  • 1996 VOLUME 26

    年 報


    서울大學校 醫科大學


    Department of Neurosurgery,

    Seoul National University

    College of Medicine,

    Seoul, Korea

  • 서울大學校病院 神經外科 醫局員 一同 1997年 2月 4日


  • 1996




  • 年 報


    JAN 1, 1996 ~ DEC 31, 1996

    서울大學校 醫科大學 神經外科學敎室

    Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul NationalUniversity

    College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

  • 서울大學校 醫科大學 神經外科學敎室, 서울大學校病院 神經外科

    電話: 醫 局 (02) 760-2358 (本 院 5608號室)

    敎 授 事務室 (02) 760-2357 (本 院 5602號室)

    曺炳圭 科長室 (02) 760-2350 (本 院 5303號室)

    崔吉洙 敎授室 (02) 760-2354 (本 院 5601號室)

    韓大熙 敎授室 (02) 760-2352 (本 院 5603號室)

    金賢執 敎授室 (02) 760-3381 (本 院 5604號室)

    丁憙源 敎授室 (02) 760-2355 (本 院 5625號室)

    金東奎 敎授室 (02) 760-2874 (本 院 12330號室)

    王圭彰 敎授室 (02) 760-3489 (小兒病院 6313號室)

    鄭榮燮 敎授室 (02) 840-2435 (보라매病院2505號室)

    鄭天基 敎授室 (02) 760-3701 (小兒病院 6304號室)

    李相炯 敎授室 (02) 840-2481 (보라매病院2505號室)

    吳昌完 敎授室 (02) 760-2356 (本 院 3314號室)

    FAX: (02) 744-8459

    Department of Neurosurgery

    Seoul National University Hospital

    28 Yongon-dong, Chongno-gu

    Seoul 110-744, Korea

    TEL: Department Office 82-2-760-2358,2850

    Faculty Office 82-2-760-2357

    FAX: 82-2-744-8459

    서울특별시 종로구 연건동 28번지

    서울대학교병원 신경외과학교실


  • - i -

    卷 頭 辭


    主任敎授 曺 炳 圭

    Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.,


    - Professor & Chairman

    금년은 교실 창설 39주년의 해였습니다. 교실원, 동문 제현의 헌신적인 노력과 협조에 힘입

    어 본교실은 해를 거듭하면서 꾸준히 변모 성장해 왔습니다. 현재 전임교수 11명, 외래교수

    13명, 전임의 3명, 전공의 14명과 비서 8명의 대가족을 이루었으며, 총 수술 1569건 (본원

    1034; 소아병원 268; 보라매병원 267)의 실적을 올렸습니다. 제한된 침상수와 수술장, 부족한

    장비에도 불구하고 이와같은 업적을 성취한 관련 의료진의 노고에 감사드리는 바입니다.

    진료 및 봉사는 의학의 근간이며, 교실의 목표 설정에 있어서도 가장 중요한 부분임에 틀림

    없습니다. 그러나 연구와 교육이 없이 진료만을 목표로 할 수 없는 것이 국가 중앙병원의

    역할이요 특성입니다. 상기한 진료면에서의 꾸준한 발전에도 불구하고, 연구와 교육분야에

    서의 상대적 부진을 솔직히 인정할 수 밖에 없습니다.

    This year marks the thirty-ninth year since the Department of Neurosurgery of Seoul

    National University Hospital was established on September 1, 1957. With the diligent

    participation of its staff members and alumni, our Department has constantly changed

    and developed. Our family has grown considerably: we now have 24 professors including

    13 clinical practitioners, three fellows, 14 residents and eight administrative personnel,

    and we were able to perform 1569 operations (including 1034 in the main hospital, 268

    in the children's hospital and 267 in Borame Hospital) during this busy year. I would

    again like to express my appreciation to everyone of our members for their hard work

    and sacrifice.

    The patient care and service is a fundamental part of medicine, and it must be seen as

    the most important aspect in our Department's many goals.

  • - ii -

    20세기를 마감하는 시점인 요즈음 , 국제화에 따른 의료개방, 정보산업화에 따른 의료형태의

    변화는 의료계의 큰 변화를 강요하고 있으며, 우리의 목표 설정에 있어 주요한 변수로 등장


    서울대학교병원에서도 앞으로의 의료환경 변화에 능동적으로 대처하기 위하여 임상의학 연

    구동이 1998년 완공을 앞두고 신축중이고, 분당병원이 2,000년 완공목표로 신축중이며 그 속

    엔 뇌신경 센터가 생길 예정입니다. 또한 보라매병원과 본원의 증축이 진행중에 있습니다.

    이들 연구시설과 임상병실의 신축 및 증축은 연구와 진료여건을 크게 향상시킬 것으로 확신

    하며 그속에 자리할 신경외과학교실의 구체적 역할을 준비, 계획하여야 할 시점입니다.

    이러한 세기적 전환기에 부족한 제가 1996년 7월 16일 부터 주임교수 및 서울대학교병원 신

    경외과 과장직을 맡게 되어 무거운 책임감을 느끼며, 전임 주임교수이셨던 한대희 교수님의

    그간의 노고에 깊이 감사하는 바 입니다.

    현재까지 우리 교실사를 회고하고, 역대 주임교수님들의 교실운영 목표를 참고하며, 동시에

    오늘의 제반 여건을 파악하면서 구상한, 의국의 발전을 위한 본인의 몇가지 계획을 밝히고

    자 합니다.

    But as a leading national university hospital, we cannot afford to neglect the importance

    of research and education. And despite our successes in patient care, we must be

    concerned over the relative enthusiasm in education and research field.

    We are in the era of transition into the 21th century and facing enormous changes in

    medical environment, for example, medicine become more open according to the

    globalization and information evolution. And these changes influence on setting-up the

    goal of the Department.

    To cope with the changes, Clinical Research Center and Bundang Hospital containing

    Neuroscience Center are under construction as well as the expansion of the main and

    affiliated hospitals. I feel confident that these expansion will greatly improve the

    environment for research and patient management. At this point in time, we are

    focusing on preparing a clear role and plan for our Department.

  • - iii -

    In this millennial transition period, I was selected as the chairman of the Department of

    Neurosurgery, Seoul National University Hospital as of July 16, 1997, and I feel a great

    sense of responsibility.And I appreciate and thank my predecessor, the former chairman,

    Professor Dae Hee Han for his great devotion to the Department's expansion I hope to

    materialize the content in it.

    진료면에서 최소침습적 치료법의 적용 및 개

    발에 역점을 둘 생각입니다. 방사선 수술, 내시경적 진단-수술이 여기에 포함 될 것입니다.

    그밖에 전간수술, 중재적 (신경외과) 수술, 동통 수술 및 강직 수술 등 정위-기능 신경외과

    학의 발전을 도모해야겠습니다.

    연구면에서는 평소 진료활동이 연구와 직결되도록 전향적 프로토콜의 개발, 기초의학과 연

    계된 고급의 실험적 연구, 자체 분자생물학적 실험실 확보에 진력하여야겠습니다.

    교육면에서 각종 컨퍼런스의 내실화, 통합화를 촉진시키고 자율 학습 매체개발에 힘써야 겠


    이를 성취하기 위해서 인력, 재원의 확보가 선결되어야 하고, 동시에 제도 보완으로서 분과

    활동이 극대화된 연구 중심체재로의 전환이 중요하다고 봅니다.

    Looking back on the past history of our Department and our previous chairmen, I would

    like to present my plans.

  • - iv -

    Regarding neurosurgical services, the main goal is improvement of patient's health

    through the modalities with maximal benefits and minimal complications. In this aspect,

    the application and development of the minimally invasive procedures will be

    emphasized. Especially radiosurgery and endoscopic surgery should be improved. In

    addition, we should enhance stereotactic- functional neurosurgery - seizure surgery,

    endovascular neurosurgery and surgery for pain and spasticity.

    On the research side, we will do our best to create prospective protocols, by which

    daily clinical works contribute directly to research. Advanced experimental research in

    cooperation with faculty of basic medical field, and establishment of our own molecular

    biologic laboratories will be main issues.

    Regarding education, we will focus on integrating and reinforcing the conferences, and

    will develop materials for self-training.

    To realize above mentioned ideas, manpower and financial resources should be secured

    first, and at the same time, we should change our system to center more upon research,

    encouraging active collaboration between subspecialties.

    요컨대 “think-tank" 활용의 극대화와 계획된 프로토콜에 따른 업적 생산을 토대로 해외 유

    명 학술지를 공략하는 목표를 달성하여야 겠습니다. 이러한 목표의 달성은 교실원 모두의

    헌신적 노력 없이는 불가능할 것입니다.

    병자년 한해를 보내면서 새로운 각오와 희망으로 정축년을 맞이 합시다. 정축년에는 교실

    원, 동문제현의 가정에 더 큰 복이 있기를 기원합니다.

    1997년 정초

    조 병 규

  • - v -

    We should also accomplish the goal of publishing many articles in the leading

    international journals by full scale operation of "think-tank plant" producing

    prospectively protocolized articles. It will of course be possible only when all members

    of our Department devote themselves to this task.

    At this time of leaving the past and turning to the future, let's greet this year with

    renewed readiness and great expectations. I extend my sincere best wishes to all of

    you and your families.

