HAKUKONEMARKKINOINTI While a search engine is relatively simple, humans are not 1

MA8 Digitaalinen markkinointi (luento 2)

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Aiheesta "Hakukonemarkkinointi" Turun kauppakorkeakoulu, 15.3.2012.

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“While a search engine is relatively simple, humans are not”


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Samaan aikaan Facebookissa…


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Mitä hakukonemarkkinointi on?

a. Hakukoneoptimointi (search engine optimization, SEO)

– on-page

– off-page

b. Hakusanamainonta (pay-per-click advertising, PPC)

– hakutulossivut

– sisältöverkostot


Hakukoneiden JA



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Hakutulossivu (SERP, search engine results page)





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Hakukoneoptimointi (SEO)

”Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of

improving the visibility of a website or a web

page in search engines via the „natural,‟ or un-paid

(„organic‟ or „algorithmic‟), search results. In general, the

earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page),

and more frequently a site appears in the search results

list, the more visitors it will receive from the search

engine‟s users.”


“Optimizing a website may involve editing

its content and HTML and associated

coding to both increase its relevance to

specific keywords and to remove barriers to

the indexing activities of search engines.

Promoting a site to increase the number

of backlinks, or inbound links, is another

SEO tactic.”

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Miten hakukone toimii? (Broder et al. 2008;

Janssen 2007; in: Salminen 2010)


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Googlen tarkka algoritmi on salaisuus…

Muutamia erittäin todennäköisiä sijoittumistekijöitä

(Harden & Heyman 2009):

1. Keyword use in title tag

2. Anchor text of inbound link

3. Global link popularity of site

4. Age of site

5. Link popularity within the site‟s internal link


6. Topical relevance of inbound links to site

7. Link popularity of site in topical community

8. Keyword use in body text

9. Global link popularity of linking site

10. Topical relationship of linking page



Joudumme käyttämään

etämittareita (proxy)

laadun selvittämiseksi.

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Yksinkertaistettu PageRank-kaava

“In the general case, the PageRank value for any

page u can be expressed as:

i.e. the PageRank value for a page u is dependent on

the PageRank values for each page v out of the

set Bu (this set contains all pages linking to page u),

divided by the number L(v) of links from page v.”

linkkien määrä

linkkaavien sivujen “maine” (PR)


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Hakukoneoptimoinnin kehitys (1/3)




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Hakukoneoptimoinnin kehitys (2/3)




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Hakukoneoptimoinnin kehitys (3/3)




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Mitä hakukoneoptimointi ei ole (Googlen


“Manipulating Google results shouldn‟t be something

you feel entitled to be able to do. If you want to rank

highly in Google, be relevant for the user currently

searching. Engage him in social media or email, provide

relevant information about what you‟re selling, and,

generally, be a „good match‟ for what the user wants.”

(Kissa ja hiiri -leikki; Google muuttaa algoritmia satoja

kertoja vuodessa.)


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Hyvän sisällön tragedia? (hyvää filosofista


C: But isn’t getting links primarily about creating great content?

R: Tragically, at least in my experience, the answer is a resounding

no. Great content is easily missed by the web’s link-heavy audience,

while some pretty crummy content that’s been marketed well (or

made the right connections or comes from the right sources) will tend

to overperform.

– The web’s link graph isn’t a meritocracy - like everything else in life,

it’s a popularity contest. Those who find the best ways to distribute,

promote and market their works to the audience most likely to link to

it are going to succeed much more so than just the ‘great content’


Just think of it like politics. The best, most rational, reasoned,

intelligent arguments are the exception, not the rule. Instead, the

conversation and media attention (and thus, public awareness) is

focused on concepts that are easy to grasp, virally distributable

(which often puts rumor and innuendo above fact) and fit a

compelling narrative (rather than add complexity).


Pelkkä laadukas sisältö ei

takaa linkkejä, vaan tarvitaan

myös jonkinlaista aktivointia!

(lue lisää netissä…)

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Googlen mainosverkkorakenne (Hardington

Consultancy 2007)


1. Google-haku

2. Hakupartnerit



• Mobiili

• Maps

• Youtube

• Gmail

• …


tai valikoiva


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Mitä kontekstuaalisuus tarkoittaa?

“A contextual advertising system scans the text of a

website for keywords and returns advertisements to

the webpage based on what the user is viewing.

– For example, if the user is viewing a website pertaining

to sports and that website uses contextual advertising,

the user may see advertisements for sports-related

companies, such as memorabilia dealers or ticket


Contextual advertising is also used by search engines to

display advertisements on their search results pages

based on the keywords in the user‟s query.”


