
報告準則 Reporting Approach

《可持續發展報告 2015》闡述九巴作為一家於九龍、新 界及港島提供公共巴士服務的企業,在 2014 年 7 月 1 日至 2015 年 6 月 30 日期間,在環保及企業社會責任兩方面的表 現及成效。 除非另作注釋,九巴於本報告期內在規模、架構、工作範 圍及擁有權方面均與 2014 年報告期相若,亦無聯營機構 或出租設施,以及需要匯報的重要外判運作。本報告的範圍、界限或數據處理方法均與《可持續發展報告 2014》 一致,並無任何重大改變。本報告所提供的數據均為絕對 數值,並已在適當可行的情況下統一為可比較數字。此 外,本報告並無就涵蓋的九巴巴士營運服務,設定特定的 範圍及邊界限制。 編寫《可持續發展報告2015》時,我們參考了《全球報 告倡議組織 G3.1 指引》,並充分考慮透過不同管道蒐集 的持份者意見,包括每年舉辦的乘客聯絡小組會議及與不 同持份者團體代表進行的會面。有關九巴企業管治及財 務表現的詳情,請參閱最新的《載通國際控股有限公司年報》。 The 2015 Sustainability Report focuses on the environmental and corporate social responsibility performance and achievements of the public bus services provided by KMB in Kowloon, the New Territories and Hong Kong Island. The Report covers the period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015. During the reporting period (unless otherwise stated in the Report), the size, structure, scope of work and business ownership of KMB remained similar to the 2014 reporting period. KMB has no joint ventures or leased facilities and no outsourced operation of significant importance that requires reporting. Compared with the 2014 Sustainability Report, there have been no significant changes in the scope, boundary or measurement methods used in this Report. Data and statistics in this Report are presented as absolute figures and are normalised into comparable terms as far as possible. There is no specific limitation on the scope and boundary of this Report in respect of KMB’s bus operations. The 2015 Sustainability Report has been prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) G3.1 Guidelines and to the concerns of stakeholders as identified through engagement exercises such as the annual passenger liaison group meetings and interviews with representatives of different stakeholder groups. For more information on KMB’s corporate governance and financial performance, please refer to the latest Annual Report of Transport International Holdings Limited.

九巴是香港最大的公共巴士營運商,擁有 一支超過 3,800 部巴士的車隊,於遍及九龍、新界及港島的約 390 條路線上,每日 服務逾 260 萬乘客人次。我們貫徹始終,一向以為廣大市民提供安全可靠及便捷舒 適的服務為己任。為方便乘客計劃行程,享受稱心滿意的巴 士旅程,我們在報告期內推出九巴及龍運 智能手機應用程式,提供巴士到站時間預 報服務。此外,我們亦於主要巴士站設置 液晶體顯示屏,提示乘客巴士的預計到站 時間,讓乘客輕鬆安排乘車時間。截至報 告期末,乘客已可透過手機應用程式或九巴網站,獲取多達 269 條巴士路線的到站 資訊。我們在環保方面繼續投放大量資源,不斷 探索多種先進的巴士技術,同時與巴士製 造商合作,協力研發適用於香港的零排放 和低排放公共運輸方案。作為實現可持續發展的另一項重要舉措,我們年內繼續落實巴士路線的重組工作,減少使用量低的巴士使用道路的情況,力圖讓上班一族能更快捷地抵達目的地。九巴一向關愛員工,致力維持安全、舒適及和諧的工作環境。為使員工享有更優良 的環境,我們翻新及改善了車廠派更部和 員工休息室等工作場所,並設立優惠站及 理髮店,為員工提供獨有的優惠,這些改進深受員工歡迎,並有助提升生產力。九巴時下面對多項挑戰,包括鐵路網絡不斷擴展和營運成本持續上漲。然而,九巴 上下一心,憑藉團隊精神和不斷戰勝挑戰的寶貴經驗,已為邁進優質服務和持續發展的新紀元做好充分準備。 李澤昌 董事總經理 九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司 Roger LEE Chak Cheong Managing Director The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd. Sustainability Report 2015 As the largest franchised bus operator in Hong Kong, KMB owns more than 3,800 buses and serves over 2.6 million passenger-trips a day on a network of some 390 routes covering Kowloon, the New Territories and Hong Kong Island. It has always been our mission to provide the community with safe, reliable, convenient and comfortable services. With a view to facilitating journey planning and enhancing the experience of travelling on our buses, we introduced in the reporting period the KMB and Long Win smartphone app giving the estimated arrival time of the next bus. Together with LCD panels at major bus stops, passengers can check in advance the estimated bus arrival time, making bus ride planning a trouble free experience. Towards the end of the reporting period, passengers could obtain bus arrival information on a total of 269 bus routes through the Smartphone App or the KMB website. Over the years, we have put a great deal of effort into environmental protection by exploring different types of bus technologies and collaborating with our manufacturers to develop zero- and low-emission solutions for Hong Kong. Continued route reorganisation has been another important means of achieving sustainable development in the long term, as it reduces the number of low utilisation

buses running on the roads while helping to bring people to their workplace more speedily. We take good care of our employees by maintaining a safe, respectful and harmonious workplace. With the aim of providing our staff with a better working environment, we renovated and upgraded working areas such as duty dispatch offices and rest areas in depots and set up discount shops and barber shops, which have proven popular among our staff with their exclusive discounts. These improvements help to boost productivity. KMB currently faces a number of challenges, including the continuing expansion of the railway network and growing operation costs. However, working together as a team and drawing on our experience in overcoming previous obstacles, KMB is well positioned to enter a new era of service excellence and sustained growth.

公司簡介 九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司(「九巴」)是載通國際控股有限公 司(香港股份代號:62)的全資附屬 公司。自 1933 年起,九巴一直致力 為公眾提供優質的巴士服務。於報告期內,我們繼續落實巴士路線重組計劃,為乘客提供更方便快捷的 交通服務。我們引入先進的巴士技 術,採用三部柴油電力混合動力雙層 空調巴士(下稱 hBus),在三條路線 上進行一項為期兩年的試驗計劃。我 們亦通過舉辦多項公眾和義工活動, 加強與持份者的聯繫。About Our Organisation The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (“KMB”), a whollyowned subsidiary of Transport International Holdings Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 62), has been serving the public since 1933. In the reporting period, we continued our ongoing route reorganisation, which is able to benefit customers in terms of faster and more direct services. Pioneering the introduction of the latest bus technologies, we introduced three hybrid diesel-electric air-conditioned doubledeck buses (“hBus”) for two-year trial services on three routes. We also organised a number of public activities and volunteer events to reinforce stakeholder engagement.

我們的目標我們秉承提供卓越服務、全力環保創 新,以及不斷設定新的安全、服務和 效率典範的三大宗旨,矢志成為全球 最佳的公共巴士公司。我們的方針 我們通過在以下領域的不懈努力,為香港社會和經濟的發展作出貢獻:•安全有效的表現 •優質的顧客服務 •創新的解決方案 •保護環境 •持續的業務發展我們的價值觀九巴的企業價值觀建基於提供臻達甚或超越乘客期望的優質服務,採用可持續的營運模式,以及促進社區的繁榮發展。Our Values Our corporate values are founded on maintaining service standards that meet or exceed customer expectations, operating with a sustainable business model,

and supporting the development of the communities we serve. Our Mission Our mission is to make a contribution to the social and economic development of Hong Kong through: • Safe and efficient performance• Quality customer service • Innovative solutions •Environmental responsibility •Sustainable business development Our Vision Our vision to be a global leader in public transport is based on three principles: commitment to service excellence, dedication to environment-friendly innovation, and attainment of new standards for safety, service and efficiency.

營運概況作為香港最大的巴士營運公司,九巴專營約 390 條公共巴士路線,擁有一 支由超過 3,800 部巴士組成的車隊。我們 12,000名員工共同努力,每日為超過 260 萬人次提供安全、可靠及增值的巴士服務。Operation Overview The largest franchised bus operator in Hong Kong, KMB operates a fleet of more than 3,800 buses on around 390 bus routes. Our workforce of 12,000 people delivers safe, reliable and value-added services on more than 2.6 million passenger-trips every day.

業務回顧—發展里程 九巴在超過 80 年的發展進程中,見證了一系列重要的里程碑。Business Review – Milestones KMB has achieved numerous milestones since its establishment more than 80 years ago.

發展里程 Milestones

三十年代九巴在九龍及新界開始專營公共巴士業務,當時的車隊共由 110 部小型單層巴士組成。四十年代九巴引入 20 部 Daimler A型巴士,成為 香港首間採用雙層巴士的公司。五十及六十年代 九巴積極擴展巴士網絡,以配合大量中國內地來港的移民,以及九龍公共屋邨數量的增加。七十年代七十年代開始,巴士設有錢箱,取代由售票員售票,巴士車頭地點牌旁有 圖案提示乘客投幣進錢箱。八十年代及九十年代 九巴引入全港首部雙層空調巴士。為符合甚至超越嚴格的排放標準,九巴車隊開始引入歐盟一型環保引擎巴士,逐步將巴士引擎升級,

並於九十年代中期開始在巴士採用歐盟二型引擎。九巴引進全球首部超低地台雙 層巴士,方便小童、長者及傷 健人士上落。此類型巴士隨後成為國際間採用的無障礙服務 公共巴士的車型。九巴推出車廂電子報站系統及發光二極管顯示屏。2000 年代車隊安裝流動多媒體系統。相繼引進全港首批歐盟三、四及五型環保雙層巴士。新一代巴士引入改良的車廂設計,提供更舒適的車廂環境。全線巴士採用八達通卡電子繳費系統。採用發光二極管照明的新型夜光水晶巴士站柱,照亮晚間的街道。車隊廣泛採用接近零含硫量的環保柴油。2010 年至今九巴與巴士製造商共同開發的新一代歐盟五型 E500空調雙層巴士,不但可進一步減低碳排放,更可與未來歐盟六型引 擎的發展接軌。測試並試行全港首部零排放的 超級電容巴士「gBus」及電動 巴士「eBus」。於車隊中引進全港首部 12.8米長的巴士。香港首批採用歐盟六型柴油電力混合動力雙層巴士「hBus」投入服務。九巴推出屯門公路巴士轉乘計劃,有助屯門區居民節省交通 時間和費用。轉車站亦設有巴士到站時間預報系統,提示乘客下一班巴士的到站時間。九巴推出智能手機應用程式,提供多種搜尋功能及覆蓋 269 條巴士線的「到站時間預報」功能,九巴網站亦設有相應的功能。九巴繼續在多區落實巴士路線重組計劃。1930s KMB commenced franchised public bus operations in Kowloon and the New Territories with a fleet of 110 small single-deck buses.

