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Updated Mar 2010

加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍 學佛班

禪坐入門 Introduction to

Chán Meditation2010/06/05

Buddhist Association of Canada

Cham Shan Temple

Page 2: 20100605 meditation

Updated Mar 2010

Buddhist Association of Canada

Cham Shan Temple

ná mó fó tuó南 無 佛 陀

Namo Buddha

ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩

Namo Dharma

ná mó sēng qié南 無 僧 伽

Namo Sangha

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Four Dhyanas in the Realm of Form 四色界定

1) First Dhyana: Bliss Born of Separation from the Realm of Desire 初禪 : 離欲界之喜樂

2) Second Dhyana: Bliss Born of Samadhi 二禪 : 定生喜樂

3) Third Dhyana: Wonderful Happiness of Being Apart from Bliss 三禪 : 離喜妙樂

4) Fourth Dhyana: Clear Purity of Casting Away Thought 四禪 : 捨念清淨

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Buddhist Association of Canada

4 Steps of the 2nd Dhyana 二禪四支功德1. Inner Purity內淨支The applied cognitive thought and the sustained cognitive thought become purified and sublimated. 內心清淨。既離覺觀,依內淨心發定,皎潔分明,無有垢穢。2. Joy喜支Feelings of ecstasy and revelation. One is able to transcend the verbal & cognitive states into a deeper level of concentration. Ten virtues generated.喜悅無量。定與喜俱時而發,行人深心自慶,內心生喜定等十種功德善法。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

4 Steps of the 2nd Dhyana 二禪四支功德

3. Contentment 樂支New levels of refined bliss甚為快樂。行者享受喜中之樂,恬澹悅怡。4. Concentration 一心支Singleness of mind, pure mental concentration無尋無伺 , 一心不動。受樂心息,既不緣定內喜樂,又不緣外念思想,是故一心不動。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Landmarks of the 2nd Dhyana 二禪總結

1. Develop joy and happiness from sublimation of five senses (physical) to mindfulness (mental) and through elmination of five hindrances and let-go of desires.

五觀漸停 , 從離欲 , 放下和離五蓋得喜樂2. Cultivate beautiful mindfulness through joy and

happiness 以內心喜樂培育美麗的正念3. Apply three Tientai dogmas in mindfulness 空假中三觀4. Develop one-pointed concentration through

happiness and mindfulness 喜樂與淨念得一心支

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Buddhist Association of Canada

The States of the 3rd Dhyana 三禪發相

A state of refined bliss. One lets go of the ecstatic emotions of joy and abides in mindfulness, spiritual insight, & concentration of mind. One continues to feel the less intense & more sublime affective state of bliss.捨去二禪之喜、樂,住於非苦非樂之「行捨」之境地,以正念、正知繼續修習而產生離喜妙樂。The Third Dhyana has greater strength of Samadhi which is free from all cognitive states of mind as well as the most subtle affective states of mind.唯有意識活動,與樂受、捨受相應。此定中之乐是与外境无关,是由内心发出的快乐。由于三禅以上没有乐受,故经中常说世间之最乐是在三禅。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

The States of the 3rd Dhyana 三禪發相Renunciation - Letting go; sublimating the ecstatic emotions of joy 捨支 : 捨喜心不悔,並離昏

沉 , 過勇 ,或沉醉的過失。Mindfulness - Remembrance; a steady, continuous

presence of mind 正念支 : 得三禪之樂,用精進 , 定力和醒悟來守護,令樂增長。

Insight - Spiritual insight into the nature of reality and the mind 悟支 : 善用三法 , 遠離三過。

Contentment - Spiritual bliss; a most sublime affective state of mind 樂支 : 快樂,樂遍身受。

Concentration - Singleness of mind; pure mental concentration 一心支 : 受樂心息 , 一心寂定。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Five Absorption Factors五支功德

1st Dhyana初禪

2nd Dhyana二禪

3rd Dhyana三禪

4th Dhyana四禪

Sensuality 欲界

Secluded 離欲界

Awareness 覺

Accompanies 有覺


Observation 觀

Accompanies 有觀


Joy (Piti)喜

Seclusion born; pervades body充滿喜

Samadhi born; pervades body定生喜

Fades away漸消滅

Happiness (Sukha)樂

Seclusion born; pervades body充滿樂

Samadhi born; pervades body定生樂

Pervades physical body妙樂充滿

Abandoned 離喜樂

Equanimity 一心

Least strength定力較少

Internal confidence信心充足 ,一心不動

Equanimous mindful一心寂定

Pure one-pointed mind心念清淨

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Buddhist Association of Canada

The Vajra Prajnà Pàramità Sutra


The Vajra Prajnà Pàramità Sutra


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Chapter 1 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第一品

Chapter 1. The Reasons for the Dharma Assembly Thus I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in

the Jeta Grove in the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary together with a gathering of great bhikùus, twelve hundred fifty in all. At that time, at meal time, the World Honored One put on his robe, took up his bowl, and entered the great city of Sràvastã to beg for food.