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Kohdennettavuus: Määrän ja laadun


“With the content network, you set your ad to reach:

– Users on the New York Times

– Between 6-9am

– On a Monday Morning

– If the user is in the business section

– And the article is about stock brokers

– If the user is in Chicago (or the article is about

Chicago stock brokers)

The more you segment your audience, the smaller your

audience becomes. That‟s an important note as you see

dwindling impressions. However, that should also

increase your conversion rate.” (Geddes 2009)


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Sisällön ”matching” (Geddes 2009)

“With content advertising, most PPC engines scan the keywords within an

ad group, and then assign a theme to that ad group. This differs

significantly from the search network, where a PPC engine examines a

user‟s query and tries to match it to each individual keyword in your

account. This creates a one to one matching which is easy to monitor

and optimize.

– An ad group with the words Sony plasma TV, 36" plasma TV, plasma TV is

easy for an algorithm to match to the theme of “plasma TV.” However, an ad

group with the words big screen TV, LCD TV, plasma TV isn‟t as

straightforward. While all of these words represent high end, expensive TVs,

the group appears to be more about TV sets in general and could be matched

in a large variety of ways.

It is critical for advertisers to control their messaging and relevant

themes. Ad group organization is by far the most important piece to

pay attention to when advertising on the content network. It is better

to have 100 tightly themed ad groups with only 10 keywords in each

one, then 10 ad groups of 100 keywords.”


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Hakusanamainonnan valintoja (Hardington

Consultancy 2006)


millä termeillä EI

haluta mainostaa

(esim. ”ilmainen”)

kenet halutaan

tavoittaa ja missä

millä termeillä

halutaan mainostaa

”Peiliperiaate” (mirroring) Rakenna kampanja peilaamaan

markkinoimaasi sivua.

kuinka paljon tietystä

hakutermistä halutaan


millaisia luovia valintoja

tehdään (arvolupaus,


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Hakumainonnan hinnan määräytyminen

(Salminen 2010)

“At the moment, there are two prevailing auction

mechanisms in the online advertising. The first one is

the simple auction where the highest bid is awarded with

the most preferable advertisement placement purely

based on the bid amount, second highest bid will have

the second most valuable position, and so forth.

Secondly, there is the hybrid auction in which the ad

position will be determined by a combination of the bid

amount and other factors, such as the click-through rate

(CTR). This is also known as the Google model of

auction because Google uses this type of a mixed

auction in its advertising networks by combining bids

and what is called a Quality Score.”


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Quality Scoren vaikutus AdWordsissa



Vaadittu tarjous




Kilp. Quality


7 B > (7/7=1 €) 1 € 7

8 B > (7/8=0,875 €) 1 € 7

9 B > (7/9=0,78 €) 1 € 7


• second price

sealed auction


• QS: 1-10

• (ks. Quality

Score –video


Hyvä tietää “The AdWords system calculates

a Quality Score for each of your

keywords. It looks at a variety of

factors to measure how relevant

your keyword is to your ad text and

to a user's search query. A

keyword's Quality Score updates

frequently and is closely related to

its performance. In general, a high

Quality Score means that your

keyword will trigger ads in a higher

position and at a lower cost-per-

click (CPC).” (Google)


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Hakumainonnan hinnan määräytyminen

(Salminen 2010)

“Moreover, there is a trade-off for advertisers between

the number of terms that can be used and the total cost

of the advertisement campaign (Abhishek & Hosanagar

2007, 90) which restricts the use of long-tailing.

Overall, keyword auctions relate to search engines‟ ad

inventory management. In short, ad networks hold an

enormous inventory of advertisements that will, in

theory, be shown at the right time to the right consumer

through contextual targeting and broad match – and with

the right price, since the click prices are based on

competition among advertisers.”

myös joustaminen relevanssista (post-click) syö

luultavasti kampanjan tehokkuutta


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Kumpi on parempi, SEO vai PPC?

• MOLEMMAT voi saada

• mutta koska elämme niukkuudessa, tarkastelemme

asiaa valinnan (tradeoff) kannalta…


Optimointi Mainonta

Edut Haasteet Edut Haasteet

• ”ilmaista” • vaatii


• kävijöitä


• maksaa

• sisällön


• tulokset eivät

näy heti

• kohden-


• lyhytkestoinen

teho, ei viraalia

• sisällön



• kilpailu suosi-



• ROI:n


• antimainonta-


• autenttisuus • algoritmin


• helpompi


• kilp. suosituim-

mista hakusan.

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SEOn etu: sisällön elinkaari (Nielsen 1998)

“Another example is my 1996 article on the top-ten mistakes of Web

design. As shown in the table, it is getting more readers every year:

Admittedly, the „top-ten mistakes‟ Alertbox is somewhat of a Web

classic, but the more average Alertbox columns also get most of their

readers when they are „old.‟ A typical Alertbox accumulates about

80,000 page views over time, only 20,000 of which are received while it

is the „current‟ column.”


