Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (10) Feb 24, 1960

French Students Enjoy Travelogue Based On France

Sin# ot l b. .....,,.,la .wdytnir .,._.,al l'o-UC fllall7 Buroker. o.,.i. r...-. Bob !Mpold. .M"' J.- Hoos><r • .M.l<:k~1 WltJ!d.,­:caaq Tansm Lolly Racllardo ,_ ~· and llnL Br· ..i,. Wlftlnyl a tltndood a travd·

- - l"r&nce Jut 'nlurada7 at U.. llpokaM Co1'MWll. and -"""' - U... tum to U.. cw u.. -l day.

Eatt Pndd)', t'rcndl lnalnl• • tnr. MIM c.<1nidol> Gllbttt. )t 8"71 J.,,,_, and >fr Paul ,,_ p&trocl• ot th• P'nn<ll Club at s IJC, aJoo at· ,_

,,.. trav•Joruo wu & p-1rtralt of ran. and u.. Y ttn•h RJV••ra and ibiowrd 9C'enU "'nrtnr fr-om -·air lltalla In the now .. rnark•ta ot Pan• to the lavlahly· do«Jraltd bedroom UMd by lhpolaon, with tho 0Ullr-1ltp1 which lhla ahort. ti I" aoldl•r­ruS.r u.eod to d lmb u p lntn hl• .Ull lnlHl bed

Olllor t amou• al~llUI ah.,....n _,. t/No huff Arc of Triumph, tbe b.-1 &••nu• Champ• £11- the Moulln Roup• the roti....Bef"lf'R. lhfl whJtf' d«>mt'JI nf th. Racrf'·Clwour. lht Molrt"­~ ralhMnal, Md th• Pnl· f'U ot OW' h1Ja• pal•<""' at Vtr· ..UIM. M•lfttmartr• w&• ahown to be a ~try p lr-l utf'.qutt llftf:Ut)n l1ul11 ..., lh• hl1thNt Jn>Und In tbe r tty

"n.. cam,.ra altu pictured Lhto ~'"' •• on• ~. t h• tolf'vator up to U.. tup of lh• l':lffol Tow•r whSt't\ ta a •tru,.turt M<Ond In M ll'bl <•nly lA> lh• Emplro lllalt UuUJl"I In N•" York ""'"' t raltlf" In ParU •• ln met.It F.UNJM"ln t'IUN. ._al lho.-n t«i bf' qu1i. haphaurd Md It tt·•oktd IJk f" lhf' llr1\f'tl ••tt maldna- up t.btfr la"• •• thty dn1\ " a•ona

Thfl ~Int' Jlh'f' I and ita 1nan) br1<llt ....... 1•h ... ......, 'l<llh tho Puutan• who ttah ttu l'C' tor houra and rartl) '-•lth a ftah Th•\· don"l ~m 10 f'Xllt't'l lo Pithn

Of tnt• rtt•t l\l Ulf ~-omtn 1lu 11 ... 11 ..... th• raahlon """" ftretur1ni Ui4' latt."l tollttllnn of d,._... l niJ l\)Wnl b) l •arle" IM<11na d4'0lt111or ~l011l or tb ... d-. ahn,.Nl lh• C:n-.·lu In rtU•Dc;'•. With JtT•ceCuJ hn4'• In nowlns r htffon

l'k:tu"" ot th• blu• Modi· te"""ean otr th• Rh'l<ra w<rf lhft\ ahown. a nd tht'I; t'&mtra "'°'..s u1• th• tun ans co~ht and ,... ... led • tllu anJ pl•·turfoqu• """"* 1"11l<h t.>.>k n•uth hk• U... -- u lhtoy d'J m•I\) ttnturt" aco Th• palar fl or Prtnt"e 11&1-. MJ rnn .. ._ G,...,. or W- ...... p klUr'fd. aa "'.U UU., c~ otlhf'~ nu.s""' ,..., ,.._ sambbni: ........, at Wont• Carlo

ARor ti.. au.ii-.. had '1ra·..i u.. lal•rn&lh \&11) ,._ ...., -a. "" °"""4m. u.. '*'-pl\) <Ol Ul'DC'd t o l'&n. lo <"al.Cb 0.. tlabot"at• p&radl'

la "'-• "' Prooldcnt -· a.oi.w. \'\al to ~

V0lUM£ )(TV NO. tC

55 Make Deon's lis1 During Foll Term; 3 Got 4.0

,,,,... ltudenU' hCl&d

dean • J llt of honor Ai..4t':l1.I wtth f.0 a\'f'nl:-n tor the !all ~ ... ~)' att Fem Aodr.· """ Judy Re)'nolclo and Nai>cy Tani:-•n

Atudt"nta wt th bet•·t.,.n 3 .5o and 4 0 UC Joa.n Carbon, K•n Carneiro, :1.11r_.. Gray, P.obert Cr1!1t• Bat I.An? Robert l.JO'J>Old J..,.. MamUni;'" R.lrhardl ~larjor1<! WaJ. t<>n S1ek Ormond. and Judy II po II man

~\"f"raJ •tudttill th.

