  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    MAY 31,1943

  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    TM5.9084,Maintenance Manual and Parts Catalog,Trailer, Dump, 2 Wheel, Airborne, ~ublished y theConverto Manufacturing Company, Is furnished forthe information and guidance of all concerned.(AG 062.11 (4/26/41) PC (C), June 10,1941.)

    G.C MARSWALL,Chief of Staff.Official:J. A. ULIIO,Major General,The Adjutant Genera


    andP A R T S C A T A L O G

    T R A I L E R , D U M P , 2 W H El/t TON , A I R B O R N E

    Manafactzcred for




  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    F O R E W O R DtThis vehicle is designed to save t ime and labor. Its general

    may be described briefly as fitting into tw o classes. (1) Gen-cargo work such as requires the use of a small trailer, and (2) a

    t h a t will dump, for part icular use in moving earth, soil andm a t t e r s that ca n more easily be unloaded by dumping*

    The proper use of this trailer will save valuable man hours. Itbeen thoroughly inspected, and like any other piece of equipment,

    it in proper operating condition, common sense shouldin handIing the equipment. It should not be overloaded.

    P U R P O S EIn t h e following pages we have described ho w to take care of this .and handle it in such a way t h a t it will give maximum swvice

    dependable performance. These nstructions are pubIished fo r t h eguidance of those units or individuals hax-ing charge

    operation, maintenance and repair of this equipment . Theydescriptions of the trailer, as well as instructions f o r its opera-

    and maintenance.

    CoupIing th e Trailer ............................Description of EqGpment.......................... .hat lt 1s ----------------------------------+-----

    What it comprises ..........................Dimensions of th e Railer---------------------------Dumping the TrailerLighting th e TrailerLubrication Chart ---------------I-------.Operating th e Stanchion......................Operating th e Tailgate----------- -----------Preparing th e Trailer for Storage ..............Rigging Points of the Trailer ..................Using the Trailer ---------------------I-----------------

    MAINTENANCE SECTIONAxle Assembly ..................................

    Replacing the Axle.........................Body Assembly ----------------------------Dump Release Assembly .........................Frame Assembly -----------I--------------------Lunette Eye Assembly..........................Stanchion Assembly .............................Tailgate Apparatus .............................Theel Assembly

    Care and Inspection of Tires -----------Removins Tires from Wheel---------- --Removing Wheel from R u b ---------------IRepIacement o f Studs---- .................Wheel Bearings -------I-----

    SPARE PARTS SE2TIONInstructions for Ordering -------------------Numerical Parts List----------------------Spare Parts AssembIies

    Dump Release Assembly..................Lunette Eye Assembly......................Stanchion AssemblyWheel Assembly ...........................Axle Assembly --------------------- --------------A-Tailgate Trip Assembly----------------Tailgate Lock Assembly ..................Tailgate AssemblyMiscelIaneous ...............................

  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer


    PART I


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  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer




    hat it i s : -A two wheeled pneumatic-tired, I$ hn, 11 steelf o r both general cargo and dumping comprises:-Its components, 9 sub-assembIies. L

    1. Frame Assembly2. Wheel and Axle Assembly3. Stanchion Assembly4. Lunette Eye Assembly5. Body Assembly6. Dump Release Assembly7. TaiIgate Assembly8. Tailgate Trip Assembly9. Tailgate Lock Assembly

    C o ~ p l i n ghe Trailere care should be exercised when coupling or uncoupling theso that it will not get out of control.rope (not furnished) should be ru n through the hole at thef "A" & 'WB"Illustration 2) . This rope shouId be long enough tohe motivating vehicle. It is for convenience in dumping th eand in operating the tailgate.couple-up the trailer to a jeep, lift up the pintle hook lock,t h e latch of the jeep. Raise the tongue of the trailer andthe Lunette E ye IIllustration 1,C) in the hook. Close th e pintlean d be sure that the lock is down in place.

    Ofisra t ing the Stanchionthe trailer has been coupIed t o the jeep or truck, pull ou tStanchion "T Pin" (Illustration 4, E, Page 7) and raise theI, 30 ) to a parallel position with the tonguee trailer. The Stanchion "T Pin" will automatically be drawnto position when the proper position is reached. Before un-trailer, pull Stanchion "TPin" and lower the Stanchion t o aangIe to the tongue of the trailer. As soon as this positionrelease Stanchion "T Pin" and it wilI lock ir. place.