第一品 法会因由分如是我闻,一时,佛在舍卫国祗树给孤独园,与大比丘众千二百


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chapter 1 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第一品

After he had finished his sequential begging within the city, he returned, ate the food, put away his robe and bowl, washed his feet, arranged his seat, and sat down.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chapter 2 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第二品

Chapter 2 Subhåti’s RequestAt that time the Elder Subhåti arose from his seat in the

assembly, uncovered his right shoulder, placed his right knee on the ground, put his palms together with respect and said to the Buddha: “How rare, World Honored One, is the Tathàgata who remembers and protects all Bodhisattvas and causes them to be well-endowed.”

第二品 善现启请分时,长老须菩提在大众中即从座起,偏袒右肩,右膝着地,


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Chaper 2 of Diamond Sutra 金剛經第二品

“World Honored One, if a good man, or good woman, resolves his heart on Anuttarasaüyaksaübodhi, how should he dwell, how should he subdue his heart?”

The Buddha said, “Good indeed, good indeed, Subhåti, it is as you say. The Tathàgata remembers and protects all Bodhisattvas and causes them to be well-endowed. Now listen attentively; I shall tell you. A good man or good woman who resolves his heart on Anuttarasaüyaksaübodhi should thus dwell, should thus subdue his heart.

“Yes, certainly, World Honored One. I want to hear. I am delighted to listen.

世尊善男子、善女人,发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心,应云何住,云何降伏其心?”佛言:“善哉,善哉。须菩提!如汝所说,如来善护念诸菩萨,善付嘱诸菩萨。汝今谛听!当为汝说 :”

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Case #11 - Huangbo's Gobblers of Dregs

Huangbo, instructing the community, said, “All of you people are gobblers of dregs; if you go on traveling around this way, where will you have Today? Do you know that there are no teachers of Chan in all of China?” 

At that time a monk came forward and said, “Then what about those in various places who order followers and lead communities?” 

Huangbo said, “I do not say that there is no Chan, it's just that there are no teachers.”


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Huangbo's Gobblers of Dregs

His cold, severe solitary mien does not take pride in itself.

Solemnly dwelling in the sea of the world, he distinguishes dragons and snakes.

Dazhong, the Son of Heaven, has been lightly handled.

Three times he personally felt those claws and fangs at work.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Huangbo's Three SlapsWhen Dazhong was a young boy, he was shy but clever and liked

to meditate. He played with his nephew Wuzong who has the same age. His nephew jumped on the throne and became a Tang Dynasty 15th emperor. He was envious of his uncle Dazhong and never forgot that he had sat on his throne. Finally, he had Dazhong almost beaten to death and thrown out in the back garden and drenched with filthy water to revive him. After that, Dazhong went into hiding in a temple and had his head shaved. Later, he became a General Secretary at Yan Guan where Huangbo was a key Chan master.

大中天子 ( 即唐宣宗 ) ,少時聰慧,常愛結跏趺坐。武宗即位後,因遭忌,故離開京城,潛遁到香嚴智閑禪師處,剃度為沙彌。後大中到鹽官禪師處,被請作書記,那時黃檗禪師擔任首座。

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Huangbo's Three Slaps

One day Huangbo was paying his respects. He was bowing before a Buddha. Dazhong saw him and said, "If you don't seek from Buddha and don't seek from Dharma and don't seek from Sangha, what are you seeking by bowing in respect?" Huangbo snapped him and said, "I don't seek from Buddha; I don't seek from the Dharma; I don't seek from the Sangha. I always pay my respects just like this.“ Both of them are very clear and strong.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Huangbo's Three Slaps

Dazhong said, "What's the use of paying any respect?" Immediately Huangbo slapped him again (as a mean to be loving kindness). Dazhong said, "Too coarse." Huangbo said, "What kind of place is this to talk about coarse and refined?" and slapped him again. Unfortunately, Dazhong didn’t get it.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Huangbo's Three Slaps

Later Dazhong came to the throne. Wuzong must have died and suddenly they called on him, plucked him out of the temple and put him on the throne. Dazhong bestowed on Huangbo the title, the Coarse Acting Ascetic. Later Prime Minister Pei, who was also a friend of Huangbo, when he was at court, suggested that Huangbo be given a more appropriate title of Boundless Chan Master.


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[email protected] Shi 釋聖光Tom Cheung 張相棠Kam Cheung 張仁勤Dennis Yap 葉普照

Questions and Comments 討論

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Buddhist Association of Canada

yuàn xiāo sān zhàng zhū fán năo

願消三障諸煩惱We wish to rid ourselves of the three hindrances and all klesas.

yuàn dé zhì huì zhēn míng lĭao

願得智慧真明了We wish to gain wisdom and real understanding.

pŭ yuàn zuì zhàng xī xiāo chú

普願罪障悉消除 We wish all sinful hindrances to be totally eradicated.

shì shì cháng xíng pú sà dào

世世常行菩薩道In one life after another we always follow Bodhisattvas’ paths.

回向Parinamana (Transfer of Merit)