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Page 1: Zahra Aboutalib

Zahra Aboutalib, from Morocco, delivered a child she’d been carrying for almost half a century. This shocking yet fascinating story began in 1955 when Zahra went into labor. She was rushed to a hospital, but after watching a woman dying on the operation table during a Caesarean section, Zahra fled back in her small village outside Casablanca. After the pains were gone and the baby stopped kicking, Zahra considered him a “sleeping baby”. “Sleeping babies” are, according to Moroccan folk belief, babies that can live inside a woman’s womb to protect her honor.When Zahra was 75, the excruciating pains occurred again. Doctors performed an ultrasound test and discovered that her “sleeping child” was actually an ectopic pregnancy. What is even more amazing is how Zahra survived and how the dead fetus was accepted by the body just like another organ. Generally, this doesn’t happen. If not discovered in time, the growing fetus will eventually strain and burst the organ that contains it. Under these circumstances, the mother has few surviving chances. After nearly five hours, the surgeons successfully removed Zahra’s calcified fetus.Stone babies, lithopedions, are an extremely rare medical phenomenon. According to the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, only 290 cases of stone babies have been documented.

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Indian boy Prithviraj Patil and Thai girl Supatra Sasuphan have dreams and behave just like other children around the world: they love to be included in activities and games; they enjoy swimming or painting, and most of all, eating ice-cream. What makes them different is the fact that both children were born with congenital hypertrichosis, known also as the Werewolf Syndrome.This terrible disease is very rare and unusual. There have been fewer than 50 cases documented since 1638. The children are suffering from uncontrollable hair growth. Thick animal-like fur covers their head and parts of the body. Unfortunately, science and medicine haven’t found an answer for their disease.It’s so sad to read headlines such as “Half human, half wolf” or “Real Wolf Kids”. The cruelty doesn’t come from the syndrome, but from society

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"This Is In response to a photo by KENT SMITH..I have seen in this page..More or Less same Type of Visual Effect you can get at the conflence or meeting place of two great south american Rivers Rio Negro And Amazon.. Where the Black Water of Rio Negro meets the white water of amazon..Another Spectacular NAtural Effect..THOUGH THE DIFFERENCE OF COLOUR BETWEEN THE TWO RIVERS IS NOT BECAUSE OF SALT CONTENT (WHICH WAS THE CAUSE IN KENT SMITH'S PHOTO.. THIS DIFFERENCE IS BECAUSE OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF SOIL AND MINERAL PARTICLE CONTENT...." Caption By sender

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essica Cox (born 1983 in Arizona) is the world's first licensed armless pilot, as well as the first armless black-belt in the American Taekwondo Association (she now has two black belts in Taekwondo). She was born without arms due to a rare birth defect. She earned her pilot's license on October 10, 2008, after three years of training, and is qualified to fly a light-sport aircraft to altitudes of 10,000 feet; she received her training through an Able Flight scholarship. Cox has not used prosthetic arms since she turned 14. . Using her feet as most people use their hands, she is able, among other things, to drive a car (she has an unrestricted license and drives a car without modifications), to type on a keyboard (25 words per minute), to pump her own gas, and to put in and remove her contact lenses. She is also a certified SCUBA diver. Cox holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Arizona and works as a motivational speaker

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Information on the subject:In this picture taken by a photographer Kent Smith, fresh water from melting glaciers is meeting with the ocean. Ocean water has a higher percentage of salt and therefore has a different density making it difficult for the two bodies of water to mix. I thought this was the most unusual thing I saw on the Alaskan cruise in the water. These two bodies of water were merging in the middle of the Alaskan gulf and there was a foam developing only at their junction."Kent smith"


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Female (Filipina!) Cannibal in Indonesia

Indonesia’s police have arrested a 29-...year-old Philippians woman for killing and eating humans. This woman has killed and eaten more than 30 girls and many other humans including her husband and had kept their meat in refrigerator.She had been enjoying eating human meat for long time.