    U s i ng th e Trailerusing the trailer for cargo work, the permanent body lock2, C: and H ) should be fastened. This acts as a safetymake certain that the body will remain in a parallel position

    to the frame. A hole in th e tailgab permits the anozzle and the ultimate distribution of Uquids (fromtainer) carried in th e trailer. When not used fo rcover plate (Illustration 3, E) is attached to the rearas are slots far holding the cover plate.When th e trailer is t o be used for dumpjng, the plock (Illustration 2, H) should be released. This is alock. It can be released by unscrewing the Perman

    Thumb Nut until the Permanent Body Lock Bolt clenent Hold Down Strike. (Illustration 2, C).

    Dumfii~tghe Trni larThe trailer is dumped by activating the dump rThis is accernpIished by pulling the dump reIease assward. You may do this either by puIling the lever foor by manually pulling a rope attached at "E" (Illusreleases the body dumping catch shown a t "G" (Illubring the body back to its original position, pull doof the body bin untiI it is in a horizontal positionrests on th e strike.

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    The tailgate ipl opened by activating the TailgateThis is accomplished by pulling the Tailgate Trip Asforward. You may do this by either pulling the hmanually or by manually pulling th e rope attachedtion 2) . When the tailgate is closed, it is automatplace at the tailgate catch (Illustration 3, B),LUBRICATION POINTS(See Lubrication Chart N ext Page]

  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    L#bricat%'olzChartPort to Bah b h t e d I h b& ~ ~ n tn t ~ v f i l


    Tailgate TripHandle 11(100Milea or MonthlyBody DumpingI A~sernbl 1000 Miles or MonthlyIStanchin AasemMy 1000 Miles or MonthlyI \

    Wheel Bearings--unetta EyeAwemblyHinge Axis1 Pivot Pin

    OE30, Oil, Eagine,S A E 30 above 32"F.

    5000 Miles orEvery 6 Mos.ZOO0 MIlea or Monthly

    OE10,Oil. Engine,SA E 10, below 52 " F.

    WB-2 rease, Wheel&axing No. 2 -CG-1, General PurposeGrease No. 1 or 0

    mRE PRESSURE - - - 35 Lbs.


    Lighting th e Trailer ( B y Reflector)A K-DReflector (Illustration 3, D), s on the taiIgate of theTRAILER.

    Dimensions of th e TrailerWeight -------------------------4-636 poundsLength ,--------------- ---- - - - - 9334 inch@&Height 451,4 inchesWidth 56 inches

    Preparing th e Trtiilsr for StorageJack up trailer an d remove tires from wheels. Keep tires in adark room. Since painting is a. preservative, the only parts thatadditional t rea tment are the unpainted materiais on th e trailer.should be treated with a few drops of oil o r a thin film ofParticularly is this impor tan t in the following: Bearings andin th e body dump release mechanism, the spring plunger ineye assembly, and the bearing blocks in t h e tailgate release

    Rigging P o i ~ t t sWhen Transport ing the Trailer(When not crated)Draw a rope through the Lunette Eye (Tllustration 1, C) andsecurely to the flow. Then draw a rope through the holes inskid plate (Illustration 3, R) ; and fasten swnrely t o the floor.



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    PART I1


  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    1. The Frame AssemblyTHE FRAME--is an all steel construction and consists pripally of two 3 inch channels, parallely placed, with a f r on t lateraof 3 inch channel and a rear lateral tie of 2 inch channel, reinfowith 11 gauge vertical gusset braces. Due t o its rugged designmaterials, t h e frame normally should require very little attentVehicles which have been in an accident of any serious nature w

    may result in sprung pads should be carefully checked f o r pralignment t o avoid tire wear, Excessive tire wear or the swaof the trailer may indicate a sprung or misaligned frame. The mconvenient way to cchck alignment is t o turn the trailer bottomup and checking should be done from the f r on t of each frame srail and also f rom the ,rear end. The tongue should also be chea t the same ime.If the Perma-nent Body Lock

    be knocked off, anew one can bewelded into place.It is also a sim- PERMANENT HOLD DOWN LOCKple matter to re-nlace the Permanent Body Lock Bolt or Permanent Body Lock Thhut, in the event they are lost or broken.A Zerk F i t t i n g i s on the front end of the frame (IllustratioIt should be lubricated with a Zerk Gun every 1000 miles or montUse CG1 , General Purpose Grease, No. 1 or 0 o r lubrication.