    Byung-Kyu Cho, Chairman

    January, 1997-

  • - vi -

    目 次


    卷 頭 辭


    I. 人 事 ············································································································································1


    1. 敎職員 ·················································································································································3


    2. 專攻醫 ·················································································································································5


    3. 看護師 ·················································································································································6

    Nursing Staffs

    4. 事務職 ·················································································································································8


    5. 大學院生 ·············································································································································8


    6. 學位 및 專門醫 資格 取得者 ·········································································································9

    Degrees and Diplomas

    II. 敎 育 ······································································································································11


    1. 學生講義 ···········································································································································12

    Lecture for Medical Students

    2. 學生臨床實習 ···································································································································15

    Clerkship for Medical Students

    3. 大學院 講義 ·····································································································································17

    Lecture for Postgraduates

    4. 專攻醫 敎育 ·····································································································································18

    Residency Program

  • - vii -

    5. 神經外科 硏修敎育 ·························································································································23

    Neurosurgery Update 1996

    III. 硏究 및 學術 ································································································································25


    1. 實驗硏究 活動 ·································································································································27

    Laboratory Research

    2. 誌上發表 論文 ·································································································································29

    Published Articles

    3. 國內 學術大會 ·································································································································47

    Domestic Scientific Meetings

    4. 國際 學術大會 ·································································································································52

    International Scientific Meeting

    5. 招請 및 訪問 講演 ·························································································································56

    Invited Lectures

    6. 海外硏修 ···········································································································································58

    Overseas Training

    IV. 診 療 ···········································································································································59


    1. 入院(疾患別) ····································································································································61


    2. 手術(疾患別) ····································································································································66


    3. 重患者室 ···········································································································································77

    Neurosurgical ICU Census

    4. 月別 外來 및 入院 ·························································································································78

    Monthly Outpatient & Admission Census

    5. 月別 診斷的 檢査 ···························································································································79

    Monthly Diagnostic Study Census

    6. 月別 手術 ·········································································································································82

    Monthly Operation Census

  • - 1 -

    7. 最近 5年間 外來, 入院 및 手術數 變化 ····················································································83

    Trends in Recent 5 Years

    V. 同 門 會 ··········································································································································85


    1. 同門會 및 敎室 消息 ·····················································································································86

    Events & Activities of Alumni and the Department

    2. 專門醫 修了 所感 ···························································································································92

    Graduation Remarks by Senior Residents

    3. 月例 同門 集談會 ···························································································································94

    Cases of Alumni Conference

    4. 同門會定期總會 ·······························································································································95

    Annual Meeting of Alumni Association

    5. 同門會 會則 및 任員名單 ·············································································································96

    Articles and Staff List of Alumni Association

    6. 同門會 會員名單 및 住所錄 ·········································································································99

    Directory of Alumni

    I. 人 事


  • - 3 -

    1. 敎職員(Faculty)

    名譽敎授 Professor Emeritus

    沈輔星 Bo Sung Sim, M.D., Ph.D.

    專任敎授 Full-time Faculty

    敎 授 Professors

    崔吉洙 Kil Soo Choi, M.D., Ph.D.

    韓大熙 Dae Hee Han, M.D., Ph.D.

    曺炳圭 Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D., Ph.D.Chairman, Department of


    金賢執 Hyun Jib Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    副 敎 授 Associate Professors

    丁憙源 Hee-Won Jung, M.D., Ph.D.

    王圭彰 Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Division of Pediatric


    助 敎 授 Assistant Professors

    金東奎 Dong Gyu Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    基金助敎授 Assistant Professors

    鄭榮燮 Young Seob Chung, M.D., Ph.D.(Boramae Hospital)

    鄭天基 Chun Kee Chung, M.D., Ph.D.

    基金講師 Assistant Instructors

    吳昌完 Chang-Wan Oh, M.D.

    李相炯 Sang Hyung Lee, M.D.(Boramae Hospital)

    專擔 醫師

    專任醫師 Research Fellows

    全相龍 Sang Ryong Jeon, M.D.

    南都鉉 Do Hyun Nam, M.D.

    梁希眞 Hee Jin Yang, M.D.

    外來敎授 Part-time Faculty

  • - 4 -

    外來敎授 Clinical Professors

    金國起 Gook Ki Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    朴孝一 Hyo Il Park, M.D., Ph.D.

    金鐘鉉 Jong Hyun Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    外來助敎授 Clinical Assistant Professors

    高英超 Young Cho Ko, M.D., Ph.D.

    洪承寬 Seung Kwan Hong, M.D., Ph.D.

    魚 渙 Whan Eoh, M.D., Ph.D.

    李承勳 Seung Hoon Lee, M.D., Ph.D.

    外來講師 Clinical Instructors

    李昌勳 Chang Hun Rhee, M.D.

    沈其笵 Ki Bum Sim, M.D.

    申亨珍 Hyung Jin Shin, M.D.

    金鍾需 Jong Soo Kim, M.D.

    李正逸 Jung Il Lee, M.D.

    洪承哲 Seung Chyul Hong, M.D.

    前職敎授 Former Faculty

    副 敎 授 Associate Professors

    朱正和 Jeong Hwa Chu, M.D., Ph.D.

    助 敎 授 Assistant Professors

    李善鎬 Sun Ho Lee M.D., Ph.D.

    專任講師 Insturctors

    尹金重 Kum Joong Youn, M.D., Ph.D.

    蔡 進 Jin Chae, M.D., Ph.D.

    外來敎授 Clinical Professors

    金淳郁 Soon Wuk Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    金昞駿 Byung Joon Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    崔德永 Duck Young Choi, M.D., Ph.D.

    石鐘植 Jong Sik Suck, M.D., Ph.D.

    文明善 Myoung Sun Moon, M.D., Ph.D.

    外來副敎授 Clinical Associate Professors

    徐鎔源 Young Won Suh, M.D., Ph.D.

    黃度允 Do Yun Hwang, M.D., Ph.D.

  • - 5 -

    趙孟紀 Maeng Ki Cho, M.D., Ph.D.

    孫孝正 Hyo Jung Sohn, M.D., Ph.D.

    外來助敎授 Clinical Assistant Professors

    林光世 Kwang Sae Rhim, M.D., Ph.D.

    金正根 Jung Keun Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    朴慶秀 Kyung Soo Park, M.D., Ph.D.

    黃聖男 Sung Nam Hwang, M.D., Ph.D.

    權炳德 Byung Duk Kwun, M.D., Ph.D.

    吳世汶 Se Moon Oh, M.D., Ph.D.

    R.N. Mitgang, M.D.

    J.B. Wimple, M.D.

    O. Polanco, M.D.

    M.R. Cressman, M.D.

    S.M. Wigser, M.D.

    外來講師 Clinical Instructors

    宋斗灝 Doo Ho Song, M.D., Ph.D.

    徐英煥 Young Hwan Suh, M.D., Ph.D.

    2. 專攻醫(Residents)

    四年次 4th year 二年次 2nd year

    權五箕 Oh Kee Kwon, M.D. 姜顯承 Hyun-Seung Kang, M.D.

    申尙勳 Sang Hoon Shin, M.D. 金宰用 Chae-Yong Kim, M.D.

    黃昇均 Seong Kyun Hwang, M.D. 崔宇鎭 Woo Jin Choe, M.D.

    三年次 3rd year 一年次 1st year

    金泰昊 Tae Ho Kim, M.D. 孫英淛 Young Jae Son, M.D.

    鄭相基 Sang Ki Jeong, M.D. 李東曄 Dong Yub Lee, M.D.

    金東玧 Dong Yun Kim, M.D. 洪碩皓 Suk Ho Hong, M.D.

    金禎殷 Jeong Eun Kim, M.D. 金明洙 Myung Soo Kim, M.D.

    .3. 看護師(Nursing Staffs)

  • - 6 -

    I. 病室 WARD

    首看護師 HEAD NURSES

    南惠卿 Hye Kyung Nam (Ward 55)

    全圭男 Gyu Nam Jeon (Ward 45)

    趙貞淑 Jung Sook Cho (Surgical ICU)

    申秀浩 Soo Ho Sin (Pediatric ward)

    洪性恩 Sung Eun Hong (Boramae 51)


    - Ward 55 - - Ward 45 -

    權璟男 Kyoung Nam Kwon 崔賢嬉 Hyun Hee Choi

    柳元熙 Won-Hee Ryu 金容敬 Yong Kyoung Kim

    南貞淑 Jung Suk Nam 柴周延 Ju Yon Si

    崔賢異 Hyun I Choi 金溪英 Key Young Kim

    白玄貞 Hyun Jung Baek 洪必善 Peel Sun Hong

    安英信 Young Sin Ahn 洪眞義 Jin Ui Hong

    鄭在先 Jae Sun Jung 尹英心 Young Shim Yun

    金志玹 Ji-Hyun Kim 李在華 Jae Fa Lee

    咸春善 Chun Sun Ham 金宗淑 Jong Sook Kim

    梁紅蘭 Hong Ran Young 朴昭暎 So Young Park

    許銀河 Eun Ha Hur 尹成文 Sung MoonYoon

    柳英美 Young Mi Ryu

    - Sugical ICU -

    沈美瑛 Mi Young Sim 鄭詳順 Jeong Sang Soon

    金玟英 Min Young Kim 尹惠新 Yoon Hye Shin

    金賢鎭 Hyeon Jin Kim 朴祥任 Sang Im Park

    李侑炅 Yu Kyung Lee 金善愛 Seon Ae Kim

    權賢仙 Hyun-Sun Kwon 金美英 Mi Young Kim

    李香子 Hyang Ja Lee 吳景嬉 Kyong-Hi Oh

    張恩正 Eun Jung Jang 崔瑄姬 Sun Hee Choi

    徐相順 Sang-Soon Seo 金胤周 Yun Ju Kim

    金英芝 Young Ji Kim 白現株 Hyun Ju Baek

    崔美敬 Mi Kyoung Choi 金仙姬 Sun Hee Kim

    韓珍姬 Jin Hee Han 田賢珠 Hyu Ju Jeon

    梁貞娥 Jung A Young 金彰珠 Chang Chu Kim

    白貞美 Jung-Mi Baik 徐容花 Yong Wha Suh

    尹銀淑 Yun Suk Yun 崔姬英 Hi Young Choi

    羅玉蘭 Ok Ran Ra 安惠正 An Haye Jung

    孔貞淑 Jung Sook Kong 金姬涏 Hee Jung Kim

  • - 7 -

    禹蕙晶 Hye Joung Woo

    - Pediatric Ward - - Boramae 51 -

    車載淑 Jae Sook Cha 洪金姬 Kum Hee Hong

    金順任 Soon Im Kim 尹貞熙 Jung Hee Yun

    楊京姬 Kyung Hee Yang 李美英 Mi Young Lee

    張景愛 Kyeoung Aa Jang 高瑜卿 You Kyong Koh

    鄭美順 Mi Soon Jung 姜淳和 Soon Hwa Kang

    郭嬉英 Hee Young Kwak 金眞姬 Jin Hee Kim

    李煃南 Gey Nam Lee 林美愛 Mi Ae Lim

    梁禎云 Woon Jeong Yang 鄭安芝 Ahn Ji Jung

    金珉廷 Min Jung Kim

    李先玉 Sun Ok Lee

    李日暻 Ill Kyoung Lee



    李鎔姬 Lee Yong Hee (Room 18)

