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Page 1: September 2015 Edition




FOR ALL ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE of San Pedro - Estepona - Casares

Manilva - Sotogrande & Beyond

September 2015 Edition

Email: [email protected]


25th September

Welcome Back Party

Hog Roast Or Paella


To ‘Rock

n Roll’


Monday 21st


Club Annual

Trip to

The Lakes

Page 2: September 2015 Edition


Travel insurance available to cover

all pre-existing medical

conditions and all ages.

Contact me for more information.

Page 3: September 2015 Edition


Page 14 September Events Page 16 Blevins Franks Article Page 20/21 September Calendar Page 27 Events For Your Diary Page 29 Golf Society, Healthcare Information Page 31 Leisure Page Page 32 General Information Page 33 Committee and Advert Information Page 34 Just for a Smile

Editor Terry Smith

Email: [email protected]

Phone 951 276 690

Mobile 677 656 319

ICE Magazine

Editor: It is somewhat disappointing that recently planned club events have had to be cancelled due to lack of interest from members, some of these events having actually been requested by members. Also the committee agreed to cancelling some bar opening due to lack of volunteer bar staff. In 2016 the bar will be closed each Tuesday during July and Tuesday and Sunday during the month of August. A Thursday lunch, that many of our members rely on, had to be cancelled, again due to lack of volun-teers. It is unfortunate that if further members do not come forward to volunteer this may result in more events being subject to possible cancellation. The club is run by volunteers and at present it appears to be mostly just by the few. Terry Smith

President: Sue Potter Editor: Terry Smith Advertising: Jackie Simmonds

Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept

responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers.

Printed by Digiprint, Avda Litoral, Edificio Visamar, Blq 2 Local 9, 29680 Estepona

Visit Our New Improved Club Website:

Free Wi-Fi for members at the clubhouse. Now upgraded to 8Mb

The magazine is published on the website on or before the first day of each month. PLEASE MENTION ICE CLUB & MAGAZINE WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS.

Page 5 President’s Letter & Information Page 6 Bulletin Board & Information Page 8 Technology Matters Page 9 Grey Nomading in Australia Continued (Article) Page 10 Healthcare & Driving Licence Info. Page 11 Electricity Charges Information, Bowling News, Nigel's Classified Ad’s Page 12/13 Past Events, Gardening Club News


Thanks to all those who have contributed items for your magazine,

please keep them coming.

WANTED: Further input from members for your magazine, articles ,

experiences, useful information, recipes, anything of interest.


Your club is run by volunteers, without them we cannot function. Help is required for the following: Bar staff, training available, see Mac McIntyre Bar Manager. Meeters and greeters to man the front door for just an hour on a Thursday club morning, see Maureen Baldwin-Winckle.

Page 4: September 2015 Edition


Estepona Osteopathic Clinic

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Specialist treatment for

back, neck and limb injuries,

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Located immediately opposite the

underground car park entrance,

facing the sea.

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OAP days are Monday to Friday

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All kinds of



I will do all repairs and alterations

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OPTICA MACHIN English Optometrist now available for

consultation on the Costa del Sol.

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Av. Litoral – Ed. Vistamar Blq. 2 – Local 1


Tel: 952 806 813

Full Eye Examinations: Glaucoma Screening:

Designer & Non-Designer frames & lenses: Sunglasses:

(prescription & non-prescription) Domiciliary Visits: (by appointment)

Contact Lens Fitting.

Page 5: September 2015 Edition


PRESIDENT’S LETTER Wow, what a hot July and August we have had here in Spain, apologies

to all who went to UK where it was mostly cold.

After a quiet last 2 months the Club now looks forward to a full pro-

gramme of events, including in September a Lake trip and the Wel-

come Back Party that includes hog roast, or choice of fish or vegetable

paella followed by entertainment of 60’s music from Johnny Gee, 60’s

fancy dress optional.

In October we have too many events to mention here so please remember to consult with

your magazine.

Hopefully we will have no more trouble from our neighbours parking across our entrance

steps, please let me know if anyone experiences any other problems with them. Looking forward to seeing more members back after the summer break. Sue Potter

Food For Thought

Submitted by Rosemary Ferguson

“A book is special and unique, it is a resting place for words.”

The Club Welcomes

New Members

Nicola & Jan Hakansson

Isabel Valadez Ruiz

Ken Payne John Cook

Rosemary Walsh Conor O’Shaughnessy

Do You Like To Make Puddings and Sweets??? To help the catering volunteers they are looking for volunteers to

produce a pudding or sweet to serve 10/12 persons. These can be

made at home for delivery to the club on a Thursday morning.

Your expenses will be remunerated. For further details please contact Volunteer Catering Manager

Brenda Taylor. Also further volunteer catering staff required to

assist with preparing Thursday lunches, no clearing up involved.

Just a short note related to car parking for Gibraltar flights. If you plan to fly from Gibraltar airport, there is a very useful long term car park on

the La Linea side of the border at the Alcaidesa Marina car park. It costs €6 per day

and is open 24hrs. The entry is just down the old border "waiting loop" It is a very

short walk to the border and then to the Airport. You have to pre-book at

There is, of course, the new car park adjacent to the border but I have been unable to

find any pricing information for this to date. Submitted by Ron Sykes

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Bulletin Board

BOOK LIBRARY: CAN MEMBERS PLEASE NOT SUBMIT HARDBACK BOOKS TO THE LIBRARY, PAPERBACKS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED. Returned books should be placed at the foot of the first half of the alphabet as designated - the librarian will then sort. DVD Library: Can members please ensure they sign for all borrowed films and add membership number, Please return films as soon as possible and sign as returned. Jigsaw Puzzles: There is a selection of jigsaw puzzles available stored under the video library. They are mostly 500 pieces, some 1,000. Glasses, cups etc: Please return to the bar before leaving the club. Please place used unbroken bottles carefully in bin provided, which is positioned under the dartboard. Return plates and cutlery to the kitchen. Terrace Doors: Those people who open terrace doors are responsible for closing same.


