Jak zarabiac w digitalu czyli xxx modeli biznesowych generujacych przychody

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Oferta dla Diners Club

Micha KreczmarE-commerce DirectorHypermedia, Dentsu Aegis Network

Jak zarabia w digitalu czyli XXX modeli biznesowych generujcych przychody

Hans-Peter Feldmann$100,000 room, Guggenheim


If you can't understand the new world of digital, fire yourself

George Colony CEO Forrester

iPhone has disrupted at least 27 business models - R Ray Wang, Author of Disrupting Digital Business2

understand / beeing digital / native


Business ModelHow all aspects of your business fit, or contribute to sustainable success. How the company creates and delivers value to its customers, the ways in which the company will earn a profit, which key components will be utilized and which key processes the company will incorporate.

Bricks and clicks business modelCollective business modelsCutting out the middlemanDirect sales modelDistribution business modelsValue-added resellerFee in, free outFranchiseSourcing businessFreemium business modelPay what you can(PWYC)Auction business modelAll-in-one business modelChemical LeasingLow-cost carrier business modelLoyalty business modelsMonopolistic business modelMulti-level marketing business modelNetwork effects business modelOnline auction business modelOnline content business modelOnline media cooperativePremium business modelProfessional open-source modelPyramid scheme business modelRazor and blades business modelServitization of products business modelSubscription business modelWikipediaBusiness Model - digital enablersCompany supplies a substance for a specific service, but retains ownership of the chemicalLead gen, rezerwacje, bilety

Popatrzmy ile onlineu tu jest5

Business Model digital moving to coreMichael Rappa, North Carolina State UniversityDisney, RovioApplePeople, services, O2O, on demand

Brokerage: Marketplace Exchange, Buy/Sell Fulfillment, Demand Collection System,Auction Broker,Transaction Broker, Distributor, Search Agent, Virtual Marketplace

Advertising: Portal, Classifieds, User Registration, Query-based Paid Placement, Contextual Advertising / Behavioral Marketing, Content-Targeted Advertising, Intromercials, Ultramercials

Infomediary: Advertising Networks, Audience Measurement Services, Incentive Marketing, Metamediary

Merchant: Virtual Merchant, Catalog Merchant, Click and Mortar, Bit Vendor

Manufacturer (Direct): Purchase,Lease, License, Brand Integrated Content

Affiliate: Banner Exchange, Pay-per-click, Revenue Sharing

Community: Open Source, Open Content, Public Broadcasting, Social Networking Services

Subscription: Content Services, Person-to-Person Networking Services, Trust Services, Internet Services Providers

Utility: Metered Usage, Metered Subscriptions

AppleSnapchatNespresso, Amazon DRSPhilips' pay-per-lux


Business Model loading, loading, loadingLocalized low-cost

On-off experience

Beyond advertising

Markets are conversations

Low-budget innovation



Twisted freemium

Unlimited niches

In-crowd customers

Thesis, Trendwatching wszystko dla wszystkich wszdzieKady sygna to transakcjaMillenialsDeerMediaFree



On Demand


Tesla, Disney WorldApple, Google

Rocket Internet have developed a unique skill in taking existing business models and replicates them in a foreign market. Think about cultural, legal, geographic, economic, institutional and other ways in which countries differ. The trick is to know which ones matter for a specific business model and which ones dont. Some models are very culturally sensitive - fashion and dating, while others are extremely sensitive to legal issues, like Uber and Lyft. Exequiel Hernandez Wharton University

Cloning - Rocket InternetPatentowanie9

https://hbr.org/2015/12/what-is-disruptive-innovationLow-end opportunity? Taxi service providers had overshot the needs of a customers by making cabs too plentiful, too easy to use and too clean.

Target nonconsumers? Existing alternatives expensive or inconvenient that users took public transit or drove themselves instead: launched in San Francisco (well-served taxi market), customers were people already in the habit of hiring rides.

Uber has been increasing total demand - thats what happens when you develop a better, less-expensive solution to a widespread customer need. DisruptersSTARTby appealing to low-end or unserved consumers and then migrate to the mainstream market.

Uber has gone in exactly the opposite direction: building a position in the mainstream market first and subsequently appealing to historically overlooked segments. Most of the elements of Ubers strategy seem to be sustaining innovations. Disruptive innovation& business models

Salesforce 100 osob pracujacych tylko nad rozwaleniem SF10


90% of business model innovations is a recombination of 55 business model patterns


Revenue ModelAspect of the business model - method or process by which you intend of extracting money from the market for value you are providing.System design by which a business monetizes its services.Identifies which revenue source to pursue, what value to offer, how to price the value, and who paysfor the value.

