MarketPlace Portal Recarga Fácil



Especificação para TI de site próprio desenvolvido por Renato Figueiredo

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NPP Webstore

Main Concept

Call to Action Consumer





acess WEB


Consumer load

R$ using

Boleto or



Consumer buy recharges and

receive incentives

Our Webstore

Portal Recarga Fácil proposal

◦ Goal – Webstore for pre-paid services

Direct Sales

Mobile Recharges

Content Gift Cards


Indirect Sales

Top-up for merchants (companies or individual)

Menu option at

Direct Sales

Portal Recarga FácilDirect Sales Products

Category 1 - Recharges

Each product has its own options for values to recharge

Each product has a default option (via radio button)

For each product we will charge a Convenience Fee of R$2,00

(message next to price label)

Only 1 recharge per session (customer can´t buy twite the same

recharge, even for diferente brands, but he can make a 2nd order)

Category 2 – Gifts => TBD

There will be related products at product page (consider the same category

in this 1st phase)

Portal Recarga FácilSite Cart and Checkout

Cart Page

No cross sell products and ´add more´ option

Empty Cart option (Esvaziar)

Checkout page must be https (ssl) and with fields:



CPF (masked and checked)

CEP (zipcode) –with auto-complete and masked

Country (no option, just ´Brasil´ label)

Address (Endereço)

Number (Número)

Complement (Complemento)

Neighborhood (Bairro)

City (Cidade)

Province (Estado) – drop down options

Mobile Number (Celular) – masked (XX) XXXXXXXXX

Email (checked)

Password (security rules must be applied)

Option to receive email (free) or SMS (R$ 0,20) when recharge is done

Portal Recarga FácilSite Payment Options integration

Boleto (ours)

System must integrate to

Bank conciliation (daily)

E-cash (provides the recharge to customer and send the email and/or SMS)

Debit and Credit – supplied by Moip* (

All integration documents can be found at


Portal Recarga FácilSite Homepage

TBD (vídeo, showcases, cms, testimonials, contact, etc)

Portal Recarga FácilSite CMS / Social Media



1 - Blog Homepage with all categories - will be Notícias (News) and


2 - For each Category show all posts

3 - Post Page

All these 3 pages will have right sidebar (for itens like ´search´, social

media, banners, products offer, recente topics, etc)

Social Media

Include option to Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Linkedin

Portal Recarga FácilHeader and Footer options (Menus)

Header (top menu itens) – clicking logo send to homepage Recarga Fácil (send to homepage) drop down with:

Loja de recargas (recharge shop) – showcase with all 4 products

Loja de gifts – showcase with all gifts

Notícias e Produtos (Blog)

Sobre Nós (About)

Mapa do Site (sitemap)


Gifts (link to Loja de gifts)

My Account

Editar (directs to Register for unlogged or MyAccount for logged users)*

Carrinho (Cart)

Pedidos (Orders)

Sair (Logout)


Search box


Legal content links, NPP and partners info, Social Media links

* Register process: please see slide 7

Indirect Sales Indirect Sales Products

Will use same model of

Site will be (as a menu option to ´Revendedor´)

Nowprepay.comIndirect Sales Products

Category page will have


1st phase – username/password

2nd phase – all checkout data including

Comercial Telephone

Pessoa Física option (then opens CPF)

Pessoa Jurídica option (then opens CNPJ)

Add cash (prepaid values with no convenience fee) – similar process of

Direct Sales

Information about comission to reseller (3%)

Link to My Account

My Balance (´Meu Extrato´) – please find comission dynamics in next slide

Sell here (´Revenda Aqui´)

´Checkout´ must consider customer´s name, surname, mobile #,

email and CPF

E-cash integration to provide the recharge to customer and

send the email

Nowprepay.comIndirect Sales – My Balance

Pay fee to resellers (merchants) and individuals (3%):

Example: If a merchant buy R$500 credits for sell a R$20 recharge his

credits are discounted by:

R$20 (-) 3% = R$ 19,40

So his balance now is

R$500 (-) R$ 19,40 = R$ 480,60

Balance must be similar to Bank Statements with Period option to reseller

Nowprepay.comSite Payment Options integration

Boleto (ours)

System must integrate to

Bank conciliation (daily)

Debit (no credit) – supplied by Moip* (

All integration documents can be found at


Indirect Sales integration (iRecarga model) with IOS and Android app with


App will have registration

Examples can be found at

Tecnical information:

Wordpress v3.9.1 – PHP

Database = MySQL


user = vendtek

pw = vendtek


Competitors OverviewOnline Mobile Recharges


Values from R$5 to R$100 with credit or debit methods

Recarregue Fácil

Values from R$13 to R$100 with credit cards


Values from R$5 to R$50 with credit or debit methods

via PagSeguro

iRecarga (Top-up model with Boleto)

Debit online


Android and IOS apps – doesn´t offer registration in app

Competitors Strategy Overview

◦ Many of them charge `taxa de efetivação ou conveniência´ (realization or

convenience tax) for every recharge paid by credit/debit (no boleto)