International Emergency Phone 112








Lottery Winners June 1st Leoni Sturgess 60€ 2nd Eva Barton 30€ 3rd David Minkin 15€

Club 45€

Lottery Winners July 1st Diane Burns 60€ 2nd Leoni Sturgess 30€ 3rd Mac McIntyre 15€ Club 45€





TED LUNNISS 608 601 230 EMAIL: [email protected]

Paying speeding fines in Spain: If you have to pay a speeding fine in Spain, you can pay online by accessing the Ministry of the Interior web site at: - private This page of the site is in English and allows you to pay by credit card. Don't forget that you will get a 50% reduction in the fine if you pay within 20 days. Submitted by Ron Sykes

Page 7: September 2015 Edition









Call for your appointment.

Michael Briales

Total dedication to your

hearing needs.

Mobile 660 892 627







TEL: 952859925

The all-new most up to date

hearing centre in the Costa

now opened.

Page 8: September 2015 Edition


Vic Loughran Peter Dowd

Matters September 2015

As we start again after the Summer break, it seems appropriate to reconsider the title of the

monthly page “Computer Topics.” We have gradually seen a move from pure PC applica-

tions to Tablets and Smart Phones. The content of the monthly contribution has changed to

meet this demand. Therefore it seems appropriate to rename the page “Technology Matters”

in order to reflect the wider range of content and our increased reliance on technology. We

will not desert the PC, especially with the introduction of Windows 10, but our content will

cover the wider range of technical devices now being used or in the pipeline. Monitor Your Exercise. Your smart phone also has a built-in GPS. With a suitable app you

can monitor how far you walk each day. For Android machines, Google Fit can be

downloaded from the Play Store. Apple iPhone 5s and above include a free fitness app called

Health. If you possess an older iPhone, then the app you need is Pacer. (Search on Google

for Pacer and look for an entry which directs you to iTunes) Both these apps will record the

distance you walk and offer other facilities such as monitoring height and weight.

Windows 10 At the time of writing none of us have experienced Windows 10. Current users

of Windows 7 and 8 can get a free upgrade until 29th July 2016. Therefore there is no urgency

to upgrade. Our advice is to wait until further reviews are available. In the meantime you can

reserve your upgrade by clicking on the Windows symbol on the right of the task bar. You

will then receive an email when it is ready for download. Unfortunately if you do not have

Win 7 or 8 then you will have to pay – the price has not yet been finalized.

Stay Safe when Shopping on-line. We are shopping on-line in increasing number, Therefore

it seems timely to remind people of some safety advice.

Avoid using unsecured Wi-Fi i.e. Wi-Fi access that does not require a password.

Don’t save passwords to a site.

Some shops produce free apps for browsing and buying on-line. If you use such apps

make sure that your phone/tablet is password protected or, better still, if it has finger

print recognition, make sure that this is activated.

If you have a UK, credit card use this for payment of goods in excess of £100. The

credit card company is jointly liable if anything goes wrong. Make sure that the site on which you are buying is encrypted. If the address begins

https, it is OK. http is not secure.

If you have any questions or suggested topics for future editions, please email us

[email protected] or [email protected]




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Grey Nomading in Australia Continued, Diary of Louise and Graham’s Travels. Many of the club members will have met Margaret and Vic’s daughter Louise and her husband Graham when they visited from Australia for the occasion of Margaret and Vic’s Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebrations. Lou and Graham are now taking a 2 year working tour, known as Grey Nomading in Aus-tralia, by caravan. "Grey Nomads:" many Aussie's travel around Australia when they retire. Having left our SHED SIT!!! (see magazine June edition) we headed towards Taree for our next assign-ment. Found a lovely free stop at the Bretti Reserve, right next to the river. It was absolutely jam packed ----- with cows!! One night the caravan started rocking violently – no it was not us! Neither was it Graham’s snoring, it was a massive cow scratching her head on the spare wheel! Moved in to a stunning little caravan park in Croki for a few days of fishing and relaxing. Didn’t have far to go as we overlooked the Manning River for fishing. Had daily visits from this little guy called Buddy, we would have very much liked to have taken him with us!! Next assignment is Kolodong, close to Taree and a lovely (but freezing) big farm house also on the banks of the Manning River. One dog, two cats and rooster called George! We can also add to that god knows how many mice that have come in for winter to nest!!! Since we are not leaving here until August I am doing one day a week in the local Lifeline Op Shop as a volunteer which I am enjoying, however I am not sure how I am going to get all my purchases in the caravan when we leave!! Graham is happy as there is plenty of fishing and gardening to keep him occupied. Headed to Port Macquarie one Sunday for fish and chips on the foreshore, which was spectacular. Had a wander around until we saw this............................................ Now, those of you that know me well will recall that it takes 3 valium washed down by a bottle of vodka to get me on to an aeroplane, they are a necessary evil to visit places and peo-ple. I DO NOT do it for fun, however Graham was keen to have a go and I have made him do some challenging things along this journey so my turn to face my fears. The pilot was awesome and found loads of whales playing, a pod of dolphins and some spectacular scenery. She gave us a great commentary and smooth flight. I have now done a sea plane flight and can check that off my bucket list – not sure I will repeat the experience without the Valium and Vodka!!!

