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20111126 white lotus sutra chapter 5 & 6 and art of attention

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Lotus Sutra, Meditation, arts of attention

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Updated Mar 2010

加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍 

禪修學佛入門 Introduction to

Buddhism and Meditation2011/11/26

Buddhist Association of CanadaCham Shan Temple

Page 2: 20111126 white lotus sutra chapter 5 & 6 and art of attention

Updated Mar 2010

Buddhist Association of CanadaCham Shan Temple

ná mó fó tuó南 無 佛 陀

Namo Buddha

ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩

Namo Dharma

ná mó sēng qié南 無 僧 伽

Namo Sangha

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Where is your attention? What sense impression is predominant

now? Is it the eye-door as you are viewing the

page, the ear-door attracted by sounds or the touch sensations of the body’s contact on the chair your are sitting on?

“The Present Moment” is the time to establish the habit of being consciously present at a sense door and notice what is happening during a sense impression.

Choose a sense-door and be attentive. What feeling is present? Is it pleasant,

unpleasant or neutral? What thoughts are associated with it? Do

you notice of any changes?

Exercise the Orientation of a Sense-Door

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Buddhist Association of Canada

A useful device to support meditative attention is naming the various objects during the observation of your own mind and body.

Noting is done by repeatedly making a mental note of what ever arises in your body/mind experience.

When hearing, say I am hearing in my mind.

When angry, say I am angry in my mind. Mental noting can be combined with the

practice of orientating to your sense impressions.

Be careful not to analyze what is being observed, just register or note it without reaction.

Technique of Mental Noting

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1. Attention to the Body – All forms, four elements, six doors, postures, movements.

2. Attention to Feelings or Sensations – Pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, be aware of primary feeling vs. emotional experience.

3. Attention to the Consciousness and Mind-States – Knowing of anything, moment-to-moment awareness, alertness, layers of cause and conditions, arising and passing away of each mind-states.

4. Attention to the Mental Content – Register the “things” in the mind i.e. thoughts, ideas, concepts without commentary.

Four Spheres of Attention

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Samatha – Serenity meditation uses techniques of fixing on a single object to produce one-pointedness; practice mantras, respiration or contemplation.

Vipassana – Awareness meditation, paying close attention to predominant object with moment-to-moment awareness; lead to insight knowledge.

Make appropriate adjustments of these two modes during meditation.

Too tense during insight meditation, switch to serenity meditation.

Too drowsy during serenity meditation, switch to insight meditation to invigorate the mind.

Two Modes of Meditation “Samatha and Vipassana”

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1. Not to control the practive – Have a flowing receptivity to the experience without controlling it.

2. Discipline in meditation is not to imposing your will to control the practice.

3. Just follow the directions and persistently apply the instructions with sensitivity and alertness.

4. Develop skills without controlling or interfering with the experience.

5. Not to be reactive or judgmental by cultivating qualities of acceptance, empathy and let go.

6. To be successful in self-managing your meditation practice, you need to study the “Three-Fold Strategy of Practice.

Appreciate The Nature of “Arts of Attention”

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Five Precepts五戒a. Refrain from harming or taking lifeb. Refrain from taking what is not givenc. Refrain from the misuse of the sensesd. Refrain from false and harsh speeche. Refrain from taking intoxicants

Cultivate positive behaviors i.e. honesty, generosity, bodhi mind, loving kindness, and compassion.

Four Persuasions四攝1. Giving, 2. Affectionate speeches, 3. Beneficial Action and 4. Co-operation (Set a

good example)

Three-Fold Strategy of Practice1. Restraint of behaviors in order to

harmonize relationships

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Full awareness (recollectedness) by three meditation skills:

a. Right Effort

b. Right Mindfulness

c. Right Concentration

Three-Fold Strategy of Practice

2. Recollectedness for developing the meditative art of focusing

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Mental energy is the force behind the right effort; it can occur in either wholesome or unwholesome states. The same type of energy that fuels desire, envy, aggression, and violence can on the other side fuel self-discipline, honesty, benevolence, and kindness.

Right effort is detailed in four types of endeavours that rank in ascending order of perfection:

1. to prevent the arising of “not-yet arisen” unwholesome states,

2. to abandon unwholesome states that have already arisen,

3. to arouse wholesome states that have not yet arisen, and

4. to maintain and perfect wholesome states already arisen.

