
Surabaya, Yogya, Medan, Padang Trips -

Java Sumatra Tours

Surabaya, Yogya, Medan, Padang Trips - Java Sumatra Tours is 19-

day trip of Indonesia's top sights and tour combines with culture,

tradition and wildlifes.

Java Sumatra Tour - Get ready to hit the ground running in this 19-day

whirlwind tour of Indonesia's top sights. you'll stay active as you hike

and explore of around three week tour in which the impresive nature of

East java and Sumatra is combined with the culture and sights of Java


This superb tour combines three of the most popular provinces in the

Indonesian Archipelago - 19 days trip to explore two islands of

Indonesia Java and Sumatra includes visit Ijen crater and mount bromo

located in East java, Jogjakarta with Borobudur temple, North Sumatra

with orangutan, toba lake and Samosir island, West Sumatra famous

with cultural and historical places. This adventurer starts in Bali hotel

and trip finish at Minangkabau Padang airport.

19 Days / 18 Nights

Java Sumatra Tour - Culture, Wildlife and Nature

East Java, Jogjakarta, Medan(North Sumatra), and Padang

(West Sumatra)

Start / Finish: Bali Hotel - Minangkabau airport

Tour Code: KNLR-DPS-JST-19D

Grade: Easy, some part strenuous and challenging

Departure: You may arrange your own date.

Tour Itinerary

Day 01: Denpasar/Bali Hotel - Banyuwangi/East Java

Breakfast, start at 8am to drive to western tip of Bali to reach Gilimanuk

ferry port for about 3 hours by a private car with AC then from

Gilimanuk Harbor, We will take a ferry to cross Bali strait for about 1

hour to reach Ketapang ferry port of Banyuwangi in the most eastern tip

of Java island. On this trip, We will pass through the rural landscapes of

West Bali. Lunch will be served at local restaurant on the way. Upon

arrival in Ketapang ferry port then continue to Ijen Crater where you

will have overnight at The Ijen Resort & Villas: We can take you to the

gate of heaven by walking at the extra ordinary "Rice Fields " and small

tracking for "Village Tour". Dinner Personal account

Meals: Lunch

Accommodation: Ijen Resort and Villas

The Ijen Resort & Villas Overview:

Ijen Resort and Villas is the new and first luxury hotel in this spectacular

scenic area.Perched at the edge of the rainforest of Ijen National Pak and

overlooking terraced rice fields to a row of volcanoes, each of Ijen

Resort's 30 room boasts superb views from their spacious bed rooms and

balconies. Bungalows with standard superior and suite accommodations

are equipped with all facilities for modern comfort. Four hectares of

beautiful garden and 360 degrees panoramic vistas of volcanoes,

rainforest, terraced rice fields and view of Bali Strait.

Ijen Resort and Villas is located at 643 meters above sea level, in the

remote village of Randu Agung, Licin Banyuwangi. The closest village

is a group of dozen of houses 700 meters downhill, or another one 900

meter across the valley. The nearest real village is located at about 6

kilometers away. The hotel offers a comfortable base for travelers to

enjoy unspoiled beauty.

Day 02: Ijen Resort and Villas - Ijen Crater Volcano - Bromo

Volcano with Sea Sand.

Wake up call at 4.30, check out hotel at 5, breakfast take

you to Paltuding post to the slope of Mount ijen by 4x4 jeep (the private

car will be waiting in paltuding parking area), Passing through the

Village it takes 30 minutes. Arrived at Post Paltuding, car parking.

getting permit at the park ranger's Post before continuing hiking to the

top of its slope. About 1,5 hours is needed to ascend the Rim of the

Crater along a shady track with a Wonderful View. Enjoy the Morning

air with its beautiful Panoramic. The Sulfuric lake reflectseery color

over the surrounding walls to give an apocalypse like impression. The

view is stunning, the local people seeking sulfur descend in to to the

crater and climb back along the dangerous rim with loads of up to 70

KG on their shoulder. After felt enough, we then leave the crater, drive

you to Bromo volcano, arrived around 16.00 and check-in and rest. Free

program to explore bromo. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Yoschi or Lava View Bungalow

Sulfur mining in Kawah Ijen - The Largest Lake of Acid on Earth

In East Java, Indonesia lies Kawah Ijen volcano, 2,600 meters tall

(8,660ft), topped with a large caldera and a 200-meter-deep lake of

sulfuric acid. The quietly active volcano emits gases through fumaroles

inside the crater, and local miners have tapped those gases to earn a

living. Stone and ceramic pipes cap the fumaroles, and inside, the sulfur

condenses into a molten red liquid, dripping back down and solidifying

into pure sulfur. Miners hack chunks off with steel bars, braving

extremely dangerous gases and liquids with minimal protection, then

load up as much as they can carry for the several kilometers to the

weighing station. Loads can weigh from 45 to 90kg (100 - 200 lbs), and

a single miner might make as many as two or three trips in a day. At the

end of a long day, miners take home approximately Rp50,000 ($5.00

u.s.). The sulfur is then used for vulcanizing rubber, bleaching sugar and

other industrial processes nearby.