Till next time, Lou and Graham

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Interesting piece of information: Healthcare. Submitted by Doug Proctor

I’m applying for Spanish Healthcare in my own right, having reached the magic age, and

along with the S1 forms came a letter from the UK Overseas Healthcare Team, an excerpt of

which is shown below:

Entitlement to medical cover in the UK The NHS is a residence-based system and moving abroad can mean losing your entitlement

to receive healthcare free of charge on the NHS.

However, as you will have your healthcare paid for by the UK by means of an S1 in your

country of residence, from 6th April 2015 your right to return to England for all treatment

including elective, has been extended. This means you can access NHS treatment in England

as if ordinary resident (this means treatment will be free unless a statutory charge also ap-

plies to resident in England, for example prescription charges). You will not need to obtain

any kind of authorisation from your country of residence prior to seeking treatment.

These changes will be made in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as soon as practicable

after 6th April. You are advised to check your entitlement before seeking treatment in those


In all cases, however, you must notify your GP of the date you went to live in Spain so that you and members of your family are removed from NHS registration and your medical re-

cords can be archived.

I telephoned the Healthcare Team, and was told that, yes, from 6 April I was entitled to all

treatment (not just emergency) on the NHS in England, even though I am resident in Spain.

You do not have to show the EHIC card, just contact the Doctor or NHS Hospital where you

want the treatment performed (she quoted a hip replacement as an example) and if asked for

an address, give your Spanish one (NOT a relative in UK). You may be asked to show proof

of receipt of the UK State Pension, such as a letter from the Dept for Works and Pension.

This only applies to Expat pensioners who are part of the Spanish Health system.

Overseas Healthcare Team contact on: +44 191 218 1999 between 8am – 5pm UK time.


Confusion about driving licences in Spain persists among European Union citizens residing

in Spain.

What should you do? You can exchange your licence for a Spanish driving licence.

A citizen of the European Union may continue to use their home country driving licence even after becoming an official resident of Spain. However certain conditions apply to this privi-


For holders of a UK driving licence, and have obtained a Certificate of Residence, the holder

may either exchange for a Spanish licence or continue using their UK licence in which case it

must be registered with the Spanish list of Drivers and Traffic Violators. If the latter is your

decision it is necessary to go to an authorised medical testing centre and pass the test required

of all Spanish drivers. This includes vision, hearing and eye-hand coordination. For ages 18

to 45, you must pass this test every 10 years. Ages 45 to 70 years every 5 years, Those over

70 every 2 years. The medical certificate must be carried together with your valid UK driving

licence. This is compulsory and may be requested at a roadside check.

For driving licence holders of others European Union countries there are some differences to

the above instructions. Be aware if you keep your UK licence and cannot prove a UK address as your residence you

may be refused car hire in the UK.

Page 11: September 2015 Edition


Electricity charged by the hour from July 1st. Submitted by Nigel Nevshehir

ELECTRICITY for homes and small businesses will be charged by the hour from July 1st,

meaning peak and off-peak rates will apply to everyone and not just those who have applied

for the so-called 'white tariff' where costs differ throughout the day and night.

All premises which have a digital, remotely managed meter will automatically be switched to the hourly charge system, and the cost of each day's consumption will appear online from

20.15hrs for customers to check.

Where a digital meter has not yet been fitted, the electricity board, Iberdrola, has until Octo-

ber 1 to do so. The hourly tariff will apply those with a power supply of less than 10kW.

It will allow customers to calculate more easily which appliances use up more energy and to

what extent, because they will be able to compare online what they use each day and relate it

to the white goods, lights, boilers, or other gadgets they have had in use.

This has come about after Spain's 'business police', the National Commission of Markets and

Competition complained that the new meters, being rolled out across the country, did not

allow customers to tell in real time how much electricity they were using unless they literally

sat in front of them all day.

The price per kilowatt (kW) of power used per hour only affects 37% of the consumer's bill, whilst 25% relates to taxes including IVA, and the remaining 38% are standing charges.

New hourly tariffs can only be administered by commercial suppliers Iberdrola, Endesa, Gas

Natural Fenosa, EDP España and E.O.N. España, but other utility companies are allowed to

get on board provided they do so before the end of this year.

The system will replace the quarterly 'energy auctions' which would affect rates for three

months at a time and which have led to Spain's electricity being among the four most expen-

sive in Europe. Axing the quarterly auctions is hoped to bring it down to much more afford-

able levels.

Already, Iberdrola offers a fixed monthly payment scheme whereby the average cost over the

previous year is calculated, so that each month the consumer pays the same and does not suf-

fer unpleasant surprises when the bill arrives. At the end of the year, the total deficit or sur-plus is worked out and either added onto or deducted from monthly payments over the fol-

lowing year as a flat rate.