1940s KMB became the first bus company in Hong Kong to introduce doubledeck buses with the launch of 20 Daimler A buses.

1950s and 1960s The bus network expanded rapidly to cater for the increase in the number of immigrants from the Mainland and the growth in public housing estates in Kowloon.

1970s Coin boxes were installed in buses since the 1970s to take over the practice of conductors selling tickets. Icons were shown next to the destination display at the front of the bus reminding passengers to put coins into coin boxes.

1980s and 1990s KMB introduced Hong Kong’s first air-conditioned double-deck buses. KMB adopted environment-friendly Euro I engines, the first in a series of upgrades that would meet or exceed the emission standards. Euro II engines were introduced into the fleet from the mid-1990s. KMB introduced the world’s first super-

low floor double-deck buses, providing easier access for the young, the elderly and the disabled. This bus type was then adopted internationally for barrier-free public bus services. KMB launched the On-board Electronic Bus Stop Announcement System and the Light Emitting Diode (“LED”) Display System.

2000s KMB equipped its buses with Multi-media On-board infotainment. KMB pioneered in phases Hong Kong’s first environment-friendly Euro III, IV and V double-deck buses. KMB introduced a new generation of buses with improved bus compartment design for greater comfort. The Octopus Smart Card System for fare payment was installed on all KMB buses. The street were brightened by luminous crystal bus stop poles illuminated by LED lighting. Near Zero Sulphur Diesel was adopted fleet-wide.

2010-present KMB developed with its bus manufacturer new generation E500 Euro V air-conditioned double-deck buses, which boasts reduced carbon emissions and compatibility with future Euro VI engine development. KMB tested and trialled Hong Kong’s first zeroemission supercapacitor bus (“gBus”) and batterypowered bus (“eBus”). Hong Kong’s first 12.8-metre buses were introduced to the KMB fleet. Hong Kong’s first double-deck buses powered by a Euro VI hybrid diesel-electric engine, the “hBus”, commenced passenger service. KMB rolled out the Tuen Mun Road Bus-Bus Interchange Scheme, which saves time and money for Tuen Mun residents and features the Bus Estimated Time of Arrival System, displaying the arrival time of the next bus. KMB launched its smartphone app, offering a variety of search options as well as the Estimated Time of Arrival (“ETA”) function, giving information on 269 routes. The service is also available on the KMB website. KMB’s bus route reorganisation was implemented progressively in a number of districts.

認證 Certifications於 1999 年,九巴成為香港首間成功通 過 ISO 9001:1994 企業品質管理體系認證的公共巴士公司,也是全港第四間取得該項證書的公司。此外,九巴亦是本港第一間榮獲香港品質管理局 頒發 OHSAS 18001職業健康和安全管理體系證書的專營巴士公司。 In 1999, KMB became the first and only public bus company and the fourth organisation in Hong Kong to obtain ISO 9001:1994 certification on a corporate-wide basis for its quality management systems. KMB was also the first franchised bus company in Hong Kong to receive Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (“OHSAS”) 18001 certification from the Hong Kong Quality Assurance


主要獎項及殊榮 Major Recognition and Awards品牌•由政府資訊科技總監辦公室及平等機會委員會頒發的「三年卓越表現大 獎(連續三年獲金獎級別)及最喜愛網站獎」•由香港品牌發展局及香港中華廠商聯合會頒發的「2014 年香港服務名牌選舉—香港服務名牌」•由香港中文大學及《明報》合辦的「2014 年卓越企業品牌大獎」•「九巴情載 80 年 維繫你我」項目獲香港公共關係專業人員協會頒發的「持份者傳訊金獎」•「九巴80周年慶祝活動」獲香港公共關係專業人員協會頒發的「策劃金獎」•由雅虎香港網站頒發的「Yahoo!感情品牌大獎 2013-2014 ― 運輸/交通界 別」企業社會責任 • 由電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處頒發的「2014優秀網站」•由香港社會服務聯會頒發的 10 年 Plus「商界展關懷」標誌 •由環保促進會頒發的「香港綠色企業大獎 2014 ― 企業綠色管治獎」•由社會福利署頒發的「最高服務時數亞軍獎(私人團體 — 最積極動員客戶參 與)」•由社會福利署頒發的「最高服務時數優異獎(私人團體 — 最積極動員員工參 與)」 Brand • Triple Gold Award (Gold Award for three consecutive years) & Most Favourite Website Award from the Office of the Governmen Chief Information Officer and Equal Opportunities Commission • 2014 Hong Kong Top Service Brand from the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong • 2014 Prestigious Corporate Brand Award co-organised by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ming Pao • Stakeholder Communications Gold Award for 80 Years with KMB, You and Me Event from the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals’ Association • Event Management Gold Award for KMB 80th Anniversary Celebration Activities from the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals’ Association • Winner in the Logistics/Transportation category of the 2013- 2014 Yahoo! Emotive Brand Awards organised by Yahoo! Hong Kong Corporate Social Responsibility • 2014 Meritorious Website from the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration • 10 Years Plus Caring Company Logo from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service • 2014 Hong Kong Corporate Green Governance Award from the Green Council • First Runner-up i n the Highest Service Hour Award (Private Organisations – Best Customer Participation) from the Social Welfare Department • Merit in the Highest Service Hour Award (Private Organisations – Best Staff Participation) from the Social Welfare Department.

我們堅持以可持續發展的方針提供優質的巴士服務,並為因此而 得到的認同深感欣慰。於報告期內,九巴榮獲下列獎項: We set our sights on delivering top quality public transport services in a sustainable manner and are always delighted to

be recognised for our doing so. We received the following awards in the reporting period:

主要獎項及殊榮 Major Recognition and Awards我們堅持以可持續發展的方針提供優質的巴士服務,並為因此而 得到的認同深感欣慰。於報告期內,九巴榮獲下列獎項:品牌 •由政府資訊科技總監辦公室及平等機會委員會頒發的「三年卓越表現大 獎(連續三年獲金獎級別)及最喜愛網站獎」•由香港品牌發展局及香港中華廠商聯合會頒發的「2014 年香港服務名牌選舉—香港服務名牌」•由香港中文大學及《明報》合辦的「2014 年卓越企業品牌大獎」•「九巴情載 80 年 維繫你我」項目獲香港公共關係專業人員協會頒發的「持份者傳訊金獎」•「九巴80周年慶祝活動」獲香港公共關係專業人員協會頒發的「策劃金獎」•由雅虎香港網站頒發的「Yahoo!感情品牌大獎 2013-2014―運輸/交通界 別」企業社會責任•由電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處頒發的「2014優秀網站」•由香港社會服務聯會頒發的 10 年 Plus「商界展關懷」標誌•由環保促進會頒發的「香港綠色企業大獎 2014―企業綠色管治獎」•由社會福利署頒發的「最高服務時數亞軍獎(私人團體—最積極動員客戶參與)」•由社會福利署頒發的「最高服務時數優異獎(私人團體—最積極動員員工參與)」We set our sights on delivering top quality public transport services in a sustainable manner and are always delighted to be recognised for our doing so. We received the following awards in the reporting period:

Brand • Triple Gold Award (Gold Award for three consecutive years) & Most Favourite Website Award from the Office of the Governmen Chief Information Officer and Equal Opportunities Commission • 2014 Hong Kong Top Service Brand from the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong • 2014 Prestigious Corporate Brand Award co-organised by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ming Pao • Stakeholder Communications Gold Award for 80 Years with KMB, You and Me Event from the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals’ Association • Event Management Gold Award for KMB 80th Anniversary Celebration Activities from the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals’ Association • Winner in the Logistics/Transportation category of the 2013- 2014 Yahoo! Emotive Brand Awards organised by Yahoo! Hong Kong Corporate Social Responsibility • 2014 Meritorious Website from the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration • 10 Years Plus Caring Company Logo from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service • 2014 Hong Kong Corporate Green Governance Award from the Green Council • First Runner-up i n the Highest Service Hour Award (Private

Organisations – Best Customer Participation) from the Social Welfare Department • Merit in the Highest Service Hour Award (Private Organisations – Best Staff Participation) from the Social Welfare Department.

九巴在營運上採用最佳的企業管治守則,在考慮持份者的利益和本地社區需要的同時,亦確保在全面符合法律要求的情況下,積極推進業務的可持續發展。 九巴的持份者包括乘客、員工、供應商、承辦商、立法會議員、區議會議員、交通諮詢組織、關注團體及政府。為滿足持份者不斷提升的期望,我們的持份者參與計劃多元化地展 開,鼓勵他們對九巴的營運及服務 提出意見。我們亦會透過不同渠道 跟他們保持聯繫,包括九巴網站、Facebook專頁、《今日九巴》等企業 刊物、會面和記者會等。KMB is committed to conducting its businesses according to the best corporate governance practices, and strives for sustainable business development by taking into account the interests of our stakeholders and local community needs while ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Our stakeholders include passengers, employees, suppliers, contractors, Legislative Councillors, District Councillors, transport advisory bodies, interest groups and the government. A variety of engagement programmes are in place to obtain their views on our operations and services and thus meet their ever increasing expectations. Our dialogue with stakeholders is conducted in various ways, including the KMB website and Facebook page, corporate publications such as KMB Today, face-to-face meetings and media briefings.

