


^&*j^:i0amL^fejflili^^^^HAyi^ mm


^ R B B ^ E t l ^ :JkM<


a^paauutwerer^omdt* tb t jwytbati acquitted m \ V W M Tkt****B»BRM I U _ t w l m w l *e afcfkrtoaathaf tMpriwMiwwi to' <<(Ht1in> sfthe p*jl»#M «Ta bu*e*«»»*f • * • * * . -

•aria* Ma«*4 • t r h M r t ' aitkjpa*.erliao « fwr fc f l » that of iaaa*l*»j»ktar. * a * at oat* eaat .to irtoaa ajatkamal or*!1 la • ktrg* eua* la hat «f•aofl Nkftfer rtaaMe* w t «*

la* >Ht>Hl| •#


la • ktrg* eua* la hat «f•aofl Nkftfer. rtaaMe* wet» «**>

|wto* laflictot «ptolh^na*reM wl*»'«*« ehlMrea or ib* effwadia* JMITMR.ffrea M « t t h believed fey • * • * • tat*!aat&atttJe* that a jKb *

* m t a i y Plumbing, Stt«m>nd6«« Fitting, Tinning and

Uoue* Blot*, Nortb Aiw.


I» ptwmtrd to twelve pupil* forlJiiteatrwpttett^l^rtBna"""

„ atoraddrwa ' ••™ JE88U WHEKtEB.a Onlou av. (UUwtu WuilUI

| wlaw IMMwTjapoa T U F btaereM wifa

, aatbarttiMthaY a *td»* fc*t the rfajM jto laUct. a/;*)**; '«*•*& iWta*aV **•»&-w^ w mcf. HIP <9iivftje*i*.^ v*KJi Ba*jrot;h\rkiaw*v^v afl€ oj&et*cwow e^ jjaJtikaJik*taae of a Jgw?r abe^attaa; fclioeylf whai>oqt a Jittllnable c*Uav>. Of ibto ""'

;-!to^^;«*»"l.•."jr.aBajftti.-jajfBft a»r»f (tat* '

* *ud .

"*" ^l"m;^tal»«^»*ri*.1 tbejr +r* fag* the frtal t i e * the,

•• w«e» h » l £ ^ ^ « W ^ ^W their talla

^^.ff••&* >*>&?• WfeWei" Mil

" wh» w»i aekiKl wky h»; i

tR*«t-MW*tjr, b) itm Urt-k Ibtqi rmnr iMr tatl»

Itanaiiat «*M*** arw ft* _ , , « . . _

. :,. qattet the nniinrr. Taw i[e*K<r with o»wt waiter*, ualiaa _ _k««w their wejeowr. H to kwty ' ia***t Mima*., They wtat to a»ah* rawat the ' uhiee ..for in •, at*





^ j l e r ' ilocfc, Cr.nfbrd.


jsand <<eet^ and over

r crop tbii mtl for fowl* initirec-of -(jM» l b

^^::^Pkrt'tbT^*"«^Si^CSi^n^^1 '. Spring ane Summer Millinery.

Maka raor Selections Farif.Carfare* paid when making ajpurohaae.

• Agency for Standard Faabloo Co.

': • • • S a f e * ••. , r V .,-.;•

WaJnnt a t o m , , , Oranford

CENTRAL HOTELriwcura*wiaaf«0Mfi6iis.


... fiiui'ral .™ : ,™*wWa» aaldto be .ait'"*('»" ^

itentto winre, Mrl«lii»««l: -Ha», betI Tbat waa a r»«t «>fiia« lad«(4.' I wl*h ,weaUbad tW»eu.*r ' ' "

mo;«L tlemartU •*« K«»tfwu»dle*il» 4 * M * • rort* ut>r tu«bark, while pu«* actuattf <«m« lu^full 1*W, - A * «M jOatnani t. « M

at the Ublea .for manualmm wta> u a * all t M r aaeate at raa-jUarakta WlU a«( oajevt to th*» atfcreaafurt; 1» fa<l H to nlfter tnUtf',Um U*m ethenMoe to tM» • w*Mr|wlllta* t* httttj. The MWa* tkwc at,

mef* «r leaa, Wtth IWMlMMr ,Wbm tar reataimiBt h •HtaaiTCtr.for ««aU«i»«a. U«t »ny few atea Ww.U> be hurrt*4 otret their diaaer. A«f.;•ralNr who kwwt- ale bwatMaa, *ltt<eo»« Ua ffiitaaur* featly av«r this

i » » h * » l

noiNo•ypFor iermi apply to


JOHN ISENMANNWaahlngton Market Bntclier

Alt Kloda of 31wU and Provialoo*

City dressed Beef.(No'SmJmlnwuMJwfr ~~ '~~

Ppospeet^(NoSmJmlnwuMJwfr ~~ '~~

Daily fnM itelircrifea in Cranfcml. Onlaramay tw left at raaUtnoca, Hprinclleld ate.oratandlM Waahftwtoii Uark t


Orange avenue.Paciiic aveatip.-

Lenox avenue.


'Civil fingiflccr-i

T»« W»« la, In'JCeVPt toe doc «m« a M M d H dfmtthful •enraat. I I * llmJ In toe booa*irtth bia matter. folK>Wnl Uiu In bl»walka, attemlnl Uw public «vrrmo«lM.•amctlin»f frrv. at ittiwr Unit* 6*U InIftaali bf a »hir« or tbIW or In prliMvijrfawlllva h; a fararttv dw«if. At bt*m««U IK> bail tila t>l»n> nmHknl nader(bo bcnrlir» of t N mitHHi. Aa la

boa* \a (rkmwi, lk» frecuirnu uf mealknd |b«l i'M-l-M uf I m d | Ibat •«*»ilirpiwu ilownlniKl la • a^itf'nil "»J(|«*

jkoH> lli# itluliiK mow rtran. Tbr*» tr«r«cvrtalnlr Mit «rrjr ri'flnwl fa»hjgtt»^iflii.If oui IHIIIW OOS* Bad to" MlUfy Hum.•DirM In Oil* war tti«y w M t lto'WIe of hunger.

Th* anclttUJa dli} not fwl.tli.o delicate(aatcMianil iVfttut* In anrli uialtvr*Uiat we *i|H-ri«-mlp. Tlirtr life prweeal*ed rxtvMlife tvUuemcnt* atut rude f*a-tum* of wlilrh we bare no Uf aide breklft The houw <|oR~rn~KaTPt'wa* adoiueatl<>, worklox at bl* trade, oolrbl» tntde iraa ou» Ig-wnlrit we b a nce**nl to ewplof bin.

of 0 *"Ti l

M i a wolf er niyste H i H «• tf *«uMawe i)»», »od In buffaht day* ihhn We*l-'nuaf u*rful loOfcattuu uf' buffalo

' henta li«iu« net far «way, Tbnmatery rrealufne alw»j» f»lkiw«l a

w«i . CV»I»» hr «but twtec areuad WBM h«t« a»fc*aal>red; *\*k a ataa-witi (•* » MkfMt tt|»

l Mnd :mtatadier* •w«Jf-'«f» u tIwtbtou ttMit'iM work* la Iha baat ree-Uurakl la to»a. IJot me* w*l(w*«r>few and far betwem t<e;w. YarkTtuwe. ,

« • »» aim tt* IK imr

of a d«*n


*>H» win worts ««l u « r *>iw». iiaautirr what two iwi»«ii<ar« itMislirnire* take Ttm nil* i» vrU ti»iw n, liutI ta»H- itvrrr U»o »U* to flml alt <•>pUMtlcHi of i l U'ltr l> llil» «1«ra}»trMu awl cm enjr uOf eiplala It 1«

l ib fcMirrn fleurrj loot, but noneWm%*btoJtoJrn*hllhlU

.... mm „.f u r Mow tltne |ir«tvkrti« i« llw diy

UJK)B Hhlrii the g*wat t'iillMiii e»rtb>a«M>k» of Atwu*t, IH5T. oivurml «1**t

ma «f era In uf in tinknuM'U va-

T t f j all.ap(kMir«d iu Im itmilly *>««M-IH( nml w<<rc> literally •Ilinlilita ovfr*4*to otbM la llH'lr efforw Iu «*(«iw-th»liu|M-ndjnc t-alatttity, ' '

Itiiw-llu'y liww llial the Mrlli«|u»ln'«».* rylil^Htitaj j l* .Irwngtli'c> dc^Mlaielln> cwnl I* (iiore Jli«i,i IBun (KH »4 /J(MU In'iiit'Wj;' a<ww nwUK-iblnif iiuu*ual

1wtke ire BHoitwre I* ««ju«l iu

U ibtir miOMn*.-AtUn-oii /

wbalfrrr.'1"ii«t Iliere. yttr* mlllloni of tln>ui

luai^tw Inferf**! froui OH; Vport of in*,FOIINK*. Wbo *aya Iliiit •'(«« dnj* aftertbe pnritiiimikw tlie dmd mill* W*ri<Ihrawn upou lbe b«»ch In.a wall likelln* llin>> or four ..feet wide. a.loBf tb»

,~mm wuu u*Tf pearo it ran ;Wnodfrtfeiil 11 Irta ao uflx'li tw«ii


tow t W rtniul>l# amti full, f * t It ta on!/ »l.»ti IMMIM ro«tb. Tt

o""«» «atlaeer.,

»««r l.r Cranfere Teamah

e.— Sylvauia place.

All mmlarv Irapronnwnu. 8IJ«w»lk«. bxaoHfttlaltibd* trw> >lo. T*A'ulfiaM«'walk frvm depot

f. E.C.Winckler, ownerWillow atroat:

> and all Pelhml, sad car-limit fditioos»!«>™ tor Bale,i.

Offlte, as Dlx Building,


[ F o r a l t ' , , ; ••'•••,'•••'': ' • . j . . : . . . ' ' . ' > • : • • ''•'-•:•

| T b e t o j a l X e w a • "" .".•'•'- . ; ;



Into aong and U>(trul,A blood r«d riot hun« rwind ID* mean.

Uurw round Iti* muvtt Ab, m*l AU, OMlI heard th* plplnf of ih» loen.

A woundM luun Ah. m«!And yri ib* r«(l< fwthrra rareI. tfambllnff. wotwln my l»ra *V» hair.

AlitKMt all writer* W|KI bare attempt

^1-1..—-When- lhe,.«lefceBaf'^':. * - i -Tlw I*<ml4iii ClihotilPl* ilwlawt that

"\viint it4» iiu-kcimr fi*«_ natiiln« Indo with lite iMitHUI. It la i f old ft*HMtntmt*, wlw Iu llw '"Merry. Wlvtrt

' of >Vii«l»or" fnakw Wrm, I ' M * **y toKnrU. "I fdnmt t#M Wblt tb* (llckeu.