This cannibal female had said, that she arranged many parties for her friends and relatives, to whom she had cooked and served human meat, without their knowledge. Her guests had said, that her food tasted very delicious.

This woman said that she has eaten the victims due to her inner desires and if she is given other chance, she would repeat this action again without any interruptions.

Even in prison, she had attacked a female guard, bitten her right hand and swallowed one of her fingers.

Page 7: Zahra Aboutalib

This unique geological sight is known as Danxia landform. The Danxia landform refers to various landscapes found in southeast and southwest China that "consist of a red bed characterized by steep cliffs". It is a unique type of petrographic geomorphology found in China. Danxia landform is formed from red-colored sandstones and conglomerates of largely Cretaceous age. The landforms look very much like karst topography that forms in areas underlain by limestones, but since the rocks that form Danxia are sandstones and conglomerates, they have been called "pseudo-karst" landforms. Danxia landforms cover several provinces in southeast China. Taining County, Fujian Province, has very good examples of "young" danxia landforms wherein deep, narrow valleys have been formed. As the landform gets older, valleys widen and one gets isolated towers and ridges.

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BRUNO CATALANO ‘IN SEARCH OF MISSING PIECES’Morning all,What you’re looking at is not an illusion nor has these images been re- touched in Photoshop. What you are viewing art works of art sculptures created by an artist known as Bruno Catalano.In Search of Missing Pieces’ is a series of original sculptures by French artist Bruno Catalono. Bruno Catalano started his carrier in 1990, with a remarkable talent in creating sculptures. He has developed his own style of creating original bronze sculptures with missing parts.There where; should be a body, a shirt or an arm, but there is practically nothing. This is the beauty of his art, you may see and imagine by yourself what you think could be there. You may see ‘through’ the sculpture, or deep into the souls of the sculpture.I would advise you all to free you’re imagination and enjoy the beauty within Bruno Catalano sculptures

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World's Largest Hand... :O24-year-old macrodactyly patient Liu Hua, from Jiangsu, China, was recognized in 2007 as the man with the world's largest hand. He was born with a left thumb, index and middle finger much larger than normal, which grew dramatically together with his arm as he grew older and has had a serious impact on his work and day-to-day life.

When Liu was hospitalized in Shanghai in July 2007, his left thumb measured 26 centimeters, his index finger was 30cm and his middle finger 15cm. The overall weight of his left arm was about 10 kilograms. Surgeons ended up making a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu's fingers and thumb, removing 5.1kg of flesh and bone in the procedure.....

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Photograph courtesy Jodie Bieber, Institute for Artist Management, shot for Time

A portrait of 18-year-old Afghan Bibi Aisha, whose nose and ears were cut off by the Taliban husband she'd fled, is the subject of the World Press Photo organization's 2010 Photo of the Year. South African photographer Jodi Bieber's picture, made for Time magazine, became controversial when it appeared on that publication's cover in July 2010.

"This could become one of those pictures—and we have maybe just ten in our lifetime—where if somebody says 'you know, that picture of a girl ... ,' you know exactly which one they're talking about," said jury chair David Burnett in a statement on the winning photo.

When photographing Aisha in an Afghan women's shelter, "I really wanted to capture the inner beauty," Bieber told World Press Photo when contacted by phone after the jury's decision, according to a press statement.

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For the awards, an international team of judges selected winners in ten subject areas, including spot and general news, sports, nature, and portraits, for which Bieber's image also took first prize. In each subject area, the judges awarded first, second, and third prizes for both individual photos and photo-essays. This year a "special mention" was given to a series of 12 photos taken by the Chilean miners trapped underground for 69 days and rescued in October.

The Kenyan with a arrow in his head

A young man with an arrow in his head, arrives at hospital following ethnic clashes in the town of Nakuru in the Rift Valley area January 26, 2008.

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Surgeons to remove 90kg leg tumourA Vietnamese man, unable to walk because of a tumour on his right leg that weighs more than the rest of his body, has undergone surgery to have the growth removed.

