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Tectonics / noun

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• [noncount ] geology  : the structure ofthe Earth's surface and the ways inwhich it changes shape over time▪ Scientists are studyingthe tectonics of the oceanoor. — see aso !"#$E $E%$&(%S

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Mantle/ noun

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•  plural mantles

• [count ] 1 : a oose piece of cothing without seeves that was wornover other cothes especiay in the past : %"&#) 

• 2 literary  : something that covers or surrounds something ese— * of  ▪ $he ground was covered/coa+ed in a mantle

of  eaves. ▪ mountains ,an+eted/wrapped in a mantleof  snow ▪ # mantle of secrecy surrounded the famiy's past. [-thefamiy's past was +ept secret]

• 3 formal : the position of someone who has responsi,iity orauthority

▪ e took on the mantle of  director. [-he too+ on the o, of,eing the director] ▪ She accepted/assumed the mantleof  eadership.

• 4 technical : the midde ayer of the Earth that is ,etween the topcrust and the inner core

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Crust/ noun

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•  plural crusts

• 1 : the hard outer surface of ,read [count ] ▪ er chidren prefer to eat theirsandwiches with the crusts[-the outer edges of the ,read sices] cut o0. ▪ acrunchy/chewy crust  [noncount ] ▪ er chidren prefer to eat their sandwicheswith the crust  cut o0.

• 2 : the outside part of a pie : !(E%12S$ [count ] ▪ 3a+e the pie untithe crust  [-top] is goden ,rown.[noncount ] ▪ a pie with a+y crust 

• 3 [count, noncount ] : the ,read that is used to ma+e a pi44a▪ e i+es pi44a with thin/thic+ crust . ▪ She ate three sices of pi44a5 ,ut eftthe crusts [-the thic+5 outer pieces of the crust] on her pate.

• 4 [count, noncount ] : a hard ayer on the surface of something▪ &ur feet ,ro+e through the thin crust  of ice and into the snow ,eow. ▪ the

Earth's crust • earn a/your crust

• Brit 5 informal : to earn the money that you need to ive : to earn a iving▪ ('m reay a poet5 ,ut ('ve got to earn my crust  as an accountant.

• — see aso 2!!E1 %12S$

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Apt / adective

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• apter; aptest

• [or more apt; most apt ] 1 : i+ey to do something : having atendency to do something —foowed ,y to + verb ▪ 6on'twa+e him7 he's apt to become angry. ▪ #doescents aremore apt to take ris+s than aduts are.

• 2 : appropriate or suita,e▪ an apt  remar+ ▪ 8Stripe9 is an apt  name for the cat5 sinceshe has striped fur.

• 3 : :uic+ to earn▪ a very apt  student/pupi

• — aptly adverb ▪ $he cat is aptly  named 8Stripe.9

• — aptness noun [noncount ]▪ the aptness of the remar+s

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• 1 [more prone; most prone]: i+ey to do5 have5 or su0erfrom something — usuay * to ▪ $hey are proneto ;ma+ing< errors/mista+es. - $hey are error= prone/mista+e= prone. [-they ma+e manyerrors/mista+es] ▪ $ests showed that the machine is proneto faiure/fai. ▪ e is somewhat prone todepression. ▪ !eope in my famiy are prone to heartdisease. ▪ e is prone to ;having< accidents. - e isaccident#prone. [-he has many accidents] ▪ an athetewho is in!ury#prone [-who is often inured]

• 2 : ying with the front of your ,ody facing downward▪ e was ying on the oor in a prone position. - e was;ying< prone on the oor. — compare S2!(E

• — proneness proneness to accidents/depression

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Commercialism  /noun

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• [noncount ] disapproving : theattitude or actions of peope who areinuenced too strongy ,y the desire

to earn money or ,uy goods ratherthan ,y other vaues▪ the commercialism of modern

society ▪ theincreasing commercialism of the%hristmas hoiday

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$launt  / ver,

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• %aunts; %aunted; %auntin&

• [+ obj] 1 : to show ;something< in a very openway so that other peope wi notice

▪ She i+ed to aunt  her weath ,y wearingfurs and ewery. ▪ $heir motto seems to ,e5 8'fyou("e &ot it) %aunt it>9 [-you shoud not ,eafraid to show your good features and taents]

 2 : to show a ac+ of respect for ;something5such as a rue< : ?"&2$ ▪ $hey openy aunted the rues.