◦ Some of them offer an extra moneylender insurance (offered by QBE)

◦ Values can vary from R$0,99 (RV) to R$2,00 (Onepay)

◦ iRecarga has an interesting approach to individuals and resselers

top-up pre-paid model with automatic recharge

no convenience tax but comission (3%) for customer

all payment options (included boleto)

minimum recharge is R$100 - allow revenue from float (no cash flow issue)

Only Boleto and Debit online (“no free lunch”)

Gateways cost study

Gateway costs – Bcash (Buscapé)

Gateway costs – Pagseguro (UOL)

Term of payment = D+14

Gateway costs - Akatus

Débito Online only for BB, Itaú and Bradesco customers

Transparent option for credit cards (don´t redirect to gateway)

Obs – Em 1/8 as taxas subiram 3pp a operações de recarga não serão

mais aceitas

Gateway costs - Moip

Transparent option for credit cards (don´t redirect to gateway)

Gateway costs - Moip



Gateway costs - Pagtel

Credit – 3.5% with in D+32 (prepayment under negotiation)

Debit online under negotiation (1.8% for D+2)

Gateway costs – Cielo Mobile

Credit – 4.5% in D+30 ou 6.99% parcelado até 6X

Debit – 3.19% in D+1

Aluguel do Reader = R$11,90/mês 1o ano e R$ 22,90 após

Tarifas não incluem risco de fraude

Portal Recarga Fácil proposal

◦ Goal – ´Marketplace´ for pre-paid services

Direct Sales

Mobile Recharges

Content Gift Cards

Indirect Sales (use NPP portal)

Top-up for merchants (companies or individual)

Portal Recarga Fácil – Business ModelDirect Sales

Charge ´Convenience Fee´ to cover credit/debit/boleto costs operations:

Avg Ticket = R$15,00

Credit Cards fee (negotiating prepayment with Pagtel*)

6.91% + R$0,69 in D+2 payments (supplied by Moip)

Debit online fee (negotiating with banks and Pagtel)

2.70% + R$0,69 in D+1 payments (supplied by Moip)

Convenience fee (example) = R$2,00 => (or 13% of Avg Ticket)

For R$15 avg ticket this tax can cover costs for

Boleto (own) - R$1,35

credit - 12%

debit – 7.3%

* Current 32 days

Portal Recarga Fácil – Business ModelDirect Sales

Our option:

Boleto and Debit/Credit* (Akatus/Pagtel/Banks)

Limit Maximum recharge to R$50

Monitor Avg Ticket and customer behavior

Negotiate volume options to raise limits till R$100

Obs - Competitors Overview Summary – Recharge Values Options

Onepay – 5-100 (credit/debit)

Recarregue Fácil – 13-100 (credit)

RV – 5-50 (credit/debit via PagSeguro)

* Credit card deficit from the fee we gonna charge would be R$1,59 ((R$50 x 6,4%)+R$0,39 – R$2)

and our net margin (around 6%) R$3,00 so we are always positive in bottom line credit card operations.

Portal Recarga Fácil – Business ModelIndirect Sales

Pay fee to resellers (merchants) and individuals (3%):

Example: If a merchant buy R$500 credits for sell a R$20 recharge his

credits are discounted by:

R$20 (-) 3% = R$ 19,40

So his balance now is

R$500 (-) R$ 19,40 = R$ 480,60

Portal Recarga Fácil – Business ModelIndirect Sales

Financial dynamics example:

Min Ticket = R$100,00

Debit online fee (negotiating with banks and Pagtel – around 1.80%)

2.89% + R$0,39 in D+1 payment (supplied by Akatus)

Comission to customer = 3%

Our revenue fee = 7%

This fee can cover costs for

Boleto (own) – R$ 7,00 vs R$1,35

Debit – 7% vs 3.28%

Portal Recarga Fácil - Marketing

◦ SMS - cross sell with our card transactions and mobile phones

◦ SMS to logged customers (with site credentials)

◦ Video infographics to ´coach´

Customers and Merchants – Direct Sales

Mobile Recharges

Companies – Indirect Sales

Comissioned mobile recharges

Portal Recarga Fácil - Marketing

◦ SEO adjustments (structured use of mains keywords)

◦ Blog

◦ Adwords

◦ Online Media, Social Networks, banners

Marketing – Competitors Keywords

Marketing – Competitors Keywords

Next Steps

◦ Approve Marketplace model (François/Carol)


Financials (gateway cost)

Comissions (Indirect Sales) – 3%

2 sites for direct and indirect sales (later we can introduce gifts from BNH)

◦ Negotiation for Credit and Debit options (Amauri/Renato)

◦ Rules for pre-paid balance - Indirect sales (Amauri)

◦ Trademark registration for Recarga Fácil or similar (Renato)

◦ Site building with (TI, Legal and Marketing)

Boleto integration to E-Cash (recharge only)

Orders integration to E-Cash

Credit/Debit gateway integration for pre-payments balance

Indirect Sales integration (iRecarga model) with IOS and Android app with registration

◦ Tests and Rollout