( « atwa/e froot moral puwer,raka ereo the »»ord a«d mrapr* UH-harntMi ftvat tb» 0»M of r«ru«(e, ft*-h« to.belli** «U tb»t the? rwn k*i» oflueler ami u> w»trU>n tl>Hr only glarjr,nuiirtrlDg- nianjrnkwia a<xl Mfi* aiuMtbe k m t «r *l«tr«. <;o tb* (xuka tit

A uftiw>^ty«T H W W

Pinfcclea* jrTM anj l i t , ' ~~~ ""

".A/''-- • ._ •.: :.. Satiafaetion

'22?&:F0ONf:aT.t%_••V^:^^|r::'PLAlNflEiLD:--:N. 'j

Ukenvd It to uiimlrllifill : Inuitbwr.Thn« Sir. Vornoil IJBil^y.;«peaking oftiie abuiHt ilnwrlbrti It»» f»l|«w» roh-ly on lbe lonely lake In.tue brart <>t tb*wood* do you gtt llie'iiartlluii tbrill oftlic louu'v wtld i-ry-one dimr.'piAtviojt'dote or a long, qunrt>rjn(. dvuionWll''-•—'• tbn't to tb« timid »ti$ttmi* a h*rt>

„ .- . Otar-C«kM. Pup. .(?*

>ciat circular. .'1-M&

SliJsI,wJU b ' • - • * *^'..•.oy; "fldreaa i i ^ ^ S



^«.»^IXAiWTO.^i tv /jv.; :::^3V.-.;; -



Hou«e. Sign, and-

_ FrescS Painting,Plain and OecoraUve —

Paper Handfng. —AKD DCAIJtB IB—

Glaas, Oil, Paiut, VarniBhca

and Wall Paper. _Cranford. -

-^Aprbwpriirtrof ib* unt-uiployfif thattook pl<K*iln tjJiiilan In I7IM did not,m*«>t wfbj ally irrwit »uccea»; or publicaynpalby.'Iu tiiat y«ir wl«» went outof fujiiliin. and Ib* wljf inakfra-of l*oo-don ;w*re thw.w.n out of work and r*-:(lu<*d to.dlatre**.' • Tuey: petitioned(Jwrgf» H I . tt> vatupnl gtatlnwi'U to

, wear w*l«a b; law, A* th* wia; maker*I went In proccMlon to Ht.-jfanxir'. pi pint*K-Bt tb*ir|>etl«di) It wa* OMicwJ. tbatitioxt. of tlK»e pfraon* -wbo w*at«J tomni(M>) >tbf»r people to wejtr w l « woreno wlfa IU»m»elVM. Thi* *trlkjn| l£elondon uiob a i rery liKXHkanrtent, theyK lml the prtxx**ionl»U *ml totrtbir.cut off ail'tbelf ualrr*IUiodoo Biftm**.

Its* lim» n W ton !* .« vr a «nll«fl"b»J tell*•tU^tik Mai'-renew* tie |jm»orimprwy^oirpt. l iMt p«->|.W tliatli*a

" eTpry i»iitttti«n i iat b«*

„ wlikti bomanlty * * . * « ! • t«-ward too twrf^nWn «f


» w w g w n or inru, line WllklMla*l HodskJiw and Watklo*-«ru# towow> aa a »ub«tltul« for anotuer apdituir* liupwlsnt Ii. Aa tu "play ib*ill< k.'li»," urw ttiluka of HilKillell aitdllumpliry <'linker -*ud tbe liuuiortaJm-ni« Iu itblcb lli« lion "would rrwrand tmr nlul play Mm dli'kwia^juicUtt,n>mp«mT1fW/ "T r™" it ilii Tliouia *

Tbe bin! duf ia*a ia ttk.l/ to thUt ,ku f»twtt*jta* • better «i**H»aaay,attlwal on mrtk. U» (aa N l yau any,auiount of afi.rle* about bird* belat, 'aVralea at Tery hx* dWawe*. Now ItIt a «jrty uf rblekvM wUtded at * » Tjraril*. «f( again, * b*ry of quail drawaatralKb't lo at eerenty-tre. Tbetv am .otner atilnttbt, bowtvir, which have ,irotHtrrfully k<N>a ooeea.. tnf ln*UB«*vlbe mm otter hunt*** do Mt dar* b«Uda turn tnriUj* il Him* iklbe littla U- ''landa 'uf flifl, I'MBfl wt'iin fr?«jueated : '- ••:by ijtii*.! auHkht beoaue. tb» otter «u»*Hlt)i Uie ruineit from the tuialleathlate a Ulalnnce of Jli*Mk*-*H~*t~

tr-tt^f-mvrwMiTi^ml^tiMt fca, .a trail a IUII tiiid«r tbe tea. Mooaatui>« IMVM kiiown lo wind a uaa at tw«mil** ami ii.«k« up.tbtlr wlada ao i M *ttr'lr atMHil blm «» b» a r m qtllt-oliiarui»d»rtt»eotjf.eT«.

• '." 'A White'Aa't,O|*lt__iJ^-_-_—i-—;

—AV-boslr«8rTfieTGfiiii» *>*» Utah!

the KKllrtHi'for WWWISiit "la^tka) / .WhitK nul utootb tb* natlTM baw • •'•.:•,?*,

• t«rjr l»M«y Ume, ,:-iflia H w I* d*a»rt*dj:*^pf•ud ni'ii a ml woui*n, Uiy* ind airia> / . ' 'Ito out tv»*tli»r ttie wblteaut fo* food,I mmwt ««y 'I «iTin|r» their u*te, Wt-::: '.•..'; .•;tbe wbUennt l»n.»tUd »*<ood,Af wry rich. U» tbl»iaoirth- frVirao>nnaaliwbMiV' nouUr**««tka*<ki«^^^Iu buttdrttta, pull uff tb* wla#a iMadroaal bint. Tlie oaUf* bojr» ka»* •*ltt(rt*r way itltli lilm, HomeUoM* atIUM* white ant* Hopped on l» tk« tt-bl», *llr«rt«l by lit* ilfbt Tbe boy*wbo. wnr» wamii(_pottiH>d oej •• Utetar

if. i

' V

Uk» lh< Ooth* mho (.!«»• «1 lh*ill'k*n«Wild l(»m« *IH! all i»r tmirni (1,1'«»n*

. < « « ! , - ; • ;

to to |f««t»f. |i,« f— ar'i^rvut.' tubrat*, r* bw wiw». *ud, !|>w«Mi»frf of allt&cae ijaalltlnr. to *«>rr»«r them lutbemoat (trarrful weJuaer.*1 «*/* tW ( m t

' A tllwr In '• mrtaltt bote-i twnim*> aonob* that the jiruorirtor dlm-t#d bl*ROMrTaL I W wall«r wbo «B«tvwftillracroBiptlalMul Uil*. iio rHuruW in tb*nwto. • yiprnwii bl* • wgr*t 'at' l<«'*1»ifCe»*: bHcea i» p«t I I * todlrMiial wit,tnt, avid V , with faipha*!*,; rbVat-a'prttrd g»ntJi»»ij.",' addUif;. *ft<* : apatiee. a* if' lo/etirfaU Iww b« arrirwl«t •> d*rti«.l » fotrilwifcjij, 7/tr «1r«

a 1 ••* * "

' ' . A |Tr#a«*i !»•* «l»rr. ..A I*«rtai»h lady w«nt out rwvnlly

for « walk In Urn Ar»iiu«i d« Cjlrby,t . i . ! . , . wiijt b«r a toy terrier, wbkli


Jf ; twyr »uridiiiiii«i i b*oe fortlw diijfr.' A-.Ur^al I'aiie tbefi ttppMniit«» tlitj tcrne, /-and, iwelnirtne loiHf,uiadif a <U*b aud *w»llow«i] tl, alrluKIntfafakS, Tluflady lurtwJ round audIn d#*CMlr c r M out (bat IIJ« (JreatI>an^ lu««I ealeo. lief pet, tbe Mil* *>g-W*» fnood later ou. uiurb to llw ji))f litbl* uii*lr*iM, wbo~Biri1ed bliu off in a

f a b . - - - . ' - . : : - - - . - • • • : • ' - ' ' • • • • • • • -

. *»»»•«*»•» Th«« *•»•» rall>urlnjt. a aleeplM* njfbt U* ,

MojMuddl.o KtiioIJa dUoalcbed•la»e, lU-Iruddlii «JB#, u brlfleT U*Jaweet*. Tb» alar* prwwred • cppOe*keilk Iweyed with many ki»d* •*



Vmimm aeel JIM.Wby In tb» name of ali tbe aalDta,"

aak«d the matter, "bare you com* badeto llotocoa-treortneiiMMt aceonpiuibed



, rw*«. nrcOfw n a a eaU an4~ ituptettaj Urgs

'tl/e 'worldly, - v - - . :,••.•• ; ^ . --. .««.ow f" »«M'tl»'pip^^f1^'B*»ri':becatHe, d « r tna»t«r, I. fe*l .Out 1 don'tftt reatlr teiw: tow^lo-jioiv" -':." ^^%::;:?ilX :»on/':\wa*vtb«"replf,;-'1kat;;:Jiwhat noo« of u« aball errr know oo



Tbe B7ro>?H- f l r i : b««inf . etsoklnc_wh«» cBc-to,'ab«at tbrwf yr*r» Vf~ag«.A frwrp WV::*ck«oajttrl( ^ In M*odal*ywiil att Is a <inie (Mtutuf arotttx) theeUemtr. t*>* *• A*aer)r*n #rU wouldpa** rvuwt Uw bex of r*rsnu>(«. I IUa't ' t « m ) r Kiiic ttilM 'two tod**Umg-Mtf) no tUctaeM tk*t. t N Itar-B ^ a ^ niw***. I t »« « *l»*eWa#; bl«A«wo<. iH-*rJy mitt* fc*ir*IKJ:w*ifi»<ta« atyUt thr**<|n*n«n «f « podnd.

tfce'a*»«t>w «rf flaftonal <»plul» tW**«~i*^»"-'^—"—•^ tea;**:* ii, yiad ••«!»*

>l*»«rrli* ,»>e*» mt lOnimItieuiartk «n one <xv«»f«o (old g|<J-

(wy U'blluian of fata w«ll kuoww feat'In oyster Mlloc. if* « M otxw InJJci[r,rWliPr« be ofdpntd aoiue oyabrraIu a /imlauraijt-dfly U> twflu wllli.He u w th* lady> bvltlvd Hi* counter*look np i« aurifrlae; eo/wlMrii be bedrvUiu ilKtia, W4ahiu«- to,** Jftfi effectII ifll#ht liar* im b«r, be vtilrml to-oflxr 0fiyr nod ao vti oblli be ba4eaira 170 njUtitn. Mr, Wbltwan add*Uiat I t 1 ! * tattf fair to retu*wtmr,.|b«C ,Ia,Jl» pr»lt»WUly tltey www tb« MaalfOetetd vartety." '

law Joj«^^,__^_^a«>»==s==^^»--W«li»^'-Sy:.'ii|»*k?|f^I b e i l a r * . ;;:•; ;••:••. U ^ ; , ! ' 1 * : ^' Ttw *w»r abruaurrf btt>*A*bd*i«"Tu*M-. fruiu an» -e.we*t*/or. » * *B» -•aetil," be Mid, "bill *lnrw' aA'a' fnW 'ttoiai wtiMHa* of whKh will aatfaw»rWi tow lbe Judgmral dajr/* '0,' •-,^••:*1«anSJh»:'|laW;ilW<ir4&a^B»^

