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“Being honest may not get you many friends, but it’ll always get you the right ones. ” John Lennon

Plastic surgery helpedMoran evade arrestDuring a 15-minutehearing on Monday at theNational Court in Madrid– which was closed to thepublic and press – Morandeclined to opposeattempts to extradite himback to Britain to serveout his sentence for armedrobbery.

However, the Court'sjudges are still consideringwhether to keep him inSpain for questioningabout a series of crimesthe police believe hecommitted while he was afugitive, including drugstrafficking. If he is charged

with any new crimes, hewill have to serve out anyjail term in Spain beforereturning to Britain.

The 31 year-old waswatering his plants next tothe swimming pool withhis girlfriend GennaHarvieu, 28, at the housewhere they had lived forjust a month in Calpe nearAlicante when agents fromSpain's SpecialOperations Group raidedthe premises on behalf ofthe UK’s SeriousOrganised Crime Agency(SOCA). It seems thatMoran, the last remaining

wanted criminal on aspecial police hit list, hadbeen placed undersurveillance three weeksearlier after SOCA hadreceived a tip about hisnew hideaway.

The Special OperationsGroup later released moredetails of his attempts toevade capture since fleeingBritain in February 2009.In addition to the cosmeticsurgery he had undergone,Moran was also about toundergo laser eye surgerybecause he believed hisglasses would helpidentify him. They said he

also kept two guns in awater meter by hisgarden fence and sleptwith a 5ft machete underhis bed.

Moran was nearly

captured in November butevaded capture byramming two unmarkedpolice vehicles and drivingthe wrong way down thebusy AP7 motorway.



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Spanish police said on Monday that one of the UK’s most wanted fugitives, Andrew Moran, hadundergone cosmetic surgery and used fake Irish and Lithuanian passports to remain on the run.

Page 2: The News Newspaper - Issue 226









T Eurovision 2013Put the television on this Saturday evening to share the ups and downs ofthis annual extravaganza. BonnieTyler will be singing for the UK.

See page 17 of Out & About andour TV pages 24/25 for details

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN General News02




Myth and TraditionNow on at the Carmen Thyssenmuseum in central Malaga is atemporary exhibition of works bycelebrated fin-de-siecle Cordobaartist Julio Romero de Torres.Museo Carmen Thyssen opendaily from 10am to 8pm )closed Mondays)

It’s the Germans’ turn!The next Friendship Day in Mijas pueblo ison May 24th when the Germans will beshowcasing their culture, food and drink,with singing, dancing and, of course beerand sausage.

Friday May 24th, 12 noon to 6 pm. Seethe article on page 18 for details.




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Information provided by


Moran, from Salford,Manchester, was chargedwith an armed robbery ofRoyal Mail guards inLancashire in 2005 butabsconded during his trialat Burnley Crown Court inFebruary 2009 by leapingfrom the dock andassaulting four securityguards.

The jury later returneda guilty verdict and he wasconvicted in his absence.Moran was the last ofseven men targeted aspart of a multi-agencyinitiative to combatorganised crime in Salford.He was also on the mostwanted list for

Crimestoppers' OperationCaptura campaign and hisarrest means 50 fugitiveshave now been caughtsince it was launched.

ONPlastic surgery helped Moranevade arrest


24 1223 12

Continued from FRONT PAGE

The News Media Group

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damp and well done to all thedogs who won prizes. Have alook at the report on page 16.

Next we had a wedding toget to. Tracey and Kevin tiedthe knot back up in Coin and,although the sun wasn’texactly shining, it was warmand, following a lovely serviceby licenced layminister/reader CarolineMcfarlane, we all troopedback to The Olive Tree for aslap up buffet and, of coursemy favourite... CAKE! Have alook at the report on thewedding on page 13 and ifyou know someone tying theknot, let me know the details.

I certainly needed a lot ofenergy on Sunday of lastweekend.

First of all I was doingmy annual stint judging thePAD Dog Show that startedat 11am. I like to get toplaces in plenty of time sowe walked our dogs early inthe relatively cloudy butnevertheless warm campoin Coin, then got in the carfor the journey over toMijas Village. By the timewe got there, it was doingthat fine drizzle thing (whatI believe the Irish call “wetrain”) and I had to buy ajumper, coat and hat fromone of the stalls. Mind you,they were a real bargainand it put a few morepennies in the coffers forPAD so it wasn’t a disasteranyway. The show carriedon in the best traditionseven though there weren’ta lot of people that hadturned up due to theweather and not so manydogs. So, well done to allthose doggies who hadbrought their ownersalong, well done to all thestallholders who got a bit

Page 3: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

WEDNESDAY, May 15th2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NNational News 03the ewsN

National NewsON THIS DATE IN

1730Robert Walpole became England’s

first prime minister

Last 37 years, 'thebest in history'


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Engineer/businessmanJuan Miguel Villar Mirtold the inaugural meetingof the SpanishEngineering Summit onMonday that "during thereign of Don Juan Carlos,Spain caught up politicallyand institutionally withthe most developedcountries, thanks in largepart to the Monarchy'sintegrating effect".

He added that despitethe current economiccrisis, "these past 37 years

have been the best in themodern history of Spain".

He underlined the"great role of internal andexternal cohesion playedby the King, which allowedour businessmen to investheavily, especially inSouth America andEurope, generating profitsfor themselves and thecounties they invested in".Crown Prince Felipechaired the opening of thesummit.

The Europeancommissioner foremployment, László Andor,suggested during aseminar in Madrid onMonday that Spain shouldconsider introducing asingle work contract as ameans of stemming highunemployment, particularlyamong young workers,and ending thesegmentation that marksthe Spanish labourmarket. A single workcontract would do awaywith the distinctionbetween temporary andpermanent workers. Andortold the seminar that incountries such as Spain,workers on permanentcontracts are excessivelyprotected in comparisonwith temporary workers,who have fewer rights.Spain has the highest

percentage of workers ontemporary contracts inEurope. As Andor madehis comments, PrimeMinister Mariano Rajoywas addressing a newsconference with hisvisiting Portuguesecounterpart, Pedro PassosCoelho. Rajoy said that hewas “very satisfied” withthe labour reformintroduced by hisgovernment in February oflast year, which makes iteasier and cheaper to sackworkers by reducing theirseverance pay entitlements.“We have no intention ofchanging things in oneway or another,” Rajoysaid. “We are currently ina process of evaluation tosee the effects it has had,but I can tell you we arevery satisfied.” TheConfederation of Spanish

Businesses has also beencalling for a single workcontract. Labour MinisterFátima Báñez hasrecognised the need tosimplify the differenttypes of contracts thatexist in Spain, but thetrade unions argue thatthis would reduce theoverall stability of thelabour market. Rajoy isdue to meet with businessleaders and labour unionleaders on Thursday todiscuss reforms.

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Spain urged to adoptsingle work contract

Page 4: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN National News04

Two Civil Guardsstationed in Navarrearrived in Madrid onSunday after cycling 829kilometres, one for eachvictim murdered by theBasque terrorist groupETA.

The two Guardiaarrived at 1 pm in thePlaza de la RepúblicaDominicana, where a carbomb killed 14 GuardiaCivil on July 14th, 1986.They were greeted byshouts of "Viva la GuardiaCivil" by the crowdwaiting for them there.

Among those waiting tomeet the two men,identified only as Luis andFrancisco, were MadridCity Mayor Ana Botella,the director general of theGuardia Civil, ArsenioFernández de Mesa, andthe president of theAssociation of Victims ofTerrorism (AVT), AngelesPedraza. The two men told

the crowd they haddecided to make their"long and hard" ride toremind people that ETAstill existed. ETA declaredan end to violence morethan a year ago but thetwo Guardia said "peoplehad short memories andneeded to be reminded ofthe killings committed byETA" over its four decadesof existence.

"So we decided to makeour own special homage tothe victims", the two mensaid. They thanked SrFernández de la Mesa forallowing them to use theGuardia Civil insigniaduring the ride, "eventhough we were not onduty". They gavecommemorative jerseys tohim, the AVT presidentand the mayor, who alsoreceived a scarf that istypically worn during theSan Fermin bullruns, sentby the mayor of Pamplona.Mayor Botella praised the

Guardia Civil for its"commitment andgenerosity" in the fightagainst ETA.

Guardia Civil directorFernández de la Mesa saidhe was proud of Luis andFrancisco and remindedthe crowd that theGuardia Civil celebratedits 169 years of service tothe Spanish people thefollowing day.

The High Court in Madridhas turned downSwitzerland’s request toextradite Hervé Falciani,the former HSBC PrivateBank employee who hasbecome a cause célèbreafter blowing the whistleon tax evaders.

The French–Italiancomputer expert made offwith files detailing130,000 of the Geneva-based bank’s clients in2008 and is wanted inSwitzerland on fourcharges relating to hisdata grab. The Madridcourt ruled that theprinciple of “doubleincrimination” is notsatisfied in this case,meaning that the offencesof which Falciani isaccused are not listed assuch in Spanish criminallaw.

The Monaco-born ITexpert was arrested inSwitzerland – where he isaccused of financial

espionage, violation of thebank secrecy law, revealingcommercial secrets andstealing clients’ privatedata – but left the countryand was finally arrestedagain in Spain last July.

The High Court alsoconsidered that theinformation Falciani hadfacilitated to the taxauthorities in France,Spain, Germany, Italy andthe United States wasrelated to criminalactivities that are “in noway eligible for legitimateprotection”. Informationreleased by Falciani has

allowed the Spanishgovernment to recovermore than €300 million oflost taxes between 2010and 2011, with furtherrelated investigations stillin progress.

Falciani, who had beenreleased on bail by theSpanish courts before hisApril 15th extraditionhearing, is now free totravel outside Spain. If theMadrid court had ruled infavour of the Swissrequest, the Spanishgovernment would havehad the last word on theextradition process.

829 km ride forETA victims

HSBC whistleblowernot to be extradited

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The SUP police union made an official complaint on Friday afterofficers claimed that they are suffering ill effects due to 600confiscated marijuana plants that are currently being stored atpolice deadquarters. The plants have been in a basementgarage at the police station since May 3rd, the day that theywere seized during a raid on a property in Calpe, Valencia.

in the complaint, the SUP said both officers and detainees"were suffering the consequences of these narcoticsubstances," which were causing "headaches, nausea andalterations of their mental equilibrium". Spain's slow courtsoften means that drugs are stored for long periods of time inpolice premises, something that has led to a number of high-profile robberies of seized narcotics in recent years.

Police complain of drug-induced nausea


The secretary of state for the environment, Federico ramos,has said the new Coast Law, which is significantly more lenientthan its predecessor, will benefit over half a million people whoown homes, hotels, beach bars and other businesses right onthe beachfront.

The old Coast Law, aimed at clearing the Spanish coastline ofthe cement that covers it following years of indiscriminatebuilding, affected thousands of foreigners who boughtproperties in Spain, including many Britons. The new law willlet around 1,000 hotels, 3,000 beach bars and 1,700 otherbusinesses off the hook, even though they sit right on thebeachfront.

Sr ramos said it will save 150,000 direct jobs, mainly in thetourism sector, as well as 12,800 homes built on public land,some of which were due for demolition in 2018.

New Coast Law to help half a million


Di Stéfano's family fightagainst his marriage

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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The 86-year-old has beendating Costa Rican TVjournalist Gina González,35, for three years. He mether when she was hired tohelp research hisautobiography and theywill marry "within themonth", the pair said lastweek.

But Di Stéfano's fivechildren – Silvana,Alfredo, Helena, Sofia andIgnacio – have lodged apetition with a Madridjudge arguing the need for"precautionary measures"to protect their father'sestate.

"In the face of theevident deterioration ofhis physical and cognitivefaculties, awaiting amedical diagnosis on hisstate of health, hischildren have taken thedecision to ask thecompetent court to issue a

declaration of incapacity.We believe his currentstate of vulnerability,together with his obviousmedia profile, could resultin abusive conducttowards him."

However, theArgentina-born strikerwidely recognised as one ofthe world's greatestfootballers ever, said hewould continue regardless."I don't care what mychildren think. I'm in loveand I'm getting married toGina," Di Stéfano told ElMundo newspaper lastweekend. "I maybe 86 butI have a young heart."

The club he helped turninto the most successful inEuropean soccer is alsounhappy with hisrelationship. De Gonzálezhad been banned from theVIP box at the Bernabéustadium until Di Stéfano

said he would not attenduntil the veto was lifted.

Di Stéfano, made hisname at Real Madridscoring 216 goals in 282appearances between 1953and 1964 and is nowhonorary president of theclub. He suffered a heartattack in 2005 shortlyafter the death of his wifeSara to whom he wasmarried for 55 years.

He is now confined to awheelchair after undergoingseveral heart operationbut regularly attends Real

Madrid matches whenthey play at home.

The children of the Real Madrid football legend have asked a court to rule thattheir father is "mentally incapable" in an attempt to prevent his marriage to awoman 50 years his junior.



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Page 6: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

World NewsON t hIS dat E IN

1940McDonalds opened its 1st restaurant

in San Bernardino, California

a new report by the un Food and agriculture Organisation (FaO)says that eating insects could help boost nutrition and reducepollution. Over 2 billion people worldwide already supplementtheir diet with insects but the report says that "consumer disgust"remains a large barrier in many Western countries. However, itpoints out that insects are nutritious, with high protein, fat andmineral content. Other points in their favour are that "they areeverywhere and reproduce quickly, and they have high growthand feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint".The report suggests that the food industry could help in "raisingthe status of insects" by including them in new recipes and addingthem to restaurant menus. It goes on to note that in some places,certain insects are considered delicacies.

'Eat insects to fight world hunger'


Six years in jail for Berlusconi


President nicolas Maduro has launched a massive security planaimed at curbing street crime. under operation "Safe Homeland",3,000 soldiers will patrol the streets of the capital Caracas andother cities. Venezuela has one of the highest homicide rates inSouth america. The government says more than 16,000 peoplewere killed in crimes in 2012, a rate of 54 per 100,000, but theVenezuela Violence Observatory, a campaign group, put last year'smurder rate much higher – at 73 per 100,000 people. under theoperation Safe Homeland soldiers will patrol the country's 79most crime ridden areas – including four in Caracas. Crime figureshave been rising steadily since the late president Hugo Chaveztook office in 1999.

Army to fight street crime


Retailers to sign up toBangladesh safety

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN World News06


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or pictures to The [email protected]

Prosecutors have demanded a six-year sentence and lifetime banfrom public office at the latest trial of former Prime Minister SilvioBerlusconi. They allege he paid more than €4.5 million to 17-year-old Moroccan girl Karima El-Mahroug, known as "Ruby theHeartstealer" for sex at his residence in 2010 and abused his termin office. Mr Berlusconi is already embroiled in several court cases.In the latest case, the prosecution said women invited to hisprivate residence for so-called "bunga-bunga" party eveningswere part of a prostitution ring set up for his personal sexualsatisfaction. Last week Italian prosecutors requested a newcorruption trial against Mr Berlusconi, who they allege bribed aleft-wing senator to defect to his right-wing People of Freedomparty (PDL) in 2006.

Police superintendentRonal Serpas said onMonday that Akein Scott,19, has been identified bya number of people as thegunman who shot 19people at a New OrleansMother's Day parade onSunday. Three victims ofthe attack remained in acritical condition onMonday, although theywere expected to survive.

Supt Serpas said it wastoo early to say if AkeinScott was the only suspectbecause three people hadbeen seen fleeing the

area. He told a newsconference outside policeheadquarters that thepolice had received anumber of tip-offs afterannouncing a $10,000reward and releasingblurry surveillance cameraimages.

It is unclear whatprompted the shooting inthe city's 7th Ward at abusy second-line parade –an impromptu communityprocession in whichpeople dance down thestreet behind an officialparade.

New Orleansshooting suspect

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Retailers in Europe,including Hennes &Mauritz and Inditex whichowns Zara, have said theywill sign an accord toimprove safety conditionsin factories in Bangladesh,in response to the collapseof the garment factorybuilding last month whichkilled more than 1,100people.

The accord includesregulations on safetyinspections and requiresretailers to pay for factoryrepairs. Discount clothingcompany Primark and UKsupermarket chain Tescohave also signed up to the

agreement. However, USfirm Gap Inc declined tosign the agreement,saying it would only sign ifchanges were made torules on how disputeswere resolved.

The collapse of thefactory was Bangladesh'sworst industrial disaster.In the wake of it thegovernment has beentaking steps to tryand reassure Westernbuyers.

On Monday, it alteredthe country's labour law toallow garment workers toform unions. Earlier it

increased the minimumwage in the sector to£25 a month, which is stillone of the lowest in theworld.

After China,Bangladesh is the biggestexporter of clothing, ofwhich 60 per cent goes toEuropean retailers.

US protests after the Bangladesh disaster

Osaka Mayor ToruHashimoto said onMonday that the systemby which women wereforced to becomeprostitutes for World WarII troops was "necessary".He said: "In thecircumstances in whichbullets are flying like rainand wind, the soldiers arerunning around at the riskof losing their lives. If youwant them to have a restin such a situation, acomfort women system isnecessary. Anyone canunderstand that."However, he

acknowledged that thewomen had been acting"against their will".

Some 200,000 women interritories occupied byJapan during WWII areestimated to have beenforced into becoming sexslaves for troops. Japan'streatment of its wartimerole has been a frequentsource of tension with itsneighbours. MrHashimoto is famous inJapan for his controversialcomments. Last year hesaid that Japan needed "adictatorship".