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*ail /ver,

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• hails; hailed; hailin&

• [no obj] — used with it  to say thathai is faing ▪ It's hailing outside.[-hai is faing from the s+y]

• — compare #("

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+orn/ adective

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• 1 not used before a noun : ,rought into ife ,y the process of ,irth▪ She was born in a hospita. ▪ e was born on a farm. ▪ She was born inigeria in @A@@. ▪ $he ,a,y was born on Buy C@st. ▪ $heir second sonwas born prematurey. — see aso ?(1S$3&15 ED3&1

• 2 : having certain :uaities or characteristics from the time of ,irth▪ born ,ind/deaf ▪ 3oth twins were born heathy. ▪ $he author ar+ $wain was born Samue %emens. [-was named Samue %emens at,irth] ▪ She's a born teacher/eader. [-she was ,orn with the :uaitiesthat ma+e someone a teacher/eader] F(f you were ,orn todo something or ,orn to ,e something5 you have natura :uaities ortaents that ma+e you perfecty suited to do or ,e something.▪ She was born to teach. - She was born to be a teacher.

• 3 not used before a noun — used to descri,e the pace where someonewas ,orn ▪ e's #merican born. [-he was ,orn in #merica] ▪ e'seGican ,orn and ,red. - e was born and bred in eGico. [-his ,irthand chidhood too+ pace in eGico] — often used incom,ination ▪ aine=born

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Trickster /noun/

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•  plural tricksters

• [count ] : someone who tric+s ordeceives peope especiay in orderto get something▪ a sy trickster  — see aso%&?(6E%E $1(%)S$E1

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-m,e..le /ver,

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• em,e..les; em,e..led; em,e..lin&

• : to stea money that you have ,eentrusted with [+ obj] ▪ e wascaught embezzling money/fundsfrom his cients. [no obj] ▪ e was

convicted of embezzling.• —

em,e..lement / noun [noncount ]

▪ the embezzlement  of funds

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+ra"ado /noun

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• [noncount ] : conHdent or ,rave ta+or ,ehavior that is intended toimpress other peope

▪ is stories are aways todwith bravado. ▪ ( remem,er hisyouthfu bravado.

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icked /adective

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• 0ickeder; 0ickedest

• [also more icked; most icked] 1 a : moray ,ad : EI(" ▪ a icked act of cruety ▪ She payed the part ofthe icked stepmother/witch in the pay., informal : having or showing sighty ,ad thoughts in a way that is funnyor not serious

▪ She wore a icked grin after her victory. ▪ icked aughter ▪ She's +nownfor having a icked sense of humor.

• 2 informal : very ,ad or unpeasant▪ She had a icked case of food poisoning. ▪ # icked odor was comingfrom the coset.

• 3 informal : very good

▪ e throws a icked fast,a.• — 0ickedly adverb 

▪ $he chocoate ca+e oo+ed ickedly  tempting. ▪ e tod a ickedly  funnystory.

• — 0ickedness noun [noncount ] old!fashioned

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istress /noun

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• [noncount ] 1 : unhappiness or pain : su0ering that a0ects the mind or,ody▪ %iti4ens voiced their distress over deays in HGing the pro,em. ▪ $hepatient showed no o,vious signs of distress. ▪ e su0ered severeemotiona distress as a resut of the accident. ▪ $he new drug can causea,domina/gastric distress. [-stomach pain] ▪ a cry of distress ▪ e was

ceary in distress [-very upset] upon hearing the news.• 2 : a very diJcut situation in which you do not have enough money5

food5 etc.▪ She's chosen to devote her ife to heping those in distress. [-introuble, in need] ▪ 6onations were given tofamiies in ;Hnancia< distress.

• 3 of a boat, airplane, etc" : a state of danger or desperate need▪ $he ship was in distress. [-the ship was possi,y going to sin+] ▪ $he%oast Kuard responded to the ship's distress si&nal/call. [-signa orca for hep]

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istress /ver,

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• distresses; distressed; distressin&

• [+ obj] : to worry or upset ;someone<▪ $he news distressed [-disturbed]her. — usuay used as #be$ distressed ▪ ( asdistressed to earn that the hospita had cosed.

• — distressin& adjective [more distressing;most distressing]▪ ( heard some distressing news. ▪ (twas distressing to earn that the hospita hadcosed.

• — distressin&ly adverb

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A,sol"e /ver,

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• a,sol"es; a,sol"ed; a,sol"in&

• [+ obj] formal 1 : to ma+e ;someone< free fromguit5 responsi,iity5 etc.▪ e was absolved of the responsi,iity of repaying

the oan. [-he was not re:uired to repay theoan] ▪ is youth does not absolve him from ,eingguity for these crimes. - is youth doesnot absolve him of guit for these crimes.

 2 : to give forgiveness to ;someone who hassinned< or for ;a sin<▪ e as+ed the priest to absolve him ;of his sins<. -e as+ed the priest to absolve his sins.