管理策略九巴的《紀律守則》作為員工的規範,已上載到員工網站,為員工提供清晰指引,說明他們對股東、顧客以至廣大市民應承擔的責任,亦強調員工在履行職務時,必須恪守的道德規範,同時提供處理和發佈價格敏感資料的指引。此外,九巴嚴格奉行平等就業機會政策,禁止跟性別、婚姻狀 況、懷孕、殘疾、家庭崗位或種族相 關的就業歧視。我們亦根據運輸署的 指引為車長編排工作和休息時間、出 勤更份等的詳細安排,確保車長獲得 足夠的休息。九巴的「企業管治框架」穩健完善,以持份者權益為依歸,確保實施最佳 的企業管治。我們根據國際認可的框架,建立多項管理風險的政策與程序,幫助我們識辨和評估可能影 響實現企業目標的財務及營運風險,並制訂和實施適切的 應對及管控措施,以減低 面對風險的機會。除此之外,我們擬備了一套「營 運持續性計劃」,協助管理層在危機中可以迅速回應,確保九巴的關鍵業務可盡快回復至預設水平,以保障持份者的利益。

Management Strategy KMB’s Code of Conduct, which is published on the staff website, provides guidance to staff on responsibility towards shareholders, customers and the community, and stresses the importance of ethical values in business activities, as well as providing guidelines on the handling and dissemination of price-sensitive information. KMB adheres to the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, which prohibits any employment discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status, pregnancy, disability, family status or race. To ensure that all our bus captains have sufficient rest time, we also observe the Transport Department’s guidelines on the arrangement of working hours, rest time, duty assignment and dispatch. A comprehensive Corporate Governance Framework ensures that the best corporate governance practices are adopted in the interests of stakeholders. Our policies and procedures to manage risk are based on a set of internationally recognised framework that helps identify and assess various financial and operational risks that may prevent us from achieving our corporate goals, and to formulate and implement appropriate responses and controls to minimise exposure to risk. In addition, our Business Continuity Plan enables management to safeguard stakeholder value in the event of a crisis by responding promptly and resuming KMB’s critical business functions at a pre-defined level.

我們對所有的供應商、承辦商及顧問一視同仁,在要求他們嚴格遵守所有法例及規定的同時,亦確保他們以對社會及環保負責任的方式營運業務。他們必須承諾遵守九巴的「供應商/承辦商的環境保護、健康及安全」守則,其中包括有關改善環境表現及實踐職業健康安全的措施。九巴嚴禁以任何形式僱用強迫勞工或童工(即年齡低於本地最低年齡限制或未滿 16 歲的人士)。我們鼓勵僱員、業務夥伴、供應商及任何第三方挺身而出,舉報任何與九巴有關的疑似不當或舞弊行為,以便 我們即時及恰當地作出回應。我們的舉報政策已上載於員工網站,適用於所有僱員及我們的業務夥伴、供應商以及與我們有業務來往的第三方。All suppliers, contractors and consultants are treated equally and with the expectation that they will comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements, while conducting their operations in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. They are required to declare their compliance with KMB’s “Environmental Care, Health and Safety of Suppliers/ Sub-contractors” guidelines, which include measures related to improvement of environmental performance and the implementation of health and safety procedures. No use of forced labour in any form or child labour (persons under the local minimum age or under the age of 16) is permitted. KMB encourages employees, business partners, suppliers and any third

party who might have concerns about any suspected misconduct or malpractice to raise their concerns with us so that we can respond in a timely and appropriate manner. Our whistle-blowing policy, which is available on the staff website, applies to all levels of staff as well as to business partners, suppliers and any third party that has dealings with us.

管治架構九巴及其母公司「載通國際有限公 司」(「載通」)設有權責分明的企 業管治架構,並以組織架構圖和工作 指引清晰界定每個營運單位的權限與責任。管理層負責實施和維持內部監控、編制營運計劃及財務預算,以及釐定資源調配的優先次序。我們有嚴謹的內部管控措施,包括匯報管理制度、內部稽核及監控程式,以確保有效實施和監察日常運作。Governance Structure KMB and its parent company TIH have an organisational structure with clear lines of authority and responsibility, which are clearly defined in writing and documented in organisational charts and job manuals for individual operating and business units. Management is charged with adopting and maintaining internal controls, formulating operational plans, preparing financial budgets and prioritising resource allocation. Stringent internal control measures, including management reporting systems and internal audit control procedures, help ensure the effective implementation and monitoring of our daily operations.

載通董事會 董事會負責管理公司的整體業務,目前由十五位成員組成,包括五位獨立非執行董事(包括主席)、七位非執行董事及三位執行董事(包括董事總 經理及副董事總經理)。董事會主要負責領導集團發展及訂立集團的策略性目標,確保集團有所需的資源實現既定目標,並以持份者最佳利益為依歸經營業務。有關上述各委員會的詳情,請參閱載通國際有限公司的年報。TIH Board of Directors The overall management of the Company’s business is vested in the Board, which currently comprises 15 members: five Independent Non-executive Directors (including the Chairman), seven Non-executive Directors, and three Executive Directors (including the Managing Director and the Deputy Managing Director). The Board’s major responsibilities include leading the Group’s development, formulating its strategic goals, ensuring the availability of the resources necessary for achieving these goals and running its businesses in the best interests of its stakeholders. For details of the Committees, please refer to the Annual Report of Transport International Holdings Limited.

九巴以安全、可靠和優質服務為宗旨,每天服務超過 260 萬人次。安全第一 九巴的《安全守則》以我們對安全和健康環境的承諾為依歸,包括所有使用我們的服務及可能受九巴業務活動影響的人士,以儘量減低他們受傷及患病的風險為宗旨。多年來,我們一直保持低意外率;按一百萬公里行駛 距離計算,於報告期內涉及意外的巴 士數目約為三部。九巴採用了符合職業健康與安全評估系列(「OHSAS」)18001 國際標準 的安全管理體系,不斷提升在所有業 務範疇的安全表現,包括巴士維修、設計提升、前線員工的安全培訓及推廣乘客的安全意識。九巴更於 2012 年成為香港首間獲得香港品質保證局頒發 OHSAS 18001證書的專營巴士公司。Safe, reliable and high quality services are the hallmark of the over 2.6 millionplus passenger-trips KMB makes every day. Safety First KMB’s Safety Policy is based on a commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone who uses our services or may be affected by our bus operations and work activities so as to minimise the risk of injury and ill health. Over the years, we have kept the annual accident rate at a low level. In the reporting period, the number of buses involved in accidents per million km operated was around three. KMB adopts a safety management system which supports safety performance improvement in accordance with the international standards of Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (“OHSAS”) 18001. The system drives continual improvement of the safety performance of all aspects of our business, including bus maintenance, design upgrades, frontline staff safety training and passenger safety awareness promotion. Since 2012, KMB has held OHSAS 18001 certification from the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency – the first franchised bus company in Hong Kong to receive such recognition.

巴士設計與維修九巴最新的雙層巴士備有寬敞的車廂、方便上落上層車廂的直樓梯、更寬闊的2+2座位、為有需要人士而設的關愛座、車門附近的輪椅人士 專用空間、顏色鮮明的扶手及停車電鐘掣,以及附設先進溫度及濕度調控和靜電空氣過濾裝置的空調系統。自 2012 年起,九巴車隊已全面安裝空 調系統。 我們的巴士安裝了多種科技裝置,以加強巴士的安全性能及記錄操作數據,包括限制行車時速至每小時最高 70 公里的車速限制裝置、電子速度記錄儀及巴士訊息系統。截止2015 年 6 月底,九巴已於所有巴士安裝了電子速度記錄儀或訊息系統。 除了運輸署定期的抽查外,所有巴士亦由 ISO認證的計劃保養,包括日檢、月驗和每半年的小修,以及每年在車廠內就汽車性能證書進行的檢查。Bus Design and Maintenance KMB’s latest double-deck buses are equipped with a wide compartment, a straight

staircase for easy access to the upper deck, more spacious 2+2 seating, priority seats for passengers in need, space near the entrance or exit for wheelchair users, brightly coloured handrails and bell-pushes, and an airconditioning system with advanced temperature and humidity control and electrostatic air filtration. The entire KMB fleet has been air-conditioned since 2012. A number of technological devices are incorporated on buses to improve safety and record operational data, including speed limiting devices, which limit the speed of buses to 70 km/h, tachographs (“KMBLOG”) and the telematics system. At the end of June 2015, all KMB buses were equipped with KMBLOG or the telematics system. As well as being subject to regular random checks by the Transport Department of the HKSAR Government, all buses undergo an ISO-certified maintenance regime, comprising daily, monthly, semi-annual minor dock and annual road-worthiness inspections carried out at our depots.

巴士車隊在報告期內,九巴車隊新增了四部 12.8米巴士,以及香港首三部環保混 合動力雙層巴士(「hBus」)。同 時,共 381 部歐盟五型或以上的巴士 獲發牌照,其中大部分被安排行駛途 經低排放區的路線,以改善繁忙區域 的空氣質素。 前線員工的安全培訓 九巴位於沙田的車長訓練學校,為新 入職及現職車長提供全面的培訓。我 們的前線協調組加強管理層和車長在 營運方面的溝通,而「乘客意見系 統」則幫助我們收集乘客意見,以進 一步提升車長的駕駛技術及顧客服務 技巧。 推廣公眾安全意識 九巴利用多種渠道推廣公眾安全 意識,透過車廂內的多媒體系統 (「MMOB」)及電子報站系統 (「BSAS」),分別以廣東話、英 語及普通話廣播一系列的安全訊息, 提醒乘客在車廂內要時刻緊握扶手。Bus Fleet In the reporting period, four 12.8-metre buses entered passenger service and Hong Kong’s first three environment-friendly double-deck diesel-electric hybrid buses (“hBus”) commenced operations while 381 buses with Euro V or above standard were licensed, most of which were deployed to routes passing by low emission zones that helped to improve the air quality of busy districts.