    2. Wheel and Axle AssemblyA . WHEEL ASSEMBLYRemoving Tires from the Whee l

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    Care and Imsfiectfon of TiresIt ia recommended that an air preasure of 36 pounds be main-on these tires. The pressure should be checked every 500or every 5 days. Wheels should be checked to insure they arean d that all stud nuts are tight. aRemoving Whesk f rom Hub dLower stanchion t o support the front end of the trailer. Next, I'blocks under f ront and rear of opposite wheels. Then looaenstud nuts (Illustration I, E) , about a quarter of a tu rn . Placeunder axle and elevate. Remove atud nuts and pull off wheel.

    Re#lacement of Worn w Broken StudsFirst, remove the wheel f r om the hub. Next, remove jam nutthe atud which is to be replaced. (Jam nuts are located on theside of th e hub), Then using a l/z inch punch, drive out th e s tudfrom the back side. Finally place new stud in posi-with the shoulder placed so that it will fit into the groove in theas it is driven into position,Caution: Studa marked "L" hould be used only on the left wheelis on the left side of th e traiIer when he observer stands facingdirection of travel, Studs marked "R" should be used only onwheel. If studs are used on wrong wheel, the nuts will workwear out or break the studs, and the wheel will come off.

    Wheel BearingsThe wheels are m i e d on two opposed tapered rolier bearings.

    are adjustable for wear and their satisfactory operation an dlife depends upon periodic attention and carrect lubrication. To

    21262-50003R E2 1263-5000-3L Bo 5000-6 Bearings

    26949 Hub a nds tud Asaembly VICTOR 6205427000 Huband Stud AssemblyDIAGRAM OF THE TRAILER WHEEL

    test whether adjustment is necesessary or not: (1) rwith a jack ao that tires clear th e floor. (2 ) With handwise shake of th e wheel. If bearings are adjusted tooof the wheel will be perceptible. If bearing adjustmthebearings will bind and th e roIIers may breakor becT o adjust: I. With wheels still on jack, remov

    2. Tighten adjusting nut unti l whes ame time rotating the wheel tbearing surfaces are in proper c3. Then back off nut about IJ6 t u r nessary, making sure wheeI rotat4. Replace locknut.5. When hub is completely assemshake before removing jack.

    When replacing hubs, th e hubs with th e rightstuds are placed on the right hand side. Those witthread, on th e Ieft side.I t is recommended that every 5,000 miles, or evthe wheels be removed and cleaned, the bearings repgrease ( W B 2 , wheel bearing grease). If th e grease seor the bearings or bearing cups are pitted, they shouB . AXLE ASSEMBLYIf th e trailer "whips" or the tires become excescuffed on the inside or outside of the trailer, the ddu e to a loose wheel, shifting of load, or a bent axle.see that th e load is properly distr ibuted. Then chee

    on both wheels to see tha t they are tight and that bflated to the correct pressure of 35 pounds. If th e wafter checking th e above features, then th e troublesprung axle. Inasmuch as th e axIe cannot be straiga well equipped shop with a power press, if this occit is best to replace th e axle.. - - ----

    -12 Axle

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    MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE MANUALStrike (Illustration 2, GI, r Body Skid Plates (Illusknocked off, ne w ones should be welded into place. Opertaining to Tailgate Lock and the Tailgate Trip Atreated under the heading of "Tailgate Apparatus."

    Replacing the AxleLower stanchion t o support th e front end of the trailer. Solidlyup the body at t h e rear. Next, take off the wheels. Loosen boltsnuts (Illustration 3, M) This will free the axle from the frame.a new axle, reverse procedure. 6. Dtxmp Release Assern blyThe Stanchion Assembly" . - * ,*" . - . The stanchion ia easily re -placeable. To do this, jack up10Stanchion kmembly ( I ) frame, remove cotter pin at-