'Comfort women'were 'necessary'

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WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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Page 8: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Keep up with the news from homewhile living or taking a holiday

here in Spain UK NewsNEWS


Prince Harry has honouredAmerica’s war dead andformer President John F.Kennedy – who wasassassinated in 1963 – bylaying floral tributes atWashington’s ArlingtonNational Cemetery.

Flower Prince


This page written by Vic Gardner

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN UK News08

Britain’s Equalities Minister JoSwinson almost died of anallergic reaction after eating abiscuit that contained nuts.The MP for EastDunbartonshire was drivinghome from a charity cake salewhen she began eating thebiscuit. The 33-year-old wassaved by doctors at Glasgow’sSouthern General Hospital.



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Overseas residentsto lose pensionsPeople living overseas –some of whom have neverbeen to Britain – will nolonger be entitled to aBritish state pensionbased on the work historyof their spouse.

Around 220,000overseas residents receivethe payment at a cost of

£410 million a year. Themeasure is included in theQueen’s Speech this weekand will prevent newclaims from 2016. Existingpensioners will not beaffected.

Pensions MinisterStave Webb told the DailyTelegraph newspaper:

“You pay NationalInsurance, you get apension, but folk who havenever been here buthappen to be married tosomeone who has aregetting pensions. Mostpeople would think that isnot what NationalInsurance is for.”

Sale of Royal Mailwill go aheadThe efficiency of the RoyalMail in Britain is oftentaken for granted and theinstitution has served as amodel for many postalservices throughout theworld.

But the Governmenthas now decided toprivatise the institutionand the move has come

under attack from theopposition Labour Party,which has accused thecoalition of holding a firesale to raise badly-neededfinances.

Ministers are pressingahead with the sell-offdespite opposition frompostal workers who say asale this year will not

deliver best value for thetaxpayer.

A Governmentspokesman said the RoyalMail was an importantpart of Britain’s social andeconomic fabric and wouldonly be sold if it getsmaximum value for thetaxpayer.

Royal plea forour rainforestsBritain’s best knownconservationist, the Princeof Wales, has said that thedestruction of the world’srainforests is the greatestrisk man has ever taken.He was speaking at a two-day meeting of renownedtropical forest scientistsand politicians at StJames’s Palace and he

said global leaders mustact now because the risk ofnot doing so is far toogreat.

They had gathered toconsider how to protect theworld’s rainforests and HisRoyal Highness admittedthat his work on the issuewas often disheartening.

Supermarketsin ‘online’ spatBritish supermarket firmWaitrose is concernedbecause its online partnerOcado is involved in talkswith supermarket rivalMorrisons.

Ocado is closely linkedwith Waitrose, deliveringthe supermarket’sproducts ordered on lineby customers, and Ocadohas now confirmed it is

involved in negotiationswith a view to helpingMorrisons set up its ownonline business.

But while Waitrose islooking at its contract andfears there may be aconflict of interest, Ocadohas said any deal withMorrsisons would be acompletely separatearrangement.

Pregnantwomen to getbreath testsPregnant women are to betested for smoking bymidwives under newNational Health Servicerules in Britain.

Some 20 per cent ofwomen smoke whilepregnant and this can leadto low birth weight for

babies and complicationsin pregnancy and labour.

The testing will be inthe form of breath tests atantenatal appointmentswhich will check forcarbon dioxide found incigarettes.

Economy isstrongerBank of England GovernorSir Mervyn King isexpected to provide animproved forecast ofBritain’s economic outlookfollowing the publicationof data that suggesting theso-called “double-dip”recession in Britain neverreally happened.

Sir Mervyn has been at

the helm duringparticularly turbulenttimes for the Britisheconomy and he is to besucceeded by Mark Carneyin July.

He steps down asconstruction andmanufacturing appears tobe picking up and servicescontinue to do well.

Seventy-five thousand soccerfans saw trusted centre backRio Ferdinand score a late goalto ensure a 2-1 win forManchester United overSwansea in the club’s finalhome game involving retiringmanager Sir Alex Ferguson.It was an emotional farewellfor Sir Alex, the mostsuccessful manager of all time.He recalled the lean timeswhen he joined the club andtold fans to stand by newmanager David Moyes, whojoins from Everton in thesummer.Ferguson paid tribute to long-serving midfielder PaulScholes, who started Sunday’sgame and will also retire in thesummer.Sir Alex said he would still be aregular at Old Trafford. “I willbe able to go along and watchthem rather than suffer withthem,” he said.



Page 9: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NUK News 09the ewsN

Last week we had the firstpart of a report on OffshoreTrust Assets and the changesto them. This week, AndreaSpeed of Speed FinancialSolutions concludes herreport on what the changesare and how it can affect you.

So the question is, areoffshore trusts still suitablefor expat IHT planning?After all, Britons livingabroad who are non-UK taxresident often have noliability to the likes ofincome or capital gains taxin the UK.Many in the financial

services industry, includingprominent offshore trustcompanies, say NOT – thelatest government changesto the tax treatment ofoffshore trusts make themunsuitable for most Britishdomiciled individuals – nomatter where in the worldyou live.

IS MY TRUSTAFFECTED?In short, it depends howyour trust was set up:Trusts avoid the need forprobate, ensuring thatassets pass to beneficiarieswithout delay. Trusts can beused for different purposesbut here I will focus on twofamily succession planning

trusts. A typical trust usedby expats givingdiscretionary powers totrustees is a discretionarytrust. This means that thetrustees can manage whenit is appropriate and decidefor what purpose money isdistributed to thebeneficiaries.Discretionary trusts can

be set up that continue tobenefit their creator (settlor)– A Succession Trust – thisis often used to pass on theproceeds of a Life AssuranceBond to a class of potentialbeneficiaries created by thesettlor when creating thetrust . During their lifetime,the settlor can still benefitfrom the trust funds,making this an idealarrangement for expats withinvestment plans. However,as the settlor (creator) canstill benefit during theirlifetime, this trust IS NOTappropriate and doesnothing for inheritance taxmitigation.Alternatively,

discretionary trusts can becreated specificallyexcluding the creator(settlor) from benefiting – AFlexible Gift Trust. Thistrust is used to pass onwealth to future generationswith various classes ofpotential beneficiaries. By

excluding the settlor thistrust IS suitable forinheritance tax mitigation.Trusts are not

universally recognised inevery jurisdiction, so it isimportant that you takeadvice before implementingany arrangement. If you’rean expat and you’reconcerned about the factthat your estate may beliable for IHT duties afteryou’re gone, you have a realobligation to your heirs tolook into how best tostructure your affairs tolegitimately reduce theirinheritance tax burden inthe future. Speak to SpeedFinancial Solutions today –and remember thatlegislation changes all thetime, so have regularreviews of how your affairsare structured to ensurethey remain compliant andbest suited to the task inhand – i.e., offsetting IHTliability.

Written by Andrea J Speed,Principal, Speed FinancialSolutions6 th May [email protected] 315 271/951 318 529

Offshore Trust Assets report - part 2

As the debate over Britishmembership of theEuropean Union rumbleson in the British newsmedia, two cabinetministers have declaredthey would vote to leavethe European Union asthings stand at themoment.But Defence Secretary

Philip Hammond andEducation SecretaryMichael Gove both saythey will back PrimeMinister David Cameron’s

plans to negotiate thereturn of some powers toBritain, putting this tovoters in an in/outreferendum after the nextgeneral election. Speaking on the BBC

Television’s Andrew MarrShow, Mr Gove said itwould be “perfectlytolerable” to cut ties withEurope and Mr Hammondtold BBC Radio: “If thechoice is between aEuropean Union writtenexactly as it is today and

not being part of that, thenI have to say that I’m onthe side of the argumentthat Michael Gove has putforward.”Former chancellor Lord

Lawson, who wasoriginally in favour of theEuropean Union, hascalled for a British exitand suggested the Toriescould lose the nextelection, in which case,even if membership wererenegotiated, there mightnot be a referendum.

Cabinet ministerssay they would voteto leave Europe

Huhne and Pryceleave jail after onlynine weeks served

If you are heading back toBritain, then theGovernment’s legislativeprogramme for the yearahead, set out in theQueen’s Speech at theState Opening ofParliament, will almostcertainly be of interest toyou.

New measures wereannounced to help smallbusinesses and people whowork and want to get on inlife.

A Social Care Bill willend the situation wherepeople who have workedhard all their lives have tosell their homes to fundtheir care when theybecome elderly.

An Immigration Billwill further reform theimmigration system bytightening immigrationlaw, strengtheningenforcement powers andclamping down on thosefrom overseas who abuseUK public services.

A Pensions Bill willcreate a simple flat ratepension that encouragessaving and helps womenwho have had long careerbreaks.

A National InsuranceContributions Bill will cutthe cost of recruiting newemployees, meaning up to1.25 million employers willbenefit, with around450,000 taken out ofpaying employercontributions altogether –one third of all employers.

A Rehabilitation Billwill radically overhaulhow offenders are dealtwith when they come outof prison.

Other measures set outin the speech are intendedto help Britain competebetter in the global race bycutting unnecessaryregulations, modernisingthe rules on intellectualproperty and encouraginginvestment in the energysector.

New plansannounced

Chris Huhne's ex-wifeVicky Pryce (pictured left)has said she is "pleased tobe home" after servingnine weeks of an eightmonth prison sentence forperverting the course ofjustice when she tookspeeding points for herhusband a decade ago.Allegations about thepoints swap only emergedin the press in 2011 afterthe then high-flyingpolitician dumped his wifefor another woman. The

case led to the exposure ofthe bitter breakdown oftheir 26-year marriageand left Huhne's politicalcareer in tatters. VickyPryce, 60, and her ex-husband Huhne, 58,pictured below, were bothreleased from jail early onMonday after servingaround a quarter of theirsentences.The former Cabinet

minister left LeyhillPrison in Gloucestershirethrough the mainentrance, making noattempt to avoid thewaiting press but alsomaking no commenteither.Pryce, 60, in contrast,

emerged from East SuttonPark open prison nearMaidstone in Kentthrough a back entrance.But on arriving at herhome in London shortlybefore 10am, she posed forpictures and said that shewould be returning to hercareer as an economist.Both will now have to

wear electronic tags – usedto enforce either a timedcurfew or a place ofresidence. For sentencesunder a year, an offenderisautomaticallyfreed afterserving halftheir sentence.Those servingbetween threemonths andfour years, withcertainexceptions for

violent and sexualoffenders, may also beeligible for release on ahome detention curfew.This allows an offender toleave prison up to 135days before theirautomatic release date.The pair are still yet to

hear how much they willhave to pay for the cost oftheir prosecution. TheCrown Prosecution Serviceis seeking more than£100,000 from Huhne, butthe former Lib Dempolitician's legal team hasoffered just £25,000.Prosecutor Andrew EdisQC told the court: "All ofthis occurred because MrHuhne decided to doeverything he could to tryand get away with what hehad done and gave in onlyat the last minute whendefeat was inevitable." ButHuhne's barrister JohnKelsey-Fry QC said it was"simply unjust andunreasonable to expectHuhne to pay what hedescribed as "every singlepossible penny thatanybody could think of".The CPS is also seeking atotal of £48,695.56 fromPryce.

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Page 10: The News Newspaper - Issue 226


2010Australian Jessica Watson became the youngest

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WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Local News10

Course for avocadoand mango growersThe land in Mijasmunicipality is ideal forcultivating avocado andmango and alreadyproduces 3,000 tons ofavocados a year. But thereis plenty of room for moreand now that the crisis isforcing people back toworking the land, the

council has come to anagreement with the MijasSubtropical Cooperativeand the agriculturalsupply companyAgrotrapiche to offercourses in the cultivationof these two fruits. Thecourse will be held fromMay 20th to 24th at the

council's training andemployment centre and isfree of charge.

A similar course washeld in 1999 withconsiderable success and aspokesman said thecouncil hopes to offersimilar courses morefrequently in the future.



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Former mayor JuliánMuñoz tells what he callsthe "naked truth" in thebook he has just publishedabout his legal trials andtribulations of recentyears.

In the book "La crudaverdad" which made itsdebut on Monday –without the author who isin Alhaurin de la Torre jail– Muñoz exonerates bothhimself and his formerwife, Maite Zaldivar, whohe says was blinded byjealousy and TV fame.

He says singer IsabelPantoja, and his ex-wifeare, like himself, innocentof everything they areaccused of. Of Pantoja, helaments that she blameshim for all the bad things

that have happened to hersince she met him in 2004.He also points out that herespects justice more thanjustice has respected him.Journalist Miguel ÁngelOrdóñez who helped himwrite the book says allproceeds from its sale willgo the tax office "by way ofrepentance".

One of the chargesagainst the former mayor– in addition to moneylaundering and acceptingbackhanders – is taxevasion. He was given asentence of seven yearsand jailed immediatelybecause of his escape risk.Pantoja is appealingagainst the two year’ssentence and the hefty fineshe received for moneylaundering.

The relationshipbetween the mayor andthe singer soured while heserved his first term injail. "When I got out," herecalls, "eager to continuesharing my life with her, Irealised she had changedand that our love wasover." Despite the fact thatshe "abandoned him like adog", Muñoz writes: "Ilove, have loved and willalways love her."

Former Marbella mayortells it ‘as it was’

The Picasso Museumopened its doors for thefirst time on Monday toallow some 4,000 peoplefrom two cruise shipsbelonging to the HollandAmerica Lines to visit.

Museums the worldover usually close onMonday to give their staffa day of rest. But aspokesman said themuseum may make ahabit of opening onMondays so as not todisappoint thousands ofpeople who may neverhave another chance to seeits priceless collection.

Picasso Museum breakswith tradition

New investor forMarbella port projectThe authors of thetechnical project toextend La Bajadilla haveannounced they intend tosue Sheikh Al-Thani forabandoning the deal.

They have alsoinformed the Junta de

Andalucia that they havefound another "solvent"investor willing to put upthe money for the project.

They said they havetaken the necessary stepsto take over the projectthemselves and are in aposition to bring it to asuccessful conclusion.

Bottled gas now costs twoper cent more with a limitof €17.5. A governmentspokesman said therewould be no further pricerise until the autumnwhen talks will be heldwith the gas companies.He said people should usethe book of complaints ifthey were charged morethan €17.5.

Bottled gasup again

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Page 11: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

The Supreme Court is to review the sentence handed down toMayor Juan Martín Serón on June 4th. in the so-called Troyaurban planning corruption case he was found guilty of briberyand fined €200,000 in addition to a one-year suspension. Theprosecution had originally asked for fines of $2 million, oneyear in jail and a suspension of three years and nine monthsfor both Martin Seron and urban planning councillor gregorioguerra, and lesser sentences for the 11 others involved in thecase.

Mayor's sentence to be reviewed

alHaurin el granDe

a Seville judge has confirmed the decision of the andalusianHealth Service (SaS) to end the contract of a woman doctoron grounds of insufficient qualifications and of being a despotwith her patients and their families and of being rude to hercolleagues, calling them "drunks" and "alcoholics". The judgefound that the Peruvian-born doctor, identified only as a.D.e.,had not done anything to correct her short-comings or mendher highhanded ways. The judge said SaS had done the rightthing to guarantee the good service and attention to users ofthe health service.

'Bad' doctor dismissed


ankur was one year old when he arrived at fuengirola's Bioparcfrom the Beauval Zoo in france, as part of a programme to breedtigers in captivity. The other part of his job was to raise people'sawareness about the difficulties that tigers have to survive in theworld – and not just the white ones, which today only survive incaptivity. But life moves on and his services are now required inMaia Zoo in Portugal, to where he will be transferred in June.The Bioparc has prepared a programme of activities to bid himfarewell, details of which will be posted on its website, roka and asmara, the park'sSumatran tigers, will move back into the limelight after ankur'sdeparture.

Last chance to see white tiger


Noise invadesCordoba's patios

Since Unesco declaredCorboda's normallytranquil patios as anIntangible WorldHeritage, the usualsounds of water tricklingout of fountains andbirdsong have beenbanished from them forthe duration of the MostBeautful Patio contestheld every May.

The local authoritiesexpected crowds again thisyear but apparently it hasbeen more of an invasion,despite efforts to regulatethe visits to each patio.Visiting times have beenreduced to three hours fora maximum number of ten

visitors but huge queuesare forming long beforethe 52 patios open theirdoors.

The contest ends onMay 19th but many patioowners are alreadyworking with travelagencies to open them at

other times of the yearbecause of the economicbenefits for the city.

Business at bars, hotelsand cafeterias is boomingand, given these times ofcrisis, the incomegenerated by the patiocontest is very welcome.

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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The owner of some 40hectares of greenhouses inAlmeria fled last week,leaving them to 120mainly Moroccanemployees, most of whomhadn't been paid foranything up to a year.

The AndalusianWorkers Syndicate ofAlmeria said he hadpromised to pay theworkers a week or so agobut was unable to find themoney so he left them thegreenhouses in lieu ofpayment. He informedthem a few daysbeforehand by textmessages that he and hiswife were leaving thecountry because they wereunable to meet theirfinancial obligations.

As they have not beenformally dismissed inwriting – which meansthey cannot claim theirseverance pay – theworkers have decided tostay on until the end of theharvest season.

Andalusia has alwaysbeen famous for its fruitsand flowers but it nowlooks as if the region isbecoming a majorcultivator of marijuana.

The hippies no longerhave a monopoly on theweed, as social toleranceincreases. Growing it canalso provide a nice sourceof income, although thepolice usually only tolerateup to ten plants in any oneplace "for privateconsumption". Any moreand it turns into abusiness.

