost Wallet C. Losing a Wallet D. Receiving Lectures

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 4? (gagasan utama paragraf tertentu) A. The writer received lectures from his parents. B. The writer got a small wallet to keep his money. C. The writer could not find his wallet. D. The writer thought someone took his wallet.

3. Why was the writer so sad about losing the wallet? (imformasi tertentu) A. Because he had no money to buy anything to eat B. Because he went hungry all day that day C. Because the wallet was precious for him D. Because his parents might scold him4. ‘It was not so much because of losing my precious wallet …’ (Paragraph 1). The underlined

word means …. (makna kata/sinonim) A. valuable B. worthless C. cheap

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D. beautiful5. ‘It is not pleasant to lose something and then get scolded for losing it’. (Paragraph 5). What does the underlined word refer to? (makna kata/referensi) A. something B. any wallet C. my pocket money D. my pocket

How to Make an Igloo from Eggshells

Things You’ll Need:

Egg shells Paper Towels Permanent Markers

Step1 Gently break egg shell in half making two equal parts. Step2 Gently rinse and wipe the inside of the eggshell out. Let dry for about 10 minutes by

using paper towels.Step3 Using a permanent ink marker draw an upside down letter "U" on the lower edge of

the egg shell; fill in the entire area so it looks like a tunnel entrance, or maybe a door. Step4 Using the same marker, either make jagged lines or symmetrical lines starting at the

top of the egg shell and working down to look like blocks of snow. (taken from

6. The text tells us about the process of ….(gambaran umum) A. drying egg shells B. painting egg shells C. making an igloo D. drawing jagged lines

7. The paper towels are used to …. (informasi tersurat) A. make lines B. dry the egg shells C. break the egg shell D. wipe the egg shell

8. What should the letter “U” look like? It should look like …. (informasi tertentu) A. blocks of snow B. an igloo C. a door D. jagged lines 9. All of the statements below are true EXCEPT …. (informasi tersirat) A. Blocks of snow are made by drawing jagged lines. B. It takes less than half an hour to dry the eggshells. C. An igloo is a kind of sub tropical house. D. An igloo is shaped like a dome.

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10. ‘…it looks like a tunnel entrance, ...’ The underlined word refers to …. (makna kata/referensi)

A. the entire area B. the egg shell C. the upside down “U” D. the igloo

The Toraja are a native ethnic group of a mountainous region of South Sulawesi. Their population is approximately 650,000, of which 450,000 still live in the regency of Tana Toraja ("Land of Toraja"). Most of the people are Christians, and others are Moslems or believers of animism known as aluk ("the way").

The word toraja comes from the Bugis language meaning "people of the uplands". The Dutch colonial government named the people Toraja in 1909. Torajans are renowned for their elaborate funeral rites, burial sites carved into rocky cliffs, massive peaked-roof traditional houses known as tongkonan, and colorful wood carvings. Toraja funeral rites are important social events. They are usually attended by hundreds of people and take place for several days.

Before the 20th century, Torajans lived in autonomous villages, where they practised animism and were relatively untouched by the outside world. In the early 1900s, Dutch missionaries first worked to convert Torajan highlanders to Christianity. When the Tana Toraja regency was further opened to the outside world in the 1970s, it became an icon of tourism in Indonesia.

(Adapted from 11. The text discusses …. (gambaran umum) A. Toraja funeral rites B. tourism in Indonesia C. the land and people of Toraja D. animism among native Torajans

12. Toraja is famous for the following, EXCEPT ….. (informasi tersirat) A. wood carvings B. language C. burial sites D. tongkonan

13. Which is TRUE about the Torajan funeral rites? They …. (informasi rinci) A. are colourful. B. last for several days. C. are attended by a few people D. are not important events.

14. Tongkonan is a kind of …. (informasi tertentu) A. a dwelling place B. a traditional ceremony C. a wood carving D. a traditional village

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15. ‘Toraja funeral rites are important social events, ….’ (Paragraph 2). The underlined word can be best replaced by …. (makna kata/sinonim)

A. traditions B. situations C. conditions D. occasions

Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a real princess . He traveled all over the world to find one, but in vain. He always found faults in every princess he met. So he came home again and was sad.      One evening a terrible storm broke out; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.     There in front of him a princess was standing. She was completely drenched and trembling.    