    李敬福 Lee Kyung Bok (Room 2)

    林長美 Jang Mi Leem (Children's Hospital)

    金眞英 Jin Young Kim (Boramae Hospital)


    看護助務師 NURSE'S AIDS

    鄭仁淑 In Suk Joung (Main Hospital)

    李敬姬 Koung Hee Lee (Children's Hospital)

    尹正姬 Jung Hee Yun (Boramae Hospital)

    4. 事務職(Secretaries)

    李受泫 Soo Hyun Lee Editorial Secretary, Doctors' Office

    朴美善 Mi Sun Park Secretary, Chairman's Office

    洪受延 Soo Youn Hong Editorial Secretary, Doctors' Office

    柳姃延 Jung Youn Ryu Secretary, Clinical Data Management

    趙成洪 Seong Hong Cho Secretary, Professors' Office

    金知惠 Ji Hye Kim Secretary, Clinical Data Management

    李倫珍 Yun Jin Lee Research Assistant

    李明淑 Myung Sook Lee Research Assistant

  • - 8 -

    5. 大學院生(Postgraduates)

    博 士 課 程 Ph.D. Course 碩 士 課 程 M.S. Course

    金鍜暎 Ha Young Kim, M.D. 南都鉉 Do Hyun Nam, M.D.

    洪承哲 Seung Chyul Hong, M.D. 梁希眞 Hee Jin Yang, M.D.

    李相炯 Lee Sang Hyung, M.D. 金承基 Seung Kee Kim, M.D.

    吳昌完 Chang Wan Oh, M.D. 權五箕 Oh Kee Kwon, M.D.

    朴仁成 In Sung Park, M.D. 申尙勳 Sang Hoon Shin, M.D.

    金鍾需 Jong Soo Kim, M.D. 黃昇均 Seong Kyun Hwang, M.D.

    李正逸 Jung Il Lee, M.D. 金東玧 Dong Yun Kim, M.D.

    白善河 Sun Ha Paek, M.D. 金禎殷 Jeong Eun Kim, M.D.

    李志英 Ji Young Lee, M.D.

    全相龍 Sang Ryong Jeon, M.D.

    閔庚帥 Kyung Soo Min, M.D.

    6. 學位 및 專門醫 資格 取得者(Degrees and Diplomas)

    博士學位 取得者 및 論文 Ph.D. Degree

    1996. 2. 金奉洙 Bong Soo Kim, M.D.

    흰쥐의 영구 국소 뇌허혈에서 중등도 체온강하가 뇌경색의 크기와

    초기 국소 뇌포도당 대사에 미치는 영향

    1996. 9. 李昌勳 Chang Hun Rhee, M.D.

    사람 뇌신경교종에서 망막아세포종 유전자의 유전적 변이에 대한 연구

  • - 9 -

    碩士學位 取得者 및 論文 M.S. Degree

    1996. 2. 全相龍 Sang Ryong Jeon, M.D.

    핍지교종의 예후인자에 관한 연구

    專門醫 資格 取得者 Diplomas of Korean Board of Neurosurgery

    金承基 Seung Kee Kim, M.D.

    全相龍 Sang Ryong Jeon, M.D.

    金起呈 Kee Jung Kim, M.D.

    安 瑢 Yong An, M.D.

  • - 11 -

    II. 敎 育


  • - 12 -

    1. 學生講義(Lecture for Medical Students)

    二學年 神經學 統合講義


    (Neuroscience Block Lecture)

    Date Subject LecturerSep. 13 Functional Anatomy of the Brain Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

    14 CSF Dynamics Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

    18 Modulation of CNS Hyun Jib Kim, M.D.

    Increased ICP Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

    19 Surgical Aspect of Cerebrovascular Disease Dae Hee Han, M.D.

    21 Surgical Treatment of Neuroendocrinologic Kil Soo Choi, M.D.


    21 Basis of Brain Tumor Dong Gyu Kim, M.D.

    21 Trauma of CNS Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

    22 Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy Chang-Wan Oh , M.D.

  • - 13 -

    四學年 講義


    Date Subject LecturerMar. 6 Introduction to Neurosurgery Dae Hee Han, M.D.

    Head Trauma I Dae Hee Han, M.D.

    13 Head Trauma II Dae Hee Han, M.D.

    20 Head Trauma III Dae Hee Han, M.D.

    27 Spinal Cord Trauma Hyun Jib Kim, M.D.

    Apr. 3 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Kil Soo Choi, M.D.

    10 Intracerebral Hemorrhage Kil Soo Choi, M.D.

    17 Occlusive Cerebrovascular Disease Kil Soo Choi, M.D.

    24 Hydrocephalus Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

    Brain Tumor I Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

    May. 1 Brain Tumor II Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

    8 Brain Tumor III Hee-Won Jung, M.D.

    15 Brain Tumor IV Byung-Kyu Cho, M.D.

    22 Brain Tumor V Dong Gyu Kim, M.D.

    29 Spinal Cord Tumor Hyun Jib Kim, M.D.

    Jun. 5 Herniated Intervertebral Disc Hyun Jib Kim, M.D.

    12 Peripheral Nerve Disease Chang-Wan Oh, M.D.

    19 Functional & Stereotactic Surgery Dong Gyu Kim, M.D.

    26 Congenital Malformation I Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

    Jul. 3 Congenital Malformation II Kyu-Chang Wang, M.D.

    10 CNS Infection Chang-Wan Oh, M.D.

  • - 15 -

    2. 學生臨床實習(Clerkship for Medical Students)

    四學年 臨床實習 日程表


    1st Week


    시간월 화 수 목 금

  • - 17 -

    2nd Week


    시간월 화 수 목 금

    3. 大學院 講義(Lecture for Postgraduates)

  • - 18 -


    SAT 08:00 - 11:00 Functional Neurosurgery Dae Hee Han, M.D.


    THU 19:00 - 21:00 소아신경외과학 Dae Hee Han, M.D.

    9월 19일 척수수막류 왕규창

    26일 척수공동증 김현집

    10월 10일 Chiari 기형 왕규창, 심기범

    17일 지방종 왕규창

    24일 Split cord malformation 왕규창

    31일 생쥐와 쥐의 뇌 해부실습 왕규창

    11월 7일 하지강직 오창완

    14일 수두증 조병규

    28일 두개골유합증 조병규, 송홍식

  • - 19 -

    4. 專攻醫 敎育(Residency Program)

    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    7:30amMC MC



    8 am JR NRCTR

    9 am


    11 am

    1 pm




    OPD+OR2 pm OPD+OR

    3 pm EB

    4 pm MMCC(monthly) NPC

    5 pmNEJC/NVJC



    (monthly) NNSGR

    6 pmM&MC/CNC/AC


    * MC: Morning Conference

    * JR: Journal Reading

    * NRC: Neuroradiology Conference

    * TR: Teaching Round

    * NEJC: Neuroendocrine Joint Conference

    * NVJC: Neurovascular Joint Conference

    * MMCC: Myelomeningocele Conference

    * PNOB: Pediatric Neurooncology Board

    * PNC: Pediatric Neuroscience Conference

    * NPC: Neuropathology Conference

    * NNSGR: Neurology-Neurosurgery Grand Round

    * CNC: Clinical Neuroscience Conference

    * AC: Alumni Conference

    * M&MC: Mortality & Morbidity Conference

    * EB: Epilepsy Board

  • - 20 -


    일 자 연 자 제목 또는 내용

    Mar. 7 권오기/한대희 Dissecting aneurysm of vertebral artery


    (경상의대)Functional analysis of P21WAㅏ1/CIP1 in human gliomas

    21 신상훈/조병규 Recurrent craniopharyngioma


    (울산의대)Microsurgical anatomy of skull base surgery

    Apr. 4 김재용/김동규 Experience of PET at SNUH

    25 최우진/김현집 Surgical treatment of tuberculous cord compression

    May 2김영은

    (단국대 공대)유한요소인자 모델을 이용한 두부외상 생체학적 연구

    9 정상기/한대희 Multiple screrosis minicking brain tumor

    16 김동윤/정희원 Olfactory neuroblastoma:Prognosis and management

    23 김정은/김동규 Radiosurgery of metastatic brain tumor


    (서울의대 정형외과)Gait analysis

    30 강현승/왕규창 맥락총 암종

    June 13 김정은/이상형Neurotuberculosis presenting as the infarction of

    ACA territory

    20 김태호/조병규 Pediatric intractable seizure

    27 권오기/오창완 Angiographic features of AVM

    July 4 황승균/정희원 Statistics of brain tumors at SNUH (1976-1995)

