О соблюдении требований, предъявляемых к написанию тезисов исследовательских проектов на иностранных языках Установочный семинар «Лингва-2012» 13 ноября 2011 года

Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

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Page 1: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

О соблюдении требований, предъявляемых к написанию тезисов исследовательских проектов на иностранных языках

Установочный семинар «Лингва-2012»13 ноября 2011 года

Page 2: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

Why do sportsmen leave Russia for English-speaking countries?Anton Volchevkov and Canada, what makes Russian

hockey player to play for Ottava senators?Kostya Tsui and Australia. Why did famous boxer choose

the farmland of kangaroo instead of living in cloudy Albion? How did “The thunder from the downunder” manage to became a symbol of Australia and Russia in the same time?

When will Russians stop leaving Homeland? When will homeland provide for them obligatory facilities?

Answers for these and other questions you will be able to find in my project work.

Вывод: Стиль фельетона


при написании тезисов.

Page 3: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

By the way, I should mention that my choice is not

occasional. People come across these problems

every day, especially teenagers, whose nervous

system is very weak that is why IAD can cause a

nervous breakdown both of them and their

parents. That is already a great trouble of

generation gap and health.

Вывод: Разговорный стиль

не используется

при написании проекта

и тезисов.

Page 4: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

Should Russia and the USA spend moneyon space exploration?

Nowadays the problem of space exploration is actual all over the world. But it takes so much money from solving the Earth problems. The main question is: should people spend money for it?

The benefit of the country is influenced by a lot of factors. At first we analyze the specifics of the development of space industry in both of the countries and look at the most important achievements they made because cooperation means sharing the ideas and technologies. After that we make a research to find the problems that can stop the development in these areas and the possible ways of their solutions. And the final step is to investigate the opinion of other countries and international organizations of such experiments and the influence of space advocacy because they can support the projects or reject them and that will make the conclusion of the perspectives of working in this area.

Taking into consideration the degree of the influence of all these factors we make a conclusion on the benefit of Russia and the USA from cooperation in space explorations.

Вывод: Тема проекта НЕ формулируется

в форме вопросительного предложения.

Требования к объему и содержанию

тезисов не соблюдены.

Page 5: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

Names of Great Travelers on the Map of Our District

… After this work we wrote a summary of the text. Then we ourselves made special exercises similar to those which we usually do while working at different texts from the textbook. They are: 1) True, false, I don`t know. 2). Complete the sentences. 3). Put the verb into the right form and so on…

…We have made a special book about G. Sedov, R. Amundsen, F. Nansen, V. Bering and V. Rusanov – the people whose names can be found on the map of our district. The book can be used while studying the topics “Traveling”, “Biography”, “Famous People”.

Вывод: Прикладной и дидактический

характер работы не отражен в

названии проекта, что привело к

ошибочному размещению проекта в

секцию краеведения.

Page 6: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

Тема проекта

Preservation of cultural originality of modern

countries under conditions of globalization

on the example of the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan

Вывод: Тема формулируется

в виде одного назывного

предложения. Количество слов в

теме не менее 5 и не более 12,

включая союзы и предлоги.

Page 7: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

The main purposes of this project are: carrying out scientific-research work; analyzing and systematization the material about the main types of the British Parks from the Middle Ages till nowadays; classification of the main types of the British Parks; searching for the material about famous Parks in Moscow and its suburbs and finding out their connection with the British Parks; carrying out the integration of school subjects – World Art Culture, Moscow Studies and English.


Цель проекта

должна быть одна,

а задач не более трех.

Page 8: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

I have picked out the following problems and researched each of them separately:

• Problem of generation gaps (misunderstood; life experience)• Accommodations problem (cost of accommodation; financial independence)• Problem of unemployment (non-qualified teenagers)• Problem of expensive education (high costs; financial problems)• Problem of love (suicide)• Alcoholism (abuse; incorrect way of growing up)• Crime and violence (censorship in films)• Drug abuse (a way of leaving problems)• Smoking (a try to be adult; diseases)• Runaways (consequence of generation gaps’ problem)• Appearance (temporary teenage problems)• Teen pregnancy (under the influence of TV, Internet and publicity)• Family crisis (parents don’t have time for bringing up their children)• Internet addiction (problem of globalization)• Anxiety and depression (psychological problems)• Teen suicide (emotional breakdown)• Teenage Gambling (teenagers playing adult games)

Вывод: Каждая из глав достойна быть

отдельной темой проекта.

Нельзя объять необъятное в одном


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The second chapter brings up the topic of the hereditary disease of this royal family – hemophilia. This disease was of very interesting constitution – in official version Victoria hadn’t got any forefathers who were the carriers of it. So I understood that Victoria could probably be a bastard. In the third chapter I designed Queen Victoria’s family tree, including all her numerous children. Concluding, I summarize the results of the research.