.|b« Ueacbed ,nM*,,:wk>r*'|tiw «iarrtu« tirphaaiB jb Ik*Ay»in .and l«d t«*!«:ipkiai , . ,__ ._

f«i>ii*M cWMrw deroBiWi tW fntito,•.-.:>*oi*t ••; 'WvJ&};dii&%iMHtm.*la«e,,\«»r»7«<^*^':ffiM^ltoA»i»*^v|'j. of. • wutell eodure* unto Ik*.J««A*I:'^W•mult da//V^w««>fc:]pra»#:»

S*7hare ttiom «t

Jlar Ulerlallae.Tb* f«Jr«i */f M » l dlertplln* I*Krwo ia tbt» trU* »Utty of llie caplalu

wtw< fatally natHm wlib cbotera, waaIwlof Uk«l a«lx>r» l» tb# ooefrftal.-'The•U»7 1* tolOTTT'ltpurt In the tf«v/>^Tbe*«|»taln'ir»«i were rt/Wtag »*

lalowJy and x*nt l / l i * poaalWe ta order1 awt to dJatort blm. fto Afiag <r«p(Atnkeekotwf tbe ijildabipijtian in ebari* ot

kVHrethal CftetoaaeATbe icaodifiarlan tarMigrtaaf

a*nt« to 1)1* tieiratknl a pttyaytawl man/ other «lfH, wldckciud*,<.itbo»r.:«i>* la tun..„-,. •^v-»«^iDwrjin>:wnti'JI|f


day. Afterward be. ptiU It aaW,:ii

In bin jtrate, *Odtn*r#»f»;iwl(0«in>««0y b#U»t» not " "»V«urT*rtJon of the body, , .rrrtUbW r»»urre£iia«i of-tk* »>ablrt* oTiuJb bt*»t>ai>d» $»M%

a auy of <b«ir aiarrti "wrfiab widower «uiV i

»b««»» of bi» ae*wd ' '


I.6^,'jarJ:;iitti':SfL.^r.3M»w..aB, me**



Two Minutes From Oeocf

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

d*did De'd^uk!.

- I 'mi. ~< .. _ l t _ "" "vir • ^aT^a^aa) aaB^^ana^B annar al^BBaal -^BBBBB^BaaalV^B aaJPa^aaiS^WI • *p^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ anaiap^aaaB^ ^ava ^ a a a a j ^Bn^Qvaaaa^a/aav ajBnWaa^Vjp <

t M Mia* «f 0*v aatfera *•*»>"*•apaafc. of twa», «T «fc» anar**** a*

i w * T«nr.

* fia« f*Jb* •« *Wwr«


/«r lurei

c «<•«•*, «r «** «Mar*'**t a*

«rhna<* H • t a f t C M«r Inrn*?**

la tfc*

w*tf «r In4«x- Th* *d«d taw* «V*Hcbtar teaka «f JiraltrUjr. ffclM'Ift*•I** from ow a r t W * JoM* ta tba*of anattar on • nKMMnfrjMfce, M Ha

att|M from fawn to toira>*n4l J d i

frown a i r att|M from fawn to toira>from §uge la atajiw, •» »M Ja tatnd'

Ibr Utmi of llw port will «p |v( |l>#.nH<f>Mtil*f.> Tttf »rtor

irtw 1* to p U / Nhai;MtMwnmart m (tini awn/ Id*


inp « « , pbf»U!iijj Mm rmlit AIM)

ijbtMball dignity of our own

1 « W tsmWiBjj lm« thp <lu»t

;*m«i«Hffi<l« of W « I B > M J '

• '«*«Mt k»U«f liavB tlwy dnii* tita

( t r t «iMt U»«7 Had• Uth UW" trftb all IIM ml***-*«« of bii aetU for puom«bu and*«« of bii aetU for p u o m « b u and1*1* h»JwM|u*! la ld« MfCul&iit or aTi> IVow or Mfaffrfcd'ii UUtw yim <IM> l|ifw* kundrMHiiiti Arm rtUlit.HM> tsaka to wbkh Iti* i»*Wn Kuallihand Aiocrtttili awtMcvr |U1» | b K


<nat>ta tJ» "iNtnntiiioiia" tho wmifon

V ro«fcon tlm wtv, other

Jfawelatl lnnrttC INVH ]H)pu1«r in'C'ranfrin] and tbU jrmr iuijma Uiau

in^ b n r ( r |h«n W n m ;

- ' § • ! tbg*tiM>r t« *upf>ort Un<

* C 1 i t - l int tram.

tb« old wbcwl of M i a k U m r e »e-lotn, Now, we *«• urn karlnil t ta tIbt* la not for II* l « t ; tbat In li<alMrmwra «f the rtolutloB «f tbi< art*tbc> tunalif li«« w 4 naltirnll/wfcal It lir-.-tninii.f W

llmm ai«4ah Bwlla Ar« Na4«.. *JTtn> ttiaklnakinf ak'tali Iwlfcr. Tttrmaking itt aifaUili lwl»t»^Bl lBan art,'' aara an Irou fouMirr. ' T l »lltll* irtm twlf la ton trig tn Iw |ittl Inl h l

m twlf la ton trig tn Iw |ittl InIlirrnJKU the !«•!« In tlw M l . and yrtIt 1» InvMo. Haw dtd t t tn ilmni "Tl»-IIIllf Imu Iwil u c a i M lt». jinitvt.'

you kttak* Ilia alflgii Iwll It Jlo-tllmL In maklns llw b«ll Ibc iiiujlet la{•fit Itwkio %Mtll« |M|| a( mud, )uit llw«lw|io of ItMt liwMn of th» 1*11 Tbrn

potwxl o t tliinl n*llii(j JiMt nlftlit

"ill* Towimlilf (Vdiimhleomul "

«frootTmm«liit«|y." \V« IKIJ

.arilCjprove cff«oitvt> hi riil.Iliix

' lowuof lliegrmtt «nr|iln*

<i|i (liran Ujii^ )

l Ia i iy of tljjpni wi'tliitui

of ItMt liwld* «f t l * 1*11, Torna uwilil to madn, Juafllw ahaiif nf ttw

""" •" " Hie 1*11,. Tlilaiuud naiUrlth.-_. , liwWn la |ilaot<d In tlw nMiIjIouUtoa. and the. irnitiU la (wun4

In,' wlikh nil* ii|t t | « upace Itctwiwntltc> Iwll abd ttin mold,

">VIH-II ttt<Kn«ilil la taken off, fvto» «lt'l«li bill, tJui It *l l l not ring, w ItU full nf ilIrL Thn lM)( luplal lliat tbe

la nindi< of «lrR>« ttifl dirt ao thatIt can he alinfcon i>ul/\AflPr tbp dirt


n tx lin1><t» KiilXAftPr tI* all KlmkiMi out of thoNJwInll«'ll flw lillltt Iron JHiiilrl * (In Die Iwll «ml will ring. i KKond trtMiir Jfitttn U> Ilikuk via

»k'liflj U>ll," I

fell I* w'ortli kwplng at IUMIIU or on

«iworry|in*iniM<n, ami it IK MCO I«

»jr tlmi not on« in ton of tln< i\og»

h l l^ jrlilrli tlili^ town, In coinmoii

•Mrllb, oltiyr towns U nflllriiil it*

»Mly worth wiyUiliiff nt all. i

rra raallr,AlaWttfrtvurt cf-.nilnti<triv-irf-nnv

(if IIK< Miinllor Aincrk-nn (IciMltuliiMlloni(lie (Utollmi nf (ho Inmilllclcnc/ of

l l M d(lie (Utollmi nf (ho Inmilllclcnc/ ofw>tn(i or llMt unldrlcx won Mnif nrniird.Ouu-linillifr wl«. w(j» alnllnnnl nt anitwiltjfi |«iHt iiutdn A almtie li lm for aniHcri I l ' T l

from ttiv comer of l?niein

tMotto.t; lb#;rtw Hmil and f1ip»aon r,,, AuflmtrgoUoilog oatchtr will

i w l b g a t o t i U U


' if _.

A lmte lilm for anr In wilnrjr. 'To |irn|>i'rl/ pro-

rlilo my rnmlly with tt«. t«w«afiTi'n"rnmly with tt« t « wU I* A « T ( O I » pn>iiiMn.'uH*Mr

iiimir rbfldrpti hgro JTAIIT" axkwi aK)rm|iN(bi>iit< limtbor or the cloth.' "Iim\t> four IHI>'«, mid pacli otw ha* «•tatw," wtm Km prompt niiljr,- Imnw-lUIH tb t b l t \ X k b

* ^ Uknat9T IN TMB *T*T« ,

Beautiful and Accessible* LINDCfsl NEW JERftBV .

I>M BUZAttrrni, 7MiLen F«OM NKWARK, it MILCH PBOM NEW- YOKK . / ' ^ .

On Main Line Pennsylvania RailroadWhy lots la these Cemeteries commend themsefres to

~~. Heads of fflmlltes and. Inrostors ~"SKCAUSE of tha »i/wo^t»Tlu»t KOB4 provided W byt»« Tru.tMr In'. MCh Cttntuty. »»• totwna fKira which will a*e|k tk«r'prppanliM p « .

patitallr bMttUAUat NO KXPKN88 TO LOT OWW8H*. '

BKCAUBB aucta a fttaranlt*. nol tootul bumy oJbw emMtaiy, aaanita lot. MiMn that Otaffpunda W I U UK MAINTAINED HRKMANENTLY




^ S | BOOTS, SHOES ^ e y B B E e s i j ^t22BROAbjSr..

( - L f *

ELIZABETH, ife*/.!•' s


BBCAiMS atOWt' ADVAHTAaRS ARK?QI$ i< f t« lp_TQ JfcDT' 'BUYBR8 in'a IMW WMf«nt~lTaVE Cimti<(y tKan in tt>DM ttta^Iiahcd

many year* and, In molt caaci, no pr<nrl«lon mad* fof perpetual c « etrttbeul *«t>a U M R M IO | M awnara. THKRB ARE A ORKATKRNUMB^K OK ifaEAL LOCATIONS TO SELECT KROat, PRICR8

A S V A N T A O M U B / ^ * ^ U O W K R A N D "T^R>"» "°*F



lUIHy tb« aymivttbptle tt\ewX t<»k tboOooh "How U it poaallfto tbat ourbmtlM>r oui nnHrlilo cv«tn Dio banwt

I •».—^-, ntbbtolt u written nlont

Jh» P****. Wfwcbltjr Uwiwoiwn. of« U p MMUttriaa than of-aliiKtm mi*.

