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  • 8/7/2019 RC Radio 03-10-2011


    R.C: Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Reality Check

    Radio for March 10, 2011.

    This is your host, R.C. Welcome to the show again. This

    is my weekly show on politics and presidential eligibility, and

    we have a guest this week who couldn't be with us last week,

    because some of his legislative business took priority, so I

    appreciate - I talked with Representative Hatfield yesterday,

    and we were able to reschedule him here tonight for a few

    minutes, so certainly appreciate him giving up his time.

    Representative Mark Hatfield is from the 117th District in

    Georgia, from Waycross. He's a graduate of the fine University

    of Georgia law school, and I believe he's also Secretary of

    what's the equivalent of the Judiciary Committee.

    Representative Hatfield has introduced a bill on presidential

    eligibility - one of the so-called 'birther bills'. There are

    about - depending on how you count - ten or twelve of them. So,

    without further ado let's bring up Representative Hatfield.


    R.C: Good evening, Representative Hatfield. Welcome to the


    Rep. M.H: Good evening R.C. How are you doing?

    R.C: Hey, doing great. (they talk over each other)

    Rep. M.H: Real quickly let me just correct you about a

    couple of things. I'm in District 177 in Georgia, and I'm also

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    the - I'm the Vice Chairman of the Judiciary Non-Civil Committee

    in the Georgia House.

    R.C: Okay, thank you. I misread the district there, I

    appreciate the corrections. So, why don't we jump into it,

    because I know you said you only had about twenty minutes here

    tonight so let's get right into the meat of it.

    Rep: M.H: Sure.

    R.C: Why did you submit the bill, and what - what's in the



    Rep. M.H: Well, this is House Bill 401, and it's entitled

    the Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act, and this bill is

    basically a bill which would require that presidential and vice-

    presidential candidates, in order to be included on the Georgia

    ballot, in the Presidential Preference Primary, or in the

    General Election, would have to submit documentary evidence of

    his or her satisfaction of the natural born citizenship

    requirement, as well as the age and residency requirement of

    Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

    And this Bill is - basically, it's an important bill I

    feel, because, it's important that we work to uphold the

    principles of our founding fathers as laid out in the

    Constitution, and right now, there is, there is currently

    nothing that we have from Congress in the way of guidance, as to

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    the enforcement of Article 2, Section 1, and I feel that in the

    absence of any action by Congress, that the states have the duty

    and obligation to step forward, and try to make sure that those

    eligibility requirements are enforced.


    R.C: Okay. And what are some of the specific requirements

    in the bill?

    Rep. M.H: Well, the bill, as I mentioned to you when we

    spoke last evening, the bill is - has undergone some change

    since it was originally introduced. We have a substitute that's

    drawn up, but I'll just tell you, basically, as it was

    originally introduced, the bill would require that a

    presidential or vice-presidential candidate submit an affidavit

    showing that he or she meets the requirements of natural born

    citizenship, age and residency; fourteen years residency in the

    United States, and that the candidate would append to the

    affidavit, documentation, showing - proving that the candidate

    meets those requirements, and it expresses a first preference

    for a certified copy of an original, a first original long form

    birth certificate.

    In the absence of that, if such a birth certificate does

    not exist or is not available, then the candidate would be

    permitted to submit other documentation as he or she deemed

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    appropriate, that would either individually or collectively show

    that he or she meets the eligibility requirements.

    The bill also - as to the affidavit - originally included

    some language which we discussed, that would ask that the

    candidate swear to the fact that he or she had never been a -

    held dual citizenship or multiple citizenship, and that the

    candidate had only had allegiance to the United States of

    America, and finally, that the candidate list the residences

    that the candidate lived at or in for the fourteen years

    preceding the execution of the affidavit.

    Now that has, that has changed with the substitute, because

    we had, as you and I have discussed, there are, certainly the

    issues have been raised, they - people - a lot of people have

    claimed that, you know, it's a political bill, and so in order

    to, to allay concerns about the bill's potential political

    nature, I have proposed a substitute which would move the

    effective date of this bill to July 1 of 2013, and that makes it

    clear that President Obama would not be subject to the

    requirements of the bill, yet we would still be able to get into

    law some definite means of enforcing the Article 2, Section 1



    Also, just finally, the substitute would also remove the

    dual citizenship issue, multiple citizenship, and basically just

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    require a fairly bare-bones affidavit stating that the candidate

    meets the age, and natural born citizenship requirements, and

    that he or she has been a resident for fourteen years in the

    United States.

    R.C: I'm sorry Representative Hatfield, I'm having a little

    difficulty - it's bringing up some callers here before I'm

    ready, and a little bit of that got over - unfortunately it

    didn't come through, but I think I got the gist of it. So you're

    resubmitting the bill - let me summarize and you can correct me

    if I'm wrong.

    Rep. M.H: OK

    R.C: You're re-submitting the Bill, and you're removing the

    no dual citizenship requirement?

    Rep. M.H: Right, right.

    R.C: And...

    Rep. M.H: But we're not - it's not... it's not re-

    submitting the bill. Basically, you know, as the bill, any bill

    that is filed goes through the process of Committee hearings,

    and most bills, during that process, evolve in form, and

    eventually result in an amended bill, or in a substitute bill,

    and that's basically what I'm doing here is, is offering a

    substitute to the original bill - it'll still be under House

    Bill 401.


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    R.C: OK. So we'll call it the revised... revised House

    Bill 401.

    Rep. M.H: Right.

    R.C: Does it still have the same requirements on the birth

    certificate, that - the same language? That it has to be a

    certified exact copy of the candidate's first original long form

    birth certificate?

    Rep. M.H: Yes, yes, it does.

    R.C: And does it still say it has to have the name of the

    specific hospital or other location, attending physician at the

    candidate's birth, name of the parents, respective birth places

    - that language, is that still in there?

    Rep. M.H: It has most of that language. I took out the

    portion about the parents current residences, as well as the

    requirement that the birth certificate show attending witnesses,

    and I'll tell you, just, my basis for doing that, I, when I was

    at home over the weekend, you know - as you know we're in the

    legislative session right now, but we break for the weekends,

    and when I was at home over the weekend, I was able to pull a

    copy of my long form birth vertificate, and was able to, you

    know, look at the specific items that are on the birth

    certificate here in Georgia, and I think that these are, what

    I've got now is that it would include the candidate's date, time

    and place of birth, the name of the specific hospital or other

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    location at which the candidate was born, the attending

    physician at the candidate's birth, and the names of the

    candidate's birth parents and their respective birth places.


