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SASTRERIA/REVESTIMIENTO REVESTIMIENTOAdaptacin de la guarnicin de la guarnicin es la ltima capa de tela Para Ser aadido a la prenda A MEDIDA. Pecado Debe encajar Problemas Dentro de la prenda, proporcionando ordenado Acabado interior, limpio. Como regla general el revestimiento esta construido un partir de Una tela suave Que Complementa la capa de tejido exterior (Vase la pg. 360). CUALQUIER alteracin en la prenda de vestir tambin se Deben Hacer en el revestimiento. Para Garantizar la Suficiente Facilidad Para El movimiento del Cuerpo sin tensin en estafas de revestimiento, por lo general, heno pliegue vertical en la parte posterior del revestimiento, y Un pliegue en la parte inferior del manguito y en el dobladillo prenda. Si su modelo no suministra alineando piezas, ESTAS fcilmente se pueden Hacer un partir de los Principales patrones de prendas de vestir. De Para La Preparacin Frente secciones Y Detrs guarnicin se dan a la Derecha: el forro de la manga Se Puede cortar de la pieza del patrn de la manga. En la Adaptacin, el interior de la chaqueta s generalmente a mano cosida a la prenda: Debe Ser manejado con cuidado con el prrafo Evitar estiramiento. PRESIONE Ligeramente prrafo Proteger la guarnicin de CONSEGUIR UN desgastado Aspecto. Para el Calor Adicional, Una entretela Se Puede Instalar (ver pg. 382)

Unirse Principales piezas de revestimiento pinzas laterales frontales.1. puntada (y costura trasera, 2 si los hay). Hilvanar el trasero pliegue; por un o Hacia un Lado: virar un Travs de Todas las Capas con punto de cruz escote bajo y en la cintura.2. Coloque Una fila de costura Dentro de las lneas de costura de la parte Delantera Con una apertura, espalda hombro, el cuello y los bordes de la sisa (pespuntar PUEDE SERVIR para esta linea de costura). Completa costuras Internas y costuras laterales. PRESIONE costuras pinza plana, en Continuacin, abra los cortes los Mrgenes de costura Como Necesario.3. Los Mrgenes De Costura bao Todos Los Bordes Crudos cosidas excepto por los Bordes sisa Debe girarse Y presionan hacia EL revs; recortar y muescas en la costura Como Necesario Para Que se acueste. Lugar hilvanar los bordes.Para Hacer volver la guarnicin: 1. Pegue Una tira de papel de seda prrafo Borde posterior de patrn.2. posicin Frente de nuevo bajo el patrn pieza de la espalda.3. Marque 1 "ms all del centro de patrn espalda del borde (sin laLnea de costura) para permitir el pliegue. Si la prenda no Tiene centro de costura trasera, marca de 1" Ms all de la Lnea de doblez central de la espalda.4. Nota Borde interior del revestimiento: dibujar Nueva Lnea 1 de este Borde. Para costuras princesa, Como Se Muestra, utilizar parte trasera pieza de Como Es Una parte de la guarnicin de vuelta. (Hijo reas sombreadas las piezas de revestimiento.) Marcar patrn5. Transferencia de Todas las Marcas del patrn.Para Hacer Frente a la guarnicin:1. posicin patrn frontal Frente bajo pieza del frontal patrn, Haciendo Coincidir Las Marcas.2. Nota Borde interior del revestimiento; Llamar la Nueva Lnea 1 Va desde este Borde. Para costuras princesa, Como Se Muestra, utilice Lado pieza frontal Como Es Para Una parte del revestimiento frontal. (reas sombreadas estn alineando patrones.) 3. Transferencia de Todas las Marcas del patrn.

Adapting lining lining lining is the last layer of fabric added to the garment as. You must fit smoothly into the garment, providing neat. Clean interior finish. As a rule, the coating is constructed from a soft fabric that complements the outer fabric layer (see p. 360). Any alteration in the garment must also be done in the coating. To ensure sufficient body movement without stress on scams coating case, there is usually a vertical fold in the back of the liner. and a fold at the bottom of the sleeve and the garment hem. If your model does not provide liner feet, they can easily do from the main patterns of clothing. Ences preparation for the front and back sections are given lining right: the liner sleeve can be cut to the pattern piece sleeve, tailoring, generally linear hand-sewn garments that should handled with care to avoid stretching, Press lightly to protect WEEA lining of getike one glance. For extra heat, you interlining can be installed (see p, M2). Join main parts coatingAdapting lining lining fabric layer is the last to be added to the garment as. You must fit smoothly into the garment, providing a neat, clean interior finish. As a rule, the coating is constructed from a soft fabric that complements the outer fabric layer (see p. 360). Any Alterations in the garment also be made in the coating. To ensure sufficient ease of body movement without tension coating scams, there is usually a vertical fold in the back of the liner, and fold in the bottom of the garment sleeve and hem. If your model does not provide aligning pieces, they can easily do from the main patterns of clothing. Ences for preparedness and sections are given back Lining right: the liner sleeve can be cut to the pattern piece sleeve. In the adaptation, the ingot is Generally ing hand sewn to the garment: it must be handled with care to avoid stretching. Press lightly to protect the lining of getting a worn look. For additional heat, an interlining can be installed (see p. 382) Join front casing main parts Side tweezers.

1. Stitch (and back seam, 2 if any). Baste the rear fold; press or to one side: turn through all layers with cross stitch be- low neckline and waist.2. Place a row of sewing into the seam lines of the front opening eat, back shoulder, neck and armhole edges (ugh staystitch- ing can serve to this line of sewing). Full inseams and side seams. Press seams flat pliers, then open and Notch seam allowances as needed3. seam allowances on all raw edges sewn except Tor the armhole edges must be turned and pressed to the wrong side; clip and notches in the seam al- lowances as needed to lie down. Baste edges become place.

To return the garrison: 1. Glue a strip of tissue paper to back edge of pattern.

2. Position front again under the pattern back piece.3. Dial 1 "beyond the center backs Edge pattern (no seam line) to allow the fold. If the garment does not have a center back seam, mark 1" beyond the center line fold back.4. inner lining edge Note: draw new line 1 of this edge. For princess seams, as shown, use rear piece as a part of the garrison back. (Shaded areas are parts of lining.) Brands pattern5. Transfer all pattern markings.To cope with the garnish:1. Position front pattern front under the front pattern piece, matching the markings.2. Note inside edge coating; attract new line 1 runs from the edge. For princess seams, as shown, use part as front side for part of the front panel. (Shaded areas are lining up patterns.) L3. Transfer all pattern markings. Adapting lining lining lining is the last layer of fabric added to the garment as. You must fit smoothly into the garment, providing neat. Clean interior finish. As ga rule, the coating is constructed from a soft fabric that complements the outer fabric layer (see p. 360). Any alteration in the garment must also be done in the coating. To ensure sufficient body movement without stress on scams coating case, there is usually a vertical fold in the back of the liner. and a fold at the bottom of the sleeve and the garment hem. If your model does not provide lining pieces, they can easily do from the main patterns of clothing. Ences preparation for the front and back sections are given lining right: the liner sleeve can be cut to the pattern piece sleeve, tailoring, lin- ing usually hand-sewn garments that They must be handled with care to avoid stretching Press lightly to protect WEEA lining of getike one glance. For extra heat, interlining t can be installed (see p, M2). Join main parts coating
