Page 1: Unit5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero

Period 2 Language pointsDesigned by xzc

2006.11.03Thursday& Friday

Page 2: Unit5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero


be of poor/ good/ high quality 质量好 / 差

n. how good or bad something is “ 质,质量” ( 不可数 n.)

A watch of good quality is more expensive than a watch of poor quality.质量好的手表比质量次的手表要贵 .

For study, quality matters more than quantity.就学习而言,质量比数量重要。

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n. “ 特质,优点” ( 可数 n.) (pl.) qualitiese.g. He has many fine qualities. 他有许多优点。

What qualities do you think are needed to make a great hero?


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willing adj.


be willing to do sth.=be ready to do sth 乐意干某事 , 心甘情愿地干

e.g. 雷锋总是乐于助人。Lei Feng is always willing to help others

My friend lent me some money _______.(adv.)


Teachers are always willing to help us when we are in trouble/ have trouble.

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be active in sth/ doing sth “ 在…方面积极”take an active part in sth/ doing sth “ 积极参与…”e.g. She is always active in class. 她在课堂上表现活跃。They always take an ________ part in the English club. 他们总是积极参与英语俱乐部


He is not _________________he was. 他不像以往那样活跃。

as active as

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In trouble 每当我陷入困境,他总伸出援助之手。He always ______ his help when I ____________ ________. Whenever we’re in _____, we must never lose____, but try to think of the way out. a. the trouble, our heart b. troubles, hearts c. trouble, heart d. trouble, our heart

offers am in trouble


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e.g. What impressed me most was that they never ________.

A.Lost hearts B. lost their heartC. Lost heart D. lost their hearts

注意: lose one’s heart to sb. 爱上某人,钟情于某人= fall in love with sb.

lose one’s heart to sth. 迷恋,十分喜欢某物


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die for :

A. 为 ……而死 ; 因……而死

They died for the people; their death is weightier than the Mount. Taishan.


B. 渴望 , 切望 ( 只用于进行时态 )



Many people died for need of food.

I’m dying for a cup of water.

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His father _____________ the earthquake in 1976.

Before liberation, millions of poor people ________ cold and hungry.

Oh , I’m ____________ laughter.

改错: He has died for two years.

died from

died of

dying of

(has been dead)

die of 内因如疾病( illness) ,饥饿 (hungry) ,寒冷 (cold) ,年老 (old age) ,或感情因素 (boredom, sorrow, poison) 等。die from 外因,如(枪)伤 (wound) ,意外事故 (accident) ,咬伤 (snake bite) ,虚弱 (lack of food) ,饮食过度 ( drinking) 等。

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Found vt. –founded-founded

他的理论建立在事实的基础上。His theory is founded on facts.= is based on

中华人民共和国于 1949 年 10 月 1 日成立。The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949.

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But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.

was to do 在此处意为注定将会… eg. You were to regret your decision later.

We were _____ win the competition as we worked very hard.


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fight (fought fought) v./ n. 打仗, 打架A. fight + n. 与……作战 , 斗争

他们只好与政府做斗争 .

B. fight for 为……而战 他们叫工人为自己的权利而战 .

C. fight against 与……作战 , 和……作斗争

D. fight over (sth.) 为……而争吵 .

They had to fight the government.

They told the workers to fight for their rights.

We will have to fight against difficulties.

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believe in 信任; 信仰;相信……的存在• believe sb. = believe what sb. says 相信某人

的话• believe in sb. = 信任某人 , 信仰 ( 后接接名

词 , 代词或 动名词 )trust


1. I _________ what he said because I __________ him.

2. Though he’s not the person who could be__________, I ________ him this time.

believe believe in

believed in believed

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• give up doing sth.--- stop doing sth,

• Be free from 摆脱(不好的东西)的,无……的

• You should try to write sentences (没有错误的) _______________________.

• Keep the children (免受伤害) ____________________

free from mistakes

Free from harm

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*be in prison =

be in a prison =

go to prison 入狱

put … in prison

send … to prison 把……投入监狱

throw …into prison

be taken to prison 被关进监狱

break (out of ) prison 越狱

在狱中 , 被监禁

探监,在某一监狱 ( 从事某种工作 )

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Para.11.… opened a black law firm …….

(opened a law office for the black people)律师事务所

advise somebody on

对于这个问题你能给我些忠告吗?Could you advise me on the problem?

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law u.n/c.n 1) u.n. 法律 ( 多与定冠词连用 ) You are breaking the law! 2) c.n. 指一条法律 ; 规律 ,法则 A new law has just been passed. A law of nature states how things act.


break / go against the law

keep / obey the law

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advise v.劝告,忠告

advise sb. to do

What do you advise me to do?

advise + doing


advise + wh-

Please advise me which one to choose.

=Please advise me which one I should choose.

I advise waiting till the proper time.

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advise + that ( 从句 )

与 insist 一样, advise 后所跟的从句用虚拟语气 ( should do 或 should 省略)


advice u.n. 忠告,建议

two pieces of advice 两个建议

I advise that he (should) give up drinking.

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continue + to do

continue doing 继续做某事

go on doing

他继续睡觉,好像什么也没有发生。He continued sleeping/ to sleep as if nothing had happened.