Gaylord S ec;'lcmann. Sw&AI< Nancy Tbom Hr Tootell. Dlanf' Waldram. 13&1'­!Nlra W - Paul WMZlll:; Frm \\'rrrl•• Don '1'.'llbrlm. Bn<'.z· I) \\'lntr.y JILDr \"an4 and Hon 'Yandt

I n o"'" to ..,..i "" UM bnDor h•• ttN- etudmu &mt bl' ca.rrr­lf\£' t" f1h • or m<tA' crcidlta OU· tr'IK the llC'mCll' f'T ~l 10 • min. O ve avaar

Shakespeare Plays Will Be Featured At Next Assembly

&d" rd en • na..-..J Ol\f Md dra. UC lnltTpfttlr

-...10 pcirform at lbe next. -.....m· bl) In the niltW'al een• u .. 1 known tor hla Sb&k_. l*'ri&n pertonna-. be bu r<rtonn..S In .-_,- al&U In lbc unk>ll

In hla ('Ulftftt ~ of r.M •tatH, Mr Brti::Nun i. .....,.ltinj;

bla W11) trom llw - to !hr ~ ut cout aa1 ...ui am'~ \A C'ofour <!'Al.JM c. W~J Wattb : tor bla porf ,.....,..,. .\ecordln!; to U.. ' "' \'WL P°"t. "Mr ~hamba.&,..W,,_ did - , ... ..., tull ot t\tt &Dd

~- """"" [)m, ... -tlWt <OllllllCl, -rhla maa b&o a ~,,..,... u ..... ...i arwn. It ..-.. an -~ ---·~ ot lnsplnl1lan..

Foc lul :0.'1.IC porf om>AD<T. \Ir B~ Will ,_te lh<R aetflC'UOna form O&mlf'&: UM .,... 111oquy rrom Art I. ScCM! n. lh. ,...,..,...u ot to ~ ..... . lb• ,_ lb• Sft"ll obloquy trom Art In. S<oon• l

!l'rom ~la.obolh. ho wlll redto U... .olUoquy ttom Art I. ~ \ 'I I lll• ~ -1\t: ~ beth and l.M Wrd appartUon: th• •lffp Wal~ llOetl~. and th~ dea\.h ot Lbe qucna

From A-. 1·ou Ukr" u. h t> v.•m rtoelt~ c.hto: aiiC!VU agu ~ and trom JuJlu~ ~r. b4e w1ll r«.ll~ the forum llJ)CeCh of Bnan a.a a..nd the tuntral oratJoo of ")tark Antony ovt.r lhc dead bod)· "' Juhu. ca.-r.


Our Greatest Cardinal Boosters

C'\Prts!ah raU.c pac'f' ftlW'" l"'N"ftC'l.itlvn "-" 'IJ( • fuur <Ju.,.·r· lf'adton.. w"bo lrrcl •ll&t"-f'r t"lM-rrtni 'l4"C'lfon h fuuDJ a\!lllablt" ~• rolJrS"t" ~U.U ~ Ud .. pa_ .. & ~n. Tht-y •(M'"Ul mAll'.\ hour. p1'W'tJcinC" tbrir dirt n1uun-. tlah flift for )our rlf rt .. to makr Uwo ~-tul Lrft to rtiht. Melfll. Jn· °""'rlJ \-tut..11 \ k'ld \\&ll.,.r. 't.a.acU•~ an- IUlhy (.;ro\\ &lld "-lo Ll>;-1"<

Amuicon Government Closs Splits Into Parties To learn l gislotive Processes

entl A;.

aw I 1&111 D<mocrat tu:d I~ pu U. tu:d are partldpo.t.'11C ID I.Ile l'lmeUonln,( or • mod• ""'- of r~pr cnta.UYm.

Tbe o(!ICQ &Dd ux-~ ....... '"""'" 0.-..U.- Pan) ' Bpcakn ot tile K- I Yandt llla.)Orlt,y ~ Fan Alldn• .,.. \\ 'l:lp Or11l KllkT: !IU<r• Lag Oommlti. Cid! Sedla' &Dd Jim OawWJ', OommiUN on Oommill-. JAM Yandt and Tam Rdd &lld caccm Lador

Dacrol °""" ,.,,. camm&ttee .:at< ,.,,. the

Dcr:ocn.Uc party - ~ cm ruie.. ,...,.. &Dd -. labor edacal.loa &Dd 'lnlratt, lnt.<r­-.ic ..,.,,_,..,._ P"bllC land and

""''ka ~ and t ordp ..... la~

Gaylord 5'cckm&n. Da '1d llunlL. llllrid ltwu.r &Dd Ju.e l'andt comf'"ae rulo com· mltlft ~ ICl'W>I;' CD W1')'a and ..,...,,. ..,.. Laura R.lch&rda, Sb&rOa S..)'dc'r. Carol Cochnl.lle and Doan t.Lmdhlad. Lal>or, -lion &Dd .. .uue ..,.. O.V· erty B.--n. -r- FrankQ\'lch, w.ra. c~.. Br9y. w.ra. J"" Smith. and Dale F'Umllh C.>r· - Ytllcr Karolyn s1 ... .,., ~lha Countl)'lNlll ocn-• on U.. lntcnu.te eom.merce commltte<\ Tbrwo on public Jand and work• commltttt are Fem And<'rain. Danyl Jaoollllon, Anl•n ~for­

""''· Tom Rehl. Gary H .. lu. and Donny A.nthGny. On t1n&n<0 are E. Cl&fftn, L. S<holf•lmAl<r Jltn Ecttni;-er and Dn.vld Snyder. l>arttl cox, Fn!d i:;ndct "'111 Bob ~laUoclc work on fOrtill" rei.uona.