    '---- -, 4 8 6 1 0 Waaher (I ): 6800-11 Spring (1) 1 taehed to reverse side of boltat (lllnstration 4, F). Thenremove castellated nu t andpull bolt out. Next, pull o u tcotter key on opposite side of"T Pin" (Illustration 4, E) .This will permit the "T Pin"t o be withdrawn and the stan-chion leg can then be puIledout. To install, reverse pro-

    on 4ssembty cedure. Oil every 1000 mileswith engine oil as specified inlubrication chart, page 6.The Lulzette E y e AssemblyThe Lunette Eye is of a swivel type which relieves much strainJeep and Trailer. To remove Lunette Eye, pull out cotter pin4, G ) then unscrew nut, PuII off washers and spring andpull out Lunette Eye. To nstall, reverse procedure. There i s aFitting on th e Lunette Bearing Block which is attached to theGrease every 1000 miles o r monthly with CG Grease 1 or 0,in Lubrication Chart, Page 6. (See also Illustration 6,5.)

    "" . % . A > A * * - , < * ?.., " - " A " . " .. . -,Lunette Eye AssembIy 4 L o c G a ' " - ' mette E&' (1)

    Refer t o IIIustration below to get a complete vieparta and thei r functions, also their proper positionsplace them. It is hardly likely that any replacementswith the exception of the trip handle or spring. Tplaced by pulling ou t cotter pins (Illustration 4, J arelease bolts an d th e body trip handle is then easilinstall, reverse procedure. The spring is replaced b14600-26) taking off washer (4600-27), then, removHousing Cap (4600-10). and taking off washer (460out spring, To install, reverse procedure. This assoiIed every 1000 mites or monthly with the type of lufied in the lubrication chart on Page 6.

    1T Pin (I)-

    Release( '100 Dump

    * 0-/.7 Washer2 Cotter (1:3Cotter A(l)-$600_

    4600-6 washer /lJ--'wi0&21 Washer {l)/"O -4600-. (1) 0"460&26h p elease Agse r

    a S P ~ ~ W1 Nut {If-3 Spring\-: 3 8 0 m

    J -1 0 4 Nut 1 7. The Tailgate ApparatusTo remove tailgate, remove cotter pin at "F'?Then pull ou t pins. Lift ou t the tailgate. To instcedure. To replace the tailgate reflector (IUustratchisel and knock off. To replace, spotweld new reflTo replace the tailgate- catch castings, drive oution 3, HI. Release Spring Attachment and pull othese castings, make certain that th e left hiIgate

    put on the Ieft side of the trailer, and the right tailg

    T h e B o d y AssemblyTHE BODY-is of a11 steel construction, welded into one it can be hammered or pounded out. To remove thethe frame, pull out "T Pins" (Illustration 4, L) and devatefrom the frame.In case such abutmen ts as the Tail Gate Hinges (IIlustration 3,Permanent Hold Down Strike (fllustration 2, C ) , Du mp Release

  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    -9 Cotter (2C -. .5 2 0 0 4 ;


    rip A w m b l

    i 3 0 M Rod ( 1 ) ~a200-7 Spring 11) - .

    - \ . . /1( @*530&7A Cap hl--i,.+k @IIT .-2 Lock tn 1, 5300-7 Platc (I ) 5 3 0 b 8 Screw (I ) . 530D-6 Fin (2) . .

    TAILGATE TRIP AND TAILGATE: M C K ASSEMBLYt on th e .right aide of th e trailer. A few drops of oi l en the moving(Castings) every 1000 miles or monthIy, as specified in th echart on Page 6, will assist greatly in th e operation. Tospring found under apring cover plate (Illustration 3, J) un-P.K. screw at top of cover plate, remove outer cap, and replacenew spring.The tailgate trip ro d can be replaced by removing the cotter pin3, N) and then releasing spring (Illustration 3, G ) .To replace the tailgate t r i p handIe, pull out cotter pin (Illustra-4, M) then unscrew nuts (Illustration 4, N). This will releaseand th e lever can then be extracted. A few drops of oil at theof the tailgate trip handle Flllustration 8, Page 5) every 1000or monthly w ill greatly assist in operation. Use lubricant shownon Page 6.