前線員工的安全培訓 九巴位於沙田的車長訓練學校,為新入職及現職車長提供全面的培訓。我們的前線協調組加強管理層和車長在營運方面的溝通,而「乘客意見系 統」則幫助我們收集乘客意見,以進一步提升車長的駕駛技術及顧客服務技巧。Frontline Staff Safety Training and Education KMB equips new and existing bus captains with comprehensive training at its Bus

Captain Training School in Sha Tin. Our Frontline Coordination Team facilitates closer communication between management and bus captains on operational issues, while feedback given via the Customer Suggestion System helps bus captains improve their driving and customer service skills.

推廣公眾安全意識九巴利用多種渠道推廣公眾安全意識,透過車廂內的多媒體系統 (「MMOB」)及電子報站系統 (「BSAS」),分別以廣東話、英語及普通話廣播一系列的安全訊息,提醒乘客在車廂內要時刻緊握扶手。Public Safety Awareness Promotion KMB uses a number of channels to boost the public’s awareness of safety issues. A series of safety messages, broadcast on the Multi-media On-board (“MMOB”) system and the Bus Stop Announcement System (“BSAS”) in Cantonese, English and Putonghua, reminds passengers to hold the handrails at all times while standing or moving on the bus.

營運管理 我們承諾為乘客提供安全及高效率的優質巴士服務,我們的營運表現,主要以機械可靠性及車隊運作能力為指標。 機械可靠性是指每部巴士平均行駛若干公里之後,會在載客途中發生機械故障。於報告期內,相對於 45,000 公里:1 的預定目標,九巴車隊的機械 可靠性達到 44,941 公里:1。而車隊運作能力指標則是指於早上七 時至九時的繁忙時段內,整體車隊開出的實際班次與預定班次的比例。在報告期內,與 100%的預定目標比較,我們的車隊運作能力指標達到98.58%。Operational Management We are committed to providing our customers with safe and efficient bus services at the highest standards. The key benchmarks set for our operational performance are mechanical reliability and operational capability. Mechanical reliability refers to the average number of kilometres a bus operates before it experiences one mechanical breakdown on the road with passengers on board. In the reporting period, the mechanical reliability of KMB’s fleet was 44,941 km : 1 against a target of 45,000 km :

1. Operational capability refers to the ratio of actual to scheduled departures during the peak hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. across the entire bus network. In the reporting period, we achieved an operational capability of 98.58% against a target of 100%.

卓越營運 九巴已獲取 ISO 9001「品質管理體 系」及 ISO 14001「環境管理體系」認證,亦是首間獲香港工業總會轄下的香港優質標誌局頒發「香港 Q嘜環保管理計劃」證書的公共運輸機構。九巴四間主要車廠每季都進行審核,以符合嚴格的環境管理水平。Operational Excellence KMB is ISO 9001 certified for its Quality Management Systems and ISO 14001 certified for its Environmental Management Systems, as well as being the first listed public transport organisation in Hong Kong to receive Green Mark Certification from the Q-Mark Council of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. KMB’s four major depots undergo quarterly surveillance audits to ensure compliance with strict environmental management standards.

我於 2014 年加入 九巴擔任車長一職。一直以來,公司為我們提供了一系列培訓課程,集中提高我們對巴士 駕駛技術、路面安 全、不同型號巴士 的特性及路線實習等方面的瞭解。這些密集的培訓,增 強了我履行車長職責的信心。除了正 規的培訓外,公司還推出「夥伴車長」計劃,由富有經驗的車長帶領新入職的同事 熟習環境,並分享駕駛心得。我亦有幸從我的「夥伴車長」身上學到許多寶貴的經驗,並可在處理突發事件時得到他的指點。我希望公司能舉辦更多康樂及消閒活動,使我有機會認識其他部 門的同事,這其實有助加強我們的團隊精神及員工士氣。 羅啟俊 巴士車長I joined KMB in 2014 as a bus captain and have benefited from a series of training sessions prepared by the Company that focused on bus driving techniques, safety, features of various types of buses and route design. The intensive training has equipped me to carry out my duties as a bus captain with confidence. On top of the formal training sessions, KMB offered a “Buddy Driver Training Programme” whereby long-serving bus captains shared their experience with us newcomers. I gained valuable insight from my buddy driver, and know I could count on him to help me deal with unexpected situations. I encourage the Company to organise more

recreational and leisure activities so that I can get to know colleagues in other departments better. This would help strengthen team spirit and boost staff morale as well.

Law Kai-chun Bus Captain

八達通巴士轉乘計劃 九巴的「八達通巴士轉乘計劃」為乘客提供第二程接駁巴士的車資折扣優惠,同時亦擴大我們路線網的覆蓋範圍。此計劃能提高巴士使用效益及減少繁忙路段的擠塞情況,以促進環保。截至報告期末,九巴共營辦 129 項「八達通巴士轉乘計劃」,覆蓋 283 條巴士路線。Octopus Bus-Bus Interchange (“BBI”) Schemes KMB’s Octopus BBI Schemes offer fare discounts to passengers on the second leg of journeys while broadening our network coverage. The schemes contribute to a greener environment by improving bus utilisation and reducing congestion on busy roads. At the end of the reporting period, KMB operated 129 Octopus BBI Schemes covering 283 routes.

車廠及設施 九巴的四間主要車廠位於九龍灣、沙田、荔枝角及屯門,為巴士車隊提供保養及維修服務。位於屯門的九巴總修中心,為車隊提供較大規模的維修服務,而十個較小型的車廠,則為車隊提供停泊及小規模的保養服務。九巴不斷提升巴士、巴士總站及巴士分站的設施:Depots and FacilitiesKMB’s four major depots at Kowloon Bay, Sha Tin, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun provide maintenance and repair services for our bus fleet. The KMB Overhaul Centre in Tuen Mun provides major overhaul services, while ten smaller depots provide parking and minor maintenance services. KMB continuously upgrades the facilities on its buses and also those at its termini and bus stops:

• 於 33個主要巴士總站安裝「綜合巴 士服務資訊顯示系統 (「IBSID」)。 • 於 43個主要巴士總站及轉乘站裝 設大型資訊顯示板。• 在 2014 年 7 月至 2015 年 6 月期 間,加建了 11個巴士候車亭,目前候車亭的總數已增至 2,489個。• 於九巴的巴士網絡內,安裝了 280 枝由氧化矽充電式電池驅動的夜 光水晶巴士站柱。

• 2014 年 12 月,於大欖隧道往元朗 方向的轉車站增設「九巴客務 站」及洗手間設施。• 33 of KMB’s major bus termini feature the Integrated Bus Service Information Display (“IBSID”) system. • 43 major bus termini and interchanges are currently equipped with large information boards. • 11 bus shelters were built from July 2014 to June 2015, bringing the total number to 2,489. • 280 crystal bus stop poles, with LED lighting powered by a silicon rechargeable battery, have been installed across KMB’s operating area. • In December 2014, KMB launched a new customer service kiosk cum toilet at Yuen Long Bound of the Tai Lam Tunnel Bus Interchange

資訊科技的應用 我們亦廣泛應用資訊科技以監察營運表現、加強內外溝通及提高生產力,主要的應用軟件包括: • 設於屯門公路、青沙公路及大欖 隧道轉車站的巴士到站時間預報顯示裝置,採用了全港首個由九巴自行研發的衛星定位技術系統,以計算巴士往來轉車站的到 站時間。報告期內,九巴推出 「九巴及龍運智能手機應用程 式」測試版手機用戶可透過程 式查閱共 269 條分佈各區的九巴及 龍運巴士的到站時間(截至 2015 年 6 月底)。透過智能手機程式及 電子顯示屏,乘客可輕鬆掌握巴 士的預計到站時間。Application of Information Technology Also, information technology is used extensively to monitor performance, communicate internally and externally and enhance productivity. Key software applications include the following: • Developed in-house as the first system of its kind in Hong Kong, the Bus Estimated Time of Arrival (“ETA”) displays at the Tuen Mun Road, Tsing Sha Highway and Tai Lam Tunnel Bus Interchanges use global positioning technology to calculate the estimated arrival time of buses travelling via the interchanges. In the reporting period, KMB introduced the “KMB and LWB Smartphone App” beta test, under which smartphone users were able to check in advance the ETA of 269 KMB and LWB bus routes (as at end of June 2015) serving different parts of the territory. With the App and LCD panels, passengers can check in advance the estimated bus arrival time, making bus ride planning a trouble free experience.

•我們在 174個巴士總站安裝「站 務管理系統」,車長只需以個人八達通卡在巴士總站報到,系統便會顯示下一班次開出時間及特別指示,從而協助管理日常運 作。 •「車務資訊管理系統」簡化了包括處理交通意外、道路擠塞及天氣狀況等由九巴電訊組記錄的營運資料,以便更快速準確地向車廠及各有關部門發放訊息。• The Terminus Management System supports the management of daily bus operations at 174 termini by displaying the next departure time and any special instructions when the bus captains present their personalised Octopus card upon arrival at the bus terminus.• The Operations Communications Management System streamlines the handling of real-time information on operational incidents such as traffic accidents, road congestion and weather conditions as logged by KMB’s Radio Control Section, and thus improves the speed and accuracy of message distribution to depots and departments.供應鏈管理九巴一直與業務夥伴緊密合作,共同研發適合本港氣候及營運環境的新型巴士和服務。我們鼓勵公平及公開競爭,並與供應商及承辦商建立長久的互信關係。我們遵從公司既定的政策及程式處理供應鏈事務,確保物資和服務的採購 依道德規範,保障採購產品的品質令顧客安心。Supply Chain Management We work closely with our business partners to develop new buses and services that suit the local climatic and operational environment. We encourage fair and open competition and aim to develop long-term relationships with suppliers and sub-contractors based on mutual trust. KMB’s supply chain activities are guided by company policies and procedures that aim to ensure the ethical procurement of supplies and services as well as high quality end products in which our customers may be confident.

