AWS サービスアップデート 20141201421堀内康弘 (@horiuchi) テクニカルエバンジェリスト 1

AWS サービスアップデートまとめ 2014年1月

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  • 1. AWS 20141 201421 (@horiuchi) !1

2. 20141 1/2 Auto Scaling API http://bit.ly/Kymg0M DescribeAccountLimits Launch ConfigrationAuto Scaling Group AttachInstances 1EC2Auto Scaling Group CreateLaunchConfiguration Launch Configration CreateAutoScalingGroup Instance ID 3. 20141 1/6 CloudFront Route 53 2 http://bit.ly/1kxTmuc 51 (20) (16) (12) (1) (2) 4. 201411 1/13 Amazon RDS for Oracle Database - & http://bit.ly/19LjuAg Oracle DB 5. 20141 1/13 SysOps AWS http://bit.ly/1aHfmzM 2 AWS - AWSSysOps - 6. 20141 1/14 AWS Billing http://bit.ly/1f3Dk9W AWS() 7. 20141 1/15 AWS Marketplace http://bit.ly/1d4OCJr 60 RiverbedBarracudaCompuware SafeNetRealNetworks Sophos UTMNGINX Syncsort Ironcluster Zend PHP ServeraiScaler 8. 20141 1/15 LabAWS http://bit.ly/1fWUARd AWS "Introduction to AWS Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Introduction to Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Introduction to Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing lab 30 9. 20141 1/21 M3 + EBS + S3 http://bit.ly/1heFJho M32 M3 SSD instance store-backedAMI S322% EBSI/O 50% 201421 10. 20141 1/21 EBS S3 11. 20141 1/24 Amazon Redshift http://bit.ly/19Txf06Dense Compute Large (dw2.large) DW Node: CPU: 2 virtual cores ECU: 7 Memory: 15 GiB Storage: 0.16 TB SSD Disk I/O: 0.2 GB/s Price: $0.33 / hour / node (Tokyo/) ! Dense Compute Eight Extra Large (dw2.8xlarge) DW Node: CPU: 32 virtual cores ECU: 104 Memory: 244 GiB Storage: 2.56 TB SSD Disk I/O: 3.7 GB/s Price: $6.400 / hour / node (Tokyo/) 12. 13. 20141 1/24 Amazon DynamoDB http://bit.ly/1aZdEH1 DynamoDB Local Fine-Grained Access Control 2 ( )AWS35% AWS 75% 14. 20141 1/29 Amazon EC2 http://bit.ly/1dRiXIt AWSDetailed Billing Reports With Resources and TagsOK Billing ConsoleReports 15. 20141 1/29 Amazon SQS Dead Letter Queue http://bit.ly/1aLguVy Dead Letter Queue Maximum Receives - Dead Letter Queue Dead Letter Queue - Dead Letter Queue SQSARN(Amazon Resource Name)Maximum Receives 16. 20141 1/29 Amazon Simple Email Service 2 http://bit.ly/1dRC450 SES23 () () - New EU () - New 17. 20141 1/29 AWS Marketplace http://bit.ly/1kj0ri5