Right Effort

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Right mindfulness is to perfect the faculty of cognition. It is the mental ability to see things as they are, with clear consciousness.

The cognitive process begins with an impression induced by perception, or by a thought. But we almost always conceptualize sense impressions and thoughts immediately.

Right mindfulness is anchored in clear perception and it penetrates impressions without getting carried away.

Right mindfulness enables us to be aware of the process of conceptualization in a way that we actively observe and control the way our thoughts go.

Buddha accounted for this as the four foundations of mindfulness:  四念住1. Contemplation of the body as formless and imperfection, 觀身不淨2. Contemplation of feeling as suffering (repulsive, attractive, or neutral), 觀受是苦3. Contemplation of the state of mind as inconsistence, 觀心無常 4. Contemplation of the phenomena as non-self, 觀法無我

Right Mindfulness

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Right concentration, refers to the development of a mental force that occurs in natural consciousness.

Concentration in this context is described as one-pointedness of mind, meaning a state where all mental faculties are unified and directed onto one particular object.

Right concentration for the purpose of the eightfold path means wholesome concentration, i.e. concentration on wholesome thoughts and actions.

Right concentration first directs the mind onto the object, then sustains concentration, and finally intensifies concentration step by step. Through this practice it becomes natural to apply elevated levels concentration also in everyday situations.

Right Concentration

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Discernment is the intelligence that uncovers the true nature of things by seeing through the “content” mind to the underlying processes.

It is based upon a non-reactive awareness, a perfectly attuned attitude and a penetrative attentiveness that has the potential to see what really is.

The outcome of such practice is direct experiential knowledge of the three universal characteristics of existence:a. All conditional things are impermanent,b. The physical world can’t bring lasting

satisfaction. (Nirvana is peace.) c. All phenomena are without self (non-self)


Three-Fold Strategy of Practice3. Discernment and Insight

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Chapter Five: The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs

At that time the World-Honored One said to Mahakashyapa and the other major disciples: "Excellent, excellent, Kashyapa. You have given an excellent description of the true blessings of the Thus Come One. It is just as you have said. The Thus Come One indeed has immeasurable, boundless, asamkhyas of blessings, and though you and the others were to spend immeasurable millions of kalpas in the effort, you could never finish describing them.

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"Kashyapa, you should understand this. The Thus Come One is king of the doctrines. In what he preaches, there is nothing that is vain. With regard to all the various doctrines, he employs wisdom as an expedient means in expounding them. Therefore the doctrines that he expounds all extends to the point where there is comprehensive wisdom. The Thus Come One observes and understands the end to which all doctrines tend. And he also understands the workings of the deepest mind of all living beings, penetrating them completely and without hindrance. And with regard to the doctrines he is thoroughly enlightened, and he reveals to living beings the totality of wisdom.

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"Kashyapa, it is like the plants and trees, thickets and groves, and the medicinal herbs, widely ranging in variety, each with its own name and hue, that grow in the hills and streams, the valleys and different soils of the thousand-millionfold world. Dense clouds spread over them, covering the entire thousand-millionfold world and in one moment saturating it all. The moisture penetrates to all the plants, trees, thickets and groves, and medicinal herbs equally, to their big roots, big stems, big limbs and big leaves. Each of the trees, big and small, depending upon whether it is superior, middling or inferior in nature, receives its allotment. The rain falling from one blanket of clouds accords with each particular species and nature, causing it to sprout and mature, to blossom and bear fruit. Though all these plants and trees grow in the same earth and moistened by the same rain, each has its differences and particulars.

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"Kashyapa, you should understand that the Thus Come One is like this. He appears in the world like a great cloud rising up. With a loud voice he penetrates to all the heavenly and human beings and the asuras of the entire world, like a great cloud spreading over the thousand-millionfold lands. And in the midst of the great assembly, he addresses these words, saying: " I am the Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One.

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Those who have not yet crossed over I will cause to cross over, those not yet freed I will free, those not yet at rest I will put to rest, those not yet in nirvana I will cause to attain nirvana. Of this existence and future existences I understand the true circumstances. I am one who knows all things, sees all things, understands the way, opens up the way, preaches the way. You heavenly and human beings, asuras and others, you must all come here so that I may let you hear the Dharma!"

