How to manage a company blog?


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Blogs killing the game - what's their secret?

A little bit about how and what to write.


“Content Shock is the emerging marketing epoch defined when exponentially increasing volumes of content intersects our limited human capacity to

consume it.”

Mark W. Schaefer

Company blog – why is it worth to have one?

1. We support the SEO and site traffic

2. We maintain our communication with customers: we interact with them we create relationships we build a community around the brand we respond to possible criticism

3. We build the image of an expert and the human face of the company:free (almost) PR

4. We support the entire content marketing strategy We increase our knowledge about customers (based on statistics) and

customers knowledge about us and our services / products (symbiosis) We gain a lot of good content ready to be published in other channels We increase the 'visibility’ of our company We create e-mail lists, that can be later used in marketing campaigns

5. It can be a satisfying :)

6. The competition does not sleep!

Numbers do not lie

Features of a good blog

regular publications (but not a schedule religion) diversified and orderly readable visually pleasing

properly administered contains valuable content for your readers (solves real

customer problems / answers their questions) it has its own original 'voice’ devoid of industry slang (in most cases) not just an advertising board

Blogs killing the game


Whole Food


GE Reports

Thank you! :)

Want to know more? Write to us:

Magdalena Pawelec

Piotr Maksymowicz
