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Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

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Self-Analysis kit post Blogcamp Pune. This will hslp you to be a better camper next time around.

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Page 1: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Post Camp SelfPost Camp SelfPost Camp SelfPost Camp Self----Analysis KitAnalysis KitAnalysis KitAnalysis Kit

Page 2: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Hey I hope you enjoyed

Hey I hope you enjoyed

Hey I hope you enjoyed

Hey I hope you enjoyed the the the the BlogCamp

BlogCampBlogCampBlogCamp Pune.Pune.Pune.Pune.

Page 3: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Yeah Dude! Yeah Dude! Yeah Dude! Yeah Dude! It was awesome.

It was awesome.

It was awesome.

It was awesome.

Page 4: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Really? thatReally? thatReally? thatReally? that’’’’s s s s good to know.

good to know.

good to know.

good to know. Any Feedback?Any Feedback?Any Feedback?Any Feedback?

Page 5: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Yeah! The camp was awesome. You

Yeah! The camp was awesome. You

Yeah! The camp was awesome. You

Yeah! The camp was awesome. You

mentioned at the start that it is an

mentioned at the start that it is an

mentioned at the start that it is an

mentioned at the start that it is an

unconfunconfunconfunconf but I did get a feeling of bit

but I did get a feeling of bit

but I did get a feeling of bit

but I did get a feeling of bit

lectured, bit confused with random

lectured, bit confused with random

lectured, bit confused with random

lectured, bit confused with random

order of sessions and bit lost.

order of sessions and bit lost.

order of sessions and bit lost.

order of sessions and bit lost.

Page 6: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Well if you Well if you Well if you Well if you remember an remember an remember an remember an unconfunconfunconfunconf isisisis…………

Page 7: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

An An An An unconferenceunconferenceunconferenceunconference is a facilitated,

is a facilitated,

is a facilitated,

is a facilitated,

participantparticipantparticipantparticipant----driven conference centered

driven conference centered

driven conference centered

driven conference centered

around a theme or purpose

around a theme or purpose

around a theme or purpose

around a theme or purpose

Page 8: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Was it that?Was it that?Was it that?Was it that?

Page 9: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Yeah! For sure!

Yeah! For sure!

Yeah! For sure!

Yeah! For sure!

Page 10: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Then let me ask you few

Then let me ask you few

Then let me ask you few

Then let me ask you few questions and that should

questions and that should

questions and that should

questions and that should help you to judge why you felt

help you to judge why you felt

help you to judge why you felt

help you to judge why you felt

““““bit lostbit lostbit lostbit lost””””....

Page 11: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Sounds cool just hope

Sounds cool just hope

Sounds cool just hope

Sounds cool just hope they are not tough!

they are not tough!

they are not tough!

they are not tough!

Page 12: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

No fairly simple!

No fairly simple!

No fairly simple!

No fairly simple!

Page 13: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Did you follow the LAW?

Did you follow the LAW?

Did you follow the LAW?

Did you follow the LAW?

Page 14: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

LAW??? What??LAW??? What??LAW??? What??LAW??? What??

Page 15: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Let me remind you!

Let me remind you!

Let me remind you!

Let me remind you!

Page 16: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Law of 2 feet

Page 17: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

using your two feet you move to place

using your two feet you move to place

using your two feet you move to place

using your two feet you move to place

where you can learn, share or enjoy

where you can learn, share or enjoy

where you can learn, share or enjoy

where you can learn, share or enjoy

Page 18: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Did you follow that? Did

Did you follow that? Did

Did you follow that? Did

Did you follow that? Did you move around?

you move around?

you move around?

you move around?

Page 19: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Yeah to start with I did

Yeah to start with I did

Yeah to start with I did

Yeah to start with I did but not all the time.

but not all the time.

but not all the time.

but not all the time.

Page 20: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Well there you go. You

Well there you go. You

Well there you go. You

Well there you go. You have to follow this LAW

have to follow this LAW

have to follow this LAW

have to follow this LAW all the time.all the time.all the time.all the time.

Page 21: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Let me ask you if you did what you

Let me ask you if you did what you

Let me ask you if you did what you

Let me ask you if you did what you

were supposed to do at the camp?

were supposed to do at the camp?

were supposed to do at the camp?

were supposed to do at the camp?

Page 22: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

There w

ere so ma

ny coo


There w

ere so ma

ny coo


There w

ere so ma

ny coo


There w

ere so ma

ny coo









rs around. Ho



. How


. How


. How

many of t

hem did


many of t

hem did


many of t

hem did


many of t

hem did






Page 23: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Well they are all the

Well they are all the

Well they are all the

Well they are all the people I see everywhere.

people I see everywhere.

people I see everywhere.

people I see everywhere. The same faces again!

The same faces again!

The same faces again!

The same faces again!

Page 24: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

ThatThatThatThat’’’’s because you did not

s because you did not

s because you did not

s because you did not

talk to the new faces. You kept

talk to the new faces. You kept

talk to the new faces. You kept

talk to the new faces. You kept

looking for the familiar faces.

looking for the familiar faces.

looking for the familiar faces.

looking for the familiar faces.

Page 25: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

UmmmUmmmUmmmUmmm………… errrrerrrrerrrrerrrr…………

Page 26: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Were you one of these? If

Were you one of these? If

Were you one of these? If

Were you one of these? If no, you should have been.

no, you should have been.

no, you should have been.

no, you should have been.

Page 27: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Were you actively

Were you actively

Were you actively

Were you actively microbloggingmicrobloggingmicrobloggingmicroblogging? Again you

? Again you ? Again you ? Again you

should have been.

should have been.

should have been.

should have been.