    11 김동윤/김현집 Thoracic spinal stenosis

  • - 21 -

    일 자 연 자 제목 또는 내용

    Sep. 12 남도현/조병규 Nongerminomatous germinoma

    19 김태호/정희원 Neurinomas of the jugular foramen

    Oct. 10 남도현/한대희 Adult moyamoya disease

    17 김정은/김동규 Stereotactic biopsy in brain lesions

    24 최우진/왕규창 Extrapontine myelinolysis

    Nov. 7 김동윤/오창완 Traumatic intracranial aneurysm

    14 강현승/이상형 A case of gliomatosis cerebri with a focal mass

    21 김재용/김동규The role of whole-body 18FDG PET for systemic

    evaluation in brain mass lesions

    28 정상기/김현집 Spinal cord AVM

    Dec. 5 양희진/정희원 Nurofibromatosis type 2

    12 정영섭 Neurotoxicity of thrombin

  • - 22 -


    일 자 연 자 제목 또는 내용

    Mar. 23 최길수 Case study

    30 백선하 Case study

    Apr. 6 최길수 Case study

    May 4 정희원 Lessens For the Practice: "The importance of Hope"

    18 김현집 Case study

    25 조병규 Examination (Basic principle of neurosurgery) I

    June 1 김동규Introduction of the methods for submission of the


    8 왕규창 Case study

    July 6오창완 SAH in SNUH

    Aug. 24 오창완 Vasospasm

    Sep. 21 조병규 Examination (Basic principle of neurosurgery) II

    Oct. 5 허대석

    (서울의대 내과)Chemotherapy of primary CNS lymp homa

    12 한대희 Case study


    (서울의대 마취과)Pain control

    Nov. 2 정희원 MR angiography and spectroscopy


    (서울의대 방사선과)Embolization of AVM & aneurysms

    16 김동규 Examination


    (서울의대 신경과)Introduction to movement disorder

  • - 23 -

    일 자 연 자 제목 또는 내용

    30 왕규창 Meningomyelocele의 치료사례 (Video 및 강의)

    Dec. 7이상건

    (서울의대 신경과)EEG & Video-EEG monitoring

    14 오창완 Caes study

  • - 24 -

    5. 神經外科 硏修敎育(Neurosurgery Update 1996)

    1996. 3. 17

    장소: 서울대학교병원 임상 제 2강의실

    연자 및 발표연제

    1. 지제근 (서울의대)

    New Classification of Brain Tumor

    2. 한대희 (서울의대)

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Cavernous Angioma

    3. 장기현 (서울의대)1H MR Spectroscopy in CNS Disease

    4. 이명철 (서울의대)

    PET in Neurosurgical Field

    5. 김현집 (서울의대)

    Surgical Treatment of Intramedullary Tumor

    6. 정희원 (서울의대 소아과)

    Management of Patients with NF-2

    7. 조병규 (서울의대)

    Surgical Treatment of Brain Stem Glioma

    8. 왕규창 (서울의대)

    Treatment of Optic Pathway Glioma

  • - 25 -

    III. 硏究 및 學術


  • - 27 -

    1. 實驗硏究 活動(Laboratory Research)

    腦血管疾患 硏究

    Cerebrovascular Disease Research

    1. 조병규, 한대희, 정천기, 백선하

    Cerebral vasospasm in a rabbit SAH model (일반연구)

    2. 한대희, 이상형

    The gene expression in rat focal ischemia (학술재단)

    3. 한대희, 최길수, 김봉수

    Hypothermia in rat focal ischemia model

    先天性 畸形 硏究

    Congenital Malformation Research

    1. 왕규창, 심기범

    Neural tube defect in chick embryo

    파킨슨씨병 硏究

    Parkinson's Disease Research

    1. 한대희, 정천기, 오창완

    Neuronal grafting in a rat model of Parkinson's disease (대형연구, 목적기초)

    보건의료기술 연구개발 사업

    1. 한대희, 오창완, 남도현, 백선하

    한국인 모야모야병의 임상특성, 자연사, 치료성적 및 병태생리에 관한 연구

    -제 3연구과제- 한국인 성인 모야모야병의 수술전 양상 및 치료방법에 따른 치료


    에 관한 연구

    2. 조병규, 왕규창, 남도현

    한국인 모야모야병의 임상특성, 자연사, 치료성적 및 병태생리에 관한 연구

    -제 4연구과제- 한국인 소아 모야모야병의 수술전 양상 및 치료방법에 따른 치료


    에 관한 연구

    3. 김현집, 오창완, 전상룡

  • - 28 -

    난치성 측두엽 간질의 치료 성적 향상을 위한 지침과 방법 결정

    4. 정희원, 김동규, 백선하, 양희진

    PET를 이용한 악성 뇌종양의 재발과 방사선 괴사간의 감별 및 종양 악성도 예측

    에 관한 연구

    5. 김동규, 오창완

    뇌정위 수술을 위한 MR을 이용한 3차원적 영상기술의 개발

    6. 왕규창, 김광명, 정진명, 방문석, 조수철

    척수이형성증 환자의 한국실정에 맞는 종합적 진료체계 구축 - 제 1과제-시경외과

    적 측



    1. 조병규, 왕규창, 남도현

    수모세포종에 있어서 isochromosome 17의 FISH와 종양 유발인자, 억제인자에 대

    한 면역 조직화학 염색

    2. 조병규, 서정선, 왕규창, 남도현

    수모세포종에 있어서 분자생물학적 실험 (representation difference analysis,

    crk-oncogene study)

    3. 조병규, 지제근, 왕규창, 남도현

    배세포종의 생물학적 특성에 대한 연구

    4. 김현집, 왕규창, 오창완

    Cat spasticity model (일반연구)

    5. 김현집, 전상룡

    Spinal cord injury model in rat

    6. 정희원, 오창완, 백선하, 양희진

    신경섬유종 2형 유전자 분석

    7. 정희원, 김동규, 양희진

    팽대성상세포종의 세포 소멸 경향 분석 및 양성 성상세포종과의 비교연구 (일반연


    8. 정희원, 전상룡

    Spheroid culture in 9-L gliosarcoma cell

  • - 29 -

    2. 誌上發表 論文(Published Articles)


    1. 김기정, 오창완, 조병규, 김정선, 지제근, 최길수: 두개인두종의 치료성적과 조직학적 유

    형 및 PCNA지수의 연관성에 대한 연구. 대한신경외과학회지 25(2): 315-324, 1996

    2. 황승균, 정천기, 오창완, 이상건, 지제근, 김현집, 한대희, 이상복: 신경세포이주장애질환

    을 가진 간질환자에 대한 수술 체험. 대한신경외과학회지 25(3): 627-634, 1996

    3. 권오기, 오창완, 한대희: 뇌동정맥기형 환자의 수술후 경련 치료 성적. 대한신경외과학

    회지 25(6): 1178-1187, 1996

    4. 백선하, 왕규창, 오창완, 정천기, 김동규, 정희원, 김현집, 조병규, 최길수, 한 대희:

    Sodium valproate (DepakineR) 정맥주사의 임상적 효능에 관한 연구: 신경외과 수술후

    1주일간의 간질억제효과와 안전성. 대한신경외과학회지 25(7):1407-1411, 1996

    5. 황승균, 오창완, 김현집, 최길수, 한대희: 본 히펠 린다우 증후군에 동반된 다발성, 재발

    성 혈관아세포종의 수술체험 2례 -증례보고-. 대한신경외과학회지 25(8): 1708-1712,


    6. 권오기, 오창완, 정영섭, 한대희: 신경외과 환자에서 발생한 폐 색전증에 대한 고찰. 대

    한신경외과학회지 25(9): 1772-1778, 1996

    7. 신상훈, 정희원, 한 대희: 삼차신경통으로 발현한 소뇌교각 지방종-증례보고-. 대한신경

    외과학회지 25(11): 2336-2338, 1996

    8. 정희원, 한종우, 김종수, 정천기, 전상룡, 최길수: 초기태아 뇌조직의 기관형 구상체의 형

    성에 대한 연구. 대한신경외과학회지 25(12): 2388-2397, 1996

    Journal of Korean Medical Science

    9. Ki-Bum Sim, Kyu-Chang Wang, Byung-Kyu Cho: Terminal myelocystocele: a case

    report. Journal of Korean Medical Science 11(2):197-202, 1996

    10. Ki-Bum Sim, Seung-Kuan Hong, Byung-Kyu Cho, Duk-Young Choi, Kyu-Chang

    Wang: Experimentally induced Chiari-like malformation with myeloschisis in chick

    embryos. Journal of Korean Medical Science 11(6): 509-516, 1996

    11. Sang Hoon Shin, Chun-Kee Chung, Hyun Jib Kim, Moon Hee Han, Dae Hee Han:

    Extracranial Vertebral Arteriovenous Fistula presenting as an Osteolytic Lesion of

    the Axis. Journal of Korean Medical Science 11(6):532-536, 1996

    Journal of the Korean Radiological Society

    12. In Chan Song, Kee Hyun Chang, Moon Hee Han, Hee-Won Jung, Dong Sung Kim,

    Kwan Hong Min, Sa-Ouk Kang, Byoung Goo Min, Man Chung Han: In vivo single

    Voxel 1H MR spectroscopy in cerebral glioma. Journal of the Korean Radiological

    Society 35(3): 307-314, 1996

    13. 박홍석, 장기현, 한문희, 심정석, 이상현, 송재우, 유인규, 정희원, 연경모: 성장호르몬분

    비 뇌하수체선종: 임상 및 자기공명영상소견. Journal of the Korean Radiological

  • - 30 -

    Society 35(4): 441-446, 1996

    Journal of Korean Cancer Association

    14. 신기혁, 박규주, 김수웅, 이상훈, 이상은, 정희원, 김현집, 박재갑: 한국인 von

    Hippel-Lindau병 환자에서 VHL 유전자의 배선 돌연변이. Journal of Korean Cancer

    Association 28(3): 544- , 1996

    Journal of Korea Society of Automotive Engineers

    15. 김영은, 남대훈, 왕규창: 인간 뇌의 충격 부상에 대한 유한요소모델 개발에 관한 연구.