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einforce /ver,

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• reinforces; reinforced; reinforcin&

• [+ obj] 1 : to strengthen ;a group of peope< with new suppies ormore peope▪ $he captain sent out another s:uad to reinforce the troops. ▪ &urcamp is reinforced with suppies own in ,y heicopter.

 2 : to strengthen ;something5 such as cothing or a ,uiding< ,y addingmore materia for support▪ She reinforced the e,ows of the ac+et. [-she sewed more materiaonto the e,ows of the ac+et] ▪$hesodiers reinforced [-strengthened] the ,arricades withsand,ags. ▪ $he evees wi need to ,ereinforced.

 3 : to encourage or give support to ;an idea5 ,ehavior5 feeing5 etc.<▪ $he ,ad weather forecast ony reinforces our decision to eave earytomorrow. ▪ Some critics say that the movie reinforces negativestereotypes a,out the miitary. ▪ De do our ,est to reinforce goodconduct in the cassroom.

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i,lin& /noun

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•  plural si,lin&s

• [count ] formal : a ,rother or sister▪ 6o you have any siblingsL[-,rothers orsisters] ▪ younger/oder siblings ▪ sibling reationships ▪ $here was ,arey

any si,lin& ri"alry [-competition,etween ,rothers and sisters] in ourfamiy.

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'ntro"ert /noun

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•  plural intro"erts

• [count ] : a shy person : a :uietperson who does not Hnd it easy tota+ to other peope —oppositeEM$1&IE1$

• — intro"erted / adjective [more

introverted; most introverted]▪ an introverted person/personaity

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utspoken /adective

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• [more outspoken; most outspoken] : ta+ing in afree and honest way a,out your opinions▪ She has ,een an outspoken advocate/supporter ofwomen's rights throughout her

ife. ▪ an outspokenand controversia radiohost ▪ y father was an outspoken critic of the war.- e was outspoken in his criticism of thewar. ▪ She's very outspoken a,out poitica issues.

• — outspokenly adverb ▪ She is outspokenly  i,era/conservative in herviews.

• — outspokenness / noun [noncount ]

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eser"ed /adective

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• 1 [more reserved; mostreserved] : not openy eGpressingfeeings or opinions

▪ She is a very reserved youngwoman.

• 2 : +ept for use ony ,y a particuar

person or group▪ a reserved par+ing space ▪ $hefront row is reserved for facuty.

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'nsensiti"e /ad!ecti"e

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• [more insensitive; most insensitive] : not sensitiveN suchas a : showing that you do not +now or care a,out thefeeings of other peope▪ e's ust a rude5 insensitive er+. ▪ araciay insensitive comment [-an o0ensive comment a,out

a person's race] ▪ (t was insensitive of her to say that., : not responding to or caring a,out pro,ems5 changes5 orneeds▪ an insensitive ,ureaucracy — often * to ▪ $he governmenthas ,een insensitive to the pu,ic's demands. ▪ anagers

must not ,e insensitive to the needs of their empoyees.c not used before a noun : not greaty a0ected ,y something— usuay * to ▪ e was insensitive to the ris+s invoved instarting a ,usiness. ▪ insensitive to pain

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Circuitous /ad!ecti"e

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• [more circuitous; mostcircuitous] formal 1 : not straight5short5 and direct

▪ e too+ a circuitous [-roundabout ]route to town.

• 2 : not said or done simpy or ceary

▪ a circuitous eGpanation ▪ $heirogic seems a ,it circuitous.

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+re"ity /noun

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• [noncount ] : the :uaity of ,eing ,riefN suchas a : the use of few words to say something▪ ('ve omitted certain passages for the sa+eof brevity . [-,ecause ( want to ,e,rief] ▪ $he ,oo+'s maor aw isits brevity . ▪ 8Brevity  is the sou of witO9 —Sha+espeare5 %amlet  ;@PQQ<, : the :uaity or fact of asting ony for ashort period of time▪ the brevity  of youth

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Maternity /noun

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• [noncount ] : the state of ,eing amother : &$E1&&6 — compare!#$E1($R

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-5pectant /ad!ecti"e

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• 1 [more e&pectant; moste&pectant ] : feeing or thin+ing thatsomething wi happen : eGpecting

something▪ #n e&pectant  crowd waited for herarriva.