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"Once these living beings have heard the Law, they will enjoy peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future existences, when they will receive joy through the way and again be able to hear the Law. And having heard the Law, they will escape from obstacles and hindrances, and with regard to the various doctrines will be able to exercise their powers to the fullest, so that gradually they can enter into the way. It is like the rain falling from that great cloud upon all the plants and trees, thickets and groves, and medicinal herbs. Each, depending upon its species and nature, receives its full share of moistening and is enabled to sprout and grow.

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"The Law preached by the Thus Come One is of one form, one flavor, namely, the form of emancipation, the form of separation, the form of extinction, which in the end comes down to a wisdom embracing all species. When the living beings hear the law of the Thus Come One, though they may embrace, read and recite it, and practice it as it dictates, they themselves do not realize or understand the blessings they are gaining thereby. Why is this? Because only the Thus Come One understands the species, the form, the substance, the nature of these living beings, he knows what things they dwell on, what things they ponder, that things they practice. He knows what Law they dwell on, what Law they ponder, what Law they practice, through what Law they attain what Law.

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"Living beings exist in a variety of environments, but only the Thus Come One sees the true circumstances and fully understands them without hindrance. It is like those plants and trees, thickets and groves, and medicinal herbs which do not themselves know whether they are superior, middling or inferior in nature. But the Thus Come One knows that this is the Law of one form, one flavor, namely, the form of emancipation, the form of separation, the form of extinction, the form of ultimate nirvana, of constant tranquility and emptiness. The Buddha understands all this. But because he can see the desires that are in the minds of living beings, he guides and protects them, and for this reason does not immediately preach to them the wisdom that embraces all species.

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"You and the others, Kashyapa, have done a very rare thing, for you can understand how the Thus Come One preaches the Law in accordance with what is appropriate, you can have faith in it, you can accept it. Why do I say this? Because the fact that the Buddhas, the World-Honored Ones, preach the Law in accordance with what is appropriate is hard to comprehend, hard to understand."

At that time the World-Honored One, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying:

The Dharma King, destroyer of being, ...

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Chapter Six: Bestowal of Prophecy

At that time the World-Honored One, having finished reciting these verses, made an announcement to the great assembly, speaking in these words: "This disciple of mine Mahakashyapa in future existences will be able to enter the presence of three thousand billion Buddhas, World-Honored Ones, to offer alms, pay reverence, honor and praise them, widely proclaiming the innumerable great doctrines of the Buddhas. And in his final incarnation he will be able to become a Buddha named Light Bright Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One.

His land will be called Light Virtue and his kalpa will be called Great Adornment. The life span of this Buddha will be twelve small kalpas. His Correct Law will endure in the world for twenty small kalpas, and his Counterfeit Law for twenty small kalpas.

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"His realm will be majestically adorned, free of defilement or evil, shards or rubble, thorns or briers, or the unclean refuse of latrines. The land will be level and smooth, without high places or sags, pits or knolls. The ground will be of lapis lazuli, with rows of jeweled trees and ropes of gold to mark the boundaries of the roads. Jeweled flowers will be scattered around, and everywhere will be pure and clean. The bodhisattvas of that realm will number countless thousands of millions, and the multitude of voice-hearers will likewise be innumerable. There will be no workings of the devil, and although the devil and the devil's people will be there, they will protect the Law of the Buddha."

At that time the World-Honored One, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying: …

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At that time the great Maudgalyayana, Subhuti and Mahakatyayana, all of them trembling with agitation, pressed their palms together with a single mind and gazed up at the World-Honored One, their eyes never leaving him for an instant. Joining their voices in a single sound, they spoke in verse form, saying: …At that time the World-Honored One, understanding the thoughts in the minds of his major disciples, made this announcement to the monks: "Subhuti here in future existences will enter the presence of three hundred ten thousand million nayutas of Buddhas, offering alms, paying reverence, honoring and praising them. He will constantly carry out brahma practices and fulfill the bodhisattva way, and in his final incarnation he will be able to attain Buddhahood. His title will be Rare Form Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One.