    한국자동차공학회논문집 제4권 제4호, pp.97-106, 1996

    Child's Nervous System

    16. Kwon OK, Wang KC, Kim CJ, Kim IO, Chi JG, Cho BK: Primary intramedullary

    spinal cord primitive neuroectodermal tumor with intracranial seeding in an infant: a

    case report. Child's Nervous System 12(10):633-636, 1996

    Journal of Neurosurgery

    17. Dong Gyu Kim, Jong Soo Kim, Je G. Chi, Sung Hye Park, Hee-Won Jung, Kil Soo

    Choi, and Dae Hee Han: Central neurocytoma: proliferative potential and biological

    behavior. J Neurosurg 84: 742-747, 1996

    18. Dong Gyu Kim, Sun Ha Paek, Kee-Hyun Chang, Kyu-Chang Wang, Hee-Won Jung,

    Hyun Jib Kim, Je G. Chi, Kil Soo Choi, and Dae Hee Han: Cerebral Sparganosis:

    Clinical manifestations, treatment, and outcome. J Neurosurg 85: 1066-1071, 1996

    Acta Neurochirurgica

    19. Dong Gyu Kim, Nam Doo Hyun, Hee-Won Jung, Kil Soo Choi, and Dae Hee Han:

    Primary central nervous system lymphoma: variety of clinical manifestations and

    survival. Acta Neurochirurg 138: 280-280, 1996

    Perspectives in Neuroscience Research

    20. Park CW, Chung CK, Han DH, Oh CW, Cho SS, Kim YS, Yoon YR: Biochemical


    in the Unilateral 6-Hydroxydopamine Lesioned Rats, in Tan CK, Ling EA, Tan(eds):

    Perspectives in Neuroscience Research. Singapore: Goh Bros. Enterprise Humanities



  • - 31 -

    1. Correlation of Treatment Outcome, Histologic Type, and

    PCNA Labelling Index in Craniopharyngiomas

    Ki Jeong Kim, Chang Wan Oh, Byung-Kyu Cho, Jung Sun Kim,

    Je Gun Chi, Kil Soo Choi

    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(2):315-324, 1996 -

    Craniopharyngiomas exhibit bening histologic features. However, such tumors

    have a relatively high incidence of recurrence after surgical removal. In order to

    device reliable and efficient methods in identifying craniopharyngiomas with

    increased risk for recurrence after surgical removal, proliferating cell nuclear

    antigen (PCNA) expressions as well as histological characteristics of the tumor

    were analyzed. There were 43 patients who had been surgically confirmed and had

    paraffin-embedded tissue from June. 1984 to May. 1993 available for analysis from

    our department.

    Of the 43 patients, eighteen cases were in children (age of 15 years or less) and

    25 cases were in adults. The mean follow-up period was 42.7 months. The

    histologic types were adamantinous in 30 cases, squamous papillary in 9 cases and

    mixed in 4 cases. There was no case of tumor recurrence in the squamous papillary

    group. While the recurrence rate was about 55% in the adamantinous group after

    surgical removal alone. The mean age of the adamantinous group was younger

    than that of the squamous papillary group (17.5 vs. 37.9 years old, P=0.0012) and the

    squamous papillary type was found only in adults (age over 20).

    In the group of 30 patients treated by surgical removal without radiation, the

    PCNA labelling index, calculated by counting the basal cell layer only, was

    significantly higher in the group with recurrence than without recurrence (9.51 vs.

    6.58, P=0.001). However, the PCNA labelling index obtained by counting all cells in

    the four high-power (x400) fields failed to demonstrate any correlation with tumor

    recurrence. With a reference value of 8. PCNA index of the basal cell layer

    demonstrated the predictive sensitivity fo 81.8% and specificity of 84.2% for tumor

    recurrence. There was no significant difference in PCNA labelling indices between

    adamantinous and squamous papillary types.

    As PCNA labelling index of the basal cell layer, as well as the histologic type, are

    sensitive indicators for prediction of tumor recurrence after surgical removal of

    craniopharyngiomas, therefore they sould be considered as an index for biologic

    behavior of the tumor.

  • - 32 -

    Key Words: Craniopharyngioma, PCNA, Basal cell layer, Adamantinous type,Squamous papillary type, Recurrence

    2. Preliminary Result of Epilepsy Surgery in patients

    with Neuronal Migration Disorder

    Sung Kyun Hwang, Chun-Kee Chung, Chang-Wan Oh, Sang keon Lee,

    Je G. Chi, Hyun Jib Kim, Dae Hee Han, Sang Bok Lee

    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(3):627-634, 1996 -

    Neuronal migration disorders (MMD's) are a reare group of developmental

    structural lesions characterized by disorganization of cortical architecture with

    aberrant columnar and laminar neuronal arrangement., often causing intractable


    During September 1994 to February 1995, we operated on six patients with NMD

    to treat intractable seizures. Male to female ratio of these 6 patients was 2 : 4 and

    mean age at seizure onset was 14 years old (range 6-28 years), indicating early

    onset of epilepsy. Mean age at seizure surgery was 29 years old (range 23-41

    years), and mean follow-up duration after operation was 4 months (range 3-6

    months). In their past medical history. three patients had experienced febrile seizure

    at pediatric age, and one of them had a history of anoxic damage during delivery.

    Following preoperative localization, the lesion was removed completely in five

    patients. In the other one patient, part of the lesion was located in the speech and

    motor area, leading to partial removal. On histologic examination, two of them

    showed cortical dysplasia and the other four revealed microdysgenesis. During

    follow-up for six months, five patients were free of seizure and in the other one

    patient, whose lesion was removed incompletely, the frequency of seizure decreased

    by 95%.

    Key Words: Neuronal migration disorder, Microdysgenesis, Cortical dysplasia,Intractable seizure

    3. Postoperative Seizure Outcome in Patients with

    Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations

    Oh Kee Kwon, Chang-Wan Oh, Dae Hee Han

  • - 33 -

    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(6):1178-1187, 1996 -

    This study was intended to investigate the pre- and postoperative profile of

    seizures in the patients with crebral arteriovenous malformations (AVM's) and to

    evaluate various preoperative factors to predict the postoperative occurrence of


    The patients consisted of 46 consecutive cases with supratentorial AVM's

    operated on from May 1987 to May 1993. Their mean follow-up duration was 40


    The pre- and postoperative seizure profiles were similar to each other. The

    overall incidence of patients experiencing seizure were 50% preoperatively and 52%

    postoperatively, and the incidence of intratable seizure was 15%, which was the

    same in both the pre- and postoperative period. The presence of preoperative

    seizure and large size of AVM were significant indicators of thigh incidence of

    postoperative seizures (P

  • - 34 -

    in neurosurgical patients

    Sun Ha Paek, Kyu-Chang Wang, Chang-Wan Oh, Chun Kee Chung, Dong

    Gyu Kim, Hee-Won Jung, Hyun Jib Kim, Byung-Kyu Cho, Kil Soo Choi,

    Dae Hee Han

    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(7):1407-1411, 1996 -

    Diphenylhydantoin(DPH) has been used intravenously as a drug of choice in

    conditions which seizure patients are incapable of oral feeding or in a state of status

    epilepticus. However, its clinical use has limitations because of its serious side

    effects of cardiac depression or systemic hypotension. In Western countries, the

    recently developed intravenous sodium valproate has been reported as safe and

    effective for seizure control in such patients.

    To assess the safety and effectiveness in seizure control, we investigated the

    serum levels of the drug at 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7 days after intravenous

    administration of sodiuim valproate (DepakineR), occurrence of seizures in the

    perioperative period, and the side effects of the drugs in 30 neurosurgical patients

    older than 3 years of age.

    The mean serum concentrations of valproic acid after bolus injection of 15 mg/kg

    followed by continuous infusion with the rate of 0.5 mg/kg/hour, were over 45.0

    ug/ml; 45.0 + 16.3 ug/ml at 24 hours, 50.4 + 21.- ug/ml at 48 hours, and 58.9 + 20.7

    ug/ml at 7 days after the start of the administration. All the patients whose serum

    valproic acid level was within the therapeutic range (40-100 ug/ml) had never

    experienced an episode of seizure attack during the perioperative days. There was

    no evidence of elevated liver enzyme activity, but there were evidence of some

    tendency of decreased platelet count in the peripheral blood at 2 days after the

    administration of intravenous valproic acid. Four patients experienced episodes of

    mild nausea and/or vomiting.

    In conclusion, perioperative intravenous administration of valproic acids in

    neurosurgical patients was safe and effective in seizure control. However, it must be

    used precauciously in the patients with compromised coagulation system.

    Key Words: Intravenous sodium valproate infusion, Serum level, Seizure control,Thrombocytopenia, Side effect

    5. 2 Cases of Multifocal and Recurrent Hemangioblastomas

    with Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrom - Case Report -

  • - 35 -

    Sung Kyun Hwang, Chang-Wan Oh, Hyun Jib Kim, Kil Soo Choi, Dae Hee


    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(8):1708-1712, 1996 -

    Hemangioblastomas are benign tumors that most commonly occur in the posterior

    fossa around the 4th ventricle. Recurrent multifocal hemangioblastomas are often

    found as a part of systemic autosomal dominant disease, the Von Hippel-Lindau

    syndrome. Surgical removal of recurrent multifocal tumors are technically more

    difficult and challenging than solitary ones due to their proximity to critical

    structures, disturbed anatomical landmark and adehesion to the surrounding tissue,

    all of which may lead to high postoperative morbidity and mortality. Authors have

    experienced 2 cases of the multiple and recurrent hemangioblastomas with Von

    Hippel-Lindau syndrome. The patients of each of the cases underwent surgery for

    tumor removal at least 2 times. In the first patient, a 42-year-old male, a solitary

    cerebellar hemangioblastoma had been removed 6 years prior to recurrence. On

    followed MRI more than three solid, homogenously enhanced nodules were found in

    the cerebellum. These tumors were operated on through the previous craniectomy

    site, but only two of them could be removed. This patient was discharged without

    additional neurologic deficit. The 2nd patient, a 40-year-old-male, had undergone

    three prior operations for cerebellar hemangioblastomas. On followup examination,

    he presented with progressive ataxia and confusion. Brain MRI showed multiple

    recurrent lesions of homogenously strongenhanced masses in the 4th ventricle and

    cerebellar vermis surrounded by cystic lesions, accompanied by obstructive

    hydrocephalus. No additional surgery of tumors were attempted, and only

    ventriculoperitoneal shunt was performed. He was discharged with improved

    neurological symptomes and sign.