• 2 alays used before anoun : eGpecting the ,irth of achid : soon to ,ecome a parent

▪ e&pectant  parents ▪ an e&pectant  

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'nstitute / ver,

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• institutes; instituted; institutin&

• [+ obj] formal : to ,egin or create;something5 such as a new aw5 rue5

or system<▪ 3y instituting these programs5 wehope to improve our chidren's

education. ▪ $heyhave instituted new poicies toincrease pu,ic safety. ▪ $he


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aniti.e /ver,

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•; saniti.ed;

• [+ obj] 1 : to ma+e ;something< free from dirt5infection5 disease5 etc.5 ,y ceaning it : to ma+e;something< sanitary▪ $he house+eeping sta0 sanitized the,athroom.

• 2 often disapproving : to ma+e ;something<more peasant and accepta,e ,y ta+ing thingsthat are unpeasant or o0ensive out of it▪ $hey're trying to sanitize the news.

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 -ncapsulate / "er,

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• encapsulates; encapsulated; encapsulatin&

• [+ obj] 1 : to show or eGpress the main idea or:uaity of ;something< in a ,rief way▪ a phrase that perfecty encapsulates [-sums

up] my feeings a,out the day ▪ $he Hrstsong encapsulates[-captures] the mood of thewhoe a,um.

• 2 : to competey cover ;something< especiay

so that it wi not touch anything ese▪ $he contaminated materia shoud,e encapsulated and removed.

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emeanor / noun

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•  plural demeanors

• [count ] : a person's appearance and,ehavior : the way someone seems to ,e

to other peope —usuay singuar ▪ Shehas a shy/friendy/warm demeanor . ▪ is:uiet demeanor  [-manner, bearing] hada caming e0ect on us. ▪ $heymaintained a soemn demeanor  as theytod us the ,ad news.

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Cler&yman / noun

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•  plural cler&ymen

• [count ] : a man who is a mem,er ofthe cergy especiay in a %hristian


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'n"aria,le /adective

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• : not changing or capa,e ofchange : staying the same : notvaria,e

▪ an invariable routine

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$a0n / ver,

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• fa0ns; fa0ned; fa0nin&

• [no obj] disapproving : to try to get theapprova of an important or powerfu person,y giving that person praise5 speciaattention5 etc.▪ a sports star surrounded,y faning fans — usuay * over  or on ▪ $hewaiters were faning ;a< over thecee,rity. ▪ She doesn't seem to mind,eing faned on ,y her fans.

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emonstrati"e /adective

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• 1 [more demonstrative; mostdemonstrative] formal : freey and openy showingemotion or feeings▪ She is more demonstrative ;a,out her feeings<

than ( am. [-she shows her feeings more openythan ( do]

• 2 grammar  : showing who or what is ,eingreferred to

▪ (n the phrase 8this is my hat59 the word 8this9 isa demonstrati"e pronoun. ▪ (n the phrase 8giveme that ,oo+59 the word 8that9 isa demonstrati"e ad!ecti"e.

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emote /ver,

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• demotes; demoted; demotin&

• [+ obj] : to change the ran+ orposition of ;someone< to a ower or

ess important one▪ $eachers can choose to demote astudent to a ower grade. ▪ $he army

maor was demoted to captain.— opposite !1&&$E

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0arf  /noun

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•  plural d0arfs also d0ar"es

• [count ] 1 in stories : a creature thatoo+s i+e a sma man and that often

ives underground and has magicapowers

• 2 sometimes oensive : a person

who is much smaer than mostpeope ,ecause of a medicacondition

• — see aso D($E 6D#1?

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'ndi&nant /adective

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• [more indignant; mostindignant ] : feeing or showing anger,ecause of something that is unfair

or wrong : very angry▪ She wrote an indignant  etter tothe editor. ▪ e was/got/,ecame

very indignant  a,out/over thechanges. ▪ an indignant  tone ofvoice

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Astray /adver,

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• 1 : o0 the right path or route — usuay usedwith go ▪ $hey mar+ed the trai so hi+ers woudn't goastray . [-,ecome ost] ▪ $he roc+et ent astray  afterifto0. ▪ $he etter ent astray . [-was ost]

 2 : away from what is right5 good5 or desira,e— usuay used with go or lead ▪ &derstudents ledhim astray . [-made him ,ehave,ady] ▪ $he writer goes ;,ady< astray  [-stops ,eingcorrect or reasona,e] when she ,ames the current

government for these pro,ems. ▪ $he !residentwas led astray [-convinced to ma+e a ,ad decision] ,yhis advisers. ▪ $heir pans have gone astray . [-havefaied]

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6ncontested / adective

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• : not having or invovingdisagreement5 argument5 oropposition

▪ an uncontested divorce [-a divorcewhich ,oth peope agree to] ▪ $he?ifth %ongressiona 6istrict seat

was uncontested. [-ony one personran in the eection for the ?ifth%ongressiona 6istrict seat] ▪ She

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