Knee joint I. class and type: synovial joint, modified hinge type II. bone concerned: 1. lower end of femur 2. upper end of tibia 3. posterior surface of patella III. fibrous capsule: 1. true capsule 2. collateral ligament Slide 17


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Page 1: Kneejoint2

Knee joint

I. class and type: synovial joint, modified hinge typeII. bone concerned: 1. lower end of femur 2. upper end of tibia 3. posterior surface of patellaIII. fibrous capsule: 1. true capsule 2. collateral ligament IV. intraarticular structure

Slide 17

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IV. synovial membraneV. relation of the knee jointVI. nerve and blood supplyVII. movementfemur



Knee joint

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I. class and type: synovial joint, modified hinge type

Knee joint 1. Big joint2. Complex structure3. Most potential in stability and


Knee joint

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II. bone concerned: 1. lower end of femur, 2. upper end of tibia 3. posterior surface of patella





fibula tibia


X-ray film show bone concern of knee joint

<sagittal plain of knee joint>

-Fibula is not a bone concerned of knee joint. Slide 20

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Articulation: 1. medial and lateral condyle of femur: articulate of medial and lateral condyle with tibia

Knee joint

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<anterior view>

Drawing picture shows articular surface of knee joint. Convex of Lateral condyle and medial condyle of femur articulate with concave of Lateral condyle and medial condyle of tibia.

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2. posterior surface ของ patella



Slide 22

<anterior view>


tibia<medial view>

Drawing picture shows you a patella surface of femur.

Open at anterior part of knee joint, you can observe articular surface of patella, which is a posterior surface of patella. Posterior surface of patella (a) articulate with distal part of anterior surface of femur (b).



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2. Tibial articular surface



Slide 24

<top view of tibia>

<anterior part>

<anterior view>

Top view of tibia shows MC and LC of tibia which is a concave structure. These concave parts provide fitting between femur and tibia condyles.

Space between LC and MC is non-articular area. It is the structure that stick with cruciate ligament.

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Slide 27<anterior view>

<posterior view>

III. fibrous capsule: Fibrous capsule wrap around knee

joint above articular surface. According to knee joint is hinge type of joint, fribrous of this joint is thin in anterior & posterior but thick in lateral and medial side. This thickening fibrous is called medial & lateral ligament of the knee joint.

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1. Medial (tibial) collateral ligament Medial view of knee joint shows medial collateral ligament. This ligament is tape in rectangular shape. It is strong and easy to observe in cardivor. This ligament attach from medial surface of femur downward forward to medial surface of tibia.

Knee joint

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2. Collateral ligament

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2. Lateral (fibular) collateral ligament.

Knee joint

Slide 29

Lateral view of knee joint shows lateral collateral ligament. This ligament is cord-liked structure and easy to observe in cardivor. This ligament attach from lateral surface of femur downward backward to lateral side of tibia.

<lateral view>

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1. postterior cruciate ligament (PC) fix on posterior part of tibia and cross upward forward medially lateral side of medial condyle of femur

1. anterior cruciate ligament (AC) fix on anterior part of tibia and cross upward and backward medial side of lateral condyle of femur

Intraarticular structureCruciate ligament: important structure,It is

the most strong ligament inside joint cavity and cross over in cross shape. Cruciate is named according to the attachment of the ligament on tibia surface.





Slide 30

<posterior view>

<anterior view>

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Important role of Cruciate ligament1. posterior cruciate ligament: posterior displacement of tibia2. anterior cruciate ligament: anterior displacement of tibia

femur femur

tibia tibia

Knee joint

Slide 31

gposterior cruciate ligament anterior cruciate ligament

Cruciate is named according the attachment of the ligament on tibia

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2. meniscus

-Meniscus is one of important structure of knee joint. It is a fibrocartilage located on condylar surface of tibia.

-There are two meniscus:

1. medial meniscus: located on medial condyle of tibia in C shape

2. lateral meniscus located on lateral condyle of tibia in O shape.



The top view of tibia

Slide 32

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VI. Nerve supply of the knee joint:1. branch from femoral nerve2. branch from obturator nerve3. branch from common peroneal nerve4. branch from tibial nerve



Knee joint

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The nerve supply of knee joint composed of four difference nerves.

<anterior view> <anterior view>

<posterior view>

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VI. Blood supply of the knee joint:

“anastomosis around the knee joint”

Knee joint

Slide 39

-Arterial supply of knee joint is multiple joining of blood vessels, which is called anastomosis around the knee joint.

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VII. Movement of the knee joint :

Knee joint

Slide 40

-Knee joint is modified hinge type. It main function perform flexion and extension and can perform extra function in little medial and lateral rotation.

Hinge type

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