為確保供應商及承辦商遵從社會及環 保指引,我們規定所有競標者必須列 述他們在下列三方面的工作表現,有關績效將會作為我們審批合約的考慮因素:• 競標者在環境保護、健康與安全及嚴禁使用強迫勞工及童工方面的意識;• 競標者須確保其主要供應商及承 辦商符合環保、職安健及禁用強迫勞工和童工方面的要求;以及 • 與競標者的供應商及承辦商業務 活動有關的重大爭議、罰款或和解事宜。 To ensure the compliance of our suppliers and sub-contractors with our guidelines on social and environmental requirements, we require tenderers to submit information

on their performance in the following three aspects, which will be evaluated when we award contracts: • The tenderer’s awareness of environmental care, health and safety, including the prevention of use of forced and child labour; • Measures taken by the tenderer to ensure the compliance of its key suppliers and sub-contractors with its standards on Environmental Care, Health and Safety of Suppliers and Sub-contractors, and on Forced Labour and Child Labour; and • Any major social controversies, fines or settlements related to activities of the tenderer’s suppliers and sub-contractors.

我們很高興與九巴建立了緊 密的商業夥伴 關係,共同創造綠色未來。為配合「環保 產品」的趨勢及九巴對提升燃油效益的期望,過去數年來我們為九巴車隊提供超低含硫量的 Shell FuelSave 慳油配方柴油以提高燃油效益,以及多款有助改善 引擎變速效率的合成潤滑油產品。 除了定期為產品進行品質檢測及準時送貨外,我們 還嚴格遵守高水平的商業道德及符合九巴的供應 商要求。我們為九巴車廠員工提供安全操作指引,又與九巴在多個車廠進行了溢油事故應變的聯合演 習,示範保護安全及環境的主要措施。展望將來,我們希望繼續與九巴攜手,探討環保技 術的應用,為締造香港成為更環保的城市而努力。周敏怡 香港蜆殼有限公司商務部總經理We are pleased to have developed a close business partnership with KMB by means of which we work together for a greener future. In view of the emerging trend of developing “eco-products” and KMB’s expectations regarding enhanced fuel efficiency, over the past few years we have started to supply KMB’s fleet with Shell FuelSave Diesel which is ultra-low in sulphur content and provides higher fuel efficiency, and a number of synthetic lubricants which improve transmission efficiency. In addition to carrying out periodic checks on product quality and ensuring timely delivery, we also observe a high standard of business ethics and adhere to KMB’s supplier requirements. In addition to briefing KMB bus depot staff on safety procedures, we also conducted joint oil spill emergency drills at several KMB bus depots to demonstrate and practice important measures that help safeguard the workplace and the environment. Looking ahead, we would like to continue to explore the application of green technologies with KMB. Together, we can make Hong Kong a greener city.

Joanna Chow General Manager - Commercial Shell Hong Kong Limited

九巴環保政策九巴知悉巴士服務與環境之間的關係,因而採取以下措施,盡量將影響減至最低: • 訂立及實現避免污染環境的目標 與指標,同時持續提升環保方面 的表現; • 注重保護資源,從源頭減廢,並循 環再造及再用資源; • 落實多項管制措施,並提供專業的 巴士維修及保養工程服務,以控制 及減少引擎的廢氣排放量;• 提供培訓以提升員工的環保意識, 讓他們瞭解九巴的環保政策、目標和指標,以及巴士運作對環境造成 的潛在影響;• 向承辦商及供應商傳遞九巴的環保 政策及相關要求,並向市民宣傳有關政策;• 迅速回應外界有關環保的查詢, 並確保公司內部可有效地溝通環保事項;以及• 確保遵守本港所有環保法例及相關要求。KMB Environmental Policy KMB recognises the potential environmental impacts associated with its services and is dedicated to mitigating and minimising these impacts by means of the following measures:• Preventing pollution and continuously improving our environmental performance through the establishment and achievement of objectives and targets; • Conserving resources by reducing waste at source, and recycling and reusing resources; • Minimising and controlling emissions from our buses by implementing control measures and by providing professional bus repair and maintenance engineering services;• Enhancing staff environmental awareness by providing training in relation to our environmental policy and our environmental objectives and targets, as well as in relation to the potential environmental impacts arising from our operations;• Communicating our environmental policy and relevant environmental requirements to our contractors and suppliers, and making the policy available to the public;• Responding to environmental inquiries from external parties promptly and ensuring effective communication on environmental issues internally; and • Ensuring compliance with all applicable local environmental legislation and other relevant requirements.

路線重組由於我們繼續在元朗、大埔、沙田及 青衣落實路線重組及最佳班次安排, 與上年度同期比較,九巴於報告期內 的行駛里數下降 3.1%(相當於約 9百 萬公里)。

環保運輸 我們的環保運輸理念不僅涵蓋有關巴 士和運作的環保措施,還包括車長的 環保駕駛習慣。環保巴士設計我們堅持為香港的環保作出貢獻,購 置符合歐盟環境部長理事會嚴格廢氣 排放標準的環保巴士。截至 2015 年 6 月,九巴車隊共擁有 1,175 部歐盟五 型空調巴士。Route Reorganisation With the continued implementation of route reorganisation and best practice scheduling in Yuen Long, Tai Po, Sha Tin and Tsing Yi, the mileage of KMB in the reporting period has reduced by 3.1% (equivalent to approximately 9 million kilometers) as compared to the corresponding period in previous year.

Eco-transport Our eco-transport principles cover environment-friendly measures in our buses and operations, and our bus captains’ eco-driving habits.Environment-friendly Bus Design We are committed to building a better environment by investing in environment-friendly buses that meet the stringent exhaust emission standards set by the European Council of Environmental Ministers. As at the end of June 2015, there were 1,175 air-conditioned Euro V buses in KMB’s fleet.

九巴一直堅持成為優秀的企業公民,持續將配備先進環保技術的巴士引進本港,例如引入混合動力巴士,以減低燃油消耗及路 邊廢氣排放。九巴首部零排放電池驅動 巴士的試驗是一個重要的里程碑。未來,我們希望 看到有更多數量的電池驅 動巴士於路面上行駛。九巴亦可採取其他的環保舉 措,例如優化巴士路線、 利用轉車站疏導交通擠塞情況及提供更理想的車廂溫度,都有助其推動節能及環保。九巴亦可藉此成為環保運輸的先導者。九巴定期會向持份者及公眾報告有關環境保護及可持續發展的成效,對此 我除了感到高興之餘,亦期待日後能閱讀更多有關他們在減低資源消耗及提升車隊環保性能上的資訊。張潔儀 行政總裁 香港地球之友KMB continues to uphold its reputation of being a good corporate citizen by bringing buses to Hong Kong that are equipped with the latest green technologies, such as hybrid buses that help reduce fuel consumption and roadside emissions. The trial of

KMB’s first zero-emission battery powered electric bus is a significant milestone. We hope to see an increase in the number of electric buses on the road in the coming years. More initiatives, such as streamlining bus routes, making use of interchange hubs to alleviate traffic congestion and providing a more optimal bus compartment temperature will help KMB save energy and protect the environment. By taking such initiatives, KMB would demonstrate its leadership in eco-friendly transportation. It is pleasing to see that KMB is reporting its environmental protection and sustainability achievements to stakeholders and the public on a regular basis. I look forward to reading more about their tireless efforts in reducing the consumption of resources and enhancing the environmental performance of their fleet.

Suzanne Cheung Chief Executive Officer Friends of the Earth (HK)

環保駕駛培訓 九巴為車長提供「環保駕駛」培訓, 重點教授開車前的準備、加速、煞 車、轉彎及於總站安全停車的技巧。 於報告期內,共有 1,784名車長參與了培訓課程。 綠色營運 九巴重用及循環再造多種物資。 輪胎九巴的輪胎翻新部於報告期內共翻新了27,500 條輪胎(相當於減少了 1,370噸運往堆填區的固體廢物)。我們亦將超過 18,000 條舊輪胎及 180 噸輪胎膠粒交予承辦商循環再造,製成多種橡膠產品,避免運往堆填區棄置。零件及金屬廢料我們從退役巴士上回收性能相對良好的零件,交由主件翻修廠翻修。九巴各車廠及總修中心於報告期內共回收 超過 1,000噸的金屬廢料,進一步減 少固體廢物。 光管自 2006 年起,九巴收集共約 74 萬支廢光管,送往政府的化學廢料處理中心循環再造。Training in Eco-driving KMB bus captains undergo “Eco-driving” training that focuses on pre-driving preparation, acceleration, braking and turning skills, and safe parking at bus termini. In the reporting period, a total of 1,784 bus captains attended the training programme.

Green Operations KMB reuses and recycles a wide range of materials. Tyres In the reporting period, 27,500 used tyres (equivalent to a saving of 1,370 tonnes in solid waste disposal to landfills) were retreaded at KMB’s retreading workshop. More than 18,000 scrapped tyres and 180 tonnes of tyre chips, otherwise destined for disposal at landfills, were collected by an agent for recycling into various rubber products.

Parts and Scrap Metal KMB selects parts that are in relatively good condition from retired buses and sends them to its Unit Overhaul Depot for repair or reconditioning. To further reduce solid waste disposal, in the reporting period, more than 1,000 tonnes of scrap metal were collected from KMB’s depots and overhaul units.

Fluorescent Tubes Since 2006, KMB has sent a total of around 740,000 used fluorescent tubes to the Government’s Chemical Waste Treatment Centre for recycling.