Growing your own isnow so widespread andacceptable that mostmajor viveros (nurseries),which sell a variety ofsoils, now openly sell oneespecially for growingmarijuana plants.However, the recentspate of marijuanaplantation busts indicatesthat for some it isnow a very lucrativebusiness.

Just recently the police

Marijuana putsdown roots

Greenhousesgiven toemployees


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discovered a plantation ofmore than 13,000 plantswhose owners weremaking a fortuneexporting the end productto Holland.

The authorities nowfear that Andalusia isfast becoming the"marijuana plantation ofEurope".

Page 12: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Memo fromMadridMartin DelfínWrites for the English language version of

The LocalVoice

Muriel Pilkington

Here at The News we alwaystry to warn our readers aboutupcoming dangers – like the

police clamping down on speeding,talking on your mobile while driving,not wearing safety belts or helmets,etc. These all are silly things that weall do absentmindedly at some timeor other.

But the government is up tomuch more serious tricksthese days – trying to catch

benefits abusers and in this caseaimed specifically at people on thedole. We may soon find out just howmany of those alleged five millionunemployed really are unemployed,and not drawing dole while workingand being paid black money underthe table. Figures from last year,show that from January to June, theauthorities caught 4,379 peoplecollecting dole while working "underthe counter" – an increase of nearly40 per cent over the same period in2011.

It's very tempting for both partiesconcerned – the worker gets alittle extra and the employer

saves on social security payments,which can be quite high when theemployee is young. The governmentis determined to root out tax fraudand is now implementing a strategyto do just that. Unemployed peopleare being contacted by phone athome during what would be normalworking hours and told to appear attheir dole office the next day at agiven time – again within normalworking hours. If the person doesn'tshow or tries to change the day ortime this could indicate they have ajob and can't just pop out wheneverthey fancy. Or if they are unavailableon a fixed line and can only becontacted on a mobile phone thiscould mean they could be workingabroad and collecting dole at thesame time. So the authorities willtake a closer look at him or her andfines are tough for both employerand employee. And of course bothend up with a blotted copybook.

At the same time, the workinspectors are makingsurprise visits to work places,

not giving advance warning as theyused to, to catch out how manyworkers are not on the employers'social security lists.

It's not surprising that thegovernment is getting fed upwith all our little tricks,

especially if you take into accountthat one in five working people inSpain are earning black money,according to the latest statistics. Soboth the Tax Office and the Social

Security are collecting a lot lessmoney than they should be – whichmeans pensions and the dole itselfcould become the victims of heavycuts in the not-too-distant future.


The Left keeps ranting andraving on about this "right-wing" government which is

trying to put the clock back toFranco's time. However, the onlinenewspaper El Confidencial Digitalreports a surprising case of toleranceon the government's part, the likes ofwhich could never have happenedwhile Franco was alive. Apparentlythe Planeta media group which ownsthe pro-government Antena 3television group bought the pro-Socialist laSexta TV company lastyear and is allowing it to carry ondenigrating and insulting MarianoRajoy, his government and thePartido Popular without anyinterference whatsoever. Thegovernment authorised theacquisition to save laSexta fromgoing bankrupt with the ensuing lossof jobs, and isn't interfering with anyof the programmes' content.

Apparently the person whomost objects to laSexta'sconstant attacks on the

government is not Mariano Rajoy butthe president of the Planeta group,Jose Manuel Lara, who feels"uncomfortable" with the content ofsome of the channel's programmes.The worst offender is a comic calledWyoming and his programme "Elintermedio". I've watched it a coupleof times in the past but couldn'tstand Wyoming's leering vulgarity.His only saving grace is that he alsotakes pot shots at the Socialists. Isuspect he belongs to my favouritepet hate – the Communist-dominated United Left.

Iknow I sound a bit paranoid, butjust cast your minds back to thetwo great Communist revolutions

of the 20th century – Stalin's Russiaand Mao's China. Between the two ofthem, they killed more people thanall the other despots of the last threeor four thousand years put together.Communist revolutions are justmore of the same – another eliteenjoying the same old privilegeswhile they kill, torture and imprisonanyone they suspect of opposingthem. And there is no reason tobelieve that the United Front will actany differently if it ever takes powerin Spain.

Justice isn’t for allWatch out

It is regrettable to see a panel ofjudges revoke the subpoenaissued for Princess Cristina to

testify in her husband’s Nóoscriminal case. It is unfortunatebecause this would have indeed beena great opportunity for members ofthe Royal Family to try to restoresome much needed public confidencein the Spanish monarchy. Butinstead they decided to fight thesubpoena with the help of somepowerful friends and allies who mayhave done them more harm thangood. The Infanta Cristina was calledin to testify about her knowledge ofan alleged diversion of public moneyscheme at Iñaki Urdangarin’s non-profit Nóos Institute. InvestigativeJudge José Castro of Palma deMallorca wanted her to give a swornstatement on April 27th but thatsummons was put on hold after anti-corruption prosecutors and theprincess’s own lawyers fought toquash the subpoena.

Prosecutor Pedro Horrach’sargument that there was notenough evidence in the case to

bring the Infanta in for questioningnever held any weight. Obviously,Judge Castro saw something in theevidence that either Horrach didn’tsee as important or tried to overlook.The magistrate had been examiningbatches of emails betweenUrdangarin and his wife that focusedon the business. The emails wereturned over to the court byUrdangarin’s former businesspartner now-co-defendant DiegoTorres. Even though Cristina wasnever involved in the day-to-dayoperations at the non-profit entityshe served as a spokesperson on thefive-member board of directors.Manos Limpias, the obscure right-wing union that has been leadingjudicial fights against graft andcorruption aimed at all of Spain’s

parties and institutions, had alsodemanded that the Infanta be calledin.

On May 7th, the BalearicIslands regional High Courtoverruled Castro and decided

to remove Princess Cristina from theofficial list of suspects in the Nóoscase. However they asked Castro formore affirmative evidence that couldpoint to the Infanta’s role in thediversion of public money. The judgenow has begun to probe a series ofpurported meetings held at Zarzuelaroyal palace to discuss contractsbetween Urdangarin and severalhigh-ranking politicians from thePartido Popular (PP), includingValencia Mayor Rita Barberá andformer regional premier FranciscoCamps. He has also asked all theparties involved in the case,including Manos Limpias and theSocialist Party – which filed people’scomplaints in the investigation – fortheir opinions over the quashing ofthe Infanta’s subpoena.

It is difficult not to believe that theking and his advisors pulled a lotof behind-the-scene strings to

ensure the royal daughter was nevercalled in. But it was a poorlymisguided decision that has onlygone to serve more mistrust on theroyals. Princess Cristina, who claimsher innocence through her lawyers,should have agreed to testify. Itwould have been a greatly calculatedmove on behalf of Zarzuela because itwould have reinforced King JuanCarlos’ public affirmation madeduring his Christmas address in2010 that “justice is served for all”.No doubt Cristina will never beprosecuted in the Nóos scandal, butthe Spanish monarchy – now at itslowest ranking ever in public opinionpolls – should have allowed theinvestigation to run its course, fornow, without pulling a suddenstopper. It would have helpedrestore some of its credibility.

But, as we can see the biggerpicture, the course of justice isslow in this country, and as

time passes and more people sufferfrom the dire effects ofunemployment, reforms andfinancial turmoil, the majority of theculprits partly responsible for thiseconomic upheaval are still out onthe streets as their lawyers and biginterests continue to pull all the legalmanoeuvres to prevent them frombeing prosecuted.

Follow me on Twitter@martingdelfin

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Political Update12

Pedro Horrach

Page 13: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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Advertising feature The weather held in Coin onSunday - what a blessing!On a dull Sunday afternoon,the expats of Coin turnedout in their finest to witnessthe blessing of local girlTracey Burn and her newhusband Kevin Taylor. Thecouple had “done the legalbit” in Gibraltar recentlybut, this was the part oftheir marriage that involvedtheir family and friends,some of whom had knownthem for decades.

Tracey is known to manyas the girl who ran bar andmusic venue JK’s until lastyear. She was the one whomade sure that you werewatered and entertained.She booked bands andsingers so all of us “up herein the sticks” could gosomewhere local to have agreat time plus have adance to burn off some ofthose calories! She gottogether with Kevin lastyear and it instantly seemedlike a match made inheaven. These two are the

perfect match and with theamount of laughing they dotogether, it is great for theirfriends to see them sohappy.

Tracey’s dress was fittedstrapless ivory silk with the

bodice and a long traintrimmed with scarlet. Herdaughter, Katia, wore a redpatterned full lengthstrapless gown. The bridewas given away by herbrother Duncan Burrellwho now resides in the UKbut returned for theoccasion.

Kevin wore a wing-collared white shirt withsleeves in red backed teddybear material and amatching tie, plus a verysmart black jacket.

The ceremony was heldin the Sierra Gorda littlepark and was conducted byCaroline McFarlane, ourfavourite local preacher whoalways adds humour to theservice while not takingaway from the seriousnessand gravity of the occasion.The ceremony was justperfect for Kevin and Traceyto pledge their love for eachother in front of their guests.And to make it perfect, the

four-leggedring bearer,Martie,behavedperfectly withhis red andwhite bowtieto match thebride andgroom’s attire.

Followingthe blessing,everyonetransferred toThe Olive Tree just alongthe road for the fun part ofthe day. The Olive Tree iswhere we in Coin now go forgood food andentertainment and thebuffet was, as usual,scrumptious. There werequiches and chilli chickendrumsticks, vol au ventsand sausage rolls, chilli concarne and curry, plus coldmeats and salads. Thewedding cake was made byfamily friend of 30 yearsEdwina (I have to tell youthat Edwina says if shemakes another one, shewon’t use as much booze… Ididn’t hear anyonecomplaining through!).

Big Kevin’s Disco kepteveryone entertained

followed by the greatFrankie B later on into thenight. And to top it all,Kevin’s team TottenhamHotspur beat Stoke City 2 –1 what a great day!

by Kym Wickham

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The New Energy CertificatesThere have been a lot ofquestions being askedrecently about the “newenergy law” that means youhave to have a certificatesaying what the energyrating for your property isBEFORE you can sell orrent it. But confusionabounds, so here are someguidelines about what youwill need.

The Spanish governmenthas finally published theRoyal Decree relating to anew legislation which willmake it obligatory for allproperties being rented orsold after the 1st of June tohave “energy performancecertificates”. The new decreewhich was published on the5th of April is in line withthe EU Directive on theEnergy Performance ofBuildings – introduced in2007 as part of an overallstrategy to deal with climatechange – and makes energytransparent by “grading” theefficiency in buildings andhomes.

An Energy PerformanceCertificate or Certificado deEficiencia Energética (CEE)is a document which statesthe energy efficiency of abuilding based on thestandardised way thebuilding is used and numberof ways in which theefficiency could be improved.The property is given astandard energy and carbonemission efficiency grade

from ‘A’ to ‘G’, where ‘A’ isthe most efficient and ‘G’ isthe least.

An EPC containsinformation on your home’senergy use and carbondioxide emission as well asrecommendations andsuggestions to reduce energyuse. It measures theefficiency of the property aswhole and all energyconsuming elements thatare integrated in it.Regardless of the finalrating, improvements arenot mandatory. However,the moment you advertiseyour property, you will berequired to provide thiscertificate and failure to doso can result in a fine of€3000 to €6000. In addition,notaries are also obliged torequest the certificate whensigning over a property andtenants will be required toreceive a copy of thecertificate.

The latest data publishedby the United Nationsshows that Spain is number20 in a list of countries byCO² emissions, producingjust over 1% of emissionsworldwide. This royal decreeis essential in order to bringSpain up to European levelsin the fight to reduce CO2emissions into theatmosphere. Energyefficient homes can reduceelectric bills and will lead toa higher real estate qualityand transparency in Spain.

10 Frequently AskedQuestions About EPC:1. Has the royal decreeregulating the energyefficiency certificates beenapproved? The decree wasfinally approved on the 6thApril and 2013 and will takeeffect from the 1st June,2013.2. Who can issue an energyefficiency certificate?According to the royal decree“energy efficiencycertificates should be issuedby qualified professionaltechnicians who areauthorised to undertakebuilding projects andthermal installations forbuildings.3. What is an energycertificate? It is a reportwhich details how efficient ahome is in terms of energyconsumption. It assigns anenergy rating to each homeon a scale which ranges from"A" (the best) to "G" (theworst).4. Will I be able to sell ahome which does not havean energy certificate after1/06/2013? No you won´t.In order to make any sale anenergy certificate will berequired.5. Who will have to pay forthe energy certificate? Theowner of the property to besold or rented.6. How long is the energycertificate valid for? Thecertificate is valid for 10years. During this period a

new certificate will only berequired if renovations aremade to the property whichchanges the criteria as laiddown in the inspection.7. If I want to sell my homeand it has a poor energyrating, such as D, E or F, amI obliged to make anyimprovements? No, there isno legal obligation to makeany improvements. Thecertificate is designed to givea clear indication to anyonetaking on the property of theenergy efficiency of thestructure.8. Will a low rating affect thesale of my home? Can I sell itwithout any problems?There is no restriction onselling a home with a lowrating, the only issue may bewhether a potentialpurchaser views a propertywith a low rating certificateas a good potentialpurchase.9. Will the technician need tovisit the property (generallyhomes)? Yes. The only wayto obtain a certificate is for atechnician to visit theproperty, carry out a surveyand then draw up the finalreport.10. Will I be fined if I do nothave an EPC? Yes, thegovernment will fine allproperties listed for sale orrent that do not have anEPC.

Q&A’s supplied by MPAHomes.

This is Lindy, she is two-and-a-half years old, herheight is approximately29 cms. floor to shoulderand she weighs around 7-8 kilos.She is a female ofmixed breed, has a lovelycharacter with people andother dogs but is unsure ofcats. She is in good health,considering she wasrescued from Paraiso andhas now been spayed.Lindy is a very sweet girl

who loves her tummy tobe rubbed! She is a calmgirl with no apparentproblems, and has shownno aggression to any of theother dogs.If you would like furtherinformation about Lindyplease call Pat on 620 453885 or visit our website atwww.famaspain.comFAMA’s policy is never tohave a health dog putdown.

Pet of the Week


DomesticviolenceawarenesseventThe British Consulate inMálaga are organising anevent to increase theawareness of the help thatis available on the Costadel Sol for victims ofdomestic violence. Theevent arranged withsupport from the Mijastown hall foreign residentsdepartment will be held inthe Ciomijas Hotel in LaCala de Mijas onWednesday 29th May at10.00 am.

Domestic violenceoffences account foraround 30% of the arreststhat the British Consulateare informed of. RosslynCrotty, the Vice Consul forthe British Consulate said“We hope that this eventwill ensure that BritishNationals are aware of thesupport the Spanish stateprovides for victims of

domestic violence”.

Speakers from thefollowing organizationsand groups have beeninvited to attend, TheWomen’s Centre, MijasSocial Services, theNational Police, theGuardia Civil, TheSoroptimists and CostaWomen.

The event – althoughprimarily aimed atEnglish speakingresidents and tourists – isopen to anyone, male orfemale, who has registeredtheir interest by email [email protected] prior to Sunday 26thMay.

Places are limited, sosooner rather than later.

by Pete Woodall

Page 15: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Funeral Care Spain

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NCommunity News 15the ewsN


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At 11.50am the musicalmarching band will arrivein the Plaza de laNogalera near theentrances to theunderground train stationfor the TorremolinosForeigners’ Day thisSaturday May 18th.

This is an extremelypopular day out and youcan expect to find stallsfrom all over the worldsuch as, obviously, allparts of the UK, plusChile, Mexico, Bolivia,Sweden, Norway to namebut a few. The grand

parade from the Plaza dela Independencia leavesat 11:30am, complete withall the participatingcountries’ flags withpeople in nationalcostume arriving at11.50am into the Plaza dela Nogalera with themusical marching band atthe head of the parade.

There will be foodavailable from many ofthe countries taking partand, of course, music anddrink to keep you going.

Foreigners’ DayTorremolinosthis Saturday

British Passports - endof an eraA recent press release bythe British Embassy hasannounced the end of therenewal of Britishpassports through Madrid.As of Monday this week(13/05/2013) Britishpassport renewals andapplications must beforwarded to the overseaspassport office in Belfast inNorthern Ireland. To allintents and purposes thesystem will stay the samebut there are changes tothe forms, paperwork andsome of the requirements.The plan to relocate all

passport applications andrenewals for Brits overseaswas hatched some timeago. The first step was theestablishment of sevenregional passportprocessing centresthroughout the world,which covered variousgeographical areas, Madridbeing the centre for Spain,Portugal, Andorra, NorthAfrica, Cyprus and Cuba.Slowly but surely eachcountry has graduallychanged over to the UKcentre, with Spain beingone of the last to go. The principal reason

appears to be cost, tomaintain overseas passportoffices is incrediblyexpensive. Even when theywere reduced down to justthe final seven, theeconomies of scalecompared to the number ofpassports issued in the UKwas hard to achieve. Thishigh cost was and still is

reflected by the price of anoverseas passport, whichfor the time being stays thesame at £128 plus costs –for an adult 10-yearpassport currently totalling£147.86. Previously thisprice was converted intolocal currency and adjustedas needed, now it is payablein pounds and only bycredit or debit card. It isexpected by 2014 the costwill come down to be morein line with the price of apassport in the UK. Thosetempted to by-pass thesystem and apply using anincorrect or false UKresidential address shouldnote this constitutes acriminal offence that couldseriously put you on thenaughty step for some time.The renewal time also

stays more or less the same– four weeks after the fee istaken with seasonalvariations, for a first orlost/stolen passport aroundsix weeks. There is a strongemphasis on “get it right”with plenty of warningsthat incomplete paperworkmay result in delays.Furthermore, all additionaldocumentation must be

presented or officiallytranslated into English.With this in mind a Britishpassport can be renewed atany time, with up to 9months being credited on tothe next passport so itmakes sense to renewearly, at your ownconvenience and not leaveit to the last minute.The IPS recommends

you send your applicationusing a secure deliveryservice or courier. Specificdetails on how to pay andwhere to send are availableon line at and there is anew helpline number +44(0) 300 222 0000 at normalrates.