Display Ads - Yahoo!Search Ads - GoogleText Ads - GoogleVideo Ads - HuluAudio Ads - PandoraPromoted Content - Twitter, TumblrPaidcontent links - OutbrainRecruitment Ads - LinkedInLead Generation - MoneySuperMarket, ZocDocAffiliate Fees - Amazon Affiliate ProgramClassifieds - CraiglistFeatured listings - Yelp, Super PagesEmail Ads - Yahoo, MSN, GmailAd Retargeting -CriteoReal-time Intent Ad DeliveryLocation-basedoffers - FoursquareSponsorships/ Site Takeovers-PandoraFred Wilson, Union Square VenturesAdvertising

Retailing - ZapposMarketplace - EtsyCrowdsourced Marketplace - ThreadlessExcess Capacity Markets - Uber, AirBnBVertically Integrated Commerce- Warby ParkerAggregator - Lastminute.comFlash Sales - Gilt Groupe, Vente PriveeGroup buying - GrouponDigital goods / downloads - iTunesVirtual goods - ZyngaTraining CourseraPay what you want - RadioheadCommission - SharesPostCommission per order - Seamless, GrubHubAuction- eBayReverse Auction-PricelineBarter for services - SwapRightFred Wilson, Union Square VenturesCommerce


Fullfilment - AmazonBank Transfer - DwollaAcquiring Processing - PaymentechPayment Gateways: Mobile - BraintreeMerchant Acquiring- PayPal(Online / Offline),Stripe (Online),Square(Offline)Intermediary - IP Commerce (POS 2.0), CardSpringBank Depository Offering - Simple, Movenbank (spread on average deposits)Bank Card Issuance - Simple (interchange fee per transaction)Messaging - Peer-to-Peer SMS, IM, Group MessagingTelephony - termination/origination in public telephony networks (skype out/in)Telephony - termination/origination within private telephony cloud (native skype)Platform Monetization ("Tax") - Facebook Credits; iO6 30% cutFred Wilson, Union Square VenturesTransaction processing


Peer-to-PeerLending- Lending ClubPeer-to-Peer Gambling - BetFairPeer-to-peer buying - EtsyPeer-to-peer insurance/home/car- ??Peer-to-peer computing - SetiPeer-to-peer service- Mechanical Turk, TaskRabbitPeer-to-peer Mobile WiFi/Tethering- ??Software as a Service (SAAS) - SalesforceServiceas a Service - ShopifyContentas a Service - Spotify, NetflixInfrastructure/Platform As A Service -AWSFreemium SAAS - DropboxDonations - WikipediaSampling - BirchboxMembershipServices- Amazon PrimeSupport and Maintenance- 10gen, Red HatPaywall-NYTimesVoice and video-conferencing - UberconferenceFred Wilson, Union Square VenturesSubscriptionPeer to peer


Per Seat License - SenchaPer Device/Server License - QlikViewPer Application instance - Adobe PhotoshopPer Site License - Private cloud on internal inf.Patent Licensing - QualcommBrandLicensing -Sesame StreetIndirect Licensing - Apple Volume Purchasing

Fred Wilson, Union Square VenturesLicensingDataUser data - BlueKaiBusiness data - DuedilUser intelligence - YougovSearch Data - ChangoReal-time Consumer Intent Data- YieldbotBenchmarking services- ComscoreMarket research- GLG

Paid App Downloads- WhatsAppIn-app purchases- Zynga PokerIn-app subscriptions- NY Times appAdvertising- Flurry, AdMobDigital-to-physical- Red Stamp, PostagramTransactions HailoFred Wilson, Union Square VenturesMobileGamingFreemium - Free to playw/virtual currency- ZyngaSubscription -World of WarcraftPremium -xBox gamesDLC - (Downloadable Content)- Call of DutyAd Supported -addictinggames.co


55 business model patterns *90 revenue generation models-----------------------------------------= 4950 *10%= ~500

Monkey hitting keys at randomon atypewriter keybordfor an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.Infinite monkey theorem


In todays climate, its best to assume that most business models, even successful ones, will have a short lifespan.Alex Osterwalder, Business Model Canvas

Micha Kreczmar E-commerce DirectorHypermedia, Dentsu Aegis Network


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