BOWLING OUR WAY! We meet Monday mornings at Benavista Bowls Club. It is quite a sociable morning why not come and join us? 10.00am for 10.15 start, late arrivals cannot be guaranteed a game. We normally play 16 ends for just 8€ each, includes hire of woods if required. Dress code is predominately white but the critical factor is foot-wear, shoes must be smooth soled with no ’pimples or crinkles’. The Management at

Benavista strictly apply this rule. Drinks and food available at the bar. Organiser Reg Astle


FOR RENT 2 CAR GARAGE SPACE 9 METRES IN LENGTH Edificio Acuario (across from Estepona Port Lighthouse), price negotiable. Maureen Baldwin-Winckle 952 791 812

FOR SALE: 2004 SILVER VW PASSAT SALOON, Auto Diesel,RHD on Spanish Plates,1yr ITV,150,00 Miles. Very Good Runner. 2,250€ ONO. Contact: David Hallworth Mobile: 665 192 625 Email: [email protected]

Page 12: September 2015 Edition



Friday 26th June - Trip to Benalmádena Butterfly Park and Mijas

We all arrived at our allotted coach pickup points on a lovely sunny morning which put us all in a good mood from the start. We arrived at the Butterfly Park, otherwise known as Mariposario de Benalmádena, in plenty of time to have coffee and a snack be-fore our guide lead us into the farm area. What a pleasant surprise, upon entering the Butter-fly park you are automatically transported to the hot and humid jungles of South-East Asia, with wall-to-wall tropical vegetation, amazing plants and flowers, waterfalls and exotic ani-mals. The highlight of which is, of course, the humble butterfly, with over 1500 exotic butterflies from 150 different species, all those butterflies just flying free or landed on the vegetation. The guide ex-plained the life of the butterfly and moths, and the workings of the farm, 70% of the specimens in the park are self-produced and the remaining 30% are imported from their country of origin. There's a spe-cial nursery, where visitors watch the different biological cycles and transformations the butterflies go through. Almost every day, a new specimen is born; visitors watch as the butterflies break out of their cocoons and spread their colourful wings for the first time. Most species of butterflies have an average life expectancy of two weeks. This means that the park's population is renewed every 14 days! The 2000m2 complex has its climate carefully controlled with the temperature set between 24-29ºC and around 80% humidity. We then had time wandering around and taking many photos. We saw a very shy wallaby mooching around under the vegetation, two iguanas at the top of the waterfall, and many koi carp in the pond. The butterfly park is situated just next to the Enlightenment Buddhist Stupa, this also being visited on this occasion by many of our trippers. In keeping with an 'Eastern' theme, the design of the butterfly park is Asian and built to resemble a Thai temple. Indeed, most of the building materials have been im-ported directly from Thailand, with the characteristic blue tiles made specifically for them in Chang Mai. It really is a venue not to be missed when you have children and visitors to entertain. So then it was back on the bus for it wind our way up the hill to Mijas Pueblo, all being ready for lunch with a view and a bit of therapeutic shopping. One of the jewels of the Costa del Sol is this beautiful little village which nestles comfortably in the mountainside 428 meters above sea level. When you wan-der through the narrow cobbled streets of this Andalusian village, you can understand what has at-tracted foreigners to settle here over the years. Many artists and writers have made it their home, enjoy-ing the benefits of an excellent all year round climate, without being part of the busier, more commercial coastal towns just down the mountain side. Despite its huge popularity with tourists, Mijas Pueblo has somehow managed to retain much of its traditional Andalusian way of life, the locals displaying their unabashed passion for all things festive and an unmistakable relaxed 'mañana' outlook on anything that can be put off for another day. Mijas Pueblo is great for Souvenir shopping, the craft shops have some wonderful hand made pottery and often affordable paintings and prints. Thanks Diane for arranging such a lovely trip and with the help of Dave who took some wonderful photos that can now be seen on the club website by visiting

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Should you have suggestions for any event or activity at your clubhouse, or for a trip whether for a day or longer period, please contact a member of the


Tuesday July 14th - Garden Club Meeting The fourth 2015 Garden Club meeting was held 11.30 in the Natura Garden Centre in Manilva. A good show of members enjoyed this very pleasant Garden Centre. As well as everything one requires for gardens - an amazing display of trees, shrubs, plants, cacti and indoor plants - there are rabbits, pup-pies, birds, fish plus all you might need for them. It also offers lots of pretty items for inside the house – pots, lamps, vases, ornaments etc. Outside is a pond with beautiful lilies, trees, creepers, statues, even a children’s play area. Upstairs has a vast display of garden tools, accessories, fencing, cages, cat and dog beds and lots more. We all had an enjoyable walk around and several plants were purchased. As I live nearby, and as there is no cafe, I offered drinks and nibbles at my house...............we had some interesting discussions about gardening problems, useful information obtained. The Rose Of Jericho was passed around to see how it changes from looking completely dried up and dead to coming alive by sitting in some water. So far this year we have met and had very enjoyable monthly get togethers at the Agrojardin, the ICE clubhouse, the Orchid domes and today the Natura Garden Centre. The next Garden Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 8th at 11.30 in Garden Club members’ garden. Sandy will give de-tails and maps. Lastly, the ICE club is still wanting volunteers to weed their front flowerbed. If you have a few hours spare and fancy some gardening, please have a go at the outside flowerbed. A kneeling cushion, hand trowel and fork, broom plus bag for the weeds are all that is required, plus a hat and water for yourself of course. Tip for the month: If you prefer not to use garden gloves, your nails can be kept clean during garden-ing by scraping your fingers along a bar of soap before starting work. The soap stays under the nails and prevents dirt getting in. Afterwards, simply wash using a nailbrush to remove.

Submitted by Sandy Avis

Thursday 23rd July - Club Lunch Out So club kitchen closed for the summer, where to go? Why not back to Restaurante La Torre a great favourite with many club members, on this occasion 35 attending. One again Pepe and his ladies did us proud with their 3 course menu del dia at just 8.50€ including a drink. A very hot day would not have liked being in the kitchen.

Thursday 13th August - Club Lunch Out Once again more than 30 members and two guest children at-tended the club lunch out at the popular Benamara Golden Wok Chinese Buffet restaurant. We were once again not disappointed with the vast range of fresh food presented. On this occasion as the weather was so hot we sat inside, normally we like the out-side terrace overlooking the swimming pool. Once again thanks go to Maggie for organising these events.