Year Page Views

1996 50,061

1997 72,454

1998 149,52

1999 226,32

2000 387,884

huom! voi myös olla

negatiivinen aika-arvo

(expiration), riippuu (ehkä siitä)

kerätäänkö linkkejä

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PPC:n käyttö arvolupauksen testaamisessa

(Marketing Experiments 2011)


1. testaa eri


2. suosi parhaiten toimivia

kaikessa markkinoinnissa (ml. landing page)

3. Iteroi

eli toista!

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Mainonnan rajat… (startup-kokemuksia)

“However, there are limitations to advertising as a customer

acquisition method: Over the 8 week period we used AdWords,

however, growth remained linear. That is, while users were

creating accounts, they were proportional to the money we put on

AdWords and their use of it and their invitation of other parties to

share with it did not result in additional accounts being created. If it

occurred, it was marginal. Yet, while non-linear growth (the hockey

stick) is what a startup should aim for, we had good reason to believe

our user experience as it was then wouldn‟t allow us to achieve that

type of growth.” (Yaghmour 2010)


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Mitä kuva kertoo hakusijoituksista?


1. ykkössija on erittäin tavoiteltava: yli

kolmannes klikkaa sitä, ero seuraavaan

on huomattava

2. klikkausprosentti tippuu jyrkästi

alemmilla sijoilla (vrt. below the fold)

3. sijan kymmenen jälkeen klikkaukset

tippuvat lähes nolliin (kakkossivun






sijoitus ei ole


aina 1…


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F-kaava (f pattern, Nielsen 2006)


yksilöt skannaavat Web-

sivuja, kuten hakutuloksia,

kaavamaisesti muodostan


kaikkea tekstiä

ei lueta

Sijoitu ylös!

sijoita tänne väliotsikoita,

avainsanoja, listoja;

helpota skannaamista

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Tunnetaan myös nimellä ”Google golden

triangle” (Enquiro 2005)




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Puhutko nettisivullasi asiakkaiden kieltä?

(Se näkyy hakutuloksissa.)

“Many marketers like to embellish products to make

them seem grander than traditional fare. But customers

define their needs in known terms, so be sure to use

them, even if you don‟t think they‟re exciting. The very

fact that a word is unexciting indicates that it‟s frequently

used. People search for terms like „cheap airline tickets,‟

not „value-priced travel experience.‟ Often, a boring

keyword is a known keyword.” (Nielsen 2006)

ongelmana geneeristen hakusanojen suosittuus


longtail keyword strategy (pitkät hakutermit, paljon

matalan volyymin termejä)


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Hakukone ostopäätöksen tukena (Hotchkiss

et al. 2003)


”If there was a high

level of familiarity, the

searcher would often

bypass search engines

and go right to a

vendor‟s site.”


käytetään tuotetiedon

hakemiseen ja

vertailujen tekemiseen

(yllätys :)



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Miksi Google hyötyy heikoista brändeistä?

1. Vahva brändi tarkoittaa, että asiakas ohittaa

hakukoneen ja menee suoraan yrityksen sivuille.

Esim. sen sijaan että kirjoitan Googleen ”kirja lauri

pitkäselle”, menenkin suoraan AdLibriksen sivuille.

2. Vahvalla brändillä yritys säästää asiakashankinnan

kuluissa, mutta Google häviää.

3. Toisaalta myös vahvoja brändejä haetaan usein


4. (Google voittaa aina?)


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Lineaarinen hakukäyttäytyminen (Hotchkiss

et al. 2003)


”As marketers, we tend to think of the

search process as a linear one.”


AIDA, ACCA/DAGMAR, aff.cogn.con.

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Epälineaarinen hakukäyttäytyminen

(Hotchkiss et al. 2003)



asiakas pomppii


hakukoneen ja

websivujen välillä

hän tekee




hakukone on

lähtöpiste (hub)

uusiin, parannel-

tuihin hakuihin

tee nopeasti vaikutus!

(osoita relevanssi)

koita saada asiakas

tekemään jotain

HETI! (retentio)

”In reality, we see the typical

pattern is quite different.”

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AIDA vs. IADA (Salminen 2012, wp.)

Traditional advertising

follows the AIDA model.

• Attention

• Interest

• Desire

• Action

Search advertising, however,

follows an IADA model.

• Interest

• Attention

• Desire

• Action


What are the implications? Instead of imagining the customer

as the “target” of advertising, firms should understand their active

role in searching for information, and tendency to ignore

advertising that is not relevant for the task at hand (cf. “banner

blindness”). Moreover, if the process begins from an endogenous

interest, exogenous advertising loses its ability to persuade (or

manipulate) customers. Finally, advertising is delivered by

request, or pull, instead of pushing. This contextual advertising is

more likely to have immediate utility to the customer because it

uses more advanced proxies to capture likely interests than

before. Because interest, not attention, is the driving force of the

sales funnel, firms are no longer forced to persuade potential

customers through advertising but, instead, other elements of


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Erilaiset paradigmat: polkuriippuvuus?



