Silcotech Medical Component

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Global leader in the production of liquid silicone molds and parts - N

ow in Asia

Silcotech Group is a multinational liquid silicone molding company.


Silcotech was founded in Silcotech was founded in Switzerland more than 20 years ago.

思科特的業務始源於瑞士,迄今已有超過 20 年的歷史及經驗。

Since then Silcotech Group has Since then Silcotech Group has established more manufacturing facilities around the world.


The key feature which makes SilThe key feature which makes Sil-cotech a global leader in silicone injection molding is the intellectual exchange of technological advances among Silcotech companies around the world.


Silcotech China is part of Silcotech Group, with manufacturing facility in Guangdong province.


Silcotech tooling and automation knowledge enable us to provide you with the desired silicone parts, the best service possible and all for a reasonable price.