U.p•lhl""'n Port)': Mlnont" Lo-<r CIAJr Black: Wblp, Jack F-r, Stroring Commtuoe, Mn w .... kl ud John BhoWan, Committee on Com­mit C:oorge Rogolakl ud Pot<r •'uJlla. and C&UCWI Lt!ad·

Paul w .. n11

11>• Rtp..bUcan c:mnmm .. elata n P<iDJa lo that ot lho ~ta. r.""l"lt• Rosaak1 Rn"ca on the commlttcr oa W1lJ8 &Ad m."'111 are Paul Wffftll' N.U Hanna. Chari .. Gaadla and C"..:;rdon Kamppl Tholle on ~ut'.aUOn a.ntJ. wel:t.ue lndude Emma Wt<"u Jack •·mdor. John Sbo11>en and Clair lllai:lt. ,.,,. lnlcntala mmnwn:e mmm.1Uff conm~ at '- Scan:h. RoaalJ SanJcn. 1-rd Vaucbn and Barry ftod:'~n.. Clark Lynn and P•ter •'uJlta. ..,.. •n1nc on tile public land &Ad -- oommlllH. 8cnnlo !Alfb•> &Ad )Wfe Groundl llOTVe .., l.M tlJ\anC<! <'OmmlUee 1-n J)lmp&ey I> tb• member tor t<>retp rel&tJon&.

Th• main P""- ot tbl moclc ~ ot ~preM"ntab\"f::ll i. lo 1...,,. procedure UU-0..lth <xperi••"'"· to loam tho metb...i. of -•ni: btlla Md to under· .i&nd how tho caucua t'UnCUoNI.

1•1 .... £A.St: 0 11.-;t: R\'E SION~

A rt"tntndtr lO atud~nt.a: 'Mio~<' •ll\tfl• on t.hc .out h tide of tbo ad building """' printed In Enl!llah Md mrAn to ""'Y t.hat tb• J"l<klnlJ' ........ d•Jfgnlll­td la rt't1el'Yod tor (ncult.,)• po.rk­lni;


Final Registration Hits 379; A Year Ago 380 Enrolled

n. i:>.i!rar Nl-1 lo i. d lallled _:-i> .,.~Uona or ~ 1tu· dent. whm lb• doadllne came •n r.b. l:S. A yoar ACo t.bero "ero :ISO em-oiled tor tbc apring &emeater '?be CW'T'tnl CJU"Oll• mtnt ahow1 a drop or 31 from lllo ~pleml>or tlruro for tho fall l•rm ThlJt Is tbo llrot Umo In aomo y.a,.. t.h&t aprinlJ' enroll· m~r.t dtd not show -.n lnc:reaao.

Tllo frcebm&n e1.... lnclud"" 118 men and CH "'"Omen lh1I pnnr. lhf 110phomoro ..,.. I.a madq up oc 115 men

llQd 41 .. 'QM('!l Tb~r. aJJO 40 epoclal •lud•nta, 2!5 "-omen IUld 15 mrn. The \'OC&Uonal d.,. 1-"rtlr.•nt la lneluded In Ibo two

l&u.-.. above but II.Ult contain.I 11 Ln auto mocllanico and Ii In h 0rolOlt)' ln all, U.e :,,,c alu· l•nt body b about 2 '3 male. about lhC' am~ u lt hU been ror a numbc' ot y Ar

A• b normal, the trealun&n rlau ai-rbod moct or lll• lou m onn>Um•nta, tallilll' from 284 lut tall to 183 lbla -i>rtnf, about a 1 '3 docltno. The IOJ)l>o­m •re c1aa. followinc a ~nt trend, rr- tr<>m 137 lo 16'. \'<>catlonaJ mrollm•nl dropped rom 2i IMl ra11 lo 18. The 40 poclal.a compare wllb 29 l&at ~pwnber

By CWT!oulum, oprlng enroll mentA U'O: Educauon 1.23 {; more !ban la.It tall). bUl!n­Sl 17 I- than lul Call), aclm<• 62, eng1nttring 4li (112 lut tall). arta 29, lndUl1rlal IUU 23, home e<: 10. auto mecb&nlco 11. horology 5.

Includod In lbe acltnCO ngurc •re 1.8 s.s. 20 ro..,.uy. e F"­mcd, 5 prc-dcnlal, 3 prt'-nura· 1ng 1tudcnl.1. In tht bualn .. dt>­pllrtment are 44 Bua. Ad., 0 bualncas oclueat!on, and 32 lff­,..tarlal 11<tlcn«! etudonll. In oclucatlon lllue arc Iii -ldng auoclAte of art. C2·year '"ork), 00 takintr the B.A. (4·Y...,. ..,. qucnC<ll, 4 In Ibo as. (4•ye&r) IH'fl"cn••. and 6 In phyaleal <du· c.Ulon.