    R.C: Now, aren't you going to have a problem on this bill,

    with the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution?

    Because other states - as a matter of fact several other states

    - only issue what is commonly now termed the short-form birth

    certificate, the Certification of Live Birth, the computer-

    generated type certificate that we're all familiar. And, it

    sounds like your bill still reads in such a way that that would

    not be acceptable proof (they talk over each other)

    Rep. M.H: Well, that's true... the Bill does actually

    contain - I've got a line in here that says the candidate shall

    not attach certified or other copies of non-original documents

    or records, and you know, I agree with you that many states, if

    you just go and make a generalized request for a birth record,

    they're going to give you a summary document, which is a

    Certificate of Live Birth - it's computer generated. But that

    doesn't mean that you can't obtain that - the original long form

    birth certificate, and I have heard the arguments about the Full

    Faith and Credit clause, but this really, basically, when we're

    taking some action at the state level, I'm relying on a couple

    of things: One, that yes, the United States Constitution sets

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    out the eligibility requirements for the office of President.

    However, the States have the duty of carrying out the elect...

    the - the actual qualification of the candidates and the

    elections of the candidates. And so, I don't think that -

    inasmuch as we're dealing with the access to the Georgia ballot,

    and not any other State's ballot - that we would have the

    ability in Georgia to, to set the requirements to get on the

    ballot in our State.


    R.C: Well, I certainly disagree with that, because I think

    that you're trying to require a birth certificate beyond what

    many states will give, and you - you said something I'm going to

    take issue with. You said the original long form birth

    certificate is obtainable. I've, I know many, many people have

    tried - of the birther community - to get a long form birth

    certificate of Hawaii. They claimed they were going to do it.

    And Hawaii has stated specifically that since 2001, when you

    request a birth certificate, what you get is a Certificate very

    similar to the one that was published for President Obama. They

    will not supply the other birth certificate with certification

    on it now...

    Rep. M.H: Let's - and I don't mean to interrupt - but let's

    assume that that is correct, and that Hawaii can only issue the

    Certificate of Live Birth that's computer generated. Even under

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    - under that scenario, in my bill, you would still be able to

    submit other documentation, and I've got in there language that

    says other documentation that may include but not be limited to

    - and then we've got things like, medical records which would

    include birth records, baptism records, school records, passport

    records, things of this nature. I've got a, sort of a laundry

    list, but it's a non-exclusive laundry list of things that would

    be acceptable, and would meet the requirements of the bill, in

    order to get on the Georgia ballot. So if we're not saying

    that if you don't have a long form birth certificate that

    there's no way that you get on the ballot.

    On the contrary, if you don't have - if there's not a long

    form birth certificate in existence, then this bill would

    specifically allow the submission of other documentation, and,

    that would - you know - satisfy the eligibility requirements, or

    show compliance with the eligibility requirements.


    R.C: Well, isn't there a problem requesting medical

    records? Don't you butt up against the medical privacy laws in

    that case?

    Rep. M.H: Well, sure. I mean if, if, assuming - and I

    think you're assuming that the state would be making that

    request, but my bill would put the onus on the candidate to

    obtain those records and provide them to the state. So I agree

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    with you that, you know, just like in the current situation with

    the President, that, you know, someone cannot come in and

    reque... someone that does not have a tangible interest in the

    record cannot come in and request from Hawaii those records,

    which are confidential, and not subject to public review, but

    here we're talking about a bill that says the candidate, in

    order to get on the ballot, would supply those.


    R.C: But aren't these documents - would these documents

    then be placed on public review, or only seen by the Secretary

    of State?

    Rep. M.H: They would - they would be available for public


    R.C: So you're asking you're going to ask the candidates

    to supply private records, then?

    Rep. M.H: Well, yes... and R.C, I think that, you know,

    while some people may see that as a, as a burdensome

    requirement, I mean we're not talking about running for city

    council here, we're talking about running for the highest office

    in the land - I mean the leader of the free world - and to

    expect the person who is going to take on that awesome task and

    responsibility to submit just the minimum amount of

    documentation showing that he or she meets those requirements as

    set out in the Constitution, I think is not asking a lot.

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    I mean, you know, we have kids today, in order to play

    Little League baseball, they've got to produce a birth

    certificate. So, you know, to say that a candidate would be

    required to produce some documents - and yes, they would be

    subject to public inspection - but then how many presidential

    candidates have released their medical records over the years?

    And presidents who actually made it into office? So, I don't

    think that's asking too much.


    R.C: Actually, I didn't see John McCain's medical records.

    I saw about a one-paragraph summary, and I didn't see a lot of

    Obama's, I mean that's - that's been overblown...

    Well, let's, let's move on. Does your bill - does your

    bill still have the requirement that the candidate has to supply

    an affidavit showing - stating where they've lived, and their

    places of residence for the precedingfourteen years?

    Rep. M.H: Right. No, that was taken out

    R.C: Okay...

    Rep. M.H: - because I do - I do think that - to the extent

    that we said that - that I said the precedingfourteen years,

    prior to the execution of the affidavit, that may in fact

    conflict with the Constitutional requirement that they'd just

    have been a resident for fourteen years. So, in order to make

    sure that this was not something that was - that was going

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    beyond the strict requirements of the Constitution, I made that

    change, so that it only requires just a showing that the

    candidate has been a resident for fourteen years total.


    R.C: Okay. And, well, let me ask you this question. I -

    as we discussed last night, I don't see that we've ever had a

    problem. I don't think we have a problem with this President.

    I don't think we've had a problem with other Presidents, but,

    knowing what you know, from what's available in the public, and

    in your opinion, is the current President eligible to hold

    office? Knowing what you know, and just an opinion.

    Rep. M.H: Well, I'll I will have to say - to give the

    same answer I've given when I've been asked this in the past,

    and that is, I don't know. And, I could - I could say, as a lot

    of people have said, that sure, that he, he - he said that he

    meets the eligibility requirements and that's it. But, you

    know, I think that there - we have reason to be, at least,

    suspicious over the situation, because whether you agree with

    the issue or not, you have to admit that this issue has become -

    has taken on national significance.