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*fee: 服务费,酬金(如付予私人教师,医生等)

Pay the lawyer’s fees (付律师费 )

fare: (公共汽车,轮船,出租车等的 )费用,票价


Ex. Travel at half/full/reduced _______(半价票旅行 ).

A bill for school ______ ( 学费帐单 ).

What is the bus fare to London?



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be worried about = worry about

I worry about your health.

I am worried about your health.

I worried about your health.

I was worried about your health.

担心的神色 a worried look

Don’t be worried. --- Take it easy

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Par.3 1.…get the correct papers so….

2.“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, 后置定语修饰 laws

3. “Until today we have reach a stage where we have almost no rights at all.”

( passbook)证件

( People have seen there are more and more laws that stop the rights of the black people and the progress of the society.)

Now we have come to situation/period阶段

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Par.41.Black people had no vote and could not choose who ruled them

2. The parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people.过去分词作后置定语

( had no rights to vote)

( Black people had no rights to decide where they lived in the town, it was decided by the white.)

I visited a boy named/called Tom.


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1.“…we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government.”

2. We chose to attack the law.

3. ….only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

(We were forced into such a situation where we had either to obey or fight the Government.)

( We decided to fight against law.)

( only at that time did we decide to fight violence with violence( 以暴易暴 ) because the Government sent the police to stop us.)

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•accept 表示自愿,主动地接受• receive 表示被动的接受。

I cannot _______ the gift.

He ___________ many presents on his birthday.

He _________ the present, but he didn’t _____ it.

either… or

neither … nor

not only…but also…

There be…





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Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

Only then 此处引起倒装句,当 only修饰状语位于句首时,句子部分倒装。

You will be able to master English only by practicing a few hours every day. 只有通过每天练习几个小时你才能掌握英语。

Ex. He was able to return home only when the war was over.

Only by practicing a few hours every day will you be able to master English.

Only when the war was over was he able to return home.

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answer 在本句中意为“对付”

1. 接,应(与 door, bell, phone 等连用)

2. 适应(需要等)

3. answer back 顶嘴 那女孩喜欢顶嘴。

I will go and answer the phone.

The plan will not answer our needs.

That girl likes answering back.

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• as a matter of fact--- in fact• Finally we realized our dream.• Finally our dream _____ ____.came true

•make black and white people equal

•make + 宾语 + 宾补 ( 名词, 形容词,动词 )

•We will make him monitor.

•Our maths teacher made us interested in maths.

•The boss made him work fourteen hours a day.

realize one’s dream of doing sth

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the first time 和 for the first time都表示“第一次” , 但 the first time 用作连词 ,连接主从复合句 , 而 for the first time 是短语 ,单独使用 , 在句中作状语。 e.g. We met at college for the first time.我们第一次见面是在上大学时。

The teacher liked the young man very much the first time she saw him. 那位老师第一次看见那年轻的小伙子就非常喜欢他。

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did pass 的强调用法,在谓语动词之前(通常是现在时和过去时的肯定句)可用助动词 do, did, does来强调动词,译为“确实、的确”As a matter of fact, the meeting did last three hours .

He does work hard and finish the job in time.

As they were not cleverer than me, but did pass their exams.

did pass 是强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在动词原形前 do / does / did

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He does study very hard. ( 一般现在时)He did study very hard long time ago. ( 一般过去时 )

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I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.有一些表示时间的名词短语也可用来引导时间状语从句: the minute, the moment, every time, the first time…

The moment he reached the country, he started his research.

Every time I saw the straw hat, it reminded me of the tour that I made years before.I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her.

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_______ I wrote a little poem, I was very confident that I did a good job.

a. For the first time b. At first c. It was the first time d. The first time


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1. 帮助某人做某事2. 与 ... 相处得好3. 乐于做 ...4. 公共服务5. 无偿6. 积极参与7. 丧失勇气或信心8. 处于不幸中9. 相信10. 放弃11. 脱离 ...独立12. 用和平的方式13. 和白人一样的权利14. 困难时期15. 继续做

16. 担心17. 失业18. 青年团19. 正如孟德拉所说的20. 事实上21. 爆炸22. 逃离23. 从某种意义上来讲24. 在午餐休息时间25. 当权26. 自豪做某事27. 建立;设立28. 开办律师事务所29. 乞求

Find the English phrases in the text:

Page 36: Unit5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero sb with sth 帮助某人做某事2.get on well with… 与 ... 相处得好 willing to do 乐于做 ...4. public service work 公共服务5. without pay 无偿6. be active in… 积极参与7. lose heart 丧失勇气或信心8. be in trouble 处于不幸中9. believe in… 相信10. give up 放弃11. be free from… 脱离 ...独立12. in a peaceful way 用和平的方式13. the same rights as white people 和白人一样的权利14. difficult period 困难时期15. continue to do sth 继续做

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16. be worried about 担心17. be out of work 失业18. Youth League 青年团19. as Nelson Mandela said 正如孟德拉所说的20. as a matter of fact 事实上21. blow up 爆炸22. escape from 逃离23. in one way 从某种意义上来讲24. during the lunch break 在午餐休息时间25. come to power 当权26. be proud to do sth 自豪做某事27. set up 建立;设立28. open a law firm 开办律师事务所29. beg for sth 乞求