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Please Note: The Club reopens Tuesday 1st September. Thursday Club Lunches recommence Thursday 3rd September.

Friday 4th September - Members Quiz Night. 8.00 for 8.30pm. Quiz Master Anne Hardwick Tuesday 8th September - Garden Group Meet. The next Garden Club meeting will be held on at 11.30 in Garden Club members garden. Contact Sandy Avis for details and maps.

Monday 14th September - Members Film Night The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

7.30 for 8.00pm, organiser Sue Potter. Now that The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is full up with its long-term residents. Donnelly (Maggie Smith) and Sonny Kapoor (Dev Patel) have a dream of expansion, and they've found just the place. Wednesday 16th September - Ladies and Gents Who Lunch Out Organiser Maggie Whitley.

Wednesday 16th. September - Golf Society 'Away Day' Atalaya Old Course. 10.00am tee off. 43.50€ including buggy. Thanks to Jeff, an Atalaya and ICE member, we have been offered this great rate for the old course

Friday 18th September - Computer Group 11.00am - Windows 10 Should I update to Windows 10? A presentation by Sheila Fox and Vic Loughran.

. Sunday 20th September - Songs of Praise - 4.30 for 5.00pm, organiser Joan Thompson Monday 21st September - Annual Trip to The Lakes A scenic coach trip to the country stopping for a break and shade under the trees at Finca La Mota and have optional coffee and bacon ’butties’. Finca la Mota was originally a farmhouse built over 350 years ago. It is now a rustic

Andalusian Inn full of charm and character both of which has been carefully maintained during renovation. Then onto the lakes, time for swimming in the lake, don’t forget your ‘coggies’. Why not take a picnic, or you can have a leisurely optional lunch at the Al Kiosko restau-rant overlooking the lake. Organiser Sue Potter. 15€

members, 18€ guests, first pickup 9.00am Sabinillas. Friday 25th September - Welcome Back Party -

Hog Roast or Paella Followed by Dancing. Accompanied by choice of salads, couscous and baked potatoes. Dancing to live Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival, why not dress as ‘The 60’s’. 6.30 for 7.00pm. Organ-iser Joan Thompson. Restricted to 80 tickets, book early to avoid disappointment. Music Sponsored

by Maria Read, see advert on page 28.

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Are You Affected By Changes To UK Bank Compensation Scheme?

By Terry Wayne, Partner, Blevins Franks

952 799 752

[email protected]

Do you keep large deposits in bank accounts? If so, you need to understand to what extent you will be protected in event of bank failure.

For peace of mind you should establish what investor protection you have with your banks,

and how it works. The same applies for capital you have in other financial institutions like

investment firms, insurance companies etc in the event. If you have concerns about the level

of protection, consider whether there are other institutions or structures which offer a higher

level of protection, or what steps you can take to feel safer.

Within the EU, banks deposits up to €100,000 are protected. If a bank fails, any deposits you

have up to this limit are refunded.

In the UK, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme is based on the EU compensation

scheme and is available to savers if a UK regulated bank or financial institution fails.

At present, the limit per institution (i.e. across all accounts held with the same institution) is

£85,000. This was based on the exchange rate at the time the €100,000 guarantee was intro-duced.

Two changes to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme have now been announced.

In July 2015, a new rule was introduced to protect savings of up to £1 million for a period of

up to six months to cover ‘life events’, such as selling your home, inheritances, compensation

payments etc; situations that could lead to you having a temporarily high balance.

From 1st January 2016, the standard protection amount is reducing to £75,000, because the

exchange rate has changed. The UK regulators have to review the amount every five years to

ensure the protection is similar to the rest of the EU.

Note that an institution is not the same as a bank. So Halifax and Bank of Scotland are one

institution, for example.

If you have more than £75,000 with a single institution, the excess over £75,000 is not pro-tected. You may wish to consider reducing balances so that these are spread to provide more


Those who have less than €100,000 with the same institution regulated elsewhere within the

Eurozone are not affected, as the Euro amount has not changed. However if you have bank

deposits over €100,000 you should consider ways to protect your savings from the risk of

institutional failure.

Since the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey are not in the EU, banks which are regulated

there are not covered by the EU scheme or the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

These jurisdictions have their own compensation schemes, with a limit of £50,000.

Besides spreading your deposits, you can move capital into alternate in-

vestment arrangements that provide a higher level of protection. For

example Luxembourg offers a state controlled investor protection regime which provides maximum security to investors without limit.

Also ensure you have adequate diversification across different investment

assets, because this decreases risk as well as increasing the potential for

improved returns.

Talk to a wealth management adviser like Blevins Franks to see if there

are steps you can take to increase your investor protection, in line with

your particular circumstances.

