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09-0027 “Low stressed functional diamond

film”Inventor: Dr. Kevin Chou

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• Drills are critical to productivity and part quality in the manufacturing process.–Most widely used are cobalt-cemented

tungsten (Co-WC) carbide twist drills• Diamond coatings are used to extend tool

life due to high hardness and low friction. – BUT these coatings suffer from adhesion

problems, residual stresses, and have a thickness threshold.

Current Problems

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• Method of drill design that lowers the stress of diamond coating on twist drill.– Achieved by perfecting

the geometry of drill design on both the macro and micro level.

• Decreases delamination of coating by reducing the amount of stress.


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• Easy fabrication that utilizes geometry modification to reduce stress.

• Proven advantages through rigorous engineering analysis


Drill life,# of holes Comment40 Drill breakage

>100No drill breakage, testing stop for drill evaluation

Engineered edge

Original edge

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• Dr. Kevin Chou– Professor– 27 Publications

• Departments– Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies–Mechanical Engineering


[email protected]

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Office for Technology Transfer720 2nd Ct E

Tuscaloosa, AL [email protected]
