Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis Aditya Lathe

Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis

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A description of the Greek financial crisis (pre cursor to the current Euro Zone Crisis)

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Page 1: Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis

Greek Sovereign Debt CrisisAditya Lathe

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The European Union

Greek Crisis Timeline

Causative Factors


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European Union- History• Founded as European Economic Community in

1957 by 6 countries- Belgium, France, (West) Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands (in response to greater integration after WWII).

• In 1992, under the “Treaty on European Union” signed at Maastricht, the name ‘European Union’ officially replaces ‘European Community’.

• As of 2011, 27 countries in Europe are part of the European Union.

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EU – Member States

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• Euro introduced as a common currency in 11 EU countries in January 1999.

• Physical notes and coins introduced in January 2002, replacing all national currencies.

• As of 2011, 17 nations within the EU, use the Euro as a common currency. The nations, implying a monetary union, are together denoted as Eurozone.

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Eurozone GDP (Nominal) (Source: ECB)

S.No. Country GDP (2010) %1 Austria 286.2 3.12%2 Belgium 354.4 3.87%3 Cyprus 17.3 0.19%4 Estonia 14.3 0.16%5 Finland 180.3 1.97%6 France 1932.8 21.09%7 Germany 2476.8 27.02%8 Greece 227.3 2.48%9 Ireland 156 1.70%

10 Italy 1548.8 16.90%11 Luxembourg 40.3 0.44%12 Malta 6.2 0.07%13 Netherlands 588.4 6.42%14 Portugal 172.8 1.89%15 Slovakia 65.9 0.72%16 Slovenia 35.4 0.39%17 Spain 1062.6 11.59%

Total €9165.8bn


Belgium4% Fin-










GDP (2010)

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The European Union

Greek Crisis Timeline

Causative Factors


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Crisis Timeline

Jan 2001: Greece joins the Eurozone, becoming the 12th member to adopt the Euro

Nov 2004: Admits to fudging figures to gain entry to the Euro. Says deficit was not below 3% of GDP, as required by EU rules. Has been consistently above 3% since 1999.

Mar 2005: Adopts austerity measures to reduce deficit and improve finances post the hosting of Olympics. Posts short recovery upto 2006, when GDP grows by 4.1% in 3 months.

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Crisis TimelineOct 2009: Recovery short-lived after Global Financial Crisis. Debt fears mount. Economy contracts by 0.3%, national debt up by 56% in 5 years (€242bn), deficit expected to be 6% of GDP. (Later revised to 12.7% of GDP).

Dec 2009: Fitch downgrades rating from A- to BBB+, a first in 10 years. Govt. proposes radical reforms, including crackdown on corruption and reining in public spending. Workers begin strikes.

Feb 2010: Deficit at 12.7%, debt at €300bn. 1st Austerity measure announced, includes freeze on public sector pay & higher taxes. Strikes intensify. Goldman Sachs under Fed enquiry for helping Greece “borrow” billions through Exchange Rate Swaps.

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Crisis TimelineApr 2010: 16 Eurozone members announce bailout package. €30bn 3 year loan at 5% interest, to be provided over next 1 year through the ECB. IMF to provide €15bn. S&P downgrades rating to BB+ (Junk status), as loan amount not seen as enough. 2nd Austerity measures announced, include salary cuts, increase in taxes.

May 2010: Size of bailout package increased to avert sovereign default. €110bn 3 year loan at 5% interest to be provided, with Eurozone members share at €80bn and IMF share at €30bn. Deficit at 13.6%. Govt. submits a 3year plan aimed at cutting budget deficit from 13.6% of GDP in 2009 to below 3% of GDP in 2014.

May 2010: With default fears from Portugal and Ireland, EFSF worth €750bn launched. €440bn loan backed guarantee and bilateral loans by Eurozone members, €60bn balance of payment support by EU members and upto €250bn by IMF support to be made available to weak economies.

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Crisis Timeline

Jul 11: 2nd Eurozone Bailout package announced. €109bn to be provided through EFSF, at lower interest rates (~3.5%) & with longer timeframe (15-30 yrs). Private sector contribution at €37bn.

Present: Country barely being sustained on drip-feed from the Troika “European Union, European Central Bank & International Monetary Fund”. Fate of the nation still uncertain.

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The European Union

Greek Crisis Timeline

Causative Factors


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Causative Factors



High fiscal deficit

Reliance on

external debt

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Structural Rigidities

Large & Inefficient Public Administration

Costly pension & Healthcare systems

Tax Evasion & absence of the will to maintain financial discipline

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Structural Rigidities• According to OECD, spending on public administration as a

percentage of total public expenditure in Greece was higher than in any other OECD member, “with no evidence that the quantity or quality of the services are superior”.