Coeur d'Alene conunu• to Mlpply tile ma.jority or Nl.JC • ludcnll. but atudenll ahow a mum wider ....,... ot north Idaho ad- ot tbe 379 ,...flllUttd. 196 show Ibo CILY aa Uaetr bome. ld&bo &CC'OWlt. tor H7 other otudenla: P.i Falla 28. Hayden Lake 20, K"1Joa 10, Sandpoint 9, P!neburat 9, 0. bum 9, Cataldo II. W&lla<lo 4, St. Marl• 4. ~ 3, RatbdrUm 3. Bonntt11 Ferry 3, KJnp.tan 3, Clarlda %, Sil•·crton 2. Gem 2, Sm•l<•rvlllo %. and ono r.adl ltom Grangnlllo, ~. 8al' .UOn. Mullan. Rockfonl Bay, Sp1rtt L&ke. Prial RJvu , Hope. Moyfo Sprlnp. Pondeon.y, Fern· wood. Lapwai. CoolJn, S..••· N apla. Clark River. Dover

One •tudcnt cornea trom Troy, Mont.. another !'tom Waukeeha, W b. w~on a.ccounta !or 29

u rou ow11: Spokane 17, Rock· tord 3, \\"dJpintt 2, o.nd one each f rom Cl&rkllton, N-rt, RllZ· YUie. Oakead&Je, Mabton, Op­portunity, Chatteroy.

..,,.~ student.a trom abroad v o o.1lo re~: 2 trom Jap&n and one from rran. Hawa!l, and Caroline lalanda,

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (10) Feb 24, 1960

THE N.LJ.C. REVIE" '•lllW..d S.Ml-Moolhly 0..1.9 1H C.11>9• Yo.,

llyJ--io-S...... 01 1"9 NORTH IOAHO JUNIOR COL.LEGE

COEUR D'A.UNE. IDAHO C..Edlton Phot09tephf f.d1t M

Wc:.J.t:Oa Mev9w

Adn ttt\!tl9 M ua9•r Suilft•U Ma11a9et rhoto9t•P"•r

_ J H H Me ftr1 Tn9 e rKI J wdy R• pohh lob Griff1~

D.S. hn•.Jil Yrry Goed•M Jwdy s,,.lll'M'I

lob Liopold

Stefl Me"""'b.n S'tr..,,.. w .. t.tl1111'ld. S.• ~''· f"H"'c•• N•••=-•·. w__._.,9 Nal"IC'J r."'9 .,., w.n, "'•""""' . ,., o..~ Sch~·




1'1'• 9 ;,.i, attud.n9 the At~t•d W.m•l'I Sho1c:I•"'" ,...,.,.,., oe M Moic.ow cam• b.c.• from tk•lr mfff•"'9' •"d d••uu.;1;1" 9roupt ... ,., •"" '""..i•atoe . bo"I th• """"°"' of conttNcf,v• •d .. t • "'oeh • •'• ••di.•'9•4 • dM c."l•• ftf'°"'. So"'• pl• u • •t• m•"'t .. ,.Mf wht<_)\ ,.,..'I 91•• NIJC &ttiMf•"' ;J .. , for ow ..,.,. tc:).ool. F0Uo• ·1119 .,.. • f•• °' t.._ 9ci••• _...O •• • P' 1•11t• d • f t•ncfom tht041CJftOWI ,h.e AW$ tet.i..l'lt. •ttJ •* 0 1• .--.~"' of "'°'oOI'

cotl•::.!;·~~,=~•• ...... •" Auoc.:•t•d M•"'. Shuf•l'lh 9•ot.1p • • • 11t1J H •" AWS. O.Je,.-f•• hOJ"'I t~ ...;1•t ~"''°"'-' P'•1•ch 1., .. tuc'- ttt., AWS . ... d AMS ttOUP" •9"'•' ,a,•t "'t ~.14 P"r+i.,.. ...... tlii ptobt•m of of m•"pow•r • "'kh °"' AWS fee .. •'-.-.i tit. ''!ft ot. N decor• t•d fOf AWS•1pontot•d del'lcn At S .. ttl• ,utf1c Lill he••"" C.Ot:t• for •"' • ••ft'lplo, Ote AWS •"d AMS w0tl '"P•t•ti .. lr •"' obie ""9 do"•'• for tlit•.r ~ Gr•"9. •"' •Jw "'••• • ~fe·t to H• ..... Q 9•owp u• r.a rite ,,_., ~•Y for t"-• c.,..,... ... ,., Chet• TM ao..,. ,~,. 9 •• • bo,. I p• rty for th• .. ;,."•"