    5 1 1 0 4 2 Hm5100-25 Cot

    lector (I )ige (2)kr f2)


    Tail, ate Assem

    PART 111


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    allowances. - subxqucnt maintain a u t h o r i d allow.- rtquisitions for nnrrnsarynor covered by a l l w a n m .\

    Enacigmc) fquisirmru wnt by ttltphanr.tclcgrapli, or mdro must always be Fonfirmdimmcd~adywith r q u i a l t m markrd: "Con-fimirtg (state idcntifpng detn)"Prcpart a srparatc Typc4'SPAREPARTS"rquisiticn for tach in u p p r right handma.diFtcrcntmsfhint, net 01 ~ q u i s i t i momi.1


    Vajor, C . E . . Col., C. E.,cnglneer fropertg Office>. E x e e u t l + s dff lesr

    46C10-2 YOKE em460ol3 HLNDtB. M y TAp M4600-6 'ASHW, Pluugsr Bolt 01-OUVWTO LUII!TTB l$lfi ASsmaLy47-1 EYE, h a f t s nu4700-3 SPRTII'G. COEpF13lS10n em




    PREPARATION O F REQUISIA sample requisition in the correct form for su

    Engineer Property Officer is shown on the oppusiteTHIS SHALL BE FOLLOWED IN MAKOUT REQUISITIONS

    In order to eliminate duplication of work, Propeauthorize organizations to prepare requisitions in finrequisition number space hlank for completion byTHE FOLLOWING RULES WILL BE OBSCAREFULLY IN PREPARING REQUISFOR SPARE PARTS:

    a. Prepme a separate requisition for each differenb. Type "SPARE PARTS" in upper right hand cornform.c. State PERIOD designation by use of one of the

    (I ) "INITIAL"-first requisition of authorize(2) "REPLENISHMENTu-subsequent requistain authorized allouTances.(3 ) "SPECIAL"- equisitions fo r necessary ered by allowances.

    d. Give compIete shipping instructions.e. State proper nomenclatme of machine, and maknumber and registration number.f. State basis or authority, and date delivery is rately below description of machine.g. Group parts required under group headings as shturers' parts catalogs.h. State manufacturers>arts numbers and nometions accurately and completely. Do no t use abbi. Double space between items.j. Emergency requisitions sent by telephone, telmust always be confirmed. mmediateIy with req"Confirming (state identifying data)".k. Nonexpendable items such as tools must be accrequisitioned, by a statement that they have be


  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer


  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    Converto Manufactur ing Co. manufacture practically alwhen another manufacturer's parts ar e or can be ueed, his initiafoIlow description of the item. The names and addresses of thare:-K-D Lamp Company---------------------------------------Kelsey Hayes WhceI Company.................................Tirnken RolIer Bearing Company .............................Victor Manufacturing and Gasket Company-,-,---ALL PRICES SH O W N ARE F. 0. B. CAMBRIDGE CITYARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOT

    (A slight additionaI charge to cover cost of packing wiPart No.

    Number Description Req'd Page DUMP RELEASE ASSEMBLY

    STRIKE, Bolt ------------------- 1 16YOKE 1 36HANDLE, Body R i p ------------ 1 1 6GUIDE, Trip Handle----------__---- 16BOLT, old Down Plunger--------- 1 16W ASH ER, Plunger Bolt, T i " US S 1 16WASHER, Plunger Housing En dLeather, 99" ------------------- 1 16SPRING, Plunger ---------------- 1 16HOUSIYG, PIunger --------------- 1 16CAP, Plunger Housing ----------- I 16CLAMP, Bolt Housing -----------+ 2 16HOUSING, anger ---,-------16BOLTS & NUTS, Top %"xl"SAE 4 16BOLTS & N U TS , Bottom, a / s W x 1%"S.4E .......................... 4 16LOCKWASHER, 4g" USS--------- 8 16PIN, RandIe ..................... 1 16PIN,Handle Pivot--------------- .. X 16KEY, Handle Cotter--------------- 1 I6KEY, Handle Pivot Pin Cotter, '/a''x I" -------------------------- 1 16WASHER, HandIe Pivot Pin. I/a"SAE ----------------------I--- 1 16NUT, Rex Jamb, 7/16" USS------- 1. 16LOCKWASHER, 7/16'' USS------- 1 16SPACER, Yoke Washer, %" Std.--- 4 16WASHER, andle Pin, a/, Std .---- 2 16

    LUNETTE EYE ASSEJiECY4700-1 LUNETTE EYE 1 174700-2 WASHER, Lunette E y e Bearing,74" SPLE....................... I I74700-3 SPRING, ompression 1 I74700-d LOCK WASHER, /8" SAE ------- 2 174700-6 N U T Castellated, G" SAE-------- 1 274700-7 KEY, otter, I/s" x 1% " ---------- 1 17