Nguyen Duy Hai's 90-kilogram tumour was to be cut away by a team of doctors in a risky 10-hour procedure that has a 50 per cent success rate, the France-Vietnam (FV) hospital in Ho Chi Minh City said.Mr Hai, 31, who suffers from a rare genetic disorder, has been living with the tumour since he was four, the hospital said.

He had part of his leg amputated when he was 17, but the tumour, which is not cancerous, continued to expand, making it difficult to walk and sleep.The growth is thought to be the largest ever recorded in Vietnam, according to state media, who have followed Mr Hai's condition for years."This is a huge procedure with many risks, including the risk of death during surgery or post-operative care," the hospital said, adding that the patient and the family decided to proceed with the removal nonetheless.

Nguyen Duy Hai with his mother before the operation. Photo: FV hospital/AFPThe marathon operation is being led by US doctor McKay McKinnon, who successfully removed a tumour weighing 80 kilograms from a Romanian woman in 2004.

Dr McKinnon has waived his fee for the surgery. The remaining costs, estimated to total 250 million dong ($11,600), will be covered by donations, the hospital said.

sender -Shailendra Dewangan

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Need Help!!!Hi Facebook Users & Friends, We need your help. Please help us to repost this. This child is in need of financial assistance / Medical Assistance. Abandoned by his Mom since birth. And his Grandmother is the one taking care of him. Thank's to all na tumulong sa amin...

"SHARE" to Pray for her SOON Recovery


Page 14: Zahra Aboutalib

I went to the party and remembered what you said. You asked me not to drink alcohol. So I drank a Sprite. I felt proud of myself, as you said I should feel. You said I should not drink and drive, contrary to what some friends told me. I made a healthy choice and your advice was correct, as all you give me forever.

When the party finally ended, people began to drive without being able to do so. I went to my car with the certainty that he would return home in peace. I never imagined what awaited me, Mom. Now I'm lying in the street and I hear the policeman say: "The kid that caused this accident was drunk." Mom, his voice seems so distant. My blood is spilled everywhere and I'm trying with all my might not moan. I can hear the doctors say, "This girl is going to die." I have the certainty that the young man, who ran at full speed, decided to drink and drive, and now I have to die.

Why do people do this, Mom, knowing that this is going to ruin many lives? The pain is cutting me like a hundred knives. Tell my sister not to cry, tell Daddy to be strong. And when I go to heaven, I'll be watching for you all. Someone should have taught that boy is wrong to drink and drive. Maybe if his parents would have said, I would not be dying now. My breath is getting weaker, more and more. Mom, these are my last moments and I feel so desperate. I wish I could hug Mom, while I'm lying here dying. I wish I could tell you how much I love you, Mom. So .. I love ... y. .. goodbye ... "

(These words were written by a reporter who witnessed the accident. The girl, as he died, I was saying these words and the reporter wrote down ... very overwhelmed. The journalist started this campaign, if you read this note, please click "SHARE", so more people can be aware. Therefore, I ask one small gesture, send it to your friends, family and loved ones.

Appeal Please click the link and hit "LIKE"

Page 15: Zahra Aboutalib

Cancer is one of the most dangerous Disease, in Action in this modern era.After Research Scientists have Announced yesterday that, Most of the Brain Cancer is Due to Cell Phones. Among the worst, it happens when we keep our mobile below the pillow in vibration mode.Scientist Stated Few Major:-1. Going to talk long?? Use Headphones!!2. Do not Keep Mobile Phones below Pillow while Sleeping.3. Use Left Ear Often.4. Do not Talk while the Mobile is Charging.

Major Precautions...Be safe and SHARE to make others TOO.

वि�ल गेट्स् अर्था��त microsoft क� जन्मद�त� स�र्थाै संस�रक� एक धनी ब्यविकत्� । जसल�ई संस�रको ब�रेम� सबैभन्द� बढी ज�नक�री थिर्थायो । यो कसरी भयो ? र उविनले कसरी microsoft को आवि�स्क�र गरे ? उनको ब�ल्यक�ल कस्तो थिर्थायो त ?