,ttl«g «*»*. • Take'tiwu til, tlio aiwrMtai.tfauiatm ot Aud»luaJa. ibo IHV

l (o ItU elvlil tWMnmdM not »aj- I hint cinht tblt4r*atU>T* h»\v tlMummo al»ler."


can tinipurehaaad NOW~ the tSoBT AD V A N .

. 7 ' , i

-BBCAUSK-tha-proptTthnrsr* ACCE8S1BLE" TO ~A,O00,0O6 PBOPLaf 'and conaidarlac tna RAPID OKOWTH OP ORKATBK N E W YORK*and III TRIBUTARY CITt88andTOWN8. i t i> only a quaitlon of aSHORT TIME wb.n LOTS In ROSEDALB and LINDEN PARKWUI EQUAL |M VAJLU&taoat of our MOST NOTED tamatatlt*?

LINDKN LODaC H IhTtABORIS, MOST MOOKHNtnd HKMT KQU1PPBDCIMKTKXV LODOB to lit* Moatrr *ni pfo»U»a wllh KVKKV r««|i| forlh. COM.

.rOKTw«eONVXNIRNCICarUn> OWNKKf mxt VISITORS wha com* to Intmct| | i a aataMfeairtLM- "

W C & T P t C L O ,

7 , L I Q H . , , .A s U o lijtht, * ptim%bt^ MTornanwotal liirfaUml an up-to-cUt* i* t raataaily ' / '

;C0J<80^HRJB L&m. J4EJIT JWD POWER Co. '\i| £ * turf raawuiilib t»t«* tlw»j- ui*t» rUetricil; ftar ntatand poarw. Ooaat aad ""'

' *M, th*!r aUlUut. It will ooat you nothing. Talk

i A .



~ uiaeni;LV6NS FARMS.

Union Watep Company

r O B INroRMAT|ON"*<""l'i*l»«»lniheMb.«ull/ul P*o, Cfm««l..,.ndPRRB trMtpwMilna I* ftm(«ctlva irt buy.r., apply » put, «, .„» LKADIHOUHPBKTAKtMer*««>«hll«AM«>lMI«i.«i ' « " " " "

Uaata Irtf, LMaa,"N.' J.• I f Bf«a« «t»a*t,,niiatMth, N. J. <.-

i P M d M tMlataf. Ntwarii, K j ,"»nw» AVMIM, Jtfwy CMy, N. X •

10 W«t >M Atmt, Ntv Yatfc City.

Incorporated 1870. OrsanUcd iStft.

J.Tun Union Wafer Con.,Mnj aiiiiplira tlio InlmbiUnl. of the rnna^

l l . ^ l . f f - ¥ . ' CranMM anil IIUKOUC y i t l / Turtir Tor dmneatie-tMa

" The Pureat and Sweetest that Nature can Yield."

"Bay, nMttiiiuT1* ()u«rftU~Bfflo"Wlint li n atiiR portfl"

"HlaB, mr donr, la «n abbiwlntlonnf ataimrr," n>|>lliHl tlao knuwlug uiulb-rrtii l i-Hjio Xona

_ VahwcUnan, th« ruddjrwvmn ot tba Aaturliw ami orU bUM> roboat ana

, • » . « I » I I 4 H th» protkl - Anpwnwiir-W« laey oak* un a taUontl arouplnc

R<xinomy dura nut io«an UlnKlnowbut lli« art or inaUnk th» iiio«t-»nt|b« t of tti* nimna and malvrlaia nthnnl.

The Company Refers to all its Patrons.X• • i


- - i






Union Water Company.At 68 Broad Street, Elisabeth.


- ? . «

— OcoraVk nnd youBO mlkUke. I think. At

- * *»w^ «tVi aafw io many » mnnWa* llta was** than otw who Itai a aat-MT^-Boaton Tranacript

; , ''at* aiaw «•• rtalah.'Uttt* BIUMT whllo out walking with

all naraa aaw'a bladuuolth ahwiag a

ifllSl^lfS1^m *

bow*, aald,who

man).gaM**-- - ,f^O* warn 1 tm,* rrpltcd Kliner.* f a » * : O t l flihl h»B*: OMtmirljr flni»h«l t

tin. U*vir«a Jn*t nailing\ < tobbd (*H.«-Chlet«o Nwa,

v -4'V- -" *''*?"*-1''*"*' ^i^ *»••• Trial..l? «?!*»,,»«m,.Bfl jpoo-rts bora in trouble,

&;4Uff* r

tf Ott lip I **twt* t t a ^ |*r«tft*tm<wit4|»> iam.fwl^M

<iS# tHarttrrV iti^fakfu i*;i|£,iMt mmk avalau-

^v^W«»V«batr ntt, nut. AdtmHy trimw» *•*•«•# ahowa ttpow b«ttr <jwlltU*«

>if*Aav l»« admtttr didn't trj me- It»«|m «sahiam«U jcti**. an) no ai»w*d

FrovisIoris,~Sea "Food. and... Poultry, j .



J. K. NE\VCX)MU.Aaa1tCaahi«fl

OF ELIZABETH.Statement, April

' - v i v B iSl'KMNG II wish to <lrnw your ii»rticul.'irf attention to my

line of. Sea Food,. which in na.complete as nny inNew York. Having recently uUtlctl this depdrtment,everything is Jreali, elenn niul' tasty. Oysters as youlike them, Blue Fish, Weak Fish, Sea Trout, StripedUasu, Spanish Mackerel, Ecl». Siiiclta. Cod Fish, IIaiibut|lifoe Shad. Buck Shad, Soft Clams. White and YellowPerch, Pike, Pickerel, Scollops, Uve Lobsters, Prawn Jnnd Clttms. 'Thenin Salt Fish there are Cod, ShreddedCod, Mackerel, Yartuoth Ulionters and Finnan Hnddie.

Do a»r of them hit your fancy?" Telephone 13-A. j

III hnni'l nm) in • ...«tUT3,70944••' . . ••H",IQOI

l*tulita. . .

• rrX-CI0.400O


! n LAncuJ'CAPITAL ANDmhniolatinn

HV_ -

Gas and Gasoline Engines,VKimCAI. AND nORIZONTAL. - ' They

this ITb.

Garden and Flower Seeds.Grass inchClbver Seeds,


Unwti Grata'«» Gfate S%a, Central Pafk Mix- • * TOWEtt * °ture/^nartr~ - ' - - [' - - - '- - 2 0 c - ; — - - ' - — A L S O *

Ics. I..T

a m p i K l i f t - - ture art,- -"'- - r — '- - 20c - -=•- --ALSO r^^^^x~^^^


New Jers*y Central


. i—**

, iiit. «»t. §a. »»w

\BErrH,N.J.9 SHOES. '

BOUXO warr.


»<HBto»«l-MIi. u..LIB«.«.

\ Noto

u Md<aaornuile imritr." UKIIB ftml uiwa Utloc K (mil •

u iilant U lonud. md It"will ami prmparltf

«. J. a>x l« In Clprland, - a ,ftiutiM trl(>. • •

Miss Kdythe JJIonJel h out M«iualtrraBe\rrf_ilJiinvi .i J

Tho Oriuironl puhlio wtujols willctoiM>Jiiii« Itilh, Jiiio-

M».-Wlii»lo# A. Simw nml DonHegiuald lmv» rrturnril from a stayto UooWster.

Miss Kuth WVIIU t,f IinK.klyn npentU » ww-k »i«li Mi^ Alicv Hnlp ofCranfunl «vctnif. _

Mr. James A IIilr<oo U-ft ypxtenlyfora i lrfisure trip to CaUforuin tuMthe Pat-lflr Coast. • /

Miss Kllzalwth l'lcn-o cntefXMned afew frieuils _Tut'«<lay affirnoon Inboour of her twelfth bttuditv*.

Tbe Menie Wlyvrfpavn n luncliKili

y d

* ^

WlkMMl Intoth*wood*wfitlM H*«i*i a«aiMt a

eowfiw*. M «*tt M hrtJMwn MM*.'to* ftir Uww to .pnfMrr/ 111 i v

Iti*.—ilw M «*«abaM at««t«alHf < m n i m hi tfca


Harry KrW^*«td-,Blw. McHahtw.t»r

TVmMnp CWaulbw

Tb* I W t w l h A«* Ik* KkWMtb l«mn» will

i*j tb* HMla*. trilhat


.if MM iK-w^fuwrr Iwu*. and tW IojMrwl *>*» uk«» tbvr* and |>by*i«>uHw

Tb* 'flmt Ui «rnr«lo«TlMMw«fkv >|>|<it<»twft. On 1 W4 t t i 1 >wtilrh JTM to hat*

tot I* l»M»oftk«l(wlb»«Mtam»twMaal Ik*Ituirliy Off "trwla" amt Tail

Klitcklr of WrstOrhl arrtvtuit » UtA l ( t» itHMUtic "«llw l\.»

for donation* nfMr».

C&rtarotKahway on Friday •rmli«.

at tit* Araaai ra ttuMM i t 7,30,and will «noa lh«_T, «trol ly , A «oodU Mi««it wanU

wnnimr>|i|MK*tif wutkno

IIUli«»r <•« ilw

U> km\w If ho

IWor. twii 'rhamlay In

BAN Vioo-1'rwideni. Aw't Cashief.

)f Aldeti nlnrt

Mn. Hklnuer and sonoft»>iiiK«>jnU>rtiiiiir<l by Air.

Mn.. tVruiM or Miln


<>f Miss Edith Kveretf and Mr. ArthurWickoff to lake plntv tlm twentieth" ofor May.

Mr. and Mr* Fredeiirk Hughs andson of Boston, Mnsa,. nn- the RiifKUofMr. and Mm Kdwurd OMbititi. Ai ling-

/ ton Road._J___j MgjuidMr*.,Orarg* Jl._ KrsjJi«n_pf,

Orvheairaof thirteen ' a dance with music _bv hillIra. Ticket* may bn had Tr>>m ....Directors of tbeOu.lqrt.Enu-rtalnmvntCommittee, or Hit-ward.

cvmful .'luidlrtate^ In thecoinprUtlre examinations for nppolnt-

leota by Oonprwwinnn Fow|i»r Ionnapolii and Went 1'olnt, heldatiinlak-iit Ptnfrry W'IKKII; BIIXMNer* F|w| T. Anken Hnd Nut,«K«rs, Jr , iMh of riainuYld.

