Making Cross-Browser Tests Beautiful

Making cross browser tests beautiful

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Page 1: Making cross browser tests beautiful

Making Cross-Browser Tests Beautiful

Page 2: Making cross browser tests beautiful

Outline ● Why

● How

● Case Study

● Problems

● Solutions

● Lessons Learned

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What do you expect to get out of this session?

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● Gives confidence the application works the same in all browsers

● Can easily test changes in browsers

● Saves time from manually testing all features

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● Answer the following questions:

○ Which browsers will be supported?

○ What is the most important workflow test?

○ How will the tests be run?

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TASK:Build automated tests for a student loan refinance application

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PROBLEM:Don’t know how application works in other browsers

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SOLUTION:Implement automatedcross-browser tests

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Step 1: Decide supported browsers

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Step 2: Decide what will be automated

● Determine what is the most critical workflow to test

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Step 3: Decide how to run tests

● Run tests in CI

● Need access to all

supported browsers

● Consider cloud testing tools

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Step 4: Write tests!

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It should be as easy as changing the driver, right?

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Problem 1: Page Elements

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On page elements

● Dropdowns, radio buttons and checkboxes are tricky

● Use the same locator for all browsers

● Stick to CSS when possible

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Element is not clickable

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Problem 2:Timing Issues

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On timing issues...

● Some drivers are faster than others

● Discrepancies between physical and virtual machines

● Need to wait for elements

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Implicit Waits

● Set for the entire duration of the webDriver object

● Tells WebDriver to wait for X units of time

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Explicit Waits

● Confined to a particular web element

● Tells WebDriver to wait for the element up until X units of time

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Problem 3: Driver Capabilities

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Drivers are not created equally

● Drivers are managed by different individuals

● Native capabilities differ

● Same functionality isn’t always available

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File Upload

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The Safari Driver is implemented in JS and does not have the privileges necessary to manipulate an <input type = “file”> element. Therefore, the SafariDriver does not support file uploads.

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● Maximize browser window

● Set a specific resolution at run-time

● Scroll an element into view

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Soon, the Cross-Browser Tests were complete!

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Lessons Learned...

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Start testing early.

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Automate one feature first.

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Run tests in CI regularly.