Written by Pete Woodall,Woody's Los Boliches.Passport Renewal and MailServices.

To advertise in The News

Call Geoff on

622 05 04 09

ConcertsThe Choir & Orchestra‘Collegium Musicum’together with theCamerata Singers ofSotogrande will beperforming Haydn’s MassNo. 3 also known as theMissa Cellensis in theirforthcoming Springconcerts. Performing willbe four delightful andoutstanding younginternational soloists whocurrently are studying atthe Wales Academy ofVoice in Cardiff.

The concert inSotogrande will be given inthe Church of NuestraSeñora de la Merced at8.30pm, organised by theCultural Association ofSotogrande.

The second concert onTuesday May 28thstarting at 9pm inMarbella is a CharityConcert to raise funds forConcordia, the charity thathelps sufferers of AIDSand their families andfriends; it will take placein the Church of theEncarnation (near OrangeSquare).

For more or phone952 475 840.

Page 16: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Features16

PAD Dog show in Mijas Village last SundayOn Saturday the sunshone and you should havebeen wearing a hat if youwere working or relaxingoutside. Sunday, sadly,was a totally differentkettle of fish and it wasdull and raining in Mijas.Despite the weather, quitea few dogs turned out forthe annual PAD dog showin the centre of the village,plus Lisa from PAD, Lynnon the tea stall (thankgoodness!), bacon buttieswere available and thethree judges were there.The proceedings werestarted a little late to givepeople the time to turn upbut it was still a drizzlingcold day – better for thedogs of course, but thehumans they brought withthem weren’t so keen.

The first of thecompetitions, that of BestFancy Dress was won byArrabella, a beautifulMastin in her flamencooutfit, accompanied by

Suzanne, her owner.

Best puppy under 1year saw a pretty littlePodenco, Angel come first,closely followed by SpanielLexie with tinyChihuahua Chico cominga close third.

In the 3rd class, BestSmall Adult Dog under 12kilos, there were twodachshunds, Freddie theblack and tan short haircoming first and Bocky,the chestnut long haircoming second.

Next up was the BestAdult Medium Dog 12 – 30kilos. In first place was thelovely Toby, a white andliver English Setter. Tobywas extremely at home onthe first place rostrum andhad no intention ofmoving. He seemed to lovethe limelight and,although he got his lovelyrosette and cup, perhapshe was just waiting for a

prize for himself… maybea bone would have beengood?! PAD dog Nieblawho is looking for a newloving home right nowcame second by a dog’swhisker. Niebla is a blackand white Breton Crossand, seeing her in the ring,she would make someonea wonderful pet. She isthought to be betweenthree and four years oldand was found dumped ina cardboard box with herpuppies. Can you giveNiebla a home?

For the 5th class,George entered withJacky, a black GermanShepherd and Suzannewith Arrabella. Jacky tookfirst prize and Arabellasecond.

The category for BestVeteran of 9 years andolder had quite a lot ofentrants who had bravedthe rain to join in. Aurelio,a 9-year-old Greyhound

who was tall andbeautifully kept, camefirst followed by MugglyMug, a tiny Chihuahua,and third was anotherPAD dog who is looking fora home – 11-year-old WestHighland White terrierRayo. Rayo is currentlyresiding at the PADshelter and has a brillianttemperament. He wouldeasily fit into a new homeand make his new ownersproud of him. Older dogsare, of course, much easierto take on in some ways asthey are normally alreadyhouse trained and, theolder the dog, the calmerthey often are. Rayo, withhis little black button of anose and bright eyes isjust waiting to lovesomeone and would love toshare your home. Why notmake an appointment tomeet him? You won’t bedisappointed!

Best 6 legs had just twoentrants this year both of

which were PAD dogspreviously mentioned.Niebla with her long legstook the cup and rosettefor first place with Rayofollowing on her heels insecond.

Next was the dog withthe Best Trick. Bruni wasthe only entrant but, whata trick! He sat, got up andturned in a circle, satagain then laid down andeach time he was given atreat, his little bum raisedin the air and he wasdoing doggie press-ups. Noprizes here for who camefirst!

The penultimate classwas for Dog Most Like It’sOwner. George enteredwith Jackie, both dog andowner in full black withGeorge having a veryfetching red bandanaround his neck to matchJacky’s red collar. Theother entrant was Ericawith Angel the Podenco

puppy. Both Erica andAngel were fair haired butGeorge and Jacky justscraped by into first place.

Last, but not least, sawall the winners of theprevious categories in thering for Best In Show.After a lot of deliberation –because, let’s face it, allthese dogs are winners –the Greyhound, Aureliowho, his owner said, wasat his first show, won Bestin Show. English SetterToby came second withPodenco Angel gaining thelast prize of the day – andanother rosette to add tohis collection. Needless tosay, Toby once again lovedsitting on his podium. Thisdog was just born to be astar!

So, all in all everyonehad a good, if a bit damp,time. Let’s hope for a bitmore sunshine next year!

Looking for homes

Pictures show, from left to right reading down, all the winners inorder of the categories. The two pictures bottom right with a redborder show Rayo at the top and Niebla at the bottom who are twoPAD dogs seeking forever loving homes... can you help? Call Lisa on658 351 642 or email [email protected]

Page 17: The News Newspaper - Issue 226


T &

Your Weekly Entertainment Guide

Friendship - For all to enjoy - German Friendship Day in Mijas main square

SOS - Burgers, Chips and Charity at Mr Jeeves, Monte Mar this Saturday

New Artiste - Tommy Tucker, comedy vocalist at El Mojito, Tuesday


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in NOut & About 17

Scandinavian & International Kitchen

A LA CARTETue-Sun 19>late

LUNCHTue-Fri 13-16

DAILY SPECIALincl drink, coffee, dessert! 9.50MONDAYS closed

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It’s that time of year againIt’s the competition that,like Marmite, you eitherlove or absolutely hate.Personally I love it andevery year watch itthrough to the bitter end.What am I talking about?Well, I’ll give you a clue:“Nul points!” Yep, it’sEurovision Song Contestfinal time and it’s comingyour way this Saturday.

This spectacularlykitch, often with the mostawful out-of-tune singerson the planet, is a mustsee event and, this year,The Olive Tree on AvenidaMaria Zambrano in Coinis pulling out all the stopsto make this a real showstopper of an evening.

Poor old Terry Wogangave up the ghost on it afew years ago after the UKgot so many nul pointsfrom the other countrieswho ganged up on us it

was ridiculous, so now wehave the hilariousGraham Norton with hisicy and biting commentson the proceedings. In hisglitzy shiny suits you willhear him say along thelines of “What were theythinking?!” and “Well, nowthat was an interestingperformance” and “Didyou see what she waswearing?!”

I shall be in my UnionFlag gear (what a sight!)at The Olive Tree spurring

on the UK entry – Welshsinger Bonnie Tyler(pictured right) who saysshe’ll be “wearing an offthe shoulder thing withchiffon bits flying out theback”. She’s singing acountry ballad entitled“Believe in me”.

Let’s hope for a fewmore than “nul points”and a few “douze points”this year!

Kym Wickham





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Page 18: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Your Weekly Entertainment GuideABOUT

The Olive Tree Avda Maria Zambrano 17, CoinAvda Maria Zambrano 17, Coin

David, Tina & Family welcome you to The Olive Tree

Wednesdays: Steak Meal Special for two - €18. Must bookin advance.Friday 17th May: Avant Garde - Live bandSaturday 18th May: Eurovision Song Contest Night!Friday 24th May: Quiz in aid of SEARCH equestrian charitySaturday 25th May: 2pm: Olive Tree Auction 9pm TwoSwedesFriday 31st May: “ENCORE” - Three Tenors tribute - Tickets€10. Booking essential for this event.

All Day Breakfast starting from €3.50 - €5 meal deals.House Fish & Chips every day PLUS now also offering an extra choice of

Haddock, Cod or Swordfish as well!Free Wifi & Sky Sports

665 340 306 / 952 452 554

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN Out & About18


Mad Terry @ Buzby’s


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À la carte & set menus availableTuesday to Saturday from 6.30pm

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Monday Robbie’s Roadshow plusKaraoke from 9.30pm

TuesdayTommy Tucker -

comedian & vocalist, funfor all

Wednesday 60s Night - a night of

nostalgia & funThursday

New to Mojito - Rob &Dave - comedy, vocals,

impressions and KaraokeFriday

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Jordana - Female vocalistwith tributes to Cher,Amy Winehouse etc

*FREE ENTRY* Shows start at 9.30pm.

Open all day.

EL MOJITOEL MOJITOPlaza de Remo La CarihuelaTorremolinos

952 057 062952 057 062Food Served all day

11am to 9pm

ADVERTISE IN THE NEWSCall the office952 45 44 91

German FriendshipDay in Mijas The next Mijas day ofAmistad or friendship willbe on a Friday the 24thMay in the large plaza infront of the town hall inMijas village. This time itis the turn of theGermans. As with theprevious two friendshipdays, for Sweden andIreland, it starts with theunveiling of a small plaqueon the Wall of Nations at12.00 noon, with theGerman consul fromMálaga, Günther Necasdoing the honours. MrNecas, pictured here withKatja Thirion (coordinatorfor German speakingForeign Residents) hasenjoyed several othersimilar events organisedby the Mijas ForeignResidents Department.

The format for a MijasFriendship Day is simple,a walk about in the plazato enjoy a display of food,music and culture fromthe host country. OurGerman friends will offermusical entertainmentfrom The Shanty Choirsinging North Germanmaritime melodies and

traditionalseashanties,music fromthe Germanband N-340with JochenJanz,anotherchoir whoare actuallyDutch butsing in German and aperformance by the pupilsof the German collegeschool in Elviria.

Germans are famed forgood appetite, top qualitybeer and schnapps, so restassured that side is welltaken care of. To mentiona few, Rolf from BavarianEvents will create atypical “DeutscherBiergarten mit Bier vomFass und Wurst” (aGerman Beer garden withdraught beer andsausage). From otherstalls visitors can tuck intotasty smoked fish, freshlyroasted German stylecoffee and cakes andsample some specialistGerman style cooking oilsand vinegars.

These friendship eventswhich are still in theirinfancy are suitable forpeople of all ages andfamilies. An afternoonFête that will be over by6.00 pm when hopefully agood time will have beenhad by one and all.

For more informationon this and otherforthcoming culturalevents, including thefamous Mijas BluesFestival, the MijasInternational Festival andthe Finnish FriendshipDay in October contactMijas Town Hall ForeignResidents Office whichrecently moved to La Calade Mijas on 952 58 90 10.Auf Wiedersehen!

Lillie LangtryBar & Restaurant

Sunday Self Service Carvery Choice of 3 meats, selection of fresh vegand our home made Yorkshire Puddings

plus a selection of dessertsOpen from noon to 6pm

Booking advisable.1 Course €6.95 2 Courses €8.95

Upstairs, next to the Nahar Mahalrestaurant, opposite the Hotel Riviera,

Benalmadena Costa, on the main road.671 118 228

New to El Mojito,on the Carihuela

Tommy Tucker hasworked for the last 16years entertaining thepopulation of Benidormand, before that in thefamily cabaret rooms ofHaven Warner resorts.

Now you can see thisgreat comedy vocalist foryourselves here on theCosta del Sol at El Mojitoin Plaza de Remo on theCarihuela, Torremolinos.

Tommy is famous for

his great singing voice andpersonality and his aim isto ensure that everyonewho goes to see him has anamazing night out andwants to come back formore. Fun and laughterfor all the family.

Go along on Tuesday toEl Mojito for one of thebest acts around. For moreinformation call 952 057062.

Tommy Tucker - Comedy Vocalist

Written by Pete Woodall

Page 19: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NOut & About 19the ewsN

La Risa at Lauro Golf

Advance bookings are advisableFor details of special events call us on

660 350 896 or pop into the bar.On the road between Alhaurin el Grande

& Alhaurin de la Torre at Lauro GolfAcross from the Clubhouse

MUMTAZ MAHALIndian Restaurante

Menu del Dia3 courses €9,95 4 courses €11,95

Take-away service

OPEN 7 DAYSFree home delivery with orders over €25.00

Lunch 1.30 - 4.00pm Dinner 7.00 - 12.00pmUrb. El Rodeo, Coin

952 455 599 626 977 224


reduced by

10 - 15%

Come and enjoy the best of Indian cuisine in our newlyrefurbished airconditioned restaurant or dine on our

fabulous terrace

MondaySpecial Menu including curry

Wednesday & FridayBeer battered Fish & Chips

Saturday nightIncludes our Special Menu

Pizza, Pasta€9 menu

CC La Trocha, Coin951 315 244

Tom´sIrish BarA warm Irish welcome

All Premier LeagueFootball on 5 large screens

600 060 563C/ Salvador Rueda 65, Los Boliches

Ladies LunchThursday May 16th, 1.30pm

Ingrid Cruysberghs - psychic medium

Simply great fish & chips!


Restaurant & Take-away

MarlowsLos Hidalgos

Next to La Duquesa

Hotel& Golf Course

951 276 728

MarlowsNueva Andalucia

Formerly“La Fishita”

Behind theN10 Hotel

952 814 722

CASA KON-TIKIThe Home of Fish and ChipsOpen 7 days a week, 12 ‘til 11pm

Call Chris on 664 028 310 orJohn on 678 292 792

to reserve your table2nd street behind Yaramar Hotel,

Los BolichesVisit us at

Casa Kon-Tiki’s now famousCasa Kon-Tiki’s now famousSUNDAY CARVERY SUNDAY CARVERY

is continuing.Beef, Pork, Ham & Turkey, 7Beef, Pork, Ham & Turkey, 7

veg, cauliflower cheese + manyveg, cauliflower cheese + manymore trimmings.more trimmings.

All you can eat - only €7.95 ppAll you can eat - only €7.95 pp

€5 main meals with a choice of 14€5 main meals with a choice of 14different dishes including John’sdifferent dishes including John’s

famous Fish, Chips & Mushy Peasfamous Fish, Chips & Mushy Peas(12 noon ‘til 6pm)(12 noon ‘til 6pm)

(Find “The Fish”, the same as the oneon the left, in The News and getanother 10% off your bill!)

Wine, dineand danceA group of veryenthusiastic ladies fromMarbella callingthemselves The PinkLadies are organising yetanother event for CudecaCancer Care Hospice.

This time it is a Dinnerand Dance at ElCampanario CountryClub, Marbella onSaturday 15th June. Theevening starts at 7.30 p.m.and there will be adelicious three-coursemeal with smooth singingfrom Howard Grant andthe amazing duo “2 True”featuring Mr. Maph andSimone Lisa.

Dancing will be to tunesthrough the decades andall for €35 per ticket

including a glass of cavaon arrival.

As an alternative, thePink Ladies can offer aTapas and Dance from9.15 p.m. on the terraceand all this for €15.

There will be a rafflewith superb prizes and allthe proceeds of the rafflegoing to Cudeca Hospice.

For tickets please callSharon on 697 266 880 orVivian on 690 083 113.Tickets are limited, soplease book early.

The Good CompanionsClub is holding its annualFashion Show in aid ofCudeca on Thursday 23dMay at 11am, near theCudeca shop in Fuengirolain Pueblo Lucia.

All models will bewearing the Spring/Summer collection fromCudeca Fuengirola Shop,which will be available forpurchase immediatelyafter the show.

This is an extremelypopular event in the socialcalendar so why not popalong, bag a bargain, andhave some fun whilehelping local charityCudeca at the same time.

All proceeds raised willbenefit Cudeca. For moreinformation, pleasecontact the CudecaFuengirola Shop on 667 4335 37.

Fashion Show Burgers, chips& charitySOS AnimalRescue are havinga fund raiser onSaturday 18thMay at Mr. Jeeveson AvenidaSalvador Allende,Monte Mar,Torremolinos.

The event willbe a Burger &Chips evening at€5 per person with all theproceeds from the burgerand chips going to theanimals. There will be araffle, quiz and bingo too.Starting at 7pm, please goalong and support thecharity.

For more informationcall Sandy on 952 385 932

or 622 231 580. Sandysays: “Hope to see you allthere. We want to see asmany people there aspossible to raise as muchmoney as possible to helpthe animals.”

This will be an eveningfor the whole family toenjoy.

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Page 20: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Directed by Danishfilmmaker Bier who haswon an Oscar and GoldenGlobe, this romanticcomedy is about love andloss, with well drawncharacters and intelligentsensitive dialogue.

It’s a tender romancefor grown-ups whichprobably won’t win itsdirector any more Oscarsbut it will reward itsaudience. Brosnan playsPhilip, a middle-agedBritish businessman who

made his life inCopenhagen and is nowlonely following the deathof his Danish wife. He hasburied himself in his workto deaden the pain of lossand is determined hisheart will never be brokenagain.

Danish actressDyrholm is Ida, ahairdresser recoveringfrom breast cancer surgerywho discovers that herhusband is cheating on herwith a younger woman.