Tht tltlt who wtll b• filer• ""'' 't••r 1houfd 1tart th\l'l\:1119 •Ad 4 i<•Hl.t ho., actt.. •"' •t•"'~•tiori tMy wovlcl lih lo "•·• l\WS b• fl••t 'fOt, ••tf _..ti,.th•r tliiey .,,i:Ji.. tM r AWS to H • cl.,\t e \Oc.J.. t~Mrs • f..- •H • fv""" t io1u .,,., "' •hie.tit tJ!• M"'• f.- uw.liy 4o mott of '"'• ... .,., ., • ~ •<*'•• 0'9•n\utio11 '" 1111'iic:h tfiie rMiofity of tlit• •O"'•" i11 th. atvd••• bod., acti••Jr p•rtkJp••• s. ... ,.1 i.ug9H1i•..,t fot ,,...tJr.odt of eftco1.1req1l'ICJ r•tfu"I t , t to P•' tici,.t• i" .c:hool ..-9•••u~•"'~ .... ,. broet;:ht •• th• AWS co.-·-t .._ •n .,...,,. Kkob. th• AWS otr.c.en ""••"••di fiJH of ,.r.,.,.~ Wtd, • hktt •t~ r•f•"•d to wh•,. .... .,,. tol"'eOl'le ;, M•d•d for "°"'"nttte• • or\ of MMe

eort. n. ofHc.en obt•i"J tl-• '"''°'""'•'to." d11rfnq ••9ithetion . ....... " th • ., ••• tf.te 90·~ I• f.:I o..,i f°"'"' iadiut•f\9 tt-.,;, iotl•r.tft.. t•f•11h.. •"cl .,., • ., ... , of ,; ... th.y .. ou.Jtl t.. • ..119 '• de¥0t• to ec•;.a.;., n., •Ito ,;.. °"' IP~·· Khool he"db.oh duhttt ,., •!T•l.O­A11-other ldu wliiich hed P'O••d '<i1cuuf1,11 wu i~lud1"'t ._;.,., of 1t1,11I•"., '"' th• Uf'l'tj)11l m.en • .-4 "'"'0""•"'' t clwbt Tturt• .., •H p1o•ed .illl'") worlel"l. •"' •p,-rec ••.d IM""' .-.o~• • pet1 of H:liiGc: 1a.

lvt ec+ivity • '-"di "'41r .._.,, d•••• '•cci"'d,...."!11•''., 1tvnip• if'! °" 1..-0"0I •• 11 ci.,., "" ot._., tcltoo 1 ·, MfT'• Mr+ or °'''•"••tfort er we~ ,_. •ctMt). for dwdel'ttt tul'ltfertlnq •,. th• '"idd!• of the YH'· Th11. t~• of 'fur •owld b• • '"' t'm• for • N!JC cl_,b lo •PO"'UH • ,..: •• , or d•"o Wut•"" W•\."•"'tt°"' CoP-t• 1_. "'•'•"'t• "•• • l•eruf., Te• to ..._,J' "•• •hicflfth t•t •CCIU• flll•cl

o.~., •ctiv1li•• .,. .. Mf.J b, AWS ''°"Pl 111dwd• •IHchrd'• boerd1 thl• •oto1nqe cofftmittu1. who fu 111p ''"

1~w"t• •"d br1119 9~H "'• 9 •1 "'" •·K.1tool·1p;tft co.'"••ttMf tdi.olat.Jalpt fo1t•r ch"ldt•ft •"cf C4Uftmv1111·1, ptopch WatJa; .. ,101111 S•• •• U• '""''' t AWS fot •1t••t• t••• $)00 to Spolo•. crippled P.fld, .... "'"P A114' th• u .... ...... ty of w."" acJfO•. A.WS •po111w>rt 1 how·•o-ti.,4r p109ral'll ... ,,.t.11u!wel ,., •• of t.pee••n dwrif'9 rlOOf\ M.1.1" . .... ry wu• •a COflClrh, ud 'Y"'J'l"'•"Y COllctth.

Suell •mbftiowt 1111-t of •<' .,14,., •'• l'!Ot ••~ttelf f10M • 11.fft•U ""Jet' ,on.,, ~ ""O"'W ti..y be p•act ul. H ..... , •h• td• of o...t 1ttHI••• Mel, c.o.W -... • cf•c:Hf•d ed..-•"'•9• NI ,...."' P'• ec•• .. ,,ce pr.hi• ... • •' on;• • ttor1 e1td com.rnufli«t.Oft ate '•••• 11'1 • '"'• er 9•01i1p

How about h. 1twd•111ftl Wo.,fd yot1 Ii~. lo ••• fftore ect •1t.a1 •• NIJC, or do yov 1 .. 1 '"'•'• 11 1111ou9lii oe101"9 Ofl • rHdr7 let• h ... '°"'' fet~•rs t •tri ... d to' fM yo11r ep "'°" 1 - 1 "'• M..u 9


A• tliie ft•• dee.tie • •• '"'htr•d

Forester States North Idaho's Future Is Bright Th~ •Pff!Ch '1"d1 at lhr laldt

all•llC.boOI &Ql"mbl)' '\liU rf'ad b)' Amold ua.n••-.n • ..m.nant cltn· lllon rhld re r Uw l>ClrlMm Ml:· •on ot tb~ U S F'o,...l $rf'"lct'

l.!e ..., . .,. tnt.roducc."d b) Frank H "° bo tlrst ine=Utmfd boW Uw __.,,. of C-Ur d'· AlrM clrpendl upoa lo-l.l'Y Mr E\•an.t <'~~ Y•vt.tJ word pscturn whlle apll.lnlna how t~ amount of Mt~~ u... t>'P<' or Ill• "' a --. " h.-th,.r .i be forot er CT&A­!Anda.

