
Unit1 Living well.-Reading

高二选修 7

Warming up

With a partner, discuss what their disability might be.

Disabilities can be visible or invisible. People with

invisible disabilities don’t look disabled. Depression, sleep

disorders and learning difficulty are invisible disabilities.

No matter what disability one has, life is not easy. They

have many difficulties to overcome, but please keep in

mind they can also live well, and even achieve great



Do you know of any famous people who are disabled?

What do they do?


“Even as he sits helpless in his wheelchair, his mind seems to

soar ever more brilliantly across the vastness of space and time

to unlock the secrets of the universe.”

高尔基说过 , 在自然剥夺了人类用四肢走路的本领时 , 它就给予他一根拐杖 , 那就是理想。而霍金无疑为这句话做了最完美的诠释。 他以瘦弱之躯挑战生理极限的勇气以及霍金式的顽皮笑容都向世人证明了:他赢了!

Ludwig Von Beethoven

路德维希 · 范 · 贝多芬( 1770-1827 )

德国伟大的作曲家26 岁时听觉衰退35 岁时完全耳聋……—— 世界不给他欢乐 他却创造了欢乐给与世界

Hellen Keller ( 1880-1968 )

1964 年被授予美国公民最高的荣誉——总统自由勋章次年又被推选为世界十名杰出妇女之一

主要著作 :《我生活的故事》《愿我们充满心》《从黑暗中出来》


张海迪 五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤 ,高位截瘫

自学掌握了英语 日语 德语和世界语 当代知名作家 翻译家

Vincent Van GoghEpileps癫痫症painter

Beethoven Deaf Musician


The purpose of the website :1. To give ordinary young people with a disability the c

hance to share their stories with others.

2. To inspire other disabled people.

3. To get non-disabled people to understand more about how

challenging life can be for people with disabilities.


Difficult words:

1. ambition n. 抱负 , 志向 full of ambition 野生勃勃 ambitious adj. 有雄心的 , 有志气的 be ambitious of sth. 渴望得到某物 His ambition to become the Prime

Minister is likely to be real.

3. absence n. 不在 , 缺席 absence of mind 心不在焉 absent ad. 缺席的 be absent from 不在 , 缺席 absent-minded 健忘的 , 心不在焉的4. ignore v. 不理睬 ignorant adj. 无知的 , 不知的 ignorance n. 无知 , 愚昧

2. including prep. 包括 , 包含在内 included adj. ( 用于名词或代词之后 ) 包括在内

5. encouragement n. 激励,鼓励 encourage v. 鼓励,激励 encouraging adj. 令人振奋的 encouraged adj. 感到鼓舞的 encourage sb. to do sth.

鼓励某人做某事 discourage vt. 使泄气

What kind of person is Marty?

brave, unlucky, weak, clumsy, strong-minded,

optimistic, happy, independent, stupid

Let’s read Marty’s Story which is from the family

village website. Then do the following exercises.


1 Read Marty’s story and fill in the table.

Problems caused by his disability

1. ____ and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as others

2. _____ and often drop things or bump into furniture3. can’t play football and can only enjoy football matches from a bench at a stadium

4. has missed a lot of school

5. feels stupid because of being behind the others



What Marty does in spite of his disability

1. enjoys ______ and computer programming

2. invented a computer football game.3. looks after pets4. disability has helped him grow psychologically and become more independent.


Others’ attitude

◆ At primary school, sometimes kids _________ me.

◆ At high school, my fellow students have begun to ______ me for who I am.

His own attitude

◆ I used to feel ______ because of being behind the others.

◆ Now I have no time to sit around feeling _____ for myself.

◆My disability has made me grow stronger and more ___________ .independent

laughed at




An introduction to Marty and his

muscle disease.

How his disability developed.

Paragraph 1:

Paragraph 2:

2 Sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

Marty met a lot of difficulties at scho


How his life has become easier.

The advantages of his disease.

Paragraph 3:

Paragraph 4:

Paragraph 5:

1. What kind of person do you think Marty is?

Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life. He is realistic about his disability, but does not let this stop him doing as much as he can. He is a psychologically strong, independent boy.

3 Discuss these questions.

2. What do you think is the most difficult thing that Marty ha

s to deal with in his life?

Missing lots of school, not being able to run around and play

sports like other boys at his age, people not understanding

that he has a disability.

3. What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life

happy and satisfying?

Marty keeps busy doing things that do not require physical

strength, like computer programming. He has friends with

whom he can go to movies and football matches and he has

lots of pets. He also studies hard.

4. What can other people do to help Marty and others like

him live a good life?

They can accept people with disabilities like Marty for

who they are rather than focus on their disability. They

can encourage them to live rich and full lives.

5. Why has his fellow students’ conduct changed towards


Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich

and full a life as everyone else.

1). Marty has ____ disease.

A. a mental B. a muscle

C. a brain D. a hand


4 Choose the right answer.

2). When Marty says “I am one in a million”, he really

means _____.

A. he is unique

B. he has a rare disease

C. he has a muscle disease

D. he lives a hard but happy life


3). Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? _______

A. While at high school, not all Marty’s classmates accept him.

B. A big company bought the computer game from Marty.

C. The doctors know Marty’s disease well but they hide the truth.

D. Marty looks quite different from others because of his disease.


4). Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Marty’s leg?A. Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out.B. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen ( 标本 ).C. Because they would transplant the new muscle.D. Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.


5). From the passage we can infer that ____.A. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him.B. Marty never loses heart.C. Marty is afraid of being made fun of.D. Marty will not accept any encouragement

because he has grown stronger.


6). What’s Marty’s dream?

A. Being a famous football player and

representing his country in the World


B. Being a doctor.

C. Being a college student.

D. Being a basketball player.


7). Which of the following is false?A. Although there are a few students who look down upon

him, Marty never gets annoyed.B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for

being disabled.C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his

friends.D. Marty disability has made him more independent.


8). What is the tone of the text?

A. sad. B. happy.

C. positive. D. negative.



Retell Marty’s story according to the mini bio.

Surf the internet to learn more about the life of

disabled people.