廢油及化學廢料 於報告期內,九巴在車廠內的特定地點處理及分類存放約 273,000 公斤的固體化學廢料,再經由註冊化學廢 料回收商運往政府的化學廢料處理中心。同時,約 639,800 公升的回收廢 油按法規標準循環再用或處理。自沙田車廠使用了自行研發的過濾器壓縮機後,棄置燃料或機油過濾器的數量減少了 60%。 用水九巴車廠共安裝了 11套自動污水處理及循環再用系統,每天處理 520立方 米的污水。每日用於清洗巴士的用水中,70%是處理後的循環再用水。減少排放 九巴矢志締造更清潔的環境,藉著引 進最先進的技術,減少路邊廢氣排放及保持良好的車廂空氣質素。所有九巴巴士均符合歐盟環境部長理 事會制定的嚴格廢氣排放標準。為減低廢氣排放,我們採用含硫量近乎零的柴油、不斷引進最新型號的低排放 巴士更新車隊,並為現役巴士加裝柴油催化器及柴油微粒過濾器等減排裝置。自 2003 年起,九巴為所有新巴士安 裝環保巴士驅動系統,該系統與傳統 驅動系統比較,可降低廢氣排放量 6%至 10%。截至 2015 年 6 月 30日, 九巴車隊所排放的微粒及氮氧化物 水準,分別比 1992 年減少了 96%及 66.8%。

Oil and Chemicals In the reporting period, around 273,000 kilograms of solid chemical waste were treated and stored by type in designated areas at our bus depots before disposal by a registered chemical waste collector at the Government’s Chemical Waste Treatment Centre. Around 639,800 litres of waste oil collected were recycled or disposed of in accordance with the statutory standards. The use of the in-house developed Filter Compressing Machine at KMB’s Sha Tin Depot has led to a reduction of 60% in disposed fuel or oil filters.

Water 11 automatic waste water treatment and recycling systems are installed at our depots with a treatment capacity of 520 cubic metres per day. 70% of the water that is used each day to clean KMB’s buses is treated and recycled.

Emission Reduction As part of its promotion of a cleaner environment, KMB adopts the latest technologies to reduce roadside emissions and maintain the air quality in its bus compartments. All our buses meet the stringent exhaust emission standards laid down by the European Council of Environmental Ministers. To minimise emissions, we use Near Zero Sulphur Diesel, renew the bus fleet with the latest low-emission models and upgrade older buses by means of different exhaust treatment devices including Diesel Oxidation Catalysts and Diesel Particulate Filters. The Eco-Driveline System, a standard feature on new buses since 2003, reduces exhaust emissions by 6%-10% compared with conventional drivelines by improving fuel economy. As at 30 June 2015, KMB had improved the emissions of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides by 96% and 66.8% respectively compared to 1992.

選擇性催化還原器 截至報告期末,九巴共有 1,212 部歐盟四、五及六型巴士裝設了選擇性催 化還原器為標準裝置,利用氨素溶液 所產生的氨,將氮氧化物轉化成氮氣和水蒸汽,從而降低氮氧化物的排放量。九巴在荔枝角、青衣、九龍灣、 將軍澳、屯門、元朗、天水圍、屯門 南、沙田、上水及大埔車廠共安裝了 61台氨素補給站。 檢查二氧化碳含量 每年,九巴為 80 部行駛乘客密集路線的巴士進行二氧化碳含量數據記錄測 量,大部分的檢查結果符合標準。舒適的車廂環境

所有 2002 年起購置的空調巴士型 號,均安裝了電子空氣淨化器,可消除 80%的微細粒子。於報告期末,我們已為 2,068 部巴士安裝了淨化器。研發最新低排放巴士技術 九巴在環保技術上不斷創新,投放大量資源研試多種零排放和低排放 技術。2014 年 12 月 , 我 們 引入三部柴油電力混合引擎的雙層空調巴 士 (「hBus」),進行為期兩年的測試,該型號巴士可望節省燃油,不但符合歐盟六型的排放標準,更可在乘客上落車時達至零排放。Selective Catalytic Reduction Devices At the end of the reporting period, 1,212 KMB Euro IV, V and VI buses are equipped with a Selective Catalytic Reduction device, which can reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides, as the ammonia formed from the urea solution converts nitrogen oxides into nitrogen gas and water vapour, as a standard feature. A total of 61 urea solution dispensing units had been installed in the depots at Lai Chi Kok, Tsing Yi, Kowloon Bay, Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, Tuen Mun (South), Sha Tin, Sheung Shui and Tai Po by the end of the reporting period.

Checks on CO2 Concentration Each year80 KMB buses from passenger-intensive bus routes are selected for a data-logger measurement of CO2 concentration and most of them demonstrate compliance.

Comfortable Compartments Electrostatic filters, which are able to remove up to 80% of fine particles, are installed on all air-conditioned bus models bought after 2002. At the end of the reporting period, electrostatic filters had been installed on 2,068 KMB buses.

Exploring New Low-emission Bus Technologies KMB puts a great deal of effort into improving environmental protection by exploring various kinds of zero- and low-emission technologies. In December 2014, three hybrid diesel-electric air-conditioned double-deck buses (“hBus”), which can achieve fuel savings, were brought in for two-year trial services. The hBus not only meets Euro VI emission standards, but also has a zeroemission capability when passengers board and alight.

燃油消耗及溫室氣體排放 為節省燃油和減少溫室氣體排放,九巴在其車隊及營運方面採取了一系列 措施:

• 採用飛機使用的「Posilock」加油 系統為九巴巴士入油。 • 於空調巴士安裝溫差調節器,避免不必要的製冷,從而節省能源。 • 採用合成變速箱機油,使換油期限由 30,000 公里延長至 150,000 公里,並減少高達 80%的廢油 量。 • 採用以行車里數為準的機油更換 計劃,減少機油消耗量及廢油量達 40%。Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions To reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions, a number of measures are adopted on the KMB bus fleet and in its operations:• The aircraft-style “Posilock” fuel filling system is used to refuel KMB buses. • Ambient sensors are installed on KMB’s air-conditioned buses to save energy by reducing unnecessary cooling. • The use of synthetic gearbox oil extends the oil drain interval from 30,000 to 150,000 km, reducing waste oil by 80%. • The mileage-based oil change scheme results in a 40% reduction in engine oil consumption and waste oil.

辦公室綠色措施 九巴在總部及其他辦公室實行一系列 環保措施,提倡保護資源和減廢。例如總部大樓的公共空間換上發光二極 管(LED)燈具,在節省用電之餘,又可減少對空調的需求。我們亦陸續在車廠的高棚使用節能燈具。於報告期內,應用節能無極燈具使公司的總 耗電量減少了30%。九巴自 2006 年起使用自行研發的「電子投標系統」以來,高達 99%的標書均以電子方式處理。於 2014 年 7 月 1 日至 2015 年 6 月 30 日期間,我們 透過使用該系統而節省的用紙高達約 100,000張。Green Measures in the Office KMB adopts a number of green measures at its headquarters and on its other premises to save resources and reduce waste. For instance, LED lighting has been introduced in common areas of the headquarters building to reduce electricity consumption and the need for air-conditioning. We are progressively installing energy efficient lamps in place of high bay lamps at our depots. In the reporting period, the use of energy saving induction lamps helped the company reduce its total electricity consumption by 30%. The in-house developed e-tendering system has since 2006 handled up to 99% of all tenders electronically. Approximately 100,000 sheets of paper were saved during the period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 by means of this system.

九巴通過多種不同渠道與持份者保持緊密聯繫,包括乘客、員工、製造商、供應商、承辦商、政治組織、社區團體、政府及公眾人士。與公眾連繫自 1933 年起,九巴與香港市民一起見 證了許多重要的歷史時刻,例如二戰 後的移民潮、經濟起飛、新市鎮的發 展和沙士疫潮等。九巴的故事,就是香港人的故事。 於報告期內,九巴舉辦了多項活動,加強與公眾的連繫。 • 為響應 2014 年的「長者日」,九巴於 11 月 16 日為 65歲或以上的長者提供免費乘車優惠,並於尖沙咀天星碼頭舉辦活動,邀請藝人阮兆祥與長者分享乘車安全小貼 士。 • 九巴與香港欖球總會合辦以欖球為主題的社區連繫活動─「九巴•欖球路路通」,分別於 3 月 14 日及 23 日於西貢及尖沙咀文化中 心露天廣場舉行。• 在報告期內,九巴於不同地區的巴士總站舉辦了六次乘客聯絡小組會議,收集顧客就巴士服務方面的意見,包括轉乘計劃、環保巴士、乘客設施及巴士網絡接駁等。A wide range of communication channels are used to engage our stakeholders, including passengers, staff, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, political parties, community groups, the government, and members of the public. Engaging the Public Since 1933, KMB has gone through many important historical moments with Hong Kong people – the influx in the post-World War II years, the economic take-off, the development of new towns and the SARS epidemic. The story of KMB is the story of Hong Kong people. In the reporting period, a number of events were organised to engage the public.• On 16 November, 2014, KMB supported “Senior Citizens Day” by offering free rides to people aged 65 and over, and held an event to publicise safe riding tips for the elderly at Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier together with celebrity Louis Yuen Siu-cheung. • KMB joined hands with the Hong Kong Rugby Football Union to present “Rugby on the Road”, a special Sevens- themed community networking campaign, which was held at Sai Kung and the Cultural Centre Piazza in Tsim Sha Tsui on 14 and 23 March respectively. • In the reporting period, KMB held six Passenger Liaison Group meetings at bus termini in various districts to collect customer feedback on a variety of issues, including interchange schemes, environmentfriendly buses, passenger facilities and network connectivity.

政府及公民社會 九巴的管理團隊成員經常與多個主要機構及團體會面,包括立法會議員、區議

會議員及環保團體,促進互相瞭 解,爭取他們支持環保措施及落實路 線重組計劃。 傳媒 我們定期邀請媒體出席簡介會及活動,以加強溝通。在報告期內,我們多次舉辦傳媒簡介會,介紹九巴的創新科技及以客為先的舉措。我們亦透過社交平台,推廣逐步完善的巴士到站時間預報系統,以便乘客透過智能手機應用程式及九巴網頁,查看即時的巴士資訊。Government and Civil Society Members of the management team met with stakeholders from a variety of key public and civil society organisations, including legislators, district councillors and green groups, to further mutual understanding, promote support for green initiatives and advance the route reorganisation programme.