"Well, we'll soon find out who she is," thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on it.      On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard. It's horrible!"      Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.      So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess.

16. The best title for the text is …. (gagasan utama) A. The Kind Old King B. The Wise Queen C. The Prince and the Bride D. The Princess and the Pea

17. What did the queen do to find out whether she was a real princess? A. She allowed the princess sleep with her in her room B. She asked her to sleep on the mattresses with a pea at the bottom. C. She asked the prince to hide a pea under the twenty mattresses. D. She asked the king to put a pea under the twenty mattresses.

18. What do we know about the princess? She was …. (informasi tersirat) A. very honest. B. looking for a husband. C. a princess in disguise. D. impolite19. ‘… then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on it, …’ (Paragraph 4). What does the

underlined word refer to? (makna kata/referensi) A. the bedroom B. the bedstead C. the pea D. the bedding

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20. It's horrible!" (Paragraph 5). The underlined expression refers to …. A. her sleepless night B. her being drenched C. the twenty mattresses D. the queen’s unfriendliness

The Linow Lake is in Lahendong village, around 20 minutes drive south of Tomohon . This little lake on the west side of Mount Tompusu is so special. People say the water changes colors, depending on the direction and intensity of the sunlight that hits it. And it is true. Last December when I went there, one part of the lake was very green, another nearby was deep emerald, and right by that was a pale white stretch. But even more impressive is the fact that the lake seems to breathe! Bubbles of gas, small and large, are constantly emerging from under the water, though there don’t seem to be any fish or other living creatures in it, and there’s quite a strong sulfur smell. Clearly there’s a lot of volcanic activity going on in this lake.

21. What is so special about Lake Linow? (gagasan utama) A. It’s a volcanic lake. B. It has a strong volcanic smell. C. It’s colorfully changing water. D. The colors and the bubbles of its water. 22. What probably makes the lake have no life in it? (informasi tersirat) A. It has colorful water. B. Its water has high sulfuric content. C. It receives very little sunlight. D. It is on Mount Tompusu.

23. ‘Bubbles of gas, small and large, are constantly emerging from under the water, …’ The underlined word means … (makna kata/sinonim)

A. always B. generally C. sometimes D. rarely

24. Why does the lake seem to breathe? (informasi tertentu) A. There’s a lot of volcanic activity going on in this lake. B. The sunlight that hits it is so intense. C. The water of the lake changes its colors. D. Bubbles of gas constantly emerge from the water.

25. ‘Last December when I went there,…’ What does the underlined word refer to? (makna kata/rujukan) A. Mount Tompusu B. Tomohon C. Lake Linow D. Lahendong village

Dear Aunty,

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My eldest brother is a brainy secondary-school athlete. But after he broke up with his girlfriend, he quit the team, got tattoos and started hanging out till late at night. His grades also dropped. He hardly talks to me and often fights with my other brother. Our parents are very busy with their work and have very little time for us. What can a 14-year-old sister do?(Adapted from Reader’s Digest, February 2009)

26. The letter is sent to Aunty to …. A. ask for Aunty’s advice B. complain about her boyfriend C. inform Aunty about her family D. talk about her two brothers27. “My eldest brother is a brainy ….” The word ‘brainy’ means …. A. stupid B. talkative C. stubborn D. smart

28. Why did his oldest brother get into trouble? Because of his problem with …. A. his parents B. his girlfriend C. his brother D. his sister

29. Visitors are not to …. A. feed the fish in the pond B. consume the fish from the pond C. feed chemicals to the fish D. bring along children to the pond

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30. ‘… chemicals that may be harmful.’ So, the chemicals are NOT …. A. safe B. dangerous C. natural D. toxic

31. Which of the following statements about the text is TRUE? A. The fish from the pond are safe to eat by children. B. Pregnat women are free to eat the fish from the pond C. The fish food is unnaturally processed. D. The warning sign is provided by the owner of the pond.

Hi, this is Surya.  I’m sorry I cannot take your call right now.  Please leave a detailed message along with your name and telephone number. I will return your call as soon as I return. Thank you.

