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Liberty Theological Seminary



A Paper Submitted to Dr. Daniel Sheard

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Course

Global Studies Survey

GLST 500

By Johnny Carter

Lynchburg, Virginia

June 30, 2013

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MAP OF UZBEK………………………………………………………………………..1




SURVEY OF MISSIONS WORK………………………………………………………..12

PROPOSED STRATEGY………………………………………………………………..15


BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………. ....18


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Map source: Joshua Project / Global Mapping International1

1 “People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project, June 30, 2013,

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With less than 2% of its population following Christ, the indigenous people of Uzbek, of

Northern Uzbekistan are destined for doom if they are not reached for Christ. Christian churches

along with Christian workers are greatly needed in Northern Uzbekistan and the region is ripe for

harvesting. However, creating a working partnership between mission workers and the Uzbek

Christian leaders has not been going very well. For every successful outreach story there are

several stories of religious persecutions. The current methods used for reaching this group of

people are being met by the hostile regime of the ruling party who will do whatever they have to

do to keep the gospel from reaching the people. The purpose of this particular project is to

research and develop a biblical program that will help train leaders to go into the remote areas of

Northern Uzbekistan and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to the indigenous people of

Northern Uzbekistan. The main goal of this project is to see a region that was once lost; now

proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ.


“Northern Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia and is home to about 20 million

Uzbeks.”2 Northern Uzbekistan “borders the Aral Sea between Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

2 Ibid

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Northern Uzbekistan is believed to be slightly larger than the state of California.”3 The country

of Uzbekistan is the “most populous in Central Asia and it has the largest armed forces.

Uzbekistan is the “biggest producer of cotton in the world and the country is very rich in natural

resources, such as oil, gas and gold. However, economic reform has been slow and poverty and

unemployment is widespread.”4 According to the Christian Aid Mission website “Uzbekistan is

home to 62 people groups, 36 of whom remain unreached. Uzbekistan is defined as an

authoritarian state with limited civil rights and international observers have express serious

concern over the wide spread violation of basic human rights.”5 According to the Joshua Project,

“persecution for the country of Northern Uzbekistan stands at 16 and the need for Christian

workers stands at 62/100.”6



“The Central Asian Turks are the ancestors of the Uzbeks; they helped Genghis Khan

capture Eastern Europe in the 1300’s.”7 However, as with most kingdoms something happens

that eventually turns two friendly kingdoms into warring enemies. The Turks and the Mongols

3 Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations, s.v. “Uzbekistan: Location Size and Extent,” June 30,2013)

4 “Uzbekistan Profile,” BBC News-Uzbekistan Profile, June 30, 2013,

5 “About Uzbekistan,” Christian Aid Mission, July 1, 2013,

6 Ibid, “People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project

7 “Prayer Profile: The Uzbek,” Pray Way Global Prayer Community: The Uzbek, July 1, 2013,

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became those two warring kingdoms. From these warring kingdoms came the descendants of the

Uzbeks people. “The Russians conquered the Uzbeks by the mid – 1800’s and they were forced

to live under the czarist rule until the Bolshevik Revolution brought the Communists to power in

1917.”8 The Communists power which was under a socialist government “forced many of the

Uzbeks nomads and farmers to live on collective farms. Uzbekistan was able to become an

independent nation once the Soviet Union was broken up in 1991.”9 The way of life for the

Uzbek people “has historically been one of farming, horticulture, craftsmanship, trade, and

animal husbandry. The men handled all the major hard work such as the farming, gardening and

craftsmanship; while the women handle all the cooking, weaving and looking after domestic

animals and of course caring for the kids.” 10 The daily activities of the Uzbek people had a great

impact on their cultural and social characteristics. The Uzbek people made their clothes

according to climatic characteristics, historical and ethnic-regional features.


