
Rifampicin in leprosy

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Introduction• Rifamycins are a family of antibiotics, with the first agent, rifamycin V, derived in 1957 in

Italy, from the soil mold Amycolaptis rifamycinica (formerly Streptomyces mediterranei)

• In 1959, a more stable semisynthetic rifamycin, ‘rifampicin’ was discovered.

Rifampicin Rifampin

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• Rifampin, rifabutin rifapentine, and rifaximin are rifamycins that are currently available

• Rifampin was released in 1967 and is the most commonly used ‘rifamycin’ in dermatology

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• Quickly and completely absorbed on oral administration especially if stomach is empty

• With an oral dose of 600mg, a peak level in serum(6-8 µg/ml) is reached in 2-3 hours

• MIC is 0.1-0.3 µg/ml (45-70 times of MIC)

• Half – life ≈ 3-4 hours

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• Nearly 80-90% of drug remains bound to plasma proteins and is not available for killing of bacilli

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Metabolites are excreted in bile

Rapidly metabolized in liver through deacetylation and oxidation

Excreted Metabolites reabsorbed

Prolongs drug action

Fraction excreted through kidney

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• Rifampicin is able to cross the BBB and Placenta

• Because of its affinity for lipids, it crosses cell membranes and effective in killing intracellular bacilli

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Mechanism of Action

Prevents mRNA synthesis

&Protein synthesis

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Therapeutic effects• Exceptionally bactericidal against M. leprae

• A single dose of 1500 mg or 3 to 4 daily doses of 600mg kills 99.9% or more of viable organisms

• However, the rate of killing is not proportionately enhanced by subsequent doses

• Rifampicin may exert a delayed antibiotic effect for several days, during which the organism's multiplication is inhibited

• Drug is equally effective against both the Dapsone sensitive and resistant organisms

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• High bactericidal activity of rifampicin rationale for single monthly dose, which is cost-effective for leprosy-control programs

• Monthly supervised single dose 600mg

• The clinical effects of drug are very rapid

• In lepromatous patients, the nasal symptoms regress within 2-3 weeks

• Skin lesion/infiltration begin to clear in 2-3 months

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Adverse Effects

• Harmless orange-red colour to urine, sweat, tears, and contact lens

• Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting & pain abdomen

• Cholestatic jaundice and occasional hepatitis

• Occasionally rashes, thrombocytopenia and nephritis

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• Safe in pregnancy and lactation

• Given in third trimester, it may result in increased risk of bleeding in new born

• CYP inducer: less pronounced effect when given monthly

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Rifampicin Resistance

• Due to mutation in rpoB gene (codon 531: TCG to TTC)

• Substitutions within codon Ser456 have been shown to be most frequent mutations associated with development of rifampicin-resistant phenotype in M. leprae

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Other uses• Other Mycobacterial infections

M. TuberculosisM. marinumM. avium-intracellulare complex

• MSSA and MRSA infections

• Bartonella infections, Rhinoscleroma, Cutaneous leishmaniasis, aspergillosis, brucellosis, tularemia, chlamydial infections and gonorrhea

• Psoriasis : Controversial role

• Pruritus of Primary biliary cirrhosis

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