• Public sector plagued by overstaffing and poor productivity.• An aging Greek population—the percentage of Greeks aged over

64 is expected to rise from 19% in 2007 to 32% in 2060—could place additional burdens on public spending and what is widely considered one of Europe’s most generous pension systems.

• Informal economy in Greece valued at between 25%-30% of GDP.• Observers offer a variety of explanations for the prevalence of tax

evasion in Greece, including high levels of taxation and a complex tax code, excessive regulation, and inefficiency in the public sector.

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High Fiscal Deficit

High Govt. Spending on public administration

High Govt. Spending on pension and healthcare

Low Revenue collections

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High Fiscal Deficit• Greek government expenditures in 2009 accounted for 50% of

GDP, with 75% of (non-interest) public spending going to wages and social benefits.

• Total Greek public pension payments expected to increase from 11.5% of GDP in 2005 to 24% of GDP in 2050.

• Between 2001-2007, while central government expenditures increased by 87%, revenues grew by only 31%.

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High Fiscal Deficit

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Large External Debt

Adoption of Euro

Lax EU Rules enforcement

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External Debt

• With the currency bloc anchored by economic heavyweights (Germany and France), and a common monetary policy conservatively managed by the ECB, perceived stability due to Eurozone membership allowed access to capital at artificially low interest rates• Lax EU Rules enforcement: No financial

penalty for Budget deficit >3% and debt >60% of GDP• Got away with hiding billions of dollars of debt

through currency exchange rate swaps

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Central Govt. Debt- Dec 2010

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Central Govt. Debt – June 2011

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Central Govt. Debt – Maturity Profile

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Debt (% of GDP) - Trend

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Debt (% of GDP) - Comparative

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Country Exposure

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Comparative 10 yr Bond yields

German Bonds Greek Bonds

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The European Union

Greek Crisis Timeline

Causative Factors


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Outright Default

Bailout through EU support & austerity measures

Orderly Default

Exit from Eurozone

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Option I: Outright Default• German and French financial institutions are thought to hold

up to 35-40% of Greek debt and would be severely hit.• The credibility of the ECB would suffer, and that could hurt

international investment in the eurozone.• A default could bankrupt Greek banks, which together are

reckoned to hold about a quarter of the Greek sovereign debt.• The fear is of contagion - the weaker eurozone countries

would find it more expensive to borrow in commercial markets. The Irish Republic and Portugal might need a further EU-IMF bail-out.

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Option II- EU Support & Austerity Measures• Greece to survive on drip-support from Eurozone . Meanwhile, to

shore up finances by continuing with austerity measures. • Austerity Measures: • Taxes increased by €2.32bn, with additional taxes of € 3.38bn in

2012.• Public sector wage bill to be cut steadily to shrink it by more than

€2bn by 2015. Measures include public sector wage cut of 15%, cap on wages and bonuses.

• Defence spending to be cut by €200mn in 2012, and by €333mn each year from 2013 to 2015.

• Health spending to be cut by €310mn in 2011 and a further €1.81bn in 2012-2015.

• Social security to be cut by €1.09bn in 2011, €1.28bn in 2012 and €1.03bn in 2013.

• €50bn euros to be raised from privatisations by 2015.

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Option III- Orderly default• Holders of Greek government bonds would have to accept less

than they were worth, "take a haircut".• According to analysts, the size of that haircut could be

anything between 20% and 50%.• If the settlement were negotiated in an orderly fashion, it

could form part of an acceptable solution - although it would make investors reluctant to buy more Greek bonds in the future.

• Another problem for Greece is that the ratings agencies would probably treat a debt restructuring as a default anyway.

• It would also raise interest rates for bonds issued by other troubled eurozone "periphery" economies - especially the Irish Republic and Portugal - and depress the value of the euro.

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Option IV: Exit from Eurozone• Being in the eurozone, Greece is unable to restore its economic

competitiveness by devaluing its currency.• Greece could exit the Euro and return to the drachma at a new

exchange rate: one euro would equal one drachma.• Such a measure would boost exports, tourism. However, would

negatively impact imports.• However, it would increase the size of Greece's debt mountain

and Greece will experience hyperinflation. It may cause a run on the banks.

• Speculation will be fueled regarding other similar orderly exits of other countries (Ireland, Portugal and others).

• There is no legal procedure for leaving the eurozone and some economists said treaty changes would have to take place before an exit could happen.

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