·~ Kr llAamD ..pial:Md L

pnndple af --~ a: tile pr1Ddple a: • ..... r~ - lolJalU;!e .,. .. com:opt ~ net tyr. cm, aDd applla to 11>.:Md· wu..,.... 11& ~ u waurobcdl Tbo~ ~ t

l<'Od 'A-ate .i.tlkr and ~ !lp&<'<&r<tll4-(0<lrbUI -SlUCI ot cr<atW't:L H• lllat

"'tu iuC:::tJ and pl&n1 I ro an ~ an t.b an natural _......_ Ht that thtire an not o peoplr In t.b• S. .ourcee no'll' but alK ,.., p<'non.

)!On! th&n $10 000 In ICbolc

~ P ,.,..,LI amo~ thr u ~ Vat¥cn1<7 ot Idaho ~ at llle Decemlltt Bo&:d ot Rq ta z::eeunc

PTK Rummage Sole Plonn:d To Raise Convention Funds

.,... an a part of Lb• curn:n Piii Tbda Kappan rf!ort t ral90 -" _,.,. to ..,,,., .,, adrqta • ~Uco l(orth ldal>o Jmilor 0 "If• PTK m-re to the IDGO na a-i ccrn mtlon af lJw b<>nor

oodct;r Tbr ccnY'irJ:.Uoa attiP bi

Jt.o• nlo T.'U.8 a dblanc:e f thlo ilR'A .-lllch, a«ordlni; LO Pl>I T'h«a Kappano. inak

~ -GAi (Ina~ the tnp ln1-blc 'l'lleAf n!

lhR mdtlbdw lltt c<Uv

y lhl'OUJ;ll ~

mon.,."' o-r t manbd-1 to t c

llunk ;r ., la .. lqc that """'7 ~Kn a right to •J<P<Ct II b~ i. <ajXllb or d<Jtng "°II~ •"Orie. E.U>er DdCcmt• p_,, ANOda

af Coll< Adm!alon !'L




HERBES CITY DRUG , • MOi..wl 4.JI " • >ot S...-

lSCR I '1 ION SPlCI AllSTS C••"'•Hu. G:ftt.. St•tliMety

.. d s....e..i.. n. F1 •--dlr Steto ..


Weddin9 lnvitetioM

Offi'9 Supplieo

Leader Publishing Co. 1 6 St • Mow.l 4.2111


226 ~ ,,_,



I\ p & Kurl Beauty Salon a nd School

117 C4 A A •• · • MOtlo..t 4.50M


INTDISTAT[ T'rl'£WRITU CC .c 1 ~. Ave . • ,.,.... 4 )411




Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners

'07 Fn>•! • MOM'°* 4lSI•

FT- P-oclup Md o.s-r

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (10) Feb 24, 1960

Weenig Lays One Up

::::.i.e .......... tho i..i..e rr,.,,. ,..,. .p.,..,i,.. "4r. Paul \\ -.I~ b ....... • ''"& "ll • .-... dU:"-.C ,..,.. ~· .. ... Glat1l ' Ol'm&l ~ ~u, 11 ,, ... , •. , f'116'1.&h 10 ~t.m u... c--.. r~ o... Ou'dJ-

:;::. .......... •:..'!.) ""' .... ,P"'I d .... . Sl-18 llall-l'- -~le.a. n,._ ::::• ..... (....., 11...i.., (Sil 1'1111 llJoM ,1<1"1 «l:'<'I a.ed ...... ... hl...a la ..... k~ t,.( ., ... .,... °" ,,_,_ 1?;S1.

••rfo CSlt &Gd ~ \\ addlll(I- a · lS >

"4 Wl>y \a II Ulal ll>o TIM' 1"ri1Urd Pal;'"

~t "'"" oa C&l'llpaa ha\O 11 vou ant to ~ ~ .... Ii.lac s;ri.• w..rk )"'1 mmt lll« "' r-4

,.:-. \\'lly )'OU """'-'l<d The pnnled ~ la a.bll U..

T 6Stes better


It's fresher

1'ftli1. MILK


r1mal')" llk-dt.wn of uiatrucuon £'\-.a •·tOI thct lncrN.lltn~ U:W of •-al &Ida.. 11 la lil<ti) lo re:D11.1ft 90. l"\u'dUe \;IU\'Yr&aty

$tuekiftt PubhcatJon... -----

Pepsi-Cola. ~hes~~~

without filling

MANN BOTTLING CO. C..w d"AI•"•· tel.Mt

Home Ee Club To Heor Interior Dtccrator Speak

IT'fSt..:.."11 t'Jl

A. & GlliM"tTaUon•

lh&l °"" ~ wrrc> U.- A bu°bc'.n &Ill' JapanrM ~

cu. ~mulm m.X-la 4!l mll• por IMlur t:v ry UWl.i; b t>IOCmlni: tun and Tbt.r• •r• tnv wtut• po<lp'..e ~ "" ti.. b!uds