MrH." F." ~1 general manner of Hfe (Vntnilnlnn Telephone V,*yi* now' In'tho

Went looking afterlife InU-nf l« of III,corporation. Hfrctiini* t« Cmufordthe Intier |intfof May tor « fc'W day*,and wllljnfmt hl« family West Jun* I.

»r Jeniwn a nineteen year oldNIUUI girl met her death hy Jump

fug from a trolley rar hint Sundayafternoon on &>iilli nvonur> uenrUncoln Tho car was mnnluir nlfull speed nml her skull wn« fmrtuivdIty contact with (he inacndnm pavn-ment

iufont*d Urn opatracltfr tiua viweak)bapaid itnlil wufk.wiMiA l


"Th«tvfign-lt*m» to IUKM*.

At th« anniia


or (wti«»r« rrfid«> IX'IMIOI li«^d April

••niri>r* mum nlwilnl (<*i>e y**t: R M W m j , MIIJII i

; Aimtin I, t>Mmvnr.'|,itiiin»)iv. Kitniukl Milntuck, nnar'ly

I hr Mm. Muiilock, hn«,tiwmmutiny frinmla In town ilurlnu tli« piml• wk. Tlwy iiii*r«.ivl»in 'J'unkal.iKick,f'd Mr. Munlofk IH in hi* 7flth )»urv

OiiHuiidny, A|i>il'JC. the tlir«w rliilil-wn of. Mr. nml Mr* II. I

and Itm-infxnt drti>nhl*r of Mf, and

tba WDrfc; wan im^WKl M>ht U. n-mUm l.uMr. J. K Hiuiil) ••knl f..r |»M»m Ui

MMWta nulflimlk HI ( ,.f lit, ,„„tf IHI l!ii(mi a Id itii if |n,-li

>InnHK tin-


Mr*. II, |L Vnn Htun (mm prltiirrli, 'J'lic folio* iii(( krp limrilti tli« •luim^nf-Himi l.iitlw:


ford Onmfl and PNh A«socinllon wu»held last nlRlit. Officer* t>l<vtr«t wem:It. J . Mix, Prenlifpnt, CleorRi' M. VnnSatin, Vl<<e-Presldent ami II. 1' Wood.Hdcrelary and Tiva«ur«'r. The old

ji) tin,) aU

i|i>i>j»Jim i|ei>j»nln I'.l'loiHt, a l iuliljr tule

'SS ment of their daiiKhter lirncc, to Dr.Frederick C. Imin . i

The Wednesday Moniing Clul> willbold i t s annunl n-c'filiun 1'rid.iy, nttbe renidemv of Mrs. M. K.on Birerslde avenue.

Mrs. I'hoebe Woodtiiff or

all thf> latllm Tutorc»|«lI|IIDII «n<l\ini> In

Wocxl.July 17. Irtiri; Kntliarln* Wood.Oiuuwr SO, IWM; Mjuhlb MMulUrWood, May ir,. |«.!t»{. j;i»«, H*ndritk«V«n K«an, JUOB 17, 'iUtt,

OurrmiUraarnj|*li«dlilM)ir in mlmlUm Halo U> IM ulr»n by Hi. V. . . T B

y y whirh willl»n Iwldjn Um rht|wl on 1'wmiaf, MiyI'JIii, froin .'I to n.TU p, nt. Thar* mil b*fanny and uwftil nrliclM and lM»tu»iuiul« I

•tiittw aiiktwalk im Hi* nurlli mtUuf Nnrtlt«renu« wu.1 of Altlun ultwl, prni<iii|H| mhut uwwtiiiit • • « aHwl an Uu.rnlil) *I,I|*.1>)d«)* luitliv orilnml ih>iit to ciaum*•JTnelxl, Tlm new iM« ordinaDiw MM(MIMMHIuti tiiinl rvjulltiir. tii l«kn slfmt

Tb« foliuwmit hfll* w»rf» uidarnl IMIU V. Aklrlvh. , . , 3HI)a s , Mi***.,.,,,-, im

Uf order<>r Ih* Hoard of Ifvallli.A. K, 0«nuulOK» , | |H,

yJoba Maricti.

frumJuly Juki) Huof wa» axvvfvly rutatwul H«u h«<ut, IIUM>_ b(i>fc«tn «hd»M7<Ji«rit»i*nmHy.' Th* (.^lucjiw,»atitli.|ph:Tra» Tiry-iWiltyj^;.dJHn»t

»« IHWI. K U W « U tfT>v»h>ly |*tiim|.lmul tirulit*n| till o\or. In fajH allt'te llit\n«ii nljiiut *> Itcavlly thatMIV nfiiy Iw ttidto ^ r l o \ u InJurlM

Ilinn »|i|>iiar»il on |fm( *\nM- Nol uii»•>w rt|Vi| *t>ir«ttit brulM>« or n^tallta.

Tim rnnw nf rvvlilrht M m-lf vtldnnt)«« murlt »|»-,M| n t Hi,. r*iti>rwi(-iirt« atU»- UtU\x>\ Tim rrti umk Um Itrvt• itUiMklK>m lw,i p«r» Imvo Ufl the\n\\\t, In tlm |Mvtt, In «,»»i nhn(m butJ)Mii|>n| in,, rnllat IIJ.^WIHIIKI. *U<«»M«»hl Intii-tlm womUr "Why "OiniHolnrnmn ilii| ii.,t flow tip itt brUi(r«n» W IIIK rimliiiu In IH)| known and howin not m OIIKIUJOII t,, tnlk hot n l « h t'riii» mr I* Mild in liuvi. iH,im. duHie Kriulii to tbi> rtM'r HI (••nlll.'t»|«iht< niulnrinaii n|i|iiih>ntly n,,t tiyLu jiUni_ttu,i f«,f|iiK JIM, »t(Mitl<in lui-«ihlni'lor'<t HIBIIHH f b « <Miidu4>hir

wntnliiK IM Imit hf wmld (•>

wi(t f m a M i i at faxTh*rMbwViBtbkTUMiwUtMM** n

ttt* life «T CbrM. YMI*n>w**«uQi*. -

HI. !>««»•» M K. ClhMMHi" Ihtv J tl. ti fttaMlMk VteANf

A lll*r*ry MMtiikf »IU b*hiu rrfchjT.bMMLilLlLilMlIkU M.-

AU latirwliil ia 4M*rwy



I>emi« or iiiiuii c. *Vu.y, word w u rw«ir«tl

« y , uulmibtnilly hol|i1nt( tin. |nutiwiiK,.rH to Kitrr Hi>-tiiH«>lrMtuinvwliiil, tiiiHitt Ulondi-ll IUMI Kunt<out on ri'itr pli.t((irm p»|fw»iliiK car u>plow dtMii o« tfmml or 'HI<I|I at tbt»bi1il«i> wlilub would «lv« bliu it nhoil-••ut lionin. Ho WH* Ibrown fmin Um

H»f«kMi at thl* c a n n *will Im, at Mpaclal lnUti

iwniiHl U » pMtur will pr*Mb.JIWhuikilB« lb* W t l k - T W «• k l m d . " TbM will b* tb* Iblnl'*la tb* wrlM. In In* tT**l*)< at T .«tb* Kpwtwlb l«*4ro* w a l n n a r i will b*•tbMNr«*>l lu htmur at tb* DUutb aaat-««nary nf John Want*)** bMb: Avpwial prtitfraiw Ut naiog pr*MMkl, '

iM»raMon wilt b* lt»f, J, II. CUanr, Ul>,nt IIOIIIMI IttU*. Nun* *buukl fall luhoar Ihi* »lu<|U*ul praanhar. HI* tb*mwill l» -John W»*i*y."

"An ln«|H«<ilott will b* h*M on Hatar-day nlittit ut U>ntpany I, H*poml B*c<-

N. Ci. N. 1. The ln*pMtla«offii>r will IH< a regular army ofltMr.It UproMilethU Imuwwttott wUi uV»l.lti for tlm National Guard wbatbortltvy will IM ri|ul|>|i<hl with tb* rsgularwrniy *<|ulpm«ut. 'Oo|>oral Olnitt M 4hl« wiuail will Ukn part Mil wttt «!«• ,

i Ci p «« Rood a* H»tit of lim C'raufortl K|Ua4.

I» . I * IM™of

unk* >nd nnnrly f«r RaU. Ifenaliona urti I''"'''• '""U tJ«rm»ii> of tlm ilaulli

MiislVjil I trc l l i t l .

Tlw l<ndira Mumca^HiiciKly of Ornn.eruixH) *l Hi*


.V««ioi UII Uia lltitn* of Iliitfu i: K«|iIUHO of iltmlli «iHa

«pt»plMy. Mr. M l hail IM*II in t«»,iliralth for « hin« tliiw |.«.t' ami WHIMl«0 nioulb* KU'i dwidml to no l/l f Jar111*11/ fur Ilia HuiuiiiBr io HIM hupa oflludinx relief. Tli« reii,niu» wcr*

i»*«'ii Mummoucii fromthe «iv|dnti| f)ntt

viittfd uiul l)londi>ll and I In, niot'if-man wen- w n t to'Kll ial^l l i Utnorall

Th* i»A4lan A, A.ballUaaiWmiilUldoa May Dtb. Maai.iiril hi* OMM ir»iinl*ni'Wllt play athat WtailMd wtll wH.tbrM* tm

Till* i will

street, while visiting her win Pri-ilWoodruff, met HIIII n«evere fall whichbroisMl her foot bully.

Bev. Jno. Bilgncurotje, twtor ofTrinity Clmrrh left Wednesday eve-ning for California where ho will re-main for a short time. -

Miss Alice VoorbLs who underwentan operation- for npj*-nillcitii lastSaturday ia reported Ibis morning tobe in a favorable condition.,

T b e C C U m e t as usual on- Tues-r at tbe borne of Miss Alice Lakey.

They finished their last song, tuid emnow taking up a new one- tbe hist of

Mr. R, II DnvU, Uitcmtut' of ,mill room nt tho ^Kolluii Works, winthe vicUm nr-n |mldfiil «vM«.|il whileriding on a trolley in th'n upper |uirtof Sem York City, Suoday. Th« mrran too clo*e to a |«uwlng wnffoifwhiehhtruck a h'mry banket <>/irri«l, by »passeBRcr on tlw foot board and thiswas'Jammed into-Mr. VnvWruttinK «"» "«rfy BMb enveml lnrhi>Dlong. Mr. Djifri* WAS iinnldfl to gotaround until Wednesday, but Is nowon tbe mend.

i«d in th« Kvtl family plot at ilamliurg,

lulier* atul. JiitluulL^,^^ ' ^

(Vlcltrnlo,I Tlix animal )iwp*p||i>u of ||, \Hn

f«»v «|u)

, -*ll m*Mili*r* ofrrliijr mil roll »tt*pIWUUII of *ickn*M

T |"Oirfirt4ir«.Ui

for two'piMikw.M«,J,I1. '

WWH* folk.**:

thisTbe St. Ajrnes Oaild of Trinity

CSmrcb held a sewing-tocMing. Wed-nesday. Mar 13th. at tbe rectoif.' A

, buKtinttmber wex»p*res«ntand a greatdeal waa'aeootttpUsbed.