The primary language of Northern Uzbekistan is Uzbek which is a Turkic

language.”74.3 percent of the Uzbekistan population speaks the Uzbek language. 14.2 speak

Russian and 4.4 percent speak Tajik. There are a few people who speak Karakalpak, which is

also a Turkic language that is related to the Kazakh and Tatar and it’s included under the Uzbek

in statistics.” 11No one knows how many actual people speak the Karakalpak language because

many ethnic Karakalpaks use the Uzbek dialects. Russian language is officially designated as

8 Ibid

9 Ibid

10 “Uzbekistan People,” Uzbekistan, July 1, 2013,

11 “Country Profile: Uzbekistan,” The Library of Congress: Country Studies-Federal research Division, July 1, 2013,

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the language of interethnic communication and the people who speak Russian live mainly in the

larger cities. Due to the language barriers that can hinder the evangelism process there is a need

for the gospel material to be translated into the Uzbekistan language. This translation will help

the mission workers to explain that gospel and the Uzbeks will be able to at least read, hear and

understand what is being spoken to them. According to David J. Hesselgrave – “The task of the

mission worker is to translate and communicate the biblical message (indeed, the bible itself)

into the language and forms that will make it understandable to the hearers and readers in the

respondent culture.”12


“The Uzbekistan culture is considered one of the brightest and original cultures of the

East. Their national music, dances, paintings and unique national kitchen and clothes are

inimitable.”13 The Uzbek people are known for their songs, “Koshuk-is a household song

with a small diapason melody, covering one or two rows of the poetic text. The dances

of Uzbeks distinguish softness, smoothness and expressiveness of movements, easy

sliding step, and original movements on a place and a circle.”14 The national clothes of

the Uzbeks have pretty much remained the same since the end of the twentieth century.

The men still wear their pants with a top to bottom direct cover dressing gown (known as

a khalat) with openings on the side so they can walk comfortably. The women are often

seen wearing colorful dresses or pants. If their heads are not covered with a scarf then

12 David J. Hesselgrave, "The Role of Culture in Communication," in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 4th ed., ed. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009), 426.

13 “About Uzbekistan: Culture and Traditions,” Embassy of Uzbekistan To The United States, July 1, 2013,

14 Ibid

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chances are they are wearing a special coat (known as a parandja) this coat could cover

the women’s body as well as her head and face. However, in today’s society “most of the

Uzbekistan people wear Western style clothing especially those who live in large

previously Soviet cities.”15 “The Uzbekistan people take great pride in providing

hospitality for their guests. By custom their guests are afforded the best of everything,

even in times of hardship.”16 According to Charles H. Kraft – “The way of Jesus is,

however, to honor a people’s culture and its incorporated worldview, not to wrest them

from it. Just as Jesus entered the cultural life of the Jews to communicate with them, so

are we to enter the cultural matrix, of the people we seek to win.”17


The country of Uzbekistan is currently a “dry landlocked country with 11% of the land

intensely cultivated in irrigated river valleys.”18 Uzbekistan has over 60% of its population

living in a rural densely populated area. “The Uzbek people exported various sort of

hydrocarbons, however it was the exportation of natural gas that gave the country a 40% foreign

exchange earnings rate in 2009.”19 The government also exported gold and cotton, “currently

15 Ibid “People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project,

16 “The People of Uzbekistan, Way of Life,” Way of Life-The People of Uzbekistan, July 2, 2013,

17 Charles H. Kraft, "Culture, Worldview and Contextualization," in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 4th ed., ed. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009), 402.

18 “Uzbekistan Economy 2013,” CIA World Fact Book, February 5, 2013,


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Uzbekistan is now the world’s second – largest cotton exporter and fifth largest producer.”20

Uzbekistan has tried aggressively to diversify its crops however; cotton remains their main

source of production. “After their independence in 1991 the Uzbekistan government tried to

boost their Soviet –style economy by using subsidies and tight controls on production and

prices.”21 The Uzbekistan government knows that it needs to improve their countries investment

climate; nevertheless “the government keeps sponsoring measures that often increase, and not

decrease its control over business decisions. A sharp increase in the way income is distributed

has hurt the lower class of society since Uzbekistan declared its independence.”22 In 2003 the

Uzbekistan government “adapted the IMF currency convertibility under the rules of Article VIII,

but because of strict currency controls and the step up in border security, the effects for currency

conversion has been hampered and it has also led to other shortages that have caused the

economy to remained in a downward spiral.” 23 With delays like these “the Central Bank will

often delay or restrict currency convertibility, especially for consumer goods. For several years

due to the rising world prices for its main export commodities such as natural gas, cotton and

gold the Uzbekistan government saw a GDP growth over 8% per year for several years that was

until the year 2012.” 24 In 2012 that growth the Uzbekistan government had experienced

suddenly slipped as a result of lower export prices due to the European recession. As a result of

their economic woes, “the Uzbekistan government accused the United States and other foreign

companies of violating The Uzbekistan tax laws while operating in Uzbekistan and therefore the