32. The text above ….A. is a spoken messageB. can be found at public placesC. is a thank you noteD. is classified advertisement

33. Which of the following statement is NOT true?A. Surya is out so he cannot take calls.B. Surya asks the callers to call him back laterC. Surya promises to call when he’s homeD. The text above is a recorded message.

34. The sender sent the card because he/she …. A. forgot to attend the wedding B. wants the bride and the groom to like the card C. is a friend of the bride and the groom D. won’t be there at the wedding

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35. “May your wedding bring you endless joy ….” The underlined word means …. A. blessing B. happiness C. wedding D. congratulations

Come and JoinThe Putra Bangsa Secondary SchoolClass of 1996 REUNION

On June 21, 2009Saturday, 10:00 – 2:00 pmAt the Blue Lagoon Hotel for the lunch and social gatheringAnd at 20:00 – 23:00 pmAt Taman Ismail Marzuki for the cultural evening

For further information please contactThe Putra Bangsa School Office at 0254 677431During the office hours

Or Visit the reunion committee site at

[email protected]

36. Those invited to the reunion are ex students who …. A. graduated from 1990 to 1996 B. graduated after 1996 C. were admitted as students in 1996 D. graduated in 1996

37. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the reunion? A. Further information can be obtained any time from the school office. B. The lunch and the social gathering will be held before the cultural evening. C. The reunion will be held by the committee more than a day. D. Those interested to attend the reunion should come to school.

38. “For further information please contact …” The underlined word means …. A. more detailed B. relevant C. printed D. specific

39. The text can be …. A. in the form of a leaflet or brochure B. found in an advertisement column C. posted in the school wall magazine

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D. seen in the internet only

40. The invitation …. A. does not specify what the guests should wear B. informs us that the party will last till late at night C. asks the guests to be formally dressed D. requires those invited to reply if they will come or not 41. What year was Dewinta born? She was born in …. A. 1992 B. 1993 C. 1994 D. 199542. The music will be …. A. from the recordings

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You are cordially invited to

Dewinta Maharani’s Sweet 15 Birthday

atYukita Resto

(Golden Century Mall)

On Saturday, June 7, 2009, from 6:30 pm. to 9:00 pm.

Dinner, live music and dancing, won’t be fun without youHope you can make it & please don’t be late

Kindly RSVP by May 31, 2009 to Rani

08132855677Dress code: casual

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B. performed on stage C. the only entertainment D. provided at request

43. “… won’t be fun without you” The underlined word can be best replaced by ….

A. surprising B. touching C. agreeable D. exciting For questions 44 to 46, choose the suitable word to complete the text below.

Many kinds of animals like to live with … (44) groups. They feel more secured by doing so. One of them is meerkats. Meerkats can live for up to 10 years. They are also known as … (45) animals, living in and around burrows in groups of up a few families. They are tiny with a head and body only 25 cm to 35 cm long but their tail adds another 17 cm to 25 cm to their length – they use the tail to balance and signal to each other. They … (46) in at 620 grams to 960 grams. They are less than one kilo!

(Adapted from Hello Magazine. No. 145 December 1997)44. A. their B. its C. his D. her

45. A. dependent B. individual C. shelfish D. social 46. A. extend B. weigh C. live D. stand47.1. However, as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water

and was never seen more. 2. On his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. 3. He saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. 4. Once there was a Dog who had gotten himself a piece of meat. 5. He thought it was another dog with another piece of meat. 6. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water. 7. He was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. 8. Therefore, he made up his mind to have that also. 9. As he crossed, he looked down.

A.   4 – 7 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 6 - 1B. 2 – 5 – 1 – 9 – 6 – 8 – 7 – 3 - 4C. 4 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 9 – 8 - 1D. 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 9 - 1

48. 1. Then, slice it. 2. Pour the ground turmeric into a deep pan and add the rest of the ingredients.