Their paths cross whenthey both head to Italy forthe wedding of Philip’s sonPatrick and Ida’s daughterAstrid. The beautifulAmalfi coast is the settingwith lovely scenes set inlemon groves and onbeautiful beaches – veryMama Mia but with nosinging!

Philip and Ida begin tofall in love but as thewedding day nears thereare complications alongthe way, including the

arrival of Ida’s husbandplus bimbo and Philip’spredatory sister-in-law,who sets her cap at him.It’s uplifting, moving andfunny, with amazingscenery, and has receiveda warm reception from thecritics.

Directed by Susanne BierStarring: Pierce Brosnan, Trine Dyrholm

Movies To WATC H ouT FoR

Love i s ALL You Need

WeDNeSDAY, May 15th 2013

N Magazine20


movie SPoTLiGHT By Amy Thomas

Itend to divide Hollywoodperformers into two

categories, movie stars andactors, and I place DustinHoffman in the later. Apartfrom a handful of dodgymovies in which heappeared, his Hollywoodcareer has been as close toflawless as is possible, so Iwas interested to see howhe fared in his directorialdebut. I wasn’tdisappointed.

The film is set in aretirement home for

musicians and aging operasingers who are preparing afund raising gala to save thehome, and much is beingmade of the re-release ofthe quartet from Verdi’sRIgoletto, as three of thequartet are residents at thehome. Sissy (PaulineCollins) Wilf (Billy Connolly)and Reg (Tom Courtenay)are the protagonists, andthese three seasonedactors move the film alongwith an amusing andcharming script. Difficultdecisions have to be madewhen one of the star galaperformers is taken ill and itseems the answer appearsin the form of the home’snew resident.

Unbeknownst to Reg,the new resident is

Jean (Maggie Smith), thefourth member of thequartet, Reg’s ex-wife andthe love of his life. Jean ispositively adverse torecreating the quartet forthe gala, but I feel I wouldnot be giving anything awaywhen I say that she iseventually persuaded as itwas an obvious route thefilm was taking.

Not much of a plot, Iadmit, but with such a

wonderful troupe ofexcellent English actors, thefilm was a delight to watch.Michael Gambon playedCecil, the obstreperousmusical director, AndrewSachs (Fawlty Towers’Manuel) was theconductor. Wilf was an

incorrigible sex maniac,Sissy, an endearing optimistwho was sadly losing theplot and Reg giving musicappreciation lessons togroups of young people,staunchly trying to forgethis sad past.

Maggie Smith of course,one of the jewels in

the crown of Englishactresses does notdisappoint, as the oncefamous soprano who isafraid that her voice is nolonger performance worthyand wrestling with regretsof her past actions.

The film is set in thebeautiful Hedson House

in Taplow, and ispunctuated throughoutwith classical musicincluding, of course, lots ofopera. Hoffman’s directionseems to be non intrusiveand the film flows alongeffortlessly.

It seems rare these days tofind a film that has no

uncomfortable moments orleaves you with a messagethat you did not particularlywant in the first place. Thisfilm is simply a joy towatch.

If you are a classical musiclover, this film is a must, if

only for the soundtrack. Ifyou are unfamiliar withclassical music, this is aperfect vehicle to discoverit and its ability to lift thespirits.

The end credits provefurther entertainment

as each musical resident ofthe home has theirphotograph in the creditsalongside a photograph ofthem in their firstprofessional role.

Ironically, the actors whoplayed the wonderful

quartet are the onlymembers of the companywho are not musicians, butthat would have beenexpecting just a little toomuch!

Any comments?email: [email protected]

Dustin’s DelightfulDebut

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Cloud AtlasDirector: Andy Wachowski & Lana WachowskiStarring: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugo Weaving

A set of six nested storiesspanning time betweenthe 19th century and adistant post-apocalypticfuture. Cloud Atlasexplores how the actionsand consequences ofindividual lives impactone another throughoutthe past, the present andthe future. Action,mystery and romanceweave through the storyas one soul is shapedfrom a killer into a heroand a single act ofkindness ripples across

centuries to inspire arevolution in the distantfuture. Based on theaward winning novel byDavid Mitchell.

DVD NEW RELEASE Release date: May 14th

Back to 1942Director: Xiaogang FengStarring: Adrien Brody, Tim Robbins, Fan Xu

In 1942, HenanProvince was devastatedby the most tragic faminein modern Chinesehistory, resulting inthe deaths of at leastthree million men,women and children.

Although the primarycause of the famine wasa severe drought, it wasexacerbated by locusts,windstorms,earthquakes, epidemicdisease and thecorruption of the ruling


DVD NEW RELEASE Release date: May 14th

Page 21: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

This week you are extremely attractive and appealing to others. This alone willbring you difficult temptations to overcome. There is a need to hold fast and trueto your inner beliefs, even if there is a reason or excuse to cave in. Take that innerleap of faith and believe, you want and need to be around and with all that energyyour powers of observation can serve you well by giving you insights as to whatyou may need to ensure future prosperity.

You could have reached a place that is perfect for getting over obstacles andrestoring balance back into your life. New relationships and friendships areindicated and it is a great time for any social activities. You have the reputationfor being a plodder Taurus – processed and planned is your preference. Takecharge of the direction of your life and make the kind of break that would reflecta visible new scenery and be up for the challenge.

There is a reason things are happening as they currently are, it is the things youdo and the attitude you project that can make all the difference in yourupcoming future, so this is a week to roll up the sleeves and to remove as muchclutter as you can from your life. When you are unsure about your path the rightpeople appear at the right times that can lead to changes or shifts inemployment too giving you the chance of increased wealth.

You have an ability to stand out and be the one that doesn’t lose heart or faithand this makes you different from the others. Others want to get as close aspossible to you for various reasons, some want to be there when the magichappens and others may want to try to use you for their own advantage. It isyour mission to remain true to your inner core and follow the voice that is withinyou. There could be temptations but make sure you hold the line.

The universe is advising you to stop what you are doing and to take the time toreally consider what you are doing and the long term significance of what youractions may be. Remain on the positive side of the energy for your own good anddo what is best for you. As long as you are solid inside and of one mind, heartand soul nothing can harm you or prevent your success. There is no doubt thatyou are being called to be a leader and others look to you for answers or direction.

There could be a discussion that needs finalising and it is important to get downimportant facts so there can be no misunderstandings later on. A transit likethis that requires you to completely level and honest with others even if theymay not like everything you have to say. However, they will respect yourcourage for saying what you believe. Take things one step at a time and youwill feel good knowing that you have put in the effort to see somethingthrough.

There are outrageous opportunities for personal gain, but there are also onesthat offer gain at the expense of others . All eyes are upon you this week aseverybody is looking for you to take the lead and show them what they shoulddo or say next. This is one time when you need to put your own interests first,as long as that doesn't mean selling out your inner values or the trust othersput in but your choices can create a sea change of a difference in your life.

The recent build up of emotional pressure will progressively help you reach agreater sense of direction and balance, as it comes to the surface things startto seem clearer. Pacts and agreements can be replaced now with somethingbetter and new. This can also simply mean that you and another forge a newbond and commitment regarding how you move forward. This week is aboutentering this new phase with a solid set of ground rules and a game plan.

There could be a high position of honour and status coming your way as thistransit re-kindles lost inner passions and desires in a major way and whendirected with focus the world is your oyster. When you are on a roll, the lastthing you want is someone to step in and slow you down. The here and now,those things in this moment, sound louder than those things out there on thehorizon calling your name.

Your inner peace and calmness radiating from you is what is drawing so manypeople. A lot of emphasis is being placed upon your personal relationshipsand this is the kind of pattern can cause the unexpected to happen. Makeyourself available by getting out there and living large this week. Some thingshave been harder than they needed to be and some people have been moresensitive and difficult than you hoped they would be – it is all set to change.

Your powers of observation and personal intuition are at an all time high, youare able to sense where the right places to be are, and the right things that youneed to do. It is all a matter of trusting your inner voice and following throughon your insights. If you do things right the first time, the more you do, the morecalmness and inner peace you will feel. The hardest part is just getting started.Romantic encounters are likely by the weekend.

If you ask the universe for help or for answers, it will find a way to get them toyou, even if it turns out to be an answer that you weren’t expecting. Otherpeople will be looking to you for guidance, direction and to be their ownmotivating force, as they will be thinking that if you can do it, then so can they.This week all it takes is one conversation or negotiation and this could changeyour life in one big, beautiful fell swoop.

March 21st -April 19th

April 20th - May 20th

May 21st -June 21st

June 22nd -July 22nd

July 23rd -August 22nd

August 23rd -September 22nd

September 23rd -October 22nd

October 23rd - November 21st

November 22nd -December 21st

December 22nd -January 19th

January 20th -February 18th

February 19th -March 20th

Una avería - a break down.


• 4 firm medium bananas• 4 large scoops vanilla ice cream• 50g butter• 100g muscovado or light softbrown sugar• 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

• 4 tbsp banana liqueur• 4 tbsp dark rum

POCO A POCOBy Valerie Mitchell



Ingredients: (Serves 4) Bananas Foster

Valerie runs the Centro Idiomas Language School in Coin. Her books, “The First Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” , “The Second Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” , “The ThirdTwelve Shortcuts to Spanish” (€5 each) and “The Verb Book” (€7) are available from The News office in Coin,Woody’s Cards and Books in Los Boliches, David’s Books in Los Boliches or by email from [email protected]'s books can now be bought from her website – or call 952 450 747.

Last week one of my students had a problem with her car. It wouldn't start.Luckily for her a neighbour stopped and gave her a jump start and the problemwas solved but it did set us thinking about what one does if a friendly neighbouris not at hand. Or the problem is something more daunting than a flat battery.If you are insured with a Spanish insurance company it is a very good idea to be able to spell your name in Spanish and also be able to say your registrationnumber. Maybe you can find a Spanish child who will teach you in exchange forteaching them the English equivalent. However, let's have a look at somephrases which may be useful if you find yourself with car problems.Of course, you can begin with :Tengo un problema - I have a problemMi coche no arranca - My car won't start.Tengo la batería agotada - I have a flat batteryHay un problema con los frenos - There's a problem with the brakesHay un problema con el embrague - There's a problem with the clutch.La caja de cambios - the gear box

If you have a flat tyre you may need to phone for a tow truckTengo un neumatico pinchado - I have a flat tyre.Necesito una grúa - I need a tow truck.Well, let's hope you don't need to use any of these phrases but, if you do have an averia at least now you are prepared.

Ya está. That's itHasta la próxima - Until next timeValerie

1. Peel the bananas and cut in half firstlengthways and then widthways, so eachbanana is in four pieces. (If you are using fairlysmall bananas, simply cut in half lengthways.)Take the ice cream out of the freezer so it cansoften for a few minutes.2. Melt the butter with the sugar andcinnamon in a large non-stick frying pan overa low heat, stirring regularly with a woodenspoon until the sugar almost completelydissolves and looks shiny and is no longergritty.3. Stir in the banana liqueur until the saucebecomes deeply golden brown and smooth.Place the bananas on top of the sauce andincrease the heat to medium-high.4. Cook the bananas for a couple of minuteson each side in the bubbling sauce, turning

carefully halfway through the cooking timeand spooning the sauce over every now andthen. They need to be softened but not toomushy. Use a wooden spoon and a spatula tohelp turn them.5. Add the rum and swirl around the pan for afew seconds. If you are feeling brave, quicklylight the rum and stand well back until theflames subside. Simmer for a few secondsmore, stirring, and remove from the heat.6. Scoop the ice cream into four bowls andspoon the bananas and sauce around it. Serveimmediately..TIP: If you can't get hold of any banana liqueur,you could substitute with a splash more rum orany other liqueur you like.

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NMagazine 21the ewsN don’t have to be a chef!

HOROSCOPESBy Cathy Stronach

For your personal birth chart please contact: [email protected]













Kym’s KitchenButtery caramelised bananas are infused with cinnamon and rum and served warm with icecream in this classic American dessert recipe.

Page 22: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

News - Breakthroughs - Treatments - Trends

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esNMagazine22

THE WELLINGTON CENTRE at Calle Maria Zambrano, Coin

Personal training combines exercise, nutrition,sports science and periodisation programmes to

get the results you have always wanted.Our experience in weight loss, boxing, bodybuilding, kids gym classes, dance – salsa,relaxation classes, massage and physio willensure you get the best results but, moreimportantly than that, our aim is to makeachieving your goal enjoyable and FUN!

It goes without saying that most of your workoutswill take place in the gym, but we can use any ofthe above to make your workout more exciting.We also hold courses on Personal Training and

Massage - What are you waiting for?

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679 185 078

Their study, presented atthe European Congress onObesity, found one child in17 was too thin. They saidweighing too little wasmore damaging to healththan weighing too muchand warned that society

was focused almostexclusively on obesity.The researchers looked atnearly 10,000 childrenaged nine to 16 in the eastof England.

The height, weight, age

and gender of the pupilswas used to work out howmany were too thin. Theyshowed 6% of all childrenwere underweight, but itwas more common in girls(6.4%) than boys (5.5%).

There were also largedifferences between ethnicgroups. Asianbackgrounds had thehighest prevalence ofbeing underweight at8.7%. The researchers saidthe problem ofunderweight children"may be more prevalentthan we thought in the

UK". They said the fear ofbecoming obese, risingfood prices, poor diets anda lack of muscle from lowlevels of exercise may allbe playing a role. Theysaid attention had"absolutely" swung too fartowards tackling obesityand warned children whowere underweight could bebeing "missed", and calledfor better training for GPsto spot the problem andnew ways of helpingparents.

Research publishedearlier this year showedthat doctors may bemissing the problem.University College Londonacademics interviewedpaediatricians at 177hospitals in England andWales and found a lack ofknowledge about thewarning signs of childrenbeing underweight.

The Royal College ofPaediatrics and ChildHealth has developedgrowth charts for childrenbetween two and 18 whichhelps doctors tell if a childhas a problem.

A spokesman said:"Where children areseverely underweight, it'soften due to an underlyingillness for which they'llneed specialist medicalhelp."But for the majorityof cases, if we can get ourchildren eating, choosingand ultimately cookingnutritious food, then wehave a much better chanceof preventing all sorts ofdietary related problems –whether that's being overor underweight."

Obesity overshadowsother weight problems

These offers are performed by supervised trainees.

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The issue of underweight school children is being missed because of an "obsession"with tackling obesity, researchers at Essex University have claimed.

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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If you require an appointment outside of these hourswe can accommodate you.

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Page 23: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

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Angelina Jolie has a double mastectomy

Angelina Jolie has had adouble mastectomy to reduceher chances of getting breastcancer after doctors told herthat she had an 87% chance ofgetting breast cancer and a50% chance of getting ovariancancer due to a hereditarygene. The American actresswho is married to Brad Pittsaid that she had watched hermother suffer from the diseasefor a decade until it finallyclaimed her life at just 56 yearsof age.The 37-year-old mother of sixhas been praised by many forher bravery at taking thedecision to undergo themastectomies. She said thatshe started the process inFebruary and it was completedin April adding: "I decided to

be proactive and to minimisethe risk as much I could.” Shesaid she had sought toreassure her children that thesame illness would not takeher away from them, "but thetruth is I carry a 'faulty' gene,BRCA1, which sharplyincreases my risk of developingbreast cancer and ovariancancer".She has also undergonereconstructive surgeryincluding breast implants."There have been manyadvances in this procedure inthe last few years, and theresults can be beautiful," shewrote. Her chances ofdeveloping breast cancer havenow dropped from 87% tounder 5%, she added.She praised her partner, Brad

Pitt, for his love and supportthroughout the procedure, andsaid she was reassured thather children had found nothingin the results "that makesthem uncomfortable. I feelempowered that I made astrong choice that in no waydiminishes my femininity," shesaid. "For any woman readingthis, I hope it helps you toknow you have options," MsJolie went on to say. "I want toencourage every woman,especially if you have a familyhistory of breast or ovariancancer, to seek out theinformation and medicalexperts who can help youthrough this aspect of your life,and to make your owninformed choices."

Told that she had an 87% chance of contracting the disease that killed her mother...

… and praises partner Brad Pitt for his love and support at a very difficult time

Contemporary lifestyle and celebrity gossip

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NMagazine 23the ewsN

International Medium Crystal Clear AnneTarot card readings, Personal, online, Skype and videocalls, Palmistry, Spiritualist, Healing, Phone readings.

Personal readings by appointment.Need help? For guidance and support call Anne on 652 394 224Available for ladies afternoons and group readings - please call or email

for an appointment [email protected]

Angelina Jolie with partner Brad Pitt




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experience who listens to what youwant, call Calvin for an appointment on

Ladies and GentlemensGolf Fashions

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Hot PantsNo we’re not talking aboutthe tiny shorts favoured bywomen in the ‘seventiesand, most recently, byKylie Minogue, we’retalking about real HOTpants!

Made of a “special”fabric (patent pending) thepants were tested atBrighton University in theUK between September2011 and August 2012,then at The University ofSouthern California untilJanuary this year.

The idea is thatwearing them raises yourcore body temperature andraises your metabolic rateby up to 18% more thanstandard work-out gear,meaning that you burnmore calories off thetargeted areas of hips,thighs and bottom if worn

for at least 30 minutesduring exercise while stillnot exceeding acceptableexercise-induced elevations.

Posts from users saythat they sweat muchmore than usual and theirskin feels smootherafterwards, plus of coursethey’re all raving aboutthe weight loss theyappear to have achievedwhile using them.

