Foley artist


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Foley Artist Description.

Foley artists create audio effects for a film by using physical props. You are responsible for very specific sounds. You do not create audio for standard special effects, such as explosions or background noises from cars. That is the domain of Audio Engineers. Instead, you deal with recreating the finer details that require a high degree of precision. The clop of someone's shoes as they walk across the floor, the rustle of their jacket as they sit in a chair. A Foley artist is responsible for sound effects. They create them from scratch for television series, radio and films. They recreate them if the microphone does not pick up the sounds.

Skills Foley Artist should have:

• Good Experience and Recording History.• Visual Skills • Organized. • Capable of meeting deadlines.• Aware of health and safety laws.• Communication Skills.

Becoming a Foley artist is usually a job with many commitments. At first you start in a studio or post production house . You must have a degree in the following subjects. Art, Music , Electronics, Math's and sound technology. Most cast and crew get paired approximatley £5000 for different projects.