Mount Bromo Overview

Mount Bromo sits in the middle of a vast plain called the Sand Sea

(Indonesian: Lautan Pasir), a protected nature reserve since 1919. The

typical way to visit Mount Bromo is from the nearby mountain village of

Cemoro Lawang. From there it is possible to walk to the volcano in

about 45 minutes, but it is also possible to take an organized jeep tour,

which includes a stop at the viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan (2,270

meters) (Indonesian: Gunung Penanjakan). The best views from Mount

Bromo to the Sand Sea below and the surrounding volcanoes are at

sunrise. The viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan can also be reached on

foot in about two hours. From inside the caldera, Sulfur is collected by


Day 03: Bromo Volcano with Sea Sand - Mount Penanjakan –

Village Sightseeing

Wake early 3am for trek mount Penanjakan and sunrise viewing. enjoy

surrounding view at mount bromo. Then trekking around bromo and we

will be back to hotel around 11am, lunch, then Village sightseeing in the

afternoon. Back to hotel. Rest. Dinner personal account.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Yoschi or Lava View Bungalow

Day 04: Bromo Hotel - Surabaya Airport - Jogjakarta - Magelang


Breakfast at hotel, Enjoy morning with fresh air and cool temperature

until we escort you to Surabaya airport by private car. Bromo to

Surabaya takes 3,5 hours in normal traffic. Upon arrival at Jogja airport,

you will be picked up by our guide then directly transfer to Magelang

city by private car equipped with AC. check-in hotel for preparing next

morning Borobudur sunrise. Time is your own the rest of the day for

explore Magelang city. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Manohara Hotel

Borobudur Temple Overview

Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in

Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square

platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672

relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center

of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside

perforated stupa.

Day 05: Magelang Hotel - Sunrise in Borobudur - Jogja City Tour -

Jogja Hotel

Morning call at hotel, breakfast and proceed to Borobudur temple.

arrived before sunrise. ready for Camera and handy cam. Borobudur is

one of heritage world. After enjoying Borobudur sunrise, we continue

our journey to visit Jogjakarta home industry i;e Silver and Batik in Kota

Gede. Then Air Taman sari Palace and also visit Kraton Ngayogyokarto

Hadiningrat. In the evening, watching Ramayana ballet on open stage

Prambanan temple. back hotel and resting. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Grage Hotel

Day 06: Jogja Hotel - Jogjakarta Airport - Medan North Sumatra

Breakfast at hotel, Enjoy your time or walk around Malioboro market

until we escort you Jogjakarta Airport to fly to Medan via Jakarta.

Upon arrival at Polonia Medan Airport meeting service and transfer to

hotel for overnight stay. Free at your own leisure. Lunch, Dinner

personal account

Meals: Breakfast

Accommodation: JW Marriot 5* at deluxe Room

Day 07: Medan - Bukit Lawang

After breakfast city tour by visiting great Mosque, Sultan Palace and

Crocodile farm, the drive to Bohorok, on the way stop at Palm oil and

rubber plantation, upon arrival at Bohorok check in to hotel. Dinner

personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Bukit Lawang Cottage 2* at Orang Utan room

Day 08: Bukit Lawang - Visit Orangutan

After breakfast walking to the jungle to see the Orang Utan by crossing

the river with traditional canoe and then tracking to the feeding site to

see the Orang Utan on their feeding time. After feeding time, jungle

track for two hour in the jungle. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Bukit Lawang Cottage 2* at Orang Utan room

Day 09: Bohorok - Brastagi

After breakfast drive to Brastagi with stop at Sembahe river, and visit

Batak Karo traditional village at Peceren, and fruit market, afternoon

check in to hotel. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Grand Mutiara Hotel 4* at Superior room

Day 10: Brastagi – Samosir Island

After breakfast drive to Parapat on the way visit Sipiso-piso waterfall,

Rumah Bolan ( Long House ) the old palace of Batak Simalungun Kings

and Simarjarunjung to see the view of Lake Toba, upon arrival at

Parapat crossing to Samosir Island by ferry boat arrival at Samosir check

in to hotel. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Tabo Cottages 2* at Deluxe room

Day 11: Samosir Excursion by Car

After breakfast excursion by car in the vicinity of Lake Toba and

visiting several Batak Taba village :

- Tomok : to see the old tomb of Sidabutar Kings.