Probably a great way tolose weight but stillsounds decidedly yukky tome! However, if you wantto get a pair (they also doleggings and cut-offs) youcan find them online. Theycome in small, medium,large and extra large andcost £45

by KymWickham

Who was the blonde in theheels... and with a beard?! Passengers on board an

Air Asia flight from Perthin Australia to KualaLumpur got the fright oftheir lives when theyrealised that one of theirstewardesses, normallyimmaculately groomed,had a beard. The imposterhad long false eyelashestogether with full make-up, high heels and a skirt.But all was revealed whenit turned out that it wasVirgin boss Richard

Branson honouring a bet.The bet, between himselfand Air Asia boss andfellow Formula 1 racingteam owner TonyFernandes, stated thatwhoever’s team crossedthe finishing line first intheir debut season wouldhave to spend the dayworking as a stewardesson the winner’s airline.Branson had to help withthe safety checks(although he was closely

watched by a real memberof the crew), serve tea andcoffee to passengers andmake some in-flightannouncements.Branson said that he

had had a good laughduring his day as astewardess and evenwhacked a guy over thehead with his handbagafter blowing him a kiss!On landing in Malaysia

Branson posed for photoswith passengers and said

he was relieved to have atlast fulfilled the bet. Backto shirts, jumpers andflatties then, eh?!

Ladies fashions

Plaza Baltasar Gracián 1Nueva Andalucía

Tel: 952 81 65 12Tel: 952 81 65 12Fia Ensgård

Swedish Swedish designeddesigned

Page 24: The News Newspaper - Issue 226


Thurs May 16th 9.00pm

Doc: NewSeries:

Sun May 19th 9.00pm

The adventurer embarks on a journeyacross the country, meeting a diversearray of people and encounteringexotic wildlife. He begins in NorthernTerritory, where he discovers how thecamel is threatening the fragile desertecosystem, then heads through winecountry to the South Australian city ofPort Lincoln to dive with criticallyendangered southern blue fin tuna.



FRIDAYMay 17th

6:00am Homes Under the Hammer7:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming7:45am Saints andScroungers8:15am The A to Z of TV Gardening9:00am The Great BritishSewing Bee10:00am Deadly 60 on a Mission10:30am Great BritishRailway Journeys11:00am BBC News11:30am Daily Politics1:00pm My Life in Books1:30pm Weakest Link2:15pm ClassicMastermind2:45pm The Great British Bake Off3:45pm Restoration

Roadshow4:15pm Planet Earth5:15pm Flog It!6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm The Chef'sProtege7:00pm Antiques RoadTrip8:00pm Auction Hero9:00pm Bankers10:00pm The Apprentice:You're Fired10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm Keeping BritainAlive: The NHS in a Day12:20am Keeping BritainAlive: The NHS in a Day1:20am Fit to Rule: HowRoyal Illness ChangedHistory2:20am This Is BBC Two4:00am Schools - Beneaththe Lab Coat: 1

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The JeremyKyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News and Weather1:55pm ITV NewsLondon2:00pm May the Best House Win3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV NewsLondon

6:15pm ITV News and Weather6:45pm CoronationStreet7:15pm Live UEFAEuropa League Final10:15pm ITV News and Weather10:45pm ITV NewsLondon10:50pm Dirty Britain11:55pm The Dales12:20am Jackpot2473:00am Columbo:Forgotten Lady4:35am ITV Nightscreen5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:10am The Hoobs6:35am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond7:55am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier8:55am Frasier9:30am Frasier10:00am The SecretMillionaire11:00am Come Dine with Me11:30am What'sCooking?12:25pm Channel 4News Midday Summary12:30pm Sarah Beeny'sSelling Houses1:30pm Channel 4 Racing3:30pm 1001 Things YouShould Know

4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Come Dine with Me6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm Location,Location, Location9:00pm 24 Hours in A&E10:00pm 10 O'Clock Live10:55pm Random Acts11:00pm Secrets of the Shoplifters12:05am The Repo Man1:05am Revenge1:55am Breakfast on Pluto4:05am Mama Lou

7:00pm Pop's GreatestDance Crazes8:00pm How to WinEurovision10:00pm MOVIE:Face/Off12:10am Family Guy12:35am Family Guy12:55am Sweat theSmall Stuff1:25am Pop's GreatestDance Crazes

2:25am Snog, Marry,Avoid?2:55am Being Human

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Fake Britain10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am The Sheriffs AreComing11:45am Saints andScroungers12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to theCountry3:00pm Perfection3:45pm The Hairy Bikers'Food Tour of Britain4:30pm Put Your MoneyWhere Your Mouth Is5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes7:00pm The One Show7:30pm EastEnders8:00pm Waterloo Road9:00pm Britain's BiggestHoarders10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional Newsand Weather10:35pm Question Time11:35pm This Week12:20am HolidayWeatherview12:25am BBC News

6:05am Homes Under the Hammer7:05am The Sheriffs Are Coming7:50am Saints andScroungers8:20am The A to Z of TV Gardening9:05am Italy Unpacked10:05am Great BritishRailway Journeys Goesto Ireland10:35am HARDtalk11:00am BBC News11:30am World News12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm My Life in Books1:30pm Weakest Link2:15pm ClassicMastermind2:45pm The GreatBritish Bake Off3:45pm Restoration

Roadshow4:15pm Planet Earth5:15pm Flog It!6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm The Chef'sProtege7:00pm The Dambusters:70 Years On8:00pm Bradford: City of Dreams9:00pm The Tube: AnUnderground History10:00pm Watson & Oliver10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm Dam Busters:The Race to Smash theGerman Dams12:20am Keeping BritainAlive: The NHS in a Day1:20am Jobs for the Boys? 1:50am This Is BBC Two4:00am Schools: RegencyLife - 3 Lives in 1 Day

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News1:55pm London News 2:00pm May the Best House Win3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm News London6:30pm ITV News7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm America and Its

Guns: Tonight8:00pm Emmerdale8:30pm Paul O'Grady:For the Love of Dogs9:00pm Murder on theHome Front10:00pm ITV News atTen 10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm Vicious11:05pm The Job Lot11:35pm The LateDebate12:05am Jackpot2473:00am America and ItsGuns: Tonight3:25am ITV Nightscreen5:05am The Jeremy KyleShow

6:10am The Hoobs6:35am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond7:55am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier9:00am Frasier9:30am Frasier10:00am The SecretMillionaire11:00am Come Dine with Me11:30am What'sCooking?12:25pm 4 News12:30pm Sarah Beeny'sSelling Houses1:30pm Channel 4 Racing3:30pm 1001 Things YouShould Know4:00pm Deal or No Deal

5:00pm Come Dine with Me6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm Secret Eaters9:00pm The MurderWorkers10:35pm 999: What'sYour Emergency?11:35pm 24 Hoursin A&E12:40am Random Acts12:45am Skint1:35am Mary Queen ofthe High Street2:35am Murdered inTenerife: 4 Dispatches3:05am UnreportedWorld3:30am A Place in theSun: Winter Sun

7:00pm The Apprentice8:00pm Eurovision SongContest 2013: Semi-FinalTwo10:00pm RussellHoward's Good News10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy11:25pm Family Guy11:45pm American Dad!12:10am American Dad!12:30am Russell

Howard's Good News1:00am Some Girls1:30am Some Girls2:00am Sweat the SmallStuff2:30am Pop's GreatestDance Crazes3:30am Snog, Marry,Avoid?

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Fake Britain10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming11:45am Saints andScroungers12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News1:30pm Regional News 1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to the Country3:00pm Perfection3:45pm The Hairy Bikers'Food Tour of Britain4:30pm Put Your MoneyWhere Your Mouth Is5:15pm Pointless6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional News

Programmes7:00pm The One Show7:30pm A Question ofSport8:00pm EastEnders8:30pm Would I Lie toYou?9:00pm Have I Got News for You9:30pm Not Going Out10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional Newsand Weather10:35pm The GrahamNorton Show11:25pm The WrightWay11:55pm Norbit1:30am Weatherview1:35am BBC News

6:00am Homes Underthe Hammer7:00am The Sheriffs Are Coming7:45am Saints andScroungers8:15am The A to Z of TV Gardening9:00am AntiquesRoadshow10:00am Question Time11:00am BBC News11:30am World News12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm My Life inBooks1:30pm Weakest Link2:15pm ClassicMastermind2:45pm The GreatBritish Bake Off3:45pm RestorationRoadshow

4:15pm Planet Earth5:15pm Flog It!6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm The Chef'sProtege7:00pm Antiques RoadTrip8:00pm Nature'sMicroworlds8:30pm Gardeners'World9:00pm Natural WorldSpecial - Leopards: 21stCentury Cats10:00pm QI10:30pm Newsnight11:00pm Weather11:05pm Later withJools Holland12:10am Frozen River1:40am Question Time2:40am This Is BBC Two

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News andWeather1:55pm ITV NewsLondon2:00pm May the Best House Win3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV NewsLondon

6:30pm ITV News andWeather7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm CoronationStreet8:00pm The MartinLewis Money Show8:30pm CoronationStreet9:00pm Life of Crime10:00pm ITV News atTen and Weather10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm MOVIE:Rumor Has It12:25am Jackpot2473:00am Columbo: Dead Weight4:15am ITV Nightscreen

6:10am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am EverybodyLoves Raymond8:25am Frasier10:00am The SecretMillionaire11:00am Come Dinewith Me11:30am What'sCooking?12:25pm 4 News 12:30pm Sarah Beeny'sSelling Houses1:30pm 4 Racing3:30pm 1001 Things YouShould Know4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Come Dine with Me6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News

7:30pm UnreportedWorld7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm Come Dine with Me9:00pm Ben Earl: Trick Artist10:00pm Alan Carr:Chatty Man11:05pm 10 O'Clock Live12:05am Random Acts12:10am New Girl12:35am The MindyProject1:00am Nurse Betty2:50am Happy Endings3:10am The NewNormal3:35am Accidentally onPurpose3:55am Fast Spin Fling4:00am A Place in theSun: Winter Sun


Adventure (2007). Four friends going throughmidlife crises decide to dust off their oldmotorcycles and hit the open road on a 2,000-mile cross-country trip. However, a run-in witha biker gang disrupts their carefree adventure.Comedy, starring Tim Allen, John Travolta,Martin Lawrence, William H Macy, Ray Liottaand Marisa Tomei, with a cameo by Easy Rider'sPeter Fonda.

Wild Hogs

Carter Page III, an openly gay charmer, escortsthe wives of Washington's powerful figures tosocial events. When the secret lover of hisclosest female companion is found stabbed todeath, Carter tries to spare his friend and herhusband from public embarrassment by lying tothe police. However, his good deed soon makeshim the prime suspect in a murder investigation.Drama, starring Woody Harrelson, Kristin ScottThomas and Lauren Bacall.

The Walker


An obituary writer discovers that her mother andgrandmother's affairs with the same young mandecades before could have been the inspirationfor the book and film The Graduate. Intrigued bythe possibility, she sets off for San Francisco tofind the charmer who left her relatives reeling.Rob Reiner's romantic comedy, starring JenniferAniston, Kevin Costner and Shirley MacLaine.

Rumour Has ItFILM

Premiere. Ruthless stockbroker Gordon Gekko isreleased from prison after eight years, reinventinghimself as an author and lecturer warning againstthe dangers of the financial system. Gekko helps ayoung banker get revenge on the company thatdrove his mentor to suicide, but as always, has acrooked agenda of his own. Oliver Stone's sequelto his 1980s drama, with Michael Douglas.

Wall Street:MoneyNever Sleeps



Sat, May 18th 11:55pm

Fri, May 17th 10:35pm

Sat, May 18th 9:00pm

Wed, May 15th 10.00pm

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esN TV Listings24

BoxThis week’s films below add 1 hour

for Spanish Viewing Times

7:00pm Doctor Who7:45pm Merlin8:30pm World's CraziestFools9:00pm Sherlock10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy11:25pm Family Guy11:45pm American Dad!12:10am American Dad!12:30am How to WinEurovision

2:30am Russell Howard'sGood News3:00am Snog, Marry,Avoid?3:30am World's CraziestFool

The Murder Workers

FILM Wed, May 15th 11:05pm

Australia withSimon Reeve

Face Off (Also on Sat at 9:45pm)

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Fake Britain10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am The Sheriffs AreComing11:45am Saints andScroungers12:15pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to theCountry3:00pm Perfection3:45pm The Hairy Bikers'Food Tour of Britain4:30pm Put Your MoneyWhere Your Mouth Is5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes7:00pm The One Show8:00pm Watchdog9:00pm The Apprentice10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional Newsand Weather10:35pm A Question ofSport11:05pm MOVIE: WildHogs12:40am Weatherview12:45am BBC News

Page 25: The News Newspaper - Issue 226


SUNDAYMay 19th

MONDAYMay 20th


6:00am This Is BBC Two6:40am Till the End ofTime8:20am FlyingLeathernecks10:00am A History ofScotland11:00am Map Man11:30am Just a Minute12:00pm The Chef'sProtege12:30pm The Chef'sProtege1:00pm The Chef'sProtege1:30pm The Chef'sProtege2:00pm The Chef'sProtege2:30pm The A to Z of TVGardening2:50pm Coast3:50pm Auction Hero

4:50pm The Eagle HasLanded7:00pm Flog It!8:00pm Dad's Army8:30pm Sincerely, FScott Fitzgerald: ACulture Show Special9:30pm QI XL10:15pm West Is West11:55pm MOVIE: TheWalker1:35am This Is BBC Two

7:20am Almost NakedAnimals7:35am Ultimate Spider-Man8:00am Jessie8:25am ITV News8:30am Dinner Date9:25am The Jeremy KyleShow USA10:15am My TastyTravels with LyndaBellingham11:15am Saturday Farm12:15pm ITV News12:30pm Murder, SheWrote1:30pm River Monsters2:30pm All Star FamilyFortunes3:15pm The Chase

4:15pm The Great StTrinian's Train Robbery6:00pm ITV NewsLondon6:15pm ITV News6:30pm You've BeenFramed! Top 100Holidays7:30pm Britain's GotTalent8:45pm The Cube9:45pm The JonathanRoss Show10:45pm ITV News11:00pm Mickey BlueEyes12:55am Jackpot2473:00am The Starter Wife3:50am ITV Nightscreen

6:00am The TreaclePeople6:10am The Hoobs6:35am VW Racing Cup7:00am The Grid7:25am FIM SuperbikeWorld Championship7:55am The MorningLine8:55am Everybody LovesRaymond9:30am Everybody LovesRaymond10:00am Frasier10:30am Frasier11:00am The Big Bang Theory11:30am The Big Bang Theory12:00pm The Simpsons12:30pm Heston'sFantastical Food1:35pm Channel 4 Racing

4:10pm Come Dine with Me4:40pm Come Dine with Me5:15pm Come Dine with Me5:50pm Come Dine with Me6:20pm Come Dine with Me6:50pm 4 News7:15pm Fantastic Four:Rise of the Silver Surfer9:00pm MOVIE: WallStreet: Money NeverSleeps11:40pm Derren Brown:The Assassin12:40am Crash2:30am Southland3:10am Hollyoaks

6:00am Breakfast9:00am The AndrewMarr Show10:00am Live Worshipfor Pentecost11:00am Sunday Politics12:20pm Countryfile1:15pm Bargain Hunt2:15pm Homes Underthe Hammer3:15pm Points of View3:30pm Lifeline3:40pm Escape to theCountry4:25pm Songs of Praise5:00pm Chelsea FlowerShow 20136:00pm BBC News;Regional News andWeather6:30pm Countryfile7:30pm Antiques

Roadshow8:30pm Case Histories10:00pm BBC News;Regional News andWeather10:25pm Match of theDay12:00am The FootballLeague Show1:00am The Glass Shield2:45am Weatherview2:50am BBC News

6:00am This Is BBC Two6:30am Ruthless8:15am Gardeners'World8:45am The A to Z of TVGardening9:30am The BeechgroveGarden10:00am SaturdayKitchen Best Bites11:30am Chinese FoodMade Easy12:00pm Great BritishFood Revival12:30pm Live MotoGP2:15pm EastEnders4:05pm Final Score6:30pm Porridge7:00pm Racing Legends:Jackie Stewart8:00pm Ice Age Giants9:00pm Australia withSimon Reeve

10:00pm Mock theWeek Looks Back at Food& Drink10:30pm Blood Diamond12:45am Countryfile1:40am Holby City2:40am This Is BBC Two

7:20am Almost NakedAnimals7:30am Teenage MutantNinja Turtles8:00am Sonny with aChance8:25am ITV News8:30am Country HouseSunday9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA10:20am Dickinson's Real Deal11:20am Love YourGarden12:20pm ITV News 12:25pm Murder on the Orient Express2:50pm Britain's GotTalent

4:10pm Evan Almighty5:55pm You've BeenFramed! Top 100 Kids6:45pm ITV NewsLondon7:00pm ITV News 7:15pm Catchphrase8:00pm The British Soap Awards 201310:00pm ITV News and Weather10:15pm Children of Men12:15am The Store2:15am Monk3:00am Motorsport UK3:50am ITV Nightscreen5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:10am The Hoobs6:35am The Hoobs7:05am Freesports on 47:30am Everybody LovesRaymond7:55am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier9:00am Frasier9:30am Sunday Brunch12:30pm The Big Bang Theory12:55pm The Big Bang Theory1:30pm The Simpsons2:00pm The Simpsons2:30pm Big Momma'sHouse 24:30pm Deal or No Deal5:30pm George Clarke'sAmazing Spaces6:30pm Grand Designs7:30pm Channel 4 News

8:00pm World'sWeirdest Weather9:00pm The SocialNetwork11:20pm Don't BlameFacebook12:25am Walk the Line2:40am Southland3:25am Gok's StyleSecrets4:20am Come Dine with Me