20 Ibid

21 Ibid

22 Ibid

23 Ibid

24 Ibid

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government froze the assets of these companies.”25 While freezing the assets of these companies

“the Uzbekistan government tried to persuade other US and foreign companies to bring their

business to their country by putting together a pretty lucrative package that offered financing and

tax advantages.”26 This lucrative deal did attract the attention of the US automobile industry and

the Uzbekistan government also celebrated the opening of a powertrain manufacturing plant in

Tashkent. “As of February 2012 the Uzbekistan government had the GDP purchasing power

parity of 103.9 billion which gave them a 71 ranking comparison to the world.”27


“88% of the Uzbekistan population is Muslims with about 9% Russian Orthodox with

0.01% evangelical Christians.”28 Because of their Muslim beliefs the “Uzbeks believe that there

is only one God which is Allah who was revealed through the prophet Mohammed and then

recorded in the Koran.”29 About two-thirds of the Uzbekistan populations “practice a type of

mystic Sufism that is known as the Sunni.”30 The Sunni practice consist of “five daily prayers,

fasting in the month of Ramadan and performing the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca.”31 The Sunni

Muslims also believe in” the seven articles of faith which are: the belief in the Oneness of God,

the angels, the Sacred Scriptures, the messengers of God, the last Day, destiny coming from

25 Ibid

26 Ibid

27 Ibid

28 “Country Profile: Uzbekistan,” The Library of Congress: Country Studies-Federal research Division, July 1, 2013,

29““People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project,

30 “Country Profile: Uzbekistan, The Library of Congress

31 Kenneth Shouler PHD, The Everything World's Religions Book, 4th ed. (Avon: F + W Media Inc., 2010), 129-142, Amazon Kindle.

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God- whether good or bad and the resurrection after death.”32 “Uzbekistan also has 14% who

consider themselves non-religious 13% who are of the independent belief 37% Protestant

40%Orthodox (non-Russian) 9% other Christian and 1% who consider themselves Roman

Catholic.”33 The Joshua Project website – says that the “New Testament, Genesis, Psalms,

Proverbs and Job as well as the Jesus Film have already been made available to the Northern

Uzbeks.”34 Then there are some “Uzbekistan people who do have access to the gospel because

they live in the city however, there is a good chance that the majority of the rural villages have

had no Gospel witness.”35 Even with the diversity in religion the Islamic faith still remains the

dominate faith. This region of the world is in desperate need of the word of God. According to

the Joshua Project website – “the Islamic fundamentalist living in the former Soviet regions have

begun calling for the strict application of Islamic law that is being practiced in Afghanistan.” 36

David Wells states – “the secularists believe we must come to terms with life, accepting things as

they are; seeking some other reference point around which to structure our lives is futile and

escapist.”37 He also goes on to state- “accepting the status quo or life as it is contains a hidden

unrecognized assumption that God’s power to change the world, to overcome Evil with Good

will not be actualized.”38 If we do not want to see a region changed for Christ then we must go on

believing as the secularists believe, however I believe in a God who can do the impossible.

32 Ibid

33 “People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project

34 Ibid

35 Ibid


37 David Wells, Prayer Rebelling Against the Status Quo," in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 4th ed., ed. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009), 160.38 Ibid

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Map source: Maps of World.com39

In the Uzbekistan culture marriage is absolutely necessary for everyone. “The family is the

basic structure in the Uzbekistan culture. In the Uzbekistan culture the women are usually

married by the age of twenty-one; the men not much later.” 40 “The family’s honor is dependent

39 “Political Map of Uzbekistan,” Maps of World, May 14, 2012, Jeff E Rlich, “Uzbekistan,” Countries and Their Cultures, July 2, 2013, www.everyculture/To-Z/Uzbekistan.html#b.