Вывод: Помимо основного вывода

исследования приветствуются

промежуточные выводы в главах.

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Halloween and Day of Ivan Kupala: Differences and Similarities

…Starting our work, we had a hypothesis that these two holidays have the same roots and as a result can be regarded as originally connected festivals…

…Doing this work we came to the conclusion that these holidays are very different in culture and origin, but we can find some similar traditions…

Вывод: Одним из основных аспектов

методологической характеристики

является формулировка ГИПОТЕЗЫ и

ее подтверждение или опровержение.

Page 11: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

The third part is a collection of biographies of the most famous Impressionist painters and their pictures. We have paid special attention to the periods of their lives and the most characteristic features of their methods of painting. Edouard Manet was a French painter, whose work inspired the impressionist style. Manet’s stylistic discoveries led to his abandoning of the conventional outline and his shaping the forms by means of colour and tints. He painted in plein air a lot - paintings created outdoors - but always returned to serious work in the studio. Claude Monet was the leader of the Impressionist style. Monet created similar series of works changing only the light. He painted everyday objects, including railroad stations, or "cathedrals of the modern age" .Unlike Manet, he paid little attention to the old masters, being influenced rather by his contemporaries. He used a mass of brush-strokes, which are reconstructed and completed by the spectator. Edgar Degas was a French artist famous for his work in painting and sculpture. He is one of the founders of Impressionism but he preferred to be called a realist. Degas enjoyed painting ballet dancers and horse races and over than half of his works depict dancers. Pierre-Auguste Renoir was an impressionist painter. Renoir was noted for the harmony of his lines, the brilliance of his colour. In his works he loved to show the effect of sunlight on flowers and figures.Unlike other impressionists he was interested very much in painting of a single human figure or family group portraits. Renoir works on the same canvas for many weeks and months, changing, adding or removing some elements …

Вывод: объем тезисов не предполагает

подробного описания содержания глав


Объем тезисов – не более листа А4.

Page 12: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

This robot is made of eight hundreds details. It has three engines, a light gauge, a sound gauge, a Bluetooth adapter, a pressure gauge. It is possible to program it with the help of some special programme. The robot has an accumulator supply. It can move with the help of two engines.The robot can fulfill the following functions:1) It can grab and carry different things2) It can pass a labyrinth which I program myself.3) It can make out colours, react to sound, see

obstacles in front of it

Вывод: Тезисы не должны носить

характер инструкции.

Page 13: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

Swiss TransportEvery day we use cars, buses, trolleybuses or even trains to go to school or to work. In other words, everybody knows what transport we, Russians often use. But what transport is popular in other countries? For somebody it will be difficult to answer this question. That's why, I am going to talk about transportation in European countries, to be precise, in Switzerland. The aim of my research is to bring out what transport is mostly used by thousands of people in Switzerland and to puzzle out what differences are between Russian and Swiss means of transport. Control of the most important Alpine passes and the ancient routeway through the Mittelland between Rhine and Danube waterways has given Switzerland a key position in European transit traffic. The main artery of European trans-Alpine traffic, the St. Gotthard route, runs through Swiss territory. The large-scale technical undertakings of modern highway construction were preceded by those of the railway system, which has thousands of miles of track and includes hundreds of tunnels, among them the famous winding tunnels of the St. Gotthard railway, by means of which altitude differences between valley levels are overcome. More than 99 percent of the track in the Swiss railway system has been electrified, thus saving the country from dependence on oil imports. The Swiss Federal Railways, which constitute more than half of the system, are operated by the federal government, while the remainder, including the numerous mountain railways, are distributed among more than 75 private railroads partially owned by the cantons and municipalities. The Vitznau-Rigi Bahn, the first cogwheel railway in the world, has achieved early fame. The airports of some big cities have their own rail stations that connect witwhen hundreh the Swiss network. Switzerland is a heavily motorized country with one of the highest numbers automobiles per 1.000 inhabitants in Europe. The network of main roads and motorways is packed, especially during the summer and winter tourist seasons when hundreds of thousands of foreign automobiles pass through Switzerland daily. Since World War 2, Switzerland has also maintained its own small "oceangoing fleet" of merchant ships. Regular summer services are provided on several lakes by more than 120 vessels, which include a few paddle wheelers. Swissair, the national airline, ranks among the world's major commercial carriers, with flights serving all continents. As a result of my research I have come to the following surprising deductions that in some parts of Swiss transportation has more advantages than our, Russian vehicles. Switzerland is a country much more smaller than Russia and about two thirds of this European country is covered with mountains. Still Switzerland is all covered with a network of roads and tunnels through the mountains. And in Russia there are only two or three main railroads which come through The Far East. That's why I have come to the conclusion that Swiss transportation is more advanced and maybe even more modern than ours.

Вывод: Тезисы не должны

носить характер сообщения по теме.

