Presentation by Melinda Smith, Rosie Campo, Stefanie Oncescu and Janice Mok

University Work: Intro to International Business Presentation

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Presentation by Melinda Smith, Rosie Campo,

Stefanie Oncescu and Janice Mok

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• Japan called ‘Nippon’ (にっぽん) or ‘Nihon’ (にほん)

• ‘Land of the Rising Sun’

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Size: 377,915 sq km

• Approx. one-twentieth the size of Australia

Reference: Kwintessential (2009)

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Size: 377,915 sq km

Population: 127,078,679 (July 2009)

Population density = 343 per square kilometre

Population density = 91 per square kilometre

Reference: Kwintessential (2009)

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• 99% are Japanese


• 84% observe both Shinto and Buddhism


• Beliefs of Confucianism also impact many ethics and laws

Reference: Kwintessential (2009)

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• Literacy rate is close to 100%


• 95% have a high school education

Reference: Kwintessential (2009)

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• Japanese is the sixth most spoken language in the world

• Agglutinative language- works on complex system of honorifics

• English lessons compulsory in Japanese schools

Reference: Clark et al (2010)

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• Strong economic growth- 10% in 1960s, 5% in 1970s

• ‘Keiretsu’- close interlocking of manufacturers, suppliers and distributors

• Guarantee of lifetime employment

Following World War II

Reference: CIA (2010)

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• Economic decline due to poor investment and asset price bubble

• Entered into recession due to GFC



• Sharp downturn in business investments and exports

Reference: CIA (2010)

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• GDP = $4.137 trillion (US Dollars)

• Ranked 4th in the world (GDP)

• Among world’s largest producers of motor vehicles, electronic equipment, machine tools, steel, textiles

Reference: OECD (2009)


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• Ranked 5th in the world (GDP)

• $516.3 billion (2009)

• Important export partners- US (17.8%), China (16%), South Korea (7.6%), Taiwan (5.9%), Hong Kong (5.1%)


Reference: OECD (2009)

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Transport equipment

Motor Vehicles


Electrical Machinery


Reference: OECD (2009)

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• Ranked 6th in the world (GDP)

• $490.6 billion (2009)

• Important import partners- China (18.8%), US (10.4%), Saudi Arabia (6.7%), Australia (6.2%), UAE (6.1%)


Reference: OECD (2009)

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Machinery and equipment



Raw materialsChemicals


Reference: OECD (2009)

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South Korea

TaiwanHong Kong

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• Economy is stabilising again after GFC- strengthened growth of exports

1956 2008

• Economic growth and decline-1956 - 2008

• Public Debt: 192.1% of GDP

Reference: World Economic Prospects (2010)

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• Greet with a bow

• May shake hands

• Be on time

Reference: Clark et al (2010)

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• Do not talk with your hands- pointing isunacceptable

• Last name and ‘san’- sign of respect

• Dark conservative attire




• Women- low heels and skirts

Reference: Williams (2008)

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• Non-confrontational- avoid saying no


• Don’t lose your temper- strive for harmony

• Polite- avoid embarrassment

Reference: Clark et al (2010)

• Drinking important part of culture

• If invited out let the host order and pay

Social Events

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• Called ‘meishi’

• Treat like you would a person

• Place on table in front of you

Reference: Kwintessential (2009)

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Reference: Kwintessential (2009)

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Reference: Kwintessential (2009)

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• Ceremony surrounding this is very important

Gift Giving

• Gifts are not opened in front of giver

• Always give a gift and receive it with two hands

Reference: Clark et al (2010)

• Hierarchy- most senior will sit furthest from the door

• Always provide literature about your company

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Tradition Technology/Advancement

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

Q1: • What are the strengths of the companies? • How can this alliance be mutually beneficial? • Will this increase consumer desire to purchase

their goods and services?

Motor vehicles + many other smaller companies

Securities and investment broker

Singaporean company

Japanese company

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

• Strengths: Mitsubishi’s distribution capacity,Kim Eng’s equity research capability



Maximize business

Share cost

Increase market share

Gain access to distributors

Reduce risk exposure

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

• Decreased costs + increase in economies of scale


• Savings passed on to consumer = lower prices

• Increased market share and exposure-new markets

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

Q2: • Any complications that may arise? • What might the result of these complications be? • Do you think this partnership will last?

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng


Complications may arise from

Cultural differences

Differences of opinion

May become one-sided

Advantages may diminish

Potential Complications

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• Greater understanding, strengthening of alliance

Mitsubishi and Kim Eng


• OR end to alliance

• E.g. Cultural differences greater educationand understanding

• E.g. Becomes one-sided improve balance orend/discontinue alliance

Results of Complications

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• Yes

Mitsubishi and Kim Eng


• Fairly large companies

• Clear agreements

• Mitsubishi’s investment in Kim Eng

Will the alliance last?

• Kim Eng- good reputation working with other companies

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Symantec Middle East and Scanit

Q3: • How can this alliance be mutually beneficial? • Will this increase consumer desire to purchase

their goods and services?

