LTI 職職職職 03/20/2010 職職職

How to be a goood Coach

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Page 1: How to be a goood Coach

LTI 職場贏家 03/20/2010 陳信言

Page 2: How to be a goood Coach

目的 : 職場領導技巧的研磨 方式 : Workshop 內容 :

好教練的贏家領導方式 你也可以成為好教練 好教練的”健康撿查表“

Page 3: How to be a goood Coach

Telling: 指令式的領導 Selling: 說服式的領導 Participating: 參與式的領導 Delegating: 授權式的領導

Page 4: How to be a goood Coach

Telling: 指令式的管理 : (Directing) 公司才開始 員工還是新手 應付危急情況

Selling: 說服式的管理 : (Coaching) 公司要強調目標 要員工感到重要性及急迫性

Participating: 參與式的管理 (Supporting) 公司已進入穩定軌道 員工需要支持 平等關愛

Delegating: 授權式的管理 公司進入要成長 員工可獨當一面 尊重與跟進

Page 5: How to be a goood Coach

會 因人而異 的帶領Leading based on people maturity of member

in specific task

會 因事置宜 的管理 Leading based on maturity of organization in specific

situation 會 了解並愛 他的學生 Leading by Knowing and Loving their

follower. “People don’t care how much you know, they know how much you care.”

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Page 7: How to be a goood Coach

管理方式與成熟度的關係 : Directive behavior low ->>high Supportive behavior low ->>high 四個象限 Who’s decision? Who spend most time?

不同的人有不同的成熟度 M1,_____ M2, _____M3, _______,M4________ D1,_____ D2, ______D3, _______,D4________

不同的人有不同的帶領方式 T1,______T2, ______T3, _________,T4________

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配偶不是三歲小孩 教會新同工給予完全的授權 ( 自生自滅 ) 面對緊急危機時錯用團隊意見來應付 教專家如何安裝窗戶 對已稍有經驗的員工 要求一個指令一個動

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跟從你的人真的會知道你是真心的愛他們嗎 ?

IOWA 農夫的故事

對糾正屢勸不聽員工的運用 : 做的很好的部份 需改進的部份 希望看到的標準 , 復撿時間 沒有達到時的懲罰

Page 10: How to be a goood Coach

我知道的錯誤的領導方式 :

職場 :____________________________________________


家庭 :____________________________________________


教會 社區機構 :________________________________ _______________________________________________

Page 11: How to be a goood Coach

我知道應該運用正確的領導方式的地方 :

職場 : Action Item:_______________________________ ________________________________________

家庭 Action ltem: _______________________________ ________________________________________

教會或 社區 Action ltem: _______________________________


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對顧用新人 , 及辭退員工的運用 : 顧用新人 :_______________________________ ___________________________________

辭退員工 :_______________________________ ____________________________________

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耶穌是你我的好教練 : 祂沒有迷失人生的使命 祂因才施教 祂運用四種不同領導方式 在不同訓練階段 祂是我的好教練 也願意成為你的好教練

祂呼召你來成為好教練 ? 不管做什麼像是給耶穌作不是給人作的

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好教練的”健康撿查表“ :

我真的有清楚的呼召和熱忱 , 來做目前的工作 ? 我真的了解每個跟隨我的人 ? 並真心的愛他們 ? 我做我的工作 , 真的是為主作 ? 不是為人作 ? 我做事是否太驕傲 ? 愛職位勝過愛人 ? 我真的是言行一致 , 說到做到 ? 我若發現自己陷入以上盲點 , 我會立刻面對改

正 ? 上帝是無所不知 , 你剛剛的回答是否不誠實 ?

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是的 你我都可以成為職場贏家的好教練 今天就開始 !

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Page 17: How to be a goood Coach

Audience One Audience One Willow Creek Music Willow Creek Music

It’s such a strong temptation to live for It’s such a strong temptation to live for man’s applauseman’s applause

But I don’t want to buy into the lie.But I don’t want to buy into the lie.

Cause I know that’s not a worthy cause.Cause I know that’s not a worthy cause.

So to keep things in perspective, I hung So to keep things in perspective, I hung a sign up on the wall.a sign up on the wall.

The sign is nothing special, but it really The sign is nothing special, but it really says it all. And the sign says:says it all. And the sign says:

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Audience One Audience One Willow Creek Music Willow Creek Music

I’ll be content to serve an Audience of OneI’ll be content to serve an Audience of One

Only His approval counts when all is said and Only His approval counts when all is said and done done

And this is my prayer, when the race is finally And this is my prayer, when the race is finally run run

I want to hear “well done” I want to hear “well done”

From the Audience of OneFrom the Audience of One


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Audience One Audience One Willow Creek Music Willow Creek Music

When the drive for recognition starts to get When the drive for recognition starts to get the best of methe best of me

All I’ve got to do is look around at the All I’ve got to do is look around at the people serving selflesslypeople serving selflessly

And they don’t server for glory, and they’re And they don’t server for glory, and they’re not keeping scorenot keeping score

There’s a sign that’s written on their heartsThere’s a sign that’s written on their hearts

A sign I’ve seen beforeA sign I’ve seen before

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Audience One Audience One Willow Creek Music Willow Creek Music

  In the not too distant futureIn the not too distant future

When the crows all fade awayWhen the crows all fade away

I’ll stand alone before my Lord I’ll stand alone before my Lord

And this is what I long to sayAnd this is what I long to say

I’m overjoyed to serve an Audience for OneI’m overjoyed to serve an Audience for One

It’s what I’ve been created for ever since day It’s what I’ve been created for ever since day oneone

And this is my song, as I bow before Your throneAnd this is my song, as I bow before Your throne

I love to hear” well done”I love to hear” well done”

From the Audience of OneFrom the Audience of One


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Audience One Audience One Willow Creek Music Willow Creek Music

  So this will be my prayer, “till the race is So this will be my prayer, “till the race is

finally runfinally run

I want to hear “well done”, I long to hear I want to hear “well done”, I long to hear “well done”“well done”

I want to hear “well done” I want to hear “well done”

From the Audience of One From the Audience of One