    And, at a minimum, it seems to me, that the President would

    come out and say, hey, we're going to put this, we're going to

    put this issue to rest. I'm going to release documentation,

    whether it be a long form Birth Certificate or other

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    documentation, that - that will put this issue to rest. And I

    think the fact that this has gone on for so long, and has not

    been addressed by the White House, it - you know - it raises

    suspicions. And I'm not - I'm not here to say that the

    President was not born in Hawaii. I have no personal knowledge

    of that one way or another.

    I would say that I understand he said that he was, and I

    don't have any basis to say otherwise, but it - it still begs

    the question aren't we, as a country, entitled to expect that a

    candidate who is running for the highest office in the land is

    going to meet a higher threshold. And in order to do that, I

    think that you have to - you have to bring forth the records,

    you're going to have to - you know - have an honest dialogue

    with your population.


    R.C: Well, what about Joe Biden? I'll ask you the same

    question about Joe Biden, because you didn't even - your

    original bill last year didn't even include anything about the

    vice president.

    Rep. M.H: I agree with you, and that's absolutely true,

    but basically, what - what I was doing last year was putting -

    putting something out there, and I'll tell you I got the

    language for last year's bill straight from the Arizona version,

    because it was an issue that was up and coming at that time, it

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    was something that I'd had interest in, and I felt like - that

    we needed an opportunity to put something out there, and start a

    public dialogue about the issue. And, in fact, you know it did

    trigger public dialogue in Georgia, and has contributed to the

    overall dialogue in the country about this issue. And what I

    did was, I came back this year, as I said I would, and I came

    back with a more comprehensive bill that I think addresses the

    issue, probably in a more thoughtful manner, and recognizing

    that the Constitution specifies that the requirements for

    holding the office of vice president are the same as those for

    holding the office of president - you know - I think it's only

    fair to include that.


    R.C: Right. Well, I'll tell you what, I've got a whole

    slew of callers lined up here. What I'd like to do is maybe

    give a couple of them maybe a shot here.

    Rep. M.H: Sure.

    R.C: The first caller is actually from Georgia.

    Rep. M.H: Okay.

    R.C: Go ahead. I think this is Loren.

    Loren: Yes. Good evening Representative Hatfield.

    Rep. M.H: Is this Loren Collins? [hereafter, L.C]

    L.C: Yes, it is.

    Rep. M.H: How're you doing?

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    L.C: Doing well, sir.

    Rep. M.H: Good.

    L.C: I've got to say, sir, first of all it's good to talk

    to you, and...

    Rep. M.H: Good to talk to you.

    L.C: And it's encouraging, what I've heard so far. It

    sounds like you've addressed a lot of the - not just the issues

    that I - that I've written about, but also some other ones that

    I was planning on bringing up, but you've pre-empted me on it,

    it appears, so...

    Rep. M.H: Well, I - you know - the process of a bill

    talking shape is - is sometimes a slow one, but it's a matter of

    going through the committee process, hearing from your

    colleagues, and hearing from the public, and trying to make the

    bill the best it can be.


    L.C: Okay. There's still a couple that I wanted to ask

    you about. One is - you already discussed there a little bit,

    the different things that you want to see required on a - the

    first original long form birth certificate.

    Rep. M.H: Right.

    L.C: What is it that you think is necessary about seeing

    the name of the hospital and the parents' birthplaces?

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    Rep. M.H: Well, because that would be - those would

    ultimately be the best evidence of where the person was actually


    R.C: Well, I'm going to step in here. I'm going to step

    in, Loren, because when Hawaii puts out a document, like they

    did for Obama, and puts that state seal on it, what the

    representative is saying - that basically, he doesn't trust

    those state officials. He doesn't believe them, if - if they

    have a state certified document. And by the way, Representative

    Hatfield, did you know there is a - the federal government does

    define a birth certificate for federal use? And the one Hawaii

    issues, and the other short forms, meets that definition. Also,

    are you saying you don't trust Hawaii? Is that what you're



    Rep. M.H: Well, no, not at all... but again, you're - you

    make assumptions that because a state issues something that's

    generated by computer, that - and that we've seen only, you

    know, on the internet - that somehow, that that should resolve

    all questions. I would submit to you first thing about Hawaii's

    certificate of live birth is that we - as we discussed before -

    that a person that is not born in Hawaii would be eligible under

    Hawaii law, to have his or her birth registered in Hawaii, and -

    L.C.: But...

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    Rep. M.H: - as a result of that, would be able to obtain a

    computer-generated certificate of live birth such as the one

    that the President has put up on the web.

    R.C: Go ahead, Loren.

    L.C: It's true - it's true that in Hawaii someone can

    register a birth, but there are - if they're issued a

    certification it will not say that they were born in Hawaii.

    Hawaii does not issue certification saying 'Born in Hawaii' to

    people who were not born in Hawaii.

    Rep. M.H: Well, that - that begs the question. I think

    that we have - we have yet to see that evidence of what the

    actual long form birth certificate says. I'm just - and I'm

    just at a loss to - to figure out why? Why not just go ahead

    and - even assuming - assuming that what you're saying is

    correct, and that Hawaii's position is that that is the correct

    birthplace, why not go ahead and put this issue to rest if

    you're the President of the United States, and you've got other

    things on your agenda that are - that are important, and - and

    of worldwide import, why not just go ahead and put this thing to

    rest, and just go ahead and release the records that would - you

    know - shut all these people up?

    (Foggy joins the call.)

    FOGGY: This is Foggy here.

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    L.C: Well, I - my thought has always been that the

    certification is conclusive. It says he was born in Honolulu,

    Hawaii, and Hawaii doesn't issue birth certificates saying born

    in Honolulu, Hawaii, to people who weren't born in Honolulu.

    Rep. M.H: I'm kinda - I'm sorry, I was losing you a little

    bit there. I think we had some bleed-over from another line.

    Could you repeat that?


    FOGGY: Yeah, I joined the conversation because - because

    the State of Hawaii has made it very clear that this is the only

    birth certificate they give out.

    They actually have a program where, if you're more than 50%

    native Hawaiian - I mean ethnic Hawaiian - that you get some

    special privileges from the government of Hawaii, and the

    website that describes that program says that if you have one of

    the old birth certificates that - you know - like, like a long

    form birth certificate, that they'd prefer to see that if you

    still have one, but if you don't have that and you want to get a

    birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, the only birth

    certificate they're going to give out, is the short form

    abstract that the state of Hawaii gives out.

    Rep. M.H: Sure, and, and...

    FOGGY: President Obama - unless you think President Obama

    is above the law in Hawaii, it - the only birth certificate that

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    he can get, is the short form birth certificate that he got.