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At that time the World-Honored One once more spoke to the multitude of monks: "Now I say this to you. Great Katyayana here in future existences will present various articles as offerings and will serve eight thousand million Buddhas, paying honor and reverence to them. After these Buddhas have passed into extinction, he will raise a memorial tower for each one measuring a thousand yojanas in height and exactly five hundred yojanas in both width and depth. It will be made of gold, silver lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, pearl and carnelian, with these seven precious substances joined together. Numerous flowers, necklaces, paste incense, powdered incense, incense for burning, silken canopies, streamers and banners will be presented as offerings to the memorial towers. And after this has been done, he will once more make offerings to twenty thousands of millions of Buddhas, and will repeat the entire process.

"When he has finished offering alms to all the Buddhas, he will fulfill the way of the bodhisattva and will become a Buddha with the title Jambunada Gold Light Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One.

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"His land will be level and smooth, the ground made of crystal, adorned with jeweled trees, with ropes of gold to mark the boundaries of the roads. Wonderful flowers will cover the ground, everywhere will be pure and clean, and all who see it will rejoice. The four evil paths of existence, hell and the realms of hungry spirits, beasts and asuras, will not exist there. There will be many heavenly and human beings, and multitudes of voice-hearers and bodhisattvas in innumerable tens of thousands of millions will adorn the land. That Buddha's life span will be twelve small kalpas, his Correct Law will endure in the world for twenty small kalpas, and his Counterfeit Law will endure in the world for twenty small kalpas."

At that time the World-Honored One, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying: …

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Buddhist Association of Canada

At that time the World-Honored One spoke to the great assembly: "Now I say to you. Great Maudgalyayana here will present various kinds of articles as offerings to eight thousand Buddhas, paying honor and reverence to them. After these Buddhas have passed into extinction, for each of them he will raise a memorial tower measuring a thousand yojanas in height and exactly five hundred yojanas in width and depth. It will be made of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, pearl, and carnelian, with these seven precious substances joined together. Numerous flowers, necklaces, paste incense, and powdered incense, incense for burning, silken canopies, streamers and banners will be presented as offerings. After this has been done, he will also make offerings to two hundred ten thousand million Buddhas, repeating the process.

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"Then he will be able to become a Buddha with the title Tamalapatra Sandalwood Fragrance Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One. His kalpa will be named Joy Replete and his realm Mind Delight. The land will be level and smooth, the ground made of crystal, jeweled trees will adorn it, pearls and flowers will be scattered around, everywhere will be pure and clean, and all who see it will rejoice. There will be many heavenly and human beings, and the bodhisattvas and voice-hearers will be immeasurable in number. That Buddha's life span will be twenty-four small kalpas, his Correct Law will endure in the world for forty small kalpas, and his counterfeit Law for forty small kalpas."

At that time the World-Honored One, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying: …

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Buddhist Association of Canada

"Then he will be able to become a Buddha with the title Tamalapatra Sandalwood Fragrance Thus Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone, understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, Buddha, World-Honored One. His kalpa will be named Joy Replete and his realm Mind Delight. The land will be level and smooth, the ground made of crystal, jeweled trees will adorn it, pearls and flowers will be scattered around, everywhere will be pure and clean, and all who see it will rejoice. There will be many heavenly and human beings, and the bodhisattvas and voice-hearers will be immeasurable in number. That Buddha's life span will be twenty-four small kalpas, his Correct Law will endure in the world for forty small kalpas, and his counterfeit Law for forty small kalpas."

At that time the World-Honored One, wishing to state his meaning once more, spoke in verse form, saying: …

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[email protected] Shi 釋聖光Tom Cheung 張相棠Kam Cheung 張仁勤Dennis A. Yap 葉普智

Questions and Comments 討論

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yuàn xiāo sān zhàng zhū fán năo

願消三障諸煩惱We wish to rid ourselves of the three hindrances and all klesas.

yuàn dé zhì huì zhēn míng lĭao

願得智慧真明了We wish to gain wisdom and real understanding.

pŭ yuàn zuì zhàng xī xiāo chú

普願罪障悉消除 We wish all sinful hindrances to be totally eradicated.

shì shì cháng xíng pú sà dào

世世常行菩薩道In one life after another we always follow Bodhisattvas’ paths.

回向Parinamana (Transfer of Merit)