Information security company

Security Services Company

Dubai-based company

Dubai-based company

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Symantec and Scanit

• Can tap into each other’s strategic strengths


• Can offer wider range of services

Mutually beneficial

• Share costs

• Multitude of services– create new market

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Symantec and Scanit

• One company to manage range of systems


• Cost and time management savings

Customer Benefits

• Locally based

• Cheaper, efficient customer support network

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• Yes!

Q4: • Will this trend of forming international business

alliances continue?

• Why: Advantages- may enter a foreign market

• Also, share risks and expenses, share knowledge and gain competitive advantage

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• Flexibility of strategy- range of alliance levels


• Small businesses can participate

• Growing need for alliances:

Increased competition

Need to operate on global scale

Changing marketplace

Industry coverage in markets


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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

Q5: • Assess the formation of this alliance in terms of

the strategic factors for selecting entry modes


Cultural Environment

Production and Shipping Costs

Political and Legal Environment

International Experience Market Size

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

• Entry mode = strategic alliance


a) Cultural Environment- Kim Eng’s extensive experience

• Cultural differences and existing relationships

Entry Modes

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

b) Political/Legal Environment


• Kim Eng- identify risks, conditions

c) Market Size

Entry Modes

• locate potential markets- risks and growth

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Mitsubishi and Kim Eng

d) Production/Shipping Costs


• identify cost-effective forms of production

e) International Experience

Entry Modes

• Kim Eng’s prior experience abroad

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CIA 2010, ‘Japan: Economics’, Central Intelligence Agency, 21 April, viewed 8 May 2010, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ja.html

Clark RL, Ogawa N, Kondo M and Matsukura R 2010, ‘Population Decline, Labor Force Stability, and the Future of the Japanese Economy’, European Journal of Population. Dordrecht: 2010. Vol. 26, Iss. 2; p. 207

Kwintessential 2009, ‘Japan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette’, United Kingdom. Accessed on: 08 May 2010. Accessed via: http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/japan-country-profiles.html

‘Developments in individual member countries: JAPAN’ Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD Economic Outlook. Paris: Nov 2009. p. 144

‘Japan’ World Economic Prospects. Oxford: Spring 2010. p. 27

Williams DE 2008, ‘Japan’ International Business Center Newsletter. Accessed on: 08 May 2010. Accessed via: http://www.cyborlink.com/besite/japan.htm

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Case Study

Booz-Allen & Hamilton 2009, ’Strategic Alliances’, Small Business Notes. Accessed on: 10 May 2010. Accessed via: http://www.smallbusinessnotes.com/operating/leadership/strategicalliances.html

Flynn, F & Suzuki, I 2008, ‘Mitsubishi UFJ Considers Yuanta, Daewoo Investments’, Bloomberg, 12 May, viewed 10 May 2010, http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a4ICdxzvNTO4&refer=home

Mitsubishi UFJ Securities 2008, ‘Mitsubishi Seals Strategis Alliance with Kim Eng’, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, 22 February, viewed 6 May 2010, http://www.sc.mufg.jp/english/e_press/pdf/e_press20080222.pdf

Mitsubishi UFJ Securities 2008, ‘Mitsubishi UFJ Securities invests in Kim Eng Holdings Limited’s subsidiary, KE Capital Partners Pte. Ltd.’, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, 8 August, viewed 6 May 2010, http://www.sc.mufg.jp/english/e_press/pdf/e_press20080808.pdf

Stenzel PL 2010, ‘Strategic Alliances’, Reference for Business, Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed., Advameg Inc. Accessed on: 10 May 2010. Accessed via:http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Sel-Str/Strategic-Alliances.html

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Thomson Reuters 2007, ‘Kim Eng Holdings Ltd. And Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co. Ltd Sign MOU on Strategic Alliance’, Thomson Reuters, 7 November, viewed 8 May 2010, http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/keyDevelopments?symbol=KEHS.SI&pn=3

Thomson Reuters 2008, ‘Kim Eng Holdings Ltd. Forms Strategic Alliance with Mitsubishi UFJ Securities’, Thomson Reuters, 21 February, viewed 8 May 2010, http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/keyDevelopments?symbol=KEHS.SI&pn=3

Sutton, M 2005, ‘Japanese Trade Policy and ‘Economic Partnership Agreements’: A New Conventional Wisdom’, Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies, vol. 4, pp. 113-135.

Trevor Lloyd-Jones 2006 ‘Dubai company Scanit monitors airport security breaches’, Business Intelligence Middle East , 3 November, viewed 8 May 2010, http://www.bi-me.com/main.php?id=6414&t=1&c=34&cg

United Arab Emirates, 2010, ‘Symantec blocks average of 100 potential attacks per second in 2009’ 6 May, Accessed on: 09 May 2010 Accessed via: http://www.ameinfo.com/231816.html

Wild, J, Wild, K & Han, J 2010, ‘Selecting and Managing Entry Modes’, in International Business: The Challenges of Globalization, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, pp. 378-407.

Case Study

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1. Demonstrate how to bow and greet a Japanese person

2. What does the ‘okay’ hand sign mean to Japanese people?

3. Why can it be considered bad for a Japanese person to smile?

4. What are two of the benefits of forming a strategic alliance?