

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisSatuan Pendidikan: SMASekolah:SMA Negeri 1 TuguKelas/Semester: XI / 1Aspek/Skill:Reading & WritingTopik:So, Too, Either, NeitherAlokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Standar KompetensiMembaca

5. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

6. Menulis7. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esai berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hariKompetensi Dasar5.2 Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition.

6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition.Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang menggunakan so, too, either, neither. Melengkapi teks rumpang dengan memilih so, too, either, neither dengan tepat. Membuat kalimat menggunakan so, too, either, neither.

I. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARANSetelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan belajar siswa mampu:

1. Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang menggunakan so, too, either, neither.2. Melengkapi teks rumpang dengan memilih so, too, either, neither dengan tepat.3. Membuat kalimat menggunakan so, too, either, neither.


SOSOis used to show agreement with positive statements.SO+Auxiliary+Subject (pronoun)The Auxiliary needs to agree with the verb tense in the original statement.It is similar to usingTOOat the end of a sentence.

Person APerson B

Iamhappy.SoamI.= I am happy too.

I'mgoing to Brazil in the summer.SoamI.= I am going to Brazil too.

Youlooknice today.Sodoyou.= You look nice too.

Stephaniehasa new boyfriend.SodoesMary.= Mary has a new one too.

Wewentto the concert last night.SodidI.= I went to the concert too.

Iwouldlove a coffee right now.SowouldI.= I would love a coffee too.

Hewillwin a prize.SowillI.= I will win one too.

Theyhave finishedtheir homework.SohaveI.= I have finished too.

Icanspeak two languages.SocanI.= I can speak two too.

Heshouldstudy more.SoshouldI.= I should study more too.

Wecouldsee the mountains.Socouldwe.= We could see them too.

My brotherhad eatentoo much.SohadI.= I had eaten too much too.

NEITHERNeitheris used to show agreement with negative statements.Neither+Auxiliary+Subject (pronoun)The Auxiliary needs to agree with the verb tense in the original statement.It is similar to usingeitherat the end of a sentence, althoughNeitheris more commonly used, especially in spoken English.A: I don't understand Spanish.B: Neither do I. (= I don't understand Spanish either.)A: I cannot swim.B: Neither can I. (= I can't swim either.)Sometimes people respondMe Neitherinstead ofNeither + Auxiliary + Subjectthough this is very informal spoken English.

Person APerson B

Iam nothungry.NeitheramI.= I'm not hungry either

I'm notgoing to quit.NeitheramI.= I'm not going to quit either

Theydon't speakFrench.NeitherdoI.= I don't speak French either.

Stephaniedoesn't eatmeat.NeitherdoesMary.= Mary doesn't eat meat either.

Marydidn't goto the party.NeitherdidI.= I didn't go either.

Iwouldn'tlike to do his job.NeitherwouldI.= I wouldn't like to do it either.

Hewon'tstop talking.Neitherwillyou.= You won't stop either.

Youhaven't finishedyour meal.Neitherhaveyou.= You haven't finished either.

Mikecan'treach the top shelf.NeithercanI.= I can't reach it either.

Youshouldn'ttalk in the movie.Neithershouldyou.= You shouldn't talk either.

Wecouldn'thear him.Neithercouldwe.= We couldn't hear him either.

Ihadn't seenher before.NeitherhadI.= I hadn't seen her before either.

III. METODE PEMBELAJARANThink Pair ShareIV. LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARANPertemuan pertama: ( 90 menit )NoJenis KegiatanKegiatan SiswaKegiatan GuruWaktu

Pendahuluan15 mnt

1.GreetingMenjawab salam dari guruMemberi salam (greeting); e.g : Assalamualaikum.. Good morning students, how is life?