Page 17: September 2015 Edition


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El Rincon Toscano



Wine Bar

Calle Real 22-26, Estepona Telephone 952 795 914

Roberto 648 263 369 or Yuri 610 336 547 [email protected]

A little taste of Italy Come and enjoy the excellent cuisine and

service provided by Roberto and Yuri

Opening hours

Lunch every day

1.30 – 4pm

Dinner 7pm – midnight

Closed on Wednesdays

Page 19: September 2015 Edition


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1 Sep Tue

11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open

7.30 pm Canasta

2 Sep Wed 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist

3 Sep Thu

10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch

2.00pm Drama Group, 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge

4 Sep Fri 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 8.30pm Quiz Night

5 Sep Sat

6 Sep Sun 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas

7 Sep Mon 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class

8 Sep Tue

11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open

7.30 pm Canasta

11.00am Gardening Club 2.00pm Committee Meeting

9 Sep Wed 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist

10 Sep Thu

10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting and Open Forum 1.00pm Lunch, 2.00pm Drama Group

7.00pm Duplicate Bridge


11 Sep Fri 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 11.00 am Genealogy Group

12 Sep Sat

13 Sep Sun 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas

14 Sep Mon 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 7.30 for 8.00pm Film Night

15 Sep Tue

11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open

7.30 pm Canasta 11.00am Ladies' Book Club

16 Sep Wed 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist

Golf Society Away Day at Atalaya Old Course

1.30pm Ladies Lunch 1.45pm Gents Lunch

17 Sep Thu

10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch

2.00pm Drama Group, 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge

18 Sep Fri 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 11.00am Computer Group Win-

dows 10 Presentation

19 Sep Sat

20 Sep Sun 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 4.30pm Songs of Praise

21 Sep Mon 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class Trip To The Lakes

22 Sep Tue

11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open

7.30 pm Canasta

Page 21: September 2015 Edition


23 Sep Wed 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist

24 Sep Thu

10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch

2.00pm Drama Group, 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge

25 Sep Fri 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Welcome Back Party

26 Sep Sat

27 Sep Sun 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas

28 Sep Mon 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class

29 Sep Tue

11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open

7.30 pm Canasta

30 Sep Wed 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist

September 2015 Continued




Page 22: September 2015 Edition


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Page 24: September 2015 Edition


Page 25: September 2015 Edition


Page 26: September 2015 Edition


Property Sales, Holiday Rentals & Home Interiors

As a number of our properties have recently been sold we are actively looking for all types of properties to add to our database. Benahavis, Estepona & Marbella we need more properties to sell. If you wish to buy a New, Re-sale, Inland or Beach side property why not give us a call. We specialise in the areas of Benahavis, Estepona and Marbella. Low priced apartments to luxury villas we have them all. – [email protected]


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Home Interiors by JRP in Spain

Our Home Furnishing department can provide a complete soft-furnishing service including curtains, carpets, wall coverings,

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professionalism in our approach. With the majority of our work coming from recommendations and

repeat business it is a compliment we value. Call now for a free no

obligation quote!

(0034) 696 658 083

Page 27: September 2015 Edition


Monday 2nd October - Quiz Night - Quiz Master Ron Pegrum Tuesday 6th October - Golf Autumn Cup - Dona Julia Golf Club 08.45 tee off. Shot Gun Start. 49€ incl. buggy. Put this in your diary and add your details on the entry form on

the ICE notice board. See page 29 for further information. Saturday 10th October - Trip to Fuengirola Salon Varietes Theatre Rocky Horror Show Monday 12th October - Members Film Night - Theory of Everything

Saturday 17th October - Walking Treasure Hunt - Venue Manilva Town Organisers Sue and Rob Potter. ‘Easy’ questions from the clues provided. Just 5€ for an entry form for a couple or solo obtained from the ‘Sales Girls’. First prize is a voucher for a meal at a local restaurant.

Friday 23th October - ‘Noughties’ Celebration Dinner Does your age end with a ‘0’ during 2015 (i.e. 50, 60, 70 etc.) if so you are invited, with a partner, to celebrate at a dinner with other likewise ’Noughties. Venue to be decided, if interested add your name to list on notice board. Friday 30th October to 3rd November - 'Golf Group Break’ to El Rompido. See page 29.

Saturday 31st October - Autumn Fayre at Clubhouse Stalls, food, competitions, games, prizes and much more.

Tuesday November 3rd - I.C.E. 27th Birthday Party Venue El Paraiso Golf Club, 3 Course Menu. Starters: Fried Brie, Paraiso seafood cocktail, Cumin chicken skewer. Mains: Beef bourgeon, Teriyaki swordfish, Chicken farci with bacon. Deserts: Key lime pie, Cheese plate, Eton mess Music for Dancing with the ever popular Stella, Organiser Sue Potter

Thursday 12th November Proposed I.C.E. Club E.G.M. To Discuss and Vote on the following Major Works:

a) To fit an upstairs toilet. b) To fit a lift for use of disabled persons. c) To fit the toilet and a lift. d) To do nothing. N.B. No other business will be discussed at this meeting. First call 10.00, second call 10.30am

Saturday 14th November- Themed Supper Evening -

Moroccan by Ken & Sally Holloway - Restricted to 30 members, book early.

Friday 20th November - Trip to Castellar Zoo.

Friday 9th November

An Evening with ‘The Lola Boys’ 7.30 for 8.00pm

November 27th, 28th & 29th I.C.E. Players

Winter Presentation ’Smalls Talk’

A very funny comedy ‘Oh yes it is.’

Watch this space for details.


Page 28: September 2015 Edition


UK TV SOLUTIONS Whatever your circumstances may be, Fast, Slow or even No Internet we have the solution for you.

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NO INTERNET NO PROBLEM If you have poor or no internet then you can access BBC, ITV & Channel 4 with this system.

Utilise your existing Sky Dish, which will need to be re-aligned to the new satellite, or have another smaller dish installed if you want to continue watching your remaining Sky channels.

For a friendly chat to see which UK TV Solution is best for you Call Hilary on 951 893481/680837169

[email protected]

Page 29: September 2015 Edition


'ICE GOLF SOCIETY'. 'The Autumn Cup' is not far off now and the entry form is on the Club notice board so get yourself on it as early as possible. This year we return to Dona Julia on the 6th October.