    And of course if you've seen the photographs from,

    that's a certified birth certificate, with a raised seal, and

    the signature of the registrar, and it satisfies all federal

    requirements to get a birth certificate and to prove where you

    were born.

    Rep. M.H: Well...

    FOGGY: I don't understand - I don't understand what you

    mean by saying why doesn't he put this to rest. He put it to

    rest. He's shown an official - an official birth certificate

    from the state of Hawaii. That's the only birth certificate

    Hawaii gives out. The other comment I have is, you say that if

    you were not born in Hawaii, that you can get a Hawaiian

    certification of live birth. Birthers have been saying that for

    two years now.

    Not one of them has ever been able to obtain a birth

    certificate saying that they were born in Hawaii, if they

    weren't born in Hawaii. If that's true, why doesn't somebody

    who wasn't born in Hawaii show us that that's true, by getting a

    birth certificate?


    Rep. M.H: Well, R.C., could I respond to that? Those


    R.C: Yes.

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    Rep. M.H: I'm sorry - who - who are we speaking with here?

    R.C: This is Foggy.

    Rep. M.H: Okay. Well - a couple of things there. You

    know, you - you're making again assumptions about - about the

    certificate of live birth, that I think that - to me, you know,

    I'm not - I'm not willing to say something that's been put up on

    the internet, that - you know - is not in the hands of some

    public official, for example, right here in Georgia, of our

    secretary of state, I'm not willing to just - to accept that an

    internet image, in the absence of some hard proof - that is -

    something that's tangible, that a public official can look at.

    And - you know - you may not be in agreement with that, but I

    think that, again, we're not talking about - you know - we're

    not talking about a city councilman, we're not talking about

    even a governor, we're talking about the presidency.

    The other thing that I wanted to point out is that,

    assuming that what you're saying is all correct about the

    Hawaiian certificate of live birth, nevertheless, there's

    nothing that is restricting the President from releasing other

    records that would include - you know - birth records, that

    would include medical records, it would include passport

    documentation, college records, things of this nature, and...

    (Someone interjects.)

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    Rep. M.H: I'm sorry, but just let me finish this thought.

    Whether or not that you agree with the fact that this has become

    a national issue, the fact of the matter is, that it is a

    national issue, and, you know we had a recent poll that came out

    - I think R.C. indicated that it was from CNN. I'm not sure if

    it was CNN or if it was an NPR poll, but it showed that 51% of

    Republicans think - or have concerns about this issue. You may

    not be a Republican, you may not vote Republican, but you've got

    to admit that - the Republican Party is obviously a sizeable

    chunk of this nation's voters, and if you've got more than half

    of the Republican Party saying this is an issue, I think it

    deserves some national attention.


    LC: If I could go back to the, you know, the actual

    language of the bill and what it requires the candidates to

    provide, I actually some time back, not recently, but I picked

    up from the post office an application for a U.S. passport, and

    in the passport application it says that if you're born in the

    United States you have to provide a certified birth certificate,

    and that birth certificate shall include your full name, full

    name of your parents, date and place of birth, sex, date the

    birth record was filed, and the seal of the official custodian,

    and that's what's contained on a Hawaiian certification of live

    birth. It's also the same information as what you would get if

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    you get a certification of birth from the state of Georgia.

    Georgia will issue both, you know, a certified copy of the

    original, but I also have here from 1997, they issued me a, sort

    of almost identical to Obama's

    MR. HATFIELD: I agree with you there. I don't have any

    doubt about that.

    LC: Yes, so my point is that since this is the standard

    that the federal government uses to issue passports to U.S.

    citizens, why is any additional information necessary for the

    state of Georgia to put someone on a ballot?

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, I think that's a good question, and I

    think I've got a good answer for you, and that is that we're

    talking about a passport right here, we're talking about

    citizenship, but the constitution distinguishes between

    citizenship and natural born citizenship, and as you know, under

    law in the United States, if you're born on American soil you

    are a citizen of the United States, there's no doubt about that,

    but the constitution says natural born citizen, which is a

    heightened requirement from that of just normal citizenship, and

    I think it's reasonable to conclude that it requires more than

    just simply being born on the soil, and that's why the issue

    that's why I'm concerned about the issue of the parents'

    birthplaces and the citizenship of the parents.

    LC: And what more is it that you think it requires?

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    MR. HATFIELD: Well, you know, you and I have had, I guess,

    a little back and forth on this in the AJC and in our emails,

    but I believe that a person who holds dual or multiple

    citizenship and this is just my belief I believe that the

    founders never intended for such a person to hold the office of

    the presidency, and there and I'll be the first to say that

    there are conflicting lines of authority on that issue and there

    are conflicting lines of legal thought on that, but the

    significant thing to me is that we have some we have

    scholarship from, that was around the time that the constitution

    was written in the time of the founders that for example, the

    Vattel's Law of Nations, that talks about natural born

    citizenship being a unity of being born on the soil, having two

    parents who are citizens, and having a unity of allegiance to

    that nation.

    And then we've got other anecdotal evidence. I mentioned

    to R.C. last night that the presidential campaign of Charles

    Evans Hughes in 1916, he ran against Woodrow Wilson, and Charles

    Evans Hughes was born in the United States, but his father had

    not yet naturalized at the time of his birth and therefore was

    still a British citizen, and so Hughes

    LC: And he was the Republican nominee, and he won 48

    percent of the electoral vote.

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    MR. HATFIELD: That's correct. He lost the election

    overall, and so we don't have we don't really have a

    conclusive answer to what would have happened had he been

    elected, but what I was going to point out was that a gentleman

    named Breckinridge Long if I could just finish this thought,

    and then I'll

    LC: Okay, go ahead.

    MR. HATFIELD: But a gentleman named Breckinridge Long, who

    was an attorney and a legal scholar and then subsequently served

    as secretary of state and the U.S. Ambassador to Italy, he wrote

    an article in the Chicago Legal News during the presidential

    election campaign in 1916 questioning the natural born

    citizenship of Charles Evans Hughes, and so my point in saying

    that is this is not an issue that's just come up with our

    current president. This is an issue that has been around for a

    long time.

    We know that President Chester Arthur back in the 1800s had

    issues regarding eligibility. At least posthumously they were

    raised. Charles Evans Hughes, we had George Romney in 1968

    running for the Republican party nomination and having been born

    in Mexico. We had John McCain. And so this is not an issue

    that just came up yesterday.