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3. Once it is boiled strain the mixture. 4. Peel turmeric and wash it. 5. Stir it occasionally. 6. Let it cool off and serve it with some ice cubes. 7. Use a grinder or blender to grind the sliced turmeric. 8. Bring it to boil. (Taken from: The best arrangement of making kunyit asam, a traditional beverage, is …. A. 4 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 8 – 5 – 3 - 6 B. 4 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 8 – 1 – 6 C. 4 – 2 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 6 - 7 D. 4 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 6 - 1

49. books – librarian – some – showed – new – of – collections – the - us

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 3 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 - 1

B. 3 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 7 - 9

C. 8 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 1 - 9

D. 8 – 2 – 4 – 9 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 6 - 1

50. the – software – follow – to – printer – install – instruction – the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 - 7 B. 6 – 8 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 - 7 C. 3 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 5 - 2 D. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 5 – 7

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I’ve read your poem in Junior Mag this week. The title is ‘The Dead Tree’ Great! It’s really a good poem. The poem inspires me. Our body may be like the leaves. They will fall down to the ground, but our soul will be still alive. Our soul may be tired. You say it is waiting in agony. But, it still gives us beauty. So let’s do our best today and get the beauty of life. It is the inspiration that I can get. And it’s interesting for me. Well, Juita, I’m waiting for your poems. See you soon.


Preparing English Final Examination


Read the following text to answer questions!

1. We usually find the caution at these places below except at…. A. the zooB. homeC. the safari parkD.the farm

2. The notice mean…A. We may give the food to the animalB. We may give the drink to the animalC. We may not give the food to the animalD. We may not give up with the animal

Read the following text and answer the question 3 and 4

3. What does the text tell us about?A. The beauty of lifeB. The soul and body C. The interesting letterD. The inspiring poem

4. “But, it still gives us beauty” (line 5)The word It refers to….

A. the poem

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B. the soulC. the agonyD. the leaf

This text is for number 5 and 6

5. “Each class must send at least three participants….”What does the underlined phrase mean?A. MaximumB. MinimumC. More thanD. Less than

6. The purpose of the text is to ….A. contact the committeeB. send at least three participantsC. celebrate the school anniversaryD. inform the students about English contests

This text is for number 7 and 8

7. The notice is suitable for … ExceptA. bikers B. drivers C. trainersD. motor riders

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To celebrate the School Anniversary, SMP GPS will hold some English contests:The Spelling Bee Contest (for Class VII)The Writing Fable Contest (For Class VIII)The English Speech Contest (for Class IX)

All the contests will be held on Monday, November 17th 2008.Each class must send at least three participants for the contests. For more information, contact the committee c.o. Ary Widyawati (the Head of OSIS). The committee only accepts the names of the participants before November 15th, 2008.

The Committee

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8. From the notice we know that ….A. If we regret, we will be safe.B. We will be regretful if we drive safely.C. We should be safe if we regret tomorrow.D. If we don’t drive safely, we will be regretful.

This text is for number 9 to 12BUGIS HOTEL

There is a new hotel in my city. Bugis hotel is a four-star hotel. It is located downtown. Many foreigners stay the night in the hotel.

Bugis hotel is not very big, but the architecture is very beautiful. It looks like a classic castle in Europe. According to the brochure it has 100 rooms, a fancy restaurant, complete sport facilities including a swimming pool, a tennis court, gym and sauna. There are also a coffee shop and a karaoke room.

The pictures of the rooms in the brochure are very nice. The rooms look very comfortable. They contain a big spring bed with big pillows, a nice sofa, a wardrobe, and a television system with programmes from all over the world. The bathroom is very beautiful although it is not very big. It has a bath tub with hot and cold water so that the guests can take a bath in it comfortably.

The brochure says that the hospitality is its trade mark. The staff of the hotel from the receptionist, the bellboy, and the house keepers are very polite. They help the guests in any way they can.

9. What does paragraph three tell us about?A. The bathroom is very beautiful. B. The rooms contain a big spring bed and big pillows.C. The pictures of the room in the brochure are very nice.D. The guest can take a bath in the bathroom comfortably.

10. “The brochure says that hospitality is its trademark” What does the word “its” refer to….

A. Bugis hotelB. the brochureC. the hospitalityD. the staff of hotel

11. “They contain a big spring bed with big pillows, a nice sofa, a wardrobe and a television system” A wardrobe means a place to put … in.A. foodsB. shoesC. clothesD.beverages

12. Which statement is incorrect based on text?A. Bugis hotel is not foreign tourist.B. We can enjoy some songs in Bugis hotel.C. We will have a comfort in Bugis hotel.