49€ Green fee including shared buggy with a shot gun start at 08.45. The entry fee is 5€ this year to enable us to improve on the prizes. As many of you will know there have been some rule changes for both the Autumn and Spring Cups. 1/Invited guests will be eligible for the 'Minor Prizes' as well as the Guest Prize. By 'Minor Prizes' we mean Nearest the Pin, Longest Drive...etc. 2/Donated prizes will be allocated to member only awards such as Champions, 2nd & 3rd. 3/Players to be awarded all the prizes that they win and the existing 'One prize only per player' rule is deleted. If you are want to play but are unable to get to the club please let me know and it will be done. The tickets for the ever popular Presentation lunch at La Choza, are now available from Peter Henry. 16€ includes a three course meal, a drink and entry to the raffle. Don't miss out. 'Away Day' Atalaya Old Course. 16th September. 10.00 Tee Off. 43.50€ incl. buggy. Thanks to Jeff, an Atalaya and Ice member, we have been offered this great rate for the Old Course. Many of us have played here before and highly recommend it. Please let me know as soon as possible if you wish to play. 'Golf Break’ to El Rompido. Friday 30th Oct. to 3rd Nov. Again Peter Henry has arranged this popular golf break which includes: Hotel accommodation, half board with drinks included from 5.00pm until late. Three rounds of golf on two different 18 hole courses. Price is £319, shared room. Numbers are now limited so please contact Peter or myself as soon as possible. Casares Golf Club 'Roll-Up' We play a twice weekly 'Roll-Up' stableford competition on Tuesdays and Fridays at Casares Golf Club where our members benefit from discounted green fees. Tee off times vary a little throughout the year but if you are interested arrive around about 08.00. We often have 12 or more players and it's all very friendly, light hearted, (in other words 'cut throat')!! and open to all levels. A sense of humour is well worth putting in the bag! Our annual 'Order of Merit' trophy is awarded to the player with the best ten cards from these 'Roll-Ups'. Keep your eye on the club magazine and web site for details of all activities. If you would like to become involved, contribute or comment please contact me: Alan Davis Golf Organiser. Tel: 952 897 670 Mob: 699 712 804

e-mail: [email protected]



Page 30: September 2015 Edition


Anglican Church of Costa del Sol (West)

Each Sunday we hold Services as follows: -

San Pedro at 10.00am In the hall adjoining Parroquial Virgen del Rocio (Near McDonalds)

Sotogrande at 11.45am In La Iglesia Sra. de la Merced, the "Big Church"

Coffee Morning each Tuesday in Sabinillas from 11am In La Vicente Square, behind the taxi rank

Home Groups take place every week

Everyone is welcome

For further details contact:

Roger Richards (Church Warden) 952 891 765

Email: [email protected]

For all Property Maintenance Services

and key holding, let me care for your property

whilst you are away!


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service on: 650 884 147 or 952 891 619.

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 31: September 2015 Edition


Who is this feeling the cold in middle of June? See editor for a free drink at the bar.

Word Grid: Find the 9 lettered word and see how many words of 4 letters and over you can make using the centre letter in all words and each letter

only once. Answer page 38






1. Prior to the completion and opening of The Shard in London in 2012, the two tallest buildings in the E.U. were both found in which central European city? 2. Between the years 1960 and 1989 there were 13 songs that reached number one in the UK charts with an animal (or animals) in the song title. How Many can you name? 3. The name of which African country, once a colony called 'German South-West Africa', translated means 'Area where there is nothing'? 4. An eastern US port city, an ecosystem, a girls name, a river, a domestic cat breed and a type of woman's dress. One word, what's the name? 5. Since the introduction of the Open era in 1968, which two men have lost a record four Wimbledon Men's Singles finals? 6. During the Cold War there was a military doctrine named 'MAD'. 'MAD' was an acronym for what? 7. Laurent Blanc was the first player ever to do what in a FIFA World Cup match? 8. Theoretically, when extended to five dimensions, a 'Black Hole' becomes a black what? 9. What is the three letter word for the egg mass from fish used to make caviar? 10. Klaus Voorman won a Grammy Award for his cover design on The Beatles Revolver album. Voorman was also the bassist for which successful British band between 1966 and 1969?

Are you under the influence of alcohol? If you think not answer the question below:

In which direction is the car travelling?

Page 32: September 2015 Edition


General Information

Coach trips: See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your

ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or

put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not

sufficiently able-bodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for own travel insurance.

Buying your ticket: Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have

prepared your choice of menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid

for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be

accepted. Members are advised to attend the last Thursday before a trip in case there are any last

minute alterations.

Refunds: Cannot be given for either deposits or tickets, unless the organiser is notified in time,

always providing the trip is full and a replacement can be found from the waiting list. Tickets are not

transferable to other members without authorisation of the organiser.

Tips: Included in the cost of coach travel and restaurants, but not for hotels.

Smoking: The smoking of tobacco and any other substance is not be permitted anywhere in or on the

premises of The International Club of Estepona, Bahia Dorada.

Dogs: Dogs are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only

when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or

attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose.

Club magazine by post: If you leave Spain for longer than a month, your magazine can be posted.

Please hand stamped envelopes (correct stamps in Euros), to Terry Smith. On the reverse, please write

the months you wish to receive, they will be posted to you as soon as they are issued.

Parking: When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never

on yellow lines.