    FOGGY: But none of those people was ever disqualified.

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    MR. HATFIELD: I understand that, but that's

    FOGGY: In fact, you're a Republican, aren't you?

    MR. HATFIELD: I would argue that that was due to the fact

    that I'm sorry, go ahead.

    FOGGY: The very first nominee of the Republican party in

    the election of 1856 do you know that was the first time the

    Republican party ran a candidate was in 1856? His name was John

    Charles Fremont. He was a really famous guy. He was called The

    Pathfinder, because he explored the southwest United States, and

    his father was a Frenchman who never did naturalize as an

    American citizen, and he was the nominee of the Republican


    Now this was before the Civil War. This was before the

    14th amendment. This was just a few years after the

    constitution was enacted. His opponent in the Republican party

    was John McLean who was a justice of the Supreme Court. So you

    would think that if having a French father and having dual

    citizenship was disqualifying, you would think that John McLean

    would have brought up the fact that John Charles Fremont had a

    father who was not a citizen of the United States. So even

    before the 14th amendment stated that anybody who's born in the

    United States immediately becomes a citizen of the United

    States, the Republic party thought that having a French father,

    having a dual citizenship, was not disqualifying.

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    MR. HATFIELD: Well, you know, as I've said, there's

    anecdotal evidence going both ways on this issue, and I'll be

    the first to tell you I don't discount that, and I think, you

    know, these are valid observations. But what I'm pointing out

    is there are examples going both ways, and it shows to me and

    suggests to me that there's a flaw in the system, because

    Congress has never acted to tell us what natural born citizens

    means, and the Supreme Court of the United States has never told

    us, given us an opinion squarely on point.

    LC: If I I'm going to change subjects here a bit if I

    could, wanted to ask something slightly different. The bill, of

    course, is just limited to the president and the vice president.

    I was looking for the code section earlier, couldn't stumble

    across it. I believe to serve in the Georgia House you have to

    be a U.S. citizen.

    MR. HATFIELD: No, I'm not aware of any U.S. citizenship

    requirement. Now, I wouldn't tell you you're wrong on that, but

    I haven't looked at that issue. But I wouldn't argue the point.

    I mean, I think you should be a U.S. citizen. If it's not

    required, you should be.

    RC: Hey, Loren, let me step in here. I want to bring on

    Kyrsten Sinema. She's my second guest of the evening. We're

    running a little long. I know it's a great discussion.

    Kyrsten, can you hear me okay? This is R.C.

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    MS. SINEMA: Yes, I can hear you just fine. I actually

    have an answer to the question that was just posed to Mr.

    Hatfield. Now, I'm a senator in Arizona and not in Georgia, but

    I do know the rules in Georgia, and you indeed do have to be a

    United States citizen to be an elected official in the state of

    Georgia, because you have to be qualified to vote, and as we

    know, only U.S. citizens are qualified to vote. So while Mr.

    Hatfield may not know the answer to that, it's pretty clear, and

    it's spelled out pretty clearly in Georgia statute.

    LC: I actually just managed to pull this up.

    Members of the Georgia House must be citizens of the U.S.,

    at least 21 years old, a Georgia citizen for at least two years,

    and a legal resident of the district they are running in for at

    least one year.

    MR. HATFIELD: Right, but you know, I meet all those

    requirements and to my knowledge, you know, the other members of

    the House do, but we're not talking about citizenship issues

    here with regard to the presidency. We're talking about natural

    born citizenship.

    LC: I do understand. My question was, however, what

    documentation did you or the other members of the House have to

    produce to show that you are in fact U.S. citizens?

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, we had to sign an affidavit showing

    that we met the requirements of the office, and I don't have

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    that affidavit before me, but I'm sure that whatever

    requirements are specifically set out in the code are reflected

    in the affidavits that we sign.

    MS. SINEMA: I just want to note

    LC: [inaudible]

    MR. HATFIELD: I can't hear you both, I'm sorry.

    MS. SINEMA: Well, this is Kyrsten from Arizona. I just

    want to note for the record that's exactly the same kind of

    affidavit that any candidate for president has to sign in each

    of the states in which that person wants to be on the ballot.

    So what Mr. Hatfield is proposing is a different standard for

    people who run for one office than run for another office.

    MR. HATFIELD: No, that's not my proposal. That's in the

    United States Constitution that you have to be a natural born



    MS. SINEMA: What I'm saying, sir, is that your proposition

    requires people to show proof of that, whereas to run for

    Georgia representative or senator, all you have to do is sign an

    affidavit. You don't have to provide a birth certificate. You

    don't have to prove it.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, you know, again, it's a big leap

    between being a Georgia state representative or a Georgia state

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    senator and being the President of the United States, and I

    would think that you would acknowledge that.

    LC: Well, in my district

    MS. SINEMA: I do acknowledge that, but what I certainly

    wouldn't say is that we can hold some people to one standard and

    people to another standard. If you're going to serve as an

    elected official in any office in this country, you have to be a

    United States citizen, and I think it's a violation of equal

    protection to provide different rules for some people than for

    other people. Everyone should

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, that's patently absurd. That's

    patently absurd. I mean, you're talking about the President of

    the United States. You're talking about constitutional

    requirements. This is an equal protection issue. I mean, we're

    not talking about the government depriving a citizen of some

    civil right here. I mean, we're talking about who's going to be

    the leader of the free world. Give me a break.

    MS. SINEMA: So I just want to be clear that, Mr. Hatfield,

    you're saying then that it's okay to require other people to

    show their proof of citizenship but not you?

    MR. HATFIELD: No, I'd be glad to show you mine. If you

    want to come over here to Georgia, I'll be glad to show you my

    birth certificate. I could put it up online, too, if that would

    satisfy you.

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    But, you know, this isn't about my birth certificate, this

    is about and this is not about my citizenship, although I can

    gladly produce for you any evidence you need to see that I'm a

    citizen, but this is about the person who occupies the highest

    office in the land. That's different.

    MS. SINEMA: Well, and as we know, our current President,

    as well as every president before them, has also provided proof

    of their own citizenship as well. I heard you mention that

    there was a question about our own Senator John McCain. Now,

    I'm from Arizona, and I want to be clear, I'm not a supporter of

    John McCain's, but to imply

    MR. HATFIELD: That doesn't surprise me.

    MS. SINEMA: - right, but to imply or to question that he

    is not a natural born citizen or that he doesn't have the

    qualifications to run for the president is not true and also

    offensive as an Arizonan.