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on their daughters’ virginity; that is why daughters are encouraged to get married early.”41

Marriages are arraigned between families; in the more cosmopolitan families the bride and

groom has the final say so when they get married. However, “the marriage will not take place

unless both parties get parental approval and in the Uzbekistan culture the mother has the final

word.”42 Marriage preference is given to the members of the kin group “particularly to the

choice the youngest son may choose because he and his bride will be responsible for the care of

his parents.” 43 The bride and groom will usually “marry in their late teens or early twenties, so

their wedding can last for a few days with the brides’ family responsible for the cost.”44 The

grooms’ family might have had to pay a price in order for the bride to marry their son. “Even

though polygamy is illegal and rare in their culture it is not unknown. In the Uzbekistan culture

divorce was rare especially outside of the major cities, however once the country received its

independence divorce became more common and it became easier for the man to start the

divorce proceeding.”45 Uzbekistan families hold to the patriarchal model, through which the

mother is in charge of the household. To see families with ten or more members is not

uncommon; however an average size family will most likely consist of five or six members. All

parents would like to leave an inheritance to their kids in the case of the “Uzbekistan people the

youngest son will receive the family house along with the commitment to care for their elderly

parents. It has always been the custom that the son receives twice as much of the family

inheritance as the daughters but it can vary from family to family.”46


42 Ibid

43 Ibid

44 Ibid

45 Ibid46 Ibid

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As reported earlier in this report Uzbekistan is 88% Muslim. “The Uzbekistan people are the

largest people group in Central Asia and they are the most resistant to the Gospel.”47 With the

Islamic Fundamentalists placing strict restrictions on religion it is getting harder and harder for

the mission workers to take the gospel to this region. In 2008 things had gotten so bad “religious

literature was being banned, the Uzbekistan government under President Islam Karimov started

targeting Christian missionary groups.”48 Persecution is well-known in Uzbekistan, it has gotten

to the point “where human rights groups have accused the government of imprisoning hundreds

of Muslims for practicing their faith outside-state–approved institutions and even going as far as

to label them extremists bent on overthrowing the secular government.”49 The Uzbekistan region

is in desperate need of God. However, at every turn when is seems like progress is being made

the enemy rears his ugly web of deceit to hinder the progress. However, Jesus said that the

gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations (Matt

24:14).50 Regardless of the obstacles that are placed in the way of the mission workers, God still

has a plan to reach Uzbekistan.

Status of the Church

“During Uzbekistan’s independence there was not a single case of interethnic or

interreligious conflict. Religious organizations fully enjoyed the right to create central authorities

47 “People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project

48 Farangis Najibullah, “Uzbekistan: Government Launches Campaign Against Missionaries,” Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, May 26, 2008,

49 Ibid

50 All Bible references are from Holy Bible The New International Version (NIV)

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for coordination of their activities and joint protection of their rights and freedoms.”51 This move

came about because of Article 31 of the Uzbekistan Constitution; the freedom of conscience is

afforded for all. In 1991 the “Law on Freedom of conscience and Religious Organizations was

established to regulate the procedures, principles and it guarantees the establishing and operation

of religious organizations. According to a report issued in 2012 by Christian Aid Mission they

say “currently there are over 500 evangelical churches in Uzbekistan. They are small in number

and they do not have the freedom to preach the gospel in public, they have been restricted to the

confines of an official church building. The law even forbids them to preach in the Uzbek

language about Jesus Christ.” 52 Even though the Uzbekistan government declares “freedom and

democracy, the Muslim religion is still the preferred religion by the government. If someone has

a bible, he / she can be given up three years in jail according to the law.” 53 Nevertheless, World

Aid Mission states that the “UCF has a vision of opening a church in every small city and

region.”54 With this determination and the help of the Holy Spirit Uzbekistan can be won for


How Many Know Believers

One of the definitions the Joshua Project uses to define an evangelical believer is “a person

who professes the Lord Jesus Christ as the source of salvation through faith.”55 There are no

clear cut figures of how many Christian believers there are in Uzbekistan. And since we are 51 “Social Issues: Freedom of Religion,” Embassy of Uzbekistan To The United States, July 3, 2013,

52 “Freedom and Uzbekistan? Two Words That Don't Go 'Hand in Hand',” Christian Aid Mission, January 19, 2012,


54 Ibid

55 “Definitions,” Joshua Project, July 3, 2013,

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going by the definition as described above we know that the number of believers will be rather

low. As Christian we should not be discouraged by the low numbers because throughout the

bible we can see where Christ used a handful of things to get things done for the glory of his

