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Madhak Ketan(110113107011)Sharma Vivekanand(110113107008)Saurabh Deopura(100110107054)

Prepared forComputer dept.G.H.Patel College Of Engineering And TechnologyVallabh vidyanagar()

INDEX1.Introduction..11.1 purpose.......11.2 Scope...11.3 Objective.12.Requirements...42.1 Functional Requirements....42.2 Non- Functional Requirements...42.2.1Safety Requirements.42.2.2Security Requirements..42.2.3Software Quality Attributes..5 2.3 Hardware Requirements....5 2.4 Software Requirements..5 2.5 WaterFall Model....6 2.6 Feasibility Study..72.6.1 Economic Feasibility.......72.6.2 Technical Feasibility72.6.3 Operational Feasibility.73 . Design and Implementation..113.1 Data flow Diagram........113.2Use case Diagram ......123.3 E-R Diagram ...203.4 Activity Diagram4 .Snapshots.............................225 .Testing And Results...............................375.1 Unit Testing........................375.2 Integration Testing........................385.3 System Testing.........................385.4 Acceptance Testing...........................396 . Bibliography......................41

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION1.1 PurposeThe purpose of our project is to conduct auction through online. So that public can get registered and can sell or buy the items what they want through online by participating in auction.1.2 ScopeThis website is only for specified category of product.The seller or buyer can only sell for specific category now,but further it is possible to extend different categories. 1.3 Objective

Bidtastic-Auction is a web application which facilitates online auction. An auction is a sale in which a seller presents his product on a public platform/ forum. The selling price in an auction is determined by the bids made by interested buyers. The price they bid is based on their own valuation and need for the product. The product is sold to the highest bidder. A potential buyer participates by bidding on an item that a seller has listed. The person who has offered the highest bid at close of auction wins the right to purchase the item at that price.

Chapter 2REQUIREMENTS2.1 Functional RequirementsSecure Registration is provided as at the time of registration a verification link is sent to the user in order to check the authenticity of the user, after following the verification link the user account gets activated.Further Description about the items are available for each item which are to be bid, with images as well.Email is sent to both the seller and buyer after the auction is successfully completed.2.2 Non- Functional Requirements2.2.1 Safety RequirementsIf there is extensive damage to a wide portion of the database due to catastrophic failure, such as a disk crash, the recovery method restores a past copy of the database that was backed up to archival storage (typically tape) and reconstructs a more current state by reapplying or redoing the operations of committed transactions from the backed up log, up to the time of failure.This can be implemented with mysql.2.2.2 Security RequirementsSecurity systems need database storage just like many other applications. However, the special requirements of the security market mean that vendors must choose their database partner we have choose the mysql database in order to have the inbuilt security provided by the mysql.2.2.3 Software Quality Attributes AVAILABILTY:Since we are hosting our project on the server it will be available all the time. CORRECTNESS:The process of auction should be completed successfully without any error and appropriate item should be sold to the highest bidder. MAINTAINABILITY:The system should maintain correct record about the bids for particular item and the end date in order to complete the bid. USABILITY:The system should satisfy maximum number of users needs.2.3 Hardware Requirements Pentium IV or higher, (PIV-300GHz recommended) 256 MB RAM 1 Gb hard free drive space2.4 Software Requirements PHP (front end) HTML JavaScript MS Word 97 or later Web Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0,Mozilla ,Google Chrome or later MySQL Server (back end) Operating System: Windows XP / Windows7/ Windows Vista

2.5 Feasibility StudyThe prime focus of the feasibility is evaluating the practicality of the proposed system keeping in mind a number of factors. The following factors are taken into account before deciding in favor of the new system.2.5.1 Economic FeasibilityManual auction process takes time and place which leads to cost.But due to the availability of our auction system this leads to no cost for the above factor.The tools which are to be used are open source which to reduce the cost of our project.2.5.2 Technical feasibilityTechnically it is feasible to develop this project as the available tools which are to be used for the development are able to develop this type of projects,so technical problems are taken care of due to use of the scripting language like php and database like mysql.2.5.3 Operational FeasibilityThe project which is developed is operational as it is an online auction project which is useful for every such person who are interested to buy their items and sell,also the information to be given by the seller or buyer can be provided by them with ease.