  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer



    STANCHION ASSEMBLYCASE, Stanchion ----------,-,---FOOT, Stanchion -------I--------BOLT, Stanchion --------,--------M'ASRER, Spring Rolt, 5'' Std.----SPRING, ompressicm ------------BOLT, Pivot, fin' x 4"------------NUT, astIe Pivot Bolt, 5'' USS---KEY, Cutter, 'Js" x 1%" ----------

    F R A M E ASSEMBLYZERK FITTING, Lunette Eye_----ANGLE, Permanent h d y Lock----BOLT, Permanent M y ock-----,NUT. Permanent B o d y Lock Thumb,K " USS --LOCKWASHER, 5'' U8S---------KEY, Permanent Body Lock Cotter,C / s " X a / q wPIN, xis PivotPIN,Cotter, 3/16" r 1%" ---------CHAIN, Axis Pivot Pin

    WHEEL ASSEMBLYWHEEL (Complete Assembly)--- - 1W H R E , with Nuts and RingKH25692 2NUTS, Wheel KH25779 ------+---- 16NUT. Lug Bolt, Left KfE24576----- 5NUT, ,ng Bolt, Right KA24575---, 5BOI,'PS, Lug, Right KH21262 ----- 5BOLTS, Lug, L ef t KHz1263------- 5ASSEMBLY Hub with Cups, LeftKH27000 1ASSEMBLY Hub with Cups, RightKHz6999 1C U P. Wheel. Inner and OuterRH18520 ---------------------- 4R ETA I N ER Grease Vict 62054,--- 2BEARING, wheel, Inner and OuterTI51 18590 -----------------,--.LOCKW AS H ER, JVheel-----------NUT, Axle -------,--------------CAP, H n b Wlllys A-6038----------CAPSCREW. %" x 7/g" SAE -----ASSEMBLY, Axle, with Pad and

    Clamp ----------------I-------BOLT, Axle Clamp, 9/16" SAE----KING,Bead Lock AH25930--------LOCKWASHER, Axle Clamp, 9/16''SAE ----------+--,,-----*---NUTS, Axle Clamp. 9/16" SAIL---




    Not III.ISIS1R18181sI81s18181818181811919191919

    Weigh tLbs.

    3.3858.44-2 2.OP4.048.33-03.0055









    P w t Req'd PageNqtmbtw DssePiptkn No.TIRES AND TUBES

    6.00 x 16 TIRE,6-Ply. ad and Snow Grip--- 2 Not Ill6-00 x 1 6 TUBE. Heavy Duty (with SehradwValve) 2 Not 11B ODY ASSEMBLY

    5100-12 HINGE. Tailgate ---------------- 2 175100-13 PINS. Tailgate Hhge-----------175100-16 STRIKE, ermanent Body Lock.---. I 175100-IT NA ME PLATE ----------, 175100-25 KEY, TaiIgate Hinge Cotter------- 2 17TRIP ASSEMBLY

    HANDLE, Tailgate Trip---------- 1 20BOLTmHandle Pivot--------------- 1 20PIN. Link P i v o t-----, 20LINK -L---------,-,------------- 1 20WID, Trip 1 20NUTS, Trip Rad, +$n USS 2 20SPRING --------,,,------20WASHER, Trip R d , %" CTSS----- 3 20K EY, Cotter. I/aKx 5" ----------- 1 20S U T B , Handle Pivot Bolt---------- 2 20LOCK ASSEMBLY

    5300-1 LOCK, ailgate RE ,------,--,, 1 205300-2 LOCK, Tailgate L.H.,-----,----205300-4 ROD, Connecting 1 205300-7 PLATE, Spring Cover---,------205300-1A CAP, Spring Cover-----------,205300-6 PIN, h k ...................... 2 205300-8 SCREW, pring Cover Ca p++ 1 20

    TAILGATE ASSEMBLY5400-1 TAILGATE Assembly ------------ 1 I95400-4 BOLT,Hinge 2 I95400-5 WASHER, Hinge Bolt, 5" USS--- 2 I9 5100-6 YI,ATE, Hole Cover-----,----195.100-10 BOLT. Laek 2 165400-11 REFLECTOR,Red KDS 333------- 1 19

    CONVERT0 CATALOGTM5-9084 CATALOG -----------------

    Weather Proof Envelope-------------------

    Reproduced by. and sold by PortrayalP.O. Box 1190. Andover. N. J. 07827

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  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer


    Sirice Manual TM5-9018was published, tw o additional procurements for th e Converto TrailerTowed-Tne , %Wheel, I,$ Ton, (Airborne) have been placed with this company. They are: . -Furchase Order No. U. S. A. Registration Nos.