    MR. HATFIELD: I didn't excuse me, I didn't imply that at

    all. I said that there were eligibility issues raised with

    regard to John McCain who was born in the Panama Canal Zone.

    Now, I'm not you know, you can try to rewrite history if you'd

    like to, but the fact is the question was raised. You gotta

    deal with it, okay? That's just how it was.

    MS. SINEMA: Well, he was born in the Panama Canal Zone on

    a military base to military soldiers who were bravely serving

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    our country. So to imply that he or to question whether or

    not he's a natural born citizen somehow says that the children

    of soldiers who are serving on bases overseas don't have the

    same rights to citizenship as you or I do, and that it just

    patently unfair.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, first of all, I have not said that. I

    am telling you that the issue about John McCain's eligibility

    was raised. In fact, Barack Obama was a supporter of a

    resolution in the United States Senate to declare John McCain


    So, I mean, let's get real here. What we're talking about

    is we're talking about the highest office in the land, and you

    can try to make this about a city council or you can try to make

    it about a state representative or a state senator all you want,

    but the fact of the matter is is the constitution's got higher

    requirements for the United States president, and that is

    something that you cannot get away from, no matter how much you

    might try.

    MS. SINEMA: And you know what, that is an important issue

    SPEAKER: Well, Representative Hatfield, how does a

    baptismal certificate how does a baptismal certificate or a

    school record do a better job of establishing the president's

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    eligibility than a certified copy of a vital record from their

    place of birth?

    MR. HATFIELD: I'm not saying it necessarily does

    SPEAKER: But that's what your bill says

    MR. HATFIELD: - but what I'm telling you is that we should

    have a requirement I believe in a requirement that original

    documentation be produced. This stuff about producing a

    computer-generated summary, to me, is simply that's

    insufficient. We're talking about somebody who's spending

    millions and millions of dollars to run for the highest office

    in the land. Are you telling me they can't go out and spend $20

    to get a birth certificate in order to show that they meet

    natural born citizenship requirements? Get real.

    MS. SINEMA: You know what I think is important here is the


    MR. HATFIELD: You guys are triple-teaming me here on this,


    RC: Wait a minute, hold on.

    MR. HATFIELD: I may have to tag team on you. Let's keep

    it fair.

    RC: I am, I'm going to mute some of the callers here.

    We're going to go one at a time. It is getting a little bit to

    be a bit of a zoo here.

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    I want to step in this is R.C. and go back and ask a

    question. You've talked about how there's this big controversy

    over President Obama. First of all, were you a representative

    in 2006?

    MR. HATFIELD: Yes, I was.

    RC: Okay, did you bring forth a bill in 2006 to make sure

    that George Bush or actually 2004, let's go back to 2004.

    MR. HATFIELD: I was elected in 2004. I took office in

    January 2005.

    RC: Okay, so you took office the same time George Bush was

    sworn in for his second term, and you had no concern did you

    have any concerns then about George Bush or Bill Clinton or any

    of the preceding presidents? Was this an issue?

    MR. HATFIELD: To be honest, I mean, I'll be perfectly

    honest with you, no, it wasn't on my radar screen at the time,

    but you know, I'm just like everyone else out in the world that

    when something becomes a national issue I pay attention to it,

    just like you apparently are doing by talking about the issue on

    your radio show.

    RC: Yeah, and I do it in kind of a mocking kind of way,


    MR. HATFIELD: I noticed that. I noticed that.

    RC: Yeah, you noticed that, huh?

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    MR. HATFIELD: But, you know, I think that is unfair that

    because you automatically attack somebody as being, you know,

    crazy or obsessed or something like this just because a question

    is asked, but there are people people here in this country,

    many people feel more deeply about our constitution and our

    heritage than to simply just be brushed off like that.

    RC: Then I'd

    MS. SINEMA: You know, this is Kyrsten, I just want to say

    that what I have some concern about is the idea that Mr.

    Hatfield said this became a national issue. What this became

    was a strategy by a few people on the radical right to question

    the fitness and the qualifications of one candidate for

    president, and it became an internet rumor. Now, there are a

    lot of internet rumors out there, but to say that those internet

    rumors are, quote, national issues, is, no offense, absurd.

    That's absurd. This was just a small group of people saying

    crazy stuff on the internet.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, when Chris Mathews, when Chris

    Mathews, who is the darling of the left, gets on national TV and

    he says, hey, the President should release his birth certificate

    and put an end to the issue, come on, you can't make it about

    crazy conservatives and extreme radical right wingers. Chris

    Mathews is about as leftwing as they come, and he's saying, hey,

    it's an issue.

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    MS. SINEMA: Well, to be honest with you, I don't think

    that's all that he said, if you would certainly take some time

    and go back

    MR. HATFIELD: I know he said that he felt a tingle running

    up his leg when he saw Obama, I know that.

    RC: Well, Kyrsten, I just want to step in and finish my


    MS. SINEMA: Go right ahead.

    RC: I don't think there's one I think this is an issue

    in places like World Net Daily, all the birther sites, the

    antibirther sites, of which I'm a member and mock you know, we

    mock the birthers, but we also take them seriously, because some

    of this birther movement represents some people who are

    dangerous. There are sovereign citizens people, there are

    people that have some really crazy ideas who are allied with

    these birthers, and that's a whole nother subject.

    MR. HATFIELD: R.C., there's extremists on all sides. You

    know that and I know that, I mean, but you know I don't buy into

    these things like sovereign citizens and all that. I'm just a

    guy who believes that our constitution ought to be respected.

    MIMI: Hello, this is Mimi.

    RC: Yeah, go ahead, Mimi. I was going to pick you up.

    MIMI: I have a quick question. I heard Representative

    Hatfield on the Ed Show, and he said that there were cryptic

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    statements coming from the state of Hawaii, and I looked up that

    statement and what Dr. Fukino said was: I have seen the

    original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State

    Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in

    Hawaii and is a natural born American citizen. And I wondered

    what part of that was cryptic.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, you know, I believe that when you have

    a public official that's coming out and making statements about

    something that's supposedly a sealed record not open for public

    inspection and not to be revealed to the public without the

    permission of the individual whose records those are, that

    certainly raises some questions and causes me to have some

    pause, but then you have the governor of Hawaii that comes in.

    He tells us he's going to put an end to all this. He's going to

    show the birth certificate. He's going to bring it out. And

    then all of a sudden, that's the end of the issue.