Chapter 3 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION3.1 DATA FLOW DIAGRAMA Data flow diagram (DFD) is used to express system requirements in a graphical form. It is also known as a bubble chart. A DFD depicts information flow and transform that are applied as data moves from input. Use of DFD helps to clarify the system requirements. DFD are drawn surging analysis and are the starting point for the design phase. A DFD could be used represent a physical system, at the beginning of analysis, or a logical system at alter point in the system development life cycle. Being graphical, it is easy to understand.

Level-1 DFD

Level 2 DFD

3.2USE CASE DIAGRAM3.3 E-R DIAGRAM E-R Diagram constitute a technique for representing the logical structure of a database in a pictorial manner. This analysis is then used to organize data as a relation, normalizing relation and finally obtaining a relation database. ENTITIES : Which specify distinct real-world items in an application. PROPERTIES/ATTRIBUTES : Which specify properties of an entity and relationships. RELATIONSHIPS : Which connect entities and represent meaningful dependencies between them.


Chapter 5TESTINGThe reason behind testing was to find errors. Every program or software has errors in it, against the common view that there are no errors in it if the program or software is working. Executing the programs with the intention of finding the errors in it is therefore testing; hence a successful test is one which finds errors. Testing is an activity, however it is restricted to being performed after the development phase is complete, but is carried parallel with all stages of system development, starting with requirement specification.Test cases were devised with purpose in mind. A test case is a set of the data that a system will process as normal input. The software units developed in the system are modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to perform the required function of the system. Test results once gathered and evaluated, provide a qualitative indication of the software quality and reliability and serve as basis for design modification if required. In this phase testing is done at different levels. Actually testing phase of the implementations works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences.5.1 Unit Testing The unit testing was done after the coding phase was done. The purpose of the unit testing was to locate errors on the module, independent of he other modules. Some changes in the coding were done during the testing. Finally all the modules were individually tested from bottom up starting with smallest and lowest modules and proceeding one at a time.5.2 Black Box TestingThis method of software testing tests the functionality of an application as opposed to its internal structures or working(i.e. white box testing). Specific knowledge of the applications code/internal structure and programming knowledge in general is not required. Test cases are built around specifications and requirements, i.e., what the application is supposed to do. It uses external descriptions of the software, including specifications, requirements, and design to derive test cases. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually functional. The test designer selects valid and invalid inputs and determines the correct output. There is no knowledge of the test objects internal structure.

5.3 White Box TestingThis method of software testing tests internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality (i.e. black-box testing). In white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are required and used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs.5.4 Integration TestingOnce the unit was over, all the modules were integrated for integration testing. External and internal interfaces are implemented and work as per design, the performance of the module is not degraded.5.5 Validation TestingAt the culmination of integration testing, software is said to be completely assembled as a package; interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected. Then as a final series of software test, validation tests were carried out.5.6 Acceptance TestingThis is the final stage in the testing process before the system is accepted for operational use. Any requirement problem or requirement definition problem revealed from acceptance testing are considered and made error free.

BIBLIOGRAPHYBooks:1) Programming the Word Wide Web, 4th Edition, by Robert Sebesta2) PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites by Larry Ullman3) Learn PHP , MySQL and JavaScript by Robin Nixon4) Programming PHP by Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe, and Peter MacIntyre5) Beginning PHP and MySQL by W.J .Gilmore6) Advanced Javascript by Chuck Easttorn7) JavaScript, A Beginners Guide by John PollockWebsites:1) www.w3schools.com2) www.goodphptutorials.com3) www.freewebmasterhelp.com5) www.stackoverflow.com6)


IdTinyintegrerPrimary key



IdIntPrimary key





activeTiny Integer


IdIntPrimary key




Starting_ pricevarchar

End_dateTiny Integer
