6 rules to Brainstorming



How to host a brainstorming? Here is the guideline.

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6 Rules to Brainstorming

Who I AM ?

Microsoft, TrendMicro, Cyberlink, Corel, Kuro ….

Kara24H 線上卡拉OK co-founder

2 MA (MS, MBA) / 18 years Product development/Management

Jordan Chung Jordan_Chung@hotmail.com



Round Table

Rule 1 Warm-up session to get people "in the mood"

and to help them lose

their initial inhibitions.

Rule 2 Postpone and withhold your judgment of ideas

Rule 3 Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas

Rule 4 Do not call people by their names because this

reduces the group bonding. Use "we" when you speak.

Rule 5 Quantity counts at this stage, not quality

Rule 6 Build on the ideas put forward by others