. The suit of T. D. Paltnei1 agalostX. 2 . Smith for 93W waa decided in

ok%» MeodeirHLiteurt but Monday by:'akawaR}of$t4» damages to

CJIory btffb JnIsbotild be an Insideratioo

Od Friday afbrnoon ihe gClub R»»e a receptioA from l l n Co'clock at tbe boine of Mm, Newpotnbeon Poreat nvenuc. Tbe rooroit wereatimrtiristjr <|ecofate<J in pur|>le nndwhite."F^X* the door to welcome guests•food littjf. MIM Kfc-aoor SmWi J nJapanese conbimf. Mr*. John Lottonand tfie Tion-presMenU. Mm Boy-roondj William. M>$ Mrs.| VYiUlamltobtn»on received Tbe boateMm•sere Mrs. Hale and Miss Grace 'tiuw-combe. Befre*bmenU° were i ,tbe table being dressed with riolet*awl lUles of the wUey. OurtDff theaftnrnooo /eju»l« Wbee'er, rlollnltt.

, Mr*. IJ. X. ;i'o»l.Mm. J. A. I'otlfr ami >Miaa Julia V.

CriniMHi (ilow nfKtMlfru W.

Mr*,by Mr*.

«nd3 "Cooexrto JTm. 1 for piuto forta" *. . " N. BwrthorMi.

Mr*, i. II. Thompsob, oreh*«tral, partawordd piano, Mi** Ijourk Aodru*.

4. "Aria Jo ti Laaria," MozartMre.Kdw»rdJ.Maroo*y.

5, "Andante ffow I'mtonl Hxoiptxmr,a -nag*t\ for organ and piano", JUaethot «nMr* J. A. Potter, Mim Julk E. H*m.

a "Trip, Trip, Trip,".,..-,, ManEiil*tin. ThompKm, Ml*a Torbtuib.


w«ua /Mir*»lfo, doroUiitf hi* tlm# to lila

-,M*,f.. N«»«r iMfor* WM prmlieUod §o ent*.

| pl«Uly y*riH*d M by Ib* ball IMBW UtIbe MA\*n amrwikm. -WaatOkUwasn't kn>k\Bg for It and tb*- abuvk «fImtau abut mil <»a(d Ui b* tb* 6r*t U*MIn Ihrw J**ri) WM alssort Io nuub, ualth* W»*t(Wk)#nt kwk_Ui* tabWiMt tmX

Hii|M-r«f|iiliiK I'rlnripitl

llm Jtosnl of liduoalioii Artlnii LJohn*>n,, now In eliarK" "' thIfuckelUUtWu piibllo nchooN, wa«< liiwu to be iiuj*rvl)ilnK prlncliI In- Ciatiford nohixiN, lim nolnty Ix-lujj

t«rra befttn* July I, . Mr. 3t>\nimmmmn with Oie MlAvmi <>tund a tnont eimlhnt rword. Hi*



U> eighteen of her little «atur

Mr. and Mrs. fceajronlMkl Mfc and MW. «dn*y.W.

oa Toeadayl

ilntbatdtjr., Oiwae. defegat* Io

Bbiratbl* trip be~

of bJa

r afternoon from SJOto Jjo p, m;r of ber^odnd bfrtboVir- A

t wet* played and th«n the|lreojpirtook o( dejidot» refrmbr

KTrefl v1 III tbci <Ufillt|^ . roO£*i, wia* v- deoiiMted In pipy and

The- refreefameoU mniMol pr>lrba,io*Mi!ani and <akn Tbs

reerlmd l i t t l e furor**ibM* prMest were: n o t e



9. «A«Marf»Y' . . . . . . . .LuwMiai/oliaE. Jbai

VWto CH4te»U>,M(«> £hi» Swoek, '^ Sttteud,

I t "Fttlfeaod f. Mi* Smock,

p thatKoUttalnoimt CMOMIUM ha* ar

ipidloylvaaiioltmroa V/tday irm, Hay -Si, A daoe# will follow UM.

«M>«*rtr'at wjueli th* *otir»

Mra, Doting.

lb) "Tlolio impno|40*liiTarauMM,''

*im\, Urn. V


rk«»t< a n Mm. L*w* Cbdvnll a*vlMb* U m Fore* of PlaUUM TIM


MiaM buiAidn*, KarUla* HotUHijthte.

• Oay, Pnmtor Bcmne. Atbntlx. A. hHKr, Mm a A."" Out. IbArttf.O, Skwfaw. MOL H. J. Co*.


will ttodm nthrio. Tb* nrtuiml proxraniw* will cotMMt of tlollit, 3aoio* u*im**ni mem) •tfactioo*.j Thi riaturday n/«ljl JCuehr* at fb*

CMioo WM w*ll ait*mt«l. Tb* priurw*r* woo by Mm M*«iek moJt ttti.

( w*r. .ftf»T ta* ptojm, and

a w r oood«ioe* fafond a fln*dayf *^>rt dfraw «fargt attaoil*^of Uy wwwtart> who parridpaUd hi to*M^^utiai8lMal/ •;


I bar*


D. W. Milbrof |f*v Torti UupMkat tb* aefafrri onP/xityH

liad('««M«aad *'Ibhiufc''

at,» o'efook, Ju/

Uat mount

|itm*H» of HIM Tiiwiwhlp (>M»m|it«*»i«l Um l<u.»te of honor,' an ««cli manwaavallml up, otiuiiinwj hioi tu l»V|Mip-uwnl *nd)(«u«r«l kuowl«dK*of ipparatuaand fif« »l»ti(i UII lonnltoop, TII» •«•


Aftvf lu*p*(rt*un Hi* KU«*U awl ,»cii*»mm\mf uf ~Ui» d*portnt«nt ' WM*

u*ii«mi u|*Uur« f» tlm Truck UnnpanyVnouif* w*f» aiabraU praparatfan hadbmw mad* for MiUrl*t»<n«»t by a ouu-niitUw uf »hk;b' «( Clil f. U W. WondWM eli»(rin»n. / _'

31M |{4M*U-w*r*t /IM Honor, MtyorrVlmurxl II. JlorKn ; l',»ik* (iwiiifi***.

mwatimw J«nM« ft W, lUnkfo; Town-ship CWrk K w H l ; WHIi.m ltiek*tl* oftb* fuUnMI •bpartOMwt; aod Opt,lUuumo ill Tm>k, 1, W>i*lmi), *od" —-J . /„ MnitUi and WillUm Khts-

Traatji^rUtkitt Ilur«au ofth* daptrtinant. • i

W*atAHd*~lMtw«*rull of good play*, *pl**4*d W«4(by UM H*WM on botb M M pri>1*Jwhht app*ar*4 Io h* M M rua t»n\H-MuoiioomplaiatMla to* wont of tb* .W M U M umptntbaAjU** btanl, W l iaUi* mm» flaturdajr tber* wMlortuoatairbut-HWl»oh»nK*forblB» to epatrot'UwntuU. H* atad* on* twf r»«k d**i*t|s 'd«alarlng a W**UWd *Ma iato at 3M.«IMW b* WM olaarly out by *i«JivMttb*' WMlil*|d root*™ b i tink ' n Wto b* VornlnK of lb» AMerkMll Mln*i*«<| of Wkitae* a« B*w*d m tb* tout*

y Mr *MMl WMb WMI balj-Diayufcy

, yn«b* want* rrf tli* inner mutt wllb Id*

) , c«ar* w«r* )%Udd iW M

p p «and Chalrm*n tVood caiW on y

far ib* loilitL »fmcb.. Mr,UotUm enmpHawMitAd |b*idVparlaiMt ont t a d k | » i | U )

r*f«md to tti*

un«t thpi prrcmUd CtttkM S bi

«t t p i pMuiotaS«ir« **r»ki*; twMt

wblt* rebb»r eott

but b* m w i p j tofor Ibalr ktndly

Hilie* Own M

| p , *i,tlwa M<M(- cptopltl* Mr*

j Ibaak In*

Mv«d tb* (lay. tor t uTb**eonrby laaiogs;W«a4fUUH> 0 0 0 0 ? O 0 t M )fMb ~-0 0 0 0 9 fc 0 1 0~»

faaudtb*Haturday th* Qww<mi JL C. oVtb*Ue*y A. C.«f Newark by

?hMor*:JOarwoixLA.O.U A C

Bito13» BfWatu'^'J;

MJw OWffjlCT'

X*?t ftitantay tfr* willyerpw bat* with tb* «Uoag WMht»<t«*

TbajtMnttof tb*gaa>*U BOMU* ;gt to^y WMMtatk)**: ,'

•d Mayor Uorten, kakUw * *i*i*ibar ofJ h M t b d i i d hb

at Fir* BMfMrUtw b*to» batM b b i !

b« tt* 1*4, Vim

***** -late U»t*t*at an

tpmi-u-vn *p i****. tnd*l*4««a«*tl»t«r. t*a tw«r at MM*

- •ffeaalva and robed at• fcit, to ill* atacMtatat of lite

How, hitherto n*art«l. atrafn and daaprom,

I lit* paw upon rb» bear"* bM4 aa»Mtpraw W« rtttf and trtari t» malt*•a* wtth taw. ,

Tattaa; tba twcr vmtkr hi* prota-tinn,t t e iMa mttenA m on* to.»pf>r»>i>riiCat i»aj* and did Mot «fa*p until b* w»«

wrHrr Ut UM Uardng hawthat aiuar of t i»

btitartt JctotDo IMIMKW jtarua, trmrtU,oflm- irorkm of wktodMaa.vrtlni a


M;4Mri]rB!t*wttr i iavfThk M MmMt M« n m allowed himtortM

•c,Tt* tw» animal* woold llo town nft*

> araMe, tb* Hro> tiiroally wl(b * pro-fad!**-«•««"•* VMhfMT, Ill«<t»ll«bl

, la cewpaakmatrtp wn» manlf««t<*ru».•BMajubr/, and fata c*(ftnr» WM* hoCMM MMt|b to let UMtwo »t»»n« theM m Cfjtv-KfttMa* CJlr Independent,