ACTIVITY ORGANISERS Art Group Regina Stall 663 557 738 Books Peter Galloway 952 794 270 Bowls Reg Astle Bridge…”Duplicate” Tim Taminiau 951 277 113 Club Calendar Co-ordinator Sue Potter 637 148 660 952 892 386 Posters Vic Loughran 952 886 772

Film Night Sue Potter 637 148 660 952 892 386 Gardening Group Sandy Avis 952 897 309 Genealogy Dave Hackett 636 326 599 952 893 965 Golf Organiser Alan Davis 699 712 804 952 897 670 ICE Players (Drama Group) Margaret Hall 634 273 194 Keep Fit Sue Jenkins-Better 952 806 922 Ladies’ Book Club Krista Carter 696 259 644 951 277 240 Ladies’ Lunches Margaret Whittley 634 328 114 951 972 577

Lottery Organiser Mavis Tolfree 952 792 454 Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Art Class Joan Thompson 653 488 030 952 804 799

Rambling Sue Potter 637 148 660 952 892 386 Spanish Lessons Martin Holmes 607 963 254 952 892 163 Ticket Sales Joanna Mitchell 952 897 977 Ticket Sales, Advertising Manager Jackie Simmonds 652 798 107 952 797 921 Ticket Sales Patricia Smith 677 656 319 951 276 690 Videos Roger Richards 952 891 765 Whist Ian & Lin Ingram 669 661 660 952 796 150

Page 33: September 2015 Edition


CLUB COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Sue Potter 637 148 660 952 892 386

VICE-PRESIDENT Joan Thompson 653 488 030 952 804 799

SECRETARY (and membership) Margaret Whittley 634 328 114 951 972 577

TREASURER Ted Lunniss 608 601 230

MAGAZINE EDITOR Terry Smith 677 656 319 951 276 690 CATERING MANAGER Brenda Taylor 654 579 492 952 805 739

MEMBER (Housekeeper) Diane Hackett 626 080 829 952 893 965

MEMBER (Welfare, Estepona) Julie Wood 639 542 387 952 913 174

MEMBER (Membership secretary) Tracy Bird 616 199 661 952 805 407

MEMBER (Publicity) Wilma Keeley 679 138 952 951 160 784


LOCAL KEY HOLDER Nigel Nevshehir 689 457 410 952 791 449

(If available)

MAINTENANCE MANAGER Rob Potter 671 725 243 952 892 386

BAR MANAGER Mac McIntyre 610 047 228 952 808 556


AUDITOR Ron Pegrum 680 718 990 952 891 175 ASST. TREASURER Vic Loughran 952 886 772

WELFARE: Members requested to notify our welfare officer, Julie Wood if they know of

any member who is ill. 952 913 174 , 639 542 387, email: [email protected]

HOSTESS : Introduce new members : - Maureen Baldwin-Winckle 952 791 812 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING RATES AS FROM 1ST JANUARY 2011

For adverts presented in desired layout, includes inclusion on our web site with links to your site if applicable. Classified Ads: Members Only, Free

Quarter page - 6€ per month - colour 7€ per month

Half page - 12€ per month- colour 14€ per month Full page - 24€ per month - colour 28€ per month

(Discounts:- for 6 months 10%, and for 12 months 20%)

PLEASE NOTE: Colour is only available to inside front and rear cover pages and rear cover, also adjacent to centre pages.

Advertising fees to be prepaid before the 20th of the month to:- Jackie Simmonds, Advertising Manager, Tel. 952 797 921 or 652 798 107

Copy to be in before the 15th of any month, for inclusion in the following month’s issue.

Copy can be e-mailed to: - [email protected]

ICE (Siberme) accepts no responsibility for contents of any advertisement appearing.

INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA (Siberme) I.C.E. Clubhouse, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km. 149, A 7, Estepona 29680 Malaga

Clubhouse: Telephone 952 802 549 ICE Web Site:

Email: [email protected]

Page 34: September 2015 Edition



Word grid: 9 letter word BEACHBARS


The biggest lie I tell myself is ..."I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes and come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller! Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet! I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks! I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! Old age is coming at a really bad time! Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the friends to post my bail when I finally snap! I don't have grey hair. I have "wisdom highlights".......... I'm just very wise. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees. The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no".....which is shorter than "yes". I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do that second week. When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people"??? Even duct tape can't fix stupid ......... but it can muffle the sound! Why do I have to press one for English when you're just gonna transfer me to someone I can't under-stand anyway? Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice! Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud? At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.

Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage, and family values. Bill said, "I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?" Larry replied, "I'm not sure, what was her maiden name?" A little boy went up to his father and asked: "Dad, where did my intelligence come from?" The father replied. "Well, son, you must have got it from your mother, cause I still have mine." "Mr. Clark, I have reviewed this case very carefully," the Divorce Court Judge said, "And I've decided to give your wife £775 a week," "That's very fair, your honour," the husband said. "And every now and then I'll try to send her a few pounds myself."

1. Frankfurt 2. Running Bear, Little Red Rooster, Pretty Fla-mingo , Albatross, Puppy, Dreamer/The Puppy Song, Tiger Feet, Matchstick men and matchstick cats and dogs, Rat Trap, The Lion Sleeps To-night, Karma Chameleon, Eye of the Tiger, The Chicken Song. 3. Namibia. 4. Savannah 5. Jimmy Connors and Boris Becker 6. Mutually Assured Destruction 7. Score a 'Golden Goal'. 8. A 'Black String' 9. Roe. 10. Manfred Mann

Page 35: September 2015 Edition


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Phone: 639823402 Juan Antonio

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(Above are Spanish speaking)

Translation can be arranged with

I.C.E. Club member

Wilma Keeley 679138952

As recommended by I.C.E. Club

member Barbara Salisbury


Page 36: September 2015 Edition


Member of