RELIEF SHAPING By Carol, Andrea, Paula and Merche

Relief shaping (1)

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By Carol, Andrea, Paula and Merche

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Granite shaping

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BouldersBoulders are rock fragments larger than 25.6 centimetres diameter.

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Free-standing rock outcrop that rises abruptly from the surrounding smooth and gentle slopes of a rounded hill summit or ridge crest.


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Balanced Rocks

A balancing rock, also called balanced rock or precarious boulder, is a naturally occurring geological formation featuring a large rock or boulder, sometimes of substantial size, resting on other rocks, bedrock or on glacial till.

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Structural shaping

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An elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs. It takes its name from its characteristic table-top shape. It may also be called a table hill, table-topped hill or table mountain. It is larger than a butte.


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They are tall, flat-topped, steep-sided towers of rock.


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A long, narrow, elevated section of the earth‘s surface, such as a chain of hills or mountains or the divide between adjacent valleys.


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Fluvial shaping

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V-shaped valley

The erosive action of the river forms V shaped valleys

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A waterfall is a place where water flows over a vertical drop in the course of a stream or river

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MeandersA meander, in general, is a bend in a serpentine watercourse or river.

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Deltas form from deposition of sediment carried by a river as the flow leaves its mouth.


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A deep narrow step-sided valley formed by the action of water

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An estuary is an area where a

fresh water river meets the


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A canyon is a deep narrow valley with steep tall sides

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RAPIDSRapids are areas of fast-flowing water in a stream

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Is a narrow valley with steep rocky walls located between hills or mountains.

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CLIFFA cliff is a mass of roch that rises very high and is almost vertical

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It is formed by hard rocks because erosion predominates.

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Low Coasts

In the low coasts are sandy because sedimentation predominates

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Is a narrow, gently sloping strip pf land that lies along the adge of an ocean or sea.

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Is a deposition bar or beach landform off coast.

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A tombolo is when an island is attached to the mainland by a piece of land.

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Costal lagoons are sheltered by sandbars as barrier islands.

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Are layers of rock or sediments that contain and circulate groundwater.

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Overexaploitation and contamination are the main risks connected with the exploitation of aquifers:

•Aquifer overexploitation: if there is more water volume than the capacity of the aquifer.•Aquifers contamination: contaminated water can reach aquifers from human populated areas.

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LAPIESWeather limestone surface found in karst regions and consisting of etched, flooted and pitted rock pinnacles separed by deep groves.

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Is a depession or hole in the ground caused by some form of colase of the surface layer

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CAVESIs a hollow place in the ground specially a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter.

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SpeleothemsMineral depositions by water in caves, and are usually calcareous.

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Shaping from surface run off and torrents

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DesertificationIs a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry land region becomes increasely arid.

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GULLIESA small valley or ravine originally carried away by running water and serving as a drainageway after prolonged heavy rains.

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Type of landscape of arid characteristics erosioned by water and wind due to the lack of vegetation.

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Is a natural water source where there is a big slope between a mountain area and a flat area. When it suddently rains a lot, water flows through the mountain and leaves sediments in the flat part.

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Ice Sheet

Is a mass of glacial ice with more than 50,000 square kilometres

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Alpine Glaciars

They are formed on mountainsides and move downwards throung valleys.

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A morraine is material left behind a moving glacial

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Cirque glaciarA cirque glacial is formed in a cirque, a bowl-shaped depresion on the side of the near mountains.

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U-shaped valley

Is a a steep-sided valley cause by glacial erosion.

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Is a thin, almost knife-like, ridge of rock which is typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U-shaped valleys

Glacial aretes

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Wind shaping

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A dune is a mand of sand formed by the wind.

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Are small cave like features found in a granular rock.

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Stone Pavements

Small wind-eroded rocks on a land surface.

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Costal Dunes

The size of coastal dunes depend on the complex interaction between controlling winds and sediments supply.

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Large longitudinal dunes

Caused by a larger dune having its smaller sides blown away.

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