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Page 2: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312

Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312



(The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program)

Seminar, Discussions, Academic Field Studies, Campus

and Education Institution Visit


Page 3: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312


OASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program)

Seminar, Discussions, Academic Field Studies, Campus and Education Institution Visit

Published by

Postgraduate Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Chief in Charge

Prof. Akhsanul In’am., Ph.D

The Director, Postgraduate Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Mokhamad Najih., Ph.D (Koordinator)

Dr. Diah Karmiyati., M.Si., Psikolog

Dr. Wahyudi., M.Si

Dr. Dwi Prio Utomo, M.Pd

Dr. Abdul Haris, M.A

Dra. Romelah, M.Ag

Dr. Estu Widodo, M.Hum

Dr. Ribut Wahyu Eriani., M.Pd

Dr. Eko Handayanto., M.M

Prof. Dr. Lili Zalizar, MS

Dr. Bambang Yudi Aryadi, MM

Prof. Dr. Ishomuddin, M.Si

Dr. Fauzik Lendriyono, M.Si

Dr. Agustinus, M.Pd

Dr. Abdul Kadir Rahardjanto, M.Kes

Dr. Iswinarti, M.Si

Dr. Cahyaning Suryaningrum, M.Si., Psikolog


Nurisma Sofiana., S.Pd

Zumrotul Sholihah, S.IKom


Kampus 3 : GKB 4 Lantai 1 – 3 Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang, East Java, Indonesia


Phone: +62 341 46418-19 (Hunting)

Fax : +62 341 460782

Page 4: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312


Alhamdulillah, thank God the presence of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Only thanks

to grace, taufik and the strength and patience of it Procedure OASE Volume 2 (2) 2019 can

be issued in accordance with expectations.

Continuing this, becoming a "sign (landmark)" which means that the UMM DPPs

Internationalization Program, can be implemented well, still faces many shortcomings that

require improvement in the future.

OASE 2019 (2) was held on November 22-26, 2019, with the aim of 3 universities in

Malaysia namely Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia Islam

(USIM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and 1 (one) institution in

Singapore (Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah).

This proceeding is a collection of student papers and lecturers of the UMM DPPs as a

result of reflections of thoughts that are the center of attention for the authors and as active

participants in the OASE activities of this period. The ideas and thoughts in the writings

contained in this proceeding are entirely the responsibility of the authors. The paper

contained in this proceeding by the editorial team has been tested to check the plagiarism

using Turnitin instruments, and all articles included in this proceeding have met the

maximum standard of 25%.

For the publication of this proceeding volume, the editor would like to thank the

graphic design staff, the leadership of the UMM DPPs, the heads of study programs and

study program secretaries, and all participants (students) for their cooperation and

participation, so that OASE 2019 (2) activities can run well so that this proceeding can be


Malang, 06 November 2019

TEAM Coordinator Editor

Page 5: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312

Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2




Hamdi Rosyidi

Analisis Dinamika Kelompok Rukun Nelayan Blimbing di Lamongan


Joko Waluyo

Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi terhadap Motivasi Mengelolah Ternak Sapi Bantuan

di Kecamatan Kutai Timur


Rima Dewi Oryza Sativa

Analisis Pengambilan Keputusan Petani Memilih Varietas Padi Ciherang




A Haris

Ketidaksantunan Berbahasa Warganet Dalam Kolom Komentar Iklan Kinerja

Pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo Bertajuk “2 Musim, 65 Bendungan”


Alfianur Rizal Ramdhani

Potensi Dan Strategi Menjadikan Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Bahasa Internasional Di

Era Global


Amalda Alif Zabita

Problematika Pembelajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia


Anwar Artaewee

Selayang Pandangan Bahasa Indonesia Di Thailand


Devi Putri Adi Tia

Tuturan Ekspresif Guru Terhadap Murid dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di

SMK Kesehatan Adi Husada


Ferry Ardianto

Potret Penggunaan Bahasa Gado-Gado Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