(* Male.17BS tbo mayor of Yarmouth,

! Ilia f«llarlmt prnda.-"ommr m ibc prnmsnt cow-

rt i f w n and I be alarmingJprtwtottfi of a warrily In lb*l mMK

<«#e***ary arftfle, many town* rur«a*fa.out tb* klntfotn hate •*« ib* tnw!al>l*«*ai»pl*,of tearing off for * Urn* tb*cwtam 'of w**rln4i powder In thrtrbalfi bjr wtich Asean* a irrmt qmtntlty*t w i m t mutt infallibly. l*» «ar«t totfc* tMtlmt.'and,ir tho prirti bo not r«-datwd It wiaj «l N « t ho prntonledfrota IncrwUoB. \\"p, iliirtforc iJwmayor, Jaatlrr* and prtnrlpnl lnhal>-l u m r or nm Y M t h * >ttvwt U»<;>*Ripln.«* wcrtby ImKallnn,•ttd yr» flatter fitirxilr** ll»« ttllttnrrwill not b«lt(itn to adopt It tiringfuUjr contlurapd tltal npi>«iran«« »re•I *|l Hurt (o be (Mitrini'Bil to Ut« pub-Ue w«wl, ana that Hi M u g tliU-tlK-rwill » a l ) ^ i)(i«ttoil."'- u


] anynatural jtrcflirfnc "' « w t er.**U laloc*ttiKlrr (Mrtltiiter Irtbnrm, Takat^"fflrKxainpir, and <vn*utm imm mtnjtmmm «Mt l>)nM)fi<« to A«a beftiTi^lBiL Tlt« hak»r and twtrtxjf ttrts* Uor

aitd U»f. ~Tor addlUolMt fpMikImnm. l»»r*, Ijbvvril. btoalcra,

, ttnub. Uvalvjla, baaaaaa, t»er-r)nk,~rii»curia. titina Cold bvttrr. -Arur

banquet of tonnn baocbni b» maye oat Ida tiriw and blmr kit b*M7

• hllc lift l**tt*l«a bla Jilryd*, Ttwa.Irwtnit a f n r e f 1b« bnifflarot tUng*M-ltulnl nwW Uial bli««*4 lottrr VXtrtr, aa a <x>ntr«»t Uka *M," and•itmnc ttif Brut wot$* w« tblok uf ar»lamp, dark, drwr/, dlutal, dirty, d»(•rcMpd. dm^talrlnf and aooo, tba rarytciuMl <>t wblcli la tnoocli to drtra notInto doleful dmnpa. -

• , \ ,

Pottr Oral 1PalMtrtaa waa a rcvolu4|onlat In hi*

day, tint la now virtually obaolcta erentot the aontraal titumlcJiiita. (Muck w»aaa radical an hinomlnr na \S>fiipr,

JTJIKfrjHUj o«sukinaiiy'jut<| wills <llf-.Acuity that ono of lila worka can nowb* briefly rwuacitntod. Ikwthorcn waaa madman wen to many air Uie beatmoalolani «i tat* aa l*tt, when, aathat mualral reform, r*raf<w*ur llaniit,

- almaolf Mid.' MM ««fth Symphony"Wa» r*b«ar*«d In Uoriln fur tb* flrattin*, and |h» orchctatm dathad tho

tmnaVg from toe rack*, Ueclnrlnr It waa«rakj> and could naver be ulayed. Nowtttoaaw* "fifth Mympnony" la conald-

tt tiM^ebMbhad idol of conaemtlrca•adcUaatdaia.

flow a bl«b l)rad tweknvytrnvn )w la pot on *tblWtloa al a bl«bMw «bow la told by IMwall Kord In"ll«r*H Nln*.-" It « M - a y « y pretty.•llflit firnaratpd tit tbe hor*» fxptrtilining tb« rmll and lo pmmw in boM*ami tier jvata, Tbry aaw a btotktty

»lrnwb*tTjr roan, faii ehtaeladnpflt arthrd In a perfoct t m t , bto rigidtMgti muarlM rippling, und«r • ahlaymat aa tw »»ung bl» fcorka, bia allnfore l*f» awreofilng up and wt, aad *f>nry tmnn of nit rounded'body fromdie lip of hla atmrd whltk broom taillo Jllw wlitle anlp on tlta *nd of bit(nulng MM* 4«prnalng Ibii a sobamncaof «iilrit«, Uiat juanty abandon of mo-tion, which {a ili«">»ry *ap«i of baik-VMy *tyle, JS-hlnd bin a abort. ItfgwJ-

baiinr«d tbr«agb tb» air *t tbaend of tins r«lna, ktuplng bit fa«t onlyby lueaua of nioaC atuailng atrldca.

ti* flrrt pn*A—t v tw at* «Wkfork. AH* Mi Wtf* tm * axmaaMT *•


STao, Chln*»o enjoy the irroattwt l lbw9 . Tb* law* of the wcalem nation arc

ierottiariBtooMnrer*. inatanco*• boodiRO may bo given. All the> In the country aretwumJ h> at-

tend, Mhoot at a certain age, When anauthor wants to print a book, "bo ha* to

. aak for a copyright. Itcforc a irtnii can" atart a o«W»pa|)W (to tnilat apply for a

w r w THoning him (o do ao. trb«ro nra fl»wlraarulaUona noTcrulrqt o i l comimiilwiand flrma, All marringKi inuil tto ro-pvei<& to a Mrtnlnldi'tMtrtraeui fir rcR-

' tatnlion. Tliua tWtt> la no liberty ho-twooa tiuiband aad wtfc—r*klag BinVmo. /

tho (ilaut aa «k' toI tb« drriUatlon of It* *ap or Ufa

_-,-,_' ]alC*A Furfuaon, whn waa one.^•tKutjt tli* Ont of Knjllah adrcuturara

. / to"«ta>t Oblm. and, Japan, uirullooa/ ' III* fact that bo aa'w at Cantou "a box*!

/ 'about UM bl|tn«a* of a 'htdyce anaffe.'boat, which did not cottlaliw a lltxytf

• ' «Urt awl aUctet«-Uny Ml** tm>t. hiurtj. «t:watch wow tn full blow. Uig wbolei.< bout, tree* and alt u atuall ;bat a.tuan'could nut them In by» mouth toitith-

. < " •• L ' .

•avlaat..More limn CPO peraona roinp*Ud for

iim prttra offvrsd by a Chicago rompa-t\/ tar llw b*tt tbonghta-on Iho tubjuctof Mrlng, Tba man who raoolrtd In*flrot |irl«o wrotai "Mating prodtfe** alicniv of wind unknown to btm wbo Inlliiio of inlarortiiiio intuit dtprnd on In*lHiuntyinf_bJLfrfcnda..lIt«t«nilne toa*v«, for will power la tho prtwe eawn-tliil. DnKwIt regularly. Hf a»ld*•omn iwrtlon of .oarb WMk'a or monlb'a

XIIUK. I)i>piMlt Mtra and ontspeet-«d rnvlpta." It la a abort but ooqndnirtl rampr«b(<nalr* atnnon on thriftand piillala lo a good caoa* two fore**'tbat Minietlmr* tight on onpoalla aide*-will power aiKl Uablt

n»|ialilag. aa Orgaatlat.—Ait organlat bid tor *am» tlm*b«entrying (o extract a conipllmtot IronOr. IS'BIIUIIIUJI KUIIIIOM, a w»U knowniir\nt) of Kranklln, Maaa. Tb» old doctor portMMvd a cunning wit, ua«d apar»l l l '

T«pta!n |a> Om gverta »t * f WWt*I1M*» that -Mr. AAuta h«4 tanrf v>rat wldi Wa fort VMW ta r n a m &adtkai b» ewAta't •fvtnata* tfeaAn«r*w Jad«Mi mtetwl t teIkaa attBtrflrityf of tarJac wtrbknife. All af l|wU »» ha*« awakcal » IMpvortd their Ha ar ttm»» fad» fl*5r• l i m n to «ool lit It to rctalvd ef C »m l Taylor that wb*ai a# **t4«etWartlogloo Wfly In Uw araMHtag « « 6a markM baakct an bit ana f^»« from««• batrbw lo apotbrrtat * »t*ak ar a rib nwwL If I*l»ar«alo«l pbar* arrrrd «tt bta twin, for w c t a *b«ard It » • • ffwtog. te tft*qnallty *of (b* rhrrru* k» ale *a u »fourth at. July, two, tlat «lrta<w at-tacked bin and ba <IM « • tteDck «fJu\f,~VOeu Obaettcr.

riitmm KdklM.'~ A corrcapondraf ankb Ikeatory lo Animal MT»i

"I eiltmt la* kltlfB,** wrftM rJv» nr-rwpoadmt, *^»t» apnuvbaakat wh«r» ib# bad twm lyfatg wlttb*r mother aad fallowed mm tafa» ikenext roAm. Tlw eat followed, gnraBaigWirnrogly. sod, iaklnc It as fey Iteneck, I replac*d It to fb* taaatrt. fI railed it. and agata.U r a w at mjrail, Tbla t l W t b * outiwr, srowUa«atlll more tkmtralagly. fbOavM aaagain, bat tbbi time ab*.**<a^ th» fclt-t«n hf tb* taW laatoad.of O* •wk.-evt-denjly aa a punlahiant, aad («IM!Itraugbly ahwg. tbo kut«* aktwta* kr*p- \Imaly. Kor a tblrd thn* t e»il*d. aMonto more II cam* to aw, tnt tklt thawtb* mother wa*> ille«t, 8h» caaee, Um*up tb* kitten, dragged It eff «ad tkmb*san lo bit* It again and aftte la or-der lo aacor* tta obrdlcuna. TU* meth-od traa aueifaafnl, and- tbo wmU Um* Icalled It waa In vain."

)y, ,"Tim oriwn la not a* powerful ai It

took"," Mhl tho orgtnlat «fjt«r ooo oftbn •gnlcea. "ftomt'of Ilia pipe* I NfalM*, plared tlwrc only for ettvel"

"All," rxclnlnrcd tho doctor, bla fea-rca brlglitvnlng, "tbera irn tliu'oa

when t>vi<n a clrritjrinan may prvfw thefnlati to I lie rvitl,"

Major Auatln, writing, of U*In central Africa, aajrt: **rnv gryadnt.tb* "moat'awe |n*plring;"tW iaaai~tn>-incndona role* on tuihiaotx* from thethroat of Ibat king of beaata. in* Una.It 1» dlfflcalt la deacrib* Uket Jroar bunting out Inro Ib* atWar* of tb*night and aMnilng to ebafc* IW T*rygroaud b*n*at!i on*, ll ntakra oa* Itoitwtty, Inalgnlai-ant, of no accoont.when bU najMljr *otc*a U» aatttfar-(loo at baring dlmed w*tt oa *oa»* pawUMttapedlng antalop* wakk ba* al-lowwl Itaalf tn fait nadrr tk*

sale or Rent. The Elizabethtown

Gas Light Company.

ror Sale o. v\

or that pondervoa paw. Tb*dl* togntber; a deadly atUban* (Wlmra:lb*r* I* • catca to on*** breata. and »la wttlt • acnao of n l k f a wbk«wra^t>hap* CtJ»BbiLlb.lba' ObftJIaa la aatt-«t*d) arlaea. tod conyereadott gradtl-i t i f r * " "

lip onroful not to confound po'K'with tho nulomnllc following of aoclnlniliit, wifa t)i«C!l4lcngo Itcraril-llpmiaIM> tint »pc>k lo do only aa otWra ilo,veil If It l« HID very makera of (ho ao-

c-tol Inwa. l'rwicrro your orlglunllty.No one limy nioTO wholly according lo

ts Wt of t]w milk of huui»n klndnaa, aTv«r grnlu* of -gooj couimon aruao,mixed well with R iK-alro to "do untotthon," l» a aplendid rvelp*lit moat wnlka of life,

• I * a M I M a « * .Among the legvnda of Gtrm It ta

tokMhat tb* father of Pytbagona, tb*>famuua Urvek pblkaophm. « u a «V-X

ppbrated engratvr -of gets*, and. svned-l

W»lU ll»l» Her Pal.Mr*. 'lllmni~Vou may atay until,

jrour w«<(<k I* up. Urldgvt, but whenfun t» I muat tvll you I won't, bo ablelo nrlto you a kttet of nscoiunenda-(lon.

irtfl^Don't 1ft ycr want of «WI-ration liubnrrawi ft, wndanu Ol'llwrllv It fur ye, an' yo can mak# ycr

k to lt.-rblUi>cl|tbia I<reaa.

