Quiz managment system

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INTRODUCTIONThis application is developed in C++ which is a general purpose. As we given a project to choose any project self we choose “QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”. It is good source of interactivities among students and between the teacher and students. The software is used on the basis of the Questions asked to the user that belongs to the Menu topics.

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huge work done by teachers and also students.• Responses by the candidate will be checked

automatically and instantly.• Reduce paper work.• Result will shown immediately that reduce

student anxiety.

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PROPOSED SYSTEM• fast, flexible, and less prone to errors and

reduce expenses and save time.• generated result as soon as the student

gives the exam. • The logs of appeared student and their marks are stored in database for future use.• Result will be very precise and accurate.

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DESCRIPTIONThere are uncountable number of applications that are on way which are related to quiz, there are only few that help in learning. Among the many applications, we review applications that are quite famous and are successful in terms of amount student and download namely quiz management system. In the beginning of the project you provide your basic information like Name , Id , Roll number. The information you can given they automatically save in record file in which the record will never destroy. Then there are two categories in our project and each categories have ten 10 question. User have four options through which he has to choose one correct option from it and if users enters the key which is not the part of the options then it will give a error option in it.

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LIBRARIESThe libraries which we use in our project “QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” are as follow:• <iostream>: defines the standard input/output

stream objects.• <iomanip>: providing parametric manipulators.• <cstdlib>:defines several general purpose

functions, including dynamic memory management, random number generation, communication with the environment, integer arithmetic, searching, sorting and converting.

• . 

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• <fstream>: Input/output stream class to operate on files.

• <conio.h>: header file used mostly by MS-DOS compilers to provide console input/output.

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The function which we use in our project are as follow: Title: In title function we input whole file in the

console screen.

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HEADERHASHIn headerhash function they cannot return a value they just print a output on screen just like this.

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QUESTION CALLFirst the function is call on int main then we will input through file in file we have all question on it. Then one by one question are display on console. User have four options through which he has to choose one correct option from it and if users enters the key which is not the part of the options then it will give a error option in it.. This makes the application more personal and interactive for the user.

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FILING & DATA STORAGEWe made a project of “QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”. In which we store user data. In our project we use totally filing system in which we input the data file in console screen. The big advantage of our project is the data will save In file and they will destroy.

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