    MIMI: Well, he didn't exactly say that.

    MR. HATFIELD: To me, you know, those are cryptic

    statements. It's quite a mystery to me.

    MIMI: Born in Hawaii is cryptic? Actually, the governor

    didn't say that.

    MR. HATFIELD: Were you there when he was born in Hawaii in

    1961? Were you there? I wasn't.

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    MIMI: What she said was that she has looked at the

    records, and she verified that he was born in Hawaii, yes, but

    Governor Abercrombie, what he wanted to do was release other

    records that would verify, but not the birth certificate itself,

    but he found that he couldn't do that.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, the bottom line is he didn't release

    anything. He didn't release anything. The only thing I know

    that came out of him was that he said there was some sort of

    notation in the files. You know, what in the world is that? A

    notation in the files.

    MIMI: Well, we've actually, the birthers have verified

    that the index data showed that he was born as well. In trying

    to find something, they actually debunked their own, and they

    used to say that Maya had a certificate of live birth, but what

    they actually did was debunked their own lie.


    MR. HATFIELD: Well, you know, I can't speak for what

    somebody else brought up. I have no idea about Maya, and I

    don't know where her what her involvement in it is. But I

    haven't said that. That's not a contention I've made it. I

    can't speak to that.

    MS. SINEMA: Can I this is Senator Sinema.

    RC: Yeah, Kyrsten, go ahead.

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    MS. SINEMA: I just want to say one thing. I just have to

    remark on the fact that we are all having a conversation on live

    radio about whether or not the president of the free world, the

    leader of the free world, whether or not he was born in Hawaii,

    and there is absolutely zero evidence

    MR. HATFIELD: That's not what we're having a conversation

    about. We're having a conversation about why he won't release

    his records. That's what we're having a conversation about.

    MS. SINEMA: Okay. So then my question is, Mr. Hatfield,

    why do you so desperately need to see his records? Because

    there is zero zero evidence that he was born anywhere other

    than Hawaii. And I have to just say that we are facing critical

    times in our country. Your state is in a recession. My state

    is in a recession. We are trying to recover from the worst

    recession in either of our lifetimes. Our schools are

    struggling. We have major budget deficits. And I just want to

    note for the record that we're having a debate about whether or

    not Barack Obama's birth certificate is from Hawaii. And I just

    have to say that I feel like we're having

    MR. HATFIELD: That's not what we're having a debate about,

    but again, I'll go back to my bill, my bill in its current form,

    doesn't even apply to Barack Obama. It would become effective

    on July 1, 2013. Now, you tell me what objection that you have

    to if that is not an issue with regard to Mr. Obama and the

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    state of Hawaii, then what objection do you have to requiring a

    candidate to comply with the constitution?

    LC: Okay, can I pick up again? Am I on the air?

    MS. SINEMA: Well, quite simply, quite simply this, that

    individuals who choose to run for the United States presidency

    already have to file forms with the Federal Elections Commission

    and with each state in which they choose to run, and those forms

    are notarized, signed affidavits in which they attest that they

    are natural born citizens, are at least 35 years old, and

    obviously have the right to vote. And so it seems to me as if

    we're having a big conversation about something that, to be

    quite honest with you, doesn't matter at all. It doesn't


    MR. HATFIELD: Correct me if I'm wrong, correct me if I'm

    wrong, but I don't think that the candidates themselves sign

    anything like that. I think that that is certified by their

    party leadership, and that is provided to the states.

    MS. SINEMA: And the Federal Elections Commission is

    responsible for reviewing not only the affidavits from each

    state but also the candidates' own forms. As we know, each

    MR. HATFIELD: The Federal Elections Commission is not

    there it has never been and is not now a body that is tasked

    with overseeing that candidates meet eligibility requirements.

    If you know anything about the law, you know that that is true.

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    MS. SINEMA: Well, Mr. Hatfield, with all due respect, I'm

    a constitutional attorney, so I know the law very, very well.

    MR. HATFIELD: I'm a constitutional attorney, too. How

    about that?

    MS. SINEMA: Oh, you are? I'm sorry, I was not aware that

    you are an attorney, Mr. Hatfield.

    MR. HATFIELD: I am. How about that?

    MS. SINEMA: Well, that's great news.

    The problem with your legislation, quite simply, is this,

    that it is based on a faulty premise that our current president

    and, as you've argued, prior presidential candidates had

    questionable status as American citizens, and that, quite

    frankly, is an issue that was arisen by a very, very small

    rightwing, very narrow group of people in our country, who were

    upset about the individual who was running for president,

    whether it be John McCain or Barack Obama, and what I would like

    to posit to all of us this evening is that each of us, each of

    us, every single one of us, would do our state and our country

    proud by letting go of this frankly ridiculous issue and instead

    working to solve the very real problems that we face every day

    in our states and in our country, because this is not a problem.

    This is not a problem. We do not have a problem in our country

    of having individuals run for president who are not qualified to

    be president. We don't.

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    MR. HATFIELD: Senator, I respect your opinion, and I

    respect your right to your opinion. I hope you would respect my

    opinion and my right to my opinion, and you know, that's a

    wonderful thing about living in the United States of America is

    that we have the freedom to have our own opinions and to work to

    further our beliefs as we see them to fit under the United

    States constitution, and I do have respect for your opinion, and

    I appreciate the dialogue, but I think we have to, at the end of

    the evening, we have to agree to disagree on this issue, and you

    know, I've enjoyed the debate.


    MS. SINEMA: Well, I think that's fair enough. Well said.

    MR. HATFIELD: Thank you.

    RC: Okay, Representative Hatfield, I know you have stayed

    twice as long as you intended, and I really appreciate it.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, I've enjoyed the debate, R.C.

    RC: I'm sorry that I had four or five callers on there. I

    didn't really intend for it to get that boisterous here, but

    we've got it under

    MR. HATFIELD: Next time maybe you'll let me have a few

    extras, but I really have enjoyed the debate, and appreciate you

    having me on.

    RC: Oh, you're welcome back any time, and you do have some

    supporters over there in the chat room that goes with the show.

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    It's quite lively, and there are few I have a fellow who's in

    there every week, you know, on the other side of the spectrum,

    and I only kicked him out once, because I got a little miffed at

    him one night, but I let him have his say every week, and we

    have a lively debate.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, you know, I really think it's

    important that, you know, even though that you and I may

    disagree on the issue, it's important that we have the

    conversation, and I appreciate you making that available to your


    LC: Would I be able to say one thing with Representative

    Hatfield still on the air? Am I on the air?