\ :

known awlaltt UM * M M . tho fwwrtt' - M I , , 8,,,iii,i-Aiid *o Mlaa IMaae andof tbo CaueatlM a»oumatn.ranB*^«o^ i R a o t n l x rwilly sot married. W«a itdue* aaffron, in«a«Icr^oak, walnut ana' , jyvo uwtclijUs^ood Ira^r, whUo apple*, pwr* mn~On tho contrary. 1 abouM call«a .a tmp«««»w wild It. tbc» fomti U » h^e MKB an extent that they ara-txport* u f o 8tullax-\VhyT' I don't under.•d in lant*. xiuantlUo*., Tl» wtM.of, irauti y«u. _ . ^

Mary-Why, *bc haled, to b* an oldtnald, nod It* hated to bo poor.

Troy and \tly**«* ot R n « a(raved ring*. En«rav!nc» oa atoownthat were, pnrtlj prvclutn w u aa <artAt a very reruoto ag». Tb* ttrltba m*-apum pjcbndty tKiaata -tho pwerwSea • (a aitiall wjuare of yellow jMper brar-tntr tho flgure.of a horae aoJ the. namrand IlUr* or Aiqenopbl* II, brUrrnl todate JbAck t« nteu^b^etejJCOJBL C^Th'o TcrVil'iipa^npivliwn' if'irnscra'Ved*

IXW tn »tl*tvi»v Is a &wt*nf Jfe r

ro enrred on a Bret water diamond bythe brother* Caataul In tb* J«*T K«0

or uafarnlnliiH], by tlie-yeai

U-rooar, »««»•((, WIUI 'every iuipruveman

« U plot. lOOrJw; m IConeevhU Mauou ^

31*Itia^wrtatwtr.- Aj»pljr VTAlffiHlV

Hart-' '

m, YOU NOT TIRI5Dof board side Wai kH

They rc<|uire continual ret«armg'auJ arc iunin in-.ich <Icarer than stunflagging. Glad to give yoi:8tiuiatc8 for~thc Tatter <uiany time.



O t a l «iko oxporteU.andton at tbe^oontry la accond only' tot l t t g ^

'' <" U M moat remnrtubkusoM boeUot lattt^world t n round lu QeotUal AistrVioa. TIM bead and wine <*•«• ar* brU-{itat«M» nnHatmt wlllk a tiial**1 aa ofv^^B^^^ay^ar a^^^^^Bvav^v^a ^ ^ ii %*v ^^^^_ BIP^P^^VV wav ^^a i

C O M . U M U , 'STp atgfat. and touch thenbajj* aB tn« ajipoaranov of thut uwttJUT

ttw-aan* ntfon took* Uk*aolMaUw*Maal/ borolahed. .

r• nappy U»)«s Enjoy your plajtimanow«n<I outuo atmln to atudy and (ofoel the birch- rod and ths feral* to-morroir. Stwrt, twy*. wbll« yon may,for the morrow «ont«th with the birchrod and tin* fcrulr, and after that an-other morrow. wltU trouble* otlUown.

N l t

A Carlau SH,Among tb« moat (xtraordtaary plerra

of wymbulUm known to JUT* beta oardby the early Aalatica wa* a Agwc* ef adonkpjr'i bead uaeil M » repttarntattr*ot the Deity. Tber* l» no do«bt what-over tbnt the aame fmbh-m m* vex*'uaed !ahiong the Itlttlte*. the Esjp-tlaua and oue or two otter oatfcAM a* aayuibol of their red goit/teL Tbe•urwrnlltlon of the yel^rfr donkrr oflmtlR. the atory of A&v awUt'aaa c*eaatora Aala ami tb« aaa of Dtnoyataaaud many other tnarretoo* M» ntyrfa*are all *ur>)tala of tnat 'carton* forahi rcllgkMU wnwhlp, tbo 'adtmtlaa. oftbrj aia1 head.

rs l

B e M a l f t true fn> e »|»ged tt. Mr. RoooOcr*. Tbc oUwrnlglit be tlttW nurl was tbeoaly sirl b*ever loved, and-'--Mtaa Truat«r~Wh«r»'* tte rtogl

Didn't be. SSeiMl»a InM Sena-Ob, yr*. tb* Terr

next day, but I aent It bVck to tk* Jwr-T>\tt to be ttxeu. Tb* «tnpid ensraTcrmad« the tnwrlptkw "Jack: to G m t rdolttw* ibatead ofphU tra* . , -

Tte Eltraftctftr PlatnfiiiliAND GEH1BAL JERSEY RY, CO.

Otr* lr>AV« «)tufT (if W'nlnut i Soutb>llre<'tit>non tho hou

nitwn ininutoii. After leave every ualf Ifour.

/ SH|3CIAt. TICKETS.M School tlcki-w W.OCSI S cent tickets . , . U

105iivnt Ockots . WM the offlcp of the

WeetflrUl,alf» TttlCNUST L «. Hl«, SEC

Staf«< Glass Works.CLAUDE VJALON.

S« , Waatfiold. N 4

wo want certain

b* tb*

da yon fMI aft*r yqtsrI aft*r


B«MM^i)l*r Mlaalaar.tJttlo MlWrtO. asedthre*. atld OM

day when »be ttoffHin^'ft»n*t Itfttnnt W.ben Wfc» ttandjip

tboy harOD t any UpaTyUHJe O u W


s»i n>"npea t» Interval htuaelf la tookar•.NOk" anirfoil Mrs. Newrleh: l a y

hdabalM aa* rlerka to d» tbat for him."-Detroit Krve rre**.


JOH/V G.BANTLEtlalHt-VThara toe B»tt»r. p*»}

P*» worked *o hard, i loot** *,t themen cWan up tb* railroad, atathM ihbimonths, and after that I aaw tkreeMfw ralwd Into tow atory wtaJowiand f«ur load* oC co«4 deUvemd in haa-keta.—JtojtonTranacrbjt, \

•< Mtaue.'ruiartciD, «, j

A clarion toire In a dord meajiamnctal-u: n r j d'^srecaWi la natfiflr-a loud nlker<-AtcBlBaA Gtooa.

1 - J « j , J A


many bun«a are tier* la a, rJnlrkcalMUlie fxaopcrvt mnnber ef _ ^

f*mHr>-I can Ml yott now maaj taerr Iare In the neck. T&afh t t e eatr p u t II *rcr B*t-Chle«jo XrtbaatL I



^ear TInrtoa.there) la to to am a UacttM wftk • I*whitabMdaaUtfecUMlUck, r {iBSHaV." _ , I* W'-

.Sunjplics^B^iBjq^tliojicpplc of,ford for light and fuel. If you havenever naetl g;i8 for cooking purpoHcsXry it and you will be pleased-; TheCompany will furnish and set alltitctiaila ireccWary tolise gas for fuel.A Riifl range is economical! andvenient.

^ AddreHS the CcWupany at



Broarf streetl/iliisabcth

A discount of twenty-five cants per thousand feetwill be allowed on gas bills of 1,000 feet and overused per month, If paid at this office within ten days

HAN-XEK EO(1 FOOD AND TONIC'CUT OLOVEK HAV.nuwcropthiaaaawill tnako him* lay wlion ovorjlhinirelae. fail*. Try it nni) aw, 1 lt>. b>)t, j'JSc., by mail, 40c.; a lt»., *l W uubuaril «>prc*«< in N«w orU. _ I

HANN El l HOUF C'UKK la Kunrn»to«l'to ouni roup am) tolil« iu fowl! nmi}piKeiina, or jour raoney lutvk; <"•%.'siul j l .00 J*r IKU, JKMI |Mid. |

BANNKll MEAT MUAb nrowbrrvm .freah mont atid bonit, it) tho U<clniMl-focxl on Hio mnrkol; n llw.. Site, rt~ lbfc, 75c ; SO II*., $1.2.1; KM U*.,

VRK UAV.nnwcrop thiaaeaKin. tho bwt Krften focxj for fowla inwinter, ll takea I lie nlnre. of mumftn.l weed*. S I be,'joe. ,501ba il.OO •lun Ib*., &MX). '

L\ro Turn-BredHuck», "GMW>,

tock,jn»iJUiafrom 12ioch«a


Chickena,P b U

Turkeay. Belffiao-

l^saonTniikln^rfTot s2S?. CBAtlUK STATE IKCUHATOI»AND WfOODhliS have nevor Uvii jilcfeated in tho hollwt coni|x>til(»n, jl'rtco* from Hi 00 to $rx>.(M ench, nc-'cording to «ice and «tj)« '

OEGIUANDS for poultry nnd piittwnii/«rii a neoewity wilb.ever* •jKiultr>roiin. Dag Medic'neB-SpfBU'iWe havn ol(jht different, kind*, anJ sell f or'a and Juhnson » • Dfront 15. centa to .HI conta > iltuwir. < pj Cakes, ("nt 'SturawHl with four numliere or initialsrre».

' Vy« eell IVHillry 8npphe*|of mvr) deecnplion, a lull li»t of whjeh will hfount! in our tatmtuu« tnustratcU Cnsnki«ue. ninth we send fr»« to anySem) fur oB«

^ °n Poultry. Pigeona and all Pet»"«K-«T«iy aAB-publiahfld.-antToar-.rTl,'a?,r- A l l ° ">• l»t«»t ediBooa"r ™ ' ^ J t poultrv paper, for Mia.««nplet» list in catalogue.

&tcelsior^Wlr«TorPoultry SupplyXoI,'" " 6 * a 8 V e c f» St-» Dept aO NEW YORKW. V. BOSS. PEOP.


We Handle the

B.cyclcDescriptions. ,. |

> J - 1 " . ? - : ;j .