    Key Words: Hemangioblastomas, Radiosurgery, Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome,Stereotatic

    6. Pulmonary Embolism in Neurosurgical Patients

    Oh Kee Kwon, Chang-Wan Oh, Young Sub Jung, Dae Hee Han

    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(9):1772-1778, 1996 -

    The purpose of this study was to understand the general features of pulmonary

  • - 36 -

    embolism in neurosurgical patients. The authors retrospectively reviewed 24 cases

    of pulmonary embolism from 1981 to 1994. The overall incidence of pulmonary

    embolism was 0.2%, but in the most prevalent year (1994) it was 1.3%. Lower

    extremity weakness and immobilization was the most common predisposing

    condition. Of 24 patients with pulmonary embolism, 23 patients showed lower

    extremity weakness, and the mean duration of immobilization was 47 days. Most

    patients (80%) had symptoms of pulmonary embolism within 4 weeks after

    operation. Medical prophylactic method had not been used in patients other than

    physical prophylactic method-graduated compression stocking, position change or

    physical therapy. Heparinization was given to 18 patients (75%), and minor

    hemorrhagic complication developed in 2 patients, but no major bleeding occurred.

    Inferior vena cava filter was applied in 2 patients. Only one patient suffered from

    recurrence and it was not fatal. Of the 24 patients, 7 died, however only one patient

    died of pulmonary embolism. In our study the prognosis of pulmonary embolism

    was not as serious as it has been reported in the literature. However, more precise

    studies will be needed to understand the fate of pulmonary embolism in Korean

    neurosurgical patients.

    Key Words: Pulmonary embolism, Neurosurgery

    7. Cerebellopontine Angle Lipoma presenting with Trigeminal

    neuralgia - A case Report -

    Sang Hoon Shin, Hee-Won Jung, Je G. Chi, Dae Hee Han

    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(11): 2336-2338, 1996 -

    Intracranial lipomas are rare lesions that constitute 0.1% of cerebral tumor.

    Moreover, the cerebellopontine(CP) angle is one of the most unusual sites of such

    hamartomas with only 30 repored oases in the literature. We report a case of CP

    angle lipoma presenting with trigeminal neuralgia on a 39-year-old male. Magnetic

    resonance imaging revealed a high signal mass at right CP angle on T1-weighted

    images before contrast administration. This

    mass appears hypointense on T2-weighted images. We operated through right

    suboccipital craniectomy and excised the mass subtotally. Total removal may be

    obtained with significant cranial nerve deficits. Therefore, the treatment of CP

    angle lipomas should be conservative. Histopathologic studies demonstrated lipoma.

    Key Words: Cerebellopontine angle. Lipoma. Trigeminal neuralgia.

  • - 37 -

    8. A Study on the Formation of Organotypic Spheroids from

    Early Human Fetal Brain

    Hee-Won Jung, Jong Woo Han, Jong soo Kim, Chun Kee Chung, Sang

    Ryong Jeon, Kil Soo Choi

    - J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25(12):2388-2397, 1996 -

    The pressent study investigated whether oraganotypic spheroids derived from

    human fetal brain tissue, cultured at agarose-overlay media, may serve as an

    optimal in vitro model for multidiscplinary studies in human neurobiology.

    particularly in the fields of tumor invasiveness and its biochemical mechanism,

    using light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining.

    Eight fetal brain tissues of 8-9 weeks of gestation were minced and explanted into

    agarose-coated culture wells. After three to five days these human fetal brain tissue

    fragments emerged as spheroids and could be maintained as organotypic spheroids

    for up to seven weeks. Light and electron microscopic studies of spheroids

    demonstrated that most cells were poorly differentiated and there were no definite

    mature neurons or glial cells after enough cuiture time, but some cells showed

    certain evidence suggestive of differentiation to neurons or glial cells.

    Immunohistochemical staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP) and neuron

    specific enolase(NSE) demonstrated that NSE-positive cells were oval or spherical

    cell containing abundant cytoplasm and GFAP-postitive cells were fibrillary

    cytoplasma-containing cells which showed some evidence suggestive of

    differentiation to glial cells by light microscopy. In future, adding some

    modifications in culture, this organotypic spheroids derived from the human fetal

    brain may serve as an optimal in vitro model for neurobiology, especially in the field

    of studies on tumor invasiveness through co-oulture with microtumor spheroids.

    Key Words: Human fetal brain. Oganotypic spheroids. In vitro model

  • - 38 -

    9. Terminal myelocystocele: a case report

    Ki-Bum Sim, Kyu-Chang Wang, Byung-Kyu Cho

    - Journal of Korean Medical Science 11(2):197-202, 1996 -

    Terminal myelocystocele is a rare form of occult spinal dysraphism in which the

    hydromyelic caudal spinal cord and the subarachnoid space are herniated through a

    posterior spina bifida. A 1.5 month old boy presented with a large lumbosacral mass

    and urinary incontinence. The magnetic resonance imaging, operative findings and

    pathological findings revealed a low lying conus with a dilated central canal dorsally

    attached to the subcutaneous tissue. Ventral subarachnoid space was enlarged and

    herniated through the laminar defect of the sacrum. The lesion was typical of a

    terminal myelocystocele. The clinical features are different from those of

    myelomeningocele in many aspects.

    Though the incidence is low, terminal myelocystocele should be included in the

    differential diagnosis of congenital lesions presenting as a lumbosacral mass.

    Key Words: Terminal myelocystocele, Spinal dysraphism, Low lying conus, Dilated centralcanal, Lumbosacral mass

    10. Experimentally induced Chiari-like malformation

    with myeloschisis in chick embryos

    Ki-Bum Sim, Seung-Kuan Hong, Byung-Kyu Cho, Duk-Young Choi,

    Kyu-Chang Wang

    - Journal of Korean Medical Science 11(6): 509-516, 1996 -

    Though several pathogenetic theories concerning the frequent association of

    Chiari malformation and hydrocephalus with myeloschisis have been suggested,

    none of them explains all the aspects of the disorder. To investigate whether

  • - 39 -

    myeloschisis is the direct cause of Chiari malformation and hydrocephalus or these

    conditions are the results of another basic event, we observed the morphological

    changes of the posterior cranial fossa and its components in the chick embryos with

    surgically induced myeloschisis. To make myeloschistic lesions, we opened the

    neural tube for a length of 9-11 somites in Hamburger and Hamilton stage 16-19

    chick embryos. They were divided into cervicothoracic(C-T) and lumbosacral(L-S)

    groups according to the area of incision. The embryos were re-incubated until

    postoperative day 11. In the control group, embryos were incubated with the

    eggshell window open as their experimental counterparts. The survival rates of

    each group were as follows; 11% (9 survivors / 85 operated embryos), 8% (7 / 83),

    and 17% (10 / 60) in the C-T, L-S and control groups, respectively. Myeloschisis

    positive rates were 100% in the operated groups and 0% in the control group. The

    heads of embryos were sectioned along the sagittal plane to observe the

    morphological changes in the posterior cranial fossa and its components. Of the

    survivors, five in the C-T group, two in the L-S group and six in the control group

    were available for light microscopic inspection. In the majority of embryos with

    myeloschisis, without difference between the C-T and L-S groups, the fourth

    ventricles were smaller than those of the control group and the subarachnoid spaces

    in the posterior cranial fossa were also narrower. In embryos with severe changes,

    the cerebellum displaced downward comparing with that of the control embryos. No

    evidence of hydrocephalus was present. Though not always typical, morphological

    changes similar to Chiari malformation were observed in chick embryos with

    surgically induced myeloschisis. It suggests a strong direct causal relationship

    between the two conditions and supports the theories of derangements in

    cerebrospinal fluid dynamics rather than those of primary mesenchymal or neural

    origin as a pathogenetic mechanism of Chiari malformation.

    Key Words: Chiari malformation, Chick embryos, Hydrocephalus, Surgicallyinduced myeloschisis

    11. Extracranial Vertebral Arteriovenous Fistula Presenting as

    an Osteolytic lesion of the Axis

    - Case Report -

    Sang Hoon Shin, Chun-Kee Chung, Hyun Jib kim, Moon Hee Han, Dae Hee


    - Journal of Korean Medical Science 11(6):532-536, 1996 -

    Arteriovenous fistulas of the extracranial vertebral artery are rere, The authors

    report a case of a spotaneous areriovenous fistula of the extracranial vertebral

  • - 40 -

    artery presenting as an osteolytic lesion at the body of the axis. The patient

    presented with headache and posterior neck pain. The fistula was obliterated by an

    endovascular trapping.

    Key Words: Arteriovenous fistula, vertebral arery, Osteolytic lesion, Axis, Endovascularsurgery

    12. In Vivo Single Voxel 1H MR Spectroscopy

    in Cerebral Glioma

    In Chan Song, Kee Hyun Chang, Moon Hee Han, Hee-Won Jung, Dong

    Sung Kin, Kwan Hong Min, Sa-Ouk Kang

    - Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 35(3): 307-314, 1996 -

    Purpose: To assess the metabolite ratios in gliomas to determine whether the metabolic

    information obtained by using in vivo single voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy

    (MRS) can be used as a marker for the grading of malignancy.

    Meterials and Methods: A total of 28 1H MR spectra from brain tumors in 27 patients

    with pathologically-proven gliomas were recorded. Seven patients had low grade gliomas

    (grade II astrocytoma in three, oligodendroglioma in three and mixed glioma in one), six

    had anaplastic gliomas (grade III astrocytoma in three and oligodendroglioma in three), and

    14 had glioblastoma multiformes (grade IV). 1H MRS was performed on a 1.5T MR unit

    using PRESS sequence with a TR of 2000 ms, a TE of 270 or 135 ms and a voxel size of

    cm for all spectra. Relative lactate levels, NAA/Cho, NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr ratios were

    measured based on the peak heights of each resonance and compared among gliomas.