    RC: Yeah, go ahead, Loren.

    LC: Okay, excellent. Representative Hatfield, when you

    tried taking it back to the bill a minute ago, I wanted to jump

    in. I've told people before, you know, despite what I've said,

    despite what I've written, I'm not actually inherently opposed

    to such a documentation bill, to be honest. As I detailed

    before, there were some problems, some serious problems that I

    saw with the bill. You've addressed a lot of them.

    The two big ones I still see specifically with the bill are

    the privacy issues for making the records public, and I think

    your bill could avoid potential litigation and potential

    problems if you defined birth certificate simply the way the

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    U.S. State Department does for passports. I think that would

    solve the two major problems still as I see them with the bill.

    The other thing, as I started to go down the line of

    talking about earlier and then other people joined and we got

    sidetracked, part of the reason I brought up the Georgia House

    is that I live in District 80, Mike Jacobs' district. I've

    voted for Mike Jacobs every time since I've lived here.

    MR. HATFIELD: Mike's a good guy.

    LC: Yeah, he was ahead of me in Georgia by a few years.

    MR. HATFIELD: Right, and we have that in common, Loren, as

    you and I both went to Georgia.

    LC: Exactly, sir, and you may recall it was a little more

    than two years ago when the it turned out that the Democrat

    who was running here against Mike somewhat at the last minute

    found out that he was not eligible, Keith Gross. Did you recall


    MR. HATFIELD: I remember something about that, but you

    know, I live in southeast Georgia, and so we're not in the same

    areas of the state. So it's hard for me to keep up with that.

    LC: Oh, I understand. Precisely, it was a localized

    issue. It turned out that Mr. Gross did not meet the residency

    requirements here. He, I think, living up north, still had tax

    and voter registration up north, and someone figured this out

    within the timeframe they could object to it, I think because

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    someone spotted like other state license plates on his car, if I

    remember correctly, and he found out, not to be eligible. A few

    years before that, Max Barber got tossed off a Public Service

    Commission ballot against Bubba McDonald [phonetic] for also not

    meeting the residency requirement.

    MR. HATFIELD: Right.

    LC: And so the way I see it and there was a challenge a

    few months ago I forget if it was for the Supreme Court of

    Appeals for one of the judges, who didn't meet the bar

    requirements, and she was eventually found to be eligible. But

    in other words, in the last decade, the two most notable

    challenges we've had to eligibility here in the state, which

    proved to be successful challenges, were on local ballots, the

    PSC being statewide, District 80 being local. And local races,

    as I see it I mean, when you're talking about a billion dollar

    presidential race, these are candidates who have massive

    opposition research. If they have elibility issues, they'll

    discover it, more likely than in a House race or a PSC race,

    many of which are going to be unopposed, frankly, and then no

    one's doing opposition research.

    And therefore, I think it's as Keith and Max demonstrate

    that is frankly where we probably need a documentation

    standard more than we need on the presidential level.


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    MR. HATFIELD: I certainly wouldn't have any problem with

    it. I think that anybody that's seeking to hold an office,

    whether you are at the national level or if you're even at the

    local level, you should be you should expect to be asked to

    meet a higher standard and to make sure that you are satisfy

    all the requirements. So I wouldn't have any problem with that

    at all.

    LC: Yes, and I think that's one of the ways that the bill

    could be improved is to, you know, instead of making it appear

    that it's simply targeting just the presidency, make it also

    apply to our other federal officers.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, that would be a fine idea except for

    one thing. In the Georgia constitution, we are prohibited from

    passing a bill that has more than one subject matter, and I fear

    that we would violate the constitution's single subject matter

    requirement the Georgia constitution's if we were to take up

    a wholly different set of offices with regard to that. Now, you

    know, if we got a legal opinion from legislative counsel or

    otherwise, I mean, I'd be all for that. I don't have any

    problem with it. As I said, I mean, I'd be prepared to share my

    birth certificate if anyone wants to see it, and be glad to, but

    I won't have any problem with that, and I think that it's not

    unreasonable to ask for it.

  • 8/7/2019 RC Radio 03-10-2011


    LC: So if they have to be separate bills then so be it,

    but like I said, I think that's where the need is here in


    And to be honest, I've seen in other states that there are

    some other states oh, that was the other thing I was going to

    say. Quite frankly, I think the problem here in Georgia isn't

    that we're letting too many people on the presidential ballot;

    it's that we're letting too few. You know, Georgia has, quite

    frankly, the strictest ballot access laws in the nation.

    MR. HATFIELD: I agree with you there, and I don't know if

    you've looked at this, but a couple years ago I cosponsored a

    bill along with Representative Alan Powell and some others to

    ease those ballot access requirements. I do believe that we

    should be more willing to allow third party candidates,

    independent candidates, et cetera, to get on the ballot. So I'm

    all for that.

    LC: Yes, and thank you for that. I hope you resubmit such

    a bill and it gets more support.

    But, yeah, like I said earlier, the two things I named

    earlier, the privacy, the definition of a birth certificate, I

    think those are quite frankly going to be obstacles to your bill

    going forward. I think fix those, and it would stand a much

    better chance of passing, would stand a better chance of

    surviving a challenge.

  • 8/7/2019 RC Radio 03-10-2011


    MR. HATFIELD: Well, I think that you know, I'm not going

    to make any predictions about whether or not the bill passes.

    There's you know, we're certainly at a point in the

    legislative session where there's a lot of major issues out

    there, and frankly, I think the, somewhat the media spotlight

    that's been put on this attention probably has caused some

    people to get cold feet over it, certainly not me, but you know,

    whether or not that it goes forward it remains to be seen, but I

    think you have some good suggestions and I think that you're

    certainly right on target with ballot access as an issue in

    Georgia, and I will continue to pursue that issue into the


    LC: Well, thank you for that.

    MR. HATFIELD: All right.

    RC: Okay, Representative Hatfield, I'll give you a chance,

    if you have to leave, I'll certainly give you a chance to take

    off here. You're also welcome to stay, because I have three or

    four other callers who have their hands raised and would love to

    talk to you. So it's up to you.

    MR. HATFIELD: Well, we've been at it for about an hour

    now, and I do have some preparation to do for we're going into

    session at 9:30 in the morning again, and so I've got some

    review of the bills that are coming up for tomorrow to do and