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CPC Case Study 1

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CPC Protects with SafeNet Sentinel HASP Case study

CPC, Leader in Captioning Technology Continues to Rely on Sentinel HASP to Protect & License their Software for the Hearing Impaired

Challenge• Ensure license compliance by protecting their high-value

software from unauthorized use

solution• SafeNet Sentinel HASP

Rewards• Increased sales: Protection against illegal use translates into

increased sales through legal usage.• Remote updates: Sentinel HASP makes it easy to update software

license terms on keys in the field.• IP Protection: Sentinel HASP prevents reverse-engineering of code

and offers robust anti-debugging and code obfuscation technology.

BackgroundComputer Prompting and Captioning Co. (CPC) is the industry leader in captioning, subtitling and teleprompting. CPC was founded in 1986 to address a need for visual text in video production, allowing the hearing impaired to see dialogue. As CPC embraced emerging technologies such as webcasts, Vchip software and DVDs, they have come to rely on Sentinel HASP’s timely updates to keep their captioning software secure.

the Business ChallengeCPC needed an unobtrusive, secure solution to protect their high value ($2-$9K) captioning software from being pirated, stolen or reverse engineered whenever the equipment left their facilities.

Dr. Dilip K. Som, CPC’s President and CTO, explained that service companies who use CPC’s software frequently grow, requiring more technicians and additional equipment. As is the case with high-value software, rather than purchase additional licenses, users are tempted to violate the license agreement by running a single software copy on multiple machines. “Without powerful, reliable software security, our customers could run the same software on 20 different machines

Page 2: CPC

CPC Case Study 2

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the solutionSentinel HASP allows CPC to license their software to one machine at a time connected to the Sentinel HASP key, preventing large clients from sharing software among equipment for increased productivity without due licensing. Sentinel HASP protects CPC’s revenue and intellectual property. CPC was able to grow in its reach and development of new technologies because of Sentinel HASP’s flexible configurations and constant upgrades. Using Sentinel HASP, CPC offers video production companies the latest technology outlets for its innovative software without the risk of being unprotected. “Taking that risk is out of the question,” said Som.

which violates the license terms and results in thousands of dollars in lost revenue for CPC,” said Som. “I cannot even imagine letting our product go unprotected.”

the JourneyMore than a decade ago, CPC was using a different software protection key, but found the key to be overly large and awkward for technicians who needed to use CPC’s innovative captioning software. After an extensive search for a new solution, Som’s team selected Sentinel HASP for its ease of use and history of superior reliability. It featured the strong protection required and did not interfere with software use.

the RewardsUsing Sentinel HASP, Som gained peace of mind, knowing that his company’s core software products are protected from unauthorized use, safeguarding revenue. Som’s approach to security remains firm, benefiting from SafeNet’s ongoing commitment to updating Sentinel HASP protection and support to allow for new technologies and customer needs.

“With every Windows upgrade, we quickly received the updated Sentinel HASP drivers and were able to take care of our customers promptly and efficiently,” Som said. “And upgrading the Sentinel HASP keys to be used for higher versions of software has been very easy. Simple and accomplished via email, we’ve eliminated the wait for updates through the mail and saved on shipping. When we needed information, Sentinel HASP specialists were definitely available and able to answer our questions.” CPC was able to update their software to fit new operating systems, including Mac and the new Windows systems, without worrying about compromising protection or causing delays for their clients. In a fast-moving industry, time spent upgrading software protection is a major concern. Holdups due to protection upgrades can be annoying and even affect the bottom line. CPC found upgrading Sentinel HASP keys to be quick, easy, user-friendly and cost-free.

“Without powerful, reliable software security, our customers could run the same software on 20 different machines which violates the license terms and results in thousands of dollars in lost revenue for CPC. I cannot even imagine letting our product go unprotected.”

- dr. dilip K. som, President and CtO Computer Prompting and Captioning Company (CPC)

about Computer Prompting and Captioning Co. (CPC)CPC is the award-winning creator of Windows and Macintosh closed captioning software. Since CPC released the first simultaneous closed captioning/ teleprompting software in 1986, it has been the industry leader. CPC also operates an award-winning captioning service, and develops subtitling and teleprompting software. For more information, visit www.cpcweb.com.

about safeNetFounded in 1983, SafeNet is a global leader in information security. SafeNet protects its customers’ most valuable assets, including identities, transactions, communications, data and software licensing, throughout the data lifecycle. More than 25,000 customers across both commercial enterprises and government agencies and in over 100 countries trust their information security needs to SafeNet.