- Ambarita : to see stone chair and table the execution place of Sialagan


- Simanindo: to see Batak Toba traditional dance (Tor-Tor) and


Afternoon return back to hotel. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Tabo Cottages 2* at Deluxe room

Day 12: Samosir – Sipirok

After breakfast crossing back to Parapat and arrival at Parapat drive to

Sipirok, on the way stop at Pineapple, clove, and coffee plantation and

visiting traditional market at Balige Sigur-gur and Sipoholon Hot

Springs. Before arrival at Sipirok the day enjoy the nature by walking at

the bank of Sarulla river, the rice terrace and arrival at Sipirok check in

to hotel. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Tor Sibohi Hotel 3* at Deluxe room

Day13: Sipirok – Bukittinggi

Leave Sipirok for Bukittinggi by passing rain tropical forest of Rimba

Panti and stop will be made to see the attraction of monkey picking up

the coconut. Visit pepper, vanilla, cardamon and cinnamon garden, and

crossing the equator line at Bonjol, afternoon arrival at Bukittinggi the

charming towns of Minangkabau directly check in to hotel. Dinner

personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Hotel The Hill 4*

Day 14: Bukittinggi – Minangkabau Tour

After breakfast drive to Batu Sangkar via Tabek Patah, on the way stop

at Rao-Rao to visit Minangkabau traditional village and stop to see

traditional village and stop to see traditional coffee milling, arrival at

Batu Sangkar drive to Pagaruyung to visit the duplicate Palace of

Minangkabau Kingdom, afternoon return to Bukittinggi via Padang

Panjang and visit Pandai Sikat village to see Minangkabau traditional

hand weaving and wood carving. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Hotel The Hill 4*

Day 15: Bukittinggi – Harau Valley

After breakfast drive to Payakumbuh and visiting Harau Valley with its

Echo, rice field terrace, traditional village and then back to Bukittinggi

visiting Sianok Canyon, Fort De Kock, Museum and Market. Afternoon

return back to hotel. Evening enjoy traditional Minangkabau Dance and

traditional music performance (Dance Entrance fee not included).

Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Hotel The Hill 4*

Day 16: Bukittinggi – Maninjau Lake

After breakfast drive to Maninjau, on the way visiting Koto Gadang

village to see traditional silver work and passing the fantastic 44 hairpin

curve road, arrival at Maninjau check in to hotel. Dinner personal


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Pasir Panjang Hotel 2* at Deluxe room

Day17: Maninjau Free.

Today is your free time on Lake Maninjau, walking or cycling around

the Lake. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Pasir Panjang Hotel 2* at Deluxe room

Day 18: Maninjau - Padang

After breakfast drive to Padang via Pariaman, on the way visiting Artha

Beach and arrival at Padang proceed for city sightseeing before check-in

to hotel. Dinner personal account

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Hotel Pangeran Beach 4* at Deluxe room

Day19: Hotel - Airport /Transfer

After breakfast transfer to the airport for your flight to the next

destination. Tour ends. Note: Check out time hotel at 12.00 noon.

Meals: Breakfast

Accommodation: None

Tour Package Inclusion:

Picked up service at Kuta/Sanur/Legian Hotel

Airfares Surabaya Yogyakarta and to Medan

meals Breakfast and Lunch

Accommodation as indicated per itinerary based on twin share

Private Land transportation with driver and fuel

4x4 WD for mount bromo sunrise tours and road to ijen.

Mineral water and local snacks

Horse riding in Sea sand of Mount Bromo slopes

All entrance tickets, English speaking guide

Ferry cost from Bali to Ketapang ferry port Banyuwangi (east java)

Price Exclusion:

Dinner at Hotel

Airport tax

Tips Guide/Driver.

Additional Tour program.

Other personal Expenses.

Bar, Laundry, Phone call, Internet, Tipping and other personal expenses.

Travel insurance, tipping, All personal gratuities

All cost incurred of flight delayed etc.

Prices per person in USD:

Minimum 2 – 3 persons:

USD 2,375 per person

Minimum 4 – 6 persons:

US$ 2,150 per person

Minimum 7 – 9 person:

US$ 2,050 per person

Minimum 10 – 12 persons:

US$ 1,950 per person

To book Java Sumatra Tour 19 days 18 nights, please email

us at: [email protected] by

mentioning the tour code: KNLR-DPS-JST-19D and

number of tour participants in your email.

TOUR BOOKING PROCESS: 1.Please write back to us the email that you are confirmed the program

and the cost

2.When we get your confirmation, we will send you the official

confirmation Paper as agreed (invoice).

3.we have right to cancel the reservation with or without notice when it

over from the limit booking time


1.When the confirmation is sent, we require deposit payment 35% from

total land cost for guaranty booking(No Refund)

2.Balance of payment could should be made at least 2 weeks before

departure date.

3.Payment could be made through PayPal will be apply additional

surcharge 5% for the amount will be transferred.

FORCE MAJOUR ( For flight Cancel and delay ) :

This Packages excludes expenses incurred due to causes beyond our

control (force majeur) and expenses also incurred due to flight

cancellations & delays are not covered by we will assist in the

rescheduling of all flights & organizing suitable accommodations

transport and meals etc… but ALL costs are to be covered by yourself if

these circumstances occur.