Media The media receive regular invitations to attend briefings and events to strengthen communication. In the reporting period, we organised a number of media briefings to increase public awareness of our technological innovations and customer-driven initiatives. Social media were used to promote the progressive application of the ETA system on the KMB network, providing passengers with real-time bus information on their smartphones and the KMB website.

「巴士迷世界」是一個於 1992 年成立的非牟利團體,旨在團結香港的巴士 愛好者及增進彼此間的溝通。我於團體成立初期已加入成為會員,並對近年來九巴對巴士迷組織的大力支持特別感到印象深刻。九巴為巴士迷世界組織會員及其他市民參觀車 廠及巴士提供協助,讓公眾對九巴的運作有更深入 的瞭解。我很欣賞九巴在 可持續發展方面作出的貢獻,包括重組巴士路線及引進低排放的新型號巴士。巴士迷很喜歡九巴推出的智能手機應用程式,特別是當中的預計巴士抵達時間功能,令計劃巴士行程更輕鬆、更愉快。容偉釗 「巴士迷世界」顧問Founded in 1992, Bus Fan World (“BFW”) is a non-profit organisation that aims to unite and foster communication among bus fans in Hong Kong. I have been a member of BFW since its early days and I am particularly impressed with the growing support of KMB towards bus fan bodies in recent years. KMB has supported us in carrying out depot visits and displays of various bus models for BFW members and

other citizens to enhance our understanding of its operations. I appreciate that KMB is putting great effort into sustainable development, including reorganising bus routes and introducing greener bus models with lower emissions to Hong Kong. Bus fans particularly like the smartphone app developed by KMB, especially the estimated time of arrival function, which makes planning bus journeys pleasant and trouble-free.

Yung Wai-chiu, Stanley Bus Fan World Advisor

網上溝通 屢獲獎項的九巴網站(www.kmb. hk)為迎合乘客的需要,推出包括香 港首個地圖版巴士「點對點」路線搜 尋功能及「街道景像」等多項功能, 通過 360度的街景圖像,協助乘客掌 握所選擇巴士站的實際街景。自 2013 年 4 月啟用以來,九巴 Facebook專頁( kmbhongkong)成為宣傳公司最新動 態及工作成果的有效平台,並為我們 收集公眾意見,促進交流。 智能手機應用程式 截至報告期末,九巴的免費第二代智能手機應用程式已為約 400 萬手機用戶下載,除了提供即時交通資訊及利用地圖和主要地標搜尋路線外,程式更提供超過 200 條巴士路線的到站時間預報服務。另外,「鄰近巴士站到站時間預報」功能讓乘客即時掌握 所有鄰近巴士線的到站時間,而「我的最愛」功能則可讓乘客儲存慣常乘 搭巴士路線的車站資料,方便日後查閱。應用程式設有繁體中文、簡體中文及英文版本,亦為乘客提供到達目的地最直接及最便宜的巴士路線選擇。Online CommunicationKMB’s award-winning website ( serves the needs of the travelling public via a number of features, including Hong Kong’s first mapbased point-to-point bus route search function for a public bus company and the “Street View” function, which gives passengers a 360-degree photo tour of the street near their chosen bus stop. Since its launch in April 2013, the KMB Facebook page ( kmbhongkong) has proven to be an effective platform for publicising the company’s initiatives and achievements, and gathering useful feedback from the public.

Smartphone App By the end of the reporting period, KMB’s free Smartphone App Version 2 had been downloaded by around four million users. As well as giving users access to real-time

traffic information and enabling them to make route searches on a map or by means of major landmarks, the App provides the estimated time of arrival service for more than 200 bus routes. Besides featuring the “Nearby Estimated Arrival Time” function, which enables users to see the arrival times of all nearby bus routes on the landing page, the “Bookmark” function allows users to save bus stops of the routes they regularly use to help with future checking. The App, in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English versions, also suggests bus routes with the fewest en-route stops and lowest fare to the user’s destination of choice.

顧客顧客服務中心九巴的八個顧客服務中心為乘客提供一站式服務,包括售賣九巴紀念品、八達通卡增值服務及巴士路線資訊等,而最新啟用的大欖轉車站九巴客務站則提供更多元化的服務。九巴顧客服務熱線 屢次獲獎的九巴顧客服務熱線(2745 4466)於報告期內處理了超過 250 萬個來電,即平均每月 21 萬個來電。我們的熱線服務員每日早上 7 時至晚上 11 時服務公眾,並設有 24 小時運作的熱線系統。招待訪客 我們於報告期內接待了來自約 70 間機構的訪客,當中包括 35 間社會服務機構及八個海外代表團,以增加訪客對巴士廠日常運作的認識,包括巴士保養及清洗過程等。CustomersCustomer Service Centres KMB’s eight customer service centres offer passengers a one-stop service for KMB souvenirs, Octopus Card add-value service and bus route information, while the newly opened Tai Lam Interchange customer service kiosk also provides a wider range of services.

KMB Customer Service Hotline The award-winning KMB customer service hotline (2745 4466) handled more than 2.5 million calls in the reporting period, an average of 210,000 calls a month. Our hotline operator service, available daily from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., is complemented by a 24-hour hotline system.

Hosting Visits To increase our stakeholders’ understanding of bus depot daily operations, including

maintenance and bus cleaning procedures, we received visitors from some 70 organisations in the reporting period, including 35 social service organisations and eight overseas delegations.

九巴之友 九巴的義工組織「九巴之友」自 1995 年成立以來,一直致力推動環境保護、公民教育及社會服務活動。九巴之友的 4,700名義工於報告期內共投 入超過11,000 小時參與社區服務。例如,九巴之友的義工在報告期內與東華三院、威爾斯親王醫院、生命熱線及保良局合作,到彩雲、秀茂坪、竹園、牛頭角、沙田、筲箕灣及藍田探望長者及有需要人士,盡顯關懷。FRIENDS OF KMBKMB’s volunteer club FRIENDS OF KMB (“FRN”) has promoted environmental protection, civic education and social service activities since its establishment in 1995. In the reporting period, FRN’s 4,700 volunteers contributed more than 11,000 hours of their time to community service. To cite an example, FRN volunteers, in partnership with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Prince of Wales Hospital, Suicide Prevention Services and Po Leung Kuk, paid care visits to elderly people and people in need living in Choi Wan, Sau Mau Ping, Chuk Yuen, Ngau Tau Kok, Sha Tin, Shau Kei Wan and Lam Tin in the reporting period.

我加入「九巴之友」義工隊已接近 三年,通過「九巴之友」這個完善的 平台參與了多種社區服務活動,包括 探訪長者及殘障人士。服務期間,除了感受到服務對象 對我們的歡迎外,亦讓我有機會瞭解到平日甚少接觸的一部分香港居民的日常生活,讓我獲益良多。我和其他的義工一 樣,既投入又享受參與這些極具意義的義工服務的機會,並 期待將來為服務本地社區作出更積極的貢獻。容偉健 「九巴之友」組長I have been a member of the FRIENDS OF KMB volunteer group for nearly three years now. Through the group, which is a wellestablished platform to serve our community, I have taken part in a wide range of social service programmes, including visits to the elderly and people with disabilities. While I see that the recipients welcome and enjoy our visits, the occasions help me to better understand the daily lives of some Hong Kong residents that we seldom visit. I and my fellow volunteers enjoy spending time in these meaningful voluntary services and we look forward to playing an even more active role in serving the local community in the future. Kevin Yung Team Leader of FRIENDS OF KMB

贊助社區活動 九巴熱心贊助並積極參與多種本地社區活動,包括香港公益金舉辦的新界區百萬行、公益金便服日及公益慈 善半馬拉松,及由香港社會服務聯會「商界展關懷贊助人會」舉辦的活動。在報告期內,我們贊助了 19 間非政府機構免費在26 部巴士上張貼車身廣告,及向 11 間非政府機構提供巴士流動多媒體的廣播時段。電子失物處理系統 電子失物處理系統記錄物品由發現丟失,直至乘客認領或因無人認領而棄置的整個過程,幫助我們有效地處理失物認領和查詢。於報告期內,該系統每月平均處理約 2,300宗失物個案,涉及約 6,000件失物。Community Sponsorship KMB sponsors and participates in a variety of local community programmes, including the New Territories Walk for Millions, Dress Casual Day and the Corporate Challenge Half Marathon, all organised by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, as well as the Hong Kong Council of Social Service Caring Company Patron’s Club. In the reporting period, KMB entertained 19 nongovernmental organisations (“NGO”) to provide bus-body advertisements on 26 buses, and provided 11 NGOs with airtime on KMB’s on-bus broadcasting system.

Lost Property Management System The Lost Property Management System keeps track of lost items from initial recovery to reclaim by passengers or eventual disposal, enabling lost property claims and inquiries to be handled efficiently. In the reporting period, the system processed an average of around 2,300 lost property cases a month, representing some 6,000 lost property items.

九巴為員工提供安全及得體的工作環 境,鼓勵員工各展所長,不斷提升工 作表現,力臻完美。 人力資源政策 我們為員工提供一個安全及和諧的工作環境,並採納一套全面的人力資源政策,推廣性別平等、杜絕性騷擾、防止貪污賄賂及保障個人資料私隱。我們嚴格遵守香港的勞工法例,並確保所有供應商在與九巴相關的業務範疇中,尊重有關聘用、自由組織工會的勞工權益及 嚴禁僱用童工和強迫勞動。

員工福利為了吸引及挽留人才,九巴提供多項 優厚的員工福利,包括有薪年假、醫 療福利、住院及意外保險,員工和家屬又可免費乘搭巴士。KMB provides a safe and respectful environment for its staff to enable them to perform at their best and motivate them to strive for even higher levels of excellence.

