Lesson 151日目) 「接続詞」を使った表現 milestone management, inc. 1 【接続詞】

Lesson 15 1

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Lesson 15(1日目)


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2つの文書を、ひとつにつなぐ単語 = 接続詞


Becky raised her hand and she asked a question.

Becky raised her hand. という文章と、

She asked a question. という文章を、




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① and ~と~。そして

② but しかし

③ or ~か、または

④ so なので

⑤ because なぜならば

⑥ when ~した時

⑦ if もし~ならば


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接続詞を使った例文: and(そして)


① I stayed at home yesterday and I watched TV.

② I went to the library with Kevin, and we did our homework


and を使う時のルール


① I stayed at home yesterday and (I) watched TV.



② I went to the library with Kevin, and we did our homework

together.milestone management, inc. 4

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接続詞を使った例文: but(しかし)

① I bought a newspaper, but I didn’t read it.

② Tsutomu spent two years in the U.S., but he can’t speak


③ I studied very hard, but I didn’t get a good grade on math.

but を使う時のルール

but の前にはカンマ(,)が必要。

but の前後の文の主語が同じでも、主語は省略しない。(and と


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接続詞を使った例文: or(~か、または)

① Becky is not at school today. She must be sick, or she must

have something important.

② It is Sunday today. Should we go to the movies, or should

we go shopping?

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接続詞を使った例文: so と because


① It was very hot, so I opened the window.

② I worked for 15 hours today, so I am very tired.


③ I opened the window because it was very hot.

④ I am very tired because I worked for 15 hours today.

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because の使い方のルール

because が先導する文(サブ)が、前半に来ても、後半でもOK

① I opened the window because it was very hot.

② Because it was very hot, I opened the window.

because が先導する文が前に来るケースでは、カンマ(,)が必要

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I opened the window because it was very hot.

主節(メイン) 従属節(サブ)

この2つのルールは、because, when, if, で共通となる。

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接続詞を使った例文: when(~の時)

① I met Nancy when I went to the movies.

② When I went out, it was raining.

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接続詞を使った例文: if(もし~ならば)

① If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we are going on a picnic.

② It will be cheaper, if we take the bus.

We will get there more quickly, if we take a taxi.

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when と if を使った「未来の表現」で注意すること

when と if を使う文章で「未来」を表現する場合には、

when と if の入った側(サブ)のフレーズでは「時制は現在」にする。

I will call you when I get home.


「電話するよ」= I will call you.

「家に着いたら」= when I get home.


しかし、「未来形」の will を使っているのは、I will call you だけ。

when (および if)のついている側(サブ)は、未来のことでも


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① If I see Nancy tomorrow, I will ask her to come to the party.

② If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go out.

③ When I meet Becky tonight, we will have dinner together.

④ When we finish final exams, we will have a big party.

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