Page 28: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Did you meet the geeks? They could

Did you meet the geeks? They could

Did you meet the geeks? They could

Did you meet the geeks? They could

have helped you to fix those

have helped you to fix those

have helped you to fix those

have helped you to fix those

problems that is crippling your blog.

problems that is crippling your blog.

problems that is crippling your blog.

problems that is crippling your blog.

Page 29: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Hopefully you were not

Hopefully you were not

Hopefully you were not

Hopefully you were not trying to be one ;)

trying to be one ;)

trying to be one ;)

trying to be one ;)

Page 30: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Did you actively participated

Did you actively participated

Did you actively participated

Did you actively participated

in the sessions?

in the sessions?

in the sessions?

in the sessions?

Page 31: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

QuestionsDid you Question the speakers?

Did you Question the speakers?

Did you Question the speakers?

Did you Question the speakers?

Page 32: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

If you were caught like this, then

If you were caught like this, then

If you were caught like this, then

If you were caught like this, then

you are the one to be

you are the one to be

you are the one to be

you are the one to be blamed!blamed!blamed!blamed!

Page 33: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Did you use the Wall

Did you use the Wall

Did you use the Wall

Did you use the Wall----WikiWiki


Wiki, , , ,

To put up your own session?

To put up your own session?

To put up your own session?

To put up your own session?

Page 34: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

ErrrErrrErrrErrr………… to be honest I did

to be honest I did

to be honest I did

to be honest I did miss on some of those.

miss on some of those.

miss on some of those.

miss on some of those.

Page 35: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

I thought so! At a camp you will

I thought so! At a camp you will

I thought so! At a camp you will

I thought so! At a camp you will

have to be active. You will have to

have to be active. You will have to

have to be active. You will have to

have to be active. You will have to

take initiative. You will have to

take initiative. You will have to

take initiative. You will have to

take initiative. You will have to

leave your inhibitions behind!

leave your inhibitions behind!

leave your inhibitions behind!

leave your inhibitions behind!

Page 36: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Well, I did take some pics

Well, I did take some pics

Well, I did take some pics

Well, I did take some pics and notes at the camp. So

and notes at the camp. So

and notes at the camp. So

and notes at the camp. So I am not all that bad!

I am not all that bad!

I am not all that bad!

I am not all that bad!

Page 37: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Sounds Awesome! Did you

Sounds Awesome! Did you

Sounds Awesome! Did you

Sounds Awesome! Did you …………

Page 38: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune


Experience Experience Experience Experience

Improve your Improve your Improve your Improve your


Page 39: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune





Upload and tag

Upload and tag

Upload and tag

Upload and tag

Page 40: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

ErrErrErrErr………… ummmummmummmummm………… not yet!not yet!not yet!not yet!

Page 41: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Please do that. It will

Please do that. It will

Please do that. It will

Please do that. It will help not only others

help not only others

help not only others

help not only others but you as well.

but you as well.

but you as well.

but you as well.

Page 42: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Keep these in mind and

Keep these in mind and

Keep these in mind and

Keep these in mind and you will be a better

you will be a better

you will be a better

you will be a better camper next time

camper next time

camper next time

camper next time ☺☺☺☺

Page 43: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Remember a camp is

Remember a camp is

Remember a camp is

Remember a camp is what you make it to be.

what you make it to be.

what you make it to be.

what you make it to be.

Page 44: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Cool man! I will try that.

Cool man! I will try that.

Cool man! I will try that.

Cool man! I will try that. Thanks!Thanks!Thanks!Thanks!

Page 45: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

No No No No problemoproblemoproblemoproblemo. I will see you

. I will see you

. I will see you

. I will see you around in the next camp.

around in the next camp.

around in the next camp.

around in the next camp.

Page 46: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

PhotocreditsPhotocreditsPhotocreditsPhotocredits• Law of two feet: Law of two feet: Law of two feet: Law of two feet: ArvindArvindArvindArvind ----http://www.flickr.com/photos/arvindgrovehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/arvindgrovehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/arvindgrovehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/arvindgrove

• Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping ---- http://www.flickr.com/photos/docsearlshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/docsearlshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/docsearlshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/docsearls

• Crowd Crowd Crowd Crowd –––– Abdul Abdul Abdul Abdul http://www.flickr.com/photos/abdulqabizhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/abdulqabizhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/abdulqabizhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/abdulqabiz

• Questions Questions Questions Questions ----http://www.flickr.com/photos/dullhunkhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/dullhunkhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/dullhunkhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/dullhunk

• Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media ––––http://cyberconnectus.wordpress.com/http://cyberconnectus.wordpress.com/http://cyberconnectus.wordpress.com/http://cyberconnectus.wordpress.com/

• Mobile Mobile Mobile Mobile –––– http://www.flickr.com/photos/roland

• Intro Intro Intro Intro ----http://www.flickr.com/photos/rubberdreamfeet

• Others Others Others Others –––– Tarun Chandel Tarun Chandel Tarun Chandel Tarun Chandel http://http://http://http://photos.tarunchandel.comphotos.tarunchandel.comphotos.tarunchandel.comphotos.tarunchandel.com

Page 47: Self Analysis Post Blogcamp Pune

Tarun ChandelTarun ChandelTarun ChandelTarun Chandelwww.tarunchandel.comwww.tarunchandel.comwww.tarunchandel.comwww.tarunchandel.com


[email protected]@[email protected]@gmail.com


Business AnalystBusiness AnalystBusiness AnalystBusiness Analysthttp://ba.tarunchandel.comhttp://ba.tarunchandel.comhttp://ba.tarunchandel.comhttp://ba.tarunchandel.com