20 dtk

2.BerdoaMengucapkan Basmalah bersama-samaMengarahkan siswa untuk berdoa bersama sebelum belajar. Students, before we start our learning today, lets say basmalah together

20 dtk

3.AbsensiMenjawab yes atau Im here bila hadirMemeriksa kehadiran siswa; Who is absent today? Or Is anybody absent today?, I will call you one by one

2 mnt

4.RememberingMenjawab pertanyaan guruDo you still remember what we learned in the last meeting?2 mnt

5.Brain StormingMemperhatikan dan menanggapi apa yang guru ucapkanMelakukan Brain Storming agar siswa fokus pada materi yang akan dipelajari. 3 mnt

6.Menggali pengalaman siswaMemperhatikan dan menanggapi apa yang guru ucapkanMengajukan pertanyaan tentang kaitan antara pengetahuan sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan dipelajari; e.g : Do you know about that pictures?What is that ?Can you tell us ?7 mnt

7.Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaranMemperhatikan dan menanggapi apa yang guru ucapkanMenjelaskan tentang tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai; Today we are going to learn Elipsis about so, too, either, neither please take a look to that slide that is our purpose of study20 dtk

Kegiatan Inti65 mnt

8.MengamatiMengamati gambar serta penjelasan-penjelasan dari guru tentang so, too, either, neither.Menjelaskan materi dan menunjukkan beberapa contoh teks report. In your book page fiftythree(79),there is little explanation about what we are going to learn today, its about so, too, either, neither. 14 mnt 20 dtk

9.Menanya Menanyakan hal-hal yang belum jelas .Memberi kesempatan murid untuk menanyakan hal yang belum jelas.1 mnt

10.Mengumpulkan data/ informasiMencari informasi yang dibutuhkan terkait dengan pengertian so, too, either, neither. I give you a paper, please identify the sentence that contains so, too, either, neither do it with your couple10 mnt

11.Mengasosiasi/ mengolah informasiMengerjakan latihan soal dengan pasangannyaMembimbing siswa mengerjakan latihan15 mnt

12.MengomunikasikanMencocokkan hasil jawabanya yang telah dibuat di depan kelasMembimbing siswa untuk mencocokkan jawabannya . Time is up, now collect your paper and then share to your classmate.24 mnt 40 dtk

Penutup10 mnt

13.Review materiMereview kembali apa yang telah dipelajari Membimbing siswa untuk mereview kembali apa yang telah dipelajari, Its all about so, too, either, neither do you know what is the examples of that?9 mnt

14.Menginformasikan materi untuk pertemuan berikutnyaMemperhatikan informasi tentang rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnyaMenyampaikan informasi tentang rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya, For the next meeting we will continued to learn about this material ..... 50 dtk

15.Salam dan doa penutupMengucapkkan salam penutupMembimbing siswa untuk mengucapkkan salam penutup, To close our study today lets say hamdalah together. See you next meeting,wassalamualaikm. Wr.Wb 10 dtk

V. MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN 1. Media & AlatPower Point Interaktif, Gambar, worksheet .2. Sumber Belajara. PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1b. Internet

VI. PENILAIANA. PenilaianTeknik : Tes TulisNoNama SiswaJenis KelaminAspek yang dinilaiJumlah























Keterangan : A: Keberanian mencoba( 0 35 )B: Semangat dalam proses belajar( 0 35 )C: Ketepatan merespon( 0 30 )


TASK 1Change into ellipsis sentence

1. Ella is a nurse. I am a nurse. 2. Luna likes jogging. Silvie likes jogging. 3. Arga has a big dog. I have a big dog. 4. Dewi is happy. We are happy. 5. They play football well. We play football well. 6. She takes a music course. Her brothers take a music course. 7. I am tall. My sisters are tall. 8. The boys are tired. The girls are tired. 9. The students make beautiful carvings. Their teacher makes a beautiful carving. 10. Irvan sings loudly. We sing loudly.

TASK 2Make 5 Sentences that using so, too, either, neither!

KEY ANSWER1. Ella is a nurse. I am a nurse. Ella is a nurse and so am I.

2. Luna likes jogging. Silvie likes jogging. Luna likes jogging and so does silvie.

3. Arga has a big dog. I have a big dog. Arga has a big dog and so do I.

4. Dewi is happy. We are happy. Dewi is happy and so are we.

5. They play football well. We play football well. They play football well and so do we.

6. She takes a music course. Her brothers take a music course. She takes a music course and her brothers do too.

7. I am tall. My sisters are tall. I am tall and my sisters are too.

8. The boys are tired. The girls are tired. The boys are tired and the girls are too.

9. The students make beautiful carvings. Their teacher makes a beautiful carving. The students make beautiful carvings and their teacher does too.

10. Irvan sings loudly. We sing loudly. Irvan sings loudly and we do too.