Di Smp Negeri 23 Malang


Nguyen Thi Thu Hang

Tinjauan Problematika Pembelajaran Sastra Indonesia pada SMP Negeri 1 Tajinan


Richard Oetman

Tindak Tutur Direktif dalam Stand Up Comedy Ari Kriting (Kajian Pragmatik)


Septania Indri Winarni

Analisis Dialek Bahasa Jawa Ambulu Dan Gumuk Mas


Siti Komariyah

The Material Learning of Observation Report of Local Economic Potential Based on

Discovery Learning


Page 6: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312

Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2


Tri Ratna Wulandari

Analisis Kata Disfemia dalam Kolom Instagram Kemendikbud Megenai Pelaksanaan

UNBK 2018





Teaching Of Esp; Repairing Pronunciation Of Reading Aloud On Eleventh Grade

Students Of Vocational Senior High School


Chandra Giat Prabowo

How to Build Neutron


Farizal Khusnul Khotimah

Vocabulary Acquisition with Kindergarten Children Using Picture Series in Indonesia


Hilda Suat

Strengthening Students English Proficiency Through Project-Based Learning


Nisrina Balqis Huwaida

Developing Critical Thinking Through Debate





Reconstruction of Legal Protection of Victims of Wrong Arrest (Error in Personal) in

the Renewal of Criminal Procedure


Agista Arsista

Rehabilitation of Children Victims of Narcotics Misuse


Mokh Najih

Perkembangan Konsep Dasar Hukum Progresif dalam Pengetahuan Hukum


Nabila Ayu

Implementation of Criminal Law in Politics Criminal Law Enforcement in Indonesia

in The Era Reformation


Noor Fajari Roziq

Rekontruksi Criminalization of Protitles Against the Parties Involved in The

Perspective of Justice


Sofyan Fathor Rozi

Expansion of the Article on Adultery and LGBT Criminalization




Bangalie Sumah

Analysis of Factors of Green Purchasing Implementation on Organizational


Imas Laksmi Tyas Pangenggar 218

Page 7: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312

Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2


Analysis of Consumer Acceptance and Use of Mobile Payment Using the Extending

Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2)

Silvia Khalimatul Adzimah

The Effect of Discount and Promotion Price on Loyalty with Satisfaction an



Zumrotul Sholihah

Meaningful Work as Mediator of Job Crafting and Wellbeing at The Work Place




Erentrudis Junirestu

Benefits Of Environment As A Source Of Mathematics Learning


Muhammad Mualimin

The Implementation Of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) As An Escalation Of

Logic Intelligence



Mathematics Learning In A Private Course


Nurul Irawati Sugiman

Mathematics Learning In Islamic Boarding Schools


Purwo Adisantoso

The Use Of Learning Time Token Based Game Subway Surfers To Improve The

Learning Achievements Of Students



The Effectivity of Edmodo in Mathematics Learning


Tuti Zahrotul Amaliyah

Islamic-Based and Non Islamic-Based Students Learning Method





Analisis Kepercayaan Mistisme dalam Pengembangan Ekowisata Pantai Selok,

Malang Selatan


Aska Nurul Fitriani

Interpretation Of Woman Legislative Candidate For Political Party (Case Study Of

Keadilan Sejahtera Party In Surabaya)


Bella Mayfrisca

Social Action Of Youth Reproduction Health Literacy (Study In National Family

Planning Coordinating Agency East Java)