Father. However, according to the Joshua Project website “0.01% are Christians or

Evangelicals”56 “The US State Department shows the current number of Christian believer’s in

Uzbekistan to be at 0.9%.” of as of 2013.” 57

Present Strategies

“Currently Mission Aid is trying to work closely with some of the local Uzbek Christians in

Uzbekistan to open more some churches and several missionaries are also working with the Tajik

people to get the gospel into more areas of Uzbekistan.”58 The Holy Trinity Ministries with the

help of Open Doors are also working closely together to get more Christian workers to

Uzbekistan. Both ministries state, – “if the aim is to establish a strong, healthy indigenous church

in Uzbekistan, we must start from scratch. Seminars, Bible study groups, correspondence courses

and other types of education are all needed to build the church from the very foundations of the

Christian faith.”59 Along with establishing the church there are plans to train the church workers

in Uzbek how to deal with families who are having problems as the result of some members

converting to Christianity and as well as working with the youth. Most importantly the mission

workers want to help the Uzbek workers to “understand the necessity of altering their lifestyle.

56 “People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project

57 “Population of Uzbekistan 2013,” World Population Review, July 3, 2013,

58 “Being a Christian in Uzbekistan Can Be Costly,” Mission Network News, October 17, 2012, “Let's Win Uzbekistan for Jesus! Uzbekistan: Problems and Needs,” Holy Trinity Ministries International, July 3, 2013,

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Plus the Uzbek workers must learn how to survive during the times of persecution they are sure

to face because of their new found belief.”60 The bible gives us assurance that we will be blessed

if we are persecuted for righteousness sake (Matt.5:10).

Proposed Strategy

According to the Joshua Project website “the Uzbeks people are the largest group of people

in Central Asia and they are the most resistant to the Gospel.”61 The Joshua Project websites

states a list of needs and resources that are needed in order to be successful in reaching this

country for Christ. In order to do my part in trying to reach the Uzbekistan people for Christ. I

would propose a strategy where I could work in conjunction with the Joshua Project to reach the

lost. My proposal would consist of raising funds to help with the work of translating all printed

and audio material into the language of the Uzbekistan people. One thing that I have noticed on

the Joshua Project website is that there is no known complete bible for the Uzbekistan people.

Getting the complete bible translated into the language of the Uzbekistan people would be the

goal of my fund raising effort. While talking to her husband one night the late missionary Mary

Moffatt said – “The gospel has not been preached to them in their own tongue in which they

were born. They have heard it only through interpreters…who have themselves no just

understanding, no real love of the truth. We must not expect the blessing till you are able, from

your own lips and in their language, to bring it through their ears into their hearts.”62 Raising

funds to get the bible translated into the language of the Uzbek people will be a great tool in our

goal of reaching this country for Christ. Seeing the bible in their own language will give it much


61 “People-in-country Profile,” Joshua Project

62 A. Scott, Corwin, Gary R., McGee, Gary B. Moreau, Introducing World Missions: a Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004), 267.

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more meaning because not only will they be hearing it but they will be reading it for themselves.

Barbara F. Grimes states – “Without scriptures in the mother tongue, churches are not able to

sustain spiritual depth into succeeding generations. They will have difficulty answering false

teachings, waging spiritual warfare and avoiding syncretism.”63

According to the Pray Way website “there are over 21,000 Uzbekistan people in the

United States who are open to receiving the Gospel.”64 On their website and the Joshua Project

website are several requests for willing Uzbek workers as well as mission workers. Authors

Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor states – “Starting evangelistic bible studies, creating cell groups,

raising up leaders from the harvest and discipling new believers to the second and third

generation are critical.” 65 To fill this request I would propose opening up a training center here

in the United States to train the Uzbekistan people along with any other willing Christian

workers who want to work in the foreign field. The goal is that the Uzbekistan people in the

Unites States who may be returning home will have the proper training in the gospel to take back

home and evangelize their people for the glory of God. In the same manner those workers here

in the states who may want to go into the mission field will receive the same training. It is vital

to any type of mission work that all parties be adequately trained for the work of the kingdom.


