Doctor Iterate OR HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE HIGHER-ORDER FUNCTIONS http://www.slideshare.net/TimothyRoberts8/ dr-iterate-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-higherorder-functions

Dr iterate

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Page 1: Dr iterate



Page 2: Dr iterate

Tim Roberts


Okay MentorBetter Older Brother

JavaScript EvangelistFunctional-ish Developer

Page 3: Dr iterate

Programming is Hard

Page 4: Dr iterate

The Fun Part

Page 5: Dr iterate

Joe Armstrong - Coders At Work

I think the lack of reusability comes in object-oriented languages, not functional

languages. Because the problem with object-oriented languages is

they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry

around with them.

Page 6: Dr iterate

OOP-ishvar Student = function(name, gpa, level) {

this.name = name

this.gpa = gpa

this.level = level


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OOP-ishStudent.prototype.getName = function(){

return this.name


Student.prototype.getGpa = function(){

return this.gpa


Student.prototype.raiseLevel = function(){

this.level = this.level + 1


Page 8: Dr iterate

Gary Entsminger- The Tao of Objects

Putting operations and behaviors in one place makes good sense; it’s

safer and more convenient

Page 9: Dr iterate

OOP-ishvar StudentList = function(students){

this.students = students

this.getNames = function(){/* …. */


this.raiseStudentsLevel = function(){/* …. */



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Imperative-ishvar students = […]

var names = []

for(var = i; i < students.length; i++){

var name = students[i].getName()



console.log(names) // Katie, Emmie, Timi, …

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OOP-ishthis.getNames = function(){

var names = []for(var = i; i < this.students.length; i++){

var name = this.students[i].getName()names.push(name)

}return names


this.raiseStudentsLevel = function(){for(var = i; i < this.students.length; i++){

var student= this.students[i]student.raiseLevel()


Page 12: Dr iterate

Simon Peyton Jones – Coders at Work

When the limestone of imperative programming is worn away, the granite

of functional programming will be


Page 13: Dr iterate

OOP-ishthis.forEachStudent = function(fn){

for( var i = 0; i < this.students.length; i++){

var student = this.students[i]fn(student,i,this.students)



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this.getNames = function(){var names = [],

getName = function(student, i, this.students){var name = studet.getName()names.push(name)

}this.forEachStudent(getName)return names


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this.raiseLevels = function(){var raiseStudentLevel =




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var TeacherList = function(teachers){

this.teachers = teachers

this.getNames = /* ….? */ }

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function forEach(arr,fn){for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){



Page 18: Dr iterate

Functional-ishvar studentNames = []forEach(StudentList.students,(student) => {

studentNames.push(student.getName())})var teachersNames= []forEach(TeacherList.teachers,(teacher) => {


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What Is Our Worker Doing?

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function map(arr,fn){var result = []for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){

var newVal = fn(arr[i],i,arr)result.push(newVal)

}return result


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var studentNames = map(StudentList.students, student =>

student.getName())var teachersNames=

map(TeacherList.teachers, teacher => teacher.getName())

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Regular Objects

var studentNames = map(students, student => student.name)

var teachersNames= map(teachers, teacher => teacher.name)

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Regular Objects

var getName = obj => obj.name

var studentNames= map(students, getName)

var teachersNames= map(teachers, getName)

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Better But Repetitive

var getName = obj => obj.name

var getAge = obj => obj.age

var getLocation = obj => obj.location

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What Are We Actually Doing?

var pluck = key => obj =>obj[key]

var getName = pluck(‘name’)

var getAge = pluck(‘age’)

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So What About Higher-Order Functions?

Page 27: Dr iterate

A Higher-Order Function is

A function that accepts a function:function map(arr,fn){

var result = []for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){

var newVal = fn(arr[i],i,arr)result.push(newVal)

}return result


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A Higher-Order Function is

A function that returns a function:var pluck = key => obj => obj[key]

Page 29: Dr iterate

Let’s Solve Something


Page 30: Dr iterate

Let’s Solve Something



northdelta south

west gamma


Page 31: Dr iterate

What Data Structure?

var Board = function(){this.board = …

this.drawBoard = function(center){/* .... */


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What Data Structure?

var board = …

var makeBoard = (board,center){/* .... */


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Why Does It Matter?

Is The Board Always Correct?

Am I Touching The Board?

What’s The Contract?

Page 34: Dr iterate

Reusable Solutionsconst board = str => str.split(‘\n’)

.map(row => row.split(‘’))




const board

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Reusable Solutionsconst board = str => str.split(‘\n’)

.map(row => row.split(‘’))

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Get Only If…

const row = [‘.’,’.’,’A’,’.’,’.’]

const emptyIndexes = /* ….? */

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Get Only If…const filter = (arr,pred) => {

const result = []for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){

const item = arr[i] if(pred(item,i,arr){


}return result


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Half Way There

const row = [‘.’,’.’,’A’,’.’,’.’]

const emptyIndexes = filter(row,char => char === ‘.’)

Page 39: Dr iterate

Map To The Rescue!

const row = [‘.’,’.’,’A’,’.’,’.’]

const emptyIndexes = row.map( (char, i) => ({ index: i, char}) )

.filter({char} => char === ‘.’)

console.log(emptyIndexes) // [{index: 0, char: ‘.’},…]

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Loop ALL The Times

const row = [‘.’,’.’,’A’,’.’,’.’]

const emptyIndexes = row.map( (char, i) => ({ index: i, char}) )

.filter({char} => char === ‘.’) .map(pluck(‘index’))

console.log(emptyIndexes) // [0,1,3,4]

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How Does That Help Us?const mines = board => /* ….? */


const board


const mines

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How Does That Help Us?const minesFromRows = (row,y) =>

row.map((char, x) => ({location: [x,y],char})

.filter({char} => char !== ‘.’)

const mineCoords = board => board.map(minesFromRows)

.filter(row => row.length) .reduce((list,row) =>

list.concat(row),[]) .map(pluck(‘location’))

Page 43: Dr iterate

Reduce Down For What?const reduce = (arr,fn,start) => {

let result = startfor(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){

const curr = arr[i],pre = result

result = fn(pre,curr,i, arr)}return result


Page 44: Dr iterate

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

const biggestDelta = ([x1,y1],[x2,y2] =>


const furthestPoints =(mines,[centerX,centerY]) =>


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Actually Smart People


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Actually Smart People


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