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D. The staffs are very helpful to the guests.

This text is for number 13 to 15


It was a long holiday. Bobby and Tommy did not go anywhere. Unlike their friends, they had to stay at home. They did not have a picnic or other fun activities. Bobby’s parents were poor. They did not have enough money for fun. Bobby and Tommy knew this and they did not demand their parents. They themselves had to be creative if they wanted to have money. Bobby and Tommy thought and thought over to get the idea.

One morning Bobby and Tommy walked along the pavement. In this city people often walked their dogs along the street in the morning. Suddenly they saw a woman with a dog stop in front of the supermarket. She looked at a sign ‘No dogs allowed’. She looked for a place to leave the dog in, but there was none. When she looked at Bobby and Tommy, she asked, “Can you help me, boys?”

“Yes, Madam. What can I do for you?” asked Bobby.“Could you hold my dog while I go shopping?”“With pleasure.”The woman gave the dog to Bobby, and Bobby had to keep it well. Not long

afterwards, an old woman met Tommy. She also asked him to keep her dog. Fifteen minutes later the two women came out of the supermarket. Both gave them money. That morning Bobby and Tommy got much money because ten people asked them do the same job. Now they knew how to get much money during holiday.

“What do you think now, Tommy?” asked Bobby.“I think we’d better set up a dog nursery.”“It’s a good idea. We can contact the owner of this house. We will rent the

house and put a big sign at the fence.”“What will you write on the sign board?”“The Dog Nursery!”“Okay. We’ll do that tomorrow.”

(Adapted from ‘A thing or Two’ by Schiffrin)

13. What would they do to get much money during the holiday?They would....A. rent a houseB. set up a Dog NurseryC. demand to their parentsD. work in a Supermarket

14. Why did the woman give the Dog to Bobby?Because....

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A. She found a place to leave the dog inB. Dogs were prohibited in the supermarketC. Bobby wanted to keep the Dog for himselfD.The woman wanted to walk along the street alone

15. One morning Bobby and Tommy walked along the pavement (Paragraph 2)The underlined word means... A. PathB. BridgeC. Cross roadD.Side walk

This text is for number 16 to 18

How to Cook Oxtail SoupIngredients:

1 oxtail2 carrots 1 turnip 1 onion 4 tablespoons dripping or oil1 tablespoons seasoned flour3 tablespoons parsley chopped finely1 bay leaf4 pints water

Method:1. Cut the tail into small joints and roll in the seasoned flour.2. Heat the oil and fry the floured joints until brown.3. Pour off any excess fat and add the water, salt and parsley and bay leaf.4. Simmer for about 2 hours.5. Leave to go cold and remove any solidified fat.6. Add the diced vegetables, bring to the boil, and simmer for another 2

hours.7. Remove bones carefully and let the soup cold. 8. Blend the soup and season well.9. Serve hot

16. The text is writen to ....A. cook Oxtail Soup.B. announce about Oxtail Soup.C. instruct how to make Oxtail Soup.D.advertise How to cook Oxtail Soup.

17. How long do we simmer the Oxtail Soup?A. One hourB. Two hoursC. Three hoursD.Four hours

18. “Cut the tail into small joints”The word “Cut” has the same meaning as ….A. hitB. grind

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C. breakD.chopJawaban: D

This text is for number 19 to 22

The Legend of SurabayaSura bit Baya’s tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finallygave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again. Theplace where they were fighting was a mess. People then always talked about the fightbetween Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, it’s fromSura the shark and Baya the crocodile.On one hot day, Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat.“Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya. “No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! Ihave not eaten for two days!” said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought as usual. Afterseveral hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad habit. “I’m tired offighting, Baya,” said Sura. “Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you haveany idea?” asked Baya. “Yes, I do. Let’s share our territory. I live in the water, so I lookfor food in the sea.A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was ashark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea. Actually, they were friends. Butwhen they were hungry, they were very greedy.And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border isthe beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree?” asked Sura. “Hmm... let me thinkabout it. OK, I agree. From now on, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on theland,” said Baya. Then they both lived in the different places.But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was veryhungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew thatSura broke the promise. “Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place isin the sea!” “But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place!” said Sura.Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other.

