Do U know UR own Security attacks U?


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Page 1: Lupus

Do U know UR own Security

attacks U?

Page 2: Lupus

Cunning wolf enter the village from near by forest attack lambs, hen, kitten, calf etc. go back to the forest. Some times killing it is not easy best is to catch it secure it in a place where it cant escape. Similarly LUPUS in Latin means wolf is very ticklish auto immune disease your own immunity attacks you. If neglected becomes life threatening. Awareness help to prevent many complications. Apart from people even many Drs don’t have proper understanding of LUPUS.

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Identifying and diagnosing LUPUS early is not easy because initially

1.Body pains, hair fall, oral ulcers looks very normal problems.

2. Problems differ from person to person

3. The problems may not be continuous

4. The symptoms are misleadingHence early diagnosis is not very

easy. Even awareness is poor in general public and even for many doctors.

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Our own dog bites us: Some times our own immunity for unknown reasons attack our body. Popularly known as auto immune problems. Most of the diseases are confined to a organ or system. LUPUS attacks any organ from head to toes. Vital organs like heart, kidney suffer. The symptoms are related to the attacked organ. Diagnosis is difficult. Eg. If it is RBCs results in anemia, if on joints cause joint pains, swelling Drs may feel them as different problems. Vital is symptoms & relation between them

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Tests may not reveal all: If LUPUS is suspected Drs may suggest Anti nuclear antibody (ANA) test. Lupus patients will get positive for this. 5% healthy people may get +ve for this. Next step is Double strand DNA (DSDNA) & Anti smith anti body (ASA) test is done. If DSDNA is positive confirms LUPUS. Other blood tests reveal low WBCs, anemia, low platelets count. To confirm LUPUS 11 factors are there called as ACR Criteria. If 4 are +ve then it confirms LUPUS then needed treatment is given.

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Common symptoms: •Hair fall on the scalp•Pink butter fly pigmentation on face•Oral ulcers troubling frequently•Scaly formation behind ears, scalp, back•Frequent low fever with out any reason•Severe exhaustion, washed out feeling• Joint pains, swelling, morning stiffness•Radiating pains•Dark skin due to sun lightApart from above Migraine, Syncope (hands, legs become blue due to cold) Lymph glands swelling don't worry every thing is not LUPUS diagnosis by expert Dr is vital

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•One has to use medicines for long like High BP, Diabetes can lead near normal life.•In US 1 out of 1000 suffer from LUPUS. In Afro Asians it is 4-5 times higher•90% sufferers are women even men suffer problems & side effects are severe & threatening•UV rays of Sun are harmful. Avoid direct Sun between 10 AM & 5 PM. Better to use LED lights as Tube lights have UV rays.

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Lupus attacks: It may attack many organsBlood: Causes severe (Hemolytic) anemia Hb from 12 gm may go down to 3-4 gmWBCs: Normal is 4000-10000 may go down below 4000. Lymphocytes are reducedPlatelets: Are reduced without dengue fever here AAN test is vital for diagnosisKidneys: May cause Lupus Nephritis resulting in renal failure. Albumin, RBCs seen in urine if treated kidneys be protectedHeart: Myocarditis (heart muscle swells) Oedema, auto immune endo carditis may

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Damage heart valves need may arise to install artificial valves. With proper treatment such eventualities be prevented. Lungs: Respiration may be difficult cause interstitial lung disease (ILD) the covering of lungs have swelling by accumulation of fluid. Drs may mistake it as pulmonary TB proper treatment is very vital to save the patient.Skin: Eruptions, ulcers and reduced supply of blood to toes and may cause gangrene formation.

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Brain: Is affected may cause hallucinations, fits, reduced mental abilities (cognitive functions) in severe cases may cause Para/ Hemi/ Quadriplegia (paralysis), loss of neuronal sensations, may be needle, burning sensations. Complete loss of sensation of lower spinal cord resulting loosing control of urination, defecation. Fortunately by proper, timely, expert treatment for LUPUS they will come back to near normal life.

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Blood clotting: Lupus patients face blood clotting called anti phospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) also sticky blood syndrome blocks may form in legs gradually migrate to reach lungs forming pulmonary thrombo embolism cause life threatening situation. Life long treatment to keep blood thin is essential in such cases. Pregnancy: is dangerous for both mother & child in LUPUS cases. Frequent abortions may occur. When once Lupus is controlled with proper treatment pregnancy can be

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planned under medical supervision. Even after conception therapy is needed for LUPUS. Previously Drs use to suggest not to marry for LUPUS patients even if they marry asking them to avoid pregnancy. Now things have been changed.Treatment, medicines are vital: Depending upon symptoms the therapies change. If it is mild with less problems simple HCQ tabs will take care. They have to be taken life long. Better contact a good rheumatologist May give NSAIDs for pains

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•In certain cases for short spells steroids are given under medical supervision. Here steroids are life saving. There are many myths among people about steroids. •If other organs are affected then other drugs are needed.•Now modern expensive biologicals are also available.•One must be careful even after disease is controlled as there are chances for relapse (Flare up) because their immunity is low they are prone to infections easily.

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Steroids lower body immunity but they will help the patient to prevent life threatening situations hence expert care is essential. Even after control it is better to visit the Dr 3-4 times a year. Ayurveda is very effective in auto immune disorders & diseases including LUPUS effective therapies & remedies given by expert will make you to lead near normal life coupled with good lifestyle maintaining body immunity at appropriate level through nutritious food, yoga, praanaayaama, daily work out, consuming 40% raw food daily help LUPUS patients. Avoid alcohol, smoking, excess animal protein.

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For more info

Satya KovurWellness Consultant98480 13958Sreyas Family Ayurvedic

Counseling Centerwww.slideshare.net/[email protected]

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