Page 1: Social Media Marketing nel B2B: si può? L'esperienza di SAP Italia al #SCF12

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Fare SMM nel B2B: si può? L’esperienza SAP Italia

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Milano, 15 novembre 2012

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Agenda del workshop

Valeria Severini – CEO Freedata Labs

Chi è Freedata Labs

Brief ed obiettivi

– I numeri dei SM nel mondo

– I SM nel B2B: servono?

– Come fare?

Flaminio Francisci – Marketing Manager SAP Italia

Chi è SAP

Il caso SAP Italia

– Strategie

– Risultati ottenuti

– Lezioni apprese: our outcomes




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Chi è Freedata Labs









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Brief ed Obiettivi: aumenta il tempo speso online


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Brief ed Obiettivi: aumentano le piattaforme Social

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Brief ed Obiettivi: aumentano gli utenti dei SM


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Brief ed Obiettivi: quanto è social il B2B?


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Brief ed Obiettivi: le conversazioni sui SM sono influenti


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Brief ed Obiettivi: quindi, come fare?

Grazie al patrimonio informativo raccolto con le attività

di monitoring, è possibile sviluppare campagne di

social media marketing articolate ed efficaci e avviare

una strategia di conversazione



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Strategie e risultati.

L’esperienza SAP Italia Flaminio Francisci, Marketing Manager SAP Italia



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Chi è SAP

55,700+ SAP employees worldwide

€ 14B Total revenue

310,000+ SAP consultants

Italy Global

590 employees

€ 328M Total revenue

8000+ SAP consultants

3500+ customers

183,000+ customers

SAP is the leading business software vendor worldwide



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I nostri clienti

producono oltre il

65% di tè e caffè che beviamo

ogni giorno.

I nostri clienti

producono più del

70% del cioccolato


I nostri clienti

producono più del

72% della birra


I nostri clienti

producono più del

60% dei giocattoli e dei

giochi di tutto il mondo.

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Do we really need

social media?

SAP has over 90.3M visits to our digital properties each year.

6x as many people visit SAP than visit the world’s #1 tourist destination

(Paris) in a year

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Strategia: do we really need a social strategy and execution plan?

Humanize the SAP Brand

Tighten Links to the Business

Invest in People Simplify Marketing

Develop “Pull” Marketing

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Strategia: from helping sales to sell to help customers to buy



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Execution: a competence based on “try and error” approach


Outside-in: partnership with

Inside-out: in-mktg-team plug of an external social expert from

Freedata Labs to foster cross pollination

MAKE link SAP social media communities and alignment with the SAP

social media strategy

MKTG is the exampler: Upskill of the Italian MKTG team with

dedicated training and learning by doing




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LISTEN: Turn a weakness in a “Social” opportunity

Social Media



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ACT: a consistent and selective/sustainable approach



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ACT: channels creation, by weekly editorial plan and …

… cross pollinating social media team




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ENGAGE: the x-factor to win is …

… the SAP people active engagement

Editorial Plan e moderazione


Word of mouth


Partner Employee



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Risultati ottenuti a oggi

PeerIndex and Klout score are relative measure of online authority. They reflects the impact of your online activities, and the

extent to which you have built up social and reputational capital on the web.

Source: Freedata Labs November 2012

SAP Italia

10.860 fan

Online April 2012

PeerIndex 41

Klout Score 49

Online April 2012


Online April 2011


Online April 2012

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MEASURE: put the right question …

… and thrust the answer

3 months Italian Keywords tuning

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Lezioni apprese: our outcomes

Create a corporate identity suitable for Social Media




People is the key for Social Media execution

Cross functional social media team

Engagement of SAP people, partners and customers based on


Web listening is the key foundation for every SM decision

Use few Social Media with a clear “use for”

Identify the Social Media opportunity and share the vision

Manage Social Media with an open “try and error” approach

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