UTUli; ~-· """ '"TY hlr!I .S«Yk• mm alvr• • take I ll><>r - b<tcn ~ lbe - and thoc.-have

- ral.llo:r Ulan w-\\"llcn 11 "'"'" d:lldrm .. ,.,. 1.br1r - and &4DIU Co al:l<NI

Uadr -- pa)'lni: "" •l 1...UOU lO - ·-°"" ... _ peopl• -k ""pld:tn £ac!WI" a CTOU bet• ecn J apace. and

~~ Tury aloo 9taled l..bal lbe

md.....-tY tJaen la Ter1 -UU• rut ba'1n: bot&A1C&I ,.-_ Siie oaJd lh&l oppcomm&kly l>..COO ~U &lied I.he I.NIU•

lUU- and - at t.bem .... e>.-l.IW.

Piiuu cor u.. Ewopea atucly tau.:r ot tM C' ot ld&bo Summ•'" SC.bool uu. y-.r wtU onat« on pobUcal and wban l'toll""ph>



Op .. 1 •·""·· to I ~"' 1 O,.yt • w ...

THE PIN CUSHION "y~.;;-&d• y~;d.9;s.;.;p ... ··-·· ....................... -~ ...... . JM N. Fo- St. • MO~e~I .._.


five Coeds Attend AWS Convention A. U. of Idaho

.. ,, mttnt>tn or t~ 'I-'" at..S Wom•n Btudenta i;rmir

al !'; <.: Lauro ltldunb IJ.lnn r Tl>l• Sharon Snyd r Franc,.• :--;.,...ackJ and Jean ).(ann q- altmdN1 lhfo an nU&l tonl'e..., • ot the Wuhtns: I ldAbo AWS on February 1: 13 Dl lhe UnlY•rolly or !Jaho Mrs L&rc ~· i;llah ln•tructor • :0-'LIC ...,.. ~ girl a chAut ll'llr llf'd ad\'llor Cor th~ lnp

On th• f nt d"'Y .., .. lhe con cnUOn the r;1rla •tl•ntJed a

,en~ral m :!iC' anJ atyle aho In tile Stud DI Union Bulldtni; Tht> Mllt day lht ~ri. '\\U~

l p tnto 1hscus.:1i on ,rroup. which braln.Jitn-rmrd on tht'I t llm. ng- l"PICJt" AW$ l'n>l>­lar. IA\\ s Structural Or­c&nJ:ullon H"'1db<><>it., and J n r Collegf' P'roblfm• Thr­i;rvupo •rt~ chani:..i th~· U dunnc th• d&Y. oo t hnt

rh ctirl Wn'tdd hM·~ " Ohl\nC~ r. lurn about mnr"" than onr

b)rc:l FolJowtnc a hmrh~n. a ,;-en·

ral ....Son \li>IU hf'M tn whl<'h ,rrvu lea.drn 11U111rnnr11rd th.­Ideal! hrauaht t• nh by th"'r croupa.. uws lhf' nr:xl )'f"&r. t-onYftl n .. ,.re d,llC\IUf' 1

11w Uiuvttmty ot \\'•11.tunl{ton ll tu bl! Lhll .i.tar c,f th• 1Hl IA\\'.& tttnvn1Uon Th~ than<' ot Ibo 19<....0 conftrf'J\.Ct" wu Unty Hart of AWi'"

If wt.JI ehm1nale fat. bow - a coed f"I a doUbl• chin•

ETcry ... on1 we~ ""lllllw the- -. ot i2 rr~







Aho Ordan To 6o



FRENCH CLEANERS Fr.. Piclvp one! o.r......,

IJO N. "-"h St. • MOl.M ._Stl1

Suited for 111cee. • • •

the man in Pamey'a

Gentry• Mark m


It's wool hopaackln•I Bluer jacket with new batik lining, mdal buttona •.. vest that matdles tha jacket lining or rn-- to match the .mt • • . pl11.1 trim plajn ffont llada. BesuJan, ahorta, laQp.

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 14 (10) Feb 24, 1960

1rn1ll ll1r' l~•I a •Hal Ir·'""' In mhl·I rlonlAI'). II •P""'""'1 lllal l h• (;..,,)Jnal• \\Ollhl IAkr th~ .,.., . .,nJ.""11 llll<l ••I th<· d t, k9cw n.nd Kf"I Into th"' pl..a,_\ofl for lhr ......._.,,,,n tlU('. ThJ: "41'1&11 11.b;o rf'11n""orDlul 'l.J( l o lnh·r•·.-llrl[lat4 c·umpr-UU(•h. th.I~ ~ ~uad rnt'n't-,... Jr11 to rl~ht : l>-.arr)I .J.1t1)b"'""n. Ron \..St , .I•• \ da.m .... Bill ltjort. Kr n l'a Uon. \ nJ1· Thadu·r 1 ~n ~ BMk '"": 'IAA&i;rr Riii Tant;"MS. ('oe~b \\ arf'!"n KnaUai; t)

for Yow

Hunting Equipment YWI

THE LIGHTHOUSE lOS si...-o A••· • "40' •• ..5n1



Cards Can't Match Gonzaga Frosh

T'" NIJC \ '....,h .-as • r the GonZap Fra!b

n Spokane last Thuroda;y ....,_ nlng, IU!d <"&Ille home lie~ Ulclr wounda Crom a ;1-4: lhruhlng .\II tho (;(,~ pla,t'nl llhared In a balanced

tfrnl<' 'l\1Lh Kl•ln and :\\art n .,,. ng lhn wa)' ..-Ith I~ potnu

tACh l"or tho ORrdl~ Cary JI.,..