आउनुस् यसको ब�रेम� केही ज�नक�री थिलउुु....

William Henry Gates III was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. His mother's name was Mary Maxwell, his father's William Gates II; he also had two sisters in his family. He attended a normal school, but there was a problem…. He misbehaved all the time in there, but he was a really smart boy. His teachers later described him as a nerd. His parents found that the cause of this misbehaviour was because he had nothing to do, and he got bored. They decided to buy the new edition of The World Book Encyclopaedia to combat his boredom. But he quickly read all the entire set. The first time Bill saw a computer was at the “Seattle World's Fair” when he was 7 (1962), it was an IBM microcomputer.

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In 1967 Bill's parents decided to move him to a private school, the Lakeside School. His parents wanted him to like sports but he refused to go practice a sport, instead of playing he was reading all the time or just sitting around thinking. Later he became a member of the science and math group. In these groups he met a new friend, Kent Evans, a boy obsessed with making money, whom his teachers described as a “forty-year-old businessman”.

In the summer of 1968 the Lakeside School decided to find a way for students to have access to a computer. They wanted the school to have technology. In this times the computers were 4 times bigger, they were huge machines, and complicated to use. The Lakeside School, decided to buy the ASR-33 Teletype, although it was very noisy. Bill became very excited about this idea. They divided the kids that liked computers in two different groups, one group were the kids that were interested in hardware, and the other the ones who were interested in software; Bill and Kent decide to go to software.

At this time using a computer was very difficult, because people had to know a programming language, and the most accessible was BASIC. Bill became an expert in BASIC, and was soon writing programs to help him solve math calculations, or just games. Burt a wonderful thing happened, a new company, “Computer Centre Corporation,” started settling in Seattle, and they installed the PDP-10. When this company learned about Bill and his friends creating smalls software, they led them use the computers for free if they promised to crash them, in this computers there were bugs that needed to be fixed, and the company let Bill and his friends to do this job for them for free. Bill was very excited with the idea, and became the best crasher in the group. However, he got tired of crashing the computers and he started programming in BASIC. He made a war game, but he never finished; he was always adding new features to the game. Bill became obsessed with computers. At this time Bill's grades improved.

Bill and Kent met a new friend, Paul Allen, who was a freshman at the time Bill and Kent were in their junior year. What they had in common was their interest in making money. They started searching for ways of making money with the computers, creating sofwares. Paul discovered a PDP-10 at the University of Washington. The group moved to work there.

A computer company asked Paul to write a payroll program for them, Paul tried to do that by himself, but he couldn't, so he asked Bill and Kent to help him they did, and they did mostly of the work. Paul couldn't continue going to college and being in this business at the same time, so he decided to quit, and stay in college.

Paul and Kent finished the program, and were paid with 10000$ worth in renting computer time, but they had to spent that in less than a year. Later they were asked to make several programs for the school; they were very good at it. In the middle of a project of Bill and Kent, Kent decided to go to a mountain bike class, he fell from a 600 feet mountain and died, Bill broke into tears.

The school, asked Bill to do a schedule program, he finished it and won 4200 $, he became the smartest

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guy on campus. After Paul came back to Seattle from Washington D.C, he and Bill formed a new company, Trans-O-Data. They created a program that records the flows of traffic, but didn't work very well. Bill was about to go to college, and had no time to run Trans-O-Data.

Bill was meant to go Harvard University. It was his senior year, the company TRW, hire Paul and bill to write a project desperately behind schedule, the school, led Bill, to miss the remain of the year of school. He just went to Lakeside to do his final exams. He and Paul went to Vancouver to finish the project. Bill had to stop the project, because he had to attend Harvard, so he told Paul that he couldn't go on.

Bill decided to be an engineer, he decided to study math. This time he wasn't the smartest guy on campus, but anyway he was very good. He was still in the computers stuff. He continued creating programs, and all that.