Emiliana Kiki Alexsius

The Significance Of The Naik Dango Tradition For The Dayak Tribe Of Kanayatn In


Page 8: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312

Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2


Sambas District Of West Kalimantan Province

Sri Agung Wahyuni

Meaning of Formal School for Women Samin Tribes

(Study in Japanese Hamlet, Margomulyo Village, Margomulyo District, Bojonegoro



Sucik Isnawati

The Problem of Human Trafficking: An Analysis in the Weberian Perspective



Interfaith Communication Forum as a Model of Empowering Civil Society




Alfinatu Zuhro Fardani

Education Study Methodology


Faslul Rahman

Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Islam Di Smp

Ar-Rahmah Tahfidz Putra Islamic Boarding School Malang


Khusnul Amin

Pesantren Menjawab Tantangan Zaman


Lilis Nur Laksana

Perpustakaan Sebagai Pusat Pendidikan Islam


Rabiatul Adwiyah Polinggapo

The Role of Islamic Education in Character Building


Ummu Atikah Musyawirah MS

Effective Implementation of the Education Administration Learning Process in



Page 9: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312

Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2 210

Page 10: Volume 2, Nomor 2. ISSN: 2686-4312

The Effect of Discount and Promotion Price on Loyalty with

Satisfaction an Intervening

Silvia Khalimatul Adzimah

Masters of Management, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

[email protected]

A B S T R A C T In our customer loyalty activities is an important thing. Customers with loyalty can reduce efforts from companies in seeking new customers, they give positive feedback to the organization, and thus there isa strong conviction that loyalty has a positive relationship to profitability a company. Thus, how online customer loyalty to online stores can be established by a massive promotion run by developers and a very diverse price in online stores and how satisfaction has a key role in bridging the promotional relationship and the price of customer loyalty. The study was conducted by a survey of which information was collected using kuesione. The sample taken is the nonprobabilitas method of the sampling then the way used is purposive sampling is the determination of a sample with specific considerations. Some studies have found that satisfaction of not being able independently to form customer loyalty is proven by the references that even satisfied customers can switch brands to their own desired effect. Keywords: Discount and Promotion Price, Loyalty, Satisfaction, Intervening


Customer loyalty to a marketing activity is an important thing and there's no doubt

about it. Subscribers with loyalty can reduce the effort of companies in seeking new

customers, so they give the organization positive reinforcement, so that there isa strong

conviction that loyalty has a positive relationship to a company's profitability (hallowell,

1996; population, 196) Rowley and dawes, 1999). The loyalty of customers reflects the reuse

of certain objects that can be of a particular brand, product, or outlet service (Rowley and

dawes, 1999). Research conducted by hallowel (1996) states that customer satisfaction is a

prerequisite to customer loyalty. But the facts in the field indicate something different,

customers' satisfaction does not always guarantee that they are not moved, even some who

are dissatisfied often do not switch brands (Rowley and dawes, 2000).

Soderlund (1998) presents a positive relationship between satisfaction and customer

loyalty, but note that an increase in satisfaction does not necessarily result in an increase in

loyalty in the same rhythm. This is evident by the reference that satisfied customers can

change their own brands (Jones & sasser, 1995). Mittal and lassar studies (1998) also result

in the vulnerability of brand change often caused by dissatisfaction, while satisfaction does

not always ensure loyal customers. Satisfied customers still show signs of switch. It shows

that customer satisfaction and loyalty are not linear.

Customer loyalty can be influenced by satisfaction, promotion, and quality of service

(amanah, 2011), quality publicity, price perception, brand image, trust, and satisfaction

(wahyudi & rivai, 2017), marketing and image strategies (wenas, mandey, & tamon, 2019),

brand name and marketing strategies (Sinurat, Lumanauw, & Roring, 2017), promotion,

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Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2 224

price, and satisfaction strategies (Anggia, Kawet, & Ogi, 2015), price, promotion, and

promotion, And philosophy (cacaffection, mandey, & tumbuan, 2014), quality of service,

price, and satisfaction (montolalu, 2013) quality of product, fairness of price and satisfaction

(adi, 2013), and image, promotion, and satisfaction (Tjahnor, 2013). The research became an

important ateseden that the customer's loyalty is not only formed by satisfaction but many

other affected variables.