    Results: Most tumors demonstrated decreased NAA, elevated Cho and lactate. Relatively

    high lactate and Cho levels and markedly decreased NAA level were more frequently

    observaed in the high grade gliomas than in low grade gliomas. Marked elevation of

    lactate level in the solid component of the tumor was mostly observed in high grade

    gliomas. In a patient with gliomatosis cerebri, 1H MRS deomstrated a spectral pattern of

    tumor infiltration in an area that on MR imgages was apparently normal. However,

    NAA/Cr, NAA/Cho and Cho/Cr ratios did not significantly correlate, however, with the

    histologic grading of malignancy. Because of the partial volume effect, the heterogeneity

    of tumors containing solid and cystic or necrotic components within a voxel limited the

    interpretation of 1H MRS data for the grading of malignancy.

    Conclusion: The results suggest that in some patients in vivo single voxel 1H MRS may

    be useful for grading the malignancy of gliomas and evaluating the exact extent of tumors.

    In solid gliomas, the relative level of lactate appears to be a good marker for the grading

    of malignancy.

  • - 41 -

    Key Words: Brain neoplasms, MR Magnetic resonance (MR), spectroscopy

    13. 성장호르몬분비 뇌하수체선종: 임상 및 자기공명영상소견

    박홍석, 장기현, 한문희, 심정석, 이상현, 송재우, 유인규, 정희원, 연경모

    - Journal of the Korean Radiological Society 35(4): 441-446, 1996 -

    목적: 성장호르몬분비 뇌하수체선종의 임상소견과 자기공명 (MR) 영상 소견을 기술하고 다

    른 뇌하수체선종과 구별되는 특징적인 MR 영상소견이 있는지 알아보고, 종양의 크기와 혈중

    성장호르몬치와의 상관관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 또한 면역조직화학검사의 양성진단율을 파

    악하고자 하였다.

    대상 및 방법: 임상소견, 혈중 성장호르몬 수치 및 MR 영상 소견에 의해서 성장호르몬분비

    뇌하수체선종으로 진단받고 수술을 시행한 29명의 환자를 대상으로 후향적으로, 임상소견과

    MR 영상소견을 분석하였고 종양의 부피와 혈중 성장호르몬 수치와의 상관관계를 분석하였다.

    또한 면역화학검사의 결과를 분석하여 양성진단율을 분석하였다. MR 영상은 2.0 T(24명) 및

    0.5 T(5명) 기기로 관상 및 시상 T1강조영상을 얻었고 28예에서 조영증강 T1강조영상을 얻었

    다. MR 영상은 종양의 크기, 침범범위, 신호강도, 종영증강 정도, 그리고 낭성변화, 출혈 및

    석회화 동반여부 등을 중심으로 분석하였다.

    결과: 임상소견은 얼굴모양의 변화와 손발의 종창 (29명), 두통 (12명), 시력저하 (9명), 프로

    락틴과분비혈증의 증상 (8명), 시야결손 (5명), 고혈압 (3명), 당뇨병의 증상 (3명) 등이었다.

    MR 영상에서 종양의 크기는 모든 예에서 장경 10 mm 이상의 거대선종으로, 평균 2.2 cm

    (1-5.2 cm) 이었다. 터어키안 상방 및 하방으로 자란 예가 각각 21.22예이었고, 해면정맥동

    (cavernous sinus)을 침범한 경우가 7예 이었으며 그중 1예는 양측성이었다. 종양의 신호강도

    는 대부분 (26/29)의 경우에서 대뇌 피질의 신호강도와 같았고, 괴사 혹은 낭성변화를 일으킨

    경우가 8예 (28%), 출혈을 동반한 경우가 4예 (14%), 석회화가 동반된 경우가 2예 (7%) 이었

    다. 조영증강 T1 강조영상에서 대부분 (25/28) 조영증강되며, 그 정도는 정상 뇌하수체보다

    약했다. 혈중 성장호르몬 수치와 종양의 크기와는 상관관계가 없었으며 면역조직화확검사에

    서는 성장호르몬에 69% (11/16)의 양성율을 보였다.

    결론: 성장호르몬분비 뇌하수체선종은 말단비대증 이외에 두통, 시력저하, 프로락틴 과분비

    혈증, 시야결손 등의 다양한 임상 소견을 보였고, MR 영상에서는 모두 거대선종이었고, 다른

    뇌하수체선종과는 구별되는 특징적인 소견을 보이지 않았다. 혈중 성장호르몬 수치와 종양의

    부피와는 상관관계가 없었고 면역조직화학검사에서는 69%의 양성율을 보였다.

  • - 42 -

    14. Germline Mutations of VHL gene in Korean von

    Hippel-Lindau Disease Patients

    Ki-Hyuk Shin, Kyu Joo Park, Soo Woong Kim, Sang Hoon Lee, Sang-Eun

    Lee, Hee-Won Jung, Hyun Jib Kim, and Jae-Gahb Park

    - Journal of Korean Cancer Association 28(3):544-, 1996 -

    Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant disease characterized

    by development of different tumors in diverse organs, including hemangioblastoma

    of the central nervous system, renal cell carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, and

    pancreatic tumors. The gene responsible for this disease, the VHL gene was

    recently cloned and germline mutations of this gene identified in patients with VHL.

    Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-single strand conformation polymorphism

    (SSCP) analysis followed by DNA sequencing, we were able to identify germline

    mutations of the VHL gene in two unrelated Korean patients exhibiting typical

    clinical features of the VHL disease. The mutations identified were 2 base pair

    deletion at codon 179 in one patient, and a missense mutation at codon 190 in the

    other. Identification of the germline mutation in VHL gene aids in the accurate

    presymptomatic diagnosis of the at-risk family members of these patients.

    Key Words: von Hippel-Lindau disease, VHL gene, Germline mutation

    15. Development of finite element model for

    impact human brain injury

    Y.E. Kim, D.H. Nam, K.C. Wang

    - Journal of Korean Automotive Engeers 4(4):97-106, 1996 -

    The impact response of the human brain has been determined by

    three-dimensional finite element modeling. The model includes a layered shell

    closely representing the cranial bones with the interior contents occupied by an

    incompressible contimuum to simulate the brain. Falx and tentorium modeled with 4

    node membrane element were also incorporated. The computed pressure-time

    histories at 4 locations within the brain element compared quite favorably with

  • - 43 -

    previously published experimental data from cadaver experiments. A parametric

    study was subsequently conducted to identify the model response when the impact

    site, impact area and duration of impact were varied.

    Key Words: Brain model, FEM, Impact site, Impact area, Duration of impact, HIC,Intracranial pressure

    16. Primary intramedullary spinal cord primitive

    neuroectodermal tumor with intracranial seeding in an infant:

    a case report.

    Oh Kee Kwon, Kyu-Chang Wang, Chong Jai Kim, In-One Kim,

    Je G. Chi, Byung-Kyu Cho:

    - Child's Nerv Syst 12(10):633-636, 1996 -

    Primary spinal cord primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) is a rare entity.

    Thirteen cases have been reported in the literature. Of those, 3 showed intracranial


    A 3-month old girl with involvement of the spinal cord below the mid-thoracic level

    is described. The brain MRI revealed findings of seeding along the intracranial

    subarachnoid space. Biopsy, duraplasty and removal of laminotomy flap were done.

    In spite of a good response to the first cycle of postoperative ‘8-drugs-in-a-day'

    chemotherapy, further treatment was refused. She died at 21 days after onset of leg

    weakness, which revealed the rapid progression of untreated cases. To our

    knowledge, this is the first case of spinal cord PNET with parenchymal involvement

    described in an infant.

    Key Words: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor . Spinal cord . Infant . Intracranialseeding

  • - 44 -

    17. Central neurocytoma : proliferative potential and biological


    Dong Gyu Kim, Jong Soo Kim, Je G. Chi, Sung Hye Park,

    Hee-Won Jung, Kil Soo Choi, and Dae Hee Han

    - J Neurosurg 84: 742-747, 1996 -

    The authors analyzed 13 central neurocytomas diagnosed at Seoul National

    University Hospital from January, 1982 to December, 1993 in order to clarify their

    proliferative potential and biological behavior. The tumor was confined to the

    lateral and third ventricle in 12 cases, and in one case extended from the posterior

    thalamus to the body and trigone area of the lateral ventricle. All 13 cases showed

    typical clinical and radiological findings and received histological diagnosis by

    craniotomy. The diagnosis was made by light microscopic examination,

    immunohistochemical staining for neuronal markers, and electron microscopic

    findings of neuronal differentiation. There was one case of death, who had a

    recurrence 26 months after subtotal removal plus radiation therapy, due to the tumor

    progression. Another case had a recurrence 18 months after total removal. The

    remaining eleven patients are free of recurrent tumor with the follow-up period

    which ranged from 14 to 109 months (median 50 months). To predict the

    proliferative potential, immunoreactivity to proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA),

    silver colloid staining for nucleolar organizing region (AgNORs), and DNA flow

    cytometry were done in ten out of the thirteen cases. The proportion of PCNA

    positive cells was below 1 % in all cases and the AgNORs score ranged from 1.11

    to 2.0 (mean 1.67). The DNA flow cytometry revealed diploidy in all cases and

    the calculated proliferation index ranged from 5.1% to 9.6% (mean 7.8%). The one

    case of recurrence on which we performed the study for proliferative potential and

    another case which demonstrated mild nuclear pleomorphism also showed low

    percentage of PCNA positive cells, low score of AgNORs, and diploidy in DNA flow


    It is suggested that most of the central neurocytomas show benign clinical course

    with low proliferative potential assessed by PCNA, AgNORs, and DNA flow

    cytometry, however, recurrence is possible within relatively short period.

