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Forumul Neconstituțional

Legat de polemica privind lipsa de transparență în activitatea Comisiei parlamentare pentru

revizuirea Constituției am o observație generală și câteva exemple care demonstrează că alte

țări prevăd dreptul ca propunerile concrete privind amendarea Constituției să fie făcute de

structuri, asociații, grupuri altele decât Parlamentele naționale.

1. Observația cu caracter general

Regulamentul de organizarea și funcționare al Comisiei prevede la Articolul 3, aliniatul 2,

accesul liber a doi reprezentanți ai Forumului Constituțional la lucrările Comisiei

parlamentare. Această prevedere este neconstituțională, încălcând prin discriminare dreptul

la informare al cetățenilor. Forumul Constituțional nu are statut legal de organism consultativ,

nici pentru elaborarea și nici pentru dezbatere, iar, în această situație ilegală, mi se pare

periculos că nici măcar opoziția nu a semnalat starea de ilegalitate care permite accesul

preferențial al unor cetățeni români fără statut de parlamentar la lucrările Comisiei. În același

timp alte asociații nu au dreptul să participe. Nu poți să stabilești ședințe secrete ale

Parlamentului și în același timp să accepți la lucrări diar anumiți cetățeni.

2. Exemple -citate care prezintă cum alte țări sau UE au oferit acces la procesul de

elaborare, negociere și consultare cu actori sociali alții decât puterea legislativă.

a. Franța

”Proposed in Nicolas Sarkozy's manifesto during the French presidential election of 2007, the

stated goal of the changes was to modernise the institutions of the Fifth Republic. The

Comité de réflexion et de proposition sur la modernisation et le rééquilibrage des

institutions, (literally : "A committee of reflection and proposal on the modernisation and the

re-balancing of the institutions"), presided over by Édouard Balladur, a former Prime

Minister, was established in July 2007. It was composed primarily of constitutional jurists and

political personalities with legal competence. Following three months of work, it submitted its

report to the President of the Republic on 29 October 2007.

This resulted in a bill, which was approved by the National Assembly on 9 July 2008 and by

the Senate on the 17th.”

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b. Canada


the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons, 1991.

Extract from the Minutes & Proceedings of the Senate of Wednesday, January 30, 1991:

- That the Senate do unite with the House of Commons in the appointment of a Special Joint

Committee to consult broadly with Canadians and inquire into and report upon the process for

amending the Constitution of Canada, including, where appropriate, proposals for

amending one or more of the amending formulae, with particular reference to:

(i) the role of the Canadian public in the process;

(ii) the effectiveness of the existing process and formulae for securing constitutional

amendments; and

(iii) alternatives to the current process and formulae, including those set out in the discussion

paper prepared by the Government of Canada entitled "Amending the Constitution of


That the Committee, or a sub-committee, have power to travel, and hold public hearings,

within Canada;


We recommend that Parliament's procedural rulles be amended to make mandatory the

holding of public hearings on any proposed constitiltional amendment initiated by the

Government of Canada, or to which the Government of Canada has given its agreement

in principle, such hearings to be held early enough to allow for changes to the proposal.

We recommend to the provincial and territorial legislatures that they consider adopting

similar procedures.

c. Uniunea Europeană – Constituția

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee

Acting on its own initiative, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted a

position at its meeting of 24 and 25 September on the negotiations within the IGC. The

Committee supported the general balance of the draft Constitutional Treaty, but recommended

that those taking part in the IGC detail and clarify certain points in such a way as to increase

the trust and involvement of the general public and civil society organisations.

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The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body that gives

representatives of Europe's socio-occupational interest groups, and others, a formal platform

to express their points of views on EU issues. Its opinions are forwarded to the larger

institutions - the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament. It thus has a key role

to play in the Union's decision-making process.


The ESC was set up by the 1957 Rome Treaties in order to involve economic and social

interest groups in the establishment of the common market and to provide institutional

machinery for briefing the European Commission and the Council of Ministers on European

Union issues.

The Single European Act (1986), the Maastricht Treaty (1992), the Amsterdam Treaty (1997)

and the Treaty of Nice (2000) have reinforced the EESC's role.

Membership- The 344 members of the EESC are drawn from economic and social interest

groups in Europe.

Members are nominated by national governments and appointed by the Council of the

European Union for a renewable 5-year term of office. The latest renewal was in October

2010 for the mandate 2010-2015.

Concluzii: Comisia parlamentară a omis să țină seama de contextul în care se schimbă

acest document. În condiții de criză economică, cu un nivel de incredere socială foarte

scăzut în Parlamentul României și cu o evidentă lipsă de competență în dialogul social,

cel mai important segment din procesul de revizuire al Constituției lipsește: un organism

național consultativ cu putere de negociere și reprezentare socială. Parlamentul are

statut de instituție fundamentală de reprezentare doar politică, cu putere de negociere,

Forumul Constituțional este doar o organizație vitrină a majorității parlamentare fără

putere de reprezentare, consultare și cu atât mai puțin de negociere.