A new computer came, the Altair 8800, it was a bad computer it had nothing, it just had a light that, turned on and of, there was no programming language. Bill and Paul started working on a programming language that would be useful for the Altair 8800, finished it, and presented it to the company. This company was surprised by the excellent work that they did, and they offered Paul a job as Vice President of the department of software.

Bill had decided to quit Harvard to create his own software company with Paul, Microsoft; this word came from “microcomputers” and “software.” The company IBM hired them to make an operating system for their computers; they created Dos, the first operating system by Microsoft. But there was a problem, the company Mac, started with another operating system called Mac, or Macintosh, which was friendly with the users, was easier to use, and fun. IBM hired them again for making a new operating system for their computers; they created the famous Windows 3.1, this software was awesome, the Microsoft company was getting bigger and bigger, windows 3.1 was sold like candies, there was when Bill Gates became the wealthiest men in the united states.

Bill Gates was a very interesting person. He was very intelligent in his childhood, but when he had nothing to do he got bored. The computers were introduced to him, and he take out that boredom, and his grades started to progress, he became an expert in the software area of the computer, and started his own company, Microsoft. IBM hired this company, and he became millionaire.

वि�थिलयम हेनरी गेट्स III थिसएटल, �ॉशि/ंगटन में 28 अक्टूबर, 1955 को पैद� हुआ र्था�. उसकी म�ँ क� न�म मरिरयम मैक्स�ेल, अपने विपत� वि�थिलयम गेट्स वि9तीय र्था�, �ह भी उनके परिर��र में दो बहनों की र्थाी. �ह एक स�म�न्य स्कूल में भ�ग थिलय�, लेविकन �ह�ँ एक समस्य� र्थाी .... �ह �ह�ँ सभी समय दुर्व्य��ह�र विकय�, लेविकन �ह एक सच में होथि/य�र लड़क� र्था�. उनके थि/क्षकों ब�द उसे एक बे�कूफ के रूप में �र्णिCंत है. उसके म�त� विपत� ने प�य� है विक इस दुर्व्य��ह�र के क�रC र्था�, क्योंविक �ह कुछ भी नहीं करन� र्था�, और �ह ऊब गय�. �े वि�श्व पुस्तक वि�श्वको/ के नए संस्करC को खरीदने के थिलए अपनी बोरिरयत क� मुक�बल� करने क� फैसल� विकय�. लेविकन �ह जल्दी से सभी पूरे सेट को पढें . पहली ब�र वि�धेयक देख� "थिसएटल वि�श्व मेल�" जब �ह 7 (1962) र्था�, यह र्था� एक आईबीएम म�इक्रो कंप्यूटर पर एक कंप्यूटर र्था�.

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1967 में विबल के म�त� विपत� उसे एक विनजी स्कूल, लेकस�इड स्कूल को स्थ�न�ंतरिरत करने क� फैसल� विकय�. उसके म�त� विपत� उसे खेल की तरह करने के थिलए च�हते र्थाे, लेविकन �ह ज�ने के थिलए एक खेल क� अभ्य�स के बज�य खेल �ह हर समय पढ़ रह� र्था� य� थिसफ� सोच के आसप�स बैठे, से इनक�र कर दिदय�. ब�द में उन्होंने वि�ज्ञ�न और गणिCत के समूह के एक सदस्य बन गय�. इन समूहों में उन्होंने एक नय� दोस्त, कें ट इ��ंस, एक पैसे, अपने थि/क्षकों जिजसे एक "च�लीस �र्षीWय र्व्य�स�यी" के रूप में �र्णिCंत बन�ने के स�र्था प�गल लड़के से मुल�क�त की.