7:00pm How to WinEurovision9:00pm Russell Howard'sGood News Extra9:45pm Sweat the SmallStuff: Extra Sweaty10:30pm Family Guy10:55pm Family Guy11:15pm American Dad!11:40pm American Dad!12:00am RussellHoward's Good News

Extra12:45am Sweat the SmallStuff: Extra Sweaty1:30am Snog, Marry,Avoid?2:00am Abby & Brittany:Joined for Life2:55am Being Human

6:00am Breakfast9:15am Helicopter Heroes10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am Don't Get Done in the Sun11:30am Bargain Hunt12:30pm Chelsea FlowerShow 20131:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to the Country3:00pm Perfection3:45pm The Hairy Bikers'Food Tour of Britain4:30pm Put Your MoneyWhere Your Mouth Is5:15pm Pointless

6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes7:00pm The One Show7:30pm Chelsea FlowerShow 20138:00pm EastEnders8:30pm Miranda9:00pm Hillsborough:How They Buried the Truth10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional News and Weather10:35pm Have I Got a Bit More News for You11:20pm BBC News: The Editors11:50pm The GrahamNorton Show12:35am Weatherview12:40am BBC News

6:05am Homes Underthe Hammer7:05am The Sheriffs Are Coming7:50am Saints andScroungers8:20am Heir Hunters9:05am Coast10:05am Great BritishRailway Journeys Goes to Ireland10:35am Click11:00am BBC News11:30am World News12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm My Life in Books1:30pm Weakest Link2:15pm ClassicMastermind2:45pm The Great British Bake Off3:45pm RestorationRoadshow

4:15pm Planet Earth5:15pm Flog It!6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm The Chef'sProtege7:00pm Antiques Road Trip8:00pm Chelsea FlowerShow 20139:00pm The Fall10:00pm Never Mind the Buzzcocks10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm The Women'sFootball Show12:00am The Tudors12:55am The Tudors1:50am Keeping BritainAlive: The NHS in a Day2:50am This Is BBC Two4:00am Made of Money4:30am The Imagineers

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News1:55pm ITV News London2:00pm May the BestHouse Win3:00pm Dickinson's Real Deal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV News London6:30pm ITV News andWeather7:00pm Emmerdale

7:30pm CoronationStreet8:00pm The Dales8:30pm CoronationStreet9:00pm Vicious9:30pm The Job Lot10:00pm ITV News at Ten 10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm The JonathanRoss Show11:40pm Monk12:35am Jackpot2473:00am ChampionsLeague Weekly3:25am ITV Nightscreen5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:10am The Hoobs6:35am The Hoobs7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond7:55am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier8:55am Frasier9:30am Frasier10:00am The SecretMillionaire11:00am Come Dine with Me11:30am What'sCooking?12:35pm Channel 4 NewsMidday Summary12:40pm 1001 Things YouShould Know1:05pm Sarah Beeny'sSelling Houses2:10pm Four Rooms

3:10pm Countdown4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Come Dine with Me6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm SuperScrimpers9:00pm Skint10:00pm Ramsay'sKitchen Nightmares USA11:05pm Alan Carr:Chatty Man12:05am Random Acts12:10am Shameless1:05am The Fear2:00am Dreams of a Life3:30am The RenovationGame

7:00pm Top Gear8:00pm Don't Tell the Bride9:00pm Branded a Witch10:00pm Snog, Marry,Avoid?10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy11:25pm Family Guy11:45pm American Dad!12:10am American Dad!12:30am Pramface

1:00am Pramface1:30am Snog, Marry,Avoid?2:00am Branded a Witch3:00am Great MovieMistakes IV: May theFourth Be with You3:30am Snog, Marry,Avoid?

6:00am Breakfast9:15am HelicopterHeroes10:00am Homes Underthe Hammer11:00am Don't Get Done in the Sun11:30am Bargain Hunt12:30pm Chelsea FlowerShow 20131:00pm BBC News;Weather1:30pm Regional Newsand Weather1:45pm Doctors2:15pm Escape to The Country3:00pm Perfection3:45pm The Hairy Bikers'Food Tour of Britain4:30pm Put Your MoneyWhere Your Mouth Is

5:15pm Pointless6:00pm BBC News6:30pm Regional NewsProgrammes7:00pm The One Show7:30pm EastEnders8:00pm Holby City9:00pm Frankie10:00pm BBC News10:25pm Regional News and Weather10:35pm The WrightWay11:05pm Live at the Apollo11:35pm Bandits1:35am Weatherview1:40am BBC News

6:05am HelicopterHeroes6:50am Homes Underthe Hammer7:50am Don't Get Done in the Sun8:20am Saints andScroungers9:05am Watchdog10:05am PaulHollywood's Bread10:35am HARDtalk11:00am BBC News11:30am World News12:00pm Daily Politics1:00pm My Life in Books1:30pm The SuperLeague Show2:15pm ClassicMastermind2:45pm The Great British Bake Off3:45pm Restoration

Roadshow4:15pm Planet Earth5:15pm Flog It!6:00pm Eggheads6:30pm The Chef'sProtege7:00pm Antiques RoadTrip8:00pm Chelsea FlowerShow 20139:00pm Town withNicholas Crane10:00pm Later Live -with Jools Holland10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm The Tudors12:15am The Tudors1:10am The Apprentice2:10am James May'sMan Lab3:10am This Is BBC Two3:55am Wonders of Life4:35am Wonders of Life

6:00am Daybreak8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy KyleShow10:30am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News andWeather1:55pm ITV NewsLondon2:00pm May the BestHouse Win3:00pm Dickinson's RealDeal3:59pm ITV LondonWeather4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV NewsLondon

6:30pm ITV News7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm River Monsters8:00pm CarolineQuentin's National Parks9:00pm Who Wants toBe a Millionaire? ThePeople Play10:00pm ITV News atTen and Weather10:30pm ITV NewsLondon10:35pm The Zoo11:35pm In Plain Sight12:30am Jackpot2473:00am Loose Women3:50am ITV Nightscreen5:05am The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:05am According to Jim7:30am Everybody LovesRaymond7:55am Everybody LovesRaymond8:25am Frasier10:00am The SecretMillionaire11:00am Come Dinewith Me11:30am What'sCooking?12:35pm 4 News12:40pm 1001 ThingsYou Should Know1:05pm Sarah Beeny'sSelling Houses2:10pm Four Rooms3:10pm Countdown4:00pm Deal or No Deal5:00pm Come Dine with Me6:00pm The Simpsons

6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm 4 News7:55pm 4thought.tv8:00pm EmbarrassingBodies: Live Clinic9:00pm Mary Queen ofthe High Street10:00pm Shameless11:05pm Random Acts11:10pm Ben Earl: Trick Artist12:10am European Poker Tour1:05am KOTV BoxingWeekly1:35am America's CupDiscovered2:00am The Grid2:30am Freesports on 43:00am FIM SuperbikeWorld Championship3:25am VW Racing Cup3:55am Deal or No Deal

7:00pm Total Wipeout8:15pm Meet theParents10:00pm Sweat theSmall Stuff10:30pm EastEnders11:00pm Family Guy11:25pm Family Guy11:45pm American Dad!12:10am American Dad!12:30am Sweat theSmall Stuff

1:00am RussellHoward's Good News1:30am Branded a Witch2:25am Snog, Marry,Avoid?2:55am Being Human

Live Football:

Wed May 15th 7:15pm


Sat, May 18th 8.00pm

Graham Norton commentates on the 58thmusical extravaganza from the MalmoArena in Sweden - the only country tohave held the contest in five consecutivedecades. All eyes will be on Welshpowerhouse Bonnie Tyler, who is aimingto become the first UK winner since 1997with her country ballad Believe in Me, andIreland's Ryan Dolan - assuming he madeit through Tuesday's semi-final.

NOTE: Add 1 hour for

Spanish viewing times.

6:00am Breakfast10:00am SaturdayKitchen Live11:30am Nigel Slater'sSimple Suppers12:00pm BBC News;Regional News andWeather12:15pm Football Focus1:00pm Live MotoGP2:00pm Bargain Hunt3:00pm Herbie: FullyLoaded4:35pm Escape to theCountry5:20pm CelebrityMastermind5:50pm PointlessCelebrities6:40pm BBC News;Regional News andWeather

7:00pm Doctor Who7:45pm The NationalLottery Draws8:00pm Eurovision SongContest 201311:15pm BBC News;Weather11:35pm Live at theApollo12:05am Life1:45am Weatherview1:50am BBC News

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NTV Listings 25the ewsN

7:00pm Top Gear7:50pm The PremierLeague's Most AmazingMoments9:45pm MOVIE:Face/Off12:00am Family Guy12:25am Family Guy12:45am RussellHoward's Good News1:15am The PremierLeague's Most Amazing

Moments3:10am Sweat the SmallStuff3:40am Great MovieMistakes 2011: Not in 3D

Eurovision Song Contest2013 From Malmo

Live Europa LeagueFinal: Chelsea v Benfica

Page 26: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Take a breakSUDoKU







Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. With no repeats, that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.

Fill in the grid using all the letters of the alphabet.Some letters have been given to help you get started.

Across1. Entering a foreign country (9)8. Number one's direction is sound (5)9. The VIP's back on the board (7)10. Go through a new recipe (6)11. All the players or just one runner (6)12. Made inflammatory speeches whendisturbed (8)15. Its trend is disposed to beunpleasantly harsh (8)18. Be exceptionally kind to a taxpayer(6)20. Medicines that vary in cost (6)21. Distribute free (7)22. Provide proper directions first (5)23. Not a good state of mind forpainting (9)

Down2. Girl strangely hard about love (5)3. Performs a new ascent (6)4. Permit - strange to relate (8)5. Come into service? (6)6. Be all atremble yet brave it somehow(7)7. One kept - in suspense? (9)11. Exceptional test cases createrecords (9)13. Profit is the attraction (8)14. Out of range of French explosivedevice (7)16. Cut short - a cruise perhaps? (6)17. Mid-channel? (6)19. Sound of harmony in musicalcomposition (5)

Across9. Disgust (7)10. Clothing (7)11. Male ruler of an empire (7)12. A breed of stout dog (7)13. Saturnine (9)15. Cereal (5)16. Physicians (7)19. Uttermost (7)20. Exhausted (5)21. Rule of personal conduct (9)25. Recuperate (7)26. A special anniversary (7)28. Baubles (7)29. Set free (7)

Down1. Beloveds (6)2. Daze (6)3. Reasonable (4)4. Feel remorse for (6)5. Cook outdoors (8)6. Self-deprecating (10)7. Receive an academic degree (8)8. Splendor (8)14. In an unfruitful manner (10)16. Sketch verbally (8)17. A type of curved shape (8)18. Subdue (8)22. Harm (6)23. Column (6)24. Shoelace hole (6)27. Digestive juice (4)

9. Outrage10. Apparel11.Emperor12.Bulldog13. Sarcastic15. Grain16. Doctors

19. Extreme20. Spent21. Principle25. Recover26. Jubilee28. Bangles29. Release

1. Lovers 2. Stupor3. Fair4. Regret5. Barbecue6. Apologetic7.Graduate8. Elegance

14. Abortively16. Describe17. Cresent18. Suppress22. Injury23. Pillar24. Eyelet27. Bile

1. Argentine8. Noise9. Notable10. Pierce11. Castor12. Agitated

15. Strident18. Exempt20. Tonics21. Deliver22. Endue23. Distemper

2. Rhoda3. Enacts4. Tolerate5. Enlist6. Vibrate7. Dependant

11. Cassettes13. Interest14. Grenade16. Docked17. Medium19. Piece A








1.D2.E3.L4. T5.I6. H7.C8.N9. S

10. A11.B12. O13.P14.M15.U16. J17.R18. X

19.K20. W21. G22.Z23. V24. Y25.Q26.F


See how many words of four or moreletters you can make from the givennine letters. In making a word eachletter may be used only once. The keyletter must be used in each word.



1-10 Poor11-14 Average

16-17 Good18-21 Excellent


The 9-letter wordCLUSTER



Target1-9 Poor10-12 Average

13-15 Good16-18 Excellent

The 9-letter wordREMAINDER

The following are not allowed:- Words beginning with a capital letter- Words with a hyphen or apostrophe- Plural words ending in “s”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26O



WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in www.thenewsonline.esNMagazine26

Page 27: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

The word Nebulacomes from theLatin meaning

‘cloud’ and up to thebeginning of the 20thcentury if you had askedthe top astronomers ofthe time, they wouldhave told you that any‘fuzzy blob’ in the nightsky is a Nebula.Telescopes hadn’tdeveloped powerfullyenough to distinguishone ‘fuzzy blob’ fromanother. It was believedthat the Universe waseverything that wascontained in our galaxythe Milky Way.

It was not until aslate as 1925 that an Americanastronomer named Edwin Hubble,

using a 100inch telescope – which wasthe largest telescope in the world at thetime – announced that the Universestretches much further out than therealms of our galaxy. He discovered thatsome of the ‘fuzzy blobs’ were in factgalaxies themselves.

This discovery changed the entireview of the Universe and wasconsidered such a milestone in

astronomical research that it was decidedto christen the Hubble Space Telescope inhis honour.

Agalaxy is a collection of millionsand often billions of stars all heldin place by the effects of gravity.

Galaxies can come in various shapes andsizes but the most popular type looks a bitlike two fried eggs placed back to back.They have a central bulge packed withcountless numbers of stars, and spiralarms that thin out towards the edges.Our galaxy is believed to have this shapewith the Solar System situated aboutthree quarters of the way out from thecentre in one of the spiral arms.

Galaxies are huge, our galaxy is over100,000 light years across andcontains somewhere near 400

billion stars. At night in very dark areaswe can see the Milky Way stretchingacross the sky from horizon to horizon. Itlooks like a faint band of cloud. It is so faraway that it is impossible to distinguishindividual stars in it, they all seem tomerge together to create this ghostlylight. If the Milky Way was reduced toone metre in size then all the individualstars that you can see would be inside acircle less than four millimetres across.

We can’t really see the centralbulge of the Milky Way simplybecause there are too many stars

in the way. It’s a bit like saying you can’tsee the forest because of the trees. It isthought that there is a super massiveblack hole at the centre of our galaxy.

Our next nearest neighbouringgalaxy is called the AndromedaGalaxy; it is 2.5 million light years

away and is the most distant object that

can be seen with the naked eye. UntilEdwin Hubble revealed that it is a galaxyin its own right outside of the Milky Wayit was thought to be a nebula inside ourgalaxy and was always referred to as theAndromeda Nebula.

Anebula is a cloud of gas that isinside our galaxy, mainly hydrogenwith traces of helium and other

gases. They are either an area where newstars are being born or the remnants of astar that has exploded in a supernova. Ashydrogen atoms begin to attract eachother the gravity builds up and begins toattract more and more atoms creating thenebula. Eventually the heat and pressurethat builds up over millions of yearscauses the nuclear reaction to occurwhich creates a star.

Using the Hubble Space Telescopenumerous nebulas have beendiscovered in various stages of

their evolution. The Orion Nebula hasshown us the stages of star evolutionalmost from beginning to end. Inside theOrion Nebula astronomers discovered theHorse Head Nebula the early stages ofstar birth. Also ‘The Pillars Of Creation’(pictured), spectacular ‘fingers’ ofnebulous clouds of gas very near tobecoming stars.

Likewise, when a star reaches theend of its life it will either expandto giant proportions and then

collapse back upon itself leaving a ghostlycircular nebula such as M57 – the RingNebula in Lyra. Or larger stars expandand become red giants, some of which arebig enough to swallow our solar system.They then explode in an almighty blasttearing the star apart. The result is anebula such as M1– the Crab Nebula, thedeathly remains of a star that was seento explode and light up the night sky asrecently as 1054.

Nebulas – just big gas bags really!

Happy Stargazing!


Send letters to the editor as part of an e-mail text [email protected]

StargazingBy Ken Campbell

A Galaxy or a Nebula?Somebody asked me last week, ‘What’s thedifference between a Nebula and a Galaxy?’

Well said, J E Swenson.What he/she has recounted isperfect history. Where, inMuslim lands, do you seeChristian churches –nowhere! The only tolerance has beenfrom the Christians and theJews, NEVER from theMuslims. Living togethershould work both ways,tolerance should not be so

one-sided!You said that you would beexpecting a few replies, I canonly imagine that they willall be in support of J ESwenson!

Editor says: This letter is inreply to a letter published inThe News (Edition 224) onthe 30th April from MrSwenson about harmony or

submission between differentreligious factions throughoutthe world and we have hadletters in reply, mainly I haveto say in support of his viewsbut also, against them.Overall, the general feelingthat tolerance of and by allbeliefs is the only way to go fora peaceful and safe future forall.

Chris Lee Fuengirola

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

Zpvs!pvumppl!po!uif!Xpsme NOpinion & Comment 27the ewsN

Opinion Comment&I was asked last week by amember of another golf clubwhat the rules of golf were inthe following situation: “Theball has been played and hascleared the water hazard but,it then hits the far side androlls back into the water.What rule must I use?”

Rule 26-1 states that if a ballis known to be in a waterhazard or it is virtuallycertain it is in the hazard aplayer must proceed underRule 27-1.......the player mayunder penalty of 1 stroke doone of 3 things.

a) Play a ball from as near aspossible at the spot where theoriginal ball was last played.

b) Drop a ball behind thewater hazard keeping thelast point at which the ballcrossed the hazard directlybetween the the hole and thepoint at which the ball wasdropped or

c) Only if it is a lateral hazard(marked by red stakes) he

has the option to drop a balloutside the hazard within 2club lengths and not nearerthe hole.

