Page 1: Rezolvare admitere engleza

8/12/2019 Rezolvare admitere engleza 1/1



Varianta de rezolvare ENGLEZ

(cu exceptia subiectului BII, de Reading comprehension

I.A.1 has been raining, haven't gone, will have been wondering (3 puncte)

I.A.2. l.happened; 2. that/(that) - delete about; 3. had to (3'puncte)

I.A.3. l.The weather can be really awful here. ; 2. You might have invited me to your party.

3. Someone must have taken the keys./The keys must have been taken by someone. (3 puncte)

I.B Translate into English (9p +1=10 points)I couldn't allow that dialogue/discussion to go on/continue. Ioana had only left my place for a

hour / It had been only an hour since Ioana had left my place and the latest proof of vitality she

had given had tired me a lot/incredibly much. Her refusal to acknowledge/accept a person's

real existence was almost as intense as her fear to allow herself the time to understand/comprehend the real/genuine existence of her own mind and soul. I suddenly remembered one

of those sentences, one of those  final/definitive truths  Ioana had told me about herself. It

may have been true about her, it may have been true about me as well / Maybe it suited her and

me as well, maybe, if I couldn't have understood it, I would not have remembered so well

those words she had told me so long ago/ I might not have remembered so clearly the words

she had told me so long ago if I had not understood them / if they had not been clear to me. If I

had not experienced it / if I had not lived through it / if it had not happened to me, I would have

surely died of disgust/repugnance, of hatred. I would have come to /reached the point when I

would not have wanted to see her again, when I would have been unable to look her in the


• Traducerea de mai sus reuneste variantele considerate acceptabile pentru redarea textuluidin limba romdnii Orice alte variante au  stdepunctate conform baremului 

II. A. Translate into Romanian (9p +1=10 points)

Pe cealalta bunica   cunosteam/stiam si mai putin, ceea ce / si nu regretam, deoarece, din cate

auzisem despre ea, parea sa fie cam nebuna/ usor nebuna ipoate chiar era, dupa cate stiu. Era

vaduva i locuia in South Kensington cu doi catei carora le dedica tot timpul liber. De fapt, ar

fi trebuit sa fie crescator de caini mai degraba decat mama / ar   fost de preferat sa fie

crescator de caini si nu mama, caci pentru fiul ei nutrea   oarecare afectiune, doar putin mai

calduta decat indiferenta, pe cand cainii si-i iubea cu adevarat / dar pentru caini simtea  

dragoste adevarata, f i scotea cainii in pare sa alerge de doua ori pe zi   i-i dascalea i-iincuraja

cu voce tare. Tata parea sa mostenit de la ea un singur lucru / Aparent, tata mostenise unsingur lucru de Ia ea /, ianume dragostea de miscare / Singurullucru pe care tata parea sa-l fi

mostenit de Ia ea era dragostea de miscare -  i pe el il apuca nelinistea daca nu il astepta  

plimbare lunga / nici el nu i i gasea linistea/nu avea stare daca nu putea face  plimbare lunga.