Adapted from

19. After reading the text above, we know that, ... A. Sura broke the promiseB. Sura lived in the jungleC. Sura realized the promiseD. Sura and Baya fought again

20. Where did actually Baya live?A. In the sea

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B. In the water C. On the landD. At the beach

21. Which statement is not suitable to the text above?A. Sura and Baya were wild animalsB. Sura and Baya were tame animalC. Sura and Baya stopped their fighting D. Surabaya was the place of Sura and Baya fighting

22. “What should we do to stop fighting?” (line10) What does the underlined word refer to?

A. People, B. People SuraC. People, Baya D. Sura and Baya

This text is for number 23 to 24

HOW TO PRINT A FILE1. Turn the printer on.2. Open the file that you want to print.3. Click “File”. And then click “print”.4. Check if the printer’s name is the same as the one you are going to use. If it is not

the same, then search for the name of the printer that you are going to use byclicking on the small triangle or arrow beside it.5. Click “pages” and then type the pages that you want to print.6. Select the number of copies that you want to print by clicking on the arrowsbeside it.7. Click “OK” or “Print”.

23. When the printer’s name we are going to use is not the same, we must ... the name of the printer by clicking on the small triangle or arrow beside it.A. click onB. turn onC. check inD. search for

24. “if it is not the same,...”(line 4)“It” in the sentence above refers to the ....A. fileB. arrowC. printer’s nameD. small triangle

This text is for number 25 to 26Earthquake

Earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth's surface that often causes a lot ofdamage. It is the result of a sudden release of stored energy in the Earth's crust that

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creates seismic waves. Earthquakes may happen naturally or as a result of humanactivities. Smaller earthquakes can also be caused by volcanic activity, landslides, mineblasts, and nuclear experiments.At the Earth's surface, earthquakes can be seen from the shaking or displacementof the ground. Sometimes, they cause tsunamis, which may lead to loss of life anddamage of property. There are two types of earthquake that occurs naturally, they aretectonic and volcanic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquakes are earthquakes that are causedby tectonic plates getting stuck and putting a strain on the ground. The strain becomesso great that rocks give way by breaking and sliding along fault planes. Volcanicearthquakes are earthquakes which are caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes.In volcanic regions earthquakes may be caused both by tectonic faults and by themovement of magma in volcanoes. Such earthquakes can be an early warning ofvolcanic eruptionsThe size of an earthquake is usually reported using the Richter scale or a relatedMoment scale. Earthquakes which are 3 on the Richter scale or lower are hard to notice.Whereas, those which are 7 on the Richter scale causes serious damage over large areas.

Adapted from:

25. The size of Earthquake which are 2.9 on the Richter Scale includes....A. TsunamiB. Hard NoticeC. Serious damageD. Early warning

26. What does the text tell us about?A. The types of earthquakeB. The cause of earthquakeC. The earthquake in generalD. The size of an earthquake

This text is for number 27 to 28

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Dear Mom and dad,

Last week my school held the celebration of the Mother’s Day. We had a speech contest, a singing contest and playing drama, and the cooking contest. We did them in three days.On the first day the school held a speech contest. It was the English speech contest. Each class had to send two participants. I participated the contest, because nobody was ready to have a speech in English. They said that it was difficult to speak in English. In the contest I talked about the role of mother in national development. It was a good topic to discuss. I hope I can win the contest.On the second day we had a singing contest and playing drama. Our class sent two singers, Rizqi and Helena. They sang some songs to celebrate the Mother’s day. We also participated the drama contest. We performed the Struggle of Kartini. We hoped we can win the drama contest.The last activity was the cooking contest, and we had the activity on the third day. This contest was especially for boys. Our class also sent a group of boys to participate the contest. They worked in group to prepare special menu on mother’s day. Our class prepared special cake for mother. We also hope we can win the contest.The celebration of the Mother’s day this year was really fun. All students participated the activities. We will have similar programs next year.