Ir.. t und tho nrta tor 11 ~ Lundblnd and nw Hjort ch nd•lod 5 Othr.r ocortng waa O rryl J ·boon :I, Jerrv Sllnk· otd 6. John Ad!lm1 :: [)a\,

11<!11 l A rl Grunt 1 Art S..n· ll r I

,:»~~.~~.h•;!.: ? 1~0-~r ·d~;,;:.. 11Alltuno IOCOl'O fAVOl''-'<I Gon· ui;a 3l·lll

i••······························ ... • • : FREE PEN! FOR EVERY ORDER : • • • TIME (%7 whJ 7!c • COPJ $1 91 • • TIME (I yr) 7e o apy U7 • • NEWSWEEK I" •hi ~ • copy 1.50 • • NEWSWEEK I ,,J 6c o <•1'"1 J so • • US NEWS I WORIO Rll'O~t ll• whJ I le o coPl U7 • • FOUUNE [I yr) 62c o copy 7~ • • LIFE 111 • uJ '' o copy 91 • • UH I Y'l ljc o copy •£oO • • 1001( II ..,..) Ile o OOP'Y :.oa • •• S4TUROAY EVlN N~ POST 11' wbJ lOc • copy J 9!l :

• REA.DER S DIGEST f 11 """' 17c • copy 1.17 • CORONET 17 .,..., 15c o copy .o:

• 0 n.e NEW YOltKU ,. -·I •c • copy ).00 • ATLA.NTIC MONTHLY (I - lie • copy Z.SO • HAl!PlR'S MONTHLY (I .,., l5c o eopy l.00 :

0 SA>UltOAY REVIEW fl r' le o copy • oo • 0 THE U POlfllt I 10 - Uc • copy l.17 •

SCIENTIC AMERIC<\N f I yrJ 50c 1 COPf - 6.00 • HOUOAY I•"'°'' He o copy l.SO SPORTS IUUSTtATEO I" • ul •c • copy I.SO SPORTS ILLUSTllATEO I Y'I 7c • copy •DO ~I.AHOY II d 40c •copy S..00 ESQUIRE I• _, 2k • <•PY 2.00

fl TRUE II .,., l4c • cop; 4.IXI MAOEMOISHU (I yr) 21c 1 copy BO HAR'fil S llAZMR (I Y'I ?Sc o copy l.00 Gt.AMOUR fl Y'I lie o copy BO VOGUE (I yrJ 25< 1 copy S.00 REDIOOI( l' moi l He • copy l.25 t.ADIES" HOME JOURNAL (' ....,,) lie • copy l.SO HOUSE I GAl!DEN I 1 Y') lSc • copy l.00 • McCALLS f9 mOI) 15< 1 copy 1.lS •


d J $ • I o obov. otled ·~ r.e S.-,o :

--------------0... ol __ :

• • • NwCI : ,. ................................ ~


First Term Bowlers Dine At Happy Hour

Fln..I ~ for Uw ..,m .. t r bolo ua ID bcUl \\ r Clld;ay and 'l'handay Uon v.-u.a a km the lbppy Hour boWl•ra and guu:a t1mW<I to cat and - tlllm oa llo toclmlqua &lid cb&m towlln,f lama ID acuan. Mr KoaUD& ohow1!d lh Darr;I Jacobmon Ulm p~ tNpllla to IDdlYlduab and w1n· ~=m ~

Wbcr. a coll~• C"1' bnalal a ma. be -1ly bu IA When a ~ gal br9kJ a date &he ar.Wly l:u two

For a Lifetime of PL EASUR E

l earn to

BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc . :c1c ., Fo.rtl. S• • Coow l"AJ•••

~lrn'• lllJ1' o...,,,. J un Hoiw RJck B<•yJ

~kn·,. lllgh """"' Rick 8o).S J11· H-

\\ ORl('n'. lllKh U11mt ".rt. c .... ,.

d~ Royn,.1118

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· • 1ray



UI 1:M

SPORTS CENTER 306 si-m.n A.,.,

Spar "9 s...1 .. Tolwocco Moo..._ .... , • .; .. , T e.-.n. e!t41 C.f.


of a


-··------ -'l'bey kept W1U'ldnc me t1lla would bappci U I didn't thl:U: ol eome w per

ny 1.o deleribe that absolu!.e17 Wl1que rood taste of Coc:a-Cola. So wbo'a a Sb.aklspc:ve? So DO ad . • • that'a badJ Bw, tiw.'a alwan Colra • • . and that'1 rood.I • SIGN OF GOOO TASTE ...._ --~ ol n. Coen-ca. Coepcmy by