Page 14: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

4. Methods.• to find material about biological, historical, mystic and healing properties of trees;• to systemize and work up the information;• to translate the information into the English language;

Вывод: Формулировка методов

предполагает следующее:

наблюдение, сравнение, анализ и т.д.

Не путать с этапами работы!

Page 15: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

Work stages:1st stage (May-October 2007):-choosing the subject-defining objectives-defining work stages

2nd stage( November-December 2007):-gathering information-work in Shusev’s science and research museum -the analysis of material

3rd stage (January 2008):-making report-making the album with photographs-making the computer presentation

4th stage (January-February 2008):-school presentation and the analysis of the work.

Вывод: Этапы работы не должны

быть отражены в тезисах.

Page 16: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

The Art Of Staying In The QueuesEnglishman

George’s Mikes point of view. Nothing’d changed after 30 years. Inobservance of the queue as a mortal sin.The paranoid pantomime. They watch at you.Moving. Grumbling. Mimicry. Use them to express your displeasure. They recommend. It really works.Invisible director. Look and learn your part.Treat people as you want to be treated by them.“The Communist governing would do for Englishman, because they are so great in staying in queues!”

Russians70-year experience. Got rid if it.Emotional nation. Goodies and baddies.So what? I’m in a hurry too.Thank you, sister! I’ll never forget you!Treat people as you want to be treated by them.

Вывод: Нонсенс как по

содержанию, так и по форме.

Это НЕ тезисы!

Page 17: Oshibki prinapisanii tezisov

No commentsПроект 1PARKS OF MOSCOW AND ITS SUBURBS AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH BRITISH PARKSПроект 2THE RESEARCH ILLUSTRATING THE REAL COST OF HAPPINESSThe main idea of my project can be expressed by some quotations. Funny questionnaire and crossword can help you saving up your money. It’s a real truth a coin can keep a ruble What do Russians think saying “Он при деньгах”?Проект 3Этапы работы:Collect all the material and form a reportShare my knowledge with other people as Owen is almost unknown in our country.

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11 класс, школа № 1268 ВАО г. МосквыПарадоксальная сущность японского «чуда»

Научный руководитель: Федорова Ольга Генриховна

The Paradoxical Nature of the Japanese “Miracle”

My research work, going under the title of “The paradoxical nature of the Japanese “miracle”, touches upon the subject of the phenomenal progress made by Japan in an extremely short period of time. Moreover, we can apply the word “miracle” not only when speaking about the achievements of Japanese economy, but also to different aspects of political, social and cultural life. The project consists of an introduction, 5 chapters and a conclusion.

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I. Introduction.I have chosen this topic for several reasons, mostly because it seems present-day to me. In recent years the interest to Japan on the part of Europeans has grown immensely. Russia is not an exception. Partly this popularity can be explained by fashion on exotic East and on realities this fashion brings to us. Europeans are crazy about Japanese national cuisine, martial arts, anime, etc. At the same time we can’t help admiring superb Japanese technology which is number one all over the world. Besides, a considerable lot of people take sincere and serious interest in the culture of this country acknowledging works of genius of Japanese literature, cinema, theatre and music.The aim of my project is to investigate what factors turned a small isolated feudal country, which remained unknown to most Europeans until the end of the 19th century, into one of the Great World Powers. In my research I used the methods of description, comparison, analysis, a sociological survey and generalization of its results.

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II. In the main part following the introduction I will try to reveal the paradoxical essence of every aspect of Japanese life including the history of the country, its relationship with the West and the East; its ability to borrow and assimilate the experience of other civilizations, and at the same time to preserve national originality. I will also analyze the peculiarities of the national Japanese character and what role the human factor plays in strengthening the state system.The first chapter is devoted to the history of Japanese civilization. I found it reasonable to point out three main periods: before the reform of 1868, from 1868 up to the defeat of Japan in the World War II and from the year of 1945 to nowadays. The second chapter deals with the analysis of the factors which played a decisive role in turning the country into a powerful capitalist state compatible with the largest Western powers. A comparison with some of them is also made in this part of the work.

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In the third part of the research work I will widen the narrow meaning of the word “miracle” used by historians to denote the powerful rush from feudalism to capitalism in the course of 30 years and prove that this country is unique and full of paradoxes.The fourth part of the work is totally devoted to some peculiarities of the Japanese national character, which is a kind of a paradox in itself, and its role in the formation of a strong and stable state system.In the fifth chapter the readers will get acquainted with the results and analysis of a sociological survey which helped me to find explanation of the growing popularity of Japan with Europeans including the author of the project. This part is supplied with diagrams showing opinions, the rate of interests, etc.III. Conclusion.In it I summarize the results of my research and express an idea that the experience of such a unique country like Japan may be of great value to developing countries. Besides, I hope that our interest in Japanese culture will play a great educational role adding to the formation of moral values.

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