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27. What does the text tell us about?A. A Mother’s Day celebration B. A speech contest celebrationC. A singing contest celebrationD. A cooking contest celebration

28. How many contests does the school hold on the celebration of the “Mother’s Day” ?

A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD.Four

29. The celebration of the “Mother’s Day” this year was really fun. The underlined word means ….A. Praising somethingB. Having dinner togetherC. Showing an important eventD. Performing a religious ceremony

This text is for number 30 to 33

ON THE HOPDo you know the typical animal of Australia? It’s kangaroo. Yes, everybody

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sees. But, do you know the first kangaroos? They differ from the kangaroos we see today. Unlike the present kangaroos, the first kangaroos lived in the rainforests. They ate insects, and they were about the size of large rats. They developed from a type of possum that came down from the trees to search for food on the forest floor. Today the musky kangaroos or the smallest kangaroos still have things in common with the ancient possum. For example, they still have big toes.

There are many types of small types of kangaroos in Australia, even though people have only seen the big ones. A lot of the smaller kangaroo species, such as bettongs, are in danger of extinction because sheep, cattle and rabbits eat their food and the tall grasses. In fact, the tall grasses are the shelter of the small kangaroos from their predators like foxes and feral cats.

What about the big types of kangaroos? These kangaroos are in no danger of extinction. They have been helped by farming. They can live in the drier parts of the country, and they love the nice short grass that grazing cattle leave behind.

What is specific about kangaroos? It is their hop. The kangaroo hop is a very unusual way for a large animal to move. If you try to hop up the street in the same way, you will get tired very quickly. There are a couple of reasons why kangaroos do not get tired, even when they hop as fast as 65 km/hour; Firstly, they have powerful hind legs to store a lot of energy. Secondly, when they hop, their innards flop to and fro, pumping air in and out of their lungs and saving their muscles a lot of work.

Besides the hop, kangaroos are different from the other animals because they are marsupials. Like koala and wombats, kangaroos rear their young in a pouch. In good conditions, the females of some kangaroos are almost always pregnant. A day or two after joeys are born, she mates again.

A female kangaroo can produce milk from different teats for the older and the younger joeys. And when there’s a bad drought the kangaroos stop breeding until the rains come and they have enough food supply.

(Simplified from Text in Action by Sadler & Hayllar pg. 6-7

30. What does the text tell us about?A. The types of kangaroos in Australia.B. The similarities of kangaroos in AustraliaC. The differences of kangaroos in AustraliaD. The specification of kangaroos in Australia

31. What are the shelter of small kangaroos from their predators?A. Tall grassB. Rain forestC. Green treesD. Drier country

32. How many reasons that make kangaroos do not get tired to hop? A. 1B. 2 C. 3D. 4

33. “These kangaroos are in no danger of extinction”The word “extinction” is similar meaning to ….A. bareB. rareC. plainD. disappear

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This text is for number 34 to 36

JOSEPH’S PLAY STATION (JPS)Bhayangkara 03 Street, East Jakarta

hp.081392953430------------------------------------------------------------We offer you satisfaction. We have complete collections of updated games. It is fairly cheap, only Rp 2.000 per hour. We have friendly assistants. They will accompany you when you need. Fresh water is free for you. So why don’t you come and get fun in my play station?

34. What does the text tell us about ?A. Fresh waterB. It is fairly cheapC. Collections of upD. Joseph’s Play Station

35. Which is true about Joseph’s Play Station? Joseph’s Play Station ….

A. is expensiveB. is not expensiveC. doesn’t have updated gamesD. doesn’t have friendly assistants

36. “They will accompany you when you need” (paragraph 2) The word “they” refers to ….

A. GamesB. AssistantsC. Fresh waterD. Collections

This text is for number 37 to 38

J.K. ROWLING J. K. Rowling is a British author. She writes about the magical adventures of a

boy wizard named Harry Potter. The Harry Potter books dominated bestseller lists in the late 1990s and early 2000s. They attracted fans worldwide among children and adults alike.

In 1965 Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury, a small town in southern England. Rowling knew she wanted to be a writer as early as age six, when she wrote her first story. She graduated from the University of Exeter in England and afterward worked in various jobs while attempting to write fiction for adults.