1968 की गर्मिमंयों में लेकस�इड स्कूल के छ�त्रों के थिलए एक तरह से एक कंप्यूटर करने के थिलए उपयोग विकय� है मिमल क� फैसल� विकय�. �े स्कूल के थिलए प्रौद्योविगकी है च�हत� र्था�. इस समय में कंप्यूटर 4 ब�र बड़� र्थाे, �े भ�री म/ीनों रे्था, और उपयोग करने के थिलए जदिटल. लेकस�इड स्कूल, टेथिलट�इप ASR-33 खरीदने क� फैसल� विकय�, ह�ल�ंविक यह बहुत /ोर र्था�. वि�धेयक इस वि�च�र के ब�रे में बहुत उत्स�विहत हो गय�. �े बच्चों है विक दो अलग अलग समूहों में कंप्यूटर पसंद वि�भ�जिजत, एक समूह है विक बच्चों को ह�ड��ेयर में रुथिच रखते रे्था के र्थाे, और अन्य लोगों, जो सॉफ्ट�ेयर में रुथिच रखते रे्था, विबल और कें ट सॉफ्ट�ेयर के थिलए ज�ने क� फैसल�.

यह एक कंप्यूटर क� उपयोग समय बहुत मुश्किbकल र्था�, क्योंविक लोगों को एक प्रोग्र�मिमंग भ�र्षी� क� पत� र्था�, और सबसे सुलभ बुविनय�दी र्था�. विबल बुविनय�दी में एक वि�/ेर्षीज्ञ बन गय� है, और जल्द ही उसे गणिCत गCन�, य� थिसफ� खेल को हल करने में मदद क�य�क्रमों लेखन. "कम्प्यूटर केन्द्र विनगम," बट� एक अद्भतु ब�त क्य� हुआ, एक नई कंपनी थिसएटल में बसने /ुरू कर दिदय� है, और �े पीडीपी-10 स्थ�विपत. जब इस कंपनी विबल और अपने मिमत्रों स्मॉल्स सॉफ्ट�ेयर बन�ने के ब�रे में सीख�, �े नेतृत्� उन्हें मुक्त करने के थिलए कंप्यूटर क� उपयोग करें यदिद �े उन्हें दुर्घ�टन� क� ��द� विकय�, इस कंप्यूटर में कीडे़ विक तय होने की जरूरत है, और कंपनी वि�धेयक और अपने दोस्तों के थिलए कर दो मुफ्त के थिलए उनके थिलए इस क�म है. वि�धेयक वि�च�र के स�र्था बहुत उत्स�विहत र्था�, और समूह में सबसे अच्छ� आने��ल� बन गय�. ह�ल�ंविक, �ह कंप्यूटर दुर्घ�टन�ग्रस्त र्थाक गय� और �ह बुविनय�दी में प्रोग्र�मिमंग /ुरू कर दिदय�. �ह एक युद्ध खेल बन�य� है, लेविकन �ह कभी नहीं सम�प्त, �ह हमे/� इस खेल के थिलए नई सुवि�ध�ए ँजोड़ने. वि�धेयक कंप्यूटर के स�र्था प�गल बन गय�. इस ब�र वि�धेयक के ग्रेड में सुध�र.

विबल और कें ट एक नए दोस्त पॉल एलन, जो विबल और कें ट उनके कविनष्ठ �र्षी� में र्थाे समय पर एक नए र्था� से मुल�क�त की. क्य� �े आम में र्था� पैस� बन�ने में उनकी रुथिच र्थाी. �े कंप्यूटर के स�र्था पैस� बन�ने के तरीके के थिलए खोज, sofwares बन�ने /ुरू कर दिदय�. पॉल ��शि/ंगटन वि�श्ववि�द्य�लय में एक पीडीपी-10 की खोज की. समूह के थिलए �ह�ँ क�म करने के थिलए चले गए.

एक कंप्यूटर कंपनी ने उनसे पूछ� विक उनके थिलए एक पेरोल प्रोग्र�म थिलखने, पॉल है विक खुद के 9�र� की कोथि// की, लेविकन �ह ऐस� नहीं �ह विबल और कैं ट से पूछ� सकत� है और उसे मदद �े विकय�, और �े क�म के ज्य�द�तर विकय�. पॉल कॉलेज में ज� रही है और एक ही समय में इस क�रोब�र में ज� रह� है ज�री नहीं है, तो �ह पद छोड़ने क� फैसल� विकय� र्था�, और कॉलेज में रहन�.