Zain research (2013); Amanah (2011); And Kakasih, Mandey, and Tumbuan (2014) is

produced that promotion has a significant impact on customer loyalty. So a promotion

would really help the product on the offer, so that the public knew the product was being

sold and made the purchase. Kotler (2009) described pomosi as an attempt to provide

market information about products being sold, places and times. Promotions have an

important role in communicating product's existence and value to potential customers. PI

and huang (2011) explain that promotion has a positive effect on and customer loyalty.

Besides promoting, prices are also a factor to consider in customer loyalty.

Price has a positive effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty (montolalu, 2013;

Anggia, kawet, & ogi, 2015; Tjahjaningbu, 2013). They have two main roles in the decision-

making process, the role of allocation and the role of information. The allocation role of the

price, which is the price function in helping buyers to decide how to benefit or the ultimate

power utilities hoped for based on purchasing power. The role of price information, which

is price function in educating customers about product factors, such as quality. This is

particularly helpful in situations where buyers have difficulty assessing products or

objective benefits (tjiptono, 2000).

The prices and promotions in the camp are not necessarily capable of establishing

customer loyalty but need to be contacts. The contact is expected to become stimulus in

strengthening customer loyalty. Adare, massie, and lenzun studies (2014) found that prices

have a significant impact on customer satisfaction, while promotions have a minor impact

on customer satisfaction. Khan, et al., (2012) is produced that there is a positive influence

between promotion and contentment. A promotion and a price asan important triger in

creating customer satisfaction will most likely be a factor in creating customer loyalty.

Satisfaction from the receiving side of the ministry is viewed as good when fulfilling what

they hope for, otherwise the ministry will be poorly distributed if not fulfilling what they

hope for (kotler, 2002). Satisfaction is an idea of a product or service that has been received

as expected. Satisfaction is a person's sense of pleasure or disappointment at performance

compared with what he hopes for (kotler and keller, 2009).

Based on the outlined description, researchers are interested in unveiling how online

customer loyalty to an online store or market place could be formed by a massive promotion

run by developers and a very varied price in online stores and how satisfaction has played

a key role in bridging the promotional and pricing relationship to the customer's loyalty.

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Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2 225

Consumer behavior

Consumer behavior of consumer behavior is defined as the study of purchasing units

and the exchange process involving obtaining, consumption, and dumping of goods,

services, experiences, and ideas (mowen and minor, 2002). Consumer behavior is the study

of how individuals, groups, and organizations choose, buy, use, and how goods, services,

ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires (kotler, 2009). Consumer behavior is

a complex psychological response that emerges in the form of individual action behavior

that is immediately involved in obtaining and using products, and determining decision-

making process of purchasing products, including the repurchasing process (hasan, 2009).

Customer loyalty

According to hasan (2009) customer loyalty is defined as the buying person,

especially the buying regularly and repeatedly. A customer is a person who constantly and

repeatedly comes to the same place to satisfy his or her desire by owning a product or

getting a service and paying for the product or service. According to griffin (2003) the

concept of customer loyalty is more associated with behavior than with attitude. If a person

is a loyal customer, he shows buying behavior defined as nonrandom purchases expressed

over time by some decision-making units.


Kotler and Armstrong (2010) said promotion was an activity that benefited the

product and persuaded customers to buy it. Grewal and levy (2008) said the promotion is a

communication by marketers to communicate, persuade, and alert potential customers of

products or services to influence customers' opinions and gain response from customers.

Promotion has several goals (tjiptono, 2008), among them:

a. Consumer promotions, including:

1). Encourage the trials of products, either new or old products

2). It encourages repurchasing, which leads to loyalty.

3) Building stream of visitors

4) Increase the purchase rate

b. Trade promotion, includes:

1) Encourage the broker to be willing to store his product

2) Obtain any support or promotional aid from distributors.

c. salesforce promotions.

1) To motivate more actively promote and sell products.

2) Encourage salespeople to give support to the new model.