Human Resources Policy We maintain a safe and harmonious workplace by adopting a set of comprehensive human resources policies promoting gender equality, offering protection against sexual harassment, preventing bribery and protecting personal privacy. We observe Hong Kong’s labour laws and ensure that all our suppliers respect labour rights with regard to employment and freedom of association, and prohibit child labour and forced labour in all aspects relating to our business.

Staff Benefits To help attract and keep talented staff, attractive benefit packages are offered, including annual leave, medical benefits, hospitalisation insurance, accident insurance and free bus travel for staff and dependents.

提升車廠工作環境 我們在報告期內翻新及提升了多個車 廠的派更部和員工休息室等工作場所,讓員工享有更優質的工作環境。 此外,我們亦在車廠內設立員工優惠站及理髮店,為員工提供獨有的優惠,這些設施深受同事們歡迎。 員工溝通 為加強管理層與員工之間的溝通,我們採用了一系列溝通渠道。五個勞資協商委員會每月開會,讓管理層及 員工代表共同商議工作安全和營運程序、工作環境及員工福利等事宜。九巴的員工網提供多方面的實用資訊,同事又可通過公司的《今日九巴》雜誌瞭解公司及業界的最新發展動向。Enhancing Working Environment in Depots With the objective of providing our staff with an enhanced and cosy working environment, we renovated and upgraded working areas such as duty dispatch offices and rest areas in a number of depots in the reporting period. In addition, we set up discount shops and barber shops in our depots, which have proven to be very popular among our staff.

Staff Communication A number of communication channels are used to strengthen the communication between management and staff. Five Joint Consultative Committees bring management and employee representatives together each month to review safety and operating procedures, the work environment and staff welfare. The staff website is a source of much useful information while the corporate magazine KMB Today keeps staff up to date on corporate and industry developments.

喜迎新春 遵照中國人的傳統習俗,九巴管理層 同事於農曆新年期間,到車廠及辦公 室向前線及後勤同事拜年,祝願同事 們及家人身體健康、運程亨通,並舉 行最受同事歡迎的新春大抽獎。2015 年 2 月,管理層同事藉著到不同地點 拜年的機會,聆聽員工對公司業務的意見,包括有關日常運作的事項。派送消暑飲品 管理層同事趁每年炎夏向員工派發消 暑飲品已成為九巴的優良傳統,以感謝員工在酷熱天氣下緊守工作崗位。2014 年 7 月,管理層同事親自到車廠、辦公室及主要巴士總站派發飲品,亦藉此機會直接與員工交流,聽 取許多具建設性的意見。成立前線協調組 前線協調組於 2014 年成立,旨在協助員工適應因區域性路線重組而帶來的工作改動。於報告期內,前線協調組 促進員工之間以及員工與管理層之間 的溝通,定期走訪主要巴士總站,收集並跟進前線員工的意見,為巴士營運方面的不少問題提供解決方案。

Starting the Chinese New Year As per the Chinese tradition, members of the management visited depots and offices at the beginning of the Chinese New Year to greet frontline and back office staff, wishing them and their families health and the best of luck in the year to come and conducting lucky draws that were very popular among staff members. In 2015, the visits took place in February and the management team also took the opportunity to hear comments from staff on a wide range of matters, including the daily operations of the Company.

Distributing Summer Drinks

It has now become a KMB tradition for members of the management to distribute chilled drinks to all staff members in the summer to thank them for carrying out their duties tirelessly under the summer heat. In July 2014, management team members distributed cooling drinks to each and every staff member in person in depots, offices and major bus termini. Again, staff members chatted with the management team and many constructive views were exchanged.

Setting Up Frontline Coordination TeamIn 2014, the Frontline Coordination Team was set up to help staff members adapt to the changes brought about by district-based route reorganisations. In the reporting period, the team worked to facilitate internal communication both among staff members and between them and the management. Visiting major bus termini regularly, the team helped to address concerns raised by frontline staff and provide solutions to various bus operation issues.

體育及康樂活動 為提倡平衡工作與健康生活,九巴鼓 勵員工積極參與體育、康樂活動及義務工作。包括長跑、龍舟、足球及乒乓球在內的多支九巴隊伍,多年來曾代表公司於不同公開比賽中獲得殊榮。九巴亦為員工舉辦多項內部體育 競賽,例如足球及羽毛球比賽等。現時,九巴共設有八個興趣小組,即 龍舟、長跑、足球、羽毛球、乒乓 球、籃球、棋藝及攝影,員工可在工餘時間跟同事追求共同的興趣。 九巴於報告期內為員工及家屬舉辦了多項旅行及戶外活動,除了暢遊新界及離島多個風景優美的郊遊地點外,亦安排參觀如啟德郵輪碼頭等市區新景點。Sports and Leisure Activities To achieve a work-life balance, staff members are encouraged to participate in sports and leisure activities as well as voluntary work. A number of KMB teams, including running, dragon boat, football and table tennis, have competed successfully for the Company in open competition over the years. Internal competitions in sports such as football and badminton are also provided for staff. KMB currently has eight interest clubs – dragon boat, running, football, badminton, table tennis, basketball, chess and photography – through which staff members can pursue their common interests in their leisure time. Picnics and outings were also organised during the reporting period for staff and their families. In addition to visiting scenic spots in remote areas in the New Territories and the outlying islands, the tours also explored new attractions in the urban area such as the Kai Tak Cruise Terminus.


我們努力培育專業人員,以提升巴士服務。除於前章所述的車長培訓外, 九巴的技術訓練學校一直以最先進的 巴士技術培訓維修學員。於 1973 年成立的技術訓練學校設有為期四年的學徒培訓課程,確保有新的技術人員可以不斷投入服務,支援九巴龐大的巴 士車隊。報告期內,技術訓練學校共有 18名學員畢業,自創校至今已成功培育了 2,340名畢業生。截至 2015 年 6 月底,技術訓練學校共錄取了 196名 學徒。獎勵卓越服務 九巴舉辦多項比賽及獎勵計劃以嘉許 表現出色的員工,鼓勵他們不斷努 力,竭誠為顧客服務。我們設立傑出 服務獎,表揚員工的卓越表現,在報 告期內,共有 86名員工獲頒此獎項。 此外,我們亦設立安全駕駛獎,向車 長提倡道路安全的意識。九巴提供的多項員工福利及活動,大大加強了同事們的凝聚力及歸屬感。 有不少員工以服務九巴為終生職業, 甚至有不少在同一家庭內,幾代人先 後效力九巴的例子。每年,九巴都會 籌辦答謝長期服務員工的週年宴會。 2014 年 12 月 3 日,共 397名員工歡聚一堂,其中包括 16位服務九巴達 40 年 或以上的員工,以及 381位服務達 30 年或以上的員工。Technical and Apprentice Training We put a great deal of effort into training our professional staff in the running of our daily operations. In addition to bus captain training – described in previous chapters – our Technical Training School is responsible for training maintenance staff in the latest bus technologies. To ensure a steady stream of skilled workers for the maintenance of our large bus fleet, the School, set up in 1973, runs a four-year apprenticeship training scheme for apprentices. 18 apprentices graduated in the reporting period, bringing the total number graduating since the School opened to 2,340. At the end of June 2015, 196 apprentices were enrolled in the School.

Rewarding Service Excellence KMB organises a number of competitions and awards to reward outstanding performers and encourage a lifelong commitment to customer service. KMB staff who give outstanding performance are recognised in the Outstanding Service Awards. In the reporting period, a total of 86 employees received this award. We also ran the Safe Driving Award to promote bus captain road safety. All these benefits and activities have contributed to stronger cohesiveness and loyalty among staff members. It is not uncommon to see staff members devoting their entire working lives to KMB or different generations of the same family all working for KMB. A banquet is held each year to show appreciation for long-serving staff members. On 3 December 2014, a total of 397 employees – 16 of whom had worked for KMB for 40 years or more and 381 of whom had clocked up 30 years or

more of service – attended the event.

我在九巴工作超過 30 年, 十分感激九巴對員工的 重視。我們的工作環境在 過去的一年裡有顯著的改善,車廠添置了不少新設 施,工作環境大為改善。 尤其令我驚喜的是,公司在車廠引入了優惠站及理髮店,讓員工享受獨有的折扣優惠。另外,九巴為 我提供持續的專業培訓,使我能掌握最新的資訊及技術,可以更好地履行我的職責。作為九巴團隊的一員,我希望以「日日進步」的精神服務我們的社會。 唐國華 高級技工I have worked in KMB for over 30 years. I appreciate that employees like me are valued by KMB. The working environment has been improved considerably in the past year. We have a number of new and enhanced facilities in the depots. What surprised me most is that the company has brought in discount shops and barber shops to depots where the staff are entitled to enjoy exclusive discounts. Professionally, KMB has provided me with continuous training opportunities to ensure that I learn the latest information and skills to assist me in carrying out my duties. I feel I am part of the KMB team that is “moving forward every day” to serve our community.

Tong Kwok-wah Senior Skilled Worker

本報告參考《全球報告倡議組織 G3.1 指引》(以下簡稱「GRI」)和《全 球報告倡議組織–物流及運輸行業 補充指引(試行版)》而編制,詳 述我們於經濟(EC)、環境(EN)、勞工 (LA)、人權(HR)、社會(SO)以及產品 責任(PR)等範疇的可持續發展工作表 現。以下的 GRI 內容索引清楚標明與 GRI 指標相應的報告內容。本報告全 文可於九巴網站下載。 With reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) G3.1 Guidelines and the GRI Logistics and Transportation Sector Supplement (Pilot Version), the Report published our sustainability initiatives in respective performance area in Economic (EC), Environmental (EN), Labour (LA), Human Rights (HR), Society (SO) and Product Responsibility (PR). The GRI Content Index below links the applicable GRI Indicators to the relevant parts of this Report. The full Report can be downloaded on KMB’s website.