पॉल और कें ट क�य�क्रम सम�प्त हो गय� है, और 10000 डॉलर कंप्यूटर समय को क�म पर रखने में मूल्य के स�र्था भुगत�न रे्था, लेविकन �े र्था� विक एक स�ल से भी कम समय में खच�. ब�द में �े स्कूल के थिलए कई क�य�क्रमों को बन�ने के थिलए पूछ� गय� है, �े इसे बहुत अचे्छ र्थाे. विबल और कें ट के एक परिरयोजन� के बीच में, कें ट एक प��त ब�इक �ग� में ज�ने क� फैसल� विकय�, �ह एक 600 फुट पह�ड़ से विगर गय� और मर गय�, विबल आँसू में तोड़ दिदय�.

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स्कूल, वि�धेयक के थिलए एक क�य�क्रम क�य�क्रम से पूछ�, �ह सम�प्त हो गय� और 4200 $ जीत�, �ह परिरसर में होथि/य�र आदमी बन गय�. ब�द पॉल थिसएटल ��शि/ंगटन डीसी से ��पस आय�, �ह और वि�धेयक एक नई कंपनी, ट्र�ंस O-डेट� क� गठन विकय�. �े एक प्रोग्र�म है विक य�त�य�त के प्र��ह क� रिरकॉड� बन�य� है, लेविकन र्था� बहुत अच्छी तरह से क�म नहीं है. वि�धेयक के ब�रे में कॉलेज के थिलए ज�ने के थिलए विकय� गय� र्था�, और कोई ट्र�ंस - हे ड�ट� चल�ने के थिलए समय र्था�.

विबल ह���ड� वि�श्ववि�द्य�लय ज�ने क� मतलब र्था�. यह अपने �रिरष्ठ �र्षी� र्था�, कंपनी TRW, विकर�य� पॉल और विबल सख्त अनुसूची के पीछे एक परिरयोजन� थिलखने, स्कूल, नेतृत्� वि�धेयक, स्कूल के �र्षी� के रहते य�द करने के थिलए. �ह थिसफ� लेकस�इड के थिलए चल� गय� अपने अवंितम परीक्ष� है. �ह और पॉल परिरयोजन� को पूर� करने के थिलए �ैंकू�र करने के थिलए चल� गय�. वि�धेयक को परिरयोजन� रोक र्थाी, क्योंविक �ह ह���ड� में भ�ग लेने के थिलए र्था�, तो �ह पॉल कह� विक �ह नहीं ज� सक�.

वि�धेयक के थिलए एक इंजीविनयर होने क� फैसल� विकय�, �ह गणिCत क� अध्ययन करने क� फैसल� विकय�. इस ब�र �ह परिरसर में होथि/य�र आदमी नहीं र्था�, लेविकन �ैसे भी �ह बहुत अच्छ� र्था�. �ह अभी भी कंप्यूटर स�म�न में र्था�. उन्होंने बन�ने के क�य�क्रमों को ज�री रख�, और यह सब.

एक नए कंप्यूटर आय�, 8800 अल्टेयर है, यह एक बुर� कंप्यूटर है यह कुछ भी नहीं र्था� विकय� गय� र्था�, यह थिसफ� एक प्रक�/ है विक, पर और बदल गय� है, �ह�ँ कोई प्रोग्र�मिमंग भ�र्षी� र्थाी. विबल और पॉल एक प्रोग्र�मिमंग भ�र्षी� है विक 8800 अल्टेयर के थिलए उपयोगी होग� पर क�म /ुरू कर दिदय� है, यह सम�प्त हो गय� है, और यह कंपनी के थिलए प्रस्तुत. इस कंपनी उत्कृष्ट क�म है विक �े विकय� र्था� 9�र� आश्चय�चविकत र्था�, और पॉल �े सॉफ्ट�ेयर के वि�भ�ग के उप�ध्यक्ष के रूप में एक नौकरी की पे/क/ की.