Rowling moved to Portugal at age 26, where she taught English. While she was there, she married a Portuguese journalist, and they had a daughter in 1993. During this time she began writing a book about an orphaned boy who lives with his mean-spirited aunt and uncle and does not know that he is actually a wizard with magic powers.

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By 1995 Rowling was divorced, and she moved to Edinburgh, Scotland. Unable to pay for childcare, Rowling went on public assistance and continued writing her book, often jotting down passages in cafés while her daughter slept at her side.

(Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006)37. What does the text tell us about?

A. JK Rowling’s lifeB. JK Rowling’s workC. JK Rowling’s biographyD. JK Rowling’s hometown

38. When did JK Rowling move to Edinburgh, Scotland?A. 1992B. 1993C. 1994D. 1995

39. From the text above, we can conclude that J.K. Rowlings is a .... writer.A. greatB. notoriousC. unpopularD. unknown

40. “ orphaned boy who lives with his meant-spirited aunt and uncle and doesn’t know that he is actually a wizart with magic powers”. The underlined word means....

A. no brothers and sistersB. no daughters and sonsC. no father and motherD. no grandma and granpa

This text is for number 41 to 431. Make sure the switch is off.2. Place ingredients into the blender container. Add some water if needed.3. Put the lid on.4. Place the container on the motor housing.5. Plug in the cable.6. Select one of two speed buttons as required. Use PULSE switch for precision7. blending. When adding ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid for8. adding things in the middle of the blender lid.9. After grinding, press the switch off.10. Unplug the cable.

41.What is the suitable title of the text above? A. How to use a blenderB. How to place the containerC. How to put the ingredients into the blenderD. How to blend ingrediens or seasionings together

42. How do we use the blender precissely?A. Use pulse switch

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B. Unplug the cableC. Select the speed buttonD. Press the switch off

43. Where do you put the ingredients if you want to grind?A. In the motor housingB. In the blender containerC. In the container housingD. In the ingredients containers

This text is for number 44 to 46The Cheetah

The Cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run 100 kilometer an hour. It is now … (44) and is one of the animals which is in danger of extinction.The Cheetah has a small head and ears, and long … (45) legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on open ground.This is a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They like to stay in and near trees to …(46) their prey. The cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot draw in its claws.

44. A. rareB. difficultC. faithfullD. extinct

45. A. useful B. skillful C. doubful D. powerful

46. A. hit B. pick C. catchD. touch

For number 47 and 48, arrange the words into a good sentence

47. Into – tub – hands – put – rotating – do – not - the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 6-7-4-2-1-8-5-3B. 6-7-4-3-1-8-2-5C. 6-7-4-3-1-8-5-2D. 6-7-4-8-5-3-1-2

48. so - sorry - I - to hear - the - west Sumatra - earthquake - am - in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 3-8-1-2-4-5-7-9-6B. 3-8-1-2-4-7-5-9-6C. 3-8-1-2-7-4-5-9-6D. 3-8-1-2-7-4-9-5-6

49. Arrange the following sentences into a good order.How to Set Up Your TV Set

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Be sure not to plug your TV set into an electrical outlet until you read these instruction.

1. Finally plug it into an electrical outlet. Turn it on and enjoy the programe2. Next, put it in a suitable place. Try not to expose it to direct sunlight.3. Then take the TV set out off the box. Don’t forget to remove the plastic bags

around the speakers.4. First of all, make sure to open the box carefully. Don’t drop it. It’s fragile.5. After then, rremember to attact the wires from the speakers to the main unit.6. If you don’t want to enjoy the programe just turn it off.

A. 4-3-1-2-5-6B. 4-3-2-1-6-5C. 4-3-5-2-1-6D. 4-3-6-5-2-1

50. Arrange the following sentences into a good text.


1. They were all hungry and the food smelt good. 2. Their sleeping bags were comfortable, so they all slept soundly.

3. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.4. Late in the afternoon, the boys got up the tent in the middle of the field.5. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the camp fire.6. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.7. But some time later it began to rain. The best arrangement is … .a. 3-2-4-7-1-6-5 c. 4-6-1-5-7-3-2 b. 3-2-7-4-1-6-5 d. 4-6-2-1-7-3-5

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