From what this person toldme it was not a lateral hazardso option C could not be used.The point to remember onpoint b are the words LASTcrossed.

If, as they stated, the ballcleared the hazard but rolledback in, then the drop has toleave that point in line withthe hole so the player has toleave the water hazard in theline and go back behind it

Also note it is the point atwhich the ball is dropped andthe hole that the entry pointhas to be in line with andNOT just the green.

Many people just dropbetween where it crossed andwhere they last played from,which is not always in linewith the hole.

I hope that this clears this


I know many people do notfully understand this ruleand if you have any furtherquestions please do nothesitate to call me.

Steve ParkerRules SecretaryMiraflores Golf.

Editor says: Golfing rules arevery complicated and oftenmisunderstood or misused so,if any of our golfing readershave queries that they’d likeanswered, email them to us [email protected] andSteve will be happy to answerthem for you.

Pat Nichols La Cala

I want to thank you for agreat and informative readevery week by way of TheNews.I have lived here for nearlytwo decades and still find itvery difficult to find outwhat events I can attendBEFORE the event. Itseems to me that there isoodles of reporting thatgoes on telling us all aboutconcerts, fiestas, trips andall manner of open daysand parties after the eventbut, to put it bluntly, that’sa fat lot of good if you wantto go to them!Many a time I have readabout things that happenedthe week before andthought: “What a shame, Iwould really have liked tosee / do that” and then youhave to make a note in your

diary to remind yourselfthat, whatever it was youmissed was on around thattime of year and try andfind out for the next yearinstead – not easy I canassure you – and, if it wassomething for a charity,they have missed out on allmanner of possible fundraising from people whodidn’t know about theirevent.So, thanks for keeping usup-to-date of what’s on andwhen.

Editor says: Trust me, evenwith us it’s really difficult tofind out about events and,for charities and a lot ofother events, there’s nocharge for putting them in.So, if you’ve got somethingcoming up – let us know!

Steve Parker Rules Secretary

Page 28: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

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WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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Page 29: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

LUXURY professional kennels,Cat and Dog World. Fully licensed.Cheap collection service. Viewingwelcome. / 630197435 (201)

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----------------------------------------------PARKING space to rent. Secureunderground, by boat roundaboutin Los Boliches. €60 month Tel:952474087 (229)pwp

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LONG let properties Calahondaarea: We are running out ofstock of properties for longterm rental. Please contact us ifyou wish us to offer your propertySteve: 636829631 (218)ghp

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Page 30: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Alonso was on fire in therace. From the second thelights went out, he was‘on it’ and the Ferrariteam backed him with theright strategy to ensurethe 31-year-old tookthe chequered flag forthe 32nd time in hiscareer, in a racefeaturing astaggering 82 pitstops as Pirelli'sdegrading rubberagain played fartoo much of arole in theoutcome for allconcerned.

Making fourstops, Alonsofinished nineseconds clear ofthree-stopping KimiRaikkonen in his Lotus,with the Finn having tosettle for second for thethird consecutive race.The Iceman though,reduced SebastianVettel's lead at the top ofthe standings to fourpoints, with the Germancoming in fourth asFerrari's Felipe Massacompleted the podium.

Despite their front-rowpositions followingSaturday's qualifying,Mercedes just wentbackwards with NicoRosberg finishing sixthand Lewis Hamilton 12thand out of the points forthe first time this year.Although leading for theopening 10 laps afterclaiming back-to-backpole positions for the firsttime in his career,Rosberg was soonswallowed up after thefirst round of pit stops. Asfor Hamilton, he startedto go backwards from lapone as he was initiallyoutmanoeuvred by Vettelinto turn one, and then byAlonso a few cornerslater.

Formula One thesedays has become all abouttyre conservation, withHamilton's frustrationcoming to the fore justbefore the halfway stageof the 66 laps. At thatpoint, with Hamiltonhaving plummeted to15th, the 28-year-olddropped behind Williams'Pastor Maldonado.Turning to the radio,Hamilton said: "And nowI've been passed by aWilliams!"

When Hamilton wastold soon after to lookafter his left-rear tyre, hethen replied: "I can't driveany slower."

Ultimately though, itwas Ferrari's pace thatshowed through,

allowingAlonso tomove

within 17 points of Vettelwho was 38 seconds downat the chequered flag,with Red Bull team-mateMark Webber fifth.Rosberg held off ForceIndia's Paul Di Resta forsixth, with the Scot againthe best of the Brits forthe second successive race

as McLaren's JensonButton came home eighthahead of team-mate


Aftersavouring theroars of the crowd,Alonso said: "It's veryspecial winning at home,it doesn't matter how maytimes you do, it's alwayslike starting from zero."The last laps are verylong because you want therace to finish as soon aspossible, but I'm veryhappy for the team."

After a series of racesdominated by tyredegradation the next raceat the low-grip Monacocircuit should bring a

welcome change. Alonsohas already given somehope to the Mercedesteam, saying that theywill head to the nextgrand prix in Monaco asfavourites to win.

Mercedes have takenpole position in the lastthree races beforedropping back, but Alonsosaid the difficulty ofpassing in Monaco wouldhelp them."They will arrive as

favourites. They've beenon pole the last threeraces," he said after hiswin in Spain."It's more difficult to

overtake in Monaco... somaybe they can keep goodpositions for longer."

Pirelli were quick topoint out the spectacle ofmost drivers making fourpit stops each was notwhat they were intendedto create. They arealready planning furtherchanges to the tyres toaddress it.

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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Alonso on fire for home GPFernando Alonso ended a seven-year wait to claim his second home Grand Prixtriumph to send the Spanish fans wild in Barcelona.

Vijay Singh is to sue thePGA Tour for banning himfrom competition without atest for using deer antlerspray.The Fijian admitted in

January to using thesubstance, which containssmall amounts of a growthhormone banned by theWorld Anti-Doping Agency(Wada).The PGA suspended the

former world number oneafter his admission, but the50-year-old successfullyappealed.Singh's lawsuit,

submitted in New York,claims the ban left him"humiliated, ridiculed, andemotionally distraught".According to the lawsuit,

which the PGA did not

comment on, the 2000 USMasters champion wassuspended for 90 days on19th February despitethere being no test inexistence for the substance.When the golfer

appealed, Wada advisedthe PGA Tour that it nolonger considered deerantler spray a bannedsubstance "unless a positivetest results"."I am proud of my

achievement, my workethic and the way I live mylife," said Singh in astatement."The PGA Tour not only

treated me unfairly, butdisplayed a lack ofprofessionalism that shouldconcern every professionalgolfer and fan of the game."

Vijay Singh to sue PGA Tour over antlerspray suspension




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Page 31: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

A number of people haveasked me how do you playStud, well here are thebasic rules to get youstarted.

Before the start of theTexas Hold'em boom over10 years ago, Stud hadalways been the mostpopular poker variation inthe United States. Thegame is played with twoto eight players. Probablythe biggest differencebetween 7 Card Stud andTexas Hold'em is that 7Card Stud is a non-flopgame. Each player getsdealt a total of sevencards, of which three aredealt face down and fourare dealt face up. Fromthese seven cards theplayer has to choose hisbest five-cardcombination. The handrankings are identical tothose in Hold'em; a RoyalFlush is the best possiblehand and the worst handis the high card hand (nopair).

Every player starts offwith getting dealt threecards; two cards face-down and one cardface-up. The two face-down cards are called the'hole cards' and the face-up card is called the 'doorcard'. Based on thesethree cards you decidewhether or not you wantto continue with the hand.Like in any pokervariation, hand selectionis extremely important in7 Card Stud.

Antes, bring-in and betting

Every player pays anante before gettingdealt any cards.In ourexample weare playing a1€/2€ Studgame with a 0.10€ anteand a 0.50€ bring-in.

The three cards aredealt and the player withthe lowest door card isforced to pay the bring-inof 0.50€. This player canalso choose to bet 1€,which is called 'tocomplete'. The bettingcontinues clockwisearound the table, withplayers having the optionto call, raise or fold. Oncethe betting is complete,

every player left in thehand is dealt a fourthcard (4th street). Now,and in all rounds still tocome, the player with thehighest up-cards is theone who starts thebetting.

The minimum bets forthe remainder of the handare:4th street: 1€5th, 6th & 7th street (theriver) : 2€

WEDNESDAY, May 15th 2013

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Tiger shows his teeth

Woods and Garcia foundthemselves tied for thelead with two holes toplay and the winner’scheque of$1.1million inthe balance.But afterWoods made asafe par on the17th, Garciadumped twoballs into thewater short ofthe island greento end his hopes witha quadruple-bogey seven.

Playing partner DavidLingmerth somehowignored all the dramato hit his own tee shotto seven feet, butthe Swedish rookiemissed the birdieputt that wouldhave taken himinto a share ofthe lead andalso bogeyedthe last tryingto force aplay-off.

ThatmeantWoods’s closing 70 and 13-under-par total of 275 wasgood enough for a two-shotwin over Lingmerth, JeffMaggert and Kevin

Streelman. Woodsis now just fourwins away fromequalling the



Tourvictories of Sam

Snead. It was alsohis fourth win in his

last five events – he wasfourth in the Masterslast month – and asecond PlayersChampionship title

coming 12 years afterhis first.

Garcia’s troublescontinued as he foundmore water on the 18th for

a double-bogey six and aclosing 76 to finish sixshots behind.

Woods and Garcia hadbeen embroiled in a rowduring the rain-

interrupted third roundafter the Spaniard feltthat Woods was toblame for crowd noisethat interrupted his


But they were keptapart in the final round asLingmerth joined them ina share of the lead after 54holes. Speaking after the

third round, Garcia saidof Woods:

"He's not myfavourite guy toplay with. He's not

the nicest guy onTour. So it willgood for bothus not to playtogether

again.We don'tlike eachother. Itdoesn'ttake arocket

engineer to figure that out.He is who he is. I am whoI am. It's best we're notplaying together again."

Tiger Woods claimed his 78th PGA Tour title and the richest prizein golf while Sergio Garcia became another victim of theinfamous 17th hole at Sawgrass, his chances of a second PlayersChampionship sank in the waters surrounding the island green.

Fond farewells andwonderful weatherBenavista Bowls Clubcelebrated by startingevening bowlingcompetitions last week,organised by RichardWelton the newCompetition Secretary. Agreat evening was had byall followed by a bite toeat. The winners of thedrawn fun event werePaco, Hazel and Frances.A good night Richard, rollon the next one.

Friday evenings we arenow trying our hand atPetanque.... a differentkind of bowling. All thatcan be said about ourexpertise is, we are trying!

Saturday we saidfarewell to Jan MacManus(pictured right). She andSteve, her husband, cameto the Costa del Sol in1995 to manageSuperbowl bowling club.This they did verysuccessfully for eight yearsand made a lot of friendsup and down the coast,especially in the bowlingcommunity. She will besadly missed, as Steve is,by us all.

We had a lovely day'sbowling on Saturday thenthe club presented herwith a picture of herachieving her ambition ofbeing ladies' champion ofthe Club, Well done Jan –going out with a flourish.

Jan provided nibbles anddrinks after our game forwhich we thank her. ButI will put it on record thather very last bowl playedon the coast was chipped(she beat me)!

All our best for yourfuture in Yorkshire. Enjoy,think of us sometimes andrealise we've lost anexcellent league bowlerand a good friend.

Report and picturesFrances Farmer

The winning Petanque team

Women to Contest Ashes Over All ree FormatsThe England women'scricket team will face theirAustralian counterpartsover all three formats ofthe game in August withthe winners of the Ashesbeing decided on a pointssystem, officials said onTuesday.

Women from the twocountries first competedagainst each other in aseries to mirror that oftheir male compatriots in1934 and the contestbecame a biennial testseries in 2001.

The next version takingplace in England later thisyear, however, willcomprise one test match,three one-dayinternationals and threeTwenty20 encounters.Winning the test matchwill be worth six pointswith a win in each of thelimited overs matchesworth two points. The

winner of most pointsclaims the series and theAshes trophy.

"The women's game hasseen huge growth ininterest and profile as aresult of the limited oversformats in recent years,"Clare Connor, head ofEngland women's cricket,said in a news release.

"The new women'sAshes series looks tocombine this reality withthe prestige and traditionof test match cricket.

"We believe that thisnew multi-format serieswill gain significantly moreprofile and context thancan be generated byplaying a one-off testmatch every couple ofyears."

Australia hold the Ashesafter reclaiming them bywinning a single test inSydney in January 2011.The trophy was created in1998 and contains theashes of a bat signed byboth of the teams thatcontested the series thatyear.

The Australian women’s team currently hold the Ashes

Page 32: The News Newspaper - Issue 226

Following their defeat inGranada last weekend, Málagafaced a tough week, with thegame against Real Madridbought forward due to theirparticipation in the Copa DelRey and another Andalucianderby against rivals Sevilla.

The game against Madridon Wednesday couldn´t havestarted any worse. After justthree minutes Raul Albiolfound the back of the net withan unmarked header. Málagacame back though afterquarter of an hour with Santa

Cruz tapping in an equaliser.Things got worse for Málaga

when defender Sanchez got astraight red for dragging backRonaldo which resulted in apenalty. Willy Caballero madethe save to keep the scorelinelevel. The Argentine appearedto injure himself in making thesave and was substitutedbefore the break, but notbefore he gifted Madrid a thirdgoal two minutes later.Camacho was adjudged tohave passed the ball back toCaballero who picked it up,gifting a free kick to Madrid just5 yards from the goalline.Despite Málaga packing the

line, Ronaldo hammered theball into the back of the netmaking the score 2-1. Tenminutes later Ozil made it 3-1with a goal on the break. Threeminutes later Málaga´sAntunes scored with a greatshot, giving Málaga some hopegoing into the break. Howeverthese hopes were dashedwhen Benzama got Madrid´s4th goal at the end of the firsthalf.

The second half was a morequiet affair compared to thefirst and it was a massive uphillclimb if Málaga were to getanything from the match.Modric made it 5-2 after 63minutes following good playbetween himself and Alonsoand Málaga´s night got evenworse when Demichelisreceived a second yellow andMálaga were left with nineplayers for the last twentyminutes. On 90 minutes DiMaria completed the rout anda battered Málaga left Madridwith a 6-2 defeat.

Málaga had to pickthemselves up for anotherAndalucian derby on Sundayagainst fierce rivals Sevilla. Bothteams were looking to gainground in their respectiveEuropean campaigns. Málagamade a bright start to thegame and appealed for apenalty after two minuteswhen Juan Cala intercepted apass from Isco with his

shoulder, but the referee didnot give the penalty. Negredohad Sevilla's first real chance,shooting wide of the near postafter a cross from AlbertoBueno. It was the first of severalclear opportunities the visitorscreated in the opening 45minutes. Ivan Rakitic headed across from Diego Perotti wide,then Coke forced a good savefrom Kameni, before Negredovolleyed just wide of the post.Kameni had to be alert againearly in the second half to keepout a header from Cala.

Málaga´s strike force lookedpedestrian and never lookedlike breaking the deadlock,with their only chance of notein the second period being along range effort from Dudawhich did not trouble Beto,who had very little to do allevening. In the end the bestchance of the game fell toRakitic with 15 minutesremaining, Negredo crossed tothe Croatian from inside thearea but the midfielder headedinto the side netting.

Málaga now have a breakuntil the weekend after nextwhen they take on Deportivoin the last home game of theseason. With all the speculationof Pellegrini going to Man Citywe should know by then hisfate.

Report by Danielle Moss

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Great Britain's Laura Robson beat seven-time Grand Slamwinner Venus Williams in the first round of the WTA eventin Rome. Robson, the world number 39, broke theAmerican's serve on six occasions to win 6-3 6-2. Williams,32, currently ranked at 24, struggled with a back injurythat has limited her to only four other tournaments so farthis season.

Robson will meet Venus's sister Serena, the worldnumber one, in round two. With the French Openbeginning on 26th May, Robson has earned another bigwin on clay following last week's run to the third round ofthe Madrid Open.

There may be continuing uncertainty over their coachCarlo Ancelotti's future, but what is beyond doubt is thatParis St-Germain are Ligue 1 champions. They sealed a firstFrench league title in 19 years thanks to a solitary JeremyMenez goal at Lyon, a fine 53rd-minute finish from ThiagoMotta's pass. David Beckham got in on the act as a latesubstitute for Menez, and became the first English playerto win a championship in four different countries (England,Spain, USA and France).

Man City sack manager Mancini

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Roberto Mancini has been sacked as Manchester City manager a year to the daysince winning the Premier League. The club said he "had failed to achieve anyof the club's targets, with the exception of qualification for next season'sChampions League". Assistant Brian Kidd will take charge for the final two gamesof the season and a tour to America in late May. Malaga's Chilean coach ManuelPellegrini has been strongly tipped to replace Mancini.


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Laura Robson beats VenusWilliams in Rome


Britain's Alex Dowsett overshadowed Sir Bradley Wigginsas he powered to a surprise win in the first individual timetrial of the Giro d'Italia.

Dowsett, the British time trial champion, faced a longwait after setting the pace over the 54.8km course havingstarted 39th of the 201 riders. Wiggins recovered from apuncture to finish second, 10 seconds behind. But VincenzoNibali was only 11 seconds further back to take the overalllead, with Wiggins now fourth, 1'16" adrift.

Britain's Alex Dowsett winsGiro time trial as Nibali leads

Málaga still looking for winReal Madrid 6 : 2 MálagaMálaga 0 : 0 Sevilla