1st reaction “seems interesting”

• go to Google

• go to community

2nd reaction click (curiosity)

click (intent)

3rd reaction ?






kumpi konvertoi paremmin?

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Search engines as leeches (Nielsen 2006)

“We‟ve known since AltaVista‟s launch in 1995 that

search is one of the Web‟s most important services.

Users rely on search to find what they want among the

teeming masses of pages. Recently, however, people

have begun using search engines as answer

engines to directly access what they want — often

without truly engaging with the websites that

provide (and pay for) the services.”

“Search engines extract too much of the Web’s value,

leaving too little for the websites that actually create the

content. Liberation from search dependency is a strategic

imperative for both websites and software vendors.”


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Hakukoneiden valta (…jatkuu)

“So, why should non-search sites improve if the search engines

collect all the gains? There are two reasons:

1. Do nothing and you’ll disappear when your competitors improve

enough to easily outbid you and therefore consume all the space on

the first search engine results page. ([…] more than 90% of users

never go beyond the initial SERP.)

2. While search engines will take all the profits from users who arrive

from search ads, you get to keep the increased earnings from all

other users. Thus, non-search users become the true source of

added value from website improvements.

In addition to paid search listings, websites also often receive search

traffic from free, so-called organic listings. These visitors are

obviously no problem, except that you can‟t count on them as a

sustainable strategy, since organic listings can change without

notice.” (Nielsen 2006)


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“Despite search engines, websites can make money.

The key is to recognize that, while search engines might

take all the value from an initial user visit, you get

to keep the value from any non-search business.

Thus, you must foster customer loyalty so that users go

straight to your site instead of clicking through from

search ads.” (Nielsen 2006)

Vain osittain!


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Internet-markkinoinnin ”toimintaputki”

(funnel) (Salminen 2012)


Pre-click Post-click*


Level of


älä ainoastaan

keskity tähän…

…vaan koko


Action :)

No action :(

* ”In watching what happens after a

user clicked through to a site, it

became clear that the searcher is

clear about what they want to see

on a site and that the decision is

made quite quickly. Again, men

tended to make these decisions

faster (about 10 seconds) while

women were a little more deliberate

(18 seconds).” (Hotchkiss et al.



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Miksi CTR on vajavainen mittari Internet-

mainonnan tuloksellisuudelle?

”The other end of the ad‟s hypertext link is the landing

page. Most often, these pages are highly

disappointing and cause the user to back out


This is why even click-through is a poor measure of the

value of Web ads since it measures the alluring quality of

your creative and not the ad‟s ability to deliver business.”

korkea CTR on helppo saada esim. lupaamalla

liikoja, mutta sillä ei saada myyntiä!


CTR (klikit / näyttökerrat) x 100

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Laskeutumissivun tulisi vastata

mainostekstiä (relevanssi)


Otsikot vastaavat


• yksinkertainen,

clean design

• ei navigointia

• selkeä call-to-

action (kontrasti)

Muuta huomion


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Klikkihinnan ROI-paradoksi

Koska konversiosuhde vaihtelee, voit maksaa klikeistä

eri määrän (enemmän tai vähemmän), mutta

myynneistä saman verran.

– “Hence, if you bid $1 per click for an ad group about

digital cameras, Bob‟s blog could cost $0.05 per click.

If you received 1000 clicks from Bob‟s blog, [with low

conversion] the actual cost per conversion is $50.

However, on CNET‟s review site, you may pay $1 for

each click, however, the conversion rate maybe 1 in

50 which would make the traffic from CNET also have

a $50 cost per conversion.” (Geddes 2007)

Vaihtelu pätee paitsi sijoituksen kohdalla, myös eri

avainsanojen välillä.

Palataan tähän konversio-optimoinnin yhteydessä…


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Mielenkiintoisia suhteita (Salminen 2012)







click-through as

a measure


as a measure

• kuinka suuri osa


luontaisesti on


• kuinka suuri osa kääntyy


• mitkä ovat muut


• klikkien aika-arvon

huomioon ottaminen?


miten voidaan


hakuja, joiden

ostointentio on







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Hakukoneoptimoinnin ja konversion


“It‟s unfortunate, but marketers are often held hostage

by the fear of search rankings. Optimization strategies

are sometimes even ignored just to maintain a good

keyword ranking. Marketers in these situations are often

trying to find a side, rather than a solution. However, like

the tension between images and copy, the solution is

one of cooperation, not competition.” (Marketing

Experiments 2010)

– Tämä koska esim. tekstin vähentäminen voi heikentää

orgaanista sijoitusta ja tulkittua relevanssia.

Kuitenkin, konversion tulisi olla end, optimoinnin means


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”May the force be with you.”

(Ensi kerralla jedi-koirat!)