Kotler and Armstrong (2010) translated by sabran, prices are defined as an amount

of money raised over a product or service, or an amount of value that customers exchange

for the benefit of owning or using a product or service. Whereas kartajaya (2006) says that

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Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2 226

price isa seller's estimate of the meaning of potential buyers, as well as an awareness of other

options the buyer has for meeting the needs of a product that can satisfy them. It is the only

marketing feature that gives revenue or revenue to companies, and is a flexible marketing

feature, which can be quickly transformed. According to Alma (2006) a price is the value of

an item or service manifested with money. Some prices of a fixative value are also obtained

by means of a bargain.


Satisfaction will never stop at one point, dynamically moving to the quality of

product and service with expectations developing in the mind of the customer. Hopes of

shoppers are affected by their previous purchasing experiences, advice of friends and

colleagues, and promises and market information and competitors. Crosby and stephens

(1987) presenting the conceptual sense of consumer satisfaction over service is three

important things, including satisfaction with: (1) contact person; (2) the core service, and (3)

the organization. Kotler (2002); Zeitham, berry, and parasuraman (1990) said that customer

satisfaction is the level of feeling a person has after he compares between the performance

he feels compared to his expectations.

Some of the previous research used in this study is like the table of 2.1. Peneliti, Tahun, & Judul Variabel Hasil

Tjahjaningsih (2013) The impact of

customer satisfaction and its

impact on customer loyalty

VD: Loyalty

VI: Image and Promotion

VM: satisfaction

Promotions affect significant

propositiveness to customer

loyalty. They have a significant

positive effect on customer

satisfaction. Customer satisfaction

has a significant positive effect on

customer loyalty

Sarjita (2016) How the traditional

market's image affects consumer


VD: Loyalty

VI: Price, Service, Quality,

Physical Environment, and


Prices have a significant impact

on consumer loyalty

Montolalu, dkk (2013) The Impact of

Service Quality and Price to

Customer Satisfaction and Customer


VD: Customer Loyalty

VI: Service Quality and price

VM: Customer Satisfaction

Price has a positive effect on

customer satisfaction. Price has a

positive effect on customer


Source: Processed from various studies, 2018


The study was conducted with a survey in which the information was compiled from

this questionnaire. Generally, the definition of a survey is limited to research that data is

collected from samples of the population to represent the entire population (sugiyono,


Population and sample in this study, the population of the research is customers who

have made purchases at an online store or market place. The sample is part of the number

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Proceeding 0ASE (The Overseas Academic Study Exchange Program) Vol.2, No. 2 227

and characteristics of the population (sugiyono, 2015). According to sugiyono (2015), for

identification of samples as follows:

1) The viable sample size in the study is between 30 and 500.

2) When samples are divided into categories (examples: men, private servants, and others)

then the number of sample members of each category is 30 minimum.

3) If in the study an analysis will be done with multivariate (double correlation or regression,

for example), the number of sample members is at least 10 times that of the number of

variables studied. For example, the research variables are 5 (independent + dependent),

so the number of sample members = 10 x 5 = 50.

Based on these considerations, the researcher will take 100 research respondents. The

retrieval of this sample does not break the rule of the sample because at point a the number

of samples between 30 to 500 and point b the number of minimum samples is 30, and at

point c the number of minimum samples is 10 respondents that would multiply the number

of variables of research to be examined.

Sampling samples being used is a nonprobabilitas sampling method. The

nonkemungkinan sampling method is selected as a way to remove a sample because when

the population is highly likely to be selected as an unknown sample (wiyono, 2011). Further

the way used is purposive sampling is the determination of a sample with specific



Some studies have found that satisfaction of not being able independently to form

customer loyalty is proven by the references that even satisfied customers can switch brands

to their own desired effect. The prices and promotions in the camp are not necessarily

capable of establishing customer loyalty but need to be contacts. The contact is expected to

become stimulus in strengthening customer loyalty. A promotion and a price asan

important triger in creating customer satisfaction will most likely be a factor in creating

customer loyalty.


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