    In order to increase the efficiency and to augment the already large amount of uses of this trailer, aof changes have been made in the trailer, and all were incorporated in those trailers carrying th e abovetion numbers.T h e changes (by assemblies) are:

    4600 (DUMP RELEASE)The eather washer (4600-7) has been eliminated entirely. The clamps (460b13): bolts and nu17);bolts an d nuts (4600-18) have been eliminated. In their stead, tw o U-bolts (460050) now hold thehousing in place. Four nuts (4600-31) crew onto the U-Mts.

    4700 ( L U N E m EYE ASSEMBLY)On registration numbers 0876861-0880860, a heavier lunette eye ia furnished. It i s to be noted,that the heavier lunette eye is still interchangeable with lunettes furnished on other trailera.

    TheT Pin (4800-61, the spring (4800-l f ) , the: washer (4800-10) and the cotter key (4800-14) heliminated. A e chion rtpring bolt (4800-16) is now u a d in their stead. To place the stanchion in adicular position% he frame of the trailer, pull ou t stanchion spring bolt until stanchion drops to thedicular position, Then place the spring bolt back in +ition. This d l Tmk the atanchion in the perpeposition. Te aise stanchion for use in motion, pull ou t stanchion spring bolt and raise stanchion to aposition to the tongue of the trailer. Replace spring bolt.5000 W H E E L AND AXLE ASSEMBLYI

    Etich wheel has been reinforced with a reinfoxing disc welded both on the outside and insidwheel. 'Shb is to add strength to the wheel and eliminate any haringaction.T h e axle now hss r m etectar (50WZO) welded onto it at both ends. This is to prevent any dirt from entering th e wheel assemIn addition to he above, an outer wheel bearing washer (5000-193 haa h e n add& to this amemblplacedon he wheel immediately after the bearing.

    An amber reflector (5100-35) hasbeen added. T h e pin (6100-X8) holding the tailgate to the taiImhas been diminat&, and in its stead, an eye boIt (5100-n) has added.5240 and 5300 (TAILGATE LOCK AND TRIP ASSEMBLY)

    The spring (5200-7) has been eliminated and in ib place, a onger spring (S200-14) la now usedlock M i, ight hand (5300-1 and tablgatcr lock, lei t hand (5300-2) are now drilled and th e spring Iis attached tb he hole in the casting. ORRegistration Numbem 0876861.0880860, the ~ a ~ l t f n g ~re nowa t ead of malleable. However, dl pwta are interchangeable.

  • 8/4/2019 TM 5-9084 - Converto Dumping Trailer


    The trailer lighting system operates in connection with the truck or jeep, except in changing overto blackout, or vice versa. If this Is desired, locate first the light switch, which is on t h e right hanf the frame (facing th e trailer),push th e switch coverwide, and using a screw driver or the handle endkey of the truck or jeep, turn the switch a quarter turn to the right gideof the trailer for blackoutto the left for service lights. When the truck main light switch is in position for the Iights t o opatop lights function 8s the brakes are applied by th e driver, Keep the trailer light switch turned to t

    of the trailer (service position) except .when blackout is desired. A wiring diagram showing the arof th e eletrical circuits appears below. Regular in~pect ian f all connections should be made once a w

    I - Blackout Switch




    Brown Coupling Socket Terminal "TL" o Trailer Switch Terminal "T"-CWhite Coupling Socket Tem i n a I " S V t o Trailer Switch Terminal "S"-CRed Coupling Socket Terminal "GR" o Trailer Ground-CabIeTRAILER W RIN G HARNESSEXTENSION

    Color NameYellow with 2 Black Tracers Trailer Switch "BOT" o Blackout Tail Light Connector-CBlue with 2 White Tracers Railer Switch '5T"tto Service Tail Light-Cable