Throughout this research we have seen how the people from the Northern Uzbekistan culture

view Christianity. We have seen how the mission workers have worked tirelessly to bring the

63 Barbara F. Grimes, From Every Language," in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 4th ed., ed. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009), 566.

64 “Prayer Profile: The Uzbek,” Pray Way Global Prayer Community

65 Steve Hoke, Bill Taylor, Your Journey To The Nations," in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 4th ed., ed. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009), 744.

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gospel to this remote place. Nevertheless, with the threat of persecution or possible jail time and

being met by opposition from every side, the workers continue to press on doing the work of the

Lord. Luke 15:3-7 –tells us that there is rejoicing in heaven for the return of one lost sheep.

When a sheep is lost it is defenseless because it has wondered away from the one who can

protect it. That is how Jesus sees those who do not know him as lost sheep wondering aimlessly

around. However, there is great joy when that lost sheep comes home to Him. Our work in the

mission field may at times seem fruitless, nevertheless, when a soul is won for Christ whether

It’s one or many it makes the journey so much better. As Christians we must never give up on

mission work. Roger S Greenway says-“All human beings are creatures of God, made in His

Image and fallen into sin, and the gospel of God’s saving grace in Christ applies to everybody.”66


"About Uzbekistan." Christian Aid Mission. n.d. (accessed July 1, 2013).

"About Uzbekistan:Culture and Traditions." Embassy of Uzbekistan To The United States. 2004. (accessed July 1, 2013).

66 Roger, S. Greenway, The Challenge Of The Cities," in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 4th ed., ed. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009), 744.

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"Being A Christian In Uzbekistan Can Be Costly." Mission Network News. October 2012, 2012. (accessed July 3, 2013).

"Country Profile: Uzbekistan." The Library of Congress: Country Studies-Federal Research Division. February 2007. (accessed July 1, 2013).

"Facts About Uzbekistan." Lifestyle Lounge. n.d. (accessed June 30, 2013).

"Freedom and Uzbekistan? Two Words that Go" Hand-In-Hand"." Christian Aid Mission. January 2012, 2012. (accessed July 3, 2013).

"The Challenge Of The Cities." In Perspective On The World Christian Movement, by Roger S Greenway, 744. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009.

Grimes, Barbara F. "From every Language." In Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, by Ralph D Winter, & Steven C Hawthorne, 566. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009.

Hoke, Steve, and Bill Taylor. "Your Journey To The Nation." In Perspectives on the Worl Christian Movement, by Ralph D Winter, & Steven C Hawthorne, 744. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009.

"Let's Win Uzbekistan for Jesus!Uzbekistan:Problems and Needs." Holy Trinity Ministries International. n.d. (accessed July 3, 2013).

Moreau, Scott A, Gary,R Corwin, and Gary B McGee. Introducing World Missions. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004.

Najibullah, Farangis. "Uzbekistan:Government Launches Campaign Against Missionaries." Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty. May 26, 2008. (accessed July 2, 2013).

"People-in-Country Profile." Joshua Project. n.d. (accessed June 30, 2013).

"Political Map of Uzbekistan." Maps of World. May 14, 2012. (accessed July 2, 2013).

"Population of Uzbekistan 2013." World Population Review. 2013. 2013 (accessed July 3, 2013).

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"Prayer Profile: The Uzbek." PrayWay Global Prayer Community: The Uzbek. 1997. (accessed July 1, 2013).

Rlich, Jeff E. "Uzbekistan." Countries and Their Cultures. 2013. (accessed July 2, 2013).

"Social Issues: Freedom of Religion." n.d.

"The People of Uzbekistan, Way of Life." Way of Life- The People of Uzbekistan. n.d. (accessed July 2, 2013).

"Uzbekistan Economy 2013." CIA World Factbook. 5 2013, February. (accessed July 1, 2013).

"Uzbekistan Profile." BBC News-Uzbekistan Profile. 2013. (accessed June 30, 2013).

"Uzbekistan:Location, Size and Extent." Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations. 2007. (accessed June 30, 2013).

"Uzbekistan-People." Uzbekistan. n.d. (accessed July 1, 2013).

Wells, David. "Prayer Rebelling Against the Status Quo." In Perspectives On The world Christian Movement, by Ralph D Winter, & Steven C Hawthorne, 160. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2009.