    Key Words: neurocytoma proliferative potential biological behavior PCNAAgNORs flow cytometry

  • - 45 -

    18. Cerebral Sparganosis: Clinical Manifestations,

    Treatment, and Outcome

    Dong Gyu Kim,Sun Ha Paek, Kee-Hyun Chang, Kyu-Chang Wang,

    Hee-Won Jung, Hyun Jib Kim, Je G. Chi, Kil Soo Choi, and Dae Hee Han

    - J Neurosurg 85: 1066-1071, 1996 -

    Cerebral sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease caused by infection of the

    plerocercoid larva of Spirometra mansoni. The authors analyzed retrospectively 17

    cases of cerebral sparganosis treated at Seoul National University Hospital between

    1986 and 1994. Patients age at diagnosis ranged from 6 to 57 years (median: 32

    years) and the male : female ratio was 13 : 4. Diagnosis was made based on

    radiological findings, serological tests, operative findings, and histopathological

    examinations. Characteristic magnetic resonance (MR) findings consisted of

    widespread white matter degeneration and cortical atrophy, mixed signal lesion (

    low in central, high in peripheral on T2-weighted image) with irregular dense

    enhancement of central foci, and change of the location and shape of the enhancing

    lesion in follow-up studies. Surgical removal of the parasitic lesion was performed

    in ten patients and the remaining seven, including one of ventriculoperitoneal shunt,

    received medical treatment with praziquantel only. Follow-up period of patients

    ranged from 13 to 111 months (mean : 49 months). Seven patients who underwent

    complete removal of the lesion; live worm or degenerated worms with surrounding

    granuloms showed favorable course. Meanwhile, in patients who received medical

    treatment only or incomplete removal neurological deficits progressed and seizure

    could not be controlled. Medication with praziquantel seemed to have no cidal effect

    on live worms.

    We conclude that MR imaging is the most valuable modality for the early detection

    of cerebral sparganosis and complete surgical removal of granuloma together with

    worms, whether they are alive or degenerated, is the treatment of choice.

    Key Words: cerebral sparganosis . enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) .magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. outcome

  • - 46 -

    19. Primary central nervous system lymphoma:

    variety of clinical manifestations and survival

    Dong Gyu Kim, Nam Doo Hyun, Hee-Won Jung, Kil Soo Choi, and Dae Hee


    - Acta Neurochirurgica 138: 280-280, 1996 -

    A retrospective analysis of 23 non-immune compromised patients with primary

    central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is reported. The patients consist of 14

    males and 9 females and the median age is 50 years. Most patients presented with

    focal neurological deficits or symptoms of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) due

    to mass effects around the periventricular area. However, there were four cases of

    diffuse type, one case of intramedullary tumour, and four cases with rapid disease

    progression. All the patients underwent histological confirmation by craniotomy (16

    cases) or stereotactic biopsy (7 cases). The radiation therapy started after

    histological diagnosis in all and 6 cases received additional chemotherapy.

    The median survival after diagnosis of overall patients was 23 months. Six

    patients are in disease free status at a mean of 35 months follow-up. The uni- and

    multivariative risk analysis revealed five favourable factors on survivl: (1) age less

    than 60 years (0.05 < p < 0.1); (2) pre-operative Karnofsky performance scale

    (KPS) ≥ 70 (p < 0.05); (3) symptom duration over four weeks (p < 0.05); (4)

    radiation dosage ≥ 5500 cGy (p < 0.05); (5) absence of malignant cells in

    cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (p < 0.05). the most frequent site of recurrence was the

    local area as shown in seven cases out of 11 recurrent cases. But six patients had

    diffuse recurrence (4 cases), systemic recurrence (2 cases), and drop metastasis (1

    case). Although the recurred PCNSL had rapid progression and a grave prognosis,

    aggressive treatment prolonged the postrecurrence suvival time significantly. Our

    experience suggests that 1) there are varous clinical and radiological presentations

    and progressions of the disease; 2) treatment method should be decided along with

    the clinical presentation, progression of disese, and prognostic factors; 3) early

    diagnosis and early detection of recurrence enable the start of definitive treatment

    when the medical condition is still satisfactory.

    Key Words: Lymphoma, Brain tumours, Medullary tumours, Radiation therapy

  • - 47 -

    3. 國內 學術大會 (Domestic Scientific Meetings)

    第16次 韓國腦血管疾患 硏究會 定期學術大會

    1996. 3. 9.

    場所: 광주 신양파크 호텔

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 오창완: 근위부(M1) 중대뇌동맥류의 임상특성 및 수술치료 성적

    1996년도 大韓神經外科學會 春季學術大會

    1995. 4. 18-20

    場所: 제주, 신라호텔

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 조병규 : 재발성 두개인두종의 국소 해부 분포 및 위험인자

    2. 김현집 : 강직성 사경에 대한 부신경 및 상부경추 신경근 차단수술의 효과

    3. 왕규창 : 시교차 전하방으로 성장한 소아기 두개인두종; 안격막, 뇌하수체, 종양과의


    적 관계

    4. 김동규 : ① The roles of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG) positron emission


    (PET) in management of brain tumors: early experience in SNUH

    ② Gliomatosis cerebri; Clinical manifestations, biological behavior, and


    5. 백선하 : Clinical analysis of 23 cases of adult moyamoya disease

    6. 전상룡 : 핍지교종의 예후인자에 관한 연구

    7. 황승균 : Preliminary study of 1H-MRS(Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) in


    brain tumors

    8. 김태호 : Carotid stenosis with incidental A2 aneurysm presented with transient



    第6次 大韓腦腫瘍硏究會 定期學術大會

    1996. 6. 22

  • - 48 -

    場所: 삼성의료원 대강당

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 정희원: ① 측뇌실 삼각부위 종양; 수술적 접근법의 선택

    ② 측뇌실 체부에 발생한 거대종양에 대한 경뇌량 접근법

    2. 양희진: Tumors of the lateral ventricle; Surgical approaches and result

    consecutive 44


    第4次 癎疾 Symposium

    1996. 8. 31

    場所: 서울대학병원

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 김현집: Surgical treatment of TLE and its outcome

    第9回 大韓脊椎神經外科硏究會 學術大會

    1996. 9. 13~14

    場所: 고대 안암병원

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 김현집: Anterior approach

    2. 김동윤: Thoracic spinal stenosis: experience with 23 cases

    第17次 韓國腦血管疾患 硏究會 硏修講座

    1996. 9 14

    場所: 연세의대

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 한대희: Surgery of basilar trunk aneurysm

    第36次 大韓神經外科學會 學術大會 및 定期總會

    1996 10. 31- 11. 2

    場所: 서울, 릿츠칼튼 호텔

    學術賞: 김동규

  • - 49 -

    한대희 동문: 대한신경외과학회 이사장에 취임

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 왕규창: 뇌좌상의 하전두엽과 전측두엽의 빈발: 유한요소모델을 이용한 해석

    2. 한대희: Management of AVM

    3. 정희원: Surgical management of GH, ACTH secreting tumors

    4. 조병규: Complication of shunt(1) mechanical failure

    5. 김동규: Gemistocytic astrocytoma: prognosis and prognostic factors

    6. 조병규: 소아의 원발성 중추신경계 비배아종성 악성배세포종의 치료 방법에 따른 결

    과 분석

    7. 정희원: 추체사대부 수막종: 수술접근법의 발전, 잔존 종양의 장기추적 결과

    8. 한대희: 전교통동맥부위의 동맥류 수술과 동반된 주변부 혈관기형에 관한 분석

    9. 오창완: 추체 기저동맥 박리

    10. 전상룡: 척수공동증을 동반한 아놀드키아리 기형에서의 치료성적 분석

    11. 정희원: 청신경초종-중두개와접근법을 통한 청력 보존례

    12. 김정은: CT-guided sterotactic biopsy

    13. 김재용: 중추신경계 결핵종

    14. 한대희: 천막에 생긴 동정맥루의 수술치료

    15. 남도현: 원발성 중추신경계 배아종 환아의 생존율과 시력, 내분비 기능 및 인지능력을


    치료결과 분석

    16. 최우진: Endovascular treatment of bilateral posterior communicating artery

    aneurysms using

    Guglielmi detachable coils(GDC): A case report

    17. 김정은: Malignant meningioma metastasizing through the CSF pathway: A case


    18. 권오기: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of spinal cord with intracranial seeding in


    infant: A case report

    19. 강현승: Homocystinuria presenting as cerebral infarction: A case report

    第36次 韓國神經科學學會 學術大會

    1996 11. 29

    場所: 서울대학교 호암교수회관

    學術賞: 이상형

    1. 이상형: The effects of ischemia on the expression of Alzheimer's amyloid

    precursor protein

    in cerebral cortex in the rat

  • - 50 -

    第4回 大韓腦腫瘍硏究會 硏修講座

    1996. 12. 7-8

    場所: 서울중앙병원

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 최길수: Prospective aspect of skull base surgery

    2. 조병규: Pineal region tumors

    3. 정희원: Surgical management of supratentorial meningiomas

    1996년도 大韓神經外科學會 送年集談會

    1996. 12. 13

    場所: 서울대학병원

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 김재용: 중추신경계 결핵종

  • - 51 -

    4. 國際 學術大會(International Scientific Meetings)

    The 9th International Brain Tumor Symposium

    1996. 3. 11 - 3. 14.

    場所: Tokyo, Japan

    演者: 정희원, 김동규 guest로 참석

    The 16th Japanese Congress of Neurological Surgeons

    1996. 4. 11 - 13

    場所: Matsue, Japan

    演者 및 發表演題

    1. 한대희 (DH Han): Surgery of basilar tip aneurysms (Symposium)

    2. 정희원 (HW Jung): ① Surgery of petroclival meningioma

    ② Surgical experience of unusual acoustic neuromas

    The 25th Japanese Conference on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke
