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Lesson Plan Six

Alumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi

Período de Práctica: 1, Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Escuela de Educación Inicial y Primaria (UNS)

Dirección: 11 de Abril 445

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1°B

Cantidad de alumnos: 26

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Inicial

Tipo de Planificación: clase

Unidad Temática: Mi Familia

Clase Nº: 6

Fecha: 10 Junio de 2015

Hora: 13.15 a 13.40 hs

Duración de la clase: 25 minutos

Fecha de primera entrega: 8 de Junio de 2015

Teaching points: Family members

Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to:

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Recognize simple questions such as “What’s your name? “Who is he/she?” Follow simple commands such as “Listen to me”and “repeat with me”. Recognize new vocabulary related to Family members Participate actively in different activities.

Language focus:

Lexis Function Structure PronunciationRevision Colours: blue,

green, brown, grey.

Follow simple commands: Listen, show me Scamp’s mum.Identify colours students know.

Recognition and production of Wh questions in the simple present: “what’s your name?” ”what colour is it?” It’s brown!

Production of /br/ through repetition as in Brown.

New Vocabulary related to family members: Mum, dad, brother, sisters, family.

Identify family members.

Recognition of interrogative sentences in the simple present: “What’s your mum’s name?”“Who is he/she?”

Production of the / æ/ sound as in dad through repetition.

Teaching approach: Communicative Approach.

Integration of skills: Speaking and listening skills will be integrated in the lesson since students will listen to a chant and then repeat it in order to recognize new vocabulary; and also the teacher will do some oral work in order to encourage students communicate in the foreign language.

Materials and resources: a picture, photos, CD player.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will listen to a chant about a dog introducing her family members, so students will listen to the way people introduce their family in real life, and try to acquire the structure through repetition and recognition of it.

In case the device doesn’t work, I’ll record the chant on a pen drive and record it on a small speaker.

Seating arrangement: students will be sitting in groups of 4 or 5.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:

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Students may become a bit excited when the teacher asks them oral questions or throw the ball so she’ll ask them to be quiet and silent.

Classroom management strategies:

The teacher will show students real photos of her family to make the lesson meaningful and try to motivate children to speak about their own family members. Besides, she’ll ask them to sing a chant and repeat different words and structures, which students really like doing.

Potential problems students may have with the language:

Students may have problems in understanding what “What’s your dad’s name?” means, so she’ll exemplify with her own family and mime as much as possible for students to understand.


Students will be assessed individually when the teacher asks specific questions and in groups when collaborating and participating along the activities.


Routine: 5 minutes

Purpose: To greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.

I’ll enter the classroom and say “Hello kids” and play our “Hello” song.

The song is from the course book they are working with “English Adventure” starter A.

Hello! Hello!

Hello! Hello!

Hello! Hello!

Hello to you.

(repeated twice)

Then, as another part of the routine, I’ll throw a soft ball to one of the students and say “I’m Cintia, What’s your name?” and the student will say “I’m ____” I’ll do this with different students.

Transition: Good kids!

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Warm up: 3 minutes

Purpose: To contextualize the topics.

Ok kids, today I’ve brought some photos of my family because they are on holiday and I miss them so much. Here they are! (I’ll take the photos from my bag and show them to students) This is my mum! Sandra!, and this is my dad Miguel!, and look! Here is my little brother! Martin! This is my family! Oh! And this is my pet dog Scamp! (showing a picture of the son of the characters of the “Lady and the Tramp”) Do you remember Scamp? He wants to show you his family too!

Transition: ok, let’s meet Scamp’s family.

Presentation: 5 minutes

Purpose: to introduce new vocabulary and structures.

I’ll stick a picture on the board from the coursebook “English Adventure starter A” in which Scamp’s family appears. I’ll say to students “Look! This is Scamp! What colour is he? (pointing to the picture) SS: Grey! T: very good! And these are his sisters! (pointing to them), What colour are they? SS: brown! Then, I’ll say “And here are his mum and his dad! What colour is his dad? SS: grey! T: yes, it’s grey!

Transition: very good kids! Now, we’re going to listen to Danielle (Scamp’s sister) presenting her family.

Activity 1: 5 minutes

Purpose: to recognize the vocabulary and structures presented.

“Ok, children please listen to Danielle (pointing to the picture on the board) presenting her family (I’ll play a chant, and while each name of each member is said I’ll point to it on the pictures on the board) Then, I’ll play the chant for students to repeat. “Please, now repeat with me and sing the chant”.

After we finish saying the chant I’ll do some oral work. I’ll point to a picture on the board and ask “Who is he/she?” for students to identity the family members.

The chant is from the coursebook “English Adventure starter A”

My mum, my dad,

My sisters, and my brother.

My mum, my dad,

My sisters, and my brother.

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This is my family.

This is my family.

Transition: Excellent job kids!

Activity 2: 5 minutes.

Purpose: to practice the new vocabulary and structures fostering communicative interaction.

Now, I’ll throw a soft ball to one of the students and ask “What’s your mum’s name?” and your dad’s? I’ll mime showing students the photos of my family for them to understand what I want to say and exemplifying “My mum’s name is Sandra; What’s your mum’s name?” (I’ll do this with different students in order to practice the new structures and make them easy to remember them in future lessons)

Transition: Very good!

Closure: 2 minutes

Ok, children! Now it’s time to say goodbye! (and I’ll play our goodbye song from the coursebook “English Adventure starter A”)

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye, everyone!


The picture of the family dog is

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And the photos of my family:

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