विबल ह���ड� छोड़ने के थिलए पॉल, म�इक्रोसॉफ्ट के स�र्था अपने स्�यं के सॉफ्ट�ेयर कंपनी बन�ने क� फैसल� विकय� र्था�, "सॉफ्ट�ेयर" इस /ब्द से आय� "microcomputers" और कंपनी आईबीएम ने उन्हें विकर�ए के थिलए अपने कंप्यूटर के थिलए एक ऑपरेटिटंग थिसस्टम बन�ने, �े डॉस बन�य�, पहली ऑपरेटिटंग म�इक्रोसॉफ्ट 9�र� प्रC�ली. लेविकन �ह�ँ एक समस्य� र्थाी, कंपनी मैक, अन्य ऑपरेटिटंग थिसस्टम मैक बुल�य� य� Macintosh, जो उपयोगकत��ओं के स�र्था दोस्त�न� र्था� के स�र्था /ुरू है, उपयोग करने के थिलए आस�न र्था�, और मज़�. आईबीएम उन्हें विफर से अपने कंप्यूटर के थिलए एक नए ऑपरेटिटंग थिसस्टम बन�न ेके थिलए क�म पर रख� है, �े बन�य� प्रथिसद्ध Windows 3.1, इस सॉफ्ट�ेयर भय�नक र्था�, Microsoft कंपनी और बड़ी बड़ी हो रही र्थाी, खिखड़विकय�ं 3.1 कैं डी की तरह बेच दिदय� गय� र्था�, �ह�ँ र्था� जब विबल गेट्स धनी बन गय� संयुक्त र�ज्य अमेरिरक� में पुरुर्षीों.

विबल गेट्स एक बहुत ही दिदलचस्प र्व्यथिक्त र्था�. अपने बचपन में �ह बहुत बुजिद्धम�न र्था�, लेविकन जब �ह कुछ भी नहीं करन� र्था� विक �ह ऊब गय�. कंप्यूटर उसे /ुरू विकए गए रे्था, और �ह ब�हर है विक ऊब ले, और उसके ग्रेड प्रगवित के थिलए /ुरू कर दिदय� है, �ह कंप्यूटर के सॉफ़्ट�ेयर के के्षत्र में एक वि�/ेर्षीज्ञ बन गय� है, और अपनी खुद की कंपनी, म�इक्रोसॉफ्ट /ुरू कर दिदय�. आईबीएम ने इस कंपनी को क�म पर रख� है, और �ह करोड़पवित बन गए.

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Chefs in China make Urine Boiled Eggs!

Yes, the eggs are made in urine, and they have been making it for thousands of years! The urine is gathered from local schools and the very best comes from boys under 10 years old. “They pee in buckets and we collect it fresh every day," explained chef Lu Ming."Ming says that the eggs are delicious and healthy and make you stay awake and sharp. Ming is looking forward to a project to export Urine eggs to other countries and make it 'A big thing'.

Page 21: Zahra Aboutalib

Thomas Beatie, who was born a woman but lives as a man in Oregon after surgery and hormone treatment, was the first man to become a mother. Thomas Beatie, 34, who is legally a man but kept female reproductive organs when he had a sex-change operation 10 years ago, made headlines around the world and was dubbed the "pregnant man" before giving birth to a baby girl on June 29. After giving birth he did not go back on the male hormone testosterone that he took after his sex change, because he wanted to have another baby. Beatie's wife, Nancy, 46, whom he married five years ago, was unable to conceive because of a prior hysterectomy. That is why he had a baby himself, through artificial insemination using donor sperm and Beatie's own egg.

If he can, everybody can!PENG SHUILIN had half of his body amputated after being run over by a truck. But he never gave up! His recovery has amazed surgeons after almost two years undergoing a series of operations. The vice-president of the hospital where this 37-year old Chinese man has been treated said: “He is amazing and the only person in the world to survive having so much of his body amputated.” He’s doing well now and has opened his own bargain supermarket - called the Half Man-Half Price Store. That’s incredible. We should not Give up Whatever the situations are...........__________________________